Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 08, 1899, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Thursday, June 8, 1899.
Mr. 0. J. Millis, the 0. B. & N. lire
Btook agent, departed on this morning's
train wearing a wreath of smiles, aa he
surveyed train loada of sheep reedy to
move, with the Btook yards alive with
cattle and sheep to follow at onoe. This
ebippiog by rail settles the trailing
difficulties in Qrant county, which cost
Bob Foster almost 3X) head of sheep
last week, shot down by renegades, who
deserve a chase given the Wyoming train
robbers. The shipment of livestook,
wool and grain the past few weeks
crowns Heppner
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc.
London, Jone 2 The hundred and
twenty-first renewal of the Oakes stakes
worth 4500 sovereigns, was won today by
Muss. Sabola, ridden by Tod Sloan
finished second. With the continued
fine weather there were great crowds to
witness the raoe. The prince of Wales,
dnke of Tork and a host of notables, in.
dueling Lord Dnnraven, were present
Ibere was a tremendioas UDiet when
Sloan on 8a bo! a, for whom the race was
'chief' of all north- regarded as a oerlalnty, lost to an oat
western shipping points. Agent Bart
announoes all records broken. This
spring's wool sales amount to bat a few
pounds short of a million, and the most
of it sold this weok.the highest price
paid being 12 cents, and the lowest 8
At The Dalles 12 oentg is the highest yet
paid, and a doll market reported.
At the regular meeting of the city
council Monday evening Mayor Oooser,
Gounoilmen Garrigues, Noble, Rasmus,
Rhea, Roberts and Simons were present
Liquor licenses were granted to Mollie
Reed and N. 8. Whetstone.
The following bills were allowed and
ordered paid.
Rogers & Roberts I 83 25
A. M. Blocum 68 10
F. Snow.... 4 00
Blmons & Bon 1 50
A. M.Otley
R. C. Wills 5 60
W. L. Mallory 12 40
Goo. Thornton f0 00
J. P. Wllltums 16 65
L. W. BrlKgs 16
Heppner Light and Water Co 89 00
L. W. Brlgg. 1 00
Total :!8 HO
Report of committee on streets and
public property referred baok to com
mittee with power to sot.
Ordinnnos No. 72, for the dosing of
saloons between the hoars of 12 o'clock
midnight and i a. m. was disoassed at
length and finally iodefinately postponed
On motion of Garrigues, seconded by
Simons, the oommittee on streets and
public property were authorized to pur-
not to exoeed 25,000 feet of lumber dur
ing inn summer montns, thus saving
additional cost,
(Jounoilman Simons was appointed a
oommittee of one to confer with the fire
oompany with regard to the sale of the
lire bell and purchase a new one,
aider. In the Walton handicap Queen
of Song, Sloan up, won easily
Seattle, June 2 A big rate war is in
progress on the npper Yukon and lakes
aooording to advioes brought here today
from Skagway by steamer Humboldt
Fares from Lake Bennett to Dawson City
have been reduced from $100 to 82 50,
Small steamboat companies started the
war by making the rate 965. The Can a
dian Development Company out this to
810, and later to $5. The Bennett Lake
Navigation company met this and went
it one belter making a rate of $2 50
Thus far the oat only applies to down
river travel. It is thought the war will
be of short duration, ae its continuance
would result in the destruction of the
navigation oompaoles
San Fbanoisoo, Jane 2 The Paoiflo
coast export lnmber manufacturers have
io oo just consummated arrangements whiob
will make the price of this building
material mnoh higher from now on than
it BBS been for a long lime past. The
oombine is composed of all of the pine
lumber mill companies in British Goluin
bia, Washington and Oregon, controlling
the entire output of piles on the ooaet
Under Ibe new sohedale lumber has
been advanced 81 per 1000 feet, and the
advance takes plaoe at onoe. The com
bination was formed last November and
its shrewd mathematicians have been
bard at work ever eiooe preparing the
sobedule which now appears in tabn
lated form.
The Holiday School Convention Enjoys a Day
at Petty a' Grove.
lhe Morrow County Sunday School
met as per announcement, in Pattys'
grove, three miles this side of lone, and
at the junction of Rhea oreek with Wil
low oreek, on last Thursday. The day
was just about all that oould be desired
for such an event, and the people of the
county showed their appreciation of the
occasion by turning out in large no ru
bers, nearly every part of the county
ueiug re preset, leu. xne groye was
ntoely prepared for the reception of the
visitors and nothing appeared to be
lacking lu the way of accommodations to
make them onmfortable. It was particu
Jarly notioeable that the day was less
windy and disagreeable than is usually
the oaae on the oooasion of the con
vention. A little past 11 o'olook the train reach
ed the grove from Heppner with about
two hundred Sunday school officers,
teachers and pupils, and those who do
not attend Ibe Sunday schools, but
never wins an opportunity to get in at
all the pionios. The convention was
immediately called to order by Presi
dent J. J, Adkins, and after a few num
bers on the program bad been carried
out a grand basket dinner was spread
which was apparently greatly enjoyed
and appreciated by all those present.
After dinner the program was taken up
again and carried oat as printed as
nearly as it oould be, a number of the
schools failing to respoud to their call,
but these vacancies were quite well filled
in. A few of the sobools of the oouoty
handed in interesting and encouraging
reports, but as to the general work over
the county, the report was not as good
a wished for, and il was found that
some of the of the Sunday schools which
had formerly been in flourishing condi
tion, were at the present io a slate of
inactivity, and it will be the effort of
of thoee interested in the Buooeas of the
assi oiation to see if these school cannot
iu the near future be revived, and soma
showing of life manifested by the time
of Ibe semi-aouual meeting of the asso
ciation in Heppner in October.
At the ooncluaion of the program, the
delegate representing the different
schools of the oounty were called to the
platform and proceeded to the election
of officers for the ensuing year, which
election resulted aa follows: J. J. Ad
kins, president; A. W, Balsiger, vioe
preaideut; Vawter Crawford, secretary;
W. C. Lacy, treasurer; Mrs. 0. N. Peok
of Lexington, 0. A. Morgan, of Douglas
Mrs. James Wyland, of Ilardrnau, and
Mrs. Fdua Kluoum, of Heppner, eiecu
tive committee,
This closed the business of the con
vention for lbs day, and after being
dismissed by Rev. Fleeber, of Heppner,
the people of the counly separated for
their homes feeling thai the day had
been well aud profitably spent. Those
from IJeppuer, after partakiug of Iheir
evening meal, repaired to the cars await,
iug them on the siding at the Farmers'
warehouse, where they were sbelterd
from quite a severe rain etorm thai came
up late io the evening. The time spent
In waiting for the train to come along
was ooenpied with prayer meeting, led
by Rev. Fleeber, and greatly enjoyed by
ail those who participated, and oauslog
Ibe waiting time to paa quickly by.
Han Sranoibco, June 2 The $5,0C0,0O0
combine of Pacific ooaat oraoker factories
has fallen through, owing to the inability
or disinclination of its eastern preoeptors
to make good the financial emoluments
hel l out by them some time ago. Options
were secured on all the large bakeries
oo the ooaet, with the exoeptioo of that
controlled by Bishop & Co., of Los
Angeles. A part of the bonds of the
combination were floated in the
east, but the western agents met
with very little eucoess In disposing of
the portion allotted Io this ooaet. One
by one options on the Paoiflo ooast fao
tories were permitted to lapse, until now
there are but few outstanding options in
Ibe bands of the organizers of the trust.
Manila, June 6 General Hall's
oolumn, in its movement on Moroog
peninsula, has completed a circle of 20
miles, having two engagements with the
insurgents, one of them severe and keep
ing up almost a oonstant fire against
scattered bands of rebels for nearly 24
hours. The Filipinos were driven in
every direolion. The oolumn proceeded
with all possible haste toward Laguna
de Bay, the Fourth cavalry in the lead,
the Oregon regiment next and thn
Fourth iufantry last. At 5 o'olook these
regiments fought the second battle of
the day, aud it resulted in a oomplete
route of the large Filipino foroes, In this
fight the Amerioan loss was four killed.
three of the Fourth oavalry and one
Oregouian, and about 15 wounded,
Ban Franoisoo, Juos 3 -There was
great exoltementon the steamer Alameda
upon her arrival from Australia when it
was discovered that a box containing
5000 sovereigns was missing. Seven
hundred and fifty thousand dollars in
gold was shipped in 80 boxes, eaoh con
taining 825,000. One of these boxes was
abstracted from the steamer's treasnre
room during the voyage.
On Saturday Next
And for two weeks following
There will be found on our Bargain Counter
Bargains in Shoes and Oxfords
For Men, Women and Children
That will positively startle one. We are going to
Several lines
consisting of from
Two to Three Unndred Pairs
They are broken sizes. They are lines
we want to close out completely....
They are Good Shoe-Values Throughout
If you can get your size, you will find some lines that will
just suit jTin iisiiiiiiiinn
The Cut is Deep!
Are qow in
Comprising Fine Lines of
Summer Dress Goods
Laces of all kinds
Skirts, Ladies' Wraps, Calicos
Percales, Ducks, Crashes and Linens
ISliirt Waists, Sills: Capesi
Tailor-Made Suits T088 .
w East in a few days
Shoes ranging in price from $1.25 to $3.50
originally, are cut down as low as
They are to be sold at the following prices;
500, 75c, $ 1 .00, $ 1 .25, $ 1 .50, $ 1 .75, $2.00
Come and Get Your Size before they go.
Minor & Co.
Ed. R. Bishop Co.
Successors to P. C. Thompson Co.
The famous "Ideal" brand the nobbiest line made.
Nobby Derbys and Felts
Crash' and Light Wool.
The guaranteed
Kelley-Goodfellow Brands.
GROCERIES The Choicest and most Complete
Line in the City....
We Buy I Before You Buy
as cheap as goods can be Call and exami le our goods I
sold. None buy cheaper. and inquire our prices
O. E. FARNSWORTH. President.
R. F. HYND, Secretary and Manaoer.
Make It easy for your wife
Dy getting her a new
Boss Washing
Guns, Pistols and Cartridges
Hardware and Groceries.
Ed. R. Bishop Co.
- " "- m r- c- m
The Spa!
Telephone 13 4 rings.
Smead & Co.
Fancy Groceries
The Best of Everything.
Oregonlan and Telegram agency. )
Kx-CoDgrewuusn Kills Talks.
Ad appropriation for the construction
oanal around The Dulles of the
of a
Colombia at Oelilo is the prinolpal big
Hem Oregon will try for at the oomlng
session of oougreas. This is the opinion
01 IU Uongreesman Ellis, who is wll
posted regarding the outlook for Oregon
river and harbor legislation, pending
and to be inaugurated. The canal, Mr,
cms rem the Walla Walla Union, will
be about 13 miles long. Bat as there is
considerable of an eddy aloog the oourse
of the route, mnoh outting away of
ground may be avoided, thus making
iwo canals in fact. He believes there
will be a requisition for au inoreaeed ap.
proprlation for the necessary work on
the lower Columbia. East Oregonian.
ii the titi'mn tovoiuutlve Doornail-
men who inow say that in the next
ten years steam looomolives will disap
pear aud eleotrio motors wiil anpplant
them. They also say that with the new
motive power trams will rush along at a
minimum speed of 100 miles an honr.
I bis will prove a blesaiog Io those who
wmuio go quicsly from ons point to
another, but no more so than Hostetter'a
stomach Hitters has proved a blessing
to those who wish to go quickly from
sickness to health. The Hitters act
at once upon slubbon oases of dyspepsia.
indigestion, biliousness and liver com
plaiul. They improve Ibe appetite.
quiet the uervee, and introduce aonnd,
refreshing sleep. The trial of a bottle
ill prove oouviuoing proof. Bold at all
drag stores.
Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain.
Ownotl and Operated tyr the Wool
Growers of Morrow Oountjr.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts.
s3 Finest Residence Property in the city for sale at a Bargain. EM.
Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store
fed. nd See? Grain alwaVs on hand.
WOOl Sacks at Cost to natrnnc
v i.i
Notice of Sale of Hone Impounded.
Notice is hereby given tbst I, George
Thornton, oily marshal of the oity of
Heppner, in Morrow county, State of
Oregon, nnder and by virtue of ordi
nance No. 70, of the oity of Heppner,
entitled "An ordinance prohibiting an
imals from running at large within the
corporate limit! of tbe city of Heppner,
providing a penalty therefor, and im
pounding and selling tbe same," passed
and approved May 15, 1899, and posted
oo May 16, 1899, did on tbe 4th day or
Jnne, 1899, on Morgan street, io the oity
of Heppner, take up and impound one
bay mare, marked with white star in
face and hind feet white, branded on
right shoulder?, and that I will on tbe
loth day of Jnue, 1899, at 2 o'olook p. m.
at the livery stable of William Gordon, on
Main street, in said oity of Heppner, offer
for sale and sell said mare to tbe highest
and best bidder tor cash in band, and
will apply the proceeds of said sale to
payment of tbe expense of keeping, ad
vertisiDg and impounding tbe same, and
the balance will be paid to tbe oity
treasurer of said city, aa provided in
said ordinanoe. I further oertify that
tbe owner of said auimal ia uuknowo to
me. The owner of said animal Is hereby
given permission to pay the expense of
taking up, keeping, advertising and im
pouudiog the same, and redeem eaid
animal at any time before tbe sale of
the aame, as provided in this notice.
Obokqb Thohnton.
Marshal of the Cily of Heppner.
A New and Complete Stoc
Now is the time to renew jour
subscription to tbe Gaiette.
Parlor Tables
Dining Room Tables
Iron Bedsteads
Bedroom Sets
Picture Framing
Sewing Machines
Wheeler & Wilson
Latest Improvements
Mat t rasses, all grades. Pillow
J. L. Yeager,
Unilertx ilcer,.
New Place of Business
next door to Gilliam & Bisbee's
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Farmers Attention
The Best Makes of
Horse Rakes,
Binders and Reapers
" r is, y
Mrs. M. C .Kennedy has opened dresa-
maklng parlors at tbe Monutaia house,
and solicits patroUBgo, guaranteeing
entire satisfaction. jt
vmam aud bmrot'ia iht halt.
rrvnivHt toiomat fruwth.
Ncrer Tim to Hfrtor Or
Hur to ita Vouihful CoiorT
Cunn M.p .mv, hair tuul.
- A
." a? .m. J'.,. '