Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at lour Grocers State News. One thousand school children paraded at Oregon City on Memorial day. "Pendleton's new postoflico building li rearing completion, and will be a credit to the city. The speed program of Oregon state fair pro vides for 12 race. The purgea aggregate (5000. John H. Clifford, an early settler on the Pacific coast, for nineteen years a citizen of Umatilla county, and the founder of the town of Alba, died Mayi"th. Mrs. Barrett, wife of the pastor of the Free Methodist church, at Salem, fell from a carriage aud broke her arm. In attempting to alight, her clothing caught and she fell to the pave ment. Wednesday, near The Dalles, Charles Boss, brakeman on a work train, slipped aud fell from a car loaded with gravel, under the wheels, loosing the left foot, the limb being crushed to a jelly between the ankle aud knee. Wool men continue to feel encouraged about tiie prospect of good.prices this season, aud are refusing oilers of VI cents for choice clips. However, they should not feel too Independent, and refuse fair prices for their product. There may be a repetition of last year's experience. Times-Mountaineer. Attorney General Blackburn lias rendered an opinion that the state Is not liable for the nlaim of 1000 alleged to be due P. J. Maher and F. J. Reiley for the arrest and conviction of George Jackson and Charles Williams, the two men who robbed an O. R. & N. train in Portland in 1H97, as a consequence of which both the latter are serving long sentences in the state peniten tiary. Mrs. Dora Lyon Marsh, wife of Representative O. W. Marsh, of Centerville, six miles north west of Hillsboro, Washington county, left her home Thursday morning, and has not been seen since. Mrs. Marsh is about 33 years of age, is of medium height, and weighs about 180 pounds. She Is of light complexion, has rather large blue eyes, and is of rather striking ap pearance, She left home some time during the night, and her husband next morning found a note stating she was going to Moscow, Idaho. In Portland, on May 25, James NcIUOresham, a young man from La Grande, Ore., shot him self through the heart at the Perkins hotel. He was a nephew of the late Walter Q. Qreiham, Cleveland's secretary of state, and nephew of Ex-Oovernor Taylor, of Tennessee, The young man was In the custody of Deputy Sherlfl" McLaughlin, of Uulou county, who had come to Portland to take bim back to LaUrande. Tne warrant upon which Oresham had been arrested was based on a complaint of the cashier of the La Grande bank, charging him with having obtained money in the batik's name, without authority, The Bust Oregon lan says: Farmers from south of Pendleton complain that the Russian thistle is gaining great headway and that unless the new law recently passed Is enforced, the thistle will become terribly annoying. The region south of Pendleton brings in the oldest com plaints, and those who live there want some thing done by someone to eradicate the evil They do not know Just who is responsible for the law's enforcement, but they know there Is now a law, and that it should be enforced. If any one knows upon whom falls this duty, the farmers will thank hi in to let it be known publicly, aud thon they will take steps to have the people punished who do not comply with the law's provisions. Wednesday night, while the cattle train was switching, it crushed a gentleman by the name of R. A. Jours. It stems that he had Imbibed too freely, and laid under the cattle car and went to sleep. When the stock train got readv to make up and pull out, which was about midnight, it hooked onto the car Jones was uslnr as a protection, and startod with it when the conductor, who happened to be on the car, iieard him yell, when the train was stopped, but not until it had rolled and crushed him considerable, Mr. Jones was cut aud lujured internally, Dr. Kuerty was called and sewed up the cuts, which were on his legs and he was conveyed to the Grand Hotel, where he Is rest ing easy and the chances for his recovery are good.-Arlington Advocate The killing of Jones at Antelopo by Bplcer was remarkably strange in one respect. Joues was armed with a double barreled shut gun and Spioer with a 22-caltbre rifle. When shut, Joues fell forward on his face still clutch hls gnu which was cocked. On examination of the body of Jones his left eye was found closed aud the right eye open as In the case wheu a person takes aim in shooting. The bullet had aorvercd the aorta Just above the heart and penetrated the spinal marrow producing par alysis ol the entire body and death so Instan taneously that not even the musecles of the eyes contracted sufficiently to close the one or open the other. Such a condition would not arise once In a thousand times. Crook County Journal. WOOL UKOWKKS Should Sell fur Cash and Nut Consign Their Product. From psal experience it Las been demonstrated that (be wool grower does tnuoh better when be sells bla wool at boine tban be doe by shipping It on oonsigoiuent to Ibe big wool ooucertii of the East, there to be baudled aud re bendled by tbe oonimission raitu, aud witb each aud every handling tbere ia bill of expense attnohed. By tbe aooum ulatioo of vast quantities of wool In one pliioe, buyers and manufacturers lake adviiutsge of tin situation and bear tbe prion, oo tbe ground (but tbere ia more wool ia eight thao they know wbat to do with, and more coming. The wool groweri by nsiug common sense judgment, and busiueof foreaight can, Li a large degree, oontrol the market. If wool ie low, it wonld be nd yieable to sell just enough to pay current expeuses, aud get tbe cash for it. Iu this way every mun knowe juet where be aland. He either has his produot or niooty. lty eeuding bie wool to others to handle, the grower neither baa bie pro duel or money, aud ia finally compelled to take wbat be oan get, leaa freight, warehouse obargee, insurance, oommis eion, etc., wbiob generally leavea him a very low figure. And again; the gool grower baa tbe advantage of knowing tbe condition of tbe market it be baa the elip in bie own bands, which be does not wben it ie in tbe bandi of otheia. The lime ie now at band when tble year'e clip will be ready for market. Again we would tey, don't be induced by some oilytongud agent to ship to erne promised market of wbiob you know untiling Sell fur ceeb, aud for h! you oan get, and always, look fi f h ;p figure. Pural fpjrrt, I WEATHER AND CHOP BCLLET1N. Warmer weather and leee rain will make a marked ebange for the better in the condition and appearaooe of all vegetation. BA8TBBN OBEOON Weather. Tbe mean tomperatare for tbe week, 56 degrees, ie 6 degrees higher than for tbe preceding week and tbe same ae it was for tbe corresponding week lest year. In the Columbia river valley the maxium temperatures ranged from 62 to 80 degrees and the miniam from 42 to 56 degrees; over tbe plateau region tbe temperature was 8 degreee lower. Bain fell on Tneeday, Friday., and Sunday, in amounts from .68 to .92 of an inob. Tbere wae an abeeDoe of frost, except on tbe more elevated pla teaus. Crops, Columbia River Valley. The warmer weather baa been of great bene fit to all orops. Tbe warmer rains on Wednesday were especially valuable. While tbe eoreage of grain ie not ea large as it was last year, yet tbe crop ia in better condition tban usnal. Uuleee unexpected conditions oocur, tbe grain crop will be excellent. Tbe ground is well eoaked, the graio bae etooled well and it now baa a good aland. Spring grain Is about four inches bigb. Work ing summer fallow continues; in some seotiona it is about oompleled. Tbe grain prospeots are muoh above tbe average in Morrow county. Tbe fruit prospeote have not obanged ; they con tinue to be fair; it is not expected that tbere will be an average orop in any seotion. Tbe probable apple orop in Hood river valley cannot now be deter mined, but it will not be an average. Tbe shipment of strawberries has com menced, a larger crop than usual is ex-peoted- Cherries are ripening. Early potatoes will be suitable for market within a week. Tbe hay crop will be heavy. Bye bay is now being out. Crops, Plateau Region. Tbe warmer weather was of great benefit to all vege tation. Fruit (reee are ooming into bloom, Spring seeding is being pushed to completion. Tbe graio and grass prospects are excellent. Fruit is not yet far enough advanced for an opinion to be formed as to tbe prospects. Stook haa improved rapidly and range food is now good. Shearing waa suspended, owing to tbe cold weather, but it has been resumed again. The reports indi cate favorable conditions for tbe crops of tbe year. Tbe warmer weather oaueed the snow to melt on the lower levels, and rise in the rivers resulted. None of the rivers have yet readied tbe danger stage. Tbere are no conditions now present to indioale a change to settled or season able weather, benoe a continuation of current weather conditions, for several days at least, must be expected. What Dr. A. K. Halter Bays. ttunaio, in. i. uen is: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe efTeot of your Sbilob's Cure in oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is tbe most remarkable remedy that has ever been brought to my atlen tion. It has certainly saved many from consumption, bold by Conser & Warren UMATILLA. HOTEL BURNED. Usnry Means Suffer Loss on tbe Building, and Mrs. Congdon on Contents. Tbe Klondike Hotel, at Umatilla, burned May 23d, tbe loss on building and oontents being complete. Nothing was saved, and tbe oocupauts escaped barely witb tbeir lives. Henry Means owned the building, on wbiob be had $850 insurance, and part of the oontents on wbiob tbe insurance was 8250. Mrs. Congdon owned the remainder of tbe oontents and had $1000 insurance. Mrs. Congdon oondooted tbe hotel. Tbe insuranoe was written by John M. Bentley, of Pendleton, agent, and wae iu tbe Thanoga aud Aobeo Muniob companies. A lamp exploded at about 9 o'olook in tbe evening, and in a few moments tbe bouae waa in a sheet of tiames, and burned very quickly witb all tbe oon tents. Mr. Means had a hotel burned on the site of this one about two and balf years ago, and rebuilt this one at a cost of (1600. Tbe insurance will not cover the lose on house and contents. East Oregonian. A man must reap as he sows. If he sows ill health he will reap ill-health. If he neglects hia health the weeds of disease will grow up and chok it. It is a daily and hourly marvel that men will recklessly neglect their health, when a momeut's thought should tell them that they are courting death. It lies in most every mnn's power to live to a green old age. If a man would only take the same care of himself that he does of hi horse, or cow, or dog, be would enjoy good health. When a man owns a hundred-dollar horse, and it gets sick, be does not waste any time about doctoring him up. When his garden gets full of weeds, he doesn't delay about rooting them out, for he knows they will choke out his vegetables. When he is out of sorts, sick, nervous, headachey, has bo appetite aud ia restless and sleepless, at night, he pays little attention to it. The result ia consumption, nervous prostration or some set ions blood or skin disesse. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all medicines for hard working men. It gives edge to the appetite, facilitates the flow of digestive juices, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It is tbe great blood-maker aud ftesb huilder. It cures j8 per cent, of all cases of lingering coughs, Immchiul and throat affections, wesk lungs, bleeding from lungs and kindled affections. l)o not wait nntil the lungs are too far wasted to admit of being cured. "As you know. 6ve rears ago the doctors hsd given me up to die with consumption," writes Mr. K. U. McKlnuey of Deepwater, Fayette Co., W, Vs. "I took treatment from Dr. R V. Pirrcr. snd am entirely writ now. I had tnktn steadily, aa directed, his 'Oolden Medical Die- ' Cuvery.' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. One little "Pellet" it a 4os, 1 ,lJ- - . AX The Most Money For Your Wool, will be secured by sending It to people who can afford to hold it for rou until market conditions areht for selling; who have tbe best facilities for handling, (Trading and storing It, Who nave stock enough to attract the largest buyers and manufacturers. We are the Largest Wool House in the West, handling annually ove 18,000,000 Iba. ol wool. We have the best and lightest lofts. We have the best reputation with the trade, both as to quantity and quality of wool and aa to methods of doing business. We make liberal advanoea on consignments at the low rate of 6 per cent, per annum for money thus loaned. We supply all our customers with free wool sacks and sewing twine. We mail our Circular I ' ijettgr to ail SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT ISSUED OUT of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed, com manding me to levy on the goods and chatties of the delinquent taxpayers named on the tax roll for said county for the years 18!1, 1895. 18'J7 and WM thereto attached, and none be fonnd then upon the real property as set forth and described in the said tax rolls, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the amount of taxes charged therein, together with costs and ex penses, I have duly levied, having been unable to find any (roods or chattels belonging to the respective delinquents hereinafter named, up on the following described pieces or parcels of land as set forth in said tax lists, lying and be ing in said Morrow county, state of Oregon, described and assessed as follows: AMT. TAX. California, Oregon aud Idaho Stage Co. Commencing at northeast corner of lot 10, block 3, nining west 86 feet, south 41 feet, east 66 feet north 41 feet to be ginning, in town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1817 ? 9 45 Western Investment Co.-The west half, southwest quarter and southeast quar ter of southwest quarter of section 30, township 2 north, range 21 E W M, Morrow county. Oregon. ,Tax for 1H97 3 78 Selling, Amelia East half of southwest quarter of section 12. township I south range 29 E W M, Morrow county, Ore gon. Tax for 1897 3 78 Fell, Sarah H. West half of northwest quarter and west half of southwest quarter of section 8, township 2 south, range 83 E W M, Morrow county, Ore gon. Tax for 1897 3 78 Richardson. Wilson Southeast quarter of section 5, township 3 south, ranice 21 E W M, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1897 6 78 Ward. M. B. Lots 2 and in block 10, Lexington, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1897 3 24 Hexter, L. and L. May Lot 10 in block in, Lexington, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1897 5 41 Bagerman, A. J. Southwest quarter of section 34, township 2 north, range '23 E W M, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1897 3 78 Harrington, G. W. East half of north east quarter ana sou tn west quarter oi northeast quarter and southeast quar ter of section 24, township 2 south, rsnge 28 E W M. Morrow county, Ore gon. Tax for 1897 21 60 And on Friday, the 30th day of June, 1899, at the hour of 2 o'clock n. m. of said dav. at the court house door in said county and state, I win sen tne aoove aescnuen real estate iu public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants, costs and accruing costf. Dated this 1st day of June, ww. E. L. Matlock, Sherlfl' of Morrow county, Oregon. By J, W. Matlock, Deputy, NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON May 17. 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, nt Heppner, Oregon, ou July 17, 1899, viz: PATRICK KELEGHER, of Heppner, Oregon. Homestead entry No 6812, for the northeast i northeast V. and south northeast k. and northeast i southeast 'i. section 21 township 2 souui, range w, is,, w. m, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: William Hughes, Daniel Hurdle, Mat Hughes aud James W. Leahcy, all at tieppner uregon. 31-5 E, W. Babtlett, RegiBtcr NOTICE OF INTENTION. T-VEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND 1 1 Oilice at The Dalles, Ore., April 2 1899. Notice is hereby iriveu that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, uregou, on r riuay, June u, in.r.i, viz.: L. PEARL JONES. of Heppner; Homestead entry No 713:1, for tho west ',4 north west ' and west !j sout h west section 28, township 3 south, rsnge 24 E W M. He names the Inllowiui! witnesses tn prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James T. Mitchell aud M. Lee Cant well, of Heppner, Or , and Stacy B. Roberto and Wesley W, Branuon, of Eight Mile. Or. i-ii j. f, j..ucah, Kegiator. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J May 1C, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In support ol his claim, and that said tiroot will be made betore Vawter Crawlord, county clers, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, June 21, 1899, vis: WILLIAM II. RICKS, of Hardman, Or., Homestead entry No. 3915. for the southwest U section 20, township ft south, range 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: O. K. Paint, and J. W. Balrd, of Heppner, Oregon, and Charles B til I is and Charles Coleman, ol Hardman, Oregon. 30-6 JAY 1'. 1-lH AH, Register. TIMBER CULTURE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Oilice at The Dalles, Ore. , May 9, 1899 Notice Is hereby Kiven that the followlng- nained settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made betore V. Crawford, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, juue 17, 18V. vis: CHARLES D. ASHBAUGH. of Eight Mile, Ore., Timber culture application No. 3329 for the southeast section 1, township 4 south, range 24 K W M. He names the following witnesses: Charles Stanton, K. B. Stanton, William R. Leathers and Arthur Stevens, all of Eight Mile, Oregou. 9 31 jay f. lucah, Kcgitter ADM INI S TRA TOR'S NO TICE. NOTICE 18 IIKKKBY OlVEJf THAT THE uudetslkiued has been by the County Court ol the State of Oregon for Morrow county duly appointed administrator ol tho estate ol P. C. Thompson, deceased. All persons holding claims against said deceastHl are 'notified to present same properly vvritietl, to Hie atimlnls trator at the offlre ol Ellis A Phelps at Heppner, Oregon, within six months Iroiu dste ol publi cation ol this nolle. Dated this loth day of May, 1899. J. A. THOMPSON, Administrator of the estate of P. 0, Thompson, deceased. 9-31 CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTRKIOK, LAND Ofllce st The Dalles, Or., April 29, 1899. A sumcieut contest atlidavit having been Ml is I in this elites by Charles W. Willis, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 4375, made on April 27. 1892, lor northwest V section 28, town ship 2 south, range 2n K W M. by Joseph JM. I Orantln, contestce, in which It is alleged that mIiI Joatiiiti M. la Grande has utterly failed to comply with the law in rt-gard to settlement on tne land: ns never piiiii a nouw inrrinii, aim has never cultivated any part ol said trsct Said parlies are hereby notified to appear, ro ivoiul snd oiler evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. in. on June 1J, Issn, belorw vawter Crawford, couuty cleik, aimaomee in Heppner, Oregon, and that tiual hearing: will be hetd at 10 o'clock a. ui on June 19, ltw, r lora ths renlster and receiver at the I ntted States Land Otltes tn The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, tiled March 15th. 18'., set forth faets which show that after due dlligeue, personal servtt'S ol this notPe can not be made, It is hereby ordered snd directed that such notice be given by !'ie snd proper publication. 34 ' " ' J P. U'cas, Register '1 - , Jl who ask for it. Hivea nrices on all classes and grades of wool and the existing market con- 122-124-120-128 Michigan Slraot, CHICAGO, ILL. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPRTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Otlioe at ihe Dalles, Or., May 29 If.W Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make flnal proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Satur day, July 8, 1899, viz: ALFRED J. Dl'RAN, of Heppner, Homestead entrv No. 7133. for the northwest section 8, townships south, range 2ti E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Woodard, Dennis Spillane, Samuel Lefller and Patrick Spillane, all oi Heppner, Oregon. 32-7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPRATMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Oiliee at The Dalles, Ore., April 25, lH'.m. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof ill support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 2d, 1X99, viz: VERNER BARTON, of Heppner, Or. ; Homestead entry No 7011, for the southwest section 8, township 2 south, range 20 E V M. He names the following witnesses to prove hiscnntitiunus residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Doherty, Elmer Bea. man, William (i. Seott and Frank Gentry, all ol Heppner, Oregon. , Jay P. Lucas, 7-32 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Otiice at The Dalles Ore., May 9, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before A. Mal lory, United States Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, June 19, 1899, viz: CHESTER H. WILKINSON, of Hardman Ore. Homestead entry No. 41)07 for the southwest M section 11, township ft south range 20 E.W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. M Sperry, Thomas Merrill, Frank Ward anuunarics ttepassanoi naraman, Oregon. 9-34 jay f . LUCAS, Kegisier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande. Or.. May 1. 1'-'.n. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler nas nieu notice or nis internum to make final proof in support of his claim, and that sala prool will tie mane neiorej. v. mor row, U. 8. commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 9th, 1899, viz: DAVID PEARSON, one of the heirs and for the heirs of Benjamin B. Pearson, deceased, of Heppner, Oregon, Homestead entry NoOKw, for the south i north east y. and north southeast section 28, township 1 norm, range li east w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles M. Long, James Avers, Isaac Howard and David M. Presley, all of Heppner, Oregon. 8-33 E. W. Baktlett, Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, LA Grande, Oregon, May 19, 1899. Notice is hereby given that Daniel P. Doherty has tiled notice of intention to make 11 mil proof before J. W. Morrow, United States commis sioner at his oilice ill Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 1st day of July, 18519, on timber culture application No. 2393, for the north northwest and southwest northwest anil southwest '4 northwest section 12, township 1 south, range 29 E W M. He names as witnesses: Daniel Maxwell, Don ald Ross, James Nelson and Patrick Doherty, ail of Vinson, Oregon, 31-5 E. W. Baiiti.ktt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THK INTERIOR, LAND Oiliee at The Dalles, Oregon, April 21, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention tn make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, June 3, 1899, viz: JAMES W. VAUGHAN, of fleppuer; .Homestead entry No 510-5. for the south y, northwest and north '4 southwest 'i section 19 township 2 south, range 20 K W M. llenamesthefollowingwituesBesto prove hiB '.ontiniious residence upon aud cultivation ol laid land, viz: John Her, Arthur J. Hunt, Nathaniel Shaw and William Cumberland, all of Heppner, Oregon. 17-32 Jay P. Lpcah, Register. PUBLIC LAND SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR siiance of Instructions from the commis sioner of tho general laud oiliee, under author ity vested in nim by section 2155, United sttes Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of con gress approved February 20, 1895, we will pro ceed to oiler at public sale on Friday, the Hth day of June, next, at 10 o'clock b, m , at this oiliee, the following tract of land, to-wlt: The southeast northwest '4 section 32, township 4 south, range 25 E W M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to tile their claims in this office on or before the day above ilesigualeil lor the commencement of sulil sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited Jay P. Lucas, Register. 7-32 Otis Pattkkson. Receiver. IT, S. Land Oilice, at Ihe Dalles, Ore. April 22 1899. SUMMONS. IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. John H. Bode, plaintitr vs Minnie Bode, defendant To Minnie Bode, defendant. In Ihe name of the State of Oregon: You arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled agatust you In tho above en titled suit within six weeks Irom the 20th day of May, 1899, the date oi tho lirst publication of this summons, and if you foil to answ er ithln said time for want thereof the plnintiU' will apply to the court to grant the relief demanded in the complaint. This summons is servod oil you by publica tion In pursuance of ail order ol the Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge ol the above entitled court, duly made and entered in said suit on the '.'4th day of May, 1S99 The date of tbe rirat publication of this sum mons is May 20, I89!. C. E. Rkdfiki.p, 31-7 'Attorney for 1'laintill'. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND mil, eat Ibe Dalles. Or., April .11. Ik. A sntlieieut contest altidavit having teu tiled ill this olhee by Kiuil Grolkopp, conleatant, attains) timber culture entry No. 289, uisde January A), 1S89. for southeast northwest and east H southwest ' and northwest south et section 24, township :i south, range 3" K W M, lV John A. Ay let, eonlestee ; In which it Is alleitiil that cnlryman has a holly Abandoned said tract, and for past eight years failed tocullivale or plant any part ibereol to tree seeds or i iiltiiics. Said panic are hereby notllled to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m 011 June 13th, 189". before Vawter Craw foul, county clerk, at his oilice at Heppner, Orvcou. aud that dual hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 20th, 1899, before the register and receiver at the United States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, tn a proper affi davit, tiled March 15th, I8, set forth laiu whltih show that after due diligence, personal Sirvl,,eol this noties can not tn m.-ile, it it herviy ordered and directed that such notice be g!' "0 by dut id proper plication. -ar;i:- Wt f I ' Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Otliee at The Dalles, Ore.. May 9, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proo,' will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 10, 1899, viz: HANNAH E. HALLOCK, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 4134 for the southwest K southwest '4 section 2', north hi northwest ! tnd southeast ? northwest H section 28, town ship 2 south, range 2 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove 'ier continuous residei ce unon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hiram E. Clark, Orrln E. Farnsworth, Oily Johnson and Arthur Minor, ill of Heppner, Oregon. 9-;i4 JAY r. L.UCAH. rvegiBier. anything you invent or improve ; also get CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. for free examination and advice. BOOK OH PmNTSKot! , c.A.srww&co. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. MEN f You can I LA A . 1 ue uureu If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1051 Market St Est d 1852. 1 Y'ountr niiii and middle i a it (Ml men who are sutlerme I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- j cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical 1 Debility Jinpo.ctneyXonft Manhood , in alt its complications; K.ermaturrhflea, Frofttatorrlicpa. (iloiiorrhopa, Hlet, j Fraiino.y of L'riiiatf iir. etc By a 1 i combination of remedies.of great curative pow- , er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair t and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent i in nis specialty jriieu"H ui ii-it j nt.Tpniiis tnoronffhiy enimcaiea worn tne BVRttim wilhnu t nini llfriiira KVKItV MAN aitnlvhiir to US will re-' i ceive or honest opinion ot hisoompfftlnt. w- e will guarantee a rvsrri v& vuica in every cane we undertake, or forfeit One Consultation FREE and strlctlv nrivate. CHAHQES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- I ment personally or oy letter. Send for book, " T U a PliilnaAnhv n HI antilarr " free. (A valuable book for men.) VIMT BR. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOGUE FHJSEi. CaUorwrfte. j 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, Caf. Depart fos TIME SCHEDULES Arrivb from From Heppner. 10:00 a. m. Salt Lake, Denver, 10.15 p. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokano, Minneapolis, Ht, Paul. Duluth, Mil waukee, and the Kast. 8.00 p. m. Ocean 8tkamshifs 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For Han Francisco every five days. 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia Rivrr Steamers. To Astoria and Way landings. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette River 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New- tiert;, halcm ana s ay Landings. 7:00 a. m Willamette and 8:30 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Tiles., Thur, Yamhill Kivkh.8. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. and sat. 0:00 a. in. Tues. Thurs, and Bat. Willamette River! 4 :30 p. m. Tues.. Thur. aud Sat. Portland to Corval lis & Way Land ings. Snake River. Riparla to Lewistou Lv. Riparla 2:M0a. m dally except Sunday Lv. Lewiston 12 noon daily ex Saturday Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agout, Portland, Or. QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST, and SOUTH- EAST.aeOSSS LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4J days 'CHICAGO, 3J " 1ST. LOUIS, 3i " OMAHA, 3 -! SALT LAKE, li " Free Reclining Chair Cars Upholstered Tourist Sleeping Cars Pullman Palace Weeping Gars For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc, call on or addrere J. O. HART, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Tebry, W. E. Comam, Trav. Pass. Ag. Ofcn'l Agt. 124 Third Ft., Poitland, Ore. iMANK falls 4 northers FORT SHEPPARD !!KD MOUNTAIN' RAILWAYS The Only All lUil Rout Without Chang of Car Between Spokane, Rofteland and Nelson. Also between Nelson anl Roaslautl, daily except Sunday: Arrire. :W P. M. , 140 P. M. ..MS P. M. A. M iltW A M :I0 A.M . 8pkar. Neisiin.... ('H connections at Nelson with steamer for Kfeio, and all Kootttnal Lake points. PeMuncni for Kettle KItw and Boondirr ftml emswt st Hst:jf !h st da;iy; El) flf , llo OREGON SHORT LINE Ky F55T TRAIN SERVICE DAILY TO THE EAST GREAT ROCK ISLAND RITE. VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVEB, . . : p. ru. " PUEliLO, . . 7 0S p. m. COIjO. BPHlNftH . 8:ll P.iu- Arrives IOPEKA Arrives K NfeAS CITY 8.55 p. nm p. Arrives LINJOLN ' OMAHA DE8 MOINES ' I'KOKIA ' CHICAGO 2:11 p. in. 4:25 p. m. p. m. 11-20 a in. 8:UU a. in. Through Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago. Wide eetibule throughout. The finest train In the West. For particulars and folders giving time of these J. L. DE BEVOISC. E. E. M'LEOD, JNO. SEBASTIAN, PORTLAND, OKE. A. G. P. THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE Eaet and Southeast VIA THK " PICTO' iN PACIFIC I R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE, PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. Onick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. Haggage Checked to Destination. Low Rates. ...... , . . Dirfct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned 'or rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Paoifio B J.KH. LOTHROP, or J. C. HART Agt., Gen. AkU. 185 3d St., O. It. & N. Co., Portland. Or. Heppner, Or. CHICAGO Ilwaiee & St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tbe famous b'ook system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through out; Uses the celebrated elxotrio berth read ingt lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains every day and night between Ht. Paul and Ohioago, and Omaha and Ohioago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St- Paul Also operates steam-bested veetibnled trains, carrying tbe latest private oompartment oars, library bullet amok Inn cars, and palace drawiug room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars, and tbe very best dining chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in tbe United States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. 0A8EY, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or, m TOO GOING EBST? If so, be sure and see tbat yonr tioket reads via tub KofitiwGsieFn Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled inning ana steeping car Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME has gl en this road a national reputation. AH elasse of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Khip your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents nave tickets. W. H. MKAD, F. C. 8AVAQE, Uen. Agent Trav. F. & P. Agt 248 Washington St. Portland. Or. The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. 8TSUL2SX&S "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Butli of the above steamers have been rebuilt, aud are In excellent shape for the season of 1899, The Regulator Line will endeavor to give its patrons tbe best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland and The Dalles at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination iu ample time for outgoing trains. Portland oltlce, The Dalles office, Oat St. Duck. Court street W. a ALL A WAT, General Agent. QUICK XX3VXZ3 I TO San Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Ht Bhaau runt of the Southern Pacific Co Tha great highway thruuh California tn all point east and Sonto. brand Hostile Kouta oi ma raotno iioaat. mum an Bnnet bleopara. Baoood-elaaa glaapara Attached to astrt train, affordm snnarlor aoconunodatioDs for saoond-ela pasMtursra. For ntae, tick, akaftinaj ear rusiistions, to,, eall upon or addraaa R. KOKHLeR, Manager, C. H. MARK HAM, Sen. F. 4k P. Aft. Portland. Orasraa THROUGH TICKETS To all points In the Eastern Btare. Osnul ad r'imc cn w onuunexi ai lowest rale froa "The Regulator Line u. a. Cil nil. tpK .Tj 'i ;,... Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVEB " COLO. HPB1NGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:85 p. m 2:35 p. m 7:80 a. m 9:15 a. m Ar. ST. I.OUI8, (Wab. It'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Bun) 6:45 a. m " OMAHA (Ex Sol) . 8:r.O a. m " CO. hLUPl 8, . . B.10 a. m Through Sleepers Colorado Springe to St. Louis via Wabash lt'y trains write A.. TOPEKA. G. P. A., CHICAGO ' H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. naif block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. aud the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. UATEH U,oo 1KH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., I Deliver & I Grande U. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite TraoecontiiieDtal Between the Northwest and all Points East Choice of Two Routes Through the FAMOUS Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes east of Pueblo and Denver... All passengers granted a day stopover in the Mormon capitol or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis Chicago and the East, For tickets and and Information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of O. R. & N., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies . R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt Agt. 251 Washington St., . Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt, Heppner, Or. PACIFIC II. Yellow Stone Park Line THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL. PARK. mm Leave- Depot Fifth and I Sts.' ive. No. 2 Fast Mail for Tacoma, No. 1 Seattle, Aberdeen, South Dend, Spokane, Helena, 11A.M. Butte, Anaconda, St. 10:15 A.M. Paul, Chicago, New York, Boston, and all east. No.S 6 P. M. '""'"""i ii&uuuia ana Seattle Express, for Ta coma, Seattle, Olympia and intermediate main lline points. No.S 11 P. M a DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. 8)4 DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi csgo. 4) DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections in all principal cities. Baggage checked through to destination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth it For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, mans write" ther ln,ormil,Ion. call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent 256 Morri son St, Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin Central Lmca Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their nana oaggage taken form or to train and carriage cr bus, or in many other ways, and thav ill find all that is desired in this. rA. spect in the service of the Ushers at the Uran.l Central Passenger Station, who hvn iuii. w uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains Dreoared tn Bengers, and it is hoped that our Pt ?u B wi" fa,,y avail themselves of this additional provision for thair comfort, JA8. r. ppjjp, fisp'l hm- 4s.