THE HEPPHEH GAZETTE Published Every Thursday. BY OORLIES M ERR ITT, Editor and. JxTajaag-or. -SUBSCRIPTION n Year -Six Month Three Months RATES $1.60 73 50 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-clans matter. Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid ol it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J. Fhbbman, South Duxbury, Mass. Sarsa i parilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Hood's PHI: r.rf! the best after-dinner tillj, aid ingestion. 25c. ADVERTISED LETTFIH. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEB Or., May 2U, 1899. Alexander, Mr F A Musjrrave, Mr J D (2) Dougherty, MrHarry L Musgrave, Mr H S Lee, Mr Shelby Smith, Mr Clemey Musgrave, Mr John Teed, S M When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. F. Vaughan, P. M. Local Notes. Tee cream and soda at Hart Bros. S. P. Garngues advertises farm mc cbinery in his advertising space. Twenty A No. 1, empty whiskey barrels for sale at Hie Belvedere. AM sizes. FraDk H. Jo bo son baa also added the clips of Eilcup and Hynde to bis list. Arthur Clarke, tbe new jeweler, is lo cated next door to tbe oandy faotory. tf Mr, 0. H. Sburte succeeded in buying 10,000 head of sheep of Wm Fenland tbls week, Take your watobes.olooks and jewelry to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar antees satisfaction. tf Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeota of tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr In tbe rear end of tbe fire-department ho nee has been built a substantial jail, a mnoh needed institution. Arthur Clarke, tbe jeweler, is bIho a praotioal watchmaker. Give biui a trial. He guarantees all bis work. tf Claud Branton, exeouted for tbe mur der of Lion, at Eugene, left a written confession of bis foul murder. Wm. Swope, editor of the Portland Sunday Mercury,, has been arrested for libel of W. A. Cummins, of Oorvallis. Heppner is to bave a new botobershop and tbe room formerly oconpied by the Slocum Drug Co. is being fixed for it. The Summer season introduces itself Herl Bro's tender in an ice-cream fest ival. All are invited to tbeir cool par Ion", tt Stop thatoough! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by Oonser & Warren. x Mike Keener, tbe Butter creek, sheep man, is in Heppner today, and reports having disposed of bis yearlings, and this year's clip at a satisfactory price. - O. 8. Emary paid as a visit Wednes day. His teams were loaded with merchandise for Hardman. Beyond there be report) tbe roads without bottom. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's the best and it after using it you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Catarrh oared. A dear bead and sweet breath secured with Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser & Warren x Mrs. Smith, owing to ill bealtb, bag been compelled to take a vacation for at least ooe month, and Mies Williams, of Walla Walla, now controls the telephone daring ber absenoe. Tbe largest oar of wool ever loaded in Pendleton was shipuod from the Famish warehouse this weak to K uhlin 1 4 Co., at Boston. It oinlai isl 65,003 pound of pressed grease wool, Goauty Clerk Crawford is adding to bis premises a new barn, encljeiog also tbe lot recently acquired from the city ' ,,. v, with a new feuoe, bddiug very much to tbe sppearaooa of Lis home. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Punfifr, oures headaches. Nervousness, Eriiptions on tbe (ace, and makes tba bead a clear as a bell. Sold by Conser A Warren, x Sbilob's Consumption Cure oures where others fail. It is the leading Oongh Our, and no home should be without it. Fleasarjt to ke "n'' K""8 rittbt to tbe epot. Sold by Consr A Watren. x Best louiih Smip. Tast Good, use L J Ed Warren, who was arrested last fall, charged with oausing the fire wbiob de etroyed Cinyon City, is a free man Tbe grand jury refused to indict him. Mr. Warren spent tbe week in Heppner Frank McFarland seems to be doing a good Equitable life insurance business. Scarcely a year bad elapsed between tbe tine of bis insuring Allen Evans before be died, when the sum of 84000 was paid over to bis widow. Walla Walla Union: Andrew E. Kaker, of Morrow county, and Miss Lulu Coffey, of Umatilla oonoty, aged 20 and 17 years respectively, were uuited in marriage yesterday by Judge Brents. Tbe bride's father was present at the ceremony. Tbe Northwest Herald, a Beven-ool-amn, eight-page illustrated paper, pub lished by George L. Hutohin, at Pert land, and intended ns a family journal, presents itself. It is well printed and profusely illustrated, and will doubtlf ss become a popular journal. As a result of the enforcement of ordinance No. 70, Marshal Thornton has three bead of stock in the pound, and be promises a protection for oar gardens and lawns this summer. It will work a hardship on tbe representative's born less bovine, whose accomplishment of gate-opening ment for ber many a mid night raid. J. I. Carson left Heppner by rail with 11,000 hend of sheep this week. He oarried his "laurels" up his sleeve, and as he expressed himself, "bad them other fellows kept away, be would bave had 50,000 bead within three day's time." He surely started the sheep deal in this seotioo, wbiob at onoe developed piioes satisfactory to the minority of our sheep raisers. Frank H. Johnson, representing Sil berman Bros., is again doing a lively business in this field, paying tbe top prioes for woo). This week he sec a red tbe Qlips of Jas. Jones, D. O. Justus, Oaoar Sbafer and Herb Bartholomew. He will operate here and in Tha Dills during the season, remaining in Hepp ner Thursday, Friday and Saturday of eaoh week. Tbe Houaer & Haines. Mf. Co, of Stockton, California, employ a force of 120 men and are working day and nibt, rushing shipments of their combined harvesters to California point in order to make room for their twn.whetd side- bill meobinea for th-t Oregon an 1 W isb Bgton trade. Tbe demand for tbeir maobines this sesso i, show tbe popu larity of the oeleb'ated Hinas-Houser combined haresters. A telegram was received by Deputy Sheriff Matlock from Leslie ihat bis father's condition bad been diagnosed by Chicago's famous physioians, and their conclusion was that be might re turn borne, where treatment would prove as beneficial as in Chicago, so they started immediately on tbeir return and will reach here Saturday. Fnrtber par ticulars will appear iu next week's edition of the Gazette. Jess T. Stewart launches out on the world next week a foll-Bedged buooaro. "Counter-bopping" with him is a thing of tbe past, and possible distant foture. He has pnrcbueed 100 bead of good- sized horses of Otis Welch, and with tbe hssihtanoe of Mart Smith, O. Berkley and Jaok EJes, will test the Oregouion and Heppner Gazette's report of a good borse market in Southern Oregon. When be returns to Heppner he well de vote the prooeeds of tbe sale to raising garden truok and settling down. I was serious'y afflicted with a onngh for several years, and last fall hnd a more ssvere cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without re ceiving muob relief, and being recom mended to try a bottle of Obamberlin'a Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, know ing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it, an 1 witu tbe most grati fying results. The first bottle relieved me very muob. and the sooond bottle has absolutely cured me. I bave not bad as good health for twenty years. Rs spectfally, Mrs. Mary A Beared, Clare- more, Ark, Sold by Couaer & Warren. Another interesting and valuable article in this number of MuClare's is an acoonot of negotiations between Admiral Dewey and the Spanish oim- manders to at led to the final surrender of Manila practically without any fight ing between the land forces. It is writ ten by Oscar King Davis, Manila a re spondent of the New York Sun, from the diary of M. Edward Andre, tbe Belgian oonnsol at Manila, through whom the negotations were conducted. It is, therefore, authoritative; and it is a story that has never before been fully told. It gives new illustration of tbe rare tact and eagaoity of tbe American admiral. From a eopy of Tbe Columbus Advo- oate, Ipublisbed at Columbus, Kansas, and handed us by Mrs. A. T. MoNa, we olip tbe following: "Tbe Advooate family is bigbly pleased at receiving en invitation to attend graduating exercises in tba opera ball, Heppner, Oregon, May 26, 1899, at 8 p. ni. Ooe of tbe graduates of tbe class is Lillian F. MoNay, niece of tbe editor of this paper, and one be has always been very proad of. In 1885, when a mere baby girl, but bright as a " " Manhattan, Kan., with ber parents for ! the for off west. She bas always been a ! ifond uirl and a Brand helo for her father. A T j wi rfj)joe wjth bjm jn tbat happy hour as be lixtens to tbe orr tion of bis daughter on tbe subject, "The Marble Waitetb." and sorry we cannot be by bis side during tbe even log, as be has been a brother in every sense of the word." DisMilatlim Motir. The firm of M. Lichtentbal k Co. bas this day. Msy 31. 1890, been dissolved by mutual consent , 8. P. Devin retiring from tbe firm, aod Liobteotba! oon- tinning the business, who will collect all bills due ttg q' firm end pay all in I rlhtedneja, 5 Personal. John Kilkinney Is the father of a (trapping boy. Cbai Royce came In from Hardman on Sun day. Frank C. Patterson, of lone, was in town last night. J. W. Blake came in from the Interior yes terday. Mrs. J. D. Titus came over from Canyon City Tuesday. Mr. Haunawalt, the popular insurance man, is Again with us. A. B. Chapman, ot Butter creek, registered at the Palace Saturday. Miss Lizzie Royce, daughter of Henry Royce of Hardman, id quite ill. Hon. J. W, Morrow left Tuesday mofning on a business trip to Weston. G. W. Vincent, of Butter creek, spent the first of the week in town. Mrs. Walker, mother of W. E. Brock, is visit ing hitn from Forest Grove. Cbas. JohiiBon, the Lexington wheat buyer, spent Friday and Saturday in Heppner. Misses Minnie and Lilly Andrews, of Pine City, are paying Heppner friends a visit Chas Stubling, the prominent saloon man oi The Dalles, was in Heppner Wednesday. J. H. Edwards, the Saud Hollow wheat raiser and dairyman, was in town Tuesday on business. W. R. Irwin, of Minor & Co., was on this morning's train for The Dalles, to be gone two or three days. Mr. Basey, a young nephew of Isaac, is here on a visit from Salem, after an absence of sixteen years. Mr. J, V. Creighton, the traveling freight agent of the Northern Pacific, is here soliciting business for his line. Mrs. Wright, her three children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Borg, from Port Townsend. Mrs. O E. Farnsworth, accompanied by her sister, went to Portland on Wednesday night's train for a few days' visit. John H. Burgard, special agent and adjuster of the Home Insurance Co., of New York, was In this city the past week, Joe La Co nia, who sold out his sheep interests here a year ago and went to California for his health, returned here this week. Miss Kate De Peatt, a prominent lecturer of Ashland, passed through Heppner Monday en route for Canyon City on a lecturing tour. Mrs Burchell, living near Lexington, was thrown from a wagon and seriously bruised Tncsday, necessitating a visit by Dr. Swinburne E. W. Rhea with Hugh Fields left on a tour of Inspection of a Butter creek stock ranch this morning, expecting to be gone a few days. A. B. Thompson, the prominent stockman of Butter Creek, and secretary of the Wool Grow ers' Association, was in town on business Tuesday. Hon. Henry Blackman returned Wednesday from a business trip to Portland, and expects to start for the northern mining districts the last of the week. Eugene Gllinan, is slowly recovering from his long selge of illness. Twelve weeks hss lapsed since he was compelled to take to his bed where he has remained iu an almost help less condition. Mrs I. N. Hughes of Wagner was seriously ill this week, requiring the services of Dr. Swin burne who reports her much improved. On his return trip from there he removed a tumor from the neck of Mr 8am Cox, of Cox Bros., at Hardman. Harry Phillips, equipped suitable for a wagon tour of the continent, with his entire family' pulled out of Heppner today, after almost twenty years' continuous residence here, seek ing a new home further north, along the frontier line. Many were his friends who watched his caravan as it passed down tbe street with a sad reluctance, their mind turning back to their pleasant associations with him and his family. He has the best wishes of the community at large for his success in a new country. Mrs. Herb Bartholomew, accompanied by her son and daughter, started for an eastern trip of three months Tuesday morning. From here to the Junction she was accompanied by a party of young society folks, who saw her safely started on her journey over the O. R. & N. via. Salt Lake City, thence along the Rio Grande to Denver. From there to Chicago, which will be her first visiting point. Herb, during her absence, will be under control of the city au thorities. In his new fashionable spring suits patent shoes and uew "Dunlap" hat, ordered by telegraph, he will draw an Increased salary as a fashion plate for Khea & Welch's clothing de partment. COUNTY ROAD3. Suggestions For Work on Tbem Are Now In Order. We feel it onr duty to start tbe annual road-work agitation. A committee should be at pointed at onoe by tbe business min of Heppner to make a oareful inspotinn of all roads leading oto tbe town, and active work began. Washouts and slides, as a result of tbe aet storm, roeoaoe teamsters on all onr oonoty roads. Now tbat wool sales are being made at a lively rate, hauling be gins, and a reward is in store for onr musinegs men's united efforts to induoe trade in this direction "Procrastination is tbe tbief ot lime. Lee Osotwell made a trip to Long Creek and other points last week and reports tbe roads as almost impassable ii many places, and at Long Creek learned that Pendleton bad two men ouetuutly at work on tbe roads between Ukiab and Pendljtoa a ad other points, sparing do expense in their t dirts lo gain Ling Creek, John Day and Susan ville trade. This year will be a lively one in those sections, and Heppoer's energy mast be stirred aooordingly. Laying tbe Corner Stone. The oorner-stone laying of tba All Baiuta' obnrob last Friday attracted many of our people, bishop Morris offhiatiog iu a very impressive manner, assisted by tbe Rev. W. E. Potwine. Members of tba choirs of otber churches aoioted lo singing, adding moob to tbe interest of the oooasioo. Rev. Bisbop Morris, in bis rem irks, reo t -d bis ex perieDoe in raising the f rinds oeorsry to bnild this cbarob, which is to be pushed to completion as rapidly ai pos ible. The Eisoop! obnrch is gaining io strength the world over, and it is a great consolation to tbe members of this oommtioily to hi able t worship in a ohuroi of their own. H.fM Mkklnc. Mrs. M. C Kennrdy bus opened dress nuiklng pailon at the Mnaulsi boose, and solicits putrooagp, guaranteeing entire eatipfaoticu. 4t Fiy hqalrrel PnUon Is rapid "od relUble pest destroyer R A. Newton, Asblaod, Oregoo, says: "Fry's iqnirrel poisoo bas ool only proven hp 1 net ire and deadly to squirrels bat to th rabbiti on i restiferoas skunk ss wH. For pxle by Hlowim Pr og O. THE Remember it in Heppner! OUR COMPLETE LINE was bought before "the trusts" raised the price, and we are selling it now to you less than present wholsale prices. Do not overlook this opportunity. An Immense Run On our fine line of Ladies' .Underwear. These goods are strictly first-class, and the ladies realize it. Come at once and get your selection. Our Stylish Summer Suits Suit every body. The best that will astonish you. JKTer Goods ARE tNJ GIUDDiTING EXKRCISE8. 4 Packed Honse, and Interesting fiozram Thoroniclily Enjnytd. Friday night the opera bouse was completely paokel, the entire towo and aiijicent country seeming to have turned out in honor of tbe graduating olass of twenty. Tbose fortunate io being members of this distinguished olass of gradoatec were: Misses Charlotte Shipley, Nellie Phillips, Gertrude Bishop, Pearl Wells, Elsie Ayers, Vira Hart, Lena Glasso ok, Anna MoBride, Estella A. Bhes, Bertha A. Ad kins, Lilliao MoNay, Anna Hmith, Lnla M. Hager, Emmalioe E. Farns worth, Lizzie Howard, and Jennie Kirk, and Messrs. Louis Balsiger, B F. Mat look, Hansen Haghee, and Heppner Blackman. The program wss introdooed with tbt graduating olass and booored tesobers and guest in prooeeBioo, marching through tbe aisles to the stage accom panied by Mrs. Brown on tbe piano. Miss Gertrude Bisbop played the opening piece, "Danoe cretonne," a piano solo, by G. Baobmaun, in a very creditable manner. Professor Howard's request for the ladies to remove tbeir hats was grace fully responded to. Seated on the stage in a semi oiro!e snrrouoded with tbe beautiful decora tions ot tbeir class colors, and in tbe foreground an ocean of flowers, it was truly an inspiring picture, which brooght the parents lo a satisfactory apprecition of the reward for tbeir patienoe io st last covering tbeir loved ones witb garland of bright intelli gence, In the necessitated absenoe ot Rev. Bbelly, Rev. Lindsry addressed the as semblage in prayer. Miss Anna Smith's salutatorian ad dress on "Leadership," delivered in good voice, without besilition, was a most eooouraging example of tbose t follow. Miss Estella A. Rhea's beautiful ore- tioo ot "Night Brings Out tbe Stars," was otbnaiastioally received. Miss Elsie Aysrs, at tbe piano, ao oompanied the ladies quintette olass, in "Kentucky Babe," its sweet melody charming tbs audience. "Our Flag," by Lies Auoa MoBride, stirred tba enthusiasm of ber listeners, and woo for ber a vigorous applause. Miss Lnla M. Hager, iu ber essay, ou "Woman's Plaoa," absorbed tbe atten tion of all lovers of borne. A vooal sob, by Miss Eliie I. Avers, witb Heppner Blackman as piano ao oompaoiat, was thoroughly enjoyed. Tbe Marble Waitetb," wm delivered by Miss Lillian MoNiy. with all the foroa nod digoity, ot which she is pos sensed, and was listened to witb admira tion. The "History of the UIsj," read bj MiesEmmaliun E Faroswortb, was very ingenious and witty reoital of tbe bottle f.'ugbtj during tbe ten long months. "l;-geufcrti.ju ol Cuba," by Louis B-liKr, iii Lis otigiu! at I It-, w liat eoed lo with interest. Tbe "Mietrtss Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," ooold, without doub. prooure an engagement dariog the sonmer raoation lihtbe "(j iaker 'Doctors." Tbey won a f4t'rjng ap planas from tbs gsllerv, '" ' FAIR was The Fair that made values better and ! ! Granite and Tinware Being piled on our counters dally. ONEY RETURNED IF GOODS NOT SATISFACTORY "Every Man Builds Himself," the sub ject of Miss Bertba A. Adkins' essay, was listened to with profit. Heppner Bliokman's "Propbeoy," was delivered witb exceptional talent, and proved amuse nent tor all bands. Miss Charlotte Shipley, closed tbe olass reoitations, witb tbe valedictorian, "Commercial Advancement," wbioh she rendered in an exoeptiooal manner. Bbe displayed a strong mind, and a thorough comprehension ot ber subject, wbiob would bave held tbe attention ot a legis lative body. Professor Howard tben introduced Professor O. A. Hauerbaob, ot Whitman college, ranked as one of the brightest yooug intellects and orators of tbe pres ent generation, His subjeot, "Tbe New Knighthood," was illustrative ot the possibilities of our public sobool and oollege graduates, and be haodled bis subj ot so as to reach the comprehension of every listener. Judge A. G. Bartholomew wss tben called upon for tba presentation of diplomas. His remarks were directly to the point, aod embodied advice, wbiob, it adhered to, make life's journey what it should be. Prinoipal Howard followed next, re viewing bis association witb tbe pupils, justly proud of the results ot bis efforts, as displayed iu the body of graduates. His words inspired a feeling not only itb bis pupils, out with tbeir parents, tbat be had labored with an ambition for tbe sucoess ot bis pupils. As an appreoiation ot tbe pupila' grat itude both Professor Howard and Miss Balsiger wrre presented by Miss Pearl Wells, io an appropriate speech, valu able tokens ot tbeir esteem. At the oonoluslon of lbs entertain ment, tbs pupils, tbeir P' roots and a taw invited guests repaired to a banquet ball, where a feast was enjoyed, and ap propriate toasts offered by the bonorabls Ex Congressman Ellis, as toast master, and numerous others. The flower girls, Flossie Whiteis, Rath Hart, Nettie Shelley and Tbreaha Fltsher, are entitled to very oreditable mention. Off for Wyoming. Dr. J. M. Wilson left Heppner Mon day morning for this season, having secured aod startsd ovsr tbs trsil for Huntington 30,000 bead of sheep. From there be will ship to Douglas, Wyoming "Doc" will meet tbe sbeep at Hunting ton. Id outfitting be left fully $4,000 witb oar merobaots, which is an im portant item. He prediots oo troobls in getting tbrongb Grant and Baker conn ties witb Lis sbeep. Among bis trailing crew were: C. W. Carrico, foreman, and H. H. Elleusberg, Frank Burdiok and Wm. Coats. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of ooe concern io tbe land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering. Tbe proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, oougbs and ooMs, bae given away over too millions trial iKittlrs of thin great medioine and bavu the satisfaction of koowing It has absolutely oursd thous ands of hopeless oa-s. Asthma, bron Oiiitn, boursebei-s and all diseases of tbe tbroat, chi-st aud longs are surely onred by it. Call on E. 1. Sloonm, rirnggist, aod get a trial bottle free, regular size 500 and tl. Kvory h ! gqsran'eed, or prife refunded - . , i - " " Now is the Time to values and makes at prices Wev Gootls THE Chas. Tefft's Bon Ton Restaurant --An Interior Vlcw-s- .;Best Service in Heppner. LIVELY RUNAWAY. Narrow Escape for a Party of Young Ptop'e From Hand Hollow. Sunday a party of prominent young people from Sand Hollow drove to town, and at the oonolusion of a pleasant evenlntt's visit at Judge Bartholomew's, rspaired to tbslr back accompanied by a number of young folks, and io the ex oiterneni ot a jolly farewsll tbe driver, Ernest Edwards, bad fastened the lines to a shadow, while either assisting his fair lady to a seat in tbs hack or devot ing a few seoonds to the girl be "was to leave behind," when tbe team, under inspiration of a feed of oats, started tor tbe hunobgrass regions ot borne at a killing paee. Ernest, Milt Morgan and Earl Kirk patrick were lefl speeobless, rivited to tbe spot. Reooveriog tben selves darkness bad lowered its ourtain between tbem and the ruoaway. Near tbe Palaoe tbe sole oconpant, Miss Edwards, had been deposited on tbs sidswalk unceremoniously, escaping with numerous ssvere bruises. Tbe speed ot tbe team was next interrupted by tbe oorner ot tbe engine house and jail, and it was a question wbicb bad come ont first best. The corner ot the building, including panel door, was smashed into kindling, while the baok aod harness was next lo a heap of ruins. Tbe horses said nothing, but it is safe to venture an opiuion tbat no obarge of the oily marshal will ever bump np against that jail door with more brnises tbao those oaynses bad. It is not tbe bill of expanse in store for tbe young men, in buggy repairs, sto , that hurts tbsm, but tbe thoughts they Isl go of tbs lines. Oor advioe lo tbem is never to tie to shadow, bul pass tbe lines over to Ihs ladies. Bad management keeps more peoplo in ooor oironmetanoes than any otbe ons oaose. To be successful one must ' look ahead and plan ahead so that when . a favorable opportunity presents itsell I hs is ready to take advantage ot it. little forethought will also save much ex psnss and valuable time. A prudent and oareful man will keep a bottle of Chkmberlln's Colic, Cholera aod Diar rbosa Remedy In tbe bouse, the shift less fsllow will wait ontil neoessity com pslls it and thsn rnin his best borse go iog for a dootor aod bsve a big doom bill to pay. besides; one pays oat 'l csnts. tbe otber is out a hundred dollate snd tbsn wonders why bis neighbor is getting richer wbile be is getting poorer, for isie ry uonser x vrsrrrn, prices lower Buy FAIR i HUIi'MENT OF HIIEKP. The O. H. o N. to tbe Trailers' Uescne- Speclal Bates. Mr. J. O. Millie, tbe general livestock agent ot tbe O. R. k N., left Hsppner tbe first of the week, after having installed tbe first shipment of sbeep over tbeir line to Huntington from Ibis poiot. Tbe oompany feel tbe importance ot this new departure aod are granting a speoial rale wbiob they estimate at a savlog ot not less than six cents a head, over tbe cost of trailing tbem, besides savirg mnoh time and trouble. Witbin eighteen hours' time the sheep will reach Hunt ington. Grant county's disposition to ward our trailers is a ssrioas menace to buyers, and tbe O. R. k N., oomlng to our resoue at a reasonable transporta tion rate, will surely revolutionize tbe sbeep industry, and make Heppner one of tbe most imporlsot shipping points oo tbsir system. $100 KRWAltDI Will be paid for information leadir g lo tbe arrest and conviction of any per son stealing cattle branded "WH" con nected oo tbe left aids. Waddle on tbe nose, Pbkcy Uucihks. HOUSEMEN NOTICE. The imported running stallion Cal burnns will make the season of 18'JU st I. F. Swaggart's farm, 10 miles north ot Heppner. Good pasture will be fur nished free, but will not be responsible for accidents, or mares getting away, although partioular care will be taken to prevent tbe same. Two Kentucky Jacks will also make tbe season there. A few good inilob oows for sale. tf LOOK AT THIS. Those who are indebted to Tbe Pat terson Publishing Oo. will take notioo that the old firm bas dissolved and gone out of business. However, there is yet owing the old firm a large amount ot money, long past due. Tbose indebted must settle np witbotit oelay. Tbe old books of tbe company may be fouod at tbe Gazette office, where money will be reoeived and receipts given. Otw Pattmson. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. , Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the Waatur pf