The Gazette. Thursday, June 1,1899. Mb. Dell's sketch of Clatsop county shows many great facts as to its wealth and resources that are not commonly known. The annual catch of raw salmon in the bays of which Astoria is the cen ter exceed $2,000,000. This equals interest at 6 per cent on a princi pal earn of nearly $40,000,000; and this great wealth exists in the salmon industry aloDe. There is also vast unestimated wealth in other food fishes of Clatsop's waters and in the waters of which Astoria is the headquarters. The razor clam raw catch of Clatsop beach yields some $25,000 annual ly, or interest on $4,000,000 at 6 per cent. The aggretate value of Clatsop timber is something enor mous. The dairy product is also immense and constantly growing. The fruit industry is assuming large and good revenue producing proportions. The Clatsop beach seaside resorts add greatly to the country's values. The extent of richest agricultural lands covered by the greatest of forests in the country is a matter of surprise. All these and othe values of this county grouped in a striking manner make this "book of Clat sop county" one of the best possi ble forms of advertising literature that could be plaoed in the hands of the coming editor-visitors. Astorian. Representatives of Aguinaldo have had another conference with the American Philipinoine Com missioners and have been again told that the only way for the Fili pinos to get a cessation of hostili ties is to accept the unconditional surrender terms of Gen. Otis. The feeling is general in official circles that the Cuban army has been allowed rope enough and that they must either surrender their arms or refuse to surrender them nt ouce. If they refuse, the chances are they will be made to do so. Presideut McKinley and his advisers have been disposed to treat these men very leninently and to humor their whims to as great an extent as possibe, without giving them the idea that they were able to dictate to us, but there is a limit to patience, and by their backing and tilling and bick ering among themselves, the Cubans have very near reached that of the administration. It is the under standing now that disar mament is to begin the latter part of this week, but there have been other similar agreements that were not carried out. Fiiebident McKinley is aguiu ou duty at the White House. His two weeks, rest at the hot springs appear to have done him lots of goo 1, ami he says his rheumatio pains have entirely disappeared. Ilia return and the Peaoe Jubilue, which is to be held this week, have attracted a number of promi nent men to Washington, for the purposo of combining busiuese and pleasure. Among them are friends of several of the candi dates for Speaker of the House. The most interesting news of the Speakership contest is the statemont, apparently well found oil, that friends of Kepresantative Sherman and Henderson have made an agreement whereby each is mads the second choice of the other, the idea being to insure that olo or the other of them gets elected. But Representative I iiyne, who is himself in Wash ington, aud the friends of Repre seutative Hopkins, who are quite numerous, say they take no stock in any such agreement BmoADiER General Gueely chief siunal ollioer. believes in keeping bis branch of tho army, which has been so highly coiupli intuited for its work in Cuba, Porto lirx), and the Philippines, right up to date in everything. He has just asked for proposals for three electiio horseless carriages, for the purpose of experimenting with them to ascertain what uses that thi-y can be put to by the signal corns, (leneral Greely believes a the hurried errection of field lines, of telegraph, and bis first experi ments will be in that direction. The signal corps has already demonstrated, by actual exoeri ments, that the much talked about t ystem of wireless telegraphy has not been sufficiently perfected to make it safe to depend upon it for the transmission of important messages, although General Greoly expresses confidence that it can be made useful in many directions, even as it ia now, sod that it will be greatly jmj rpyocf in nQ near ftitnrs ' ' Brief War News, Tele graphic Mews Notes, Etc., Etc. San Fbanoisoo, Maj 25 The morning session of tbe Baptist edaoational society was oconpied by a ooofereooe and die onaeioo of the snbjeot, "la tbe establish ment of a Baptist theology aobool on the Pacific coast desirable and feasible?" Rev. Alex Blaokbaro, D. D., of Oregon, took part in tbe discussion. St. Louis, May 25 Membera of the demooratio national committee went into session this morning. Governor Stone was re-eleoted obairman. Reports on organizations and condition ot different state were made by representatives who outlined tbe conditions eziiting at borne. Not one of tbe speakers touched upon trusts, imperialism or silver. Bayan was introduoed and made a abort addresa urging organization and that an effort be made to establish a fund for the coming oampaign. No action by tbe oemmittee regarding tbe plan of lb next platform ia expeoted. Washington, May 23 General Otia cable tbe following under date of May 23: On the urgent recommendation ot Lawton, I recommend that Colonel Owen Summers be made brigadier gen eral ot volunteers by brevet, for conspic uous gallantry at Maasan, Buloa Bridge, San Isidro, and that Captain J. F. Case be made mnjor of volunteers by brevet, for distinguished servioe and gallantry at the above plaoa while aotiog aa divi sion engineer officer. Otis. Summers is colonel of tbe Second Oregon volunteers, and commanded tbe advance brigade of Lawlon's division during tbe recent march northward to Han Isidro. Case is oaptain of oompany F, Seoood Oregon volunteers. Paws, May 27 Early this afternoon it was announoed that tbe president of tbe civil section, court of cassation, M. Ballot Debeaupre, bad reported in favor of a revision of tbe Dreyfus trial, and tend ing tbe prisoner again before tbe court martial. It is practically certain to bs accepted by tbe court and meana that Dreyfus will be brought baok to Franoe and retried. Washington. May 27 President Mo- Kinley will visit Oregon duriDg bis sum' mer vacation, unless bis present plans are upset. He will be there in time to visit the Second Oregon volunteers after they return from Manila. He will go lo Yellowstone Park and to every state tbat bad volunteers in tbe Philippines. Washington, May 29 Tbe president's civil servioe order will undoubtedly secure appointments for a number of Oregon people who would otherwise not reoeive recognition. Out of polioy, Ore gon men will be given tbe positions in the custom and land offices of tbe state, and Commissioner Hermann will un doubtedly name an Oregon man aa his private seoretary. Beoause ot bis posi tion, the commissioner will be able to secure appointments for Oregon in the land servioe outside ot tbe state also, notably in Alaska, Oregon and Wash ington will oome in for a share of the positions in tbe AlaBka customs, revenue and school servioe. Ull ALL wis celkbhate. Hfiiuei' Should Observe the Fourth of July. At tbe present time there leemt to be do disposition on tbe pert of oar oitiseos to celebrate tbe Fourth of July. As the county eeat end tbe priooipel town ot tbe county, wit bio e reaaooable drive ot a majority of it homes, there aeemi do reasonable ezoose wby tbia occasion abould pasa by unheeded. Soaroely a town of one-half Heppner' ice and imporlarjoe, but ba already under way preparation for a celebration beoomiiiK patriotio nation. Tbe achievements ot our eoldier boya abould inspire a disposition on our part to make tbia event eignifloent or our appre oatlon. Whoever undertake the ini tiatory lo tbia Important event abould avoid laal year'a mismanagement, whioh ia responsible for tbe present reluotnnoe ahown. Fund should be oollecled auffloient to meet tbe reqoir meotsof tbe oooasion, previou lo it eelebration, and all obligation met. We would inggest that the member ot lb fire company take the responsibil ity of preparing a program that will waken an interest both with the town people and throughout the county, Eventa of tbia kind are tbe means of binding closer tbe businese and aooial relationship ot community. Heppner ha abundance of talent for an interest ing program, while soarcely a prominent orator ot the northwest but would be glad to honor tbe "banner oily" of itt population on the Paoitto Coast. Hepp ner' female band will prove a drawing oard. Is tliottuaiu liocoaiullve Doom.d- Meu who kuow ay that in tbo next ten yeara bIhhuj loootuotWee will dissp pear and eleotrio motor wiil aoppleot tbem, Tbey also say tbat with tbe new motive power trams will rush along at a minimum speed ot 100 mi lee an boor. Ibis will prove a blessing to those who wish to go ijniokly from one point to another, hnl no more to than Hosteller's Stomaoh Bitter lias proved a blaming to those who wish to go quiekly from aiokneo to bealtb. Tbe Bitters act at ooce upon elubbon oaseeof dyspepsia, i iudigeetion, biliousness and liver com plaint. Tbey improve tbe appetite, quiet the nerve, and introduce sound, refreshing alesp, Tbe trial of a bollle will prov oon,''n,ing proof. Bold at all rog ifpt?. On Saturday Next And for There will be found on our Bargain Counter Bargains in Shoes and Oxfords For Men, Women That will positively startle one. Several lines consisting of from Two They are broken sizes. They are lines we want to close out completely.... They are Good Shoe-Values Throughout If you can get your size, you will find some lines that will The Cut is Deep! Shoes ranging in price from originally, are cut down They are to be sold at the following prices; 50C, 75C, $1.00, $I.Q5, $1 .50, $1 .75, $2.00 Come and Get Your Minor & O E. FARNSWORTH. President. THE MOnV COUNTY LAND ID TRUST COMPANY Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain. The WOOL GROWERS' WAREHOUSE Owned unci Operated Xy tlie Wool Growers of Morrow County. Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts. Agents for BLACK LEAF TOBACCO DIP and LITTLE'S FLUID DIP The only Reliable Prepared Dips on the market. PINS CITY 1TKMB. Regular Correspondent The grippe seems to be in it again. Tbe Pine City aobool o'oeed this week. O. P. Fleming, oame down from the mountain, where be went with band ot T. D. Malthewa sheep. Rev. Hoskio returned from Dayton Wash. He starts for conference in few day. T. D. Matthew and Rev. lloskins de livered two bands of sheep at Eoho lo Meter. Donald A Caeeidy, ot Itollin, rVyomiog. Mr. Wm. Wattenburger ia able lo be up and around again. H. E. Bartholomew ia hauling bis wool to town. Rev. Marietta preached hit farewell sermon here Sunday. If r. A. F. Mathewe, who went to Fend leton tbe first of the week, ta beck, he will go to Pendleton to live. K lower Butter creek rancher baa taken a soolract to furnish coodeoaed milk for oosaet lambs. Badly Barker aud Ike Howard have mad aatisfaotory tale of all their wool. Miss Mary Maltbewa baa gone on a viail to Pendleton, to remain tor aome time with bar sister Mrs. Gil'elte. Ieaao Vincent came down from tbe mountain sheep oamp lotakeback sheep. He report a rough eiperiecoo to far tbia spring. Now ia tho time to renew yonr two weeks following and Children We are going to Slatt rvli ter to Three Hundred Fairs 50c $1.25 to $3.50 as low as Size before they go. Co. Heppner, Oregon. R. Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store Feed and Seed Grain always on hand. Wool Sacks at cost to patrons. Ed. R. Bishop Co Successors to P. C. Thompson Co. Make it easy for your wife by getting her a new Boss Washing o Guns, Pistols and Cartridges Hardware and Groceries. Ed. R. Bishop Co. The Spa! c c Confectionary Fancy Groceries Fruits TKa Hncr Ivvorvthincr A - v' o- tf rx ..kc Dress Skirts, Ladies1 Wraps, Calicos SUNDER WEAR Percales, Ducks, Crashes and Linens JSliirt Tailor-Made Suits SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS Hats Nobby Derbys and Felts Crash and Light Wool. CUaap The guaranteed OllUCO KfillAV-ttnm GROCERIES The Choicest and most Complete Line in the City.... We Buy Before You Buy- As cheap as goods can be Call and examine our goods sold. None buy cheaper. and inquire our prices. F. HYND, Secretary and Manager. Machine TVIpnhnna R 4 rlnne Smead & Co. J Ice Cream y Parlors. Oregonlon and T.l.gram ag.ncy. - SPRING Comprising Fine Lines Summer Dress Goods Laees of all kinds Waists, Sillc Capes: To GENTS' DEPARTMENT Kelley-Goodfellow Brands. Having purchased a lot of discontinued Crescent St. Waltham 17 Jewel Adjusted Movements direct from the factory, I will sell them, put up in Nickle Open Face Dust Proof Cases for $20. Put up in Silver or Gold Filled Dust Proof Cases for 23.50 to $27.50. Anyone wanting a high grade Watch should not miss the opportunity to get one. Also a nice assortment of Ladies' Gold Watches... Dr. Barthlow's p..,,,..,, WHITE PINE ffKjrar cough syrup Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Dr. Barthlow's The best Nerve Tonlo and Blood Purifier. Conser & Warren, Heppner, On, Who carry a complete line of Drags, Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Glass Farmers Attention The Best Makes of Mowers, Horse Rakes, Binders and Reapers sowar S. P. G T AS' A I GOODS Are rjow in of arrive from the East in a few days . -J P. 0. Borg, JEWELER. CELERY KOLA if - : ajgs ( ciCwr1 T AKRIGUES.