Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 25, 1899, Image 3

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Published Every Tharsday.
Editor eta.4 Aaua.agr.
n Year - - . - $l.BO
Six Months . 7g
Three Months ... so
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the rostofflce at ITcppner, Orceon
as second-class matter.
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible Sore-Her Story of
the Case, and Her Cure.
'For many years I was afflicted with a
milk leg, and a few years ago It broke out
in a sore and spread from my foot to my
knee. I Buffered great agony. It would
burn and Itch all Iho time and discharge
t great deal. My health was good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a great
many kinds of salve, but some would
irritate the sore so that I could hardly
stand the pain. I could not go near the
flro without suffering intensely. Some one
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told
my husband I would like to try this med
icine. He got me a bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking it until mv
limb was completely heuled. I cannot
praise Hoods Sarsaparilla enough for the
great benefit it has been to me. It
cleanses the blood of all impurltiea and
leaves it rich and pure." Mbb. Anna E.
. EAKEN, WhittleBey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
Hnnri'c Dillc are the 'avorite family
1UUU r trilli catuartio. Price 25c.
J Or., May 22, 189S.
Edwards, Miss Lilllo
Foster, Mr J
Gelger, Wm C
Ilarvcrson W C
Kirby, Mike
Lareon, Mr John
Mathews, Mr Bill
Oman, Mr Lolse
Pooley, John (2)
Sutton, Mrs J. A
French, W B
Gilne, Chas H
Houston, Mrs V E
Kneeland, Mary
Maloney, Mr W A (2)
Olmstead, Mr Lewy
Perry, Mrs Maggie
Shurtle, Charles
Thompson, Mrs J T
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. B. F. Vauohan, P. M.
Local Notes.
Toe cream and so la at Hart Bros.
Friday, Carson loads his sheep at the
stock yards for pastured new.
Twenty ANo. 1, empty wbiskey barrels
lor sale at the Belvadere. Alll sizes.
Arthur Olarke, the new jeweler, is lo
cated next door to tbe oandy faotory. tf
Hart Bros, invita the ladies to pay
special attention to their fresh lot of
Thke your watchep, olooks and jewelry
to Arthur Clarke (or repairs; be guar
antees satiBTootion. tf
Dr. J, W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defects of tbe eye, will be here
every three months, 648-lyr
Newt Whetstone sold ont bis entire
band of sheep this week to Frauk Laoy
Tbe 27th annual reunion of tbe Ore
goo Pioneers will be held in Portland on
Thursday, Jane 15th.
Arthur Clarke, the jeweler, is also a
praotioal watchmaker. Give biun a trial,
lie guarantees all his work. tf
Cass Matlook made a sale of bis entire
season's clip of wool yesterday at 11
cents, tbe b'ghest price yet paid.
The Summer season introduces itself
Hart Bro's tender in an ioe oream fest
ival. All are invited to their cool par
lors, tf
Messrs. Dunbar, Everson and Dehaven,
shipped 13 carloads of sheep from here
Wednesday morning for Bowman Moo
tana, Minor & Co. call yonr attention to a
speoial sale, advertised in their regular
apace- It means money in your pocket.
Read it.
Geo. Wbiteis, the enterprising "Fair"
proprietor, made two trips to The Dalles
this week, interviewing manufacturers'
RoecoeShaw and a son of M. L Green
and Peter Deardorff departed this morn
ing with merchandise (or merchants of
Grant connty.
Be not deceived! A congb, boarsness
or cronp are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Shilob's Cure will save
yon much trouble. Sold by Gonser &
barren. v
'The Milleoiom," soriptarally con
sidered, will be tbe subjeot (or tbe
morning sermon at the M. E. cbaroh.
The Signs of the Times," for the even
ing. Come!
Care that congb with Shiloh'e Cure.
Tbe beet cough onre. Relieves croup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25cts. Sold by Con
eer A Warren. v
Ladies, take the best, If yon are
troubled with constipation, sallow skin,
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Hold by
Oooser A Warren. v
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, Duriflee
the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts.
Sold by Oonser & Warren. v
Tbe Belvadere, tendars the public
onrdial welcome. A a popular resort it
is without a rival. Those who enter
leave all eare behind. Tbe
thereby day and nigbt.
'owls,-' are
&l"fSritrt AIL ELsi iiL3.
Best CouKh fejrup. Tie Good. Vm
Judging from the qiality of wool tin
Indians are bringing in from time to
time, it looks as though last winter's
distrnotion of sheep was far more dii-
asterous than reported.
The announcement of tbe San Fran
oisoo 31st Industrial Exposition is out
Its opening day will be September 2d,
ana close on Ootobar 7. 1899. All
former success will be surpassed.
Mr. Williams, the affable New York
Life insurance agent, who has been oon
fioed to his room as a result of la grippe,
is again equal to bis calling. Tbe first
of next month be expeots to go to Spo
kane. Last Sunday evening the first anniver
sary of tbe looal lodge of tbe Independ
ent Order of Red Men was honored by a
most appropriate oermon by Kbv. Shelly,
at the Christian ohurch. Tbe members
of tbe order were present in a body.
Rev. Line! Bey, who is oondnoting serv
ices at the Baptist ohurob, will be at the
Christian church Sunday, morning and
evening. Subjects are as follow: Worr
ing "Putting on the whole Armor;" in
the evening, Queen Esther." All are
cordially invited to attend these meet
C. H. Sburte, the gentlemanly repre
sentative of the Union Stock Yrls, of
Chicago, is rounding up bis sheep, aod
moviDg them eastward by trainloads for
their Dakota, Wyoming aod 0 ilorado
ores. Mr Sburte will move from
75,000 to 100.000 bead of sheep this
Send 25 oents and get a package nf
Columbia Kidney and Liver Te i
Some must have it; others need it, and
it will benefit those who d ) not need
it. The bast kidney ani liver regulator
on the market. Tin largest paokage
and moBt benefit for tbe money. Slooum
Perry Houseman, a shf ep herder, was
brouglt to town this week suffsring from
an accidental shit in tbe knee, tbe result
of trying to kill a ooyote with a 44-cali
bre revolver. Dr. Swinburne thinks the
young man will recover witb-iut a per
manent injury.
Tbe 7th annual reunion of the Oregon
Pioneer Association of Unatilla oonnty
will be held at Athena, May 31 to June
2d. A fine program, i'toluding a free
army bran bake, will bs features of the
oooasion. The O. R. k N. has granted
them rednoad fares to one and one-fifth
tor round trip tioksts.
Tuesday morning the teams of Doo
Wilson started on their overland jinroey,
the advance of their trailing expedition
for Wyoming and other poiots- Doo's
well earned reputation tor "getting
there," and the firstolass equipments
with which he starts insures bis sus
taining bis reputation.
I have been a sufferer from chrouio
diarrhoea ever since tbe war and have
used all kinds of medecinee for it. ' Al
last I found one remedy that has been a
snocess as a cure, arid that is Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera end Diarrhoea
Remedy. P. E. Grisbam, Gaars Mills,
La. For sale by Oonser & Warren.
Hon. Henry Blackman returned last
evening from an extensive trip through
the Boundary creek, Republic and Brit
ish Columbia mining dietriote. His re
turn was for the purpose of attending
the graduating exercises tomorrow even
ing. JNexi wees lie win return nortn,
expecting to remain there during tbe
A tramp painter strnok tbe town one
day this week and bis skill is displayed
on numerous windows. A sign between
drinks was his byeword; and tbe drinks
were frequent. At tbe close of the atter
noon be was contracting to paint tbe
town, but the supply of "fire water"
showed signs of exhaustion, and be de
parted for another town.
Tbe O. R. A N Co's. representative,
Mr. C J. Millis, general livestock agent,
spent several days here arranging for
the shipment of sheep and other stnok,
wbiob is taxing their facilities. Tbe O.
RAN. have in Mr. Millis not only a
thorough business rustler, but an affable
gentleman, oapable of gaining popularity
with the entire community.
The history of Morrow oounty was
shattered by an unprecedented rain and
hail storm Tuesday afternoon. It bae
been charged up to a "oloud buret," cov
ering an area two miles wide and twelve
miles long. Tbe small streams were
raging torrents in short order, and near
Lexington the railroad track was shifted
six feet. Store osllari were flooded, aod
tbe mischief t pay generally.
We are willing to admit tbe wave of
prosperity, but we're tarnation 'fraid
tbe fellows who are so iudustrionsly en
eaued in forming trusts will tarn it all
into tbe bungholes of their own barrels
before tbe farmer gets a spoonful. For
insianoe, the Western Plow Manufactur
ers' Association has nnaniraously voted
to add 15 per oent to the selling prioe of
manufactured goo3s. Payette Inde
pendent. Dr. Hunlock was hurriedly aammoned
to Geo. Perry's plaoe Monday to attend
Al Wineland, the driver of the Lone
Rock stage, he having accidentally dis
charged a pistol, tbe ball entering tbe
underside of Lis leg coming ont below
tbe knee making a painful, but not
serious wounded. He was endeavoring
to get a xbot at a coyote. After shooting
himself be drove tbe stage a short dis
tance to Geo. Perry's, wbere be has been
Bishop Morris will be here to officiate
at tbe laying of the eornor-etone of tbe
Episoopal cbnreta to morrow, (Friday)
afternoon at 3 o .clock. The customary
deposit of a copy of the Bible, the book
of oommon prayers, a copy of tbe Ga
zette and other document and relios
contributed by others in tbe city will be
placed in a tin box embedied in mortar
for safe preservation. Re. W. E. Pot-
wine arrived on last evening's train to
participate in tbe ceremonies of the no
oasion The name by wbiota tbe cbnrcb
will b fcimUi s A'l Wots Church.
J. A. McCarty came over from Echo Monday.
Mrs. Wilkinson, of Fox valley, was here this
F. V. Chapman, of Butter creek, spent Sunday
In town.
Mrs. N. A, Leach was a visitor In Heppner
this week.
C. A. Repass was here from Hardman last
Bert Kinney and wife registered at tbe Palace
Cbas L. Crowell, a Missoula, Montana, sheep
man is here.
Miss Sylvia Sbaner was registered at the Pal
ace Saturday,
J. M. Wilson, of Douglas, registered at the
Palace this week.
Chas. Ingraham, the lone druggist, spent
Sunday in Heppner.
Professor Stanard, the popular teacher, was a
Heppnerite over Sunday.
Rev. C, D. Nickelsen returned to Moro on
Monday morning's train.
Joe Woolery, of lone, was here on court busi
ness a portion of Its session.
Harry Phillips and John Duran have re
turned from their trip to Washington.
Miss Jennie Bartholomew has returned from
her visit at Galloway and other points.
M. 8. Corrigall, Gooseberry's prominent sheep
man has been in town the past few days.
Sam Teed, recent manager and publisher of
the Weiser Record, Is in Heppner for a few days.
Lee and J. W. Scrivner and H. A. Chance,
registered at the Palace from Gooseberry Wed
nesday. Mrs. Catherine Spray, of Salem, is expected
this week on a visit to her daughter, Mrs, C. M,
Mrs. F. C. Hindle, wife of the popular tele
graph operator at Dayton, Wash., is visiting
Miss Eva Brians.
Frank H. Johnson, Silberman Bros.' repre
sentative, arrived here on last night's train di-
ie:t from Wyomiug.
Henry Gay had the pleasure of a few day's
sojourn in our city the past week as a witness
In the McGonigal case.
Ex-Senator Raley, of Pendleton, was a con
spicuous figure on our streets the past week,
attending court business.
Dr. Adkins left on his return to Hlllsboro
Monday. The doctor suffered quite a severe at
tack of the grippe while here.
Rev. G. H. Gibbs, presiding elder of the M. E
church, South, went to Palouse City to attend
conference held there on the 18th.
Gus Hale paid the Gazette office a visit yes
terday, and reports the storm having put a stop
to all sheep shearing for a few days.
Frank McFarland was an arrival on last
night's train. Business affairs will keep Mr.
McFarland with his friends here lor several
County Commissioner Beckett, E. C. Ash-
baugh, Fred johnBon and Theodore Anderson
were among the Eight Milers who were with us
this week.
J. M Boardman, of Deer Lodge, Mt., arrived
here on Tuesday evening's train remaining over
until this morning, when he took the Btage for
the interior.
Geo. Fell, the popular representative of Judd
& Root, wool dealers, of Hartford, arrived here
on Tuesday night's train, and will endeavor to
take up wool.
Mr. Rawleron, the Lone Rock merchant, spent
a few days in Heppner this week trading with
our merchants. Before returning to Lone Rock
he will make a trip to Tacoma, Wash.
G. R. EIUb, of lone, came to Heppner the first
of the week for medical assistance for Frank
Holland, the well known rancher of that vicin
ity, who was threatened with pneumonia.
Mr. S. B. Parrish, a bright young business
man of Canyon City, and a descendant of the
historical Parrish family of Oregon pioneers,
also a cousin of Mrs. Dr. Hunlock, has been
spending several days in Heppner.
W. J. Walsh, of lone, was In town this week
drivi ng trades with the sheep buytrs. Mr.
Walsh is a wide-awake, energetic stockman,
and is seldom caught napping, as he keeps
thoroughly up-to-date on matters generally.
Ex Ruark and Wiilge Whetstone arrived here
Wednesday from Silver, Washington, and at
the conclusion of a few weeks' visit, will return
expecting to be accompanied by Mrs. E. R.
Welch and Mrs. J. R. Simons, who go to visit
relatives for the summer.
W. B. McAUster, of Lexington, has been in
attendance on court this week. Ha informs us
that recent letters from his son In Manila bring
the Information that he has been sick In the
hospital and unable to go to the front with bis
comrades durst their fighting.
Oriti L. Patterson returned from Portland on
Tuesday night's delayed train, accompanied by
C. A. Coe, the former Gazette typo, who goes to
Long Creek to assume the foremanthip of the
Long Creek Eagle Mr. Coe's many friends here
would like to see him again a fixture in Hepp
Mr. Hughes, a brother of I. N. Hughes, and a
very prosperous merchant of Missouri, accom
panied by his son, paid his brother a visit this
week. They are both pleased with this country
and express the belief that our money-making
opportunities here are far ahead of those further
L. E. Grenfell was recommended by the M E,
quarterly conference for admission at the an
nual conference to be held in September, J. J.
Adkins will doubtless be the delegate from tills
convention. The session of the local quarterly
conference was held in the M. E. church of
our city last week.
W.E Kahler, Sumpter's prominent merchant,
came In on last night's train, remaining over
today on buisness expecting to go to Lone
Rock tomorrow, his former place of business.
Will and the Gazette editor were school boys
together, but we might suggest that his snow-
white mustache is no criterion by which you
might figure our age.
Last week Miss Bertha Fryer, introduced to
Heppner by Mrs. E. L. Estess, aa a professional
milliner from the metroplis, returned to Port
land having helped Mrs. Estess through the
spring season. Miss Fryer proved herself a
most agreeable lady, and won the lasting
friendship of all her new acquaintances, and
Heppner extend to her a cordial welcome,
should she return In future.
Salvatlun Army Notes.
God is blessing tbe army and christ
ian workers, by seeing souls saved.
They are going io (or viotory, and to be
a blessing to tbe people of tbe oity.
Work, work, work, while it is day.
Everybody is invited to take part io tbis
noble work. Ensign Hawks, of Port
land, is on bis trip and will visit tbis
oity Sunday and Monday, May 28 and 29.
Sunday, II a. m , be will lead meeting
in Sontb Metbodist cburob. At 8 p. m
in Salvation Army ball, and 8 p. id., in
Salvation Army hall. Monday eight
29. b, 8. p. m , Stereopticao views oo
canvass on social work. Every body
The annual convention of tbe Morrow
County gnoday School Association will
convene at Petty 'a grove on lbursday,
June 1. 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m. Tbe
Sunday Schools throughout the connty
are requested to be present with tbeir
reports. A good time H txpeoted and
the public ere invited.
J. J, ApK!HS,Prev,
Remember it
in Heppner!
Granite and Tinware
Now is the Time to Buy
OUR COMPLETE LINE was bought before "the trusts"
raised the price, and we are selling it now to you less than
present wholsale prices. Do not overlook this opportunity.
An Immense Run
On our fine line of Ladies' Underwear. These
goods are strictly first-class, and the ladies realize
it Come at once and get your selection.
Our Stylish Summer Suits
Suit every body. The best values and makes at prices
that will astonish you.
New Goods Hew Goods
Being; piled on our counters daily.
Close or the Public School for the summer
Friday evening at 8 o'clock the gradu
ating exercises of the class of '99 of tbe
High school will ba held at the opera
house. Tbe following interesting pro
gram has been arranged for tbe oooasion:
Piano 8olo -"Dance Bretonne," . . .0. Bachmann
Gertrude Bishop.
Invocation Rev. E. L. Shelly
Oration "Leadership " Salutatoriau
Anna Smith
Oration "Niirht Brings Out the Stan". . . .
Kstella A. Rhea
"Kentucky Babe" Ladles' Quintette of clam
Oration "Our Flag" Anna McBrlde
Oration 'Woman's Place" Lulu M. Hager
Vocal Solo "Asthoro," H. Trotere
Klsie I. A yen.
Oration "The Marble Waiteth' ..Lillian McNay
Oration "History ol the Class"
Emmallne E. Farnsworth
Oration "Regeneration of Cuba"
Louis Balslger
"Mistress Winslow'i Soothing Byrup"
Male Quartette
Messrs. M. L. Akers, W. C. Howard, P. M.
Howard, M B. Galloway.
Oration "Every Man Builds Himself"...
Bertha A. Adkins
"Proiliecy" Heppner Blackmail
Oration "Commercial Advancement,"
Valedictorian Charlotte Shipley
Address "The New Knighthood"
Prof. O. A. Hauerbach
Presentation of Diplomas
Judge A. G. Bartholomew
Words to the Class ....Principal W. C. Howard
Class Song
Benediction Bishop Wistar Morris
The presentation of twenty diploma
will be an event of importance and in
terest. Professor O. A Hauerbiob, of
Whitman College, Walla Walla, will de
liver an address, and bis exceptional
ability will be thoroughly appreciated
by tbe audience. At tbe oonolusion of
tbe entertainment a banquet will be
given by tbe eleventh grade to tbe tenth
in tbe Garrigues building opposite tbe
Falaoe hotel. Tbis is the event of tbe
year, looked forward to by not only tbe
pupils but tbe entire community, and
ill doubtless eolipae all former efforts.
Off For Halbear.
Tawdsy morning two span of males,
bitobed to a well-rigged "prairie sohooo-
r," (tailed out from Heppoer's plaza,
tbe advance guard of 100 well-bred
horses and 78 bead of oattle, wbiob
Frank Jones aod Jim Elder are taking
to Malheur county to stock a big ranob
they bave under oonlrol. Tbe many
friends of tbe young meo wish ibem
success in tbis new field. Will Fristo,
Harve Rasmus, Frank Wilkins and one
of tbe Peters boys go with Ibem as
assistants in getting tbe stock tbroagb.
Onr Late War With Bpala.
Two highly interesting and instruc
tive lectures will be delivered at tbe
Christian oburcb Io Ueppner oo Tues
day and Wednesday evening of next
week, May 80 and 81st, by Kev. J. W.
Jenkins, tbe former pastor of the church.
Tbese lectures are Illustrated with a
large number of stereoptioiao views of
battles, bolb on land and sea, aod will
prove very ioteresliug. Admission 26
i nd 15 oeols, aud a cordial invitation is
extended to all to attend.
Dress Making.
Mr. M. C.Kennedy bas opened dress
making parlors at the Mnuotaia bouse,
aud solicit patrona, guaranteeing
entire satisfaction. it
Frys Bqalrrel Poison
Is a rapid and reliable post destroyer.
R. A. Newton, Ashland, Oregon, says:
"Fry's squirrel poisoo has not only
proveo sedoctive aod deadly to squirrels
bat to tbe rabbits and pestiferoue skauk
as well, For sale )J Blocrjm rgg Co,
was The Fair that
! !
Has Gone to Chicago In Hopes of Finding
Relief There.
Sinoe the development of tbe malady,
a few months sinoe, which has unfortun
ately overtaken Sheriff Matlock, it bas
worked a disasteroos result with bis
former physios! strength. Its treatment
by the specialist who came from Indian
apolis a few weeks sinoe to diagnos tbe
ease, bas, apparently, proved of no bene
fit, and apon the arrival of bis brother,
ex-senator Wm. F. Matlook of Pendle
ton, last Fiiday, the oouolusion was to
at onoe start with him for the East and
apply to the skilled pbysloiansof Chicago
and New York. On Monday morning,
aooompanied by bis eon Leslie and
brothsr William, they started on tbeir
journey. Tbe weakened condition of
tbe sheriff oaosee much apprehension oo
the part of his friends bere, but all are
anxious that be will find relief.
Decoration Day.
At a meeting beld on the 20th Inst, tbe
Women's Belief Oorps and Bawlios Post,
O. A. R., decided to appropriately ob
serve Deooration day in Heppner. Oo
Sunday, the 28lh, at 2 o'olock in tbe
afternoon, Rev. Sbelley will bold me
morial aervioes in tbe Christian obnrob,
when a special muaioal and literary pro
gram will ba rendered- Tuesday, tbe
30th, decorations will be io order. Tbe
ladies of tbe Relief Corps report tbeir
organization in prosperous condition
and will do juatioe to tbis oooasion.
OrdinanoeNo. 70 will be strictly en
force i from 6 p. m. to 7 a. m. on tad
after Msy 27, 1899.
Gbo. Thornton, City Marshal.
KM) KKWAltf)!
Will be paid for information leading
to tbe arrest and conviction of any per
son stealing oattle branded "WH" con
nected oo the left side. Waddle oo the
nose. Pbbot Hcohhs.
Preparation for Examinations.
Special preparation for state and
oonnty examinations will be given at tbe
summer term of the State Normal Sohool
al Moomoatb, beginoiog Tuesday Jon
20 tb. Regular work by Normal faculty.
Grades orsdited toward graduation.
Expenses, from $35 to $40 tor too weeks.
Fall information aent oo appliostioo to
tbe secretary of tbe Faculty, Normal
Hcbool Monmouth.
Tbe imported running stallion Del-
burnnn will make tbe season of 1899 at
F. Sirauaart'e farm, 10 miles nortd of
Heppoer. Good pasture will be fur
oisbed free, but will not be responsible
for accidents, or mares getting away,
although particular eare will be taken
to prevent tbe same. Two Keotuoky
.lacks will also make tbe season there.
A few good milch oowa tut sale. tf
Dreadrally Nerveas.
Gents: I was dreadfolly oervons, and
for relief took yonr Carl'a Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my nerves aud strength
ened my whole nervous syaem. I was
tronb'edwiib oonstipation, kidney and
bowel trouble. Your Tea souo oleanaod
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health aod atrentb. Mrs. 8.
A- rJweet, Hartford, Conn, Sold by
Otmser ft Werreoi t
made values better and prices lower
Chas. Tefft's
Bon Ton
z-&An Interior Vlew--
Best Service in Heppner.
Mrs- E. C. Bowerman. Proprietress.
Now Management . .
USTew Prices ....
New Business
Everything neat, clean and pleasant to the public
Home Cooking
The best meal in town only 25 centa.
FARMERS When our beda are filled we do
JL,:,.v.JV;....,.vj; your rustling for other beds.
We want your patronage and are getting it
Give Him
a Trial.
At Heppner, Or.,
"J Guarantees
AH His Work.
near the Post Office,