The Gazette. Thursday, May 25, 1899. BOYS ACQUITTED. The interest of the community was centered in the case of the State vs. Jud Hart, Johnie Mor gan and Joe Cresswell, the sixteen-year-old boys, tried at this km of circuit court, who were indicted by the grand jury for horsesteal ing. Arrainged in court, the trial began and available witnesses ex amined, proving clearly that the boys were amenable to the law. Then the judge called each youth to the stand, questioning him as to the motives prompting his reck lessness. Concluding the examin ation of the bovs several promi nent business men, besides the parents of the boys, were ques tioned as to the general character of these boys, and fortunate for them was the testimony of these men, as to their general good be havior. Weighiug the evidence carefully, the considerate judge called the young men to their feet, and proceeded to administer advice to them in a quiet yet impressive manner that uot only held their serious attention, but at its con clusion not a man in the court room failed to feel the purport of his remarks, when he announced his intention to give the boys an other chance without subjecting them to the everlasting brand of a criminal, he won the heart-felt approbation of the couit room, and the boys dismissed left the court room, doubtless with a feel ing that Judge Lowell is responsi ble for their future career as straightforward, upright citizens. Ex-Congressman Ellis returns to the practice of law with the same ability credited to him pre vious to bis election to office, judg ing from the successful defense of every case entrusted to himself and Attorney Phelps before the circuit court the past week. The poBt office department wishes old glory to fly from the top of every post office in Porto llico, and having no fund from which the flags could be bought, asked the war department if it could not supply them. Aotiog Secretary Meiklejohn was com pelled, much to his regret, to an swer that it could not legally do bo. But, Ferry Heath, AbsL P. M. G., who is pushing along the movement of the flags, says the Porto Rican post offioes shall have them if he has to solicit private subscription of the money to buy them. Flags for the school houses in Porto Rico were contributed by the New York G. A. II. Hon. M. 8. Tayloii, of Ohio, who has been closely allied with President MoKinley in political matters in that state, and who is United States Counsul at Glasgow, Scotland, is in this oountry on a short vacation, and will attend the Ohio republican convention, al though he says be will not take an active part therein. In a verbal report to the department of state, Mr. Taylor said: "The war with Spaiu was of great benefit to the Unitud Stated, considering the ad vertising given us in tho world. Among the ordinary classes in Europe there were not many who had any appreciation of our size, power or commercial importance. The truth is, they had not given us much thought. But now every person abroad is talking about the victorious nation and giving it some study and examination. In my judgement, it will not be a great while before this will have a wholosom effect upon our trade, and give us markets where our goods have not heretofore been aduiittod." Tde Gazette of last week and this ventures into every Morrow county home. We hope to enlist your intoret in our city. HUta Fair Premium l.lnt. NeoitUry Oulirluldon writes that Ibe irouiinin lint fur the Oregon stale fair tins full will be oat la e few days, lie wishes every etookaieu la Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to write for one, wbiob will be eent oat free opoo application. Tba epeed program is now under con sideration by tbe speed committee and will be published soon. Tbe traok Is being put in good oonditiou and will be kept so for traiuiug purposes this su ai mer. Hull rent has been rsduoed to SI per month, and everything will be kept in good oonditioD from now until tba fair. Dyspvpeia curod. bbilou'e ViUluor immediately relief as sour stomaob, coin ing op of food distress, and is tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Con fer Wnrreu, T CAME THBOUGH ALL RIGHT. Editor Patterson, of Long Creek, Speaks of Livestock Interests. East Oregonlan. Orin L. Patterson, tbe editor and pro prietor of tbe Bine Moon tain Eagle, of Long Creek, talked thus today on tba subjeot of tbe oondltion of tbe livestock interests of Grant oouDty: "At tbe present time livestock in onr oouoty is in good condition and every thing looks favorable for tbe men who are engaged in tbat industry. Htook looks well, and tbe range appears to be in floe oondition, as fine as at any time previously to my knowledge. "Daring tbe past winter, however, things looked rather dubious for a time, and once it seemed likely that tbe live stock interests would suffer irreparable loss. It was snob a winter as perhaps was never before seen there. Absolute ly all tbe feed was consumed by tbe live etook and the owners resorted te ex treme measures to keep their bands alive until the spriog should bring tbe fresh grasses for tbe almost famished cattle and sheep. First; all the old bay wee fed out, and then the new bay went, until there was not a ton of hay tbat could be bought in all tbe couatry. Tbe hay was not there, and one might safely offer any price with the assnranoe that no one would take np the offer. When tbe bay was exhausted, people fed anything tbat could be fonnd, and it was surprising bow long tbe stook could be kept alive after every ton of food, apparently, bad been consumed. Imagine the stockmen using flour and other millstuffa tbat oommonly are need only for feeding human beings, and then, when tbia waa all gone, even emptying their bed ticks, and feeding straw that, in some instances, had been used in tbat manner for months of even years. One would think stock would refuse to eat snob old straw, and of course, ordinarily they would. Bnt, with nothing else, tbey ate it, and it kept them alive until the snows went away and grass oame on the bills of Grant county, when all tbe troubles of tbe Grant county livestock breeders were over, and things assumed a brighter aspect. "As a matter of faot, tbe limit bad been reached. Stockmen could not have gotten along very many more weeks, or even very many more days, for the soon try was stripped bare and an even weight in gold oould not have procured bay or grain, sinoe it was all oonsnmed, and we were an hundred miles from any rail road, and tbe intervening mountain ranges made it impossible to haul food in or drive oat the stook. Oommonly. our section of oountry is the most pros perous in tba North Pacific region, and we are not now oomplaining, for we oama through the winter all right, and are now over all our troubles. Our losses of sheep, in my opinion, did not exoeed 10 per oent, whioh is but a few per cent more than normal losses sustained every winter, and in cattle tbe loss oertainly did not run higher than 7 per oent. It was but a trifle above tbe loss of other winters. "The experience merely demonstrated that the stockmen have beoome fore banded and nowadays prepare against snob contingencies as extra long winters and abnormally cold weather." Mr. Patterson tells about one precinot In Grant oounty in whioh there are only 20 votes cast at any election, and yet in tbat preoinot there are owned over 2,600, probably 3,000 bead of oattle. besides the sheep and horses, tbe oattle alone repre senting on present valuations an average of 83,000 to tbe vote, while Ibe sheep and horses will bring this np to consid erably more. That tbe livestook interests of suoh a region were in jeopardy meant something, and tbat tbey came through tbe unpreoedentedly long and aevere winter with barely more than normal loss is most fortunate. Poatmie to be Iiednotd to One Cent. Tbe enormous inoreass in tbe number of letters carried in the TJ. 8. mails makes it oertaln that tbe rate of postsge must eventually be reduced to oos cent an ouooe. Tbe president who succeeds in getting such a measure through con greas will bold a high plaoe io the eeteem of the people, but no higher than tbe esteem in wbiob everybody holds Hos teller's Stomaob Bitters, This medicine holds an unequalled reoord io reducing the sickness of mankind. It gets at tbe starting point of disease by aoting npon tbe stomaob direct, helping tbat import ant organ in ita duty of digesting food It makes good appetites, allays nervous ness, stimulates tbe kidneys, and makes run down man or woman feel like a new person. Try it. (June to the Races. Jack Parker, the veteran race-horse rider, left Tuesday morning for Lake view to be in attendance at tba spring raoes hsld there, between Jane 28 tb and July 6tb. Purses have been liberally subscribed and many better olaaa horses will be on hsnd. He goes with "Paul Jones," as a 3 year-old, tbe fastest colt this northern oirouit ever turned loose. From Lakeview Jaok will go to South ern Oregon, following the cirouita, get ting through to Portland to attend tbe fall meetings. We trust that Jack will make a good showing, and prove good advertisement for Morrow oouoty. Whooping Coagn. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping oongh. My neighbors recommended Ubaruberlain a Oongh Reaedy. 1 did not think that any medicine wonld belp bira, but after giving him a few doaee of that remedy I notioed au improvement, and one bottle oured him entirely. It is the beat oongh medicine I ever had in the bouse. J. L. Moore, South Hurgetlstowo, Pa. For sale by Ootiser A- Warren. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was His result ot hit splendid betllb. Indomitable will and tremeodoas energy are not found wbera stomach, liver, kid neys siid bowels are ont of order. It you whiiI Iboso Unlitios so J tbe suotiee tbey bnutf, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tbey develop every power ol brain aud body. Ouly 35 cents at 8Io oum Drug (Vs. On Saturday Next And for two weeks following There will be found on our Bargain CoU liter Bargains in Shoes and Oxfords For Men, Women and Children That will positively startle one. We are going to . Several linea consisting of from Two They are broken sizes. They are lines we want to close out completely.... They are Good Shoe-Values Throughout If you can get your size, you - just suit you iiiiTTxr--Trfc The Cut is Deep! Shoes ranging in price from originally, are cut down They are to be sold at the following prices; 50c, 75c, $ 1 .00, $ 1 .25, $ 1 .50, $ 1 .75, $2.00 Coiae and Get Your Minor & O E. FARIMSWORTH. President. THE MORROW COUNTY LAND AND Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain. The WOOL GROWERS' WAREHOUSE Owned and Operated yy tlie Wool Growers of Morrow County. Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts. Agents for BLACK LEAF TOBACCO DIP and LITTLE'S FLUID DIP The only Reliable Prepared Dips on the market. cmccrr court. Id addition to court proceeding! pnb liebed in lest issue, tbe following caies were dtipoeed of: K.W. Rbea&Co. vs. J. Q. Neilon, wee oontinued over for rehearing. In tbe oeae of T. C. Aubrey, indicted for steeling wheal, tbe jury returned verdict ot not guilty. Dave Dean, jointly indicted with T. O. Aubrey, was, on motion of prosecut ing attorney, dismissed. A divoroe was granted Ioaminda Slaveni against O. W. Slavene. Court was adjourned until tbe close ot Umatilla county oourt's session, wben Judge Lowell will reconvene bere for tbe aettlement of unfinished business. LOOK AT TUH. Those wbo are indebted to The Fat- tenon Publishing Oo. will take notice tbat the old firm has dissolved and gone out ot business. However, there is yet owing the old firm a large amount of money, long past due. Those indebted mnst settle np witbout aeiay. The old books ot tbe ooas pany may be found at the Qaiette offio. where money will be received and receipts given. UTI8 l'ATTIBSON. CASTOR I A For IafaJtti and Children. llii Kind Yoa Hay. Always Ecughl Bear the Bigaaturtof i'tei? to Three Hnndred will find some lines that will 50c $1.25 to $3.50 as low as . . Size before - they p. Co. Heppner, Oregon. Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store Feed and Seed Grain always on hand. Wool Sacks at cost to patrons. Ed. R. Bishop Co. ' Successors to P. C. Thompson Co. Make it easy for your wife by getting her a new Boss Washing Guns, Pistols and Cartridges Hardware and Groceries. Ed. R. Bishop Co. The Spa! Confectionary Fancy Groceries Fruits The Best of Everything rttf Dress Skirts, Ladies1 Wraps, Calicos UNDERWEAR Percales, Ducks, Crashes and Linens Slairt Tailor-Made Suits SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS The famous "Ideal" brand the nobbiest line made. Hats Shoes Nobby Derbys and Felts Crash and Light Wool. GROCERIES The Choicest and most Complete Line in the City.... We Buy Before You Buy As cheap as goods can be Call and examine our goods sold. None buy cheaper. and inquire our prices. R. F. HYND, Secretary and Manager. TRUST Machine Telephone 13 4 rings. Smead & Co. j Ice Cream y Parlors. Oregonlan and Telegram agency. SPRING Comprising Fine Lines Summer Dress Goods Laces of all kind see VSTolsts, Sillc Capes: To GENTS' DEPARTMENT The guaranteed Kelley-Goodfellow Brands. Having purchased a lot of discontinued Crescent St. Waltham 17 Jewel Adjusted Movements direct from the factory, I will sell them, put up in Nickle Open Face Dust Proof Cases for $20. Put up in Silver or Gold Filled Dust Proof Cases for $23.50 to $27.50. Anyone wanting a high grade Watch should not miss the opportunity to get one. Also a nice assortment of Ladies' Gold Watches... Dr. Barthlow's p.. WHITE PINE ESSE COUGH SYRUP Throat, Bronehitis. Dr. Barthlow's CELERY KOLA New Tonlo and Blood Purifier. - Conser & Warren, Heppner, On, Who carry a complete line of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Glass Just Arrived A Carload of WINDOWS OLJtlLCl S. P. GARRIGUES. GOODS Are qow in of arrive from the East in a few days P. 0. Borg, JEWELER. DOORS i