THE FAIR Preserve this Price List as this will be the only one we will issue this spring THE FAIR The Place to Save Money. Lot 3 Fashionable osssimere, plain effect 2 48 Lot 4 Fanoy wool, rlaid ffect, beautiful pattern, Bailor collar, nicely trimmed 2.74 Lot 5 Black unfinished worsted, ninelv made and trimmed. Very dressy 3 48 BOY'S SUITS. Two-Fieoe suits, Coat and Pants. Lot 1 Boy's worsted, small oheck Lot 2 Grey check, with plaid effect neat pattern and well made.... Lot 3 Dark oheck, will stand hard wear and will not show dust.... Lot 5, 0 and 7 have not arrived as we go to press, so we cannot list them. Lot8 Is a faucy wool obeok, an up-to-date pattern, will make a nioe Sunday suit 1 25 199 2 48 3.74 BOY'S LONG PANTS BCiTS. Lot 1 Blaok viceable for cheviot, very ser every duy near. Ages 11 to 19 2 98 Lot 2 Tbis line embraoes a blue oheviot, a grey check and a lighl brown check, worth $H, our price 4.98 Lot 3 Is a brown plaid, all wool, and well made. Good Sunday enit 5.98 Lot 4 la a chocolate, brnwn check casslmere, all wool. Very neat pattern. Would be cheap at fit). You may have them at 7.49 Laok of space prevents us from giving a description of all our boys' clothing, but we can assure you that it is the best eleoted stook in Morrow oouuty. Men's Pants. We have the largest aiid ewellest line of pants ever shown in Morrow oounty. Prices per pair, 9o, $1.48. fl.W'J, 2.48, $3 00, 3.48, $1.50, $5 and C. Men's Furnishing Goods MEN'S MUITE SHIRTS Reinforced white shirts 50o Best brand white shirts Of o Elgiu, best shirt made. 1.00 8 Men's flue dress shirts, like cut, all styles and colore 74o mm mm1 W 1 I llii lil 9 Men's faocy starched shirts, stripes, plaid and cbeok. Down to date 100 in Men's unff Bilk front, very swell 1.00. 1 20 and l-ou 11 Men'a all silk, white loft shirt, worth 5 00. Oar prioe H.M MEN'S COLLARS AND CUFFS. MVs all styles linen oollBrs lOo Men's celluloid collars, 5 aLd 10o Meu's celluloid cuffs, 14a MEN'S WORKING 8BIKTS. 836 Dark and light colors, assorted A large line, all styles, dark and light . 10 Our epeoial 50-oeol assortment comprises a large variety of strip ed and oheoned heavy cheviot, ranchmen's shirting, madras, moleskin and other matena's. Well made, every shirt warranted Made to sell at 75 oeots. We make a lender of them at We have sateen shirts at the fol lowing prices, all double stunned with yoke in lbs back, 50, 64, 74, and GOLF SBIRTS. 100 114 Is a oolored Golf shirt, soft front, starched collar ana wriel bands, 58, 71 and 89o BOYS' SHIRTS. 8fU Is a dark serviceable shirt... 21c 402 Is a heavy stripe on buok- ground "J0 115 Is a heavy ynke back, the cau t wear ont Mod MEN'S JUMPERS. 470 Open front, check jumper 24 and 49o We have the largest and newest line of neokwear in the city, prioee 10, 24, 39, 50, 64 snd 7lo MEN'S SUS PENDERS. Suspenders at half what the other fellow oharges yon. Prioes 5, 10, 14, 19, 24, 34, 44 and 50o MEN'S SOCKS. We have a very large and complete line, prioes 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25c ASK TO SEE OUlt MEN'S It LB BED ' TOP SOCK 4o MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 4000 Is a biilbrig- gun euiri, una guage, drawers BP to matob, good wearers, each . . ICE 4 Plain bal briggau shirt, silk twin needle stitch, silk band down the front, doable cuffs, a beauty and a bargain. Most WW 1 ornrno mix 1 f tllM garment for 75o. drawers to matoh, each o 42li Is a derby ribbed shirt, good weight, nicely made, oollerette neok, silk band dowu the front. Drawers to matoh, eBoh 48o R O 2 Is a ribbed shirt, tleeoed lined would be dirt chiap at 7&o. we are Belling theru for. eaob 49c 318 Men's tine eilk finished garment, worth 1.25. Our prioe wo OVERALLS. Meu's extra heavy and rivited 39o Men's extra heavy and rivited, with bib 60o Boy's all sizes, with bib Mc Youth's all sizes, with bib 2Jo MEN'S HATS AND CAPS We have the best assortment of bats of all kiuils in Plautera, Crushers aod Fedoras, at the following prioee, 49, 71, 1.00, 2.48 2 00, 2 IS, and 2.9S STIFF HATS. Men's Col pepper, styles all shades aud 2 98 CRASH AND STRAW HATS, l' sure aud eee our line tit caps, ornl aud straw bats. We hve a beautiful line. Priwe from 20c to l IS. MEN'S (1LOVKS. wmmm EOo n it. -,H . . ' t ids 24o We have a tine linn of California buck gloves iu all styles at the lowest prioes. Sewing Machines Do not send your money away to irre sponsible parties, who advertise extra ordinary bargains usually, in suoh oases, you are swindled. It you want a Ma chine, buy from our agent and save mid dle men's profits. He will look ont for the Machine, aod if you should need repairs o parts at any time, you will have no trouble in getting them. "THE FAIR" Sewing Machine. 3 drawers finely finished in antique oak, first olass in every particu lar 23.74 5 drawers earns as above 2498 Horse Furnishing Goods. CURRI COMBS. Steel 5 bars 8o Solid steel, 8 bars 14o Solid brass, 8 bars 19o Solid brass, The Reform Wo HALTERS. Web halter, with rope lie 23o Web bridle, well made and strong. . 49o HORSE BRUSHES. Dandy rioe root, 13, 19, and 24o Leather baok, good quality 24o " " better oualily 49o " " all bristle 74o HARNESS SNAPS. German pattern, 1 inch eye, eaoh.- 2o 3o 5o Patent spring, 1 inoh eye, eaoh. . . Patent spring, inch eye, eaoh. . Swivel niokle plate, 1 inoh eye.... 4o COPPER RIVITS All copper, per pound 35o Glassware and Lamps. We oarrv a very large assortment of all descriptions of glassware and lamps, but owing to the changes is styles Bod prices, we are unable to list them. One look through our slook will convinoe you that this is the place to buy Glass ware and Lamps. CROCKERY. Tea cups aud sanoers, bandied, per set of 6 480 Coffee oups and saucers, handled, per set of 6 68o We have a large line of decorated, sf mi-porcelain and common white ware. Get our prioes. Tinware Department. STAMPED DAIRY PANS. 1 pint 1 quart 2 quart 4 quart 6 quart 3c 4o 4o 5c 6o 7o STAMPED DEEP PUDDING PANS Extra deep and heavy. 8 quart.... . TIN f IE PLATES. 9inob 40 10 inch o 11 inoh 40 Hi Diddle Diddle child s plate.... 4c Colanders 14 and 19o STAMPED WASH BASINS. 9'! inches. 40 7c lli inches. POT COVERS. Ringed aod hem med all lizei. S, 9.. 9, 9i, 10, 10,l. 11. Ui noh each ?! H qnatT 17 quart. 3 pints 2 qnart 3 quart 8 quart OSS 29c PATENT MUFFIN PANS 8 nana in a sheet l'i nana in a sheet SHEET IRON BREAD PANS. SstlO 9x14 10x15 12x17 6x10, deep. V ir Tho Place to Save Money. LIPPED SAUCE PANS BETINNED 2qt ... 7c 4 qt 12c 214 qt 80 5 qt 14c 3ql lOo 6qt 16c PRESERVE OR STARCH KETTLES RETINNED. 140 16c 18a GRAVY AND SOUP STRAINERS. Gravy sinners, full size, nioely made, with handle 4o Gravv strainers, enameled handle. . retioned bowl Go PATENT ROASTING PANS. With loose gravy bottom, hinged cover and ventilated for fowls, meats, bread, eto. 10x15 inches 73c 113x16 ioobes 88o 12x18 inobei 99o STAMPED TIN DIPPERS. 1 pint 4o 1 pint 6o 1 quart retioned..!. 7o Soap ladles, enameled bandies. . . 5o Skimmer lad let fo Cud shape deep dipptr or ladle 5o DRINKING CUPS AND MUGS. Stamped pint cups, 2 for 5o Embossed mag, neat bammered design, fqnare handle; a beauty and a bargain 40 BISCUIT PANS. Sauare. 714x1114 inches. 5c 6 inobei deep, 6x10 inobes 5o 2 qt iud dippers 8e MILK SKIMMERS. Fist peiforated tin without handle. 3o DUST PANS. No. 40 full sheet, japanned 7e No. C3 whole sheet, French itpo'd 9c Half covered, assorted colon. . . 14c MILK STRAINERS. Good strainers lOo Sanitary milk strainers, retinned, best made 20o FLARING PAILS. qt qt qt XX dairy pail qt strainer pails 12o 2lo 24o 29o 1 qt graduated measure 5o Kitoben scoop. 4c TEA AND COFFEE POTS. 1 qt tea pot 8c 2 qt tea pot 10o 3 qt tea pot 14o 1 qt coffee pot 8c 2 at coffee not lOo ; 3 qt coffee pot 12c 4 Qt coffee pot 14c PLANISHED COF FEE POTS, COPPER BOTTOM. COPPER BOTTOM TEA KETTLES. No 8 No, 8 Chicauo lea kettle, all cop- 4o ner. nickle plated, flat bottomed, namaloii handle, curved BOOQt. highly polished !3o Flour seive, tin rira Bread boxes, 54 64, 74 and Footbaths, nioely paiuted Covered slop paila. paiuted NUTMEG AND VEGETABLE GRAT 8o ERS. 18o Rox nntmeg grater Vegetable B'tr; length 11 inches STEAMERS. TOO WASH BOILERS. -4 12, lie ISO 80 No. 8 copper bottom . No. 9 copper bottom No. 180. 9o No. 240.. No. 200 12o No. 290.. No. 220 13o No. 280.. 1 "SESr s aim 1L tv:J suiP 2 ql 290 4 qt 34o W Oor Guaraotee: QUEEN ANNE" BRASS LAMP BURNERS. ... ... i i . j I rositiveiy mo u. uuiuhi no. i or a oo no. " TIN MOUSE TRAPS Tin mouse traps.. Bo SOLID STEEL KITCHEN SPOONS. f rnn rationed. 14 inohes DO 10 inches, bright as a new dollar, would not break if jumped oo. . . 50 7o Everlasting, 14 inobei long TEA AND TABLE 8P00N8. Tin tea spoons, per set of 6.. ., 3o Tin Uhle snooDB. per set of 6 So Niokle tea spoons, Iooe nxe suver, nersetofsiX - 16o Nickle table spoons, same at above, - per set of 6 i 40 FLOUR SIFTERS. Hunter's flour sifters, the best made 14c Graniteware. All of the following ii the best three-1 coated ware, enameled on steel, and warranted in every way. No. 8 tea kettle 84c; Rice boilers 69o TEA POTS. Olllqt.... 33o 012 2 q 39o 013 3 qt 44o 014 4 qt 50o COFFBl POTS, 9 qt m 2 138 qt... 144 qt... 155 Qt... 34e 39o 44e 60o 55o 16J6qt boiler 69o 17 8 qt boiler 74o WASH BASIN. 26 10 in. 15o. 30 11 in 20o 60 Wall soap dish Mo LIPPED STEW KETTELS. 159 VA qt 13o 1fl 3 at 15c ISO 1i at 10 200 8 qt 20o 220 4 qt 25o 29o 240 5 qt 260 6 qt 280 8 at 33o 39o 300 10 qt LIPPED HANDLED SAUCE PANS 12 V-A qt... 16 2 qt 18 2 qt... 20 3 qt 22 4 qt 24 5 qt..... 13o 15o 17o 20o 25o 29o DISH PANS. 10 at 44o 14 at. ....... 54o 17 at 64o 21 qt 74c CUPS. 1 Dint 7c MILK PANS. 1 at lOo 2 qt. 13o 3 qt 15o 4 ql 6 at 20o 8 ql 17o 25c I PIE PLATES. 9 in 9o 10 in 12o 90 Jelly oake pane 13o 100 " " " 15c WATER PAILS. 210 10 qt. . . . 480 116 12 qt. . . . 014 14 qt MO STREIGHT POTS. 10 qt. DEEP PUDDING PAN8. qt. qt. lOo 14o 3 qt.... 4qt.... 49c Wire Goods. 98o EGO BEATERS. Wire, spoon ehaped 14o 84o 34o 34c Genuine Dover egg beater 2o 4o 100 ft. galvanized wire olotbee line 74o U8o Family broiler, doable bar 6x8 - " ' 8x13 ... Aioncy back if Goods are not Satisfactory. --i nT r,.nT.R OR STRAINER " WUUx""" Rnnnl tea strainers . .. -- 1. mHo "v. - ----- ... -nammimA lllltlUI w w ww mwmrn handle 9o Larger 1& Heavy. 8c 5o 8o Wire, small size ...... " with wood Handle, sura ue PL ATE HANDLES. Twisted wire, bright and strong. . . 5o Miscellaneous Hardware. SHELF BRACKETS. 7o 13e Size 4x5 per pair. Size 6x8 per pair. Brass pad locks, two keys.. Steel pad locks, two keys.. lOo 15c Iron handled oork icrewi 3c Wood handled oork screws WASH BOARDS. Single zino Heavy solid dbl zino. . 23o 34e Short handle, blaok enameled Long handle, blaok enameled. 5c lo Solid steel "Aome" frying pani, nM h.nrf . hlahlV nOllRnea 10- elde, SH inohes 13o Solid steel "Aome' irymg pun, niA haniia. hiahiv noiisned in side, 10U inobes W 12 iBcbee, seme as above k'mnira atenl sniders 380 i . 1 i 19. Mop stick, Deal maae ' SCREW DRIVERS. p.namnled handle, large size regn- lor ISn. nnr nrine DC Better quality 9 CAKE TURNERS. Tinned, with wood handle 4o finmhinatinn. far Bake, meat Of vegetables ' HAMMERS. Taok 5c 9o 19o Handy house Steel finish, large size. Beit steel, large size. .. 37c HATCHETS. 38o Large size, best steel 48o CHIMNEYS. No. land 2 5o 64c 64o Four-hook hat racki 17c 20o COBBLER BETS. Complete set in wooden box as follows: Iron eland for lasts, 1 each men'i boy'i sod woman's lasts, shoe hammer, shoe knife, peg awl and handle, wrenob, tew ing and stabbing awl and handle, paek- s?e neei and oiinon nails and direetioni. Worth its weight in gold, per set, 89c. HASPS AND STAPLES. 8c 6 inob, each 4o 8 inch, eaoh. lOo MONKEY WRENCHES. Farmers wrooght steel, hardwood handle, 6 inobes 19c: 8 inobes. 24a iu inonee , , 24o MINCING KNIVES. Blaoa euniueled handle, halt moon blade , Be 100 Polished double blade, enameled handle National Bank Building, HepDner, Ore. Worth its weight in foli, eomprjs. mgliron.l cz older, lbot .( resin end sslammonuo. Do your own mending 18 CLOTHES LINES. 60 feet ootton.........; Hovts spring clothes pins, per do. - I, i Common 14a 4e 1 Mrs. Pott's oold handled, nickle plated lad irons, in sets of three irons, handle and stand, regular price 82.50, our prioe 1.18 Mrs. Pott's sad iron handles io c 3 Wood towel rollers lo0 Large rolling pins, enameled hands 13c SPRIFG BALANCES. Will weigh anything under 24 lbs. . 8o 50 pounds or under 15c CLOTHES WRINGERS. Is en iron frame, rollers 10x1 vulcanized on shafts, is a dandy, $1.49 and 2.49 Wood frame, tone better 2.49 Fully warranted. Brushes. All kinds and styles at lowest prices. Wood chopping treys like out 29 and 32o Round chopping bowls 10, 14, 18, 24, 34o Reliable mechanics best steel saw, foil size 680 Kitchen meat bbw 25e Alarm olooki, warranted to keep oorreot time, worth Vl.o. unr prioe 84e Hand mirror. 4Wx6M plash baok. 24o 3x5H oeltoloid beck . 24e Boy 'a knives. 4, 5 and Men's stag and ooooa ooia ubuuic. 19, 24 and Men's oaltle knives, extra quality steel Ladiei' 6 in. fine steel, gilt handle. J U U So c ljjllp, KNIVES AND FORKS. Iron handles, per let of 6 knives a m 1-- on two uu D luras buu - - . . Wood handlei. per set, 64, w, (. 84,94 and 5c Utility serrated knives per set, 1 paring knife, 1 oake and 1 bread knife BUTCHER KNIVES. 34a Best grade at lowest price, 9, 14. W. 24 and.. WRITING PAPER. Best Laurel mills oommeroial note. extra heavy white wove paper, sheets ; ' ' " Large assortment of paper and en velopee in fancy boxes, bojee oontain 24 envelopes and .Ko. l nnr. 5. 9. 14. 19 7c 9c t i 9 34e V 490 ( 24o 84o 1.24 39o 190 24o