Supplement to the Heppner Gazette m Preserve this Price List as this will be the only one we will issue this spring If you should lose it send to us for another The Place to Save Money. WE wish to thank those who have given ua their patronage, and invite those who have not to call and examine our stock. Those acquainted with values unhesitatingly pronounce our entire line the best values ever offered for the money in the city of Heppner, and to our certain and positive knowledge they are the best values in the State of Oregon, or the Paoifio Northwest. We are one of a combination of forty live bueines3 houses, known as the " Cash Buyers Union of Oregon and Washington," (though there are a number of stores in Idaho and Montana) who buy and sell strictly for cash- Buying as wq do in such enormous quantities, we are able to get figures unknown to merchants who "go it alone," and we can truthfully say that not one of the fcrty stores mentioned are selling at figures aB close as ours. We carry almost everything, and will order for you such goods as-we do not have in stock. There are no blind figures on our goods. We do not make one price to one person and a different price to another. A child can buy as chape as its parents, and the same per cent, of profit is charged on everything in the store from the smallest article to the greatest. We do not cut prices. We make prices. Prices that others make cuts absolutely no figure with us. . Our prices are our own. We do not imitate; we lead, expecting others to follow. We aim to do a square, honorable business, and will at all time's gladly right Buy wrong. We make no pretense of selling goods at cost, nor employ any other deceptive methods in our business. We Beek no trade that is not ours by virtue of fair dealing and honest values. ml Dro Goods. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. Bed damask table linen, 50 inobea wide, per yard Bed damask table linen, 60 incbea wide, per yard Better grade, 60 in. wide, per yard. tsleaobed damask table linen. 54 in. 19o 29c 39c wide, per yard 28o Unbleaobed damask table linen, 56 id wide, per yard 89o Bleached damask table linen, 66 in. wide, per yard.... 49c and . 64o NAPKINS. A very large line at about 25 per Dent less than you have been pay ing for tb" same urrle of noods, rtnZ. 98c, 1 25. 1.48, 174 19S,2 24 nnd 2 48 LCE CURTAINS. Wi w 11 batea beantifol line at the f Howi'itf piioes. twr pair, 59o. 64.' 98 . 1 24, 1 48, 1 98. 2 14. 2 48 n t 298 J.'i'V iiiiiiiiDiiiiiimn C1USHES AND TOWELING. MgnHiiiiiHHiiiiiij MWIHMiMliigittlld TOWELS. 1 Blue and white, and red and white check, linen, eaob 4o 2 medium size, bleached, eaoh 5c 3 Cotton Marsailles Pat. fringed, size 19x40, each..., .'. lOo 4 Large size atbletio towel, extra heavy, fringed, eaob 13o 5 Good size every day towel, linen, mixed, eaob 13o 6 All hoen damask, fancy pattern, knotted fringe, with blue and red, larger size, 18x36, a bargain, eaob 7 Large size, all linen damask, fringed, eaoh TURKISH TOWELS. 3 Good grade, pink border, fringed 20c 23o size 15x25, eaoh 6o 9 Heavy grade, fringed ends, size 19x40 10o 10 Beat on earth at the prioe fringed, size 21x51 12o 11 Extra heavy, fine quality, size 22x44, fringed, eaob 15c 12 Heavy bleaohed, very fine, regu 1 ar 25o towel, size 21x43, each ... . 12 Heavy and fine, large size, eaob 13 Extra heavy, best grade, size 27x58, would be oheap at 50c, eaoh 18o 24a 34o CRASH TOWELING, 14 Good auality.honey comb weave per yard 4o 19 Blue and white glees, roll is in. wide, per yaid 5c 16 Good all linen, extra wide 7o 17 Stevens' all linen crash, per yd. oKc 18 better grade, per yard.. 9c 19 " best all linen. 21 inches widp, per yard 15o We also have a very large line or fauov crashes, nrioea per yard. 7o. 9o. 12!o and Ho WRAPPERS. Oar line is made np in the latest style and of the most durable material ob tainable for the money. 675 Is a dark print wrapper, nioely made and trimmed, worth (1, ach 765 In light oolors, trimmed in braid, eaoh 805 la a dark ground, fanay figured, with a deep flounoe, extra wide kirt 64c 84o 1.00 745 I a black and white fienred. with blaok yoke collar, ouffs and bait, trimmed with braid 770 Is a very seat percale, red ground, with white figures, blaok yoke and collar, trimmed with braid, deep flounce 755 Is a black and white percale, trimmed with black sateen, yoke and collar, trimmed with white braid, d?ep flounce 875 It a blaok sateen, nicely made and trimmed, worth 82, eaob.... 804 la a very fine quality peroale, figured, trimmed with narrow white embroidery, very stylish... 98o 1.24 1.34 1.50 1.74 865 Is a very fine quality piotre- tines, apron front, trimmed with white embroidery and braid, like above cut CHILDREN'S DRESSE8. 2 48 A bean tif nl line of ready to wear dreasea , sizes 2 to 5 years. m a finn nemnlp.hsht oolors. nioely made, wash fabno v 41 A very pretty dress, or good ornriA nercala. white yoke, trim med with Valenciennes laoe 74o 43 Finn naranle. fast colors, trimmed lo Valenciennes laoe oo . ' . ' no LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Tbe following are the celebrated Stan ley shirt waists, and are really tbe only strictly up-to-date waists ever shown in Heppner. 675 Ia a late style, detachable oollar very neat pattern, good material. 50o 151 Is made ot good quality giDg ham in fanny nlaids and stripes. detachable oollars 64o We have a very large assortment of No. 151. 176 Is made of Toile da Nord in checks and strioes. high detach able oollar 74c 451 Is made ot fine peroale, fancy hlsak and white striDe. high de tachable oollar 89o 167 Is a floe imported French ging ham, ailk itrioe. Dleated front and yoke, high detachable oollar. 1.49 : These are only a few of the many styles and prioes we have.. Call and sea our magnincent biook. LADIES' SKIRTS. 26 Nicelv made black skirt, part wool, taffeta lined 124 27 Brnonded novelty brilliBBtins. 82 50 skirt 1.98 28 A very fine black ' brooaded, rough goods 2.74 29 Black, all wool serge, late style, , flared bottom, military braided, well lined, great value at b.UU, our prioe 30 A royal blue all wool serge, flared bottom, double stitched, well lined, up-to-date 4.48 3.98 31 Is tbe warmest in tbe bunch, navy bl ie, all wool serge, flared bottom, teflfata lined, corduroy bound, oheap at $6.00, for 4 48 LADIES' UNDERWEAR. We claim to be able to give yon the best value in underwear that is to be found in Eastern Oregon. Buying as we do in connec tion with 40 other stores, di rect from the mills wa save you the middleman's profit. Tou will find by comparison that our prioes are from 10 to 20 per cent lower than those of any other bouse. 2013 Ribbed sleeveless, good weBrer 2011 French ribbed eleevelesa vesta white and ecru 2014 Egyptian cotton sleeves rib bed vests In pink and blue stripe. 2016 Fine ribbed wing eleeve vesta ecur 2012 Very fine ribbed sleeveless, eeur 2020 Egyptian sleeveless veal extra large sia 3016 Exra fine quality ribbed vest, V shaped and silk shirred to tba reck 3047 Very fine ribbed sleeveless 5o lOo 14o 14a 14c 17o 14e 24o 23c 48o vest, opea work shoulders 2046 Long sleeve, vest shaped, ailk abirred in neck, twin needle stiob 2072 Long sleeve, lisle thread vest pants to mateb, beautiful goods 1 BOY'S SHIRT WAISTS. We handle tbe celebrated Mother's Friend boy'a waist. Buttons are put on a separate band and oannot oome off. 50 Boy'a blouse wsist, fast oolor. . . 30o 51 Heavy percale, in light and drab colore Due 52 Verv floe percale in neat bine stripe. Large Bailor collar, trim med in white duok 74o 54 Boy's white, trimmed with all- over embroidery, lame sailor collar '. ..98o and 1.19 65 Bov's starched, light oolors. two detachable oollar two All the above run in sizes from 3 to 12 years. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. sr Wa have a large and complete line of Nsiosook, Swiss and Hamburg embroideries, from tolOinobes wide, in the latest styles and pat terns, rantrins in nrice per yard. from 3o to 50c We have Cotton Torchons in all widths from Is to 4o per yard; also tbe finest Seville and Linen Torchon laoes. oer card 3o. 4o, 6o, 8o, 9c, and 13o Pillow case laoes from 2 to lOinohes wide, per yard 3o, 4o, and 6c CHENILLE TABLE COVERS. 328 Heavy aset'd patterns, size 42x45 inobes 68o 829 Heavier asst'd patterns, size 46x48 inches 99o HOSIERY. For Ladies, Misses, Boys and Chlldreo. LADIES' BLACK COTTON HOSE. All our Hosiery is guaran teed absolutely Fast Color. 150 Fast blaok, per pair 5c 1546 Heavy fust black, seamless, per pair.... 9o 645 Full fashioned fast blaok, regular 20o quality, our prioe 140 2066 Full fashioned floe gauge, fast black; splioed heels and toes.... 19o Good Luolt. Full fashioned, extra fine quality, double soles, high splioed heels, maco yarn 24o LADIES' COLORED HOSE. 600 Grey mixed Nelson knit 9o 1556 Heavy Beamless, fast oolor, russet shades 9o 601 Heavy grey mixed Nelson knit, donble heels and toes 12c 646 Seamless, eilk finish, tan and black, splioed heels and toes. . . . 14o Uood Luok. Full fashioned, double soles, bigh spliced heels, a beauty for 24o LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE. 910 Fine blaok all wool English Cashmere, full fashioned double Bole, high spliced heels, a regular 75o hose 44c and 48o CHILDREN'S BLAOK COTTON HOSE. D Children's lxl ribbed, fast blaok, splendid wearer, sizes 5 to 9J. . . 5c 530 Children's fine ribbed seamless, sizes 5 to 9 9o 81 Obildren'a 2x2 ribbed, "never wear out," sizes 6 to 9 9o 4 Boys' beavy ribbed, extra double knee. Tbe best bose on earth, worth 25o, sizes 5 to 9 15o 441 Extra beavy Bioyole bose, 2x2 ribbed, fast blaok silk finish, the most substantial and serviceable . boss ever offered at double tbia prioe. You may have them, sizes 6 to 10 for ' 19o 1993 Heavier Bioyole hose, 2x2 ribbed, double knee 25o 675 Misses' oery fine ribbed, spliced beel and toe, sizes 6 to 9 24o MISSES, CHILDREN3 AND INFANTS 259 Infants ribbed wool vasts, open front, fullinish seams, oroohet front and tail, sizes 1 to 8, 25a, 4 to 6 29o 224 Infanta superfine, open front, silk tape, abirred neck, pearl but tons, oooe better at the prioe, sizes 1 to 3, 84a 4 to 6 34c 8 Children's long sleeve ribbed vests sires 17 ,18, 20, 22, 23, 25. . 12o 1014 Extra beavy long sleeves, rib bed vests, sizes 18, 20, 22 18e - CORSETS. Tbe following lines of Corsets are made by the Hobillicg Dorset Co., menu facttrers of the Celebrated Amsrican Lady and Model form Comets and De troit Waists. Tbey are fully warranted. 62 Is a summer corset, light and durable 4ic XX Is a 6 book olasp, extra long waist, blaok 49o BrvJ .Jh4 .aft. 'jT'ii 1 sa The Place to Save Money. 454 la a French shape, drab. Would bo oheap at 8100, Xou may have it tor 74o 858 Model Form Corset. Mad with a medium high bust of light material of suffioisnt strength to alwaya retain its strength. Es pecially adapted for slander ladiea of medium length ot waist. It insures a perfect figure to the olaaa of Ladiea for wbioh it ia de signed, and will greatly assist na ture in ber work or aeveiopmeni, In drab and black 99c E, L. W. Is a drab, extra well made and heavy 49o A Is Dr. Schilling's French shape, health preserving oorset, elastio sides combines health, oomfort, durability and beauty ot form . . . 757 Is a nursing oorset, made of a very fine grade of sateen. Not ins common kind, bat a corset that fits. 1.29 108 AMERICAN LADY COR8ET. Tbe drab are made ot extra quality jean, Bndtheblaek . ot fine Eng lish sateen, all with fine sa teen bona pockets hav ing two wide bones in eash atripe; hand somely embroidered. This is one of tbe most popular styles, ana we have no other oorset among our . American Lady styles whioh we can more confidentially recom mend. Price 119 94 American Lady Oorset. The drab are made of extra quality English ooutil, and tbe back of fine sateen, all wltb fine aateen bone pooketa having two wide bonea in eaoh strip. Handsomely embroidered. The aide steels are oovered with ololh with extended ends, which are sewed into tbe binding, thus preventing tbe steel from wearing through tbe oorset Prioe 2.48 D, W. Detroit Waial. Is made of Eoglinh sateen with fine oordiog; has a plaited bust, wbioh is lined with merino ganze, mak ing it very strong and comfort able. It is tbe only waist that gives perfect grace and symmetry to the form, free and eaey move ment of tbe body, and permits the natural development ot tbe figure. In drab and blaok CHILDREN'S WAIST8. 388 Cbild'a beavy eoraet Jeana waisla, aizea 19 to 27 25o 600 Misses heavy ooraet Jeana waists, aizea 19 lo 27 49o LADIES' KID GLOVES. 88 Ia a fully warranted kid glove, in all shades 1.00 37 la a much finer, real kid, new style, all sbadea, warranted 1.49 LADIES' BILK MIT3 AND GLOVES. We will have a beautiful line in all shades end prioes, but can't list them aa tbey have not arrived aa we go to press. Druggists' Sundries. TOILET B0AP8. Tbe following are the celebrated An drew Jergena & Co's. aoapa best in the world : W bite aastile, Mottled oastile, Ruby Transparent, Genuine Pine Tar, Lily Boquet, Triple Glycerine and Oatmeal soap. Eaob of the above 40 Genuine Witoh Hazel, par box, 3 Oakea Dr. Stewarts, antiseptic, per box of 3 oakea Sweet Cream and Tube Rose, per box of 3 oakea 15c 19o 24o VASELINE. Blue Seal vaseline, regular prioe 10c. Oar prioe per bottle 6o Notions. Hooka and eyea, black or white, per paper Adamantine pina, per paper Steel crochet hooka Bone crochet books 1 d z. best drees buttona, all oolors and sty lea Blaok mourning pina, per box Small aized curling irona Large size curling irona Extra large size ourling Irona 9(? Oor Gnanntee: 4o Patent books and eyee (see that hump) per paper 4o Elastio web, all colors, best quality, per yard 4o Best brass pius, per paper 4o Dress stays, per dozen 4c Safety pins per paper 3c and 4o Kid bair curlers per bunch 4o Linen tape lines, 60 inches 4c Corset steels, 5 hooks, drab or black 5o Pearl tip dress stays, per doz ifo Dress shields, seamless stockinet, per pair 9c 12 doz pant buttons 7o 12 doz agate buttons 7o Ladies' bose supporters, side lSJo Ladies' hose supporters, belt 23c Misses' hose supporters, shoulder. . . 24o Children's hose supporters, shoulder 23o Babies hose supporters, side 14o Babies bose supporters, side lOo Little Things at Little Prices Needlea per paper ot 25 lo Adamantine pins per paper lc Wire hair pins per paper ot 13 lo Aluminum hairpins lo Horn hair pina lo Thimbles lo Handkerobiefa lo Oorset laoes lo Agate buttons, 2 do. lo Hooka and eyes, per paper ot 2 doz. lo Embroidery spool ailk, 3 yards lo Cotton Torchon laoe, per yard lc All ailk baby ub'ion, per yard lc Cotton shoe si rin re, 2 for lo Bone collar bctto is, 2 for lo 6 sheets note paper lc 25 white envelopes lo Best ateel pens, 2 for lo Cedar lead pencils, 2 for lo Lead penoils with rubber tips lo Lead penoil sharpeners lo Tablets lo Slate penoils, 3 for lo Slate sponges lo Paper oarpet tacka lo Brass bead tacks per doz lc Wire aerew eyes, 3 for lc Wire aorew books, 3 tor lo Braaa aorew hooks lo Brasa eup hooks lo Piotura nails, porcelain, gilt or silver heads lo Wire coat and bat books lo Iron atove lifters, bronzed.. lo Iron heel plates lc Lamp wioks No. 1. 3 for lo Lamp wicks No. 2, 2 for lc CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS HATS We have a beautiful line ot Children's Sailors, Silk Hata and Caps, and every thing in headgear tor the little ones. Men's Shoes. 4011 Men'a oil grain oreedmore, pegged, double cole, buokle and lace 1.25 4007 Creol congress, pegged 1.39 4809 Men'a flesh kip oreedmore, double sole, pegged, buokle and lace 1.49 4824 Men'a oil grain, eame as above 1.49 4837 Men's extra heavy brogana, tap sole, aolid throughout 1.64 4785 Men's oil grain, lace and but ton, aorew, tap aole 1.63 AH these shoes are all tbe celebrated 65:) Trade Mark Shoes. The Trade Mark ia a guarantee that the aboea have Sole Leather Oonntera, Heela Insoles, Slip Solea and Out Soles. We guarantee every pair of shoes we aell and stand back of them with the CASH or a new pair of shoes. Yon are aafe in buying here. MEN'S FINE LACE AND CONGRESS SHOES. 6414 Men'a aatin calf in laoe or oongrees, French toe, well wortn $2 25; you may have them for 4886 Meo'a beavy oil grain, stock tip, riveted congress and lace.,, 149 1.63 4362 Men'a satin oalf, (bub gore) Creole congress, double aole. Obannel aorew. 1.74 Hair pins, assorted sizes, per box. . . Money back if Goods are not Satisfactory. 4720 Men's satin calf, Yale oap toe laoe, a beauty and a bargin 1.84 4G82 Men's satin oalt "shop made" channel screw, 3 soles, oongresa and laoe, plain toe 2.13 4631 Men's first quality kangroo calf, laoe or oongress, plain globe toe, never gets bard 2.14 716 Men's glaoe oalf, beavy sole, laoe, broad Frenoh toe, weaia like eteel 2.49 3367 Men's kangaroo oalf, warrant - ed to keep soft and mellow, laoe or oongress, Cornell toe 2 49 4507 Men's oongres leopard calf, broad toe our best seller 2.73 607 Men's kangaroo calf, oongress, 'old man's last." plain toe. G width 2.88 576 1 Men's obrome kid, laoe, co lonial toe. stook tin. Goodvear welt JS.8 876 Men's vioi kid. oolonial toe. Goodyear welt, very dressy 2.98 877 Men's willow oalf, Goodyear welt, extension soles, Cornell toe. Will keen your feet dry 3 38 MEN'S COLORED SHOES. 8336 Men'6 choulate laoe, stook tip, colonial toe 581 Men's vici kid, cbooiate, laoe, stook tip, new oornell toe. very drefsey 582 Men's vioi tan oolored 2.24 2.98 ?.38 Trade Mark 5 Stamptd in Shank. BUMBLE BEE $3.00 STOP AND THINK! If It Is a pair of Shoes vou wont. be sure vou act a heaping measure or vaiue lor vour monev. Shoes With a Record Tor durability, stvle end all the flie points li &hoemuklig and fitting. That's the Kind We Sell Thev arc made I? The 5R0WN SHOE CO., the Biggest and Best Shoe Builders in the country, and tliev stand behind their product. $3-oo Invested with us In this pair of Shoes txivs more service, foot comfort and stvle than vou can get for an equal anwunt anv place else. LADIES' SHOES. 5921 ia a Dongola Kid, laoe or but ton, a real nica light shoe for summer. Tan or blaok 1,49 3675 Is a Blaok Hutin Dongola Kid. in laoe or button, stock tip, wonld be oheap at 82 35, a bar gain at 168 Our No 10 is an Old Ladiea aboe, made from very fine kid, lace. flexible aole, easy on tbe feet 1 64 Queen Bee Shoe . Here's where we get together, tbia ia a genuine Dongola kid, atook tip, lace or button, Tan or Blaok, venting and plain top, all tbe latest toes, a shoe that ia worth 'l DO If it is worth a oent. We are selling it at a give away price. Be sure and see this shoe at 1 99 Our "Coin" Shoe is a very fine ohrome kid, in lace or button, plain and vesting to stock tip. The Greatest value ever offered at 2 49 Our Anohor, Dainty Foot wear, a shoe that pleases tbe eye ond fit tbe feet are what you want. We have them in all styles of toea. Best shoe on earth for tbe money. 2.99 86 is a fine French kid, new style vesting tongue, new toe, atook tip, band turned, lace 338 We have a large line of Ladiea beavy shoes, prices from 'Mo to . 2.00 When ordering by mail be aure aud slate aize. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S 8BOES. 300 Child's Oil grain button, sizes 7 to 8, K9o; 9 to 12 0!to Par Value Children's good service- able shoes, sizes 5 to 1, 98; 8 ti 12. M4; 12 to 2 1 34 Z2270J4 i f)n dress ahoe, in laco, or bntton. siz-a5 lo 1, 81.(0; 8 to 12. 82.24, 12 to 2 138 206 1 1 is a fine Dongola kid, luce, extenxion sole, spring beel, aizs 8 to 12, 129; sizes 12 to 2, 1.C9; sizes 3 to 5 2 24 National Bank FT 7601 A little gentleman's Vici kid shoe, enamel toe, light upper and heavy soles, izes 9 to 12. 1.48: 13 to 2 lea 7351 Boy'a laoe Vioi kid, tan, a very preny ana styiisd shoe, sizes 9 to 12, 1.48; 13 to 2, 1 69; 3 to 5. . . 1.98 Tbe above are only a few nf thn mant kinds and styles that we have in ntnnk. Come in and see us, we oan reduce ahoe 0IU8. Men's Clothing. In issuing our spring prioe list we are pleased to bs able to tell you that our Clothing Department is equipped to cater to your wanta in Clothing in every detail. We have carefully selected tbe lines of gooda that we have found from practical experience to be "tbe beBt fitters," the most stylish" and above all "the best wearers," and are offering you these goods at prices that we know are below all competition. Buying as we do, direct from the manufacturers, and pnjiug buoi obbu we are able to give you honest, good wearing gooda in the up lo-dale styles at the lowest possible prices. Our stook ia complete in every department, it being well assorted in both fine and medium grades. No. 5. Men's mixed suit, very fine, worth $6,00 You can have it 'or 3.33 No 7. Striotly all wool plaid nob by pattern, lined with good qual ity farmer's satiu and well made, same quality sold elsewhere for 6 48 No 8. Men's brown diagocal all wool, nioely made, the best busi ness suit offered at the price. Only 824 No 9. Men's grey mixture, plaid effect, all wool, perfeot in fit and workmanship. A nice dressy suit for 6 83 14 Men's fanoy wool oheok. Tbe prettiest patterns ever offered at this prioe 993 16 Men'a light brown all wool Lon don Mripe well made ii lid tiiiurx ed, Good for hard wear. A a fine a suit as yon ever bought for 815.00. Oar price 9 98 17 Men's sll wool blaok imported English worsted, the best dresa auit on tbe market at tbe price 9.97 18 Men'a all wool English worsted in grey. You have paid 815 for no hotter suit 9 93 23 Mens's imported blue serge, will be tbe most popular garment worn this Bummer. This suit is made from the very beat mater ial; sold elsewhere for f 18 lo 20, our prioe 10.65 Lot 25. Tbia lot embraoea an im ported black Frenoh back, reg ular drees suit; an imported fanoy worsted and an imported worsted in a fine cheok. These are beautiful goods 16.84 Lot 28. The latest fanoy worsted ever shown in ready-to-wear ololbes. This is tbe warmest suit in the bnncb 2000 The above only Includes a few of tbe many kinds and sty lea we have in atook. Come and see tbem. Boys and Little Suits. Fellow's Little fellows' 3 piece auit, coat, vest and pants. Lol 2. Ii a worsted small check sizt-s 4 to 8 1.25 Lot 2. la a liuht oheok nicely made and trimed, aizea 4 to 8. . . 1 99 Building, Heppner, Ore. ml.