'are Tea in packages at grocers' tilings est NATURE'S LAKE OF SOFT SOAP. A Cnrlona Formation In the Far North . wt Which Lathers at a Touch. The Treat Northern Railway com pany lately announced a rate of 60 cents per 100 pounds on, soap slush from Northern Pacific coast points to Chi cago and Mississippi and Missouri river points, says the Seattle Times. Some one has requested a rate on this com modity, but there does not appear to be many people who know what soap slush is. One ingenious gentleman said that it was the product of certain small lakes on the line of the road that are filled with a thick silica water, which, when one's hands are washed in it, gives a lather that would bring joy to the heart of any washerwoman or tonr sorial artist. When the hair is washed in this wonderful native product the head swells with lather till it takes the proportions of a snow mountain, Sunburn on the face vanishes as mist before the sunshine in June. "There is a lake of this wonderful liquid," said this veracious informant, "over on the East side. It is a mile long nnd proportionally broad. Do you know that we are really ye in ignor ance of what we have in this ountry?" Local sonp people, when a ked to de fine and tell about soap elusJ , were non plused. Thev have i t up. Another party said that not long ago he received a curious product from Walla Walla, a kind of sand mixed with, soap sub- Rtances, from which it wa thought soap could be probably mar here to supply the washerwomen of tne goat commons in the New York suburbs. A last effort, to determine the char acter of soap slush elicited the informa tion that the commodity originated at Portland, probably at the horse meat cannery. THEY WORSHIP GIN BOTTLES. Km Count African Think Them la veiled with Divine Attribute. What is the most remarkable monu ment ever raised to the advance of civ ilization in Africa? asks the New York Journal. A well-known African explorer, Jo Beph Thomson, thought it was a mighty pyramid of gin bottles. lie saw a great grathering of Kru coast negroes en gaged in worshiping this strange altar. So strange was this incident that many people would refuse to believe it. Mr. Thomson, therefore, took a photograph of the scene and brought it home to the Iloyal Geographical society in London. The Krus are the finest of West Af rican races. They are, in fact, about the only people in that part of the world who will do any work. European commerce is practically dependent on them. To these noble savages gin is the spirit of the white man's civiliza tion in more senses than one. It repre sents liia power, his philanthropy and his religion. As soon as they tasted gin they fell down and worshiped it. The more they tasted the more they fell down. After awhile they fell down so much that the European govern ments thought It might be a good thing to restrict the circulation of gin. The most remarkable fact of all is that the contents of the gin bottles were im bibed by one man, a native, whose over powering thirst for the white man's spirits eventually drove him mad. So the bottles stand a monument to the monumental drinker of darkest Africa. HIGH BUILDINGS. One Waa rianneil tur a Student Thirty Year A no. An old graduate of the Troy Poly tocluiic itiKtitute was looking at the high Neave building a few days ago, reports the Cliiicinuutd Commercial Tri bune, and said: "That high building makes me think of a graduate of my class who was n mat el. Wc thought he was crazy, end hii aiysturloua end only deepens the conviction that our surmise was cor rect, lie was everlastingly speculat ing upon the seemingly improbable. At one time he soid that the day would come when they would build hoimea 100 stories high, and to show how it would bo done he made a drawing of a bridge, ua we called it, standing on end. Then he said all you have to do to finish the thing is to cut stones to fill the spaces, put In the joists and rafti, and there you are. And that was more than 30 years ngo, before the high buildings had been thought of by any architect. And the plans of the present are prac tically the same as proposed by Fay when he was but a boy. lie graduated, and was looked upon as the brightest man of the class, though everyone thought him peculiar, lie went to the west Colorado,. I think and disop penred as mysteriously as if he had gone to another planet. I think he was never heard of at least I have never heard of him from that day to this. SureJy genius nnd madness are near allied." A Progressive Kallroad. The Uio Qrsude Werners- Railway, other wise kuowu as 'The Great Hall Lake U nite," In snd has bwu, sinoe the opening of "The dden Oneway," the popular triwis-eontiumital route belwe n the Paoiflo unrthwest and the est!. To adJ to its popularity, BrrHtiKeraeuts have been lumle to make its train service and equipment superior t any of its com putitors. Alrenly the rnuoiuu time of its st-voral ixpreM trniiis has baeu cut down so that paxsengers from Portland reach Olnratto iu ls than four days, and New York in lens than five days. Effective May 1st a perfect dining our serviot) will Im retiililislied. This will m-ik-ttietrlp vin Suit Lake City tbe ideal one To fnther stlti to the comfort of it patron, handsome excursion tariet cars hrn Ileum built for the run between Portland and Chio igo. With the dining oar eervioe established end ibe new tourist cars running, there will be little to be added to make a rerfeot train. For information ai to rates, stc, apply to the oearat ticket oftloe of either O. It. A N. Co. or Southern Paoiflo Co. or ad dress J. D. Mansfism), General A' -i t. 112 Third HI.. Port land, Ore, i Sell KEEPING A HUSBAND. Tact and Patience of the Wife Will Keep Married Love From Waning. "Every married woman, unless she has been bo unfortunate as to marry a brute, holds her happiness ondsr God in h" own tmnd i, and the keepers of it rt love nnd pntm'joe," says Mrs. Moses P Handy in "A Talk With Young Wives " in Wonutu's Home Companion. ''Nevm reason with an BDgry man,' said tb eastern sage. It does no good node' any oiroamstanoes, and when the man is yoar hasband it it worse than folly What will it profit yon, even though yrm have the best of the argument? There fore, in everything, nnleea it be a matter of conscience, it is generally better to yield than to ooutend. Not that the wife should be slavishly sabmieeive; no man oan respect a woman who is Pok ing iu self respect, and every married woman has her rights. Bat the best way in which to seonre these rights is Dot sggrisive battle for them. Let them be token as a matter of oonree, taking for granted that yoar husband's first wish is always for your oomfort, as yonrs always is for bis. Never forget that yoar interests are, or ought to be, identical, and try to oonvince bim that bis wife is bis best friend and safest con fident. To tbat end never repeat any thing which be tells you of bis own or other people's affairs; and if be makes disparaging remarks of anyone, keep the knowledge Knotty to yourself. Even the law osnnot oompel a woman to bear testimony against her husband she is a fool if she does so voluntarily Let it be you chief objeot to please your husband, and count nothing too moon trouble to this end. It seems al moat an Insult to orge neatness of per son upon any eelf-respeotiog woman yet there are many wives who oome abort in this respect, who fall into the grievous error of thinking that Jjhn doesn't matter. John does matter more than anyone else, and it is many times more important tbat you should look well in bis eyes than in those of all tbe rest of the world. The task of keeping a bus band is to tbe full as diffoult as tbe winning of bim, and is far more necei sary." A Frightful Blunder Willoftom cause a horrible burn.eoald oat or braise. Buoklin's Arnica Salve the best in tbe world, "ill kill tbe pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores fever sores, uloers, boils, felons, oorns. all skin erui lions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25o a box. Cure guaran teed. Hold by Blooum Drag Co. 1 fiW'tH of Dipping; on Small Prunes. Uoder the caption "Points on Prune Dippitg" tbe obemio'i department of the Oregon experiment sistion describes some experiments wbioh seem to show tbnt the smaller sizes of petite prunes are not easily effected by tbe process of lye dipping. In the experiment reporte this held true even though the lye solu tion was made atr igr than is usually the oaee. When the eolation of ordinary strength was used the fruit failed to oheok and hen the stronger solution was need Hese small prunes only cracked deeply, or the ekio peeled off badly, whiob was also tbe case when tbe weaker solution was need and the time of immersion was ioorsased. This fsot serves to emphasize the neoessity of not allowing the trees to overbear and tbns produce under-sized fruit, or ot SAparai tug puch fruit from tbe rest, and if to be dried subjecting it to Ibe prioking pro cess instead of dipping or it might be made into secondary fruit produots. It would also show that tbe process of lye dipping has little to do with softening the skin of trait as only tbe softer skinned fruit cheoked, tbat which wss toogb resisting the sotion of tbe lye so far as proper oheckiug was concerned. Tbe California station has also shown that it is this small fruit whiob produoes Ibe undesirable "froggy" condition of the fruit. Tbi bulletin also disoosses tbe various brands of oineentrated lye found on the market in 1898 and pre aents a table showing the relative strength of tbe various brands caloolatsd to the same unit of valnatiou. Tbe pub lication is uasfnl to bortioullurtliits and may be bad free of cost by address ng the Experimental Station, Corvxllis. Feeding th Fire. The most powertul engine moat stop if the fires are not fed. Man is the most won derful piece of machinery in the world, yet no matter how strong and well-made bis bodily frame may be, if the fire of life within him is not constantly fed his limbs and muscles become powerless and useless, The reason meu become helpless and diseased is because the food they eat, which is the fuel of life, is not properly digested and appropriated by the stomach and nutritive organs. It is not completely transformed into the strength and working power which is to man what steam is to the engine. That wonderful power-making "Golden Medical Discovery," invented by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of HulTitlo N. Y., tmbnes the human diges tive juices and blood-making glands with capacity lo extract abundant nourishment from the food. It builds up organic tissue, nerve tiber, hard muscular flesh and work ing force. It gives a man steam . What It did for Mr. P. S Hughes, of Junction, Hunterdon Co., N. J., Is given In his own words. He writes: "I received your kiud letter, sud in reply would say that mine waa a bad case of kidney and liver trouble, and that si bottles of lr. l'irrce's CoUlrn Msdiral Piscovery and four bottles nt little' Pellets' effected a complete cure. It is well known that almost every engineer la troubled more or lens with kidney trouble, especi ally on our InNt express trains. 1 run one hun dred jtorl forty. four miles on theae trains every dux in the week, and hsve had no return of the tumble ninoe Using the remedies, uearly three year ago." i f THE BEST WOOL HOUSE for you or for anybody who has wool to consign, In the one which has the best facilities for handling wool. The best, largest and lightest lofts; the best light for properly displaying and showing wool; the largest stocks for attracting the biggest buyers and the best reputation for business ability and honesty. We are The Largest Wool House in the West. mk We handle 15,000,000 lbs. of wool annually. We always have enough wool j of any grade to attract the manufacturer. WE MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS onrl nhftro-A AfthM low 1-flTA.nf K mr cent. rwr Annum for the Use of the monev. We supply free sacks and sewing twine to all parties who ship to us. We mail our Circular Letter and Wool Quotations to all who ask for it Tells all about the prices of wool and the market conditions. Address, SILBERMAN BROTHERS. BEDUCKD KAKEjJ. Aniverary Heelings of the Baptl-t Societies to b held at t-an Francisco, Ca'., May 24-81. For tbe above oooasion a rate ot one and one-fifth fare to Portland and return is authorized from all stations iu Ore gon, Washington and Idaho (not includ ing Columbia an Willamette river division) in cooneotioo with epeoial steamship selling and basing rate of $20, 00 cabin passage (meals and berth inoluded) and special rail selling and basing rate of 825.00 via Sbaeta Route Portland to Ban Franoisoo nnd return. Selling dates, May 16, 20 and 31, Limits: O ing and returnin contin ons passage. Under no oiroomstances will limit be extended beyond Coal limit, June 25th. Tioketn: Descriptive round trip ex change orders from Spl. Exour., Exch. drawn on Portbind for tickets via steamer or via Shasta Route. Note: Tioketa will not be sold via steamer in one direotion and train the other, bnt must go and return same route between Portland and San Franoisoo. Stopovere; Not allowed on O. R. & N. between starting point uud Portland or on steamer or Southern Pacific be tween Portland and Ban Franoisco. Steamers: Bail from Portland May 17 and 22. Exobange orders should be issued accordingly. Steamship tickets expire June 22, but are good on steamer leaving San Francisco that date. Shasta Route: Tiokete will be on sale at Portland only on May 21 and 22 with final limit Jnne 20, continuous passage eaoh direotion. Exchange or ders should be issued eooordingly, B. Oampbbll, W. II. Dclburt, Trefio Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Oliver, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters in Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves bad ctiased severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medecine is what hie oountry needs. All America knows tbat it onres liver and kidney troubles, puri fies the blood, tones up tbe etomaoh, strengthens tbe nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of tbe body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 oentii. Sold by Slooum Drug Oo. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, May 16, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make flnal proof In support of his claim, and that Bald proot will be made betore Vawter Crawford, county cler, at Heppuer, Oregon, on Saturday, June 24, 1899, viz: WILLIAM H. RICKS, ot Uardman, Or., Homestead entry No 3915, for the southwest section 20, township S south, raugo 26KWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ii. F. Hiilr.l, and J. W. Balrd, of lleppner, Oregon, and Charles Bullls and Charles Coleman, ol Uardman, Oregon. 80-5 .Jay 1". Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND OfflcS at The Dalles, Ore. , May 9, Wi'.i Notice Is hereby given that the following. named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proot will be made before V. Crawford, county clerk, at Ueppner, Oregon, on Saturday, June i, tew, viz: CHARLES D. AHHBAl'GH, of Eight Mile, Ore., Homestead entry No. 382!) for the southeast U section 1. township 4 south, range 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Stanton, E. B. Stanton nllllam R, Leathers and Arthur btevens, all ol Eight Mile, Oregon. II 4 Jay P. Li'CAs, Register ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOTICE 19 HEREBY OIVEff THAT THE 11 undersigned has been by the County Court oi tne ute ot Oregon lor Morrow county duly appointed administrator of the estate of P. C, Thompson, deceased. All persons holding claims against said deceased are notitled to preseutsama properly verified, to the adminis trator at the omco of Ellis A Phelps at lleppner, Oregon, within ail months from date of publi cation of this notice. Dated this luth day of May, 1899. J. A. THOMPSON. Administrator ot the estate of P. C. Thomnsnn. ueceaseu. v-a-i CONTEST NOTICE. FVEPARTMKNT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND 1J Office at The Dalles. Or., April 29, 1899. A sullieient contest atlhlavit having beeu tiled In this otllee by Charles W. Willis, contestant. against Homestead entry No. 4H75, made on April 27. 1892, lor northwest section 2N town ship 2 south, range 2ft K W M. by Joseph Jd. 1m Urande. coutestee, in which it Is aliened that said Joseph M. Ijitlrande has utterly failed to comply witn me law in regaru to settlement on the mud ; has never hunt a house thereon, ami has never cultivated any part ol said tract. Kald parties are hereby mill lied to appear, re- ind and oner evidence touching said allega tion at IU o'clock a. ni. on June 12, ls.iy, heforo Vawter t'raw ford, county clerk, Bt his oil) ce In lleppner, Oregon, and that Dual hearing will lie held at 10 o'clock a. in on June 19, lrii9, be fore the register and receiver at the I'nited gtHtoa Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, lu a proper am davit, tiled March 1Mb, 199, set forth laets which show that after due dtliirence. personal service of this notice can not be made, It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due aud proper publication. jay r. i.i cas, negisier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DKI'RATMKNT OF THE 1NTKKIOK, l.AM) Othce at The Dalles, tire., April ', Ikh N.iHea la herein- iriven that the following- named settler has tiled notice ot his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will b made beforw J. W. Mor row, rutted States commiHlouvr, at lleppner, Oregon, on June 2d, 199, vU: YERKEK BARTON, ol Heppner, Or.; HnmMtM.l entrv No 7011, for the southwest U section S, township 2 south, range 26 B W M. M names the following witnesses to prove hisootiuuuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: James Doherty, timer Bea. man, William u. noon ana i rau uviury, au oi Heppuer, Oregon. Jay P. I.i'cas, .Register. 7-itt m m ittViK Chicago, Ei!s. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., April 17, 199. Notice is hereby given that the followlng- namea seiner nas niea notice oi nis intention lo make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said Drool will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commiHisioiier, at Heppuer, uregon, on may zo, 1899, viz: STEPHEN HENDRICKSON, of Heppner, Or. Homestead entrv No 8350. for the south W southeast ii and south southwest , section 5, township 4 south, range 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to provehis continuous residence upon aim cultivation oi said laud, viz: James Lambert, Austin Yocum, August Nelson and William Lasseen all of Heppner, Oregon. 6-31 E. W. Bartlett, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND U OHice at La Grande, Oregon, April 17, 1899 Notice is hereby uiven that the followine- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make nnal proof in support of his claim, and that Bald proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, uregon, on may zutn, inyy, viz: JAMES E. LAMBERT, of lleppner, Or.; Homestead entry No S-VW, for the north 14 southwest H section f, township 4 south, range 27 K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove Mb continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John W. Depuy, Samuel Mc Bride, Stephen llondrickson and Robert Dexter an ot Heppner, Oregon. 6-31 , W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND OHice at La Grand, Oregon, April 12, 1898 Notice is hereby given that the following- numea settler nas men notice ot mi intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 27, 1899, viz: JOHN B. CAMPBELL, of Vinson, Oregon. Homestead entry No 8313, for the South-west south-east !4, and cast 'j south-east , section 34, and north-west south-west , section 35, township 2 south, range 29, E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Dillard French, Hezekiah Tippett, William Clarke, of Heppner, Oregon, and A. B. Chapman, of Vinson, Oregon. K. W. Barti.ett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at The Dalles Ore., May a, 1899. Notice is hereby given thut the following named settler Iihb filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before A. ii.l lory, United Hta'es Commissioner at lleppner, Oregon, on Monday, Juno 19, lh:)9, viz: CHESTER H. WILKINSON, of Hard man Ore. Homestead entry No. 4P07 for the southwest section 11, township fl south range 26 li. V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. M Sperry, Thomas Merrill, Frank Ward and Charles Repass all of Ilai'dman, Oregon. 9-31 Jay P, Lucas, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., May 1 , 1 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. V. Mor row, U. S. commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 9th, 1899, viz: DAVID PEARSON, one of tho heirs and for the heirs of Henjamin B Pears jii, deceased, of Heppner, Oregon, Homestead entry NofiKiS, for the south '$ north east Ji and north southeast section 28, towtiBhip 1 north, range 27 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles M. Long, James Avers, Isaac Howard and David M. Presley, all of Heppuer, Oregon. 8-31 E. W. Bahtlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., April 21, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following named sottler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 9, 1899, vis.: L. PEARL JONES, of Heppner; Homestead entry No 7133, for tho west V, north west 4 and west southwest section 28, township 3 south, range 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of Bald land, viz: James T. Mitchell and M. Lee ( antwell, of Heppner, Or , and Stacv B. Roberts and Wesley W. Btauuoii, of Eight Mile. Or. 7-32 J. P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 24, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, June 3, 1899, viz: JAMES W. VAUOHAN, of Heppner; Homestead entry No 5105, for the south 4 northwest and north V southwest I4 section 19, township 2 south, range 2t E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: John Her, Arthur J. Hunt, Nathaniel 8haw and William Cumberland, all of Heppner, Oregon. 17-32 Jay Y. Litas, Register, PUBLIC LAND SALE. NOTICE IS n ERE BY GIVES THAT IN PUR. suancu of Instructions from the commis sioner of the general land office, under author ity vested In htm by section 2iv, I'nited states Revised statutes, as amended by the act of con gress approved February art. 189 we ill pro ceed to oiler at public sale on Friday, the 9th day of June, next, at Ul o'clock a. m , at this office, the following tract of laud, to wlt: The southeast northwest section 32, township 4 south, range 2.'i F. W M. Any and all persons i laimlng adversely the above-descrllied lands are advised to Hie their claims In this office on or belore the dav shove designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited Jay P. Lucas, Register, 32 Otis Pa tit it son. Receiver. U.S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Ore. April '22 1.1. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, USD Office at 1 he Dalle. Or., April 29, lw9. A sufficient contest affidavit having tt en tiled In this office by Kinil Grolkopp. ci nte-tanr, against timber culture entry No. 2i.vi, made January 20, Will, for southeast northwest S and east H southwest aud northwest south" ea S section 21, township 3 south, range '2 K W M, l.y John A. Ayles, contest.-.? J in n Inch it is alWcd that entrvman has ulnnlv abandoned said tract, aud lor past euht wais failed to cultivate or plant anv part thereof to tree se.slsor cuttings, baid parties are herein notitled to appear, respond and oiler evidence touchuut said allegation at lo o'clock m on Juno lith. 1899. belore Vawter Crawford, count v clerk, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, and that nnai nearing win Do held at 10 o clock a. m. on June 20th, 199, betore the reeister and reot'ver at the United States Land Office lu The Dalles. Oregon. The said contestant bavin?, In a proper a"l davit, tiled March !"ith, set forth tacts which show that a'tcr due dilifeiieo, personal service of this uottce can not !. made, it Is hereby ordered and dirwted that such tio.lce be given by due sud pr.ipvr publication. e- jay r. U't'js, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., May 9, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make flnal prool in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday. June lti, 1899, viz: HANNAH E. HALLOCK, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 4134 for the southwest X southwest 4 section 2i, north 4 northwest !4 and southeast ! northwest section 28, town ship 2 south, range 2ti E W M. Hne names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of Baid land, viz: Hiram E. Clark, Orrin E. Farnsworth, Oily Johnson and Arthur Minor, all of Heppner, Oregon. 9-34 Jay P. Locas. Register. anything you invent or improve; also get CAVeAT.TRADE-MARK, COPYKIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK OH PATENTS fee before patent. yr&"G.A.$NOW&CO. Patent Lawyers. W AS H I N GTO N , D .C. iEN!flc can cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & Ca. ,1051 Market St Est'd 1852. c.v Yonnst men and middle ntred lilC ll who are suffering I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in mattirer years. Nervous and Physical liobiljtv, Int potency ,l,at Manliol in ail its complications; Hermatorrlio?a, Iroalatrrlirea, (JoiMri-hoea, Gleet seueup.r of ITrlitalins;, etc By a combination of remedies, of ereat curative new er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specially Diseases of Men. .vlill5a thoroughly eradicated from the system withou t using Itf ereurys KVfiitY IS A IV nnnli-lnff 1a n will to. Ctiivp our hmipjtl opinion of his complaint. emry cane vie undertake, or forfeit One Thousand Dollars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. C'IIAU3 VERY MEASONA ISLE. Treat ment personally or dv letter. Send for book, "IliC JfliiinsoKhv of SB ai-j-ijurn free. (A valuable book for men.) VINIX IB. JOEDAS'S Great Museum of Anatotnv the finest and larsst Museum of its kind in the world. Come and icarn how wonderfullv von ere made; how to avoid sickness and disease. we are contmvr.'iy adding new specimens. CATALOGUE FliR fail or write. " SCSI Market Strat. San Francisco, Cp.I. Dkpart FOR TIME SCHEDULES Arm va FKOM From Heppner. 10:00 a, m. Salt Lake Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, aud the East. 10:15 p. m. 8.00 p. m. Ocban Steamships 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For San Francisco every live days. 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. in. Columbia River STKAMiiltS. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday to AstoIa and Way i-unaiiigs. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette River 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New beri?, r'Rlem nnd V jiy Landings. 7:00 a m. rues-, Thur, and Sat. iVlLLAMRTTR AND Yamhill Rivers. 8.S0 p. m. Mon., Wed. aud Frl. Oregon City, Day ton a w ay Land ings. 6:00 a. m. Willamette River Portland to Corval- 4 :S0 p. m Tnes. Thurs, Tues., Thur. and Sat, and Sat. lis & Way Laud lugs. Snake River. Riparia to Lowiston Lv. Rlparia 2:80 a. m Lv. Lowiston 12 noon daily daily except ex Saturday &unaay Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heprner, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EASI and SOUTH. EAST.SSST LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4J days CHICAGO, 3J " mmu ii ST. LOUIS, OMAHA, 3J 3 SALT LAKE, 1J Free Keolining Choir Cars TJpholntered Tourist Bleeping Crs rallainn Palace Sleeping Cart For fall particulars regarding ratea, time of trains, eta., call on or address J. C. LTAKT, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Heppner, Oregon C. O. Tebry, WE. Comas, Trav. Tbss. Agt. Otn'l Agt. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. spokane falls 4 northern nelson 4 fort si1eppard i:ed mountain railways The Only Ail-Kail Route Withont Change of Ohr Uotwcen Snokaue, RosslfiDd and Nelron. A I si bt tween Nelson snl KosUod, Pnndflj : IeaTtv m A. M fpokwwi.. ItiW A. M r..w and.. :t0 A.J1 :..SeW... daily except Arrivo. ...:4fl P. M. .. .i0 P. M. ...Mt P. SI. O.wp iNnrwt;ui) at Nelson with steauiera for Eato, and all Ktter.al Like points. I'mwnirpr for KettlB Klver and Bormdarj Rok cotiuect at 11 areas wrtn ttiwe dailr. ligit OREGON SBORT LINK Ry F08T TRAIN SERVICE DAILY TO THE EAST BUT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVER, . . 0:80 p. m ' PUEBLO, . . 1 05 p. m. " COLO. BPBINGB . . 8:40 p. m. Arrives 10PEKA . ... 8:55 p. m. Arrives K NBAS CITY . BKK) p. m. Arrives LIN JOLN " OMAHA " DK8 MOINES " PEOHIA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 11 20 a. m. 8:00 a. ID. Through Sleepers and Chair Care Colerudo to Chicago, Wide i eetibule throughout. The finest train in the West. For particulars and folders giving time of these J. L. DE BEVOISE, E. E. M'LEOD, PORTLAND, ORE. A. (i. P. A.. TOPEKA. THROUGH TICKETS TO THE at and Southeast VIA THK . R. THE THROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR GARS Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. Quick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. BaggHge Checked to Destination. Low Rates. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi nnd Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska. June to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific BJ?H. LOTHROP, or J. C. HAIIT Agt., Gen. Agt.. 185 8d St., O. B. & N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. CHICAGO MlilwauRGB & St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its traius on the (anions block eyetem; Lights its trains by eleotiioity through out; Uses the oelebrated elnotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omuha aud Ohioago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated veetibnled trains, carrying the latest private oompartment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining choir oars, and the very best dining ohr.ir oar service. For lowest rates to any point iu the United States or Canada, apply to agent or address O. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agetit, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. BE TOO 6011 EflST ? If so, be sore and see tbat yoar tioket reads via me Hortnv;estern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THK Great Short Lige BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled liming ana Bleeping uar Trains, and Motto: "always on time has frl en this road a national reputation. All clause of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight ana travel over mis lamous line, au agents nave ucKeis. W. H. MEAD. F.C. 8VAGE. Gen. Agent Trav. F. & P. Agt n asmngiou roruana, -r. The Dalles, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co. STEJlCEXZS "DALLES CITY" AID "REGULATOR" Both ot tbe above steamers have been rebuilt, and are In excellent shape for the season of 1899. The Regulator Lin will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure. travel by the steamers of Th Regulator Lin. The above steamers leave Portland anrl Th Dalles at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination in ample time for outgoing trains. Portland office. The Dalles office, ja hi. unci Court street W. CALLAWAY, . General Atrent. 3t7XOXC TI3VIU I Snn Franoisoo nd all point In California, via the ML Bhasta root of the Southern Pacific Co The great hUhwar throogh California to all vuiuKuningsniui. tirana Boonlo Hoot of th Paeifio Coast Pullman Baffst tUprs, Sooond-clai dleeper ittuih1 tn.nMM MtH. -m i . - ..wuv, suurume nipvrrar accoinnodabecs for Mcond-ela peMncrs. For rat, ticket, almpina oar reservation. Mo,, rail npon or addrw rt. muhus, Manager, C. H. MABKHAM, Gen. F. A P. Agt. Portland. Oregon THROUGH TICKETS To all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowpt rata trnm HON P "The Regulator Line" Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER . . 2:85 p. m " COLO. BPR1NGU 2:86 p. m Arrives TOPEKA . . 7:80 a. m " KANSAS CITY . 9:15 a. m Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. K'y) 6:15 v. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 6:45 a. m " OMAHA lEi Bar) . 8:f.O a. m " CO. 1.LTJF. 8, . . a. m Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to Bt. Louis via Wabash U'y. trains write JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., CHICAGO H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. Si P. Railroads. RATES B.oo PER TAlf Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.. CSXICA.3-. XIjXj. :r & fill Scenic Line of the World The Favorite TrauBcontineutal Between the Northwest aud all Poiuts East Choice of Two Routes Through the FAMOUB Rocky Mouirain Scenery And four routes east of Pueblo and Denver... All passeDgern granted a tiny stopover in the Mormon capitol or anywhere .between Orei. m1 Denver. ' rersooally cou.Jnot. d i x. cursions three da j c a w I to Omaha, Kansas City, ' f ' . n Chicago and the f ust. For tickets and and information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of O. R. & N., Oregon Short Line or Bouthern Pacific companies , R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER. General Agent, Gen. Pass & Tkt. gt 251 Washington St., Denver ( o: Portland, Oregon. ). C. Hart, Local Agt. Heppner, ur $1 'V nam n. Yellow Stone Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Depot Fifth and I Sts. Arrive. Fait Mall for Ta.Mni No. 1 iSeattle, Aberdeen, South Dend, kipokane, Helena, Butte, Anaconda. St. 10:15 A M. Paul, rhinavn Nan. York Ronton stnA Mil points East and South. east. PAitl.nJ T . ,ui"i"ii i niTuina aim Seattle ExpresB, for Ta coma. Seattle. Olympia and intermediate mnin. No.S 11 P M 'line puinm. i, rtlVQ n O. t..l ... .. " ram, miuueapoiia, omana. Kansas City and other Missouri river point. S!i DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4)4 DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections In all principal cities. Hckeu" Ch8Cked thronh to destination of Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth it. , - . . n . . .... . cumlib, uuKei. in ft Til of routes and other Information, call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 256 Morri son t., oor. Third, Portland, Oregon. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin Cintbal Lime Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the WiW,na,. Central Lines in paeeine thronoh Chicago may require some unaiat ance la tne way of having hand baggage taken form train and carriapA nr y,na their or to or in many other ways, and AhL will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of tha T7hra at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and rPd cap. They will be in waiting t all trama prepared to aesiat i Grande ii NORTHERN Leave. No. 2 11 A. M. Nn e p. m. sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort JAa c. roxD, Gen'l PajBr. Agt