THE HEPPHEB GAZETTE Published Every Thursday. BY OORLIES MERRITT, Editor na.d. ACaaa.ecgr. SUBSCRIPTION n Year -Six Months Three Month RATES $1.60 78 80 Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflee at Heppner, Oregon as second-class matter. ' Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Elood. " A very severe pain camo in my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and ' finally a sore broke out abovo the knee. It. discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered in thi3 way for years, and gave up all hopo of over being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she advised me to try it. I began taking it and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this relief I I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Hood's Sarsa parilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. ADVERTISED LETTKBS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEB Or., May 15, 18U9. Edwards, Mrs Lillie Lovejoy, Mrs L Ryan, Miss Georgia Small, Mrs L. Griffin, Mrs W, Lovejoy, Mr Amos Stewart, Mr. Fred Talbort, Mr. Charlie Weaver, Mr Chas Whitman, Miss Addle. When callluir for thean lnt.tara niaou advertised. B. F. Vaughan, P. M. Local Notes. Toe cream and soda at Hart Bros. . Is Heppner to have a Fourth of July celebration. Oomp ltte line of toys, fishing laokle, etc., at The Spa. Arthur Clarke, the new jeweler, is lo oated next door to the oandy factory, tf Tuesday eight Marshall Thornton caged a "bird," disposed to"mbkeRome howl." T T L n . ..... iiorB oros. lnviia jne ladies to pay speoial attention to their fresh lot of confections. A aeligntrnl Holly Club party is in store for Heppner's sooiety people Bat urday night. wooi. nyna reports tbe sale of two clips of this seasou's wool this wees at 9 and 9j cents. Take your watches, olooks and jewelry to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar antees satisfaction. tf Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac lion and defects of the eye, will be here every three months. 618-lyr Dr. Vogel, the oooulist, will arrive in Heppner Tuesday, May 233, and remain the rest of the week. Subscribers to the Gazette are urgent ly requested to oome forward and settle for the present year. The first Long Creek wool this season was hauled in yesterday by Tip Williams and Marion Bounds. Not a house is to be rented in Hepp ner, and rents here are the envy of Fort land property owners. Sam Wilkinson is loading and ship Pendland's olip of 150,000 pounds as fast as be can secure the cars. Arthur Clarke, the jeweler, is also a praotioal watchmaker. Give him a trial. He guarantees all bis work. tf County Clerk Crawford issued a mar riage lioenee this week to Arthur An drews and Mies Janie Sproals. V. B. McQonagill, jointly indioted with his brother, Con, was dismissed on motion of the prosecuting attorney. 8top that ooughl Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Shilob's Cure may save your life. Bold by Conser & Warren. x Heppner is reputed one of the best business points in Eastern Oregon, a little more push and enterprise is needed to sustain that reputation. Preaobing in the M. E. ohuroh South bas been suspended until the first San-' day in June. The Sabbath sohool and League will meet as nsoal. The Seoretaty of the Oregon & Wasb ton Bible Society will speak at a anion service at the M. E. Church next Thurs day evening on that important cause. Bhes k Welob ask a osreful reading of their advertisement wbioh embraoesa full line of wearing apparel for spring. Their prioes and values defy competi tion. Above town, on the Monument road, the grades are io each a condition that freight baulioc is a dangerous experi ment. Something mast be done at once. I Catarrh oared. A clear bead and sweet brea'tb eeenred with Shilob's Catarrh Bemedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser & Warren x Karl's Clover Boot Tea, fr Constipa tion It's tbe beet and if after osing it you don't say so, return package and get yoor money. Sold by Conser A Warren. x Bert i-'Hih gynip. Tle , cms tf eVj jr..; r, 4 A wedding took plaoa at the Farmers' hotel on Wednesday at 4 p. m , Bev. Flesher uniting in marriage Henry T. Vanderpool and Miss Mary E. Heral, in the presence of a few friends. For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures headaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the bead as clear as a Dei i. soia oy uonser & warren, x 0. H. Depay, of Heppner, now making his home at Walla Walla, was married to Miss Daisy Messenger, a young lady fromPomroy, Wash., this week at the home of Mrs. Depuy, by Bev. Shelley, Shilob's Consumption Cure oures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Core, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Mrs. L. J. Estes has a large stock of stylish millinery, and owing to the dull times will sell at greatly reduoed prioes. Mail orders will be promptly filled. Be member the plaoe, opposite Palaoe hotel on May street. Third Quarterly Conference will be held next Saturday and 8unday at the M. E. Ohuroh, Bev. C. D. Niokelson will preach the sermons on Sunday. Sub jects: "The Cross," and "The Crown." All are invited. Wednesday morning's passenger train, owing to a defeotive switoh, which de railed the engine at the depot, was com pelled to lay over during the day, await ing an engine from The Dalles to pull it baok onto the traok. We direot your attention to our stationary and j ib work. The Gazette offioe has faoihties for turning out any thing you need. Our prioes are est ib lisbed on as cheap and reasonable scale as you may desire with no variation, Osoar Shafer, the stock inapeotor, olaims obampionsbip for bis orew of shesp ehearers, they, numbering 9 men, sheared 932 two-year-olds in 6 hours. Jeff Jones, Bobt. Watkins and the two Schilling boys, were among the crew. In theoase of the Stale of Oregon vs J. Morgan, J. Cresswell and J. Hart, tbe 16-year-old boys, indicted for stealing horses, they were called to he court's presence at tbe time we go to press, and postponed for final disposition until thu afternoon. Tom Ayers' fi ie residenos is "coming oat" like a ray of suoshiue from among the olouds, under tbe influenoe of brush and paint In the hands of the ex quill driver, Mr. DaWitt. Mr. DiWitt'e skill and energy are apparent iu all his no dertBkings. Tbe Spa! has now tbe most oompleie lines of confectooery and fancy groceries the market affords. Everything fresh. The Ice cream ssrvioe a specialty for tbe summer. Leave jour order for fresb fruits speoial oare taken in its selection. Bead their display "ad". "Parted in a Dream" is tbe title of a song with musio received by the editor of the Gazette, the newest and liveliest thing out, from Halbert L. Hoard, Foit Atkinson, Wis. Any one of our sweet singers oan earn the same by singing i to ns, if they will kindly oall. Send 25 oeuts and get a packuue of Columbia Kidney and Liver Tea Some must have it; others need it, and it will benefit those who do not need it. The best kidney anl liver regulator on the market. Ths largest package and most benefit for tbe money. Slooum Drag Co. Tbe botany class of the public sohool will have its herberiums on exhibition at tbe sohool house on Saturday at 2 o'clock p. no. This study is a most im portant one, and the collection made and understood by tbe pupils will inter est anyone who will take tbia ODportun ity to witness this display. i nave been a sufferer from chronio diarrhoea ever since tbe war and havn used all kinds of medeoines for it. At last I found one remedy that bas been i soooess as a oure, and tbat is Chamber lain 8 UollO. Cholera nnrl Tiiarrhnou Remedy. P. E. Grisham, Gaars Mills. L,a. rot sale by Conser A ffarn The Hotel Heppner, under the new management, is meeting with tbe soo oess it deserves. Mr. and Mrs Bower man are not afraid to exert themselves for the oomfort of their o net o mere, and the pnblic is finding it out. Beds, new and olean, only 25 oeos. Private families and farmers go there for a good borne meal. Owing to snow in the mountains J. I. Carson, bas been compelled to ship 40 oarlosds of his sheep by rail to Hanting- ton, from where he will trail to Laramie Plains, Wyoming. Mr. Carson bad made an extensive purchase of horses, wagons, saddles, eto , wbioh has been an Important item with our merchants and stookmen. Evangelist W. A. Llndsey will return to this plaoe and begin a series of meet ings next Sunday, may 20tb, wbioh will oontinue for an indefinite time. Bev. Lindsey is a power in revival work and tbe christian people of the town are all invited to j tin heartily 10 the effort to advance Christs cause. First seiviceat 7:80 o'clock, Saturday evening, In anotber column will be found tbe display advertisement of Ed. B. Bisbop, who snooeeds the old reliable firm of P. 0. Thompson Co. Mr. Bishop's busioees capacity is well known to Heppnerites, and it is assured tbat he is not in tbat line of business to be outdone. His stock of goods and prices are here to do business and the o'd store will loom up with everything the market affords. Mr. d'Toung, tbe genial Skaboara sheep dip man, returned Wedneeday from nigbt practical application of sev eral thousand betd. Mr. d'Toung ia not built oo tbe pattern of a theorist, who travels with silk bat and kid k loves bis sleeves are rolled op half tbe ime, and the aroma of bis person, instead of being tnosk sod sweet vio'ets, las a oombinetion odor of oicotain and, ool,o etductm to tb shepherd. Gilliam A Biabee, tbe hardware mer chants, need no introduotioo to Morrow oounty residents. Tbey are here with as oomplete a stook as oan be found in Eastern Oregon, which tbey will ex change for cash as low as any institution in tbe country. Bead tbeir new an nounoement in anotber column. E. B. Bob rts, of tbe firm of Tbe Bobert Smith Monument Co., of Walla Walla, spent several days in Heppner looking after the boeiness interests of tbeir concern. Mr. Roberts bas erected monuments in tbe Heppner cemetry, which reflect oredit to bis company. Among those erected were for tbe families of Mrs. Morgan, Mrg. Cantwell, Mrs. Welob and Mr. Thompson. He visits this locality regularly, and treat ing tbe people fairly, holds a deoided prestige for business. Bev. and Mrs. A. L. Tboroughmsn came over from Heppner last evening, on their way to Paloase City, to attend tbe distriot conference of tbe Methodist Episoopal ohuroh, South, wbioh con venes there tomorrow. It will oontinue in session antil Sunday. Bev. 8. P. Wiegins, pastor of the Galloway Metho dist church, et Pendleton, went with them from here. Mr. Thorough man preaahed at Mountain Valley on his way to Pendleton. He now is stationed on tbe Heppner cirouit. East Oregon ian. Just across tbe street from Uncle Sam's offioe (postffloe) is situated tbe most important place of business (to M. B. Galloway) in Heppner. Where all people "look pleasant" and get good photographs, whether tbe eubjeot is homely or pretty. Too know tbe proof of tbe pudding isn't "ohewing the rag," but having photos made. Kemsmber I do anything in photography, oopying, viewing, enlarging, broaoh, watob charms, "uny old thing." Briog your old photos and have them oopied at M. B. Galloway's. - James B Kenny was in Heppner to day and at bis heels followed tbe beauti ful female shepherd dog, whose devotion to her master and her little family of puppies, published ia the Gazette some time ago and copied by the Youths' Com panion, impressing the minds of millions of boys Bud girls all over the world of tbe pitiful devotion' of this intelligent animal, and plaoiog herself and kind master on the records of history to re main there for all time to oome. Jim has ber photograph taken and will re spond to the demands of bis County Leitrim, Ireland, friends by sending tbem one. FAIH ENTERPRISE. As a supplement to the Gazette, its readers will doubtless soan the prioe list of "The Fair", a concern tbat oomes as a development ot the world's aompeti tion, meeting, as a local business house, the numerous catalogues tbat have made inroads into the business of looal con cerns tbat are justly entitled to the patronage of (boss whose interests are identified with theirs. In last week's issue we culled attention to tbe teasons why home institutions should have your support. One moment's thought oo yoor part will convince yon of our argu ment. Self interests are dependant oo tbe individual's judgment. You have a future before you. D) not oonolode that the present alone is to be looked after. ''United we staud, and divided we fall," and it ia your duty to keep posted on your looal ooncerns, wbioh are oapa ble and ambitious to accommodate you that your patronage in tbe future oan be depended upon. What you fail to find at "Tbe Fair" other merobants are liable to have. We sincerely rrquest our readers, when in town, to visit "The Fait" and satisfy themselves that this concern is what it represents itself to be. ROBERTSON FLA GUBEB. Wedding Followed by a Reorptioa by 800 People. Baker City Democrat. Last evening at 8:30 o'elock, at the Washington street home of Mrs. Bell Flaugher, mother of tbe bride, and in presence of 40 relatives and friends, Mr. Oris B. Robertson and Miss Margaret Flaugber were united in marriage, Bev. Geo. T. Ellis officiating. Mr. Harvey Flaugber waa best man and Miss Maud Flaugber bridesmaid. The wedding marob was played by Miss Carrie Spaulding. Tbe parlor was beautifully decorated with marguerites end tbe diniog room with carnations. Tbe happy oouple were recipients ot maty wedding pres ents, including several of solid silver. "After the ceremony those witnessing the wedding and tbe newly married oouple repaired to Armory ball where Mr. and Mrs. Robertson were tendered a reoeption by about 300 sooiety folks. Dancing was enjoyed with music by tbe South Baker orchestra. Tbe groom is book keeper for Minor t Co., Heppner. Tbe accomplished bride is a graduate of tbe Baker City high school and a favorite in Baker's sooiety oirolee. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson will depart by this morning's train for tbeir future borne in Heppner, Back to the Old Home. Oo this morning's train Joe Luck man, who, by his faithful devotion to bis Mor row oounty pursuits, ranks as one of oar most influential aod prosperous stook men, started tor Liverpool, England, wbioh place he lefl 24 yeare ego. Mr. Luekman goes back to tbe old eonntry to remain until next September, end every city and point of attraction will not be overlooked by him. Hie Morrow county friends wish btm tbe pleas a -e be anticipate, and eipeot from bim an In teresting diary of bis journey. Notice. Tbe annual convention of tbe Morrow County Sunday 8 3 hoot Association will convene ai Petty' grove oo Thursday, June 1,1499, at 10 o'clock a. m. Tbs rJundsy Hcoola throughout tbe county are requested to be present with tbeir reports. A good time is eiproted and the pub'ie are invited. J.J. ADKDiS.FrM. THE Remember it in Heppner! Buy the Sewing Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. Guaranteed for 10 Years. First-class in every respect. o ONEY ARE Personal. R. Allen, ot Parkers Mill, came tn on court business this week. C. J, Mills, the O. R. & H. representative, was In town this week. B. H. Lamley, of Walla Walla, is here watch ing our sheep market A bouncing boy now rules supreme at the home ot H. E. Warren. H. H. Ames and wife, ot Susanvllle, were here on business Tuesday. Mr. Akers, postmaster at Gooseberry, Is here this week on court business. Nat Webb, the big stockman of Walla Walla, la here looking after his stock. Geo. rlwaggert left this moriug for Moscow Idaho, to be gone a week or ten days. Attorney 8. A. D. Gurley.'of Arlington Is here In attendance to circuit oourt business. Frank Sloan, the cattleman of Butter Creek, has been among Heppnerites this week. J. W. Vaughn, formerly of this plaoe, but now of Newburn came In on Friday night's train. John A. Donnel, Martin Miller and C. D. Btrlngham, Wyoming stockmen, are in town. A. B. Nlles of Walla Walla was here after business this week, and erecting monuments. Mrs. M. M. Hunter, Ione's popular landlady, was a guest of the Uazett editor's family this week. M. L. Maxwell, of lone, deputy assessor and notary puplio, Is registered at the Palace for a few days. Jas. H. Boyce, of Hardman, a member of the grand jury, paid the Gazette a most agreeable call today. J. M. Hager and wife went to Portland the first of the week, where Mrs. Hager goes for treatment. Frank Lee came up from The Dalles yesterday and will make Heppner his headquarters for some time. Miss Alice Glasscock returned from neai Blalock, where she has been teaching, on Tues day evening. Lem Wood, the popular John Day merchant, pulled considerable merchandise out of Hepp ner Tuesday. Mrs. Margaret Von Cadow was in the city this week. Her many friends gave her a cor dial greeting. A. P. Hanawalt, the successful Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance agent Is welcomed here again this week. Mr. E. W. Morgan of Gooseberry, here on court business, paid the Gazette office a sub stantial visit today. M. 8 Smith, L. M. Hill, P. Reitman, T. A. Allyn, W. J. Blake, Ioneitea, are also on the Palace hotel register. J, A. Woolery, Mat Halvorson, Nat Hale, Bnd Haney and George Parker, were here from lone on the incorporation project. Engineer Swaine and Conductor Hanson arrived here to take out the stock train of 17 cars from Heppner and 5 cars from lone this week. Mr. Allen, the popular half-way-house man, between Heppner and Monument, Is spending this week with us, helping the court to adjust differences. Chas. F. Koyce, Hiram Tasb, B. H. Bleakman and N. K. Paul, wer. among the Hardman dele gation here this week attracted by court and other business. Henry Gay, the Rhea creek stockman, came In a a witness in the MuGonlgal caw. H e baa just been notified to appear in Portland next m.ntb as D. 8. grand juror. Orin U Patterson, editor and proprietor of the Long Creek Eagle, arrived in Heppner re maining over Sunday and then proceeded to Portland, on returning he will remain here a few days. Mr. Frank Lacy, of Portland, haa been Hepp ner the past week, and has succeeded in secur ing sheep sufficient to load about 100 care. Mr. Lacy, Instead of trailing, ships direct by rail to tbe Chicago market. iTMS Dsklsg. Mr. M. CKennedy bas opened dress making parlors at tbe Mountaia tons., and tolioiU patronage, gqtrrjotoeiog eotiri iitltfiotioo. it FAIR was The Fair that ! ! Light - Running. "Tlx Examine it before RETURNED IF GOODS NOT SATISFACTORY HEPPNER'S FLOUR MHjL. The Prodnct of the Heppner Flour Mill Gaining Reougnlton, The Commercial Review, ia comment ing on the flour milling business, predicts that this northwest will be one ot tbe greatest milling oenters in the Uoited States. The mills of Oregon and Wash ington are constantly increasing their capacity, and beyond a doubt the ml 11 ing venture of Heppner will win its share of recognition, as the United Btates acquires new territory adjacent to the Pacific Coast it is imperative that every seotioo of the country exert its viyilanoe and keep tbeir opportunities in view, reaching out for this increasing trade, or tbe enterprise of distant territory will sweep from us a golden opportunity. Siooe tbe mill started np here a few months ago the fl ur it has produced is of tbe best quality, end those who have tried it are entbnsastio in pronouncing it sooh. Tbe management of this looal enterprise are business men and appreci ate tbe importance of building up a busi ness on the merits of their output. In the past tbe downfall ot this mill was doe to the sagacity of foreign mills, in plaoing a limited supply of floor in bet at a prioe below that wbfob it oost to produce, imposing an additional tax upon tbeir local field to make good tbe deficiency, thereby working tbe distract ion of this mill, sfleotiog every business institution witbio this territory, thereby depreoiatiog all values. With tbia mill out of the way, then came tbeir oppor tunity to inflate the prioe ot flour and mill feed, thereby by compelling the farmers to sell tbeir wheat for shipment at a figure that has been very diseoar aging to them, realizing from it barely the oost of their bran and shorts. Now is tbe time for not only tbe merobants to figure the importance of this mill to tbeir interests but it ia as important for the farmer to tody tbe same. HORSEMEN NOTICE. The imported running stallion Cal phnrnng will make the seaeon of at B. F. Swaagart'a farm, 10 miles north of Heppner. Good pasture will be fur nished free, but will not be responsible for accidents, or mares getting away, although particular oare will be taken to prevent tbe same. Two Kentuoky Jaokswilt also make the season there. A few good milch cows for sale. tf try I Hnlrrel Poison Is t rapid and reliable pest destroyer. R A. Newton, Ashland, Oregon, says; "Fry's squirrel poison has not only Croven sedaotive and deadly to squirrels at to tbe rabbits and pestiferous skunk well. For sale by blooum Drag Co. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tha Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bean the BJgBtere made values better and prices lower twill IFair" Machine Never Gets Out of Order. 3 Drawers purchasing any THE Chas. Tefft's Bon Ton --je-te-An Interior Vlew-- .ssBest Service in Heppner. HOTEL HEPPNER.... Mrs- E. C. Bowerman, Proprietress. New Management . . 3STow Prices . ISTew Business Everything neat, clean and pleasant to the public Home f!ftftMr,r The best meal in town only 25 centa. FARMERS When our bedfl afe fied we do -,......,.........j your rustling for other beds. We want your patronage and are getting it DO YOU KNOW Give Him a Trial. Clarke NEW At Heppner, Or., $23, other. FAIR Restaurant He Guarantees All His Work. THE Jeweler near the Post Office,