Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 18, 1899, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Thursday, May 18, 1899.
The friendly personal cable
messages that have passed between
the Emperor of Germany aDd
President McKinley since the lat
ter approved the application for the
landing of the new German cable
in the United States, have not
pleased thoBe who have been for
months exaggerating eyery little
occurence, and man factoring some,
for the purpose of creating ill-will
between the people of the two
countries, but they hava served
to show the world, as well as the
people of the two countries, that
the rulers of Germany and of the
United States have no idea of al
lowing the friendly relatious of
the two nations to be disturbed by
sensation mongers.
Secretabi Gage has been of
fered a salary in the neighborhood
of the one that tempted Speaker
Iteed out of public life, to beoome
President of one of New York's
big banks, but it is not likely that
he will accept. He made a heavy fi
nancial sacrifice when he became
Secretary of the Treasury, and will
probably continue in the office
until March 1th, 1901, if uo longer.
There is no doubt that if he desires
to remain in that position during
president McEinley's Becond term
that the President will be pleased
to have him do so. There is no
man in the country better fitted by
knowledge and experience to fill
the arduous duties of Secretary of
the Treasury than Mr. Gage.
Never have the affairs of that great
department of the government
moved smoother than sinoe he
has been at its bead, and never has
the credit of the nation been
higher. This is high praise, but it
is deserved.
The business outlook on the Pa
cifio coast was never better than at
present. "Westward the star of
empire takes its way." The west
ward movement has been going on
as long as time has run, and the
acquisition of the islands in the
Pacific by the United States, the
advance of enlightened civilization
into China, the building of the
Nicaragua canal, and the opening
of new fields of commercial activ
ity is directing renewed attention
to the far west. Men with capital
to invest, and well-to-do people of
all classes, are coming to Oregon
to find homes and take part in our
industries and the development of
our rich resources. The Isles of
the Pacific and the Orient when
populated with enterprising people
will want more of products at bet
ter pricoB. Oregon, situated in the
midst of these great activities, with
boundless resources in timber,
grain oattle and products of all
kinds, offers possibility not excell
ed by any state in the uuiou.
Albany Herald.
Aguinaldo'b supplication for
peace came so close upon the de
claration of President MoKinley
that the revolt should be put down,
no matter how much money it oosts
nor how many men it might require
to convinoe even the most doubting
that the Filipinos had been kept
informed of everything done in this
country, and have aoted upon the
information. Had they not re
ceivod enoouragement from this
oouutry, which caused them to be
lieve that there was a possibility
ol our withdrawing from the
islands, if they fought stubbornly
enough, there would never have
been any revolt The action of
Uen. Otis in telling the representa
tives of Aguinaldo that the only
conditions under which he woul3
stop fighting was to grant a genera!
amnesty for au unconditional sur-
render, is so fully indorsed by the
adminstration that no orders have
been sent to him. It is felt that he
has correctly sized up the situation
and can be left to deal with the
Filipinos without further inetruo.
lions. Resides, the American Com-
niinsioners, who are fully ac
quainted with President McKin-
ley's wishes, are with him to aid in
settling any questions that may
arise. It is confidently expected
that no better terms can be ob
tained, accept those offered by
Gen. Otis; they are already fully
convinced that nothing but defeat
for them lies in fighting our sol
dier. And notwithstanding their
outside assistance, they are short
of nearly all kinds of supplies.
Tbe Seulun an Kxeeedlsglr Bur Ob.
Monday morning Ibe oiroait court
convened with Jadge A. 8. Lowell,
Dietriot Attorney Bean, Deputy Sheriff
Matlock. County Clerk Crawford, and
attorneys Ellia & Phelps, 0. E, Redfield,
Re a & Morrow, 8. B. Huston, 8. A. D.
Ourley and C. M. Charlton present.
Tbe grand jury aeleoted aa follows:
Andrew Rood, foreman; W. S. Spenoer,
Jaa, H. Boyce, FanI Beitman, George
Parman and B. W. Bobinson.
N. A Leaob of lone was elected grand
jury baliff, li. u. Willi, general baliff
and 0. M. Obarlton, jury baliff.
Tbe first oriminial oaae to oome up
was Ibal ol tbe MoUonaglH brotbara
charged with stealing a band of sheep,
mortaged by tbe First National Bank.
Separate ohargei required tbe settlement
of Con MoQonagiM'a case first
Distriot Attorney Bean and C. E,
Redfield appeared for tbe state, while
Ellia & Phelps appeared tor defendant.
After able arguments by both oouacils
and submission to jury, tbey returned a
verdict of not guilty in bis ease and be
was discharged.
Tbe indiotmiot againat tbe brother!
for stealing wool was dismissed.
Tbe grand jury failed to find a trne
bill against W. B. Ewing for aeaanlt
with a dangerous weapon on Mrs. Hat
tie Cecil.
They found a true bill against Ji
Ores well, John Morgan, and Judd Hart,
tbe boya aoonsed of horse stealing.
Trespass oaae of Wm Hog bee ts P. M.
McCnllougb dismissed.
J. M. O. Spenoer vs J. B. 8 perry,
judgement given on stipulation.
Mrs. Margaret Yon Cadow waa granted
a deoree of divorce from Wm. Ton
A Visit to B, F. Swaggart's stock Ranch
Sunday morning a ooacb load of Hep
pnerites drove to tbe Swaggart ranoh to
inspeot tbe atoek ranging oa its buneh
grass bills, and particularly tbe colli of
Calpburnus, the famous imported rnn
ring stallion. He is a beautiful obealnut
weighing 1100, and looks every inob a
raoe horse. In tbe oorrale were but tour
of bia first oolts, 2 year olds, wbiab Mr.
Swaggart la guarding carefully, being
oonvinosd, in bia judgment, that train
ing will place their aire foremost in tbe
minda of western horseman. Among the
many tbii season's oolts was a promising
one of Sawbuok'a, although but 2 d aye-
old, it was deolared by the jndge of the
party a amall "streak of lightning."
MisaCoxey'a colt, l dajs old, was of
remarkably smooth round turn, and ex
oeedingly attractive. Opbal, famous in
tbe minds of Heppnerites as a raoe mare,
bad at ber side a 10-day old oolt, that
provoked a dispute for possraaion be'
tween Harry Bennett and Jaok Parker,
tbe well-known riders and horsemen.
Many other well bred oolts held our at
tention, besidea the band of mules and
coarser stock that Mr. Swaggart supplies
tbe market with.
Tbe prime object of our visit was to
prepare ourselves with an inapiration
that might lead to tbe development of a
training traok adjaosnt to Heppner
Having tbe thoroughbred stook of not
onlyiSwaggarta ranoh.bat of the famous
Matlook ranoh, our little town is entitled
to all the credit and success it entails,
and we should nolle in placing this
stock in the foremost rank of recogni
tion tbat Morrow oounty may reap tbe
harvest sure to follow.
Our 6ents' Furnishing Goods
Department was never before so replete with bargains in
goods of known quality. Our line of dress shirts and
fancy silk fronts in unexcelled in beauty, quality and
price. In the line of workingmen's shirts we secured the
following guarantee from the manufacturers:
Tootle, Wheeler & iWotter Mercantile Co.,
To the Alan who Wears this Garment:
Dear 3ir: We desire to call your attention to
the workmanship on this garment. You will see that
it is cut full large. If you wear a 36, you don't want
a 38 in your goods. The seams on most of Our Own
Make are felled, which makes a smooth finish, no
rough edges to ravel out, and a seam that will not rip.
You need have no fears of contagious diseases when
you buy Our Make goods. We use none but clean
white labor, never had a Chinese in our factory.
They are not our style. If this garment gives good
service, come back to the same place when you need
to buy again.
Ten reasons why the Toole, Wheeler A M otter Shirts are the Best
on Earth.
First, we guarantee all workingmen's shirts, as well
as others not to rip, as we use more stitches to the
inch than any other makers.
Second, we guarantee the fit.
Third, we will replace with a nw one every one
that rips.
Fourth, they are cut full 36 inches long.
Fifth, they are sewed with four threads best 6 cord
cotton and made on the celebrated Twin Needle
Sixth, the body is made to fit, also the collar and
Seventh, they are of the same length front and back.
Eighth, every collar is interlined with heavy shrunk
muslin and put on a four ply band.
Ninth, they have sloped shoulders made gracefully
and the sleeves, while long, are uniform, and made
to conform with the body and neck.
Tenth, in all, we think that our shirts are the best
method of advertising that can be used, as it appeals
to all who wish graceful fitting shirts, and the mater
ial is only the best.
We use no second or inferior goods.
Manufactured by
Tootle, Wheeler & Motter Mercantile Co.
Regular Correspondent.
Last Sunday Services were held at tbe
United Bretbern Church by Revs. Mar
ietta and Hoskins, followed by an en
joy able basket dinner.
Mrs. Hoskins, mother of Rev. Hoskins
oame over from Hardman for a visit.
A oertain Butter Creek favorite, of tbe
sterner sex, left Pine City in the "wee.
small hours of tbe night," bis eup of joy
running over not stimulants, however
but judging, from the verse of his aong
"I love ber, yes I love her," the idol of
his heart had raoiprooated.
Tbe cool weather has not only chilled
the hopes of tbe farmer, but also of tbe
fellow whose girl baa found a handsomer
Sheepmen have their sheep on tbe
road to tbe mountains.
Miss. Jennie Bartholomew, who has
been visiting her brother, is now visiting
Mra. Kellog.
w. B. Finley delivered hit aheep to
buyers last week.
Mr. and Mra A. T. Matthews, who
have been visiting T. D. Mattews and
family, have returned to their boats ia
i tax. ru iv
Are qow in
Comprising Fine Lines of
Summer Dress Goods
Laces of all kinds
We carry these shirts at prices from 75c to $175.
Minor & Co.
a - k j a m i a -v . m x. v - w -
, j .
Percales, Ducks, Crashes and Linens
:Sliirt Waists, Sillc Capesi
Tail or-Made Suits
To arrive from the
East in a few days
The famous "Ideal" brand the nobbiest line made.
Nobby Derbys and Felts
Crash and Light Wool.
The guaranteed
Kelley-Goodfellow Brands.
GROCERIES The Choicest and most Complete
Line in the City....
We Buy Before You Buy
As cheap as goods can be Call and examine our goods
sold. None buy cheaper. and inquire our prices.
O E. FARNSWORTH. President.
R. F. HYND, Secretary and Manager
Postage to be Hedncd to One Cent,
The enormous inorease in the number
of lettare carried in the U. 8. mails
makes it oertain that the rate ot postage
must eventually be rednoed to one cent
au ounoe. The president who succeeds
in gettiug suob a measure through con
arena will hold a high place in the esteem
of tbe people, but no higher than the
eh teem in which everybody holds Hoe
tetter's Stomach Bitters, This medicine
hold au unequalled reoord in reducing
tbe siokness ot mankind. It gets at tbe
starting pciut of disease by acting upon
the BtiiniHi'b direct, helping Ibat import
aut organ in its duty of digesting food.
It makes good appetites, alleys nerTons
neaa, stimulates tbe kidneys, and makes
rundown man or woman feel like new
person. Try It.
Whooping Cough.
I bad a little bo? who waa atari t dead
from an attack ot whooping oough. My
neighbors reoommended Obamberlain'a
Oouub Ren edy. 1 did not think thai
any medicine would Ihelo him. but eft.r
giving bim a tew doeee of that remedy I
noticed an improvement, and one bottle
cured bim entirely. It is the best cough
madioine I ever had in the house. J. L.
Moore, South Durgellstown. Pa. Far
tale by Oooier 4 Warren, .
Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain.
Owned and Operated or tlio Wool
Growers of Morrow County.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts.
The only Reliable Prepared Dips on tlie market.
Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand.
Wool Sacks at cost to patrons.
Father's Right First
In New Jersey young oouple were
secretly married , and tba girl returned
home. A year parsed before the hus
band appeared and olaimed ber. He
waa not allowed to see ber. He went
into court against her father for alien
atioa ot affection. The judge ruled
againat bim, aaying; "Tbe father is
not only excusable, bat has a right to
protect bis daughter, even after her
marriage, against every person who
threatens ber interest. He baa a rigl t
to protect ber against ber bnaband it he
thinks he is not tbe proper person to
tak e care ot ber."
Ed. R. Bishop Co.
Successors to P. C. Thompson Co.
Make It easy for your wife
by getting hr a new
Boss Washing
Bammer Normal.
Teachers not employed daring the
summer can Had opportunity to make
additional preparation for their work,
or to review tor either state or county
examinationa at tbe summer term ot tbe
8tete Normal school at Monmouth.
From $30 to 140 will cover all expenses
tor the 10 weeks. Term beginning Tues-
dry, Jane 26th. Fall information eent
on appnoaiion 10 me aeoreiary or me
faculty, Normal sohool, Monmouth.
Those who are indebted to The Fat-
tereon Publishing Oo. will take notioe
tbat tbe oli firm has dissolved and gone
out of buslneee. However, there is yet
owing the old firm a large amount of
money, long peat due. Those indebted
must settle np witnout aeiay. Tbe old
books ot tbe com pany may be fouod at
tbe Oaaette otfioe, where money will be
received and receipt" in.
Guns, Pistols and Cartridges
Hardware and Groceries.
Ed. R. Bishop Co.
Having purchased a lot of discontinued
Crescent St. Waltham 17 Jewel Adjusted Movements
direct from the factory, I will sell them, put
up, in Nickle Open Face Dust Proof Cases"
for $20. Put up in Silver or Gold Filled
Dust Proof Cases for $23.50 to $27.50.
Anyone wanting a high grade Watch should not miss the
opportunity to get one.
Also a nice assortment n A D-
of Ladies Gold Watches... U. DOrCJ,
Dr. Barthlow's
Poaitively WHITE PINE
Throat, Bronchitis.
Dr. Barthlow's
The beat
Nerve Tonle and Blood Purifier.
Conser & Warren, Heppner, Or.,
Who carry a complete line of Drug9, Cbemicala. Paints, Oils and Gluts
Just Arrived
A Carload of
The Spa !
Telephone 13 4
Smead & Co.
Fancy Groceries
Tlje Best Of EverVthittC Oregonlon and Tel.grom agency.