Schillings Best tea sold only in Packages WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. For Eastern Oregon the Put Week, fruit and Grain Crop Assured. Weather. As in tbe western portion of the State, higher temperatures and less rainfall ocoured during the last week than in tbe proceeding week. Tbe mean temperatures was 60 wbiob is 7 degrees higher than tor tbe preoeding week and 1 degree higher than for the corresponding week last year, tbe mean temperature was the same as for the week ending April 10th, with tbe differ ence that tbe night temperatures daring the lest week were higher and tbe day temperatures lower- Tbe total rain fall for tbe week amounts to from .07 to .56 of an inch, the greater amount falling over the Plateau region. Rain fell on Thursday and Friday. There were no frosts in tbe Columbia Biver Valley, but tbey were frequent over tbe Plateau region. Crops. Tbe warmer weatber wee of great benefit. Fall sown grain bas made growth and is in fairly good oondi tion, but it is not up to what it usually is at this season of the year. It has stooled maoh better than usual, but it lacks growth; this will oome with warmer weather. Spring grain on fal low land Is doing very well, but on stub ble ground it is very backward. Tbe oil is moist, and with waim sunshine to raise the temperature of the soil, a rapid growth will ensue. There is no danger at tbe present time of a abort crop or of injury to the orop, yet condi tions will be greatly improved by more favorable weatber. The fruit conditions have not obanged. The early blooming fruits are losing their bloom, and tbe present indications are favorable for a normal orop. By June 1st tbe condition and prospeots can be determined. Strawberries aro setting and a large orop is expeoted. Grass is making good growth and a large orop is now promised. Tbe foregoing applies to the Columbia Biver Valley. Over the Plateau region the season continues backward, though an advanoe in vegetation is noted. Tbe grain crop in the Grand Rondo and Powder Biver valleys is in fairly good oonditiou. Fruit buds are swelling and tbe trees are coming into bloom. Bange food is improveing in quantity and quality, and stook is fattening np. Tbe lambing season continnes. Some sections report favorable results, others that there is loss among tbe lambs. The continued cool, backward season is disoouragiug; it delays work and re tards development of vegetation. Late seasons are usually followed by got d crops, OREUON STOCK. Lively Drinand for Product of the ItanKe la the KhhL "Oregon is the great breeding ground lot cattle and sheep. It is upon this state that tbe big ranohers of Montana, Wyoming, tbe Dukotas and Nebraska must mainly depend for slock to re plenish ranges depleted by tbe demand for 'feeders,' said J. L. Harris, general agent of the Union Htook Tarda Com pany, of Chicago, while in Portland the otber day. "Our stook yards will use half a mil lion sheep tbls ysar," be oontinued, "which oome lndireotly from the ranges of Oregon, besides a large number of cuttle that have been graced in the Bocky mountain states and fattened further east sinoe leaving this state as yearlings or 2 year-olds. The demand for Oregou fed stook is to be permanent, so far as 1 oan see now, and Oregon rat tlemen should take mors pains to im prove their stook than tbey have been doing. Texas alone hat spent 12,000, 000 for improving stook during tbe past two years, and she is now beginning to reap tbe harvest from her investment. Tbe stock Texas men have been im porting from tbe eaet is Hereford and Durham, mainly tbe former." Tbe demand for Oregon stock this season Mr. Harris finds to be good, lie thinks young oatlle low in flesh will be Bent from this state to be fattened at tbe corn binns of the Mississippi valley, and the fat oaroasses, increased 100 to 200 per cent in weight, will be shipped to Portland and Hound meat markets, to tbe protit end satisfaction of breeder, drover and consumer. He thinks, bow ever, that Oregon stockmen are holding their sheep and oattle a little too high tor tbe present market, although a large number of buyers are now in tbe field anxious to start their purchases east ward. The ruling prices now are: For 2-year-old steers, 925 to $'27; yearlings, $18. He thinks such prices as these oogut to satiety cattleraisers, an on a large icate there would be "millions in it" Oregonian. Story of Slav. To be bound baud aud foot is tor years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Ueorge I). Williams, of Mau. Chester, Mich .tells bow snob a slave was made free. He says: "My wife bas been bo helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed atone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, ehs U wonderfully improved aud able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly on res nervous ness, sleeplessness, tuelanoholy, head anhe, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. Xhla uiirwla working u,edioloe ia a god send to weak, slok, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only CO Ols. bold by Slocotn Drug Co. State News. Barbers who want license now muit pay 15.00 and be examined before the state board of ex aminers. Wheeler county gets 8769.1S from Gilliam county in taxes due by reason of tbe dissolution of partnership. The women of Dallas are In arms against a Mormon preacher who has been working that place with some success. The Inland Telephone & Telepraph Company has a force of men stringing a new metallic loop between Union and Baker City. Good horses are scarce in Josephine county, and desirable work teams are bringing the prices which were paid for them several years ago. Fresh meat is higher now than ever known in Portland before. Porterhouse steak 20 cents a pound. The lowest price Is boiling beef at 8 cents a pound. The farmers, sheepmen and cattlemen in Umatilla county have organized a Pacific North west Producers' Association. The aim is to keep up prices and work against the influence of trusts. M. Jensen, of Astoria, the inventor of a can- filling machine, a can soldering machine and a fish-net knitting machine, has recently sold out his Interests in the inventions, and will start for a trip round the world, with 1100,000 in his pocket. At the recent meeting of the board of regents of the state normal scbool at Ashland, Gov. Geer refused to accept the property in the name of the state because of a $1300 mortage up on it. The people of the town will try to raise the incumbrance. While Rev. Joseph Cox, aged 70, and wife, of Albany were going to the funeral of their son at Hill City, last week, the seat of the hack which they were occupying tilted. Both were thrown out of the vehicle and seriously hurt. It Is feared that Mr. Cox's injuries will prove fatal. At Union Oregon, May 8, seventeen thousand dollars' worth of school bonds of school district No. 1, embracing the city of La Grande, in this county, was sold to Francis P. McMullen, at (10.1.63. This is said to be tbe highest price ever paid for a similar school bond in Oregon. There were four other bids. They were 5 per cent 10 to 20 year bonds, and the premium paid was 8.36 per cent. James Isaac, aged 83, and one of the oldest pioneers of Umatilla County, respected by the people, and beloved by his family, a man of sterling worth and manly qualities, died May 5th in Pendleton at the home of his son A. M. Isaac. He was one of the very best citizens who came here in the early days to open up this country and bring it into its present pros perous condition. Be was a man of sterling in tegrity, and held the universal respect of all the people of that section of country, where he was generally known. Malheur county has the champion girl of to day. She lives at Owybs and last spring she planted and cultivated successfully three acres of potatoes, did all the cooking and sewing for the family milked seven cows, fed the calves, took care of the chickens, shot and killed sev eral bothersome coyotes, killed four snakes, set the dogs on half a dozen tramps, went to thir teen dances and seven picnics, read nine 10 cent novels, and sat up four nights a week with her best fellow. Better than all, she refused the profierred hand in marriage of a Vale dude. Baker Republican. REDUCED PARKS. Aniversary Meetings of the Baptist Societies to be held at Ban Francisco, Cal., May 24-81. For tbe above oooasion a rate of one and one-fifth fare to Portland and return is authorized from all stations in Ore gon, Washington and Idaho (not includ ing Columbia and Willamette river division) in connection with special steamship selling and basing rate of $20, 00 cabin passage (meals and berth included) and special rail selling and basing rate of 825 00 via Shasta Boute Portland to San Franoisoo and return. Selling dates, May 16, 20 and 31, Limits: Going and returning oontin- ous passage. Under no oiroumstances will limit be extended beyond final limit, June 25th. Tickets: Descriptive round trip ex change orders from Spl. Exour. Eiob. drawn on Portland for tiokets via steamer or via Shasta Bonte. Note: Tiokets will not be sold via steamer in one direction and train tbe other, but must go and return same route between Portland and Han Franoisoo. Stop overs: Not allowed on O. B. & N. between starting point and Portland or on steamer or Southern Paoiflc be tween Portland and San Franoisoo, Steamers: Sail from Portland May 17 and 22. Exobange ordera ebould be issued accordingly. Steamship tickets expire June 22, but are good on steamer leaving San Franolsco that date. Shaata Boute: Tiokets will be on sale at Portland only on May 21 and 22 with final limit June 20, continuous passage each direotion. Exobange or ders should be issued accordingly. B. OaMPBILIi, W. H. Hdlbi'bt, Traflo Manager. Oen. Pasa.Agi The dread and fort boding which almost invariably comes over a young wife, just ere the advent of the first little darling who shall call her mother, is one of the unnatural bur dens which civilization has imposed upon the privilege of mother hood. There ought not to be such an over whelming sens of depression and weak ness as a woman feels at this time and there would not be if she was in a perfectly strong and healthy condition. In thousands of raws motherhood has been divested of all its dangers and a large proportion of its pain by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Ptcscription, which is the most marvelous remedy ever discovered for restoring com plete organic health and strength to the delicate special structure involved in moth erhood. Taken early during the prospective time it makes the mother strong, energetic and cheerful and carries her through the period of trial with comparative comfort and ease. It increases the baby's natural, constitutional vigor aud adds to the joys of motherhood the supteme satisfaction of a strong, robust, lusty infant " Favorite Pre scriptton " is also the best supportive tonic for nursing mothers. Every expectant mother wiuappreciate what is said by Mrs. Kannle M. Harry, of Galesburg, Ilia, (mj Churchill Ave.) In a letter to Dr. Pierce she writes : " I have uard vour rotdicines In m v family for s long time, and And them to be all that ia claimed. I cannot recommend them too highly. My con-Buenu-ut was nmd ev, a I experienced none of the pains such as other have at that period, aud the '' the one ttial motheis fmr so nuirh. Besides, the medicine has helped me in msnv other ways. I would recommend all af. dieted women to try lr. Hierce's valuable, mctU ouvs, sua thus become well and Mrou' V WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR YOOL WIH depond largely upon who handle It. If you send it to somebodv who peddles it out in small dribs you may expect a low price. If you send it to ua, it will be stored in our loftB with millions of pounds of other wool of the name grade and texture. When the manufacturer comes to buy, he buys the lot, and your wool goes with the reseat a good price. life Hsandis 15,000,000 lbs. of Wool Annually We make liberal advances on consignments at the low rate of 5 per cent. per annum for the money free wool sacks and sewing who ask for it. It keeps prices. Write for it to-day. n V S1LBERMAN BROTHERS, 122.124-126-128 Michigan St. CHICAGO, ILL. Tbe Dalles Land Office. The following is the showing for tbe month of April at tbe United States land offioe at this plaoe: Original homestead entries 101 Final entries 23 Final timber-culture entries 7 Cash entries 12 Timber and stone declaration 1 Soldier's declaratory statement 1 State idemnlty list 1 The total receipts of the offioe were 82828.15, of wbiob $149.42 were, fees and commissions, making no excess of over 8340 for the m ntb. Tbe average num ber of homestead filings during tbe six months beginning April, 1898, was 38; for tbe last six months tbe average has been 80. Tbe financial standing o! land offioes being based npon fees asd com missions plaoes The Dalles office far above maxium, tbe earnings for tbe past four months being about 31,200 in ex cess of the salaries allowed the offioere by law. Times-Mountaineer Voloanio Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Halve cures tbem; also old, running aud fover sores, ulcere, felons, boils, oorns, warts, outs, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped bands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 oent a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Slooum Drug Co. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND OHice at The Dalles, Ore., May 9, 1X99. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that Bald proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June IB, 1899, viz: HANNAH E. HALLOCK, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 4184 for the southwest southwest section 21, north northwest and southeast it northwest 54 section 28, town ship 2 sontn, range as iivm. hue names me following witnesses w prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hiram E. Clark, Orrin Farnsworth, Oily Johnson and Arthur Minor, all of Heppner, Oregon. y-,i4 jay r AjUcah, negisier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ottice at The Dalles Ore., May I), 1809. Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before A. Mai lory, United States Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, June 19, 1899, viz: CHESTER H. WILKINSON, of Hardman Ore. Homestead entry No. 4907 for the southwest M section 11, tow ushlpH south range 26 E.W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. M Hperry, Thomas Merrill, Frank vard ana thanes Keuass allot uarutnan, Oregon. 9-34 jay r. micas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Offloe at The Dalles, Ore. , May 9, 1899 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, June 17, 1899, viz: CHARLES D. AHHBAUGH, of Eight Mile, Ore., Homestead entry No. 8329 for the southeast ! section 1, township 4 south, range 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: Charles Stanton, K. B. Stanton, wiiuaai u. Leathers ana Artnur elevens, ail oi Eight Mile, Oregon. 84 Jay P. Lucas, Register ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow county duly appointed administrator of the estate of P. C. ThoinDsou. deceased. All persons holding claims against said deceased are notified to present same properly verified, to tne aamtnis trator at the office of Ellis & Phelps at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from date of publi cation of this notice. Dated this 10th day of May, 1899. J. A. Thompson, Administrator of the estate of P. C. Thompson, deceased. 9-34 CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ottlee at The Dalles, Or., April 29, 1899. A sufficient contest altlOavlt having been filed In this ottice by Charles W. Willis, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 4..7.1, made on April 27. 1892, for northwest V, section 28, town ship 2 south, range 2& E W M. by Joseph JM. La U ramie, eouteslee, In which It Is alleged that said Joseph M. La Uraude has utterly failed to comply with the law In regard to settlement on the laud; has never built a house thereon, and has uever cultivated any part of said tract Said parties are hereby no tilled to appear, re spond and oiler evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 12, lass), before Vawter Crawford, county clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, aud that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m on June 19, 199, be fore the register and receiver at the tutted States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, tiled March loth, 1899. set forth facts which show that alter due diligence, personal service of this notlie can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due aud proper publication, 8 ;U Jay P. Li cas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEl'RATMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ortlce at The Dalles, Ore., April 25, lyK Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and thai said proof will tie made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppuer, Oregon, on June 2d, 1899, vis: VERNER BARTON, ol Heppner, Or.; Homestead entry No 7(111, for the southwest l section H, towushlp i south, range 2ti K VY M. He names the following witnesses to prove hlscotitttiuoue residence upon aud cultivation ol said land, vis: James Doherty, Elmer Bea mmi, William O. Scott and Frank Gentry, all of Heppner, Oregou. Jay P. I.I'cas, T-KI Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalle. Oregou, April 4, IS. Notice is hereby given that John T. Moreltnd, of Hardman, has tiled notice of intention to maka final proof before J W. Morrow, United State coinmiMlonor. at his ottice in Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, the IMh day of May, It), on limber culture application No. 8299, for th south l southwest northeast southwest Vi, southwest V southeast i ol section No, 20, lu township No. 4 south, range No 2o K W M He iimiiih as witnesses: V. A. Stephens, Chris Ketthlev. Hlraia Tssh and Hotmail Nelsou, all ol tUrvluian, Oregou, i-a Jay P, Li CA, Register. thug used. We supply all our shippers with twine. We send our Circular Letter to all you informed on the wool situation and wool Address, ferrc NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ottice at La Grande, Or., April 17. 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler bas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 26, 1899, vtz ; , STEPHEN HENDRICKSON, of Heppner, Or.; Homestead entrv No 830. for the south u southeast and south southwest J4, Bection 5, township 4 south, range 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to provehis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Lambert, Austin Yocum, August Nelson ana wiuiani LasBeen an oi Heppuer, Oregon. 6-31 E. W. Babtlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ofiice at La Grande, Oregon, April 17, 1899 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 2oth, 1899, viz: JAMES E. LAMBERT, of Heppner; Or.; Homestead entry No 8359, for the north H southwest H section 5, township 4 south, range 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John W. Depny, Samuel Mc Brlde, Stephen Hendricksou and Robert Dexter all of Heppuer, Oregon. 6-31 , W. Babtlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND OHice at La Grand, Oregou, April 12, 1898 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 27, 1899, viz: JOHN B. CAMPBELL, of Vinson, Oregon. Homestead entry No 8313, for the South-west & south-east Vi. and east ', south-east , Bection 34, and north-west !4 south-west M, section 35, township 2 south, range 29, E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Dillard French, Hezekiah Tippett, William Clarke, of Heppner, Oregon, aim A. jj. t napiuau, oi Vinson, uregon. E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTIOE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, April 4, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, May 15, 1899, viz: EGBERT L. YOUNG, heir of aud for the heirs of Jerome G. Young, deceased, of Eight Elle, Oregon; Homestead entry No. 3772, for the southwest J4 section 8, township 3 south, runae 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry J. (jay, Ainert a. uav and .lames J. Adkius, a'l of Heppuer, Oregon; and Frank Vaughn, of Eight Mile, Oregon. 4 29 Jay P. Lucas, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. "PVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND U OHice at La Grande, Or., May 1. 199. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice oi his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado before J. W. Mor row, u. w. commissioner, at iieppner, uregon on June 9th, 1899, viz: DAVID PEARSON, one of the heirs and for the heirs of Henjamin B Pears. m, deceased, of Heppner, Oregon, Homestead entry No 01 (15, for the south V, north east 'i and north y, southeast hi section 28, township 1 north, range 2i east v 51. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivaiion of Baid land, viz: Charles M. Long, James Avers, Isaac Haworth and David M. Presley, all of Heppner, uregon. 8-3:1 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND IS Ottice at The Dalles. Ore.. April 24. 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said nroof will be made before V. Crawford Comity clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, uregon, on rnoay, june , inra, viz.: L. PEARL JONE8. of Heppner; Homestead entry No 713;), for the west H north west ' and west south tvext 4 section township 3 south, range 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove nts continuous resilience upon ana cultivation of said laud, viz: James T. Mitchell aud M. Lee Cantwell, of Heppner, Or , anil Stacy B. Roberts aud Wesley n. Branuon. of bight Mile. or. 7-32 J. P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND OHice at The Dalles, Oregon. April 24, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tnat said proof win ne mane ociore J. w. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppuer, Oregon, on Saturday, June 3, 1899, vtz: JAME8 W. VAUGHAN, of Heppner; Homestead entry No 5105, for the south 4 northwest and north M southwest U section ii . - . . L' lu i VOW OBItl). SOU I II, mux C fT i'l. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Her, Arthur J. Hunt, Nathaniel 8haw and William Cumberland, all of Heppner, Oregon. 17-32 Iay P. Lucas, Register. PUBLIC LAND SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR. suance of instructions from the commis sioner ol the general laud ottice, under author ity vested in him by section 2M, United SUtes Revised statutes, as ameuuea oy tne act oi con gress approved February 26, 1895. we will pro ceed to oiler at public sale on Friday, the 9th day of June, next, at 10 o'clock a, m , at this ottice, the following tract of land, to-wit: The southeast '4 northwest section 32, township 4 south, rauire 25 K V M. A.ny ami ail persons laimlng adversely the above-descrilied lands are advised to tile their claims in this ottice on 01 before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited Jay P. I.ih'as,, Register. 7-32 Oris Pattkrso'n, Keeeiver. V, s. Land Otllce, at The Dalles, Ore. April 22 1899. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR., I-tSl) ottlee at I he Dalles. Or., April 29, IS'.N. A sullieient contest arttdavit having been filed in this ottlee by Kmll tirtilkopp, contestant, against timber culture entrv No. 218, made January 20, 189, lor southeast V northwest , and east s southwest '4 and northwest V south east section 21, township 8 south, ranite 25 K V M, by John A. Avers, eontestee, in which It is alleged that entrvman has wholly abandoned said tract, and lor past eisht years failed to cultivate or plant any part thereof to tree seeds or cuttings, baid parti are hereby notified losppenr. recpoud aud oner cudenee touching said allegation at 1(1 o ctoek a. in on Juiib Mill. ISW9. More Vawter Craw fold, county clerk, at his ottlee at Heppuer. Oregun, aud that final hearing will be held at n o'clock a m on June 2oth, before the register and recrver at the Untied States Laud Office in 1 lie Dalles. Orfgon. The said contestant having, tti a proper sill davit, tiled March 15th, ne", set forth tacts which show thai after due diligence, perso:l service 01 this notice can not oe made. It is hereby ordered ami directed tlmt such llot.m be giveu !)J d.UI (Hid proper publication. -t Jay P. U'tii, tieiit. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, April 4, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proot will be made before J. W. Morrow, United States commissioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on Monday, May 15, 1899, viz: EGBERT L. YOUNG, of Eight Mile; Homestead entrv No. 4415. for the south northeast V section 7. and south M northwest section 8, township 3 south, range 25 E W M. He names the following wltuesBeB to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry C. uav, AlDeri o. nay and James J. Adkius, all of Heppner, Oregon, and Frank Vaughn, of Eight Mile, Oregon. -a jay r. IjUcab, tiegisier. anything yon invent or improve! also get CAvEAT.TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK OH PATENTS fee before patent. "II C.A.SHOW&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASH IN GTO N, D.C. MEN ! be0" can cured If von suffer from anv of th I ills of men. come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN k CO.. J 051 Market St Est'd 1852. 1 You n2 men and middle i aired men who are suttenne I firom the effects of vouthful indiscretions or ex- cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical I Debility ,Irapoieney,Ijiit Manhood j in all its complications; Mpermatorrhcea, Proatatorrhwn, iloiioi'rhcfa, Hietf i Frequency of tlrlnaling, else By a ' combination ol remedies, ot great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' that it will not only afford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to i perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair i and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent ' in ms speoany rinvumvn ui iiirn Syphilis thoronghly eradicated from the BVHfpm withnntiisiiiir mTsPiwiisPVa F.VI'.RV ItiaiV nnnlviocr in nn will m- , ceive our honest opinion oi bin complaint. w t win guarantee a ruau i v& uuJtx w , every case we undertake, or forfeit One xnuanaim j'ouars. Consultation FREE and strictlv on vat e. CHARGES VER Y MSASONABLK Treat- I ment personally or Dy letter. Send for book, " The Philosophy of Marriage, free (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DR. JORDAH'fJ Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. (Jome and learn how wonderfully you I are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. VATAiAjwvJB jauorwnte, 1061 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. Depart FOB TIME SCHEDULES From Heppuer. ABR1VC FKOU 10:00 a. m. Salt Lake Denver, 10:15 p. ru. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, ttt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, 8t Paul. Duluth, Mil waukee, and the 8.00 p. m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For Pan Franisco every Hve days. 8:00 p. m. Ex Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia River Stkamkks. To Astorln and Way Landings. 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday WtLLAMETTB RlVER 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday Orepon City, New- berg, Halem aud V'i Hy Landings. 7:00 a. m. Tues., Thur, and Sat, Willamette and Yamhill Rivers. 3:30 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. Oregon City, Day- imi a vay luuu- lugs. 6:00 a. m. Tues. Thurs. and Sat, Willamettb River Portland to Corval. 4:30 p.m. Tues., Thur. and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Snake River. Riparla to Lewlston Lv. Riparla 2:30 a. m daily except Sunday Lv. Lewlston U noon daily ex Saturday Passengers booked for ll Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4 days CHICAGO. 3 " ST. LOUIS, 3J " OMAHA, 3 " SALT LAKE, 1 " imm II Free Reclining Chnir Cars Upholstered Tourist Bleeping Cars Fullman Falnoe Bleeping Oars For full particulars regarding rate, time of trains, etc., call on or address J. 0. HART, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. TtSBBY, W. E. Comaji, Trav. Tsss. An I. Oon'l Agt. 124 Third 8t., Portland, Ore. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPMRD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Rnssland and Nelson. Alsn between Nelson an! Rosslsm), daily except 9 n tills,: It. Arrir. Hum A. M 8r"ka"" P- SI. IHW A. H Komuuid S:tn . . :10 A.M Viwn :5 P. M. Cloe ponrwt-onii ni SMtvn with steamer for KK ml all kootHtmi lk point. liMwiBra for Kuttts Klr and Bousdar? Tw r4u;ot Sit Xarrqs with stiuc dailt. WW 1JM1 OREGON SHORT LINE Ry FI15T TRAIN SEBV1GE DMLT- TO THE VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVEB, . . p. m. COLO. 8PB1NG8 . . tf:0 p. m. 8.55 p- m. MX) p. m. Arrives K NKAS UXTlf Arrives LINCOLN 2:11 p. ill. 4:25 p. m. 8:S0 p. m. 11 -20 a. ill. 8:(A a. 111. " OMAHA " DfciS MOINES " PEOItlA " CHICAGO Throngh Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to finest tram in the West For particulars and folders giving time of these , L. DE BEVOISE, PORTLAND, OKE. am MB IMP RODTE. E. E. M'LEOD. A. . P. A.. TOPEKA. THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE ' R. R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIB CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. Qaick Time. Union Dapots. Personally Conducted Excursions. BatcgHge Checked to Destination. liiiw Rates. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Kxposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, Jane to November, Write under-sinned tor rates, timetables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific K'j.KH.LOTHKOP. or J. C. HAHT Agt.i Gen. Aet.. 1S5 8d St., O. B, 4 N . Co. , Portland. Or. Huppner, Or. CHICAGO Milwaukee & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous bluok system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through out; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp ; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains every day and night between St. Paul and Ohioago, and Omaha and Chioago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Also operates Bteam-beated vestibuled trains, carrying tbe latest private compartment oara, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor CRrB, free reclining obnir oara, and the very best difiin obair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in tbe United States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. DIE TOO G8i ERST? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Tie Horinweslern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS 18 THH Great Short LiQC BETWEEN DULUTR, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled inning ana Bleeping usx Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS on time has gl en this road a national reputation. All ulasse of passengers carried on tne vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Una. All ageuts have tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. 8AVAOB, Oen. Agent Trav. F. & P. Agt. 24S Washington St.. Portland, Or. The Dalles; Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co. "DALLES CITY' AND 'REGULATOR' Both of tbe above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. Th Regulator Lin will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of Th Regulator Lin. The above steamers leave Portland and The Dalles at 7 a. in., and arrive at destination In ample time for outgoing trains. Portland office, The Dalles office, Oak St. Dock. Court street. W. 0. ALLAWAY, General Agent. QUICK TIIVIE I Sfin Franolsco And all points in California, via the Mt, roots of the Southern Pacific Co The KTt hivhwar through California, to all points East and South. Grand tkwnto Rout of th Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet bUsepera, beoond-class Sleepers Attached to express trmina, affording supartor acoomnodatinos for smond-cUssi panseursra. For urea, ticksta. almping ear reservations, te. call nnon or address) R. EOBHLKR, Manaeer, C. H. MARKHAM, (ten. F. P. Aft.. Portland. Oregon THROUGH TICKETS To all potntj In the Kaftern Ptatcs, Canada and F.uroPv ca be ol'tnlne I at lowest rates from ''ssictos" . ONION PACIFIC "The Regulator Line EAST Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVEB . . 2:35 p! m " COLO. SPRINGS 2:35 p. m Arrives TOPEK A . .. 7:80 a. m " KANSAS CITY . :IS a. m Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wat, H'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Bun) 6:45 a. m ' OMAHA (Ex Bon) . 8:f,0 a. m " CO. bLUFi B, . . 9.1Ua. ra Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash K'y. trains write JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., CHICAGO H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. b P. Railroads. RArixa aa.oo pbh day Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., CXXXCA.S-0 XXjXj. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite TraiiecontineDtal Between tbe Northwest aDd all Points East Choice of Two Routes Through the FAMOUS Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes east of Pueblo and Denver... All passengers granted - a day stopover in the Mormon capitol or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St I ouis Chicago and the East. For tickets and and Information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of O. R. St N., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies . R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland. Oregon. J. 0. Habt, Local Agt. Heppner, Or. nam m Yellow Stone Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Depot Fifth and I Sts. Arrive. Fast Mail for Tacoma, No. 1 10: 15 A. M. beattie, Aberdeen.Bouth Dend, Spokane, Helena, Butte, Anaconda, St. Paul, Chicago, New York, Ronton. nnH ail points East and South east. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Express, for Ta- No. 5 U P. M and intermediate main- une points. vixxo w oi. rui, mimieapoiis, umana. Kansas city and other Missouri river points. SH DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. H DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston atid other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections In all principal cities. Baggage checked through to destination of Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth st. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps write" the ln'orma,ion cu on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 256 Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. a niva . n u ti , , ,. GENERAL Wisconsin ClNTRai Link PASSENGER . DEPARTMENT. ) Mi ill NORTHERN i I iWTOi I No. a 11 A. M. No. 8 6 P. M. : Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that ia desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, aud it is hoped that our patrons will folly avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort JAS. C. POND, Gen". Paw, Agt 1