Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 11, 1899, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday.
Editor ui Managm.
Ye' .... $l.BO
Six Montha . . . 73
Throe Montha - . . 80
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postomee at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
Tells all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
" At the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out 011 his right
cheek. We used all tho external ap
plications that wo could think or hear ol,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
Bide of his face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my Burprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. S. S. Wboten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s.
rn are prompt, efficient and
llOOU S PIUS easy in effect ascents.
Or., May 3, 1899.
Burchell, H S Grooms, Mr Hollle
Halnman, Clinton Jones, Dr
Marlatt, Mr J W Martin, Mrs J
Nelson, Mr C J
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. b. K. Vacohan, P. M.
Local Notes.
Toe cream and so ls at Hart Bros.
Bums' stable now bas the addition of
a wash rack.
Arthur Clarke, the new jeweler, is lo
outed next door to tbe candy faotory. if
Cobs. Bearaer oems ill Wednesday
with a flue buuch of beef outtle for ship
ment. T,he M. E. church has been very much
improved in appMnronos by a new coat
of paint.
Hart Bros, invite tha ladies to pay
special attention to their fresh lot of
Subscribers to the Qnzatte are urgent
ly requested to eotmr forward BDtT SBtlTg
for tbe present year.
Take yoar watches, clocks and jewelry
to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar
antees satisfaction. tf
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here
every three months. 618-lyr
J. B. Natter's new brewery odds very
muoh to the business appearand of
this end ot Main street.
Arthur Clarke, tbe jeweler, is also b
practical watchmaker. Qive him a trial.
He guarantees all his work. tf
In another oolura you will get an In
terior view ot Cbas. TeflYs coy restur
ant. Read bis display "ad."
Oc May 5th Umatilla county's hat of
coyote scalps reached 399, oaptuied
since the law went into effect
Tbe street leading to the depot by
Morgan's is closed (or tbe purpose of
rebuilding tbe bridge across tbe oreek.
Fabmbrs A floe Saturday dinner for
you at tbe Hotel Heppner. Tbe table
inoludes everything in the market.
Only 25 cents.
Geo. W. Bwaggart, having duly con
formed to the requirements of the bauk
rnptoy law, reoeived bis final discharge
through tbe United States oourt this
Bev. St. Clair and sister, Mies
Florence, accompanied by Captain Sid
ney Greufell, will leave for the district
conference at Pulouse City, Wash., next
Be not deceived I A congh, boarsness
or croup are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Shilob's Cure will save
you much trouble. Sold by Conser k
Cure that cough with Shilob's Cure,
Tbe best cough oure. Relieves croup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. v
Ladies, take the best, If yon are
troubled with constipation, sallow skin,
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Conser k Warren. v
Marshal Thornton Informs tbe Qazette
thnt many complaints come to him of
boys shooting their small-caliber rifles
within tbe city limits, and be proposes
to put a stop to it.
Karl's Clover Boot Tea is ft pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, purities
tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts.
Sold by Conser k Warren. v
Now that tbe rays of tbe summer eon
are making tinder bixes of our buildiBg
and onr onstomary zephers are upon ns,
it is advisable for onr fire department lo
be constantly on tbe lookont. The
water mains ebon Id be looked after, and
tbe capacity of tbe reservoies under
stood. 1 1
"ft-r "" r 'it'iKlj. All l-.fi (U.v
Dr. E. H. Hunlook, has purchased
the oornor on Main Street, tbis side of
the eleotric Dower house, aod will take
possession about July 1st, when be will
beautify by building and improving as
a residenoe place.
What kind of a Fourth ot July pro
gram shall Heppner arrange? Through
out tbe land patriotism will be at fever
heat, iuspired, doubtles, by the return of
the boys from Manila. Now is the time
to consider tbe matter,
Waa. Gordon's enterprising spirit
manifests itself in tbe shape of a Sue
pair of Fairbanks bay and grain scales,
whioh were put in tbis week. Mr. Gor
don is Justly prond of the best equipped
Stables in tbe Northwest.
A little daughter of J D - vin, living
at the head of Sand Hdlow, was
brought in to Dr. Swinburne for treat
mont this wtwk for a burn, the result of
puttiog soma powder in the kitoben
stove. She fortunately esoaped a serious
Gilliam & Bisbee have a swell turn
out, in shape of a new red wagon, s
"bnokBRhi" span of thoroughbred", and
a goodlookiuts salesman, the combina
tion to be used in plaoing their sewing
machines in suoh Morrow county homes
as are without them.
Bev. LinJsey and wife, formerly of
Hillsboro, but now of Portland, were in
Heppner over Sunday, tho reverend gen.
tlem6n holding services in the Baptist
ohuroh in tbe evening. B v. -Lindsey is
an evanceliFt of note, and delivered a
very interesting sermon.
Presiding Elder Gibbs is in the oity
and will prenob next Sunday morning
and evening at the M. E. churoh 8outh.
Buhin'-sa Heesiou of the quarterly con
ference will he held Saturday at 8 p m.,
immedisttely following a service of
prayer and praise, beginning at 7:30.
Three houdred coyotes had been ac
counted for at the conclusion of tbe
oounty ooart Bsion and their scalps
consigned to tbe oreoiBtory established
in the rear of the court house. Since
that date b"tweeu 60 and 75 others have
beeu deposited with the ju ige.
A speoial Bervice bus been arranged at
the Christian ohuroh for Sunday even
ing, consisting of tnosio and nn address
by the pBBtor to the Improved Order
of R.;d Men, who will nttend in a body.
This being tbe 125th anniversBry ot tbe
foundiog of the order. All are oordialy
invited to attend.
Edward W. Cbpnor, formerly a mer
ohaut at Lone Kock, while traveling as
a salesman for SbillLig & Ot., 0' San
Fran oisoo, died very suddenly at Albany,
Ore., from heart failure, the result of
diHsipat on, the first of tbe w eek. Mr.
Oopner was well kuowu in Heppner, and
exceedingly popular with everyone.
I have been a Ptifferer from chronic
diarrhoea ever since the war and huve
used all kinds of medecines for it. At
last I found one rpmedy that has been s
snocess as a cure, and that is Ciinraber
lain's Oulio, Obnlera andLDiarrbot-a
mey-.rriTari8b(im7 Gaars Mills,
La. For Bale by Conser & Warren.
Attorney Phelps received a letter thii
wr.ek from Professor Merriman, of the
University of California, instructing bim
to engage the services of two trust
worthy men and he would be bere in a
few days to outfit from this point to go
over to Fossil and vicinity for 1he pur
pose of collecting fossils for tbe museum
of the university.
Tbe annual conference of the M. E.
cburcb South, whioh was decided to be
held bere, ba set tbe date for Septem
ber 7th, with Bishop Duncan to preside.
This will be ao event in tbe history of
Heppuer and the first appearance of
a bishop in this territory. Every effort
on the part of onr looal people will be
made to insure a most interesting 00
oasion. Ike Innis returned from Canyon Oity,
Monday, wberebe went a few weeks since
toiDspeot the property ot tbeluland Tele
phone Company reoently purchased by
the Blue Mountain Co., consisting of
line running between Canyon Oity and
Baker. Tbe other company is now put
ting in a line parallel with theirs from
Baker,to Sumpter. Ike speaks very en-
tbuseastioally of tbe mining future in
the vicinity of Sumpter. 1
Dr. Hodara is au Austrian physician
who bas invented a new process to be
oalled oapillioulture, or something of
that sort. The dootnr seoured a few
bald subjects for bis experiments, and,
after rubbing or i:.j ctiog into tbe skin
both antiseptics end anaeetbetios, he
plowed little farrows m rows soross tbe
hairless areas. Then be pulled hair
after hair from tbe bead of someaooomo
dating persons who bad a few locks to
spare, and literally planted tbis borrow
ed plumage in tbe farrows he bad made.
Tbe experiment is said to have been
P. C. Holland, the Leroulean sales
man for the Pacific Paper Co., tarried in
our town over Sunday. He was most
agreeable to tbe liazette omoe and we
hope for his presence about tbe time onr
stock runs low again. We have several
thousand letter beads, envelopes, bill
heads, cards, etc , to dispose of previous
to bis retnrn, in sixty days. Oar prices
are Portland prices, and facilities for
dispatching work equal to any well
regulated offioa of a commercial city.
We are bere to protect, bnild up and
patronize our home institutions, psy
our bills, raise our family and look
pleasant. Bring in your job work and
thke a look at our extensive steam plant,
ao you will have tbe courage to do
longer submit to tbe exborbitaot travel
ing expense, luxuries, etc., etc., of tbe
"pirates" from Portland, Boston, The
Dalles, Inne and Buttle Greek, Michigan.
We can do your jb work, and we want
you to know it. We are with you, if
yon are witb na.
. Off For Balem.
On Saturday nigbt Pete Devins and
Chris B rebers lenve for Salem, f-s ''ele-
liKtes to the Grand 1 dge I. O O. F
which 0 -nveoes ture on be ltith
i They anticipate a royl go d tint), find
expeot to be in session four dan.
Lum Rhea came up from his ranch Tuesday
Jim Keeny came in from the sheep oamp this
L. W. Hill, of Rand Hollow, came to town Sat.
John Scrlvner, of Gooseberry, was In town
Arnold Balsiger, of lone, was a visitor here
Chas. Johnson, of Gooseberry, was In town
this week.
Wr. Fordyce, the popular drummer, was In
town today.
Mat Halverson, of lone, spent Saturday night
in Heppner.
Frank Hughes came In from Wagner the first
of the week.
Bonj. Parker came down from the mill the
last of the week.
Ed Hunter brought a load of drummers up
from lone today.
Albert Rea, the Rhea creek farmer, spent
Sunday in the city.
Geo. Crane, Ella's popular sheepman, visited
our town this week.
Win. M, Itudio, passed through Heppuer this
week from Long Creek.
Barnett brothers, of Lexington, were in town
several days this week.
Ed Rood, of Eight Mile, was attending to
business here Saturday.
Mat Scott and J. W. Maidinent, of Lone Rock,
were in town Wednesday.
Waldo Watkins came In to make final proof
on his homestead Saturday.
Guy Matlock, son of Cass Matlock, came over
from Pendleton Wednesday.
Pat McDaid, of Ella, was here among his
numerous friends this week.
Chas. Long, of Butter creek, was trading with
Heppner merchants Saturday.
T. D Matthews, of Butter creek, was trading
with our merchants this week.
Tom Brannen.the bIackBmith,willgo to Long
Creek to accept a position soon.
J. W. Alstock, a prominent county farmer,
was in Heppner the past few days,
Wm. V. Matlock is in Heppner visiting his
brothers, and will remain a few days.
Frank Rogers, is again out on the streets,
after escaping pneumonia by a close shave. j
Mrs. Grace Newcomb, who has been danger
ously ill, is recovering under Dr. McFaul's care.
Prof. C. R. Smith, the popular Butter creek
school teacher, spent Sunday here with his
George Wheites made a flying trip to Portland
Saturday returning Monday, to make a buy for
The Fair"
Sam Wilkinson, tbe wool buyer of The Dalles,
came up this week, Frank Lee also Bpent one
day Willi us.
D. W. Bowman came in from Butter creek
last week somewhat "under the weather" for
medical treatment.
Mike Kenney the well known sheepman,
spent a few days in town thiB week sizing up
the sheep market and visiting his friends.
Professor Slbray, of Portland, a teacher of
years of experience, was duly elected at the last
meeting of the directors as principal of the
Heppner schools.
LoW Tillard made a business trip to Long
Creek last week and there met J. B. Hanmhan,
the mining expert. Low reports considerable
mining excitement in that section.
George Noble, with a crew of shearers, was in
town Friday night, leaving the next morning,
and w hlle here added his name to the rapidly
increasing subscription Hat of the Gazette,
C. H. Shurte, representingwMallory, Son Si
Zimmerman Co., is with us, Last year this
giant concern took 150,000 sheep from here,
while this year 75,000 only are ou their list.
Miss Eva Brians is taking a well-earned vaca
tion at The Dalles, the guest of Mrs. Jay Lucas,
who was her intimate school associate at Mon
mouth, from which they both graduated the
same year, MissVaughan will fill her vacancy
and continue the excellent service of the post
office. '
Mrs. W, T. Wright, of Union, daughter of
Judge A. Mallory, came over for a short stay
with her parents, who, owing to quite a serious
ailment for the past few weeks on the part of
the Judge, necessitated her presence, MrB.
Wright is a very interesting and affable lady
and her presence Is a great comfort to her
father and invalid mother.
Wm Dunn, the exceedingly popular ex-con- I
ductor of the Heppner branch, but now run
ning on tbe main line, spent several days here
last week with his family, visiting his numer
ous friends, who gave them a warm welcome.
The "latch string" seemed out all over town for
them, and hospitable Heppnerites seemed to
vie with each other In entertaining them.
John Duran, formerly of this locality, but
now engaged In a thriving livery business at
Waterville, Wash., arrived here after a 4J0 mile
ride on horseback to prove up on some land,
and will return in about six weeks. Harry
Phillips and family will accompany him on his
return, expecting to make that their future
home. The many friends of Mr. Duran were
glad to meet him again.
John M. Gault, son of D. M. C. Gault, publish
er of the Hillsboro Independent, accompanied
by Howard H. Clove, of Lexington, formerly of
Portland, paid the Gazette a most agreeable
visit last Saturday. Mr Gault is now assisting
in the publication of the lone Post. Both young
men are bright fellows, enthusiastic over Mor
row county, and will prove valuable members
of our business and social community.
Mrs. May Ayers and Mrs. Minnie Vaughan, of
Pendleton, and Mrs. Martha Roberta with her
little son, and Miss Bertha Matlock, of Portland,
are bere in attendance on their father, Sheriff
Matlock, and will remain until there is a mater
ial change In his condition. Under his present
treatement, we are glad to announce encourag
ing symptoms which brighten him up. It is
the earnest hope of the entire community that
his case will yield to proper treatment, a his
usefulness to the country is thoroughly appre
ciated by everyone.
Dress Making-.
Mra. M. C Kennedy bas opened dress
making parlors at tbe Mnuotaia bonse,
and solicits patronage, gnaranteeicg
entire satisfaction. It
Will be paid for information leading
to tbe arrest and conviction of any per
son stealing cattle branded "WB" con
nected on the left side. Waddle on tbe
nose. Psbct HfjoHits.
Tbe imported running stallion Oal
pburnns will make tbe se aeon ot 1899 at
D. F. Bwaegart's farm, 10 miles nortb of
Heppner. Good pasture will be fur
nished free, but will not be responsible
tor accidents, or mares getting away,
elthoagb psrtionlsr care will be taken
to prevent tbe same. Two Keotuoky
Jacks will also make tbe season there.
A few good milch cows for sale. tl
BtockBifB, Kotiee!
ty. O. Clder, of Suunpter, Oregio.jley and J. W. Hornor at assistants,
successor to H. Duckworth & Stn's gen-1 Those in attendance are Dona Barnett,
ernl merohandine bosinee, at tbe "Rd t Miss Clyde Melton, Cecil Myers, Eva
Front Stor," rfpeotfally solioits tbe ' Emory, 57. 0. Hill and E. A. Miller, who
1 1 r.siiriio4 o; hii stockmen who graze'
fibp in th" vicinity or Kumpter. Hu
Urge, new complete stock will supply
every demand.
6 9
Remember it
in Heppner!
Buy the Light-Running.
Guaranteed for 10 Years,
First-class in every respect.
Will Direct the Attention of the World to
The national editorial convention,
whioh meets at Portland in July, is
anxiously looked forward to by the
editors in all parts of the United Mates,
and Portland is making every effort for
tbeir entertainment. Mr. Haroonrt, a
newspaper man of ability, spent a tew
days tbis week in Heppner endeavoring
to raise by subscription a fund sufficient
to insure in a souvenir, to be carried
home by the editors, a write up of Mor
row conoty, setting forth its jeeouroes,
opportunities for investment, etc. A
tew of onr enterprising citizens seemed
to appreciate this opportunity of sain
ing world-wide recognition, but tbe
majority tailed to be impressed witb
its importance, and be retired from this
Held somewbut dieappoiuted.
Aooording to our judgment tbis con
vention ot newspaper men will plaoe
Oiegon witb its vast resources promi
nently in tbe minds ot every intelligent
being witbin tbe boundary lines of tbe
Dnited States, and tbis effort on tbe
part of Portland's prominent men lo
(arn'sh tbem with all the possible in
formation regarding our atate is worthy
of tbe support ot every Oregoniao, and
expense should be spared by no com
munity, necessary to its just recognition.
Without a doubt, their visit bere will
result in a marked moreaie in tbe popu
lation of oar banner atate in a very short
time, and in the solicitation of immigra
tion capital should not be overlooked.
To tbe Gazette bas been entrusted tbe
responsibility of furnishing data tor th.
write-up of Morrow county and we shall
endeavor to do it justioe.
M. K. Cbareh Booth Conference.
Judge Bartholomew, acoompanied by
h a family and tbe Misses Adkins, left
bere Saturday evening, staying over
oiieLt at bis son Harry's, on Butter
oreek, and on Sunday attended tbe quar
terly oonferenoe of tbe Methodist Epis
copal cbnrob South held at the O F.
Thompson sobool bouse, lor tbe Uma
tilla and Bbea creek circuit. A huge
gatberioa was from far and wide, and at
tbe oonolasioo of tbe morning services
a basket dinner was spread in tbe grove
adjoining tbe sobcol bouse. Every thing
Hotter creek produces was served as
i - d... - l. I
ble, and snob a least is Indulged in bat
seldom. Tbis is Iter. Tborooghman's
circuit, and bis work in that field lias
made many converts during tbe paat
Teachers' Isstitote.
Ouuty Superintendent Shipley is now
holding a three days' examination of
! teaobera for eertiBcates. with Mrs. Shin
are oeirons oi ooonty oernnoaien, wLlie
Mary uaii.y, w. Jj. aung ana t.U.
j BWuard will take tb.tr examination
Friday (or Itatt Ufa diplomat.
was The Fair that made values better and prices
! !
Examine it before purchasing any other.
" TEXW.'
tone's Draniatiu Talent Wins Heppner'
. Friday niiiht tbe opera bouse wag
oompletely filled in bonor of fbe visiting
amateur troop from lone, in their start
ling drama "Texxs." Those who went
there antioipatiog a tame ''district
sobool" entertainment miscalculated.
From start to fiuisb tbe drama was ex
ecuted witb a snap that kept all eyes
wide opeu and interest at a fever beat,
and tbe epeoUoular conclusion oame
altogether too soon for not only tbe en
tbnsed small buys, but for tbe rest of
tbe andienoe, who made demonstration
ot their approval by continued applause.
Dell Knowlton, in tbe leadiogoharaoter,
was, ot oouree, the "star," but bis sup
port ell through, was surprisingly
clever, eating in a spirited manner,
without the beBitauoy usual with ama
teurs. Both Mrs Eogleman and Mrs.
Knowlton, could enter the ranks ot
professionals, wbile little Pearl Knowl
ton is oeitain of a career on the stage,
Ibat will in tbe near future plaoe bur
before the footligbta ot the leading
theaters of the world. She simply stole
tbe hearts of not only the juvenile
"dudes" of our little oity, but some of
tbe older boys. Her graceful daooing,
sweet faoe and clever aoting left many
admirers. Billy Myers took to bis
special work, like a "duok to water,"
and oarried us "old jboys" back to by
gone ministrels ot tbe old sobool, when
years ago, we made speoial trips to
Frisoo to see. Frank Eogleman, looked
in bis makeup a typioal Texas ranger,
wbile Frank Wait, Dave Dixon, Fred
Davis aod A A Oanflsld are entitled to
exceptional credit in tbeir respective
A Severe Leiisoi.
Monday evening as complete a demon
tratton ot woat a fool liquor will make
ot a man waa witnessed by a big orowd
A prominent rancher, and, io bn sober
senses, as well thought of as ftrnigbt-
torwara rna peaoeaDie oitizeo ai we
have, imbibed too much liquor and in
ine aosenoe ot me marshal made a
complete nuisance of bimself, finally
being thrown from bis borse and par
tially scalped. Recovering bis feel be
regained bis borse and riding at break
neok spoed through tbe streets, abasing
everyone in light. At tbis junctors tbe
marshal oame in sight and going lo him
ordered bim to go on out of town, but
tbis was not to bis notion, aod getting
off bis borse, started in to "do" tbe
officer, and io consequence got a bruise
oo lop of bis head be bad oot reokoned
oo. Tb's bad a teodenoy lo partially
sooer mm, wneo lnuoeoiiai men oame
lo his aid and persuaded bim to go
Snroambed to aa Attack of Pneumonia Very
ay uurnn, woo oame to Ibis oonn
try about a year ago from tbe Willamette
valley, aod bought property near loos,
died at hit plaoe early Tuesday evening.
He bad beeo struggling witb pneumonia
for several days, and wheo tbe dooton
were called in be was in a critical con
dition. Mr. Corrin was 48 years of age,
aod leaves a widw and children. II is
remaios will b.f takea to the valley tor
Gets Out of
3 Drawers
Paiise Read Think ! !
licious drink. Also have fitted np tbe neatest Ioe Cream Parlor in tbe oity
where Ioe Cream that is Ice Cream will be served al popular prioes. '
ubujuu wbus suuiniumg pBrnouiariy nice io tme line give us a call.
We are bere to please tbe public. Also carrv a fine Una of IMonn nn.l Tnh...
cos, Oandies, Nuts, Fruits and Vegetables.
Don't forget the place.
Chas. Tefft's ,
Bon Ton Restaurant
,11 I
-a--An Interior Vlew-&
Within tbe Ketch of Anyone.
Tbe Fair witbin tbe past few weeks
has sold more bioyoles than known to
tbe history of lbs ooonty. Tbey brought
io a bicycle, "Tbe Golden Eagle," guar
anteed by Mitchell, Staver k Lewis, ot
Portland, elegant in finish, light running
aod, without a question, equal io every
respect to tbe highest priced maobine on
tbe market, at tbe reasonable price ot
&, and Heppnerilea have taken ad
vantage of this opportunity and pur
chased. You are invited to inspeot tbe
machine, and it remains eotirely lo your
judgment ai to purchase.
Ioae'a Incorporation.
The little town of lone bas its troubles.
Factions have lined up for and against
tbe Incorporation scheme strong enough
to perplex tbe oounty oourt, and its de
cision is posponed uotill next Saturday.
A few ot tbe signers of tbe petition for
incorporation, upon mature reflection,
have decided that the town is a trifle
previous In assuming incorporation re
spoosibllities, and tbey are suspicions ot
restrictions oot altogether io acoord
with tbe ideal of tbe surrounding farm
ers, wbo go to the lowo to spend tbeir
money, and wbile away the idle leasoo
of crop growing, aod, In oouiequeooe, are
bdxIous to withdraw tbeir namea. Tbe
ooet of incorporating is but little, but
Ha perpetuation means "money."
Fry's Hqnlrrel Poison
Is a rapid aod reliable peit destroyer.
R A. Newton, Ashland, Oregon, says:
"Fry's iqnirrei poison has Dot only
proven seductive aod deadly to squirrels
bul to tbe rabbits aod pestiferous skunk
as well. For aale by Hlooum Drag Oo.
Now is the time to renew
subscription to tbe Gazette
We are now prepared to serve
nn P nalMni mi 1 1. L. A
ae sweet apple aod crabapple
Older, Lemonades, Milk Shakes, '
noaa water, loeureamSoda, Maps (
xuiuersi water iiemonBaes a de
"The SPA."
SMEAD 4. CO., Proprietors.
Service in Heppner.
Mrs. 0. DeHavea Urowas Herself In ra Irri
gation Ditch.
Another inioide bas ibooked and
tartled tbe community of Milloo.
Early yesterday morolog, Mrs. George
De Haven, ao elderly woman belonging
to one of Miltoo'a most prominent aod
respected families, waa fouod drowned
io an irrlgatioo ditch near her borne.
Aocording to tbe particulars of the lad
affair Mn. DeHaveo, wbo ii nearly 75
years old, bad beeo in poor bealtb of
lata and for tbe paat few days teemed ia
a despondent frame of mind, having
asked ber aged buabaod to give her
poison. Yesterday morning she stepped
oot of the bouse into tbe yard, telling
ber little granddaughter, a daughter of
Jobo Moltae, to remain Inside until ihe
returned. At tbis time Mr. DeHaveo
waa out milking tbe oow and oo his re
turn found ber lying dead wilb ber face
io tbe water.
Tbe suicide had evidently gone about
ber dread task io deliberate fasbioo.
Around ber oeok was tied lowl wilb a
heavy flatiroo dangling from either end.
Thus weighted, aba placed ber bead io
tbe ultob, wbiob oootaioed oo more than
three inches of running water, and must
naye neid It tnere witb grim determina
tion until the longed-for death oame to
ber relief.
Mrs. DeHaveo wai pioneer woman.
having oome to Oregon witb ber bua
baod in im'L Hbe leaves several crown
sons and daughters, to whom tbe sym
pathy of tbe oommnoily Is extended io
tbeir hour of sodden and lad bereave
ment. CASTOR I A
For Infants and Children.
Ilia Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of