THE HEPPHEB GAZETTE! Published Every Thursday. BY CORLIES MERRITT, Editor os.dL ZoLn.ams. SUBSCRIPTION n Year -Six Months Throe Months RATES SI .80 73 BO Advertising, Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Hands and Arms Covered With Scrofulous Humors How a Cure Was Effected. "When five years old my little boy had eorofula on his face, handa and arms. It was worst on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form cf red pimples which would iester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give It to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned." Wijjjam Bartz, 416 South Williams St., South Bend, Indiana. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. ' Hnnrl'e "Dillc cure Liver Ills: enny to take, IIUUU o rills easy to operate. 25 cents. ADVEBT1SED LETTERS. LETTERS - ADVERTISED Or., April 21, 18D9. AT HEPl'NEB Anderson, Albert A Hamilton, Mr. Cbas Morris, Mr. Clarna Smith, 8 K Stafford, Mr R R Hummers, Mrs Annie llIDltip, it X Hornor. Mr gam Larson, Mr John Thompson, Inez When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. F. Vaoohan, i. M. Local Notes. Wednesday's oold rain jeopardized many recently sheared sheep. Subscriptions to tbs Gazette are now doe. Please call and settle. Arthur Clarke, tbe new jeweler, is lo cated next door to tbe candy factory, tf A 50 cent ohioken dinner served Sua dey at the Hotel Heppner for 25 cepts. Subscribers to the Gazette art urgen' ly requested to come forward aDd settle for tbe present year. Tiike yonr watches, oloohs and jewelry to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar antees BntisfnctioD. tf Dr. J, W. Vognl, specialist for refrnc (ton and defects of tbe eye, will be here very three months. 648-lyr Arthur Clarke, the jeweler, is also a practical watehronker. Give bim a trial. He guarantees all his work. tf To date it is reported that about 35 000 sheep have been sold, with an up ward tendency of tho market, v The Wall Walla fruit growers are re jfoioiod ovrtr the cheering news that the severe winter baa killed the San Jos-e scale. Any one desiring affidavits and oer .tificates, for use iD connection with the bounty on soulps, oan be supplied at tbis offloe. Letters of alrjoinistratioa were filed Monday in the estate of P.O. Thomp son, with Ale Tbompsoij as administra tor, at bonds of $100,000. Captain W. A. Warren, tbe new com inaufcVt, nffioer of the Salvitioi Army corps, has arrWed, and invites every body to attend their meetings. Marshal Tbortoo ande Heppner the turning point for a few tourists tbis week, issuing them a tie pass to tbe Philippine islands, or slswhere. A carload of Pish Bros.' Western Wagons reaobed here on Tuesday. They are for Minor Co where tbey oan be seen. M Minor Co. The Fair introduces in its advertising pace, their Dew sewing maobine "J'be Fair," at a price that will paralize the iBdjesC Take a look at the out of their Ctiaobioe. I Tbs jnry list for the term of cirouit oourt convening May 15tb has been drawn and will appear in next week's issue. Monday afternoon, regardless of the temflo wind storm, tbe members of the ladies braes band were out in full force on a practice drill, preparatory to tbeir visit to lone. Cure that cough witb Shilob'a Cure. Tbe best oougb core. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25cte. Sold by Con eer & Warren. v Dyspepsia enred. Sbilob's Yitalizer immediately relieves sonr stomach, com ing up of food distress, and is tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Coo ser k Warreu. v Peter Furlooir, wbope preliminary trial came off in tbe justios oourt for tbe robbery of James Hackett, left Tuesday, on Butter Creek, was discharged for lack of evidence. Ladies, take the beet. If you are troubled with constipation, sallow ekin. and a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Cooser k Warren. v Karl's Clover Root Tea is s pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purifies the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to mak. aLd pleasant to take. 25 cts. SBect M.h Sjrup. taun (jat Tm inti'i.A. r-..i h. Cn:ffn'm 1 1 -.j.iLlVt; i.4 We now have a oarload of the Genuine Fish Bros'. Western Wagous iu siz.s 2, 3. 3M& 3. They are bnill on lines suggested by as and are strong easy running aud very durable, tf Minor Co. Obas. D. AEhbaugh of Eight Mile, oalled on tbe Gazette Tuesday in the interest of bis final proof on a timber culture claim. Having finished up his spring farm work be will devote tbe next few weeks to a sheep-ebearing expedi tioD. Cbas. Hams and family ufte down from Usrdman on Tuesday, on their way to lone to take in the Odd Fellows, celebration. Cbas. reports pretty oold weather up at Hardmun and a bank ward spring, warmer weather bein bidly needed. Hart Bros' place of sweets, now p:e sents a fine, lare appearance, In the rear cosy ice cream parlors will be the chosen bhunts of the elite duritig tbe warm snmmer afternoons and evenings. Soda water, bios bo:.s and fmits tempt you at the entrance' bmead & Co. now have in a new soda fountain and can serve the pnb'io with delicioDS plain and icecream eu hp, Napa sods, lemonades, milkshakes, egx lemonades, pure sweet cider, crabapple cider, and various other soft drinks. Tbeir French creams are the finest made. J. W. Spickonl.the prominent Eight Mile wheat raflhaiJirfused the whml markeC with o stiff upper lip, until last week, when he let 140 go sacks to B. F. Tennis, the wheat buyer at lone. Mr Tennis claims the millers are instrument alio tbis deal, while tbeexporters are yet inactive. Mr. and M. Lee Oautwall have the sympathy of tbe oommunity in the loss of their infant son, born on April 14, 1899, which survived but 12 short days. Rev. Bbelley officiated at tbe grave of the little one's re amines, wbiob were oonsigned to "mother earth" at 11:30 o'clock today. Frank Jones and Joe Elder expeot to leave here early next month for north ern Wyoming wi h qiiite a band ot hores and cattle to permanently locate there. Mr. Elder bas a brother there who is a suooessful stockman, and bas induced the young men to sever their connection with Eantern Oregon. Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time cor ner, extends to the publio a onrdial wel come. The beveraHes he dispenses will be kept up to the highest standard, and tbe enlargement aud oomfortable equipment of his billiard parlors and olub-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf Wm. Kuraberland, of Clark Canyon, informs us that in bis neighborhood a skin deaease, resembling the mauge, is becoming prevalent with h rsen and ha feeles that BO'ne aotinu should bi taken to exterminate it, as it is infections and proves fatal after atimn. R-)p rte fr m tbe other seotious arm jti ioe the anoe of this Tbe lutest sucoees of Houser-Eninep Mf g. Co., of Stockton, Oal., in combined harvesting machinery ie their two wheel side bill machine especially built for the Oregon and Washington trade. Works with equal advantage on level, rolling nod stoep hill side lund, and adapted for use ou all kinds of soil. Having high wheels end wide tires there is no lost power. We are iu debt to VV. O. Mieir for a benn'ifnl work of (lie printers' art, illus trating and descriptive of the famoue Westcliff'j, Colorado, summer resort. This delightful pluoe is charmingly looated on tbe east side of the Saogre de Oristo range of the Rooky mount linB. 35 miles southeast of Ctnon City, and is surrounded witb every attraction for tbe lovers of nature. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in tbe Worcester Enter prise recently, wbiob leads me to write tbis. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it for onlio and diarrhoea. 1 bave never bad to use more than one or two doses to cure tbe worst case witb myself or children. W. A. Htroud, Popomoke City, Md. For sale by Conser & Warreo. Arlington reports some sheep are sell ing, although probably not more than 10 per or Dt of tbe total expeoted ordi narily at tbis time of year. Prices for those sold are about what tbey are at all other points $2 for yearlings and up to $2.50 tor threes, though few sales of any thing but yearlings are reported. Swift and Armour buyers are mostly doing the buying. Growers are beooming more and more diffioalt to deal witb, and seem inolioed to put up the prioe every time a sale is made. Luema Oreen Johnson of Cbioago, W. C. T. U. lecturer will lecture bere May 2.1 and 31. Mrs. Joboson bas a na tional recognition as a temperaoe worker and organizer and has tbe support of tbe lending newspapers wherever she leottiree. Every one should bear ber, as ore of her ability seldom finds an op portunity to visit remote sections of tbe country. Her leotnre will be under tbe auspices of the looal W. C. T. U. Tbs Cbrietian cburob bas been secured for tbe lectures wbiob commence at 8 o'clock. No admission will beoharged. "A word to the wise is sufficient" aod a word from the wise should be suffici ent, but yon ask, wbo are the wise? Those wbo know. Tbe oft repeated ex perience of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W.M.Terry says Chamberlain's Congh Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the murkft. He bas been in tbe drng busi ness at Elkton, Ky , for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles ot this remedy end nearly nil other cough medi cines feaoafactured, wbiob shows con clusively that Chamberlain's is tbe most satisfactory to tbe people, and is tbe beat. For sale by Conser & Warren. Tbe Celebrated flh Bros.' Wagoa. A carloal of these wngonv built ea P'euily for Western trde, is now bere. 'J'tst-y we tstrfv hevily tiied. It M.'-T0? Personal. Dave McAtee left this week for an extensive trip through the northwest. Henry Heppner returned from a Portland visit of several weeks Tuesday night. Asa Thompson, the prominent Butter Creek stockman, spent Wednesday night in town. County Commissioner Howard came Into town Tuesday returning the next morning. A. B. Chapman came down from big Butter creek Wednesday and reports no sheep sold In his secilou yet. Geo. Swaggart reports a time "out of sight" with the Maccabees at their state convention in 1'oatlaiul last week, J Newt Livingston, sherilf of (irant county, passed through Heppner' enroute home from Portland, Tuesday morning. Frank Rogers has made an addition to his home. It is a boy with all modern improve ments. He will meet all competitors. Mrs. Otis Patterson arrived In Heppner Satur day night remaining until Tuesday morning attending to business affairs and visiting with her many friends. Mrs. J. C. Hart and daughter. Miss Julia, were passengers on yesterday's train bound for Portland, where they will spend a week or ten days visiting friends. Ex-Uecorder Richardson came in from Jim Jones' sheep ranch, where he has been doing the shearing act, upon the announcement of the death of his wifea father, Samuel C. Donald son. Mr. Will Sailing returned to Heppner this week from 8umpter where he has taught school during the winter. Mr. Sailing expects to make Heppner his headquarters during the summer. J. A Dimick, of Weiser, J. DeHaven and E. Owen, of Pendleton, George Davis, ot Idaho Falls, Harry Evirson, of Bozeman, Mont, and L. J. Dunbar, of Logan, all sheep buyera. are at the Hotel Heppner anxious to get into the deal. Attorney Dobyns, of Arlington, accompanied by W. F. Shanafelt, a photographer of that city, were visitors at lone yesterday. Mr. Dobyns Is contemplating locating at lone and taking the principalship of the school there this coming winter John Nelson, Ioue'i leading carpenter and contractor, has been confined t his home for some time by serious illness, but it now im proving and it Is hoped he will be out again soon, tie was visited by the ladies' band yes terday evening and somewhat revived by a couple of lively tunes, which he expressed him self as appreciating very much. Mr. R. H. Robinson, of Arlington, who Wat formerly publisher of tbe Review, paid the Gazette an agreeable call Tuesdao, and informs us that, having disposed of the Review plant, he has purchased an entire new printing outfit and on next Friday will issue the first number of the A rlington Advocate. Asa near neighbor with identical interests, we extend a cordial greeting to the new paper. C. A. Coc, who has been on the typographical and editorial staff of the Gazette for a year, left on thit morning's train for The Pallet, expect ing to take a situation on one of the journal! of that city. We wish him the success he is justly entitled to, as we found him an exceedingly trustworthy and efficient assistant. He it a brother of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, publisher of the Medical Sentinel, a high-class medical journal, and also conducts a sanitarium, with a leading reputation at a specialist, In Portland, I. O. O. F. AT IONE. tone, Hard man and Ht-ppner Lodges Join in Celebrating the 80th Anniversary. The 80"h anniversary of Oddellow ehip in tbe .United States of America wa fittingly observed by an appropriate oelebration at lone yesterday in whicb tbe lone Lodge was j lined by Lone Balm Lodije of Hardmin end Willow Lodge, of Heppner, and not a small number of visiting bretbern frcci o1 her localities. A nioe program had been prepared by the lone Lodge, and it whs oarrid out to a "V," and bad the day been less windy aad a little less amount of sand flying in tbe air as a ooneequenoe thereof, there whs nothing lacking to make tbe entertainment of tbe visitors oomplete. On tbe arrival of the train from Heppner, the different lodges and the Rebeokas were formed in line end headed by the Ladies Cornet Band of Heppner, marcbed to tbe Congestions! churoh, wbere tbe lodges aod a large audience of the oitizoos of lone wore en teitained by an able address on Odl. fellowship, delivered by Hon. J. A. Le Roy, grand lecture of tbs or ler. At tbe oonolnsioD of the exeroises attbeohurob, a spread was served tbe visitors and their friends in Woolery'e warehouse, this feature closing tbe program for the day so far as tbe Old Fellows were oon oerned. In tbe evening at Walker's opera bouse, a very creditable entertainment was given by the lone Dramatio Co., under the management of Dell Kuowl too, tbe prooeedes of wbloh goes into the treasury of the Ions Lodge, 1 O O.F. Over 50 Odd Fellows aud others went down on tbe train from Heppner, aod all express themselves as well please i witb tbe reoeption given tbem by Ione'n people, tbeir only regret belog that tbe weather was not more pleasant, and we are sure that this was its distressing to t e good people of our oeigb 'ring to wo as it was to the visitors, and matters of this kind, over wbiob we have no coo trol must be borne os pleasantly and patiently sw (ossible DIKD IN POKTLANU. Barnaul Donaldson, a Pioneer of Morrow County, Paused Away. On April 22.1, Samuel Donaldson died at the Oood Samaritan hospital in Pott land, where be went a week previous to reooverfrom serious complications, re sulting from an attack ot la grippe. His remains were brought to Heppner on Monday nigbt's train and awaiting tbe arrival of members of the family, were interred in the Heppner cemetery on Wednesday. Rev. Shelley preached tbe funeral sermon at the Christian obnrob and tbe Masonio rites were administered at tbe grave. He came to the Paoitio const in 1H53, remaining in C-iliforuia until 1864, wben be married aod settled in Marioo county, Oregon, finally ooming to Morrow county in 1872. Here be DoaomoUted considerable property, and at one time owned tbe Wright pleoe ab"ve town. He left several grown children, among whom were Mrs. Walt lticbxrdsoo, bis on daughter, aod Mrs. Andy Tillsrd, Mrs. Ivellie Barns, Mrs. W. C. Brown and Miss E-telU s'ep children. Hh wifj, now liviog ot Fossil, aho snr vivea him, wb , nnfortooetHy, owing to her being an invalid, coijM pot be pre set it tbs luperal, THE Remember it in Heppner! Buy the Sewing Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. Guaranteed for 10 Years. First-class in every respect. ONEY ARE RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Whereas, 4he grim reaper has viited o u assembly and oalled our mnoh be loved and esteemed sister Martha A. Fuqu i into tbe presence of the Supreme Muster Artisan of tbe universe in tbe assembly on high, and, Wnereas, tbe members of Lexington Assembly No. 88 of United Artisans, saddened by tbe bereavement that bas fallen to tbe lot of our esteemed brother Ml ton Fuqua, desire to express tbeir s:r.o rd sympathy tor bim, and for the children incapable of realizing tbe great loss that has oome to thorn so eaily in tbeir earthly journey, now therefore be it Rneolved, tbat we, tbe members of Lfxiugton Assembly No. 88 of United Artisans assembled this 15th day of April, A. D. 1899, do extend to our es teemed brother, Milton Fuqua, tbe deep sympathy our hearts feel toward bim aud bis ohihlreo iu this dark hcur of tbeir great sorrow, earnestly wishing tbat tbe sun of bope may soon dispel tbe shadows wbiob now darken tbeir lives aod tbat tbey may rejoioe in tbe thought tbat tbe unseen aod will safely guide and guard tbe children aoross tbe troubled seas wbiob surge between tbs shores of life and death, lie it further Resolved, tbat an engrossed copy of these resolutions be delivered to our beloved brother, Miltoo Fuqua; tbat tbey be entered upon tbe records of tbis assembly, and tbat oopy be given tbe looal press for publication. Mas. E A. Bkymbr, N. A. Leach, W. 6. McAlwtbr, Committee. We, tbe committee appointed to draft resolutions ot condolence on tbe death ot our brother, Allen Evens, report as follows: Whereas, it bas pleased the Supreme Master Artisan of the universe to remove from oar midst oar late brother, Allen Evans, therefore be it Resolved, by tbe Lexington Assembly No. 83 of United Artisaos, tbat, while we bow in bumble submission to tbe will of tbe Most High, we do not tbe less mourn for onr brother, wbo bas beeo taken from as. Resolved, that tbe sympathy of tbe assembly be extended to tbe family of oar deceased brother, committing tbem in tbis boar of tbeir great sorrow, to tbe kind consideration of Him wbo doetb all things well. Resolved, tbat these resolutions be placed upon tbe record of this assem bly, a oopy transmitted to tbe family of the deceased, end a copy bs sent to tbe Heppner Gazette for publication. Mrs. E. J. MoAUHTBK. O. A. Johnson, O. R. Mo I LisTEB, Oommittre. HKCIUKD nOCCBMr". Tbe Pnbllo School EaUrtalnmeit Thorough ly Knjoyrd. The entertaioment given at tbe opera bouse by tbe school children last Friday eveuiug was a suceess In every p&rtii-u-Ur, and tbe public torued out enmsss, wbiob was encouraging to tbe teHcbers, wbi bsve succeeded in developing talent among tbe little on effordlng the com mooi'.y an entertainmeut equal in inter est to any traveling company, and it is safe to predict ) m i0"?? t FAIR was The Fair that ! ! Light - Running. Examine it before purchasing any RETURNED IF GOODS NOT SATISFACTORY O E. FARNSWORTH. President. THK MORROW.. COONTY LAND AND TRUST COMPANY Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain. The WOOL GROWERS' WAREHOUSE Owned and Operated toy tlie Wool Growers of Morrow County. Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts. Agents for BLACK LEAF TOBACCO DIP and LITTLE'S FLUID DIP The only Reliable Prepared Dips on the market. Sheriff Matlock's Condition. The many trlends of Sheriff Matlock are feel ing much concern ai to the remit of a itranire malady that has developed with him within the put lew weeks, upon Misdiagnosis o( which the doctors are as yet ununited. Dr. Wm, B Clark, a specialist, from Indianapolis, well recommended, arrived here Saturday spending several days studying Us nature, and left the sheriff somewhat encouraged, with an expres sion ol a probable cure through treatment he would prescribe from the Indianapolis dispen sary. Tbe Sheriff, although about town, is In a weakened condition prevenlng htm from the active requirements of bis office, and he bas worn in a his deputy 8. P. Florence, who will attend to the business necessitating traveling, HOKHEMEN NOTH E. Tbe imported running stallion O.l pbarnaa will make tbe season of 1899 at D. F. SwBKgart'e farm, 10 miles uortb of Heppner. Good psstore will be far oisbed free, bat will not be responsible for accidents, or meres getting away, although partioalar oara will b. taken to preveDl the seme. Two Keotnck Jacks will alto make tba season there. A few good milch oows for sle. tf Htockmea, Notice! W. O. Calder, of Sampter, Oregoo, saoceesor to II. Daokwortb k Son's gen eral merchandise business, at tba "Bed Front Store," respeotfallr loliaiU the patron age of all stockmen wbo grace sheep in the vicinity of Horopter. Uis targe, new complete stock will supply every demand. (J9 Notice. IIae yon a farm for tale or for rent, or do yon know of any person holding farming lands tbt they wish to dispose oft If ao, please write to any agent of the O. It. 4 N- Co. aod ha will ien too 9 f W tHf Fi!! !p?rfft icuj made values better and prices lower Machine Never Gets Out of Order. 3 Drawers THE R. Advances made on Wool and Grain In Store Feed and Seed Grain always on hand. Wool Sacks at cost to patrons. LOOK. HERE! Pause-Head-Think 1 1 licioua drink. Alan havA fit tart nn tha ........ .... , wbere Ioe Cream that U Ice Cream When you want something parlioolarly nloe in tbis line give os a call W. f) ra httra in rilauu k. ntil.lin A imn . - - a i. . a . . i cos, Candies, Nnts, Fraite and Vegetablea. uon i lorget the place, IjUOK at tuh. Tboaa who are indebted to The Pe terson Publishing Oo. will take nolioe tbat tba old firm hat dissolved and gone out of baslnesa. However, there ii yet owing the old firm a large amount of money, long past due. Tboaa indebted must aettle np witnout oeiay. Tba old books of tba company may be found at tba Gazette offloe, wbere money will be received and receipts given. Otis Pattvuson. Tbe O. K. k N. Go's, new book on tba Reeouroe of Oregoo, Washington and Idaho ia being distributed. Our readers are requeeted to forward tba addrasaea of tbeir Eastern frienda and acquaint ances, and a copy of tbe work will ba sent tbem free. Tbia a matter all tbould ba interested In, and wa would ask tbat everyone Uk. an Interest and forward euob addreea to W. p. Hurlburt, Gen eral Paaaenger Agent, O. K. k N. Co., Portland. 81-tf Now ia tba time to renew yoor inscription fotbiOptUi 3CC $23.74 other. FAIR F. HYND, SicncTANv and Manager. We are now prepared to serve our patrona with soft drinks, anob sa aweet apple aod crsbapple Older, Lemonadea, Milk Bhakea, Soda Water, Ioe Cream Soda, Napa Min.l UJ.. T 1 S 3 no.u.i r n.. di ... .. uo uinui nnur in me city. will be eerved at popular Drioei. "The SPA." SMEAD CO., Proprietor. Mrs. Dr. Oarasey Ia now permanently looated in Hepp oer, where she oan be found. Ber medioinea oureall obronio diseases, such aa deafness, catarrb, bronchial trouble, lung diseases, rheumatism, kidney trouble, liver trouble, blood poisoning. Aoy disease bafllins tha akin ni nk..i. oiana yield noder the intiuenoe of ber simple remearae. i2-t( Fry's Bunlrrel Poison la a rapid aod reliable peat deetroyer. R A. Newton, Aahlaod, Oregon, aaya; "Fry'n squirrel poisoo baa not only proven aednotive and deadly to squirrel, but to tba rabbita and pestiferous skunk as well. For aale by Sloeum Drog Oo. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bean the. '1