Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1899)
I stf 3S JfcC -K X. WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 OFFICIAL PAPER WEEKLY GAZETTE Leads In Prestige Leads In Circulation... Leads In Nes Subscription Price, $1.50 Is the Official and Recognized Represent ative Journal ol the County. The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests of Morrow County and Its Taxpayers. a SIXTEENTH YEAR PEOrESSIOlTAl CABBS, C E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In FirBt National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to In a prompt and satisfactory manner, Notaries Pub b- iic aua uoiiectors. Office In Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and V. S. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. C M. Charlton ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Collections promptly attended to. Heppner, . . . Oregon. S. A. D. Gurley, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. Practicloner in all 8'ate and Federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC ii'nJ ."? ?e all kinds of LAND Collections made on reasonable terms. Otttee at residence on Chase street. Government land script for sale. D. E Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them tions' " a "Penally of bard collec- Offlce In J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST- Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . , Heppner - - Oregon. G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, 15 Cants Hair Cutting, 25 " Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a nail May Street. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has just been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly invites his friends to call and try his Brat-class accommodations. 3Flaa.ty of Hay amd. Q-rala. for Sal Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Hcrivner's and A. M. Guun's blacksmith shops. LIBERTY MARKET THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to get your fine pork and lamu chops, steaks and roasts. Fish Every Friday. 11 fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest casu price paid for at stock. Bock 4. Mathews. UEPPNEK-CANYON CIIY Stage Line B. F. MILLER, Prop. Cheapest and most direct route to John Day valley. Canyon City mining district, Burns anu other interior points. Stages leave Heppner Daily, Sunday ex cepted, at 8:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City In 24 hours. Leave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp ner in 24 hours connecting with trains. Hkppneb to MILES PARK 20 It. 50 55 4. to 85 4.75 75 6.50 M 6 00 102 8 00 104 8 00 Hard man Monument ........ Hamilton Long Creek Pox Valley John Day Canyon City Stages connect with trains at Heppner. Note. Having stocked up this line with new covered coaches and good teams I am prepared give first-class service to tne pumic. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STA6ELINE H. A. REED & Proprietors O. OtJILVIE FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO i.ii iso miles)... 15 00 Round trip 1900 Mayville (63 miles). 4 00 Round trip Condon (39 miles).. S00 Round trip Clem (28 miles)... 2 00 Round trip QLolfljiillei) 150 Round trip 700 00 S50 150 Stage leave Arlington every morning (Sunday nested) at 6 o'clock; is doe t Oondon at 3 p. m. and arrive at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Gomfrtabl covered oosohes end ears nl, experienced driven. LrmffT jj 11 AVcgetablePicparationfor As similating ttieroodandRegula ting the Stomachs andJBowels of PromotesDigestion,Cheerful- ness and Kesr.con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. Km araido-smjEumma Ptimpbn Sad' jtlx.Stnnm Seed Jfypermint - f Mm Seed -fitmfud Suprr . A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of rXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. NEW YORK. figST Jational Bank OF HEPPNER. A- RHEA President A. RHEA Vio President Transact aGenaj Ranking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THK WORLDBOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided nrnflt. : nro A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensvvare At Gilliam And by the way they have anything you can call for in the line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. That 14-Year Old it Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The TELEPHONE SALOON IT I KAHK GOOD New Stand, City Hotel Building, Good Goods.... Fair Prices.i -AT T. K. HOWARD'S. --m Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, 75, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees. mn T. R. HOWARD, WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT? If a man's in love that's bis business; If a girl's in love tbat'a ber business; If Ibey get married it's our business to furnish tbeir borne from kitchen to parlor as we carry a most oomplete stock o Faroiture, Carpets, Mattings, Wall Paper, Stoves, Ranges, Graniteware, TIdww, Kk And it,syonr bnsii.eea to drop in, examine goods and get prices. WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or. We are now located in the building formerly occupied by The Maine be tween the Photograph Gallery and Noble's Harness Shop, Main street. Slocum Drug Co. HEPPNER, MORROW For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. THg CtNTAUW CQMPtHY, NEW VOMK OITV. W. CON8ER cashier E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Oasbier Stuff, Heppner, As A SlRD Ill Bisbee's COUNTY, OREGON, THE JIVCARTHY GANG. AT ONE TIME NOTORIOUS EASTERN OREGON. IN Tom McCarthy the Only Survivo Now With $5000 on his Head Controls a GanG of Bandits in the Rockies. Pendleton Tribune. everyone throughout Eastern Oregon ia familiar with the deeds of the ootor iour McCarthy gang, whichlhegun open. tions near Baker City over a dozn years ago. Of the number whose names bio the pages of sooiety's record bat one re. mains. That is Tom McCarthy. He anve ana at tne bead of a terrible band of desperadoes who mike life nnpleaa ui ana anoeriam for etookmen and miners in the Blue monntains along the state lines of Utah .Colorado and Wyom ing. The early oweer of the MaOarthys in Eastern Oregon begun with the. ap pearance of Bill McCarthy at Baker Cily tie was reputed to have about 875.000 and engaged in the battle business near dames, where bs bought saveral hun dred aores of land and abonl 500 cattle tne Doisneas whs mauaged soooeesfully until 1888 when Bill McCnrthy onk his cattle to the Big Bend country on Hnak river ana lost tne entire h rd from the seventy of the winter. Bill tben fol lowed the butcher burtnese at Eilensburg, Wash , for a short time but fuilel to maae it pay. ODoriiy after be sold out the Bank of Rossland was robbed. Tom McCarthy in tbe meantime bad appeared. The brothers ere tuniigM to be lmpli oaiea.oui were never Caught. At Haines a deputy sheriff entered a house with a posse of men where Tom MoCartby was Did with a 18 year-old b y of Bill Mc Carthy, Fred by name. By a qiiok play Tom covered the officers- with bis revol vers, oalied tbe boy gave him orders to keep guns on the deputy and men until heesoapod. Tbe two brothers aDd tht boy then left Oregon for Wyoming and Colorado, where (lie boy and his father were killed in a biuk robbery, but not until the boy had killed the bank oash ier. A brother of tbe boy Fred bid previ. ously killed a man in Biker city. He however, was acquitted and is supposed teJ&Hoyyifaijror f?ff0tfMr-H.iorris a partial sooouot, familiar to Eastern Oregon people of tbe MoCartby gang. Tom McCarthy bas been stealing cattle and sheep, robbing banks and marder- ing,fiinoe the death of bis brother and nephew in the Kooky mountains. He has escaped arrest and has been cou stantly lnoreasiug tbe . nunobor of bis gang and fortifying himself iu the moun tains fastnesses. Utah, by a special act of its legislature, has set a prioe on the head of Tom Mc Carthy, dead or alive. Whoever cap tores or kills McCarthy will receive tbe sum ot 8500 from tbe state treasury on delivery of tbe prisoner or bis bead. Acoording to tbe Han Franoisco Ex aminer MoCartby tniikos his headquar ters 10 tbe Blue range of the Rooky moun tains, w here iu a sequestered canyon has secret rendezvous io a cave, luxuri ously famished and equipped with an eleotrio tight plant, fortified with artil lerary and supplied with stores of food and ammunition against the possibility of a seige. A little over a year ago three governors Adams of Colorado, Wells ot Utaband Kiohardsof Wyoming .entered into arrangements whereby tbe militia ot tbe three states were to be sent against tbe robbers. But tbe war witb Spain put a stop to tbe attempts. Tbe fortress is about 15 miles from a settlement on the edge ot tbe desert. oalied Courthouse. It is about 30 miles east and north of tbe county rent of Grand oouoty. Moab. and from this place tbe band gets all us supplies II fact, the town is almost owned by the bandits, and none of tbe inhabitants ba sufficient oonrage to inform against tbem. Tbe exact locality ot tbe retreat of MoCartby and bis men is not known, though tbere are persons who could guide a party within three or four miles of it. The path runs through a narrow oaoyon and leaves it at a partioulary wild and tortaous plaoe for a serpentine trail ruoning a mile or more up and down tbe heights. Again at the end ot this trait there is a passage way blasted and out through the solid rock. Tbe termination of tbis i-borter pathway brings tbe robber to the entrance ot tbe gathering plaoe, wuio'i is nothing lest than a great oave or amphitheatre io tbe oenter of the rook. Miners and prospectors have in s number of inetaoces wandered ole up on tbe retreat of the btudit and have always Deeo waroeu away od never molested if tbeir business iu tbe iooilily was dearly peaoefol. Tbe Examiner goes on Io say that tbe most remarkable feature of all is tbe fsoi, boasted of by mors than one of tbe gang, that tbe cv possesses an excel lent eleotrio motor aod dynamo, taken tbere piecemeal on horseback. It is even ald tbat tbe system is used to light tbe rooky reoeeses, but tbe oblef boaat is tint it is for another purp h. Bobbers say tbat wires ran from tbe room ot the ohiet to all approaohs of tbe fortress and ooinmaoicate with charges of dynamite. TUey have stati-d tbat it won Id be possible for (beta to THURSDAY, APRIjJTm annihilate a regiment of soldiers and tbat the exploding of dynamite in the approaoh from the west side would close the passage instantly, after whioh they oould either lie in tbe oave with seourity or esbape from one of the many open ings and soatter over the oountry. The bandits are said to operate er ten sive grazing pastures in the heart of the ur oroua mouniaius. They are experts at rebranding oattle, and make a speoialty of gathering up stray mav ericas. It has been known for years tbat they have agents at different points me poitoe believe tbat tbe band has representatives in Chioago, Cheyenne and Denver, while there are firms in he east in collusion-witb the gang. Mo Cartby ships his oattle east, where tbey are sold, and he reoelves tbe oheoks in return by mail. These checks are cashed almost daily in western banks, though always through a third party. A GREAT EXPOSITION. Portland Aoxlons for the Worlds Knuur. nition. Evening Telegram. Businessmen and merobants general!? take very kindly to tbe idea of a great Western exposition, advertising the pro ducts of the Paciflci Northwest, to be held io 1902. To manv of them tbe idea is somewhat new, and they did not oare to express themselves until it was more thoroughly aired, but all seen think tbe idea praotioal. "In the first plaoe," said Colonel H. E. Doeoh, who bas had wide experience in suoh matters, "it means money. ; It moat be on a grand soale. In fact, the suooess of the whole thing will depend upon its broadness, and unless the peo ple of Portland are prepared to go into it io a whole hearted manner and pull together further dieonseion is useless. "I know tbat such expositions pay they pay immensely. I base my opinion upon my experience at. Obiaigo aud Omaha, particularly the latter place. A real estate man from Silvertoo tbe other day said to me : " 'Who are coming?' I asked. "'Why, settlers, to be sure,' be an- wered. 'A number of families have lately eettled in our aeotion, and every one of them bad your oards.' i "Tbere is tbe whole thing in a, nnt thousands who visited tbe Oonaha exp i -sition aod viewed Oregon's exhibit. "Tbe trend of immigration is west ward. We are taking a new start. In conversation with people who make it their business to study the immigration of people, I learn that the eyes ot the Eastern world are turned toward tbe Paoifio Northwest. Professor Wilson, of Boston, who devotes his lite to studying the causes for the shifting about of pea pie and is a noted authority on tbe sub jeot, prediota that in 15 years the popu lation of tbe Paoifio ooaet states will be doubled. He says that io a hundred yeara tbere will be more people living west of the Rooky mountains thao along tbe Atlantio seaboard. "Now is tbe time tor oa to strike. Tbe iron ie bot. Tbe acquisition ot our new possessions in the Orient will mark ad era In the -commercial advancement ot tbe Paoifio coast. Ws hava the resources; we have tbe olimate and we have every -I thing else needed exoept the people! These we oaoseoure by advertising- our resources by expositions, ' and showing the people of the East the produots tba( oan be raised in tbe West. "We only lack the 'push' wbich obar-1 aoterizes tbe Eastern people. Natari has done everything for tbis country Nature bas madePortland and given bei all tbe natnral advantages. And let me! say Portland will grow. No man can lop ber from growing. But we oan ss sist ber to grow, aod the way to do tbat explained in one word' bustle.' ' -Mr. Doecb is not tbe only one who be-' lieves that Portland needs to bustle, It remarked by a good many. Sayt B. . Rlob; "The trouble is I find in most iustauoes that tbe burden of getting up anything falls heaviest on tbe merobants. The' property holders have tba most money and are just as deeply interested, but give the least." And it pays to get op an exposition on tbe right plan. Mr. Dosoh bas been in formed tbat tbe managers ot tbe Omaba exposition bas just paid 75 per oent of tbe money raised out ot tbe reoeipts. Better still, tbe other 25 per oent is to be patd, and there' will still be a balanoe. Tbis means the business men of Omaba have received 100 oents on tbe dollar with a fond left over. To III I'll bile. On Monday, March 27th, the steamer Kpokane wne placed iu service on tbe Snake river between Itiparia nd Lewis ton witb double daily service, and is now operated as a tbroogb mail, express aod passenger steamer, making round trips daily exoept Hat a rd ay. Leaves ltlperiu at 2:80 a. m , arriving at Lewis- ton at 12 o'olock, noon. Leaves Lewis- ton at 2:30 p. id., arriving at Itiparia at p. in. Tbe Meamer Lew is ton will take tbe plaoe of the Spokane on tbe same schedule en Bato'day, and at other limes will be operated on a wild sched ule, taking care of all looal work. Tbis otiedile plaoe Lewiaton and tbe Bnffalo flump country more io toncb ; ib poiot oo tbe O, R. & N. SPAIN'S 20,000,000. The Amount to be Paid In One Warrant on New York. Washington, April 22 Spain has been notified through the Frenoh embassy mat this govern nent stands ready Io pay over tbe 820,000,000 provided for by the treaty of peaoe. Spain has but to send an aateot empowered by bis govern ment to reoeive and reoeipl for tbe amountj when a warrant will be drawn on the sub treasury at New York and delivered. Tbe amount will be paid io gold coin of tbe United States or in gold bars, at the option of tbe Spanish government Tbe only stipulation made by Ibis gov ernmeot is tbat payment be made at New York.' Attention la called to tbe taot tbat tbis government bas nearly three months in whioh to pay the amount, but bas taken no advantage ot that faot The interest on tbe amount tor the time it oonld be held will offset what Spain may have to pay in tbe way of exchange. The warrant to be prepared will be like tbe warrants In every day use and will be issued under tbe class of "diplo matic settlement warraut." Assietant Seorotary Vanderlip doubtless will sign it. It will also bear the signatures of ine treasurer and comptroller of tbe treasury. The warrant Is exceedingly simple for suoh a big transaction, and exoept for tbe amount will not differ in tbe slight est from one paying $100. Tbere are but few embellishments, and tbey are stock outs found in almost any printing offloe DEATH OF THE OLD B0ODT. Donald McKay, Famous for Ills Service to the Government In Kearly Days, Dies. East OreRonlan, April l!)th. Donald MoKay, who was injured the other day by a fall from his doorestep to the ground, at the Umatilla Indian auenoy, died last evening, and will be burried tomorrow. The Rev. F. Cbian- ale, ot tbe Roman Catbolio Indian mis sion, on tbe reservation, will offloiste. Mr. MoKay having been a communicant of tbat faith. This death ' removes from earthly soenes one of the most famous soouts of tbe early days in tbis seotion. Donald McKay made a record in tbat line of populous region enjoying tbe results of the efforts of the pioneer troops and set lere in olearing tbe way for the advance of oivilizition. As far baok as tbe early 50's, under Major O. Haller, who commanded tbe United elates troops in tbe war, McKay served as a soont, aod on many an oc casion againsl tbe inroads of tbe hostile rede, aod io carrying dispatobes from post to post. He did this when to travel meant to pass through country infested with bloodthirsty redskins, who were anxious only Io destroy the whites and Ibei. sympathizers. Eoowiog Oregon, Washington, Idaho aod Montana from one border ot tbe immense territory to tbe other, intrepid and fearless, trusty and unfailing faith ful, MoKay was a rare prize indeed for Ibe early oommanders of federal troops draw from tbe lottery of puzzling con ditions tbat surrounded tbem. Dis patches entrusted to him were always delivered. Mesages in bis bands were as oertaio to go through as though seot along tbe telegraph wires. As a member of tbe MoKay family, a brother Dr. W. C. MoKay, his history of the oo n quest of tbe Inland Empire from tbe grasp of savagery. During lata years, Donald McKay has held tbs posi tion of interpreter at tbe Umatilla In dian reservation here, and lived at tbe agency. He bas been in feeble health, aod lo additioo to tbe burden ot tbe 65 years of ags tbiougb wbich be bas pass ed, struggled agaiost Ibe inroads of dis ease aod a brokeo constitution. Aloos in tbe world, almost the last of his raoe, bis weakeoed oonditioo aod pale disease drawo face always eolieted tbeeympathy of those wbo saw htm moving abont tbe streets of Pendleton oo bis visits here. He wss a familiar figure in many of tbe oities ot the east, where be spent several years as a member of a medioloa oompany. T ie people of Ibe east saw bim tbe embodiment of all tbe romaotio ifisas ooooeoled with the Indian wars aod tbe settlement of tbe ever interest ing west, and many a mm oomiog (rom tbere to this city went to tbe agency to see the old soout, whom tbey bad seen io his trips to the other side of Ibe ooo tioent. Tbe funeral tomorrow will be attended by quite a number of tbe old settlers, wbo will pay tbeir last respects to ooe who gave valuable servloe when tbe lives ot women aod children were lo danger in tbe early days they so ' well remember. Glorious News Comei from Dr. I). B. Cargile, ot WashiM, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles ot Eleotric Bitters baa cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, wbiob bas cansed ber great suffering for veers. Terrible sores wonld break oot oo ber bead aod face, aod tbe best doctors oould give no help; but ber cure is co i plete aod ber health la ex oelleot." This shows what thousand have proved that Kleotrio Bitters is tbs best blood purifier known It's tbe supreme remedy lor eczema, tetter, salt rbeum, ulcers, boites and running sores. II stimulates liver, kidneys aod bowels, ex pels poisoo.helps digeetion.builds op tbe strength. Ooly 60o. Hold by Slooum Prog Co. Guarsoteed. NO. 727 A POOR PKOSPECT. The Yield Will Re Light According to Bun day Observations. East Oregonlan. W. J. Furnish, oasbier of the Pendle ton Savings bank, made a long drive over the country north, northwest and northeast of Pendleton on 8uoday for the express purpose of sizing up tbe prospeots for the wheat yield of 1899. His observations were osrefolly taken aod his predictions based opoo tbem are anything bot reassuring. He traveled through the Helix , Cold Bpriogs and Juniper coontry and states tbat tba fall. sown wheat, whioh did not hava to be reseeded will not make bait a orop, but tbat the spring sown grain is looking well. His estimate for Ibe entire oooo try inspeoted by bim is tbat it will only make about half of the orop, aooordiog to the acreage, as oompared with last year. Walter M,' Pieroe, T. J. Tweedy and A. B. Oooley made a 45 mile drive over the seotioo of coontry sooth and south, east of Pendleton, largely reservation land, on Sunday, taking tbe trip, like Mr. Furnish, to size up the proepootive orop. Mr. Pieroe stated that tbe outlook generally was poor. He said that the fall-sown grain was not looking like it should io order to insure a good orop as a general thing, althoogh occasionally a field oould be seen that gave abundant promise of a big yield. There was very little wheat frozen out in the seotion of oouDtry traversed by them, consequently tbere were no fields seen thai bad been reaown. Tbe spring sown grain seemed backward and weak, with indioationa tbat tbe orop would oot come within 40 or 50 per oent of a normal yield. NEVADA INSULTED IN BPA1N. American Operatic Singer Threatened With stndloas Contempt. London, April 17 The Paris corre spondent of tbe Daily Mail, reoounting an interview he bad with Mme. Emma Nevada, the first Amerioao opera singer woo bas visited 8p9io since tbs war, aays: "M me. Nevada's managers had ar ranged an operatio tour, but oo the first night, at Seville, though the house was boughl up, tbe ourtain rose on empty seats. The opera was Luoia di Lammee. lolhe stage aod talked ostentatiously until tbe end of the opera, when, on re turning to aoknowledge a burst of ap plause, Nevada was roundly hissed. At Madrid Ibe Queen regent was in formed of the ooourrenoe. Her mtjeety invited Nevada lo a soiree at the palnce, and presented to ber a diamond and sap phire bracelet. Nevada arrived here ia a state of the greatest indignation." Oiils Taking Ud Land, It pursuing some of the publio records at tbe looal land office yesterday, it was notioed tbat quite a number of entries were made on land by women and tbe reporter beoame inquisitive to find out bow many, or wbat portion ot the eotries were made by the gentler sex. However, tbe time was oot taken to obtain aoou- rate figures, but Register Hill ventured the assertion that fully 1 out ot 8 eotries on land io Ibe past few months were made by women. These eotries, it was learoed, are not by middle aged womeo, but by pretty girls wbo are anxious lo possess farm land. El. O. Ribs of the land office, bas been keeping an eye on tbesutijiot and finds tbat the tiling ou land proves lo the maiden ao exoelleot beau oatober, for several oases that have been traced end very soon io marriage. One oase just recently came op. Tbe youog woman filed oo the laod and shortly after a youog mao made in quiries, askeng whether marriage would interfere witb tbe holding of tbe laod. He waoted to know, too, wbetber the maiden oould hold the laod and still re side io Walla Walla. Oirls, here is au opportunity to gel land, be independent and bave every youth in the valley cast ing eyes at yon mainly for your proper ty's sake. Wall Walla Union. A Lesson Well Toaaht, Nearly every newspaper's constituents need an oooasiooal little leotureor lesson setting forth Ibe relations between pa. per and people, and defluiug tbe way Iba latter should conduct themselves toward tbe former. Here is a volume of timely truth, forcefully pal, that is oapable ot applioatioo almost universally: "When you are oooviooed tbat a pa per is bishooest aod deceitful, stop, it. When it laoks enterprise, aod falls to give yon tbe news, stop it. Bat don't stop a paper tbal you believe to be hon est, ooorageoos, enterprising aud cleao, simply because its editor bas written bis own siooere views, instead ot yours or somebody's else; for if you do, you are putting a premium oo luaiooere Journal ism, aod serving notice oo ao editor that tbe way to suooess is to write what bo tbioks will best please his readers, io stead ot wbat he boosstly believes to bs the truth." He Fooled the Surgeon, All doctors told Iteoiok Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after lofleri ig IS months from reotal fistula, be wonld die unless costly operation was performed; but be oared himself with five boxes of Bnckleo's Arnica Halve, tbe surest pile Oure on earth, and Ibe best save io tb worm, zo cens qjx. qqia tjy filooom Drag Co.