Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 20, 1899, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday.
Editor o-ni HZaxLmLgmx.
On Year -Six
Three Month
- $l.BO
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppncr, Oregon,
as second-claBB matter.
Poor aid Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Troublo
Had no Appetite Now Better In
Every Way-A Delicate Child.
"Some time since I took a sudden cold
and could not get rid of it. Being subject
to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. In'a short time the cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every way. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar
saparilla and now he has a good appetite
and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J.
Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass.
Hood's S1na
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Hnnr1' Pillc are tlle Dcst after-dinner
nuuu fins pill3i aid digestjon. 260
Or., April 17, 189a.
BUlzen, Joseph
Conner, Mr John
Cox, Archie
Cyrus, Mr Warren
Feitx. Mr D A
Ford. Charlev H
Gardner, Mr Win
ttray, Mr Homer
Hall, Chas E
Jennett, Mr W C
Johnson, Mr J T
Laurence, Mr Chas
Luck, Mr John (3)
Marlow, Mies Irene
Morris, Mrs C L
Neill, Mr Dib
Neill, Mr L D
Reil, Mr Wm J
Smith, Mrs Janie (2)
Stephens, JO
Thompson, Mr W M
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. b. F. Vauohan, P. M.
Local Notes.
Subscriptions to ths Gszette are Dow
due. Please ohII and settle.
Master Fred Bartholomew has for sale
a floe lot of early oabbage plants.
Artbnr Clarke, tbe new jeweler, is lo
oated next door to the candy faotory. tf
Found. A large-sized, flat, home-made
key near court bonne. Call at Gazette.
Frank Natter sent a large eagle to
Portland last week to have it mounted
for display.
Take your watches, docks and jewelry
to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar
antees satisfaction. tf
isitu rieunuA uuihuhu n nnai auuuion
to bis bakery last week, 'whioh be is us
ing as a residence.
Refer to 8. P. Gurrigues' advertising
space and yon will heboid a carload of
windows and doors.
Dr. 3. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
Mrs. E. M. Sbtitt and obildren return
ed last week from an extended visit to
relatives in the valley.
Arthur Clarke, tbe jeweler, is also a
praotioal watchmaker. Give him a trial.
He guarantees all bis work. tf
, The Lion brand of bats are the heat in
quality and cheapest in price. Sold ex
clusively by Brown & Hughes.
The city oonncil chambers present a
very neat and attractive appearance
iooe receiving a new ooat of paint and
Any one desiring affidavits and cer
tificates, for use in connection with ths
bounty on scalps, can be supplied at
tbis offioe.
Stop that cough! Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbilob's Cure may save your life.
Bold by Oonser & Warren. x
R. 0. Wills is leveling op bis lot on
Morgan street, ooraer of Water, and
ays be will beein the ereotion of a resi
dence there in the neat future.
J. B. Natter has taken away the un
sightly fence on tbe south side of bis
beautiful lawn, and has made other im
provements to his residence property
There will be regular services morn
ing and evening at the Christian churob,
at which all are cordially invited. Sun
day sohool in tbe morning at 10 o'clock.
Steve Leland, who owns a ranch about
four miles down the creek, is fixing up
bis city residenoe, on Water street, by
nnttinc a larce addition on tbe north
Ex-Congressman Ellis is making quite
extensive improvements around his rest
denoe, trimming tbe trees whioh shade
bis beautiful lawn and addiDg to its
general appearance.
E. W. Reed, a miner from Union, was
. . . nr- 1 .. .1 ..
a caller at tue uazeite oince yeniurun.
He contemplates making a trip into the
Cascades, In the neigh borbood ot Mount
Jefferson, tbis summer to prospect.
O.mpbell & Wilton, of Tbe Dullea,
iuforms us that Mrs. A. A. Jayne, their
representative, will be here with a full
line of ladies' and children's millinery
on the 21st. 221 and 24th, Friday, Satur
day and Mondav next.
Tbe Wool Growers' Warehouse oomes
out with a new ad in this issue. This
is a strictly looal concern, aud will do as
well by the oiizens of our conoty as any
one else can. It yon wish anything in
their tide give tbem a ohance.
Quite an extensively signed petition
was forwarded from here Monday to
Fish commissioner Reed, at Astoria, to
haya fish chutes put in on Willow oreek
at various point between here and the
Columbia, so that fish may oome up as
they did years ago.
Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav
ing remodeled tbe popular old-time oor
ner, extends to the publio a oordial wel
oome. The beverages he dispenses
will be kept up to the highest standard,
and the enlargement and comfortable
equipment of bis billiard parlors and
dub-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf
The Palace barro m has been trans
formed into an art palace. Beside the
addition of several handsome mirrors, a
most expensive billiard table has been
added, beautiful paintings adorn tbe wall
and statuary arrangej in appropriate
places, thus giving our little city as ele
gont a refectory as can be found in the
We noticed a new residence going up
on the lot adjoining Sam Meadow's lesi
denoe, end inquiry brought forth tbe in
formation i:.at it was for tbe future use
of Mr. J Q'.okett, but what be wants of
a house is a poser. Perhaps some one of
our youutf ladies oonld explain the rea
son why such a fine oottuge is baiog
ereoted by Mr. Hookett.
Mr. C M. Look, of Butter-oreek, in
forms us that Harry Bartholomew now
bus bis commission as postmaster at Gal
loway, and it is expected that mail ser
vice will begin not later than tbe last of
tbe week A mail carrier bns been em
ployed through subscription until July
I t, when (be government is expeoted to
again assume (be roue.
Tbe latest success of Houser-Haioes
Mfg. Co., of Stockton, Cal., ia combined
barvi-Biinti machinery is their two wheel
Mde I ill maohiiie ppppoinlly bnilt for the
Oregon and Washington trade. Works
with equal advai'tege on level, rolling
and stoep hill side land, and adapted for
use on all kirda of soil. Having high
wheels and wide tires there is no lost
Judge Bartholomew received a dis
patch from E E Bartholomew, at Hepp
ner Juootion, Tuesday, for his mother to
come on next train, as he bad met with
an booident. Arriving there, Mrs. B-ir
tholomew found that he bad been se
verely used up in a runaway acoident,
but anticipates a speedy reoovery, as no
bones were broken or severe internal in-
nries sustained.
Stook Inspector Osoar Sobafer was in
the city yesterday and reports that, with
the exception of a band or two down on
the sands, be bag found sheep in good
condition and free from eoab. He left
in the afternoon toward the southeast
part of the county to see bow stock was
doing in that locality, having been to
tbe northeast, north and around to the
west during his reoent trip,
Geo. W. Hwaggart left on Tuesday
morning's train for Portland as a dele
gate to the 8tete Convention of tbe E
O. T. Macoabees, whioh will be held
there on tbe 20th. This order has made
rapid progress in this state in the past
few years and is gaining in popular
avor very fast This convention is
looked forward to with enthusiasm and
Mr. Swnggart will return with a very
interesting report.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in tbe Worcester Enter
prise reoently, wbioh leads me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for oolio and
diarrhoea. 1 have never bad to nse
more tban one or two doses to cure tbe
worst case with myself or ohildran. W.
A. Stroud, Popomoke City, Md. For sale
by Conser A Warren. 1
"A word to tbe wise is sufficient" and
a word from the wise should bs snffiai
ent, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those wbo know, Tbe oft repeated ex
perienoe of trustworthy persons may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M.Terry
says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives
better satisfaction tban any other in the
market. He has been in tbe drug busi
ness at Elkton, Ky , for twelve years;
bas sold hundreds of bottles of this
remedy and nearly all other oongb medi
oines manufactured, which shows con
clusively that Chamberlain's is tbe most
satibfactory to tbe people, and is tbe
best. For sale by Oonser & Warren.
Dave Sie&tee'i Residence the Beceae ot a
Smalt Blaze.
Tuesday forenoon at about 10 o'clook
our little oity was thrown into quite a
flutter by tbe ory of "Href" and the run
ning of many people np main street
seemed to iudioate the direotion in
wbiob the fire was iu progress. Going
with tbe crowd we soon oame upon the
soene and found it was nothing more
tban tbe burning ot tue root ot Dare
MuAtee's residenoe, caused by a defec
tive flue. There were several men pul
ing od water with pails, and by tbe
time tbe tire department arrived the fire
was under oontrol.
Tbe "Eagles," Hose Company No. 2,
were on the ground in lees tban five
minutes after the call was first made,
which speaks well for the member! and
others wbo helped pull tbe cart up tbe
grade. Tbe damage oansed was nom
inal. Au inoident iu oonneotion with the
fire as a runaway. Tom Ayers was np
the street with his "oolts" and notioed
the fire, and was on his way to inform
the hose oompany wheo the whistle at
tbe pumping station began blowing and
frightened his team, whiob soon beoame
uncontrollable and ran down Main
street at a break neok paoe, Mr. Ayers
and John Foster seated in the bottom of
tbe wagon box, both holding on to tbe
"ribbons." Both men seemed to forget
what their original intention was, be
cause they were yelling "whoa!" instead
of "fire!" as they sailed down through
town to the bridge at tbe lower end of
Main elree', 'where the horses were
brought to a stand. No damage was re
ported to tbe team, and, beyond a lively
"shake-up," the men escaped injury.
W. A. Campbell, Saves the Insurance
Company a Valuable Policy.
Rufe Blake brings in the information
from Rook Creek that on Monday even
ing tbe irrepressible life insurance agent
W. A. Oiuibell in attempting to ford
Rook Greek at their plioe, two miles be
low its forks, oame near loosing his lif,
horses, buggy and grips. Reaohing the
o irrent of tbe stream at a depth ' suffl
oient to carry bis valise out of tbe wagon
be 1 be attempted to retreat, when bis
vehiole and team lost its tooting, start
ing down with the raging torrent.
Cambell was soon dislodged and oarried
to some over hanging brush, which be
seized with bis oustomary tenaoitv and
sooc landed himself high, but not dry.
His lusty yells tor help brought a orew
of life savers from the farm bouse and
after a distance suooeeded iu getting the
team out alive, whiob had also be
oome detached from the rig, wbiob went
nn down tbe oreek to be recovered next
morning. ' Sebe Warren overtook the
valise six miles further down. Mr.
Blake and Harmon Neal were among
the resouers. Tbe experienoe will
doubtless renew the energy of tbe agent,
tbis close "call" lending a thorough
appreciation of his advice, "to be ever
ready for tbe trip down stream "
Captain Granfell, wbo bas been a oon
gpiouous leader of the Salvation Army
corps in Heppner for some time, and
whose strikiue voice bas given them a
satisfactory audience eaob night, bas
davolnned an amb'tion outside the
ranks, and now appears in oivilian Barb.
It is reported that theoaptin has untied
with the M. E. Churoh South, and will
devote himself to evangelistic work for
that churcb,
Election of Teacher.
On Saturday evening a meeting of the school
Sell A Shoe the price of which is not fixed by the manu
facturers, but instead thereof a guarantee to every purchaser. Such a Shoe
is made by the "Brown Shoe Co," ft 5 ft, and "The Fair" is the sole agent.
The followingcuts will show a few styles and prices which we now have in stock.
Trad Mark
Stamped In Shank.
Queen g0 I
Bee. J )
Tiads Mark
Stampad In Shank.
It Means:.
Where We
Get Together.
Buys the Shoe
shown above, the
Best for the
Made by The
money in town.
Brown Shoe Co., the best
shoe builders.
Best material
Under the sun.
Yd wide values.
. Tsteful in design.
Hurts not the purse
Easy to the feet.
Built for service
Every day and Sunday.
Style up-to-date.
Thoroughly put together
We sell these . Shoes. Men and
women looking for their money's
worth, buy them.
The .
Brown TRAD M"K
Shoe VrfSVr
Shoes that please the eye and
fit the feet are what you want.
We've Got 'Em
in all styles of Toes, Kid and
Vesting Tops; Tan and Black,
Is a small sum for
a really stylish, ele
gantly made and
serviceable shoe. That's what the
"Anchor" Ladies' Dress Shoe is.J J
The Dodnon bonee, wbioh used to be !dir(.,.tor, WM held (or the purpose o( electing
. ..... . : a v.,tof .h. to.M.ur. for the ensuitie year. The (ollow-
.i tw-mnanizAd now. ," ere tnose aeiecu.
ruuiu uniuij ..... . .
iinoe tbe improvements lately made on
it, and I. N. Prater baa a nioe oozy reei
denoe. Oaptarine coyote iu Benton county
baa bsoome a profitable buaiueM where
the banter is fortunate enough to catcb
them. Tbe bonnty on coyote scalps bas
been raised by private sobecription and
other wite to $33 sacb.
LUiits ftiitnr. ALL EiS fAilS. Lk
1 n.-. .. ... . r-...a l.fl- I'm F'i
I DM V 4'UMU Ojruu. i
in time. P"I1 ot qnigei-ii.
AMtstant principal,
Miaa Balsiger; Room No. 5, MiM Bnell: No. 4,
MiaiPunh; No. 3, Mrs. Johnson; No. Miu
Barker; No. 1, Mrs. atecvea. The election ol
the principal a postponed until a meeting in
the near lutiire, the hoard (ailins to unite un
an applicant for this important Mon. 3. M.
Hager placed Iu nomination a Protestor Bris
tol uell known in the Willamette valley as an
niMunt teacher, having been connected with
... rnrvallia school for five Tears. Professor
Sibray, the recent principal of the Mount Tabor
,r.hooU.alsoan applicant, and, like Profeaor
Ttw comes well recommended by State
.t.,o,,t Ackerman. While Profcswr
una- rrl Is looked npon with favor by a major
ity of the board, his application was not for-
rented, and the delay in the election
we are jnlormed, was dne to a consideration of
Dan Rice, ol Hardman, was in the city Friday.
J. Olsen came over from Long Creek yester
Warner Carsner, ol Wagner, was in our city
Tom J. Carle waa in the city (rom lone on a
visit Bunday.
Chas. and W. 0. Royse, ol Hardman, were In
he city Tuesday.
J. J. McQee, the surveyor, registered at th.
Palace Saturday.
N. R. McVey. of Gooseberry, waa In town on
business Friday last.
Frank Lundell of Gooseberry, was in the city
on business Tuesday.
Miss Kittle Kiely is over from Olex, visiting
with Miss Lena Rhea.
Al Blnns made a trip to Lone Rock Monday
with some commercial men.
Chas. Ingraham, one of Ione's genial citizens
came up Sunday on business.
Jack Lane and Ott Summers have been in the
city a few days from Lexington
J. C. Carson, of Wyoming, returned from a
short trip to Idaho Monday evening.
Joe Vey was in the city on Bunday looking lor
herders, which he took out with htm.
C. T. Walkor, one ol Ione's prosperous mer
chants, was seen on our streets yesterday.
Willis Stewart took a load ol traveling men to
lone on Monday, bringing one up on his return.
Wm. A. DeWitt, representative ol the last
Oregoniau, went to Blalock the last ol the week.
Miss Josie Hastings, of Weston, arrived Mon
day evening and will visit Mrs. Ben Parker lor
a lew days.
Miss Ted Williams arrived from St. Paul Fri
day and has accepted a position In the family
ol Thos. Quaid.
H. L. Pearson, ex-clerk at the Palace, yester
day went out to Dave Herren's ranch with his
crew ol shearers.
D. E. Gllman is reported to be getting much
better, and it ia thought he will be able to be
out In a lew days
Councilman Rhea went to Portland on Wed
nesday morning's train, expecting to return
the last of the week.
Father O. H. Servais. ol Mayaville, who holds
Catholic services in this city occasionally, was
at the Palace Monday
Walt Richardson returned last evening from
a sheep-shearing tour, and seemed to have stood
the trial in good shape.
Mis. E. K. Neal and son, C. E., of Salem, came
In Friday evening and are visiting at her son's,
Oscar Neal, the sprinter.
Sheriff Newt Livingston, ot Grant county, ar
rived Haturday, and took the train lor Portland
for a few days on business.
W. B. Van Bibber, ol The Dalles Commission
company, was In town on business connected
with his company yesterday.
M. A. Minor, ol San Diego, came In on Mon
day evening's train and took the stage over
land lor Canyon City on Tuesday,
E.H.Clark, the gentlemanly San Francisco
wool buyer, returned Irom a short visit to Pen
dleton last evening. He reports business lively
over there.
Tom Russell, who has been working at the
ranch ol Chaa. Mallory, received a kick Irom a
bronco last week which will disfigure bis face
more or leas. He Is doing nicely, however, be
Ing around town.
Hon. Henry Blackman will depart for Spo-
. , i kane and British Columbia shortly, expecting
. r t ii r j to be absent during the coming summer. The
ntanu a. ni.afnalll trMntt fin tliaW III th Kniltl
Tbose wbo are indebted tn Tbe Pt- dary Croek. Buffalo Hump and Blocan district
trsnn rooliehiniz uo. win suae nosioe (
that t he oX firm hs di'solved and rod. Interest, in these several locations ar.n we trust
out 'of bnsiuwe. However, there is yet
owioif the old firm a Urge suionat of:
mouey, long pant doe. Tbose indebted I Mrs. ir.Airty
must settle np without delay. To. old ; Jg Mm pril.,flent;f OOBle(j j0 Uepp
books OI IUB rutuptiu U"J -
tbe OfZftte tiffice, where money will be
reoied and receipts ein
O- E. FARNSWORTH. President.
R. F. HYIND, Secretahv and Manager.
At Saturday irveuiog's meeting of
Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. k A. M
tbe following resolutions of condolence
were reported and adopted :
We, yonr committee appointed lo
draft reeolatious ot condolence on tbe
death of our late bi other, Press 0.
Thompson, report as follows:
Whereas, It has pleased tbe supreme
ruler of tbe universe to remove from
our midst our late brother Press G
Thompson; and
Whereas, That by bis death Heppner
Lodge No. 69, A. F. and A. M., laments
the loss of a brother who was alwava
ready to proffer the band of aid and lend
a voioe of sympathy to tbe needy and
deetressed, a friend and fellow oitizen
whose upright and noble life was a
standard ot emulations to bis followers;
Whereas, It is just that a fitting re
cognition of his many virtues should be
made; therefore be it
Resolved, by Heppner Lodge No. 69,
A. F. and A M that while we bow in
bumble submission to tbe will of tbe
most bih, we do not the less mourn for
our brother who has been taken fromns.
Resolved, that the sympathy of the
lodge be oon vey ed to tbe immediate
relatives ot tbe deceased brother, com
mitting tbem in tbis bour of their be
reavement to the kindly consideration of
Him who doetb nil things well.
Resolved, That these resolutions bs
placed upon tbe reoords of tbis lodge,
a copy transmitted to tbe immediate
relatives and published in tbe Heppner
Newspapers. Fraternally submitted.
Henbt Blaokmah
J. W. Morrow
S. F. Hind, Committee.
I. O. O. t "s at lone.
On April 26th tbe 80tb anniversary of
tbe I. O. O. F. will be oelebrated at lone.
Tbe occasion is an important one, and
all members of Willow Lodge, No. 66
and others either living or visiting in
tbis section are earnestly requested to be
oresent. Tbe O. R. & N. will famish
round-trip tickets at 80 cents from bere
in consideration ot a oompany of 25
Every arrangement will be made fcr tbe
oomfortand ei j yruent of those attend-
t a v
IQg. o u i iauih,
Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain.
Owned and Operated lyy tlie Wool
Growers of Morrow County.
Highest Cash Price Pain for Hides and Pelts.
The only Reliable Prepared Dips on the market.
Advances made on Wool and Grain In Store
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand.
Wool Sacks at cost to patrons.
The Bllver King.
Work on tbe Silver King, looated in
Skylark camp, and lyiug between tbe
well-known Skylark and Last Obanos
olaims, is about to be recommenced on a
large scale, under tbe able management
ot Mr. John Douglas, of Midway, one of
tbe best and most favorably known min
ing men in tbe district. The property
baa for a long time been stocked aod tbe
offioers comprise some ot tbe leading
capitalists of Spokane, Toronto and tbe
Boundary country. Tbe slock bas never
been offered at lees that 5 ots. per share,
and there is bnt a small blook obtain
able. Tbe oompany is incorporated in
Spokane and registered in tbis Provinoe.
Tbey bave plenty of fundi in the
treasury now to develop tbe property
and will commeooe sinking tbeir abaft
as soon as tbe snow goes away.
There ia a 350 foot iron capping on tbe
claim, quartz veina cropping np all
through it Assays as bigb aa 250 on noes
of silver and V4 onnoes in gold bave
been tk?n from a 1G foot shaft and
numerous cross-cots wbiob bav. already
bern mo.
The Silver King bids fair to rank
among tbe Wsdiosj shippers this season.
Silvitr King atook want like bot cakes.
Several Heppner people, inolndiog
ureenwoou (B. u.) Miner.
Henry Blackman, Geo. Oonser, J. W
Morrow aad others, bold quite a blook of
stock in this mioe.
Pause Read Think ! !
Otis PArrrBion.
We want more potatoes- bring t.11 yoo
can spare. Highest market pri.
! ner, where aha ean be found. Her
I medicines enre all ebrooie diseases, sorb
J as deafneoa, catarrh, bronchial tri nhlf s,
! I on i! diseases, rheumatism, kidney
j tronble, liver trouble, blood poisoning.
Any dispose baffling tbe skill of physi
oiaos yield nnder tbe ioflaeooe of hrr
impli rraef.W( 3-tf
We are now prepared to serve
our patrons with soft drinks, snob
aa sweet apple and crnbapple A
Cider, Lemonades, Milk Shakes, T
Hnda Water, Ioe Cream Soda, Napa J
Mineral Water Jjemonades a de A
lioious drink. Also have fitted np tbe neatest Ioe Cream Parlor in tbe city,
wber. Ioe Cream that is Ice Cream will be served at popular prices. !)
, Wben yon want somelblng pariioularly nice in this line give us a call.
We are bere to please tbe public. Also carry fine line of Cigara and Tobao
ooa, Candies, Nnts, Froits and Vegetables.
Don't forget the place. "The SPA. $
SMEAD ow CO.. Proprietors. A
'J hs Army Boelal.
On Saturday evening at the Salyatioo
Army barraoka a "pound social" will be
held, to wbiob tbe entire community ia
invited. A single pound of any nseful
oommodity is tbe ezpeoted price of ad
mission, or as muob more as tbe attend
ants are disposed to oarry there. How
ever, if larders bavs mo dry with some
desirous of atteoding, tbey will not be
turned away. A hippy evening is as
sured. Special music will bs a feature
of tbe eveniog.
HtockBica, Nutlet!
W. C. Calder, of Sampter, Oregon,
sacreesor to H. Duokworth k Son's gen
ersl merohandisa business, at the "Kfd
Front Store," respeotfnlly solicits tbe
patronage of all stockmen who graze
abtepin the vicinity of Horopter, ills
large, new complete stock wj supply
every demand, fj
Have yoo a farm for sale or for rent,
or do yon know ot any person holding
farming lands tbat tbey wisb to dispose
off If so, please writ to aoyagsotof
ths O. R. N. Co. and bs will send you
a oircolar that will intsrest yon.
I hereby make the tba following ap
pointments of deputy atook inspectors
for Morrow ooonty: Heppner preoioot,
Wm. Hagbes ; lone Preoinot, J. P. Itbea;
Lena preoinot, J. L. Ayera.
22-0 Ohoab Sokakkb,'
Stock Inspeotor.
Fry's Brjulrrel Poison
Is a rapid and reliable peat destroyer.
R. A. Newton, Ashland, Oregon, says:
"Fry's squirrel poison bas not only
proven sedootive and deadly to squirrels
but to tbe rabbits and pestiferous skunk
as well. For sals by Sloonra Dreg Co.
Have Voa lay Potato! to sparer
If so, we want tbem. Will allow you
tbe highest market price. Bring them
in. MiNOB ft Co.
Now ia the time to renew
BuHcription to the Gazette.
For Infanta and Children.
!ti9 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
' -