...'i-. T C Jr v V n . , -t 1 1 : f TM TBE HEPPHEB GAZETTE Fublished Every Thursday. BY JCLIKS MEKRITT, Editor aai AffansLg-ar. -SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Mentha Three Months RATES- SI .80 73 BO luring tduertising Rates Made Known Application. on Entered at the Postomee at Heppner, Oregon as second-class matter. "ref?on r a VVarrpn nnn. u . . .. uve meir bal- oon, ,athe rear end of the store and th Z ; . 7 pBID,f d- wbi gWes to Z"::r pi Btyie.be. - HuV DI room for manufaol uu ousinees. Mr. Bo werman, of the Hotel Heppner ."forms 08 that an employment' agency has been established at his hotel and that any one wiehirn, hai ranobes are n quested to lat. n--.- be known and he will act as a medium, without cost to either employer or em- Wes While In PRESTON 0. THOMPSON. Seeking Possible Oil, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned-Wonderful Results of Purifying the Elood. ' Fm came In my left wuiuu grew worse aad w rf7, t OKe out above tlje knee, & eicau utJtti ana tiie Dain ...j, lUjSU aown was maddening LarPe. hnrri nn,l i- . B " ' t""y"Juu appeared on mv IPff T J I . , . -o. Duuoreu in tnis way for years b-vo up aU nope or ever being cured MV wlfn -ataa ... - ..-o 0ull,s oi a ca8e llk0 miue cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she u me 10 y . I began taking ifc nllCu i Utta usea n few DoUj fminsl ml jn j 1M101 ITOm n,y BUfferJngi Qh mai.it! ui j. am lor this relief 1 I am wronger man 1 have ever been in mv life T am li iUn 1 1. . 1 ... . ' uo ucbi, oi neaith, have a good ami am a new man altogether. J. P. Mnnuo T 1.1 t,,i . . , ijiauuu raiIS juaine. m mwrw & parilia ol ..niHit UiB une True Wood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, The sem.-aonnal reports of theeffieers of Morrow county are f noted elsewhere. rom these reports it will be seen that our oonntj is gradually .iin (l. """"'" warrants, nd will have . pa-a on when the taxes which are "uo are collected. Portland Relief. Thn iJ . .... . UOWB ot ne death of this much respected and esteemed citizen of "xu.rowooumy was rerrir D , - uuui iurt land On Mnnrlno : .. . uiuiuiuk, WUlOh wna very surprising, as he waa last k i ""Proving a little. Ths rtipo cause of his .loath 11.. . lUB rupinre of a " uuu vessel id the brain an . j i ... n tauneu almost ,DStant deatb. Mr. Thompson had been ailing for some time with i jtnppe and its many complications, and uia age was rather against bis oeroom- "tf tnem, although it The Sloou m Drug Co. .u.r ,u Biana to tbe building for Sarsa- '15 coats. ADVERTISED LETTKKS. I JsTTEBB ADVERTISED Or., April 3 1899. Adams, Mr. Buckner. Orabtree, Mr. Allen Farrelly, Mr. James ivBuney, jolin H AT HEPPNEK Atkins, Mr. 8am Corbin, Anderson Freeman Mr. J. A. Kellomr. Mr. Mr. v it Mr. Conard ,,,- : "eimer, Mr. Ben Local Notes. Was thnnchi ha -iboi .mprove wlth what assistance be , oma eret 'Q tbe metropolis -His bodv was brought home Monday evening wbmh was met at the depot by a oom tmttee from the Masonio lodge and taken to tbe residence of Alex Thompson. hrnthnr nt j ..... ' merly occupied by The M Z 1 1 whi.h " " uZ " tDe fDner'- tbflv win , ..i j . ' "UD, """'"u' ne unnatian obnrch "Jey will be settled in a H i veat.rD . . . . uuu"'u Thh h. - j . ..u. r i.Ciuuou ana at wbioh Rev iDey, however, are still attlini Rhnilai, .al. .. business wh.u .,,.... me .emces, bis aoyh.Dg ask 7 r ' yU b h k" WM 8bWD ' K00d vantage. ' B B8K ror " 'bore bemo a hnn. rn u. ... , . uhi i nenas in attendance, tbe Masons taming out in a body, esoorting his remains to th. nom. tery, where they took charge of the cere- monies. THE FAIR The 3Plaoe t Ladies' Skirts and Waists New in Stv fi nnrl finloU L ' . iiiiiau. Mr. L W. Hill, of Sand Hollow gave ""t"uue" uoe breakers a lesson uuraing to Karey Rockwell inmons tamers, to ao and other pattern nfinr thi w0, fanning tour wild colts into anrml in tun . . . . UD muruing, ana tbe next uiuruingariviDg the four out nf tn tour-horse team Mike Roberts, at tha Rjnoj awn as a Tl,. A j ucuoasea was Dorn 71 tun J montns a?o in Franklin county, Mis souri. He first came to the onat. i. 1849, Roing to California, in oommmv ..u ii .. . r -llu mree oiner men, after the sold dis- ing remodeled th n,.r.,,i. . i""ners aying, he returned ner. extonn. i . VT T t0 M,8N0Uri. in 1853 he again crossed tue plains, and has ramD.v,i ' - UiDIUDU jere, hav- ner, extends to the publio a cordial wel nr. rni vuuio. lub DAVaraauo !, J: uispenses will be kept up to the hichest BtnAa,a oJ .. ... . Uu lue enlargement aud comfortabl equipment of his billiard .UUJB are a arawing feature. 92-tf lhe aiuoum Drug Co. on thin ooast ever sinos. He looated on bis norae ranch, whioh comDrises nm.ni nnn uuu or iz.wu acres, about 12 miles north easi or this oity, some 27 rr a.e was also interested other enterprises years ago. in numerous hv apniir,4 oiif enterprises in mi ; tha rrnn . . . i ... I 1. 1 1 ., .. ' ivuiii rn ihiu v n , t .1 .. 1 m 1 wii mi uru t ri n lj .1 1 1. 1 r-. ' u 1 auui 1 .uuiuumn t .i... irrn. oers.and Uomor and Thomnson. .n. rl la.o IT ' . aown a members of several oenevoient socities In our oitv "-BiUr iBe Maine" aud hav voted the past week to overhauling th same and making it iute a oommodious room roi their business, into whinh tha hope to be installed bv thn (W f week. n mi . " v. o 8. 00., or Biockton, Cal., in combined arvestirg macLinery is their two a hi side Lill machine eepeoiallv hnilt fr .ho vngva and Washington trade. Worki oiaia OUfEKINTENRVT irirmui u.o vunauo fivimua or me Oremn tk Association Territory. Pn fessor Aokerman's visit last week to tbe eohools was a source of inspiration to the teaohers who all acknowledge him ...... riuu. me pdstor lg rejoioing at this remarkable advauoe ment of the churoh for the year. -nr. rcauiug an advertisement of namberlBiu's Colio, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter i..iBo reoenuy, wmob leads me to writ IDIS. Waitress wanted at the Palace hotel. ni. .... . iUBre w,u De a sroial dance Friday "ee on all hinds evening. H. Padberp, of lone, was in our oitj yesterday on business. Subscriptions to tbs Qnzette are now due. Please coll and settle. Oorlies Merrilt was a passenger on vreanesaay's train for Portland. Mrs. Wall presented her husband with b pretty little daughter laet Monday. Robert Stott, step son to Hon. W. R. Ellis, arrived from the valley last week Where are you going? Oh, down to TeftVs Bon Ton fur din- 2t .,a vyisoonsin rull-cream cheese for sole ""by'P.TO. Tho'mpsoL Co. Don't pass the deal. 2t R. C. Wills has completed the erect ion of a number of modern cottages in bis luoality, Bay, old boy, you are getting fat. Yes, I am boarding at Ted's Bon Ton b Coueer & Warren. ao ,- . " I tor fd.ou a week. 2t Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defects of the eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr Art Clarke, one of The Dulles Club Minstrels, is in our oity with a view to going into business. The Lion brand of bats are the best in quality and oheapest in price. Hold ex clusively by Brown & Hughes. R. 0. Wills has removed the bouse from tie corner opposite The Fair, pre paratory to building bis new hotel. When wanting rifles, revolvers or am munition, don't forget that P. O. Thomp have got 'em, and are waiting 2t Where was that lig load of obiokens ith equal advantage on level rniu J the man ,or h'8 important responsibih j ..... , ' t;a I "'uu , nuu and adapted for of soil. Havi her l-iK.lt wuis uua wide tires there is no lost power. ... r was a rea letter day at the meitiodist iCpisoopl ohiiroh. After-an aoie sermon by Mrs. Laura P. tsro'wn mr. v leaner presented tbe benevolent oauees or tbe ohuroh with a Relative to the organization of tbe Oregon State Teaohers Association be deems it beet to make two divisions of the territory. East of the Cascade mountains to be known as the "Eastern division" and that west of the mountains as the "western division." While on Walla Walla, owinir to tb "","' ouurun wiin a snrnris uu i u result of $180; and in the evening with u ' . eMt6rn reKOn MheTa the regular collection, tbe total amoon T ! a orKaBization of rpn-iv on onnn m, ,he eastern division with tbe followino Call for your first selection. Fine line of Butchers', Waiters', Barbers' and Bartenders' Coats and Aprons Tlx Latest Eastern Patterns-Kohh -Call and examine them. A Specialty..... Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hosiery. Gloves 4 An Immense Assortment Gloves MONEY RETURNED IF GOODS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY THE FAIR ision with tbe followina offiders! President, D V. 8. Reid, Wes ton; Vice President, J. A. Churchill, Bauer uitj ; beoond Vice President. W. U. Howard, Her pner; R-oording Seo- rerary, Miss Hodges. Baker Citv ; Cor responding Secretary, Hiram Tyree. La Uraode: Executive Committee. 3. FT I J! TV1 .M Kyi i .. " Personal. nr council. "w7i7 i " T ' " . llou "miauy say i never OBed AORefmftD, rortlaod: J. B. HnnHin Qno .1 r.. ,1 .. , . ..... T . ' .emeu ruuai io it for nn n o., Union: Jnhn r.i . Th nn... xn m 1 hove never had to use White, Wasco: J. T. Nowlin. P.'rii! tl , . m ' , , .uOU uuo or two aoses to cure the m. Johnson , Euterprise. Qinrfit Allan mill. If . . I mi o.nrj imuieinir oniidren. w roe Drat diah hn ua hi.i r AC,,, . - "riu ob Mm a. oiroua, ropomolte City, Md. For sale Grande about Sept 1 Tbe division of tbe association's wnrk A. B Chapman, Upper Batter Creek me8Di muoh to eB8tero Oregon, ss it will thaI-went to 8P""ane on Monday'. ,d the Gazette effice a pleasant visit' ' f the M" fi'JSSSS! uu urmg tne influence of the asso ciation nearer tbe people. paid Tuesday and reports a spring onenino iu uis feonon. Mr. Ubapmao although a oompartively young man lists with the successful pioneer sheopmen, hav mg oast bis lot io tbe Morrow hills about thirteeu feels that this THAT'S THE BTOUY THEY TELL. County years ago, and country bas in nlnrl ror any young man of pluck and energy just reward lor his effjrts. E. C. Ashbaugh was In the city Tuesday. John Blake, sheep buyer, is bock from Condon. Charles Johnson, ol Butter creek, was In town this week. Dr. Margurite Garnsey 1 sojourning In the metropolis. tf. E. Royse, of Hard man, was a visitor in town Monday. maxwell, lotie's ublhriuff nolarv. is in the city this morning. Frank Lee, the San Francisco wool buyer, arnveu in tne city Monday evening. J. H. Colman. for soma tl mn with T. Tllnnman. train. yesterday attend business, and called on the Gazette. Among the many arrivals Tuesdav evenlnir nuu. y. jk. t,uis and family were noticed. Mr. Clark, the gentlemanly wool buyer, re turned to cms city on Monday evening's train. tawara u Carson, of Seattle, United States la East They Transact Much Baslnea. of Importance H.y Homestead, Being T.k.o at Their Regal., 8eMl0B. er. Oregon. At the oouDoil meeting Monday even- MoruiugOregouian. LlZ:; . Oti. P-Herson, receiver of The Dalle. uciuu ureseni. inn nmna r. i . -a t i- , ' " ,u ""'aou yesler The petition of license, whioh was laid over at the last Wm. Reed ' for Honor d.v. .... .h... i 17": T . . ii. i..i rr-" r"uu IQBa 101 pt 10 iua in tne oounties of Morrow, Gil- Of the Way MeAtee Sprained His Ankle, bat bank examiner, came in on last night's train Foand His House. Robert Foster returned from Condon Rtnr. A good story is told at the exoensa of ,w 6 hll1 boen looling 1,ter ,heeP ln u J. MeAtee, brother of Dave MoAtee ... , . . . uuaiBO, Mr. Martin Harman. the wnll knn.n hi.i gooa-iooKing and popular towns- manor tin. citv h ...n,...i . our L. Blomenthal. who ha h.a , 7 " ." '"wn iu f 1U ,ue epoitane Hevlew, who h yeBrs. in hn nun in tha d . . ' " - . uo UU1UU II U 1 1 n 1 1 V rr. anm as n Co for von. the Heppner hotel. Attorney C. E. Redfleld and family wont tn roruana last week on a visit. Mr. Reddeld re- turned Monday night, but his family will re main a while longer in the metropolis. going? To Trfft's Bon Ton to be served for bis Sunday dinner. 2t P. 0. Thompson Co. keep the best Bssorlmeot of syrups in Heppner. Cheap syrups, medium grade syrups and the finest syrups in the country. 2t Tbe Bon Tou resturant is the finest place in the oity to get a good square meal for 25 oents. Open day and night Ohaj Tefft, proprietor. 2t Karl's Clover Ruot Tea, for Constipa tion it's tbe beet and if after nsing it you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Catarrh oured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser & Warren T t o . . . uucm.ui miuuuiB, etc, it baa made it disagreeable for him to remain here, and tnis week he takes bis leave. We wish I nim suooess in bis new location. As Mr. in ueppner for over five luruiBinng goods bus mesa, hm b.i u.. .. . determine J .' .7 . . " 1119 immense "IV " 6 """u "y leptb of the snow in that seotion. meiropoiie. Mr. Blnm- Mr m, .i,. entbal bas made mon ha Kt u:. ... :' es family rfimBin i . . u" UBen residing for some .7, . " "geiine time past on the Boffalo townsite. the real estate business was slow, MoAtee wandered out the other dav to urdav evening Anril 1t tha n,i- inanunl ' i i . I . If .-ut..v. ouuin ueiunDorinir nrnnert a. reso n nsi Kara nnin. -J l j, m muugui or securing and n an- We. vonr siimmlllM .nnni.i.j Tha O R V -!.. l.... .. liiunnlh. H,l. N . . . rr"""'" . ... v, . D, UBW dooi od m "nnut mailt), I uran reso niinna ni Ann.ini.n.. u- D . . mu-i . . -""' UU IUB xvoaouroee or uregoo, Washington and """'b ne was away it began snowing death of our late brother, Alien Evans xuauu la oemg distributed. Our rea-inr. nuu u ne was ready to retnm th. reoort as folio.. are reqnested to forward the addresses M"8"8 were still ooming down. When be of their Eastern friends and acquaint- reaobe1 tbe "eiabborbood of bis resi anoee, ano a copy of the work will be U"U0B ne roana bi tbe snow bad sent tbem free. This a matter all sbonld oovefed nP 'be entiauoe to bis cabin be interested in, and we would ask that aD(1 he ooul(1 8ee nothing but a solid everyone take an interest and forward 8D0W bank, lie tramped Reaolatlons. At tbe regular meeting of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. and A. M. held Sat- to meeting, was granted. m tne matter of tbe petition of .. n.... ' 7777.. "" Leezer for a loan it . .a. 7. ua ,nM '"ere are Ham, Sherman, Wasoo, Crook, Wheeler lowed, and a motion was u.uo.cu U1BBI- mil 10Ua Of Mrni nf nnnA l.'II.Ll. I . waillOU LU mum Vat nmait tin iU. . effect that the city had i. " 1 - -"""om bosband . . ' i uihu. nomesienri oni.. ... ibe recorder was instmniari tn a. -. 0,0 mlu w. fv yui txj u I J 1 1 1 . inn the mnnrl Ana ImnnaaJ U- 1L. m .HTOU uy lue ex-reooraer. many tracts onna .h.nrinn. ... . was ordered, by recommendation of filed on. L. yea.. 7ood c"n hro v cuwimuee on streets and publio Ea.Um r, ' .V propertv that th nonnnii . L. 7 .. . "-'"y responsible renaoar;,! . ' ' f orad d..Bd for land, near r . i -v.. ni mi nmh a nn. R c.j.: . , ... -.., .umuiouuBiiuQ ui aame committee that tbe aogio. a bridge was ordered put in on Moriran sirpei across oreek. It was also ordered boose be repaired. The council ha. fixed the rale of wit nees fees at 1 per dsy, instead at 81.50 as heretofore. rang such address to W. H. Hnrlburt. Gen. eral Passenger AgeDt, O. R. & N. Co.. rortiand. 81-tf "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word from the wise should be suffici ent, dm you ask, who are the wise? Ihose who know. Tbe oft repeated ex perienoe of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M.Tar Judge Bartholomew inform. U9 there says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives U;u.. . i. i . . .. "". i um pieasea trie supreme ruler of tbe universe to remova from our midst our late brother, Allem Evan., and. Whereas, That by bis death Henoner aroond for Liooge JNo. b9, A. F. and A; M., laments awniie, but was unable to looate hit he loss of a brother hn ....... ...j. cabin until be suddenly struok tbe spot pr' ffer tbe band of aid and lend a uj .aiuag aown bis own chimney. He voice of sympathy to tbe needy and dis badly spraiueil bis ankle and waa otha. tressed of tha frtarnit . ,Ur.j .. - i - - ' ' j Miruu mi ii wise injured by tbe aocideut. hliW DEP4RTURB. Charge will be a meeting of tbe directors of the Heppner school district on Saturday evening, the 15tb, at which teachers for the ensuing year will bs selected. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, cures headaohes. Nervoueness, Eruptions on the face, and makes thn bead as clear as bell. Sold by Conser & Warren, x Mr. Flesher will preach next Sunday morning upon "Tho Christian Sanctify, ing Himself f.r His Brethren." In the evening be and bis congregation will worship with the Sonthern brethren. 8bilob' Consumption Cure oures here nthors foil. It is the lending j Cough Cure, and no borne should be I witnout it. Pleasant to take and goea right to the spot Sold by Couser & Warren. x better satisfaction than any other in th market. He bas been io the drug busi ness at Elkton, Kv , for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medi uiu luBuuiawurrn, woion snows con clusively that Chamberlain', is tbe most satihfactory to the people, and is tbe best. For sale by Conser & Warren. AUCTION SALE. 11 I'.IMtS . HI j Haat luh bjrup. Ta!i to.!. Use r-3 in nmr). till hT lr-ie.tii. rJ Fiv mili-s northwest nf Hardman, et my olJ plaof, on S .turday, April 15tb, at 10 o'olook a. m., will ba sold tbe fol lowiug described pr ijiert) : 10 bead of horses, 7 head of Oiltle. 1 plow and 1 Buckeye tunwer. A! amounts under SlOtobeCaeb; ail over $10, on eight months' time, at 8 per cent interest, on good eeonrity. Also 1 No. 8 range stove, 6 chairs and 1 bedstead, for cash. A. Rood. Have Yon Any Potatoes to Spurt? j If so, we want thum. Will silow yoa tbe highest market price Bring tbem in. Mimob&Co. The First Nattosal Bank Will Small KxchaiiK. To conform with regulations of near). all banking institutions throughout the country Cishier Consar of the Pirai National bank appends tbe following exohanie rates now adopted. The busi- ness bas assumed soob proportions n. reiiow oiliz-n, whose upright and nobis life was a standard of emulation to his follower., and, Wberea., It is just that a fitting re cognition of bis many virtue, .boold ba made; therefore, be it Resolved, By Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. and K. M., thai wbils we bow in bumble submission to tbe will of the most high, we do not tbe less mooro for our brother who ba been taken from ns. Resolved, Tbat the sympathy of lbs tailing a vast amount of work, expense ,ode be onveyed to the family of the ana time aud oonstqnently must be met aoewad brother, committing tbem In by this slight exchange rate: For Oralis for sums not exceeding I 2 50 Over IJ.50 and not exceeding fb 00 , Over T. 00 and not exceeding tlo.00 Over 110.00 and not exceeding 120.00 Over J).d0 and not exceeding i: 00 Over f.00 and not exceeding W00 Over 110.00 and not exceeding fXi.OO Over .00 and not exceeding lKI 00 Over Wj 00 and not exceeding ITSOO. Over IV'i.CH and not exceeding f imi.om ScU .. 7cts ..in cu . . 12 cts RtWAllO thi. hour of their bereavement Io tbe kind consideration of birn who doetb all things well. Kesoivad, That these resolution, be 14 cts P,B0d "Pon 'be records of thi. lodge, a 17 cts P tian.mitted to the family of lb. da- oeaaeu ana mat a copy be sent to tba Heppner newspaper, for poblication. Fraternally submitted, T. W. Ayttw, L. W. Bwoai. HlNBT BLACKMAK, Comjjtttee and ooosidered arid Mr, f atleraoa say. the influx of farm ... 1. tl . i a era to me onoongrsss region i. a bad omen for tbe abeep men, a. it is aura to result in restricting tba sheep eaoo suooeeding year. Settler, who paid tbe government w IX n . . - . . uu pur sure ior mads jUBt wllbto tbe llmtl.a rf VTai The Imnrnvamanl l U 4 . " 1 mu rswtno land .. .uT n . " .7, . " ,UUU,UB rn'' Mr- faer.on .ay, will some d.v -ui .uB jume resiaeooe IO Heppner'. reasiv. hl, .1... . .7' warehouse al.n l.... .. v "J, .t .... "w """' worinern raolflo line waa built too far , II II MM. I Tha fnii-.n . , . ,w,y 10 d0 ,hem Bnjr Tha line . wor miuwea and wblflh annnmaHaia. t i..L. warrant, ordered drawn fo, lb. .ame: O. R. 4 N.. which w.Bt ..Z'u. f v r , .. , .. . . . I . " wv wi.u . ... aniunu, cuy auy 125 oo a land grant. ","' .' y " 00 In. these P. Williams, salary & fees 8. Wells, witness Reed VA Q..ll... ti Vern Barton Z'.Z'.'. J m.n Ellia tried bard to have this aot of Should tbe bill pas. pay tlAOnla Lank .. L. . . .. 1 1 .. aoo - ' t - "nam ritfuiiuiiy 19 15 w UDUJ' i win soatier nundred. fl oo or thousands of dollar, in Morrow, Gil 8 oo liam and Sherman noimtia. no........ nil I China Jim, meals j 75 J0"U0e done the settler, of Eastern Ore- I i.l, I A, W.t.. I' I . . . n U. D... -.... vu. ,ur murcn 83 60 " rsinrioo "SS, DUI be Was xne meeting was of usual interest, overwhelmed with Eaal.ro opposition. eaoo ooanoiimao seem na ntnnt on furthering the oity'. best interests. Various subjeot. were dieoossed among which were the enforcement of ordiance. pertaining to street cleaning anu ouiiaiog crosswalks, tbe neoessitv of proooring a suitable safe for keeping oooks eio. Consultation of tbe oily attorney regarJiog legality of ordinances. eioeio. Mrs. Dr. Oarosry Is now permanently located in Hepp- ner, wbere ahe osn be found. Her medicine, oure all ohronio diseases, snob asdesfness, catarrb, bronchial trooblt., ong disease., rheumatism, kidney irmole, liver trooble, blood poisoning. Any disease baffling the skill of pby.i oians yield under the influence of ber simple remedies. 12-tf 20 cts 22 CU ... .25cts ...Sorts A reward of 500 will be paid by tb. Oregon Railway and Navigation Com-! Notice. pany for information that will secure tba ! Hav. von a farm fo, ..! . arrest and conviction of the persons who or do yon-know of any person holdina assaulted s. r, (Jook, bead brakemao farming lands thai thev wi.h in rf;... onlrwuN,.! Uay hui.on. W bit- off If .o, pleas, writ, to any .gent of man Co., Wa.bir.gton on March 2f). ff. the O. R. A X. Co. and he will .end von J. P. O Bmijf, Siiperintwodaot. j a circular tbat will irjterwt yoa. Fit's cqnlrrol Puisoa I. a rapid and reliable put deatrovar. R A. Newton. Ashland. Drairnn iiu, Fry's ignjrrel poison bs. not onlv proveo seductive and desdly to squirrels but to tbe rabbits and restiferoo. skunk s well. For .ale by Hlooum Drog Co. N0TICK. I hereby make tb. tba following an- poiolmeot. of deputy .took inspectors for Morrow county: Heppner precinct, Wm. Hughe. ; lone Preoinot, J. P. Rb.a; Lena praoluct, J. L. Ayer.. 226 OSCAB SciUrKB, Stock Inspeotor. Patatoesl FoUtoes! We want more pofatoea- bring all yon oaa antc. Il.ghwit market price. UljroB 4 Go. COMFORT FOR MAN AND BEAST. Tfce Pletara Presented on a Bi Caaal 1 Bt Tied I'd Over lii.d.r f. Tied alongside a bulkbeiul in the Har- lem river was a big canal boai. In the stable at one end stood three horse, munching bay out of their manger, aya me jew xorK Hun. The deck over the horses, forming th. roof of their stable, wa. a foot or two, or maybe more than that, higher than the surrounding deck, and it was open all around, so that the breeze blew through freely. It was a hot day, but the horses were in the shade, in place wbere they could get the air if they could get It anywhere; then they had plenty to eat, and they were apparently a. comfortable horse, could be. Down at the other end of the boat an- other scene presented itself. There an awning had been stretched over the deck from side to side, aft of the cabin. It waa a Sunday. Under thi. awnimr. in a comfortable rockinr-hair. sat the canal boat', captain, reading a news paper. Here, too, .at the captain', wife, reading a book. Under the awn ing, .tretching from the cabin door, they tat a. on a veranda in front of a nous on snore, and quite aa much at home. It would have been difficult to find a more comfortable .pot, and. In deed, tbe boat wa. a picture of comfort for man and beast. - r- -- That Throbbing Haadaoh. Would quiokly leave yon if yon would o.j Dr. King'. New Life Pill.. Thou. nd. of .offerer, b.ve proved Ibeir m.tcble. merit for sick and nervous headache.. They make pure blood and strong nerve, and build up your health. r.ay to lata, irv th-m. Onlv 21 0s, M .U'V buck if not cnrwl. rl.l1 h. ul. Smead & Co. Have just received a fresh line of Candies... Turkish Nougcts, Japanese Caramels, Creams, Etc. Fruits and Vegetables Cigars and Tobaccos Don't overlook n. when you want something nice, Ageuls for the Oregonlau aud Telegram. A Frightful Blunder Willoftem cause a horrible burn.goaM, out or bruise. Buoklln'a Arnioa Salve, the best io Ibe world, will kill tbe pain and promptly beal il. Curea old .ores, fever aoree, uloer., boil., felon., oorn., all .kin emotions. Haas niia artb. Only 25o a box. Cur guarar. teed. Sold bv Hloonm rim rv - - " " V. IMPERIAL PAWNSHOP. Austria Co.docla the Pi.k..M.. limine., for Her Poor. Auatria, haa an imperial nawn shon. It waa established in Vienna in 1707. when there was great distresa among; yuur in tne aoutnern purt of the em pire. It wuadealgnedaaawavtosecure to the starving aonie meana of immedi ate relief, and by putting the rate of in terest aa low aa possible, and embody ing in the system every advantage that could be given to those who sought to make loan., it waa found to be so ef fective that it soon gained the imp-rial sanction, and it waa not long until ita managers were mode public officials under the direction of the minister of tiie Interior. Thi. ia substantially thn atatua of the inatltution at thia time. The rate, are so low that the bualnaM done on the cheap goods and chattels of the ioor could not ponsiblv make th establishment self-sustaining; but peo ple who have been suddenly reduced in circumstances or who are temnorarllv embarrassed, keep the margina on the ignt sine and enable the institution to eep open without ths aid of a suhnirlv. In tb year 1893 a total of 866.015 ar- tide were pledged, and of these 848, 5fi2 were redeemed, a remarkahl. r. demption a. compared with the propor tion, of the average oawnahon. Thn n redeemed pledgee were sold bv nuh- lic auction and whenever they brought more than the face of the Dledire thn balance waa set to the account of the pledger, to be refunded any time with in three venr.. . , What Dr. A. K. Halter Ways. Buffalo, N. Y.-Oents:-From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tb. effeot of your Sbilob'a Oure in oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to .ay it ia tbe moat remarkable remedy tbat baa ever been brought to my atten tion. It ba. oerlaioly sav.d many from oon.umptiou. Sold by Conser & Warren CASTOR I A For Infant, and Children, !ha Kind You Have Always Bought coo Drug Oo.