The Gazette. Thursday, April 6, 1899. LABOR IN THE PHILIPPINES. A knowledge of the wagea paid for labor in Manila and of the con ditions one mast meet should be sufficient to keep American labor ers at home. If they wish to take their labor to that market, it mast be sold as cheaply aa the labor of their competitora, as they will re ceive no larger wages because the Philippine islands are a possession of the United States. The best skilled labor at Manila receives the equivalent of $15 per month in gold, while the average earnings of the working classes will not equal $1 per month in gold, out of which provision must be made for the support of one's family. The best clerical labor, such as accountants, cashiers, bookkeepers, and the em ployes of the larger houses, receive from $30 to $00 per month in gold. The small number of Europeans, excepting the Spanish, who are en gaged in business in the Philip pines are either the proprietors or responsible managers of estab lished firms. The total absence of European and American laborers in the Orient is a sufficient demon stration that their employment is not needed. It is quite true that the cost of living is merely nom inal in comparison with the oost in the United Stated, but even if one should save one's entire income, it would scarcely amount to a compe tence. It is a mistake to indulge the supposition that the Filipinos are uncouth savages, inoapable of performing skilled labor that re quires the exercise of judgment. The population living along the coast and in the cities has attained a surprising degree of civilization, and the workmen of this class pro duce an infinite variety of artioles of their own manufacture that would be creditable to a more en lightened country. They are, in my judgment, superior to the same classes in Cuba, Porto Rico and Hawaii, and possess in a great measure the cleverness at imitation of the J apanese, whom they resem ble in physical appearance and in the similarity of many customs. From "Material Problems in the Philippine Islands," by Samuel W. Bel ford, in the American Monthly Review of Reviews for April. MACS IN THE SENATE. The Washington Post under b reoent date, pnystha'following com pliment to the ability of the four Macs in the United States Senate, heading the list with Oregon's Sen ator, MoBrido. Washington pa pera oftes speak very highly of Senator McBride, acknowledging his exceptional ability aui tireless energy, which means so much for our stats. Not only in consider ation of tin Senator, but state pride, entitles his successful efforts bi credited by the Washington papers, to full recognition by our local press. "There are four Macs in the senate McBride, MoEnery, Mo Laurio, and McMillan. Two are democrats and two republicans. But they all voted for the treaty, and two of them McEnery an McLaurin secured its ratification. " Our citizons of Sootch descent are very solid members of Bociety. They seldom got left in any im portant matter which progress, prosperity, and patroitism are in volved. It is a pretty safe thinp to btt on the Scotchman. He makes it his business to keep od the winning side, and it is due him to say that, canny though h may be in ordinary things, he is willinp to risk a littlp, sometimes much, where his feelings and convictions are concerned. He is a good, solid standby iu the hour of need. Hoot, mou!" Sesok Qcesada, who repre sented the alleged Cuban republic iu Washington, although never of ficially recognized by this govern ment, from almost the beginninp of the Cuban revolution until de posed by the Cuban assembly, the other day, is still in Washington. He takes a hopeful view of the sit uation in Cuba, and believes that everything will come out right in the end. He said: "I think we are goiug to get a fair deal. 1 think that the United States will do well by Cuba, and that Cuba is worthy of the sacrifices that hav bfen made in her behalf by the United States." He think that the questiou t annexation is one that should bo and will be left uutil Cuba has a government and con gress properly elected by its people to decide whether it would prefer maintaining an independent repub lic or being annexed to the United States. He says he is perfectly satisfied that the Deode of the United States would not consent to the annexation of Cuba upon any other basis than the request of a majority of its people. HALO LOS. Againaldo's Capital Hu Gout Down Before Those Boys of Ours. By the Auociated Pres.. Manila, March 31 Noon Major General MaoArtbnr sotered Maloloe, the seal of the so oalled iosargeot Kovern menl, at 9:30 o'olook Ibis morning, the rebels burning the city and simultane ously evaonating it. They are now in (all retreat toward the north, where Agninaldo and bia cabinet have been for two days. OTIS' REPORT or CAPTURE OF MAIiOXiOfl. Washington, Maroh 31. The war de partment at ISO o'olook this morning made public the following dispatch trom General Otis: "Manila, Maroh 31. Mao Arthur cap tured Malolog at 10:15 this morning. The enemy retreated atter a slight resis tance and firing tbe city. Particulars later. Hall had quite a severe engage ment beyond Mariqaina; oasualties 20. The enemy driven. Otis" MAC ABTHTJB ADVANCING. Manila, Marob 31, 10 53 a. m. Major General MaoArthur advanced to attaok Maloloe, tbe seat of the insurgent gov ernment at 7 o'olook tbis morning. He was met with strong opposition, tbe rebels resisting desperately bnt losing heavily. General Hall's brigade is ad vancing north from tbe water works and driving the left wing of tbe enemy. TBS MABOH TO HALOLOS. Manila, March 31, 7:30 p. m. The United States troops rested last night in a jungle about one mile and quarter from Malolos. Tbe day's advanoe be gan at 2 o'olook and oovered a distance of about two and one-half miles beyond Guigninto river, along tbe railroad. Tbe brunt of tbe battle was on tha right of the traok, where the enemy was appar ently concentrated. The First Nebras ka, First Sooth Dakota and Tenth Pen nsylvania regiments enoonntered tbem entrenobed on tbe border of tbe woods and tbe Amerioans advancing across an open ooantry, suffered a terrific fire for half an boor. Four men of tbe Nebras ka regiment were killed and tbirtv wounded. Ten men of tbe Dakota regi ment were wounded and one of thePeo osylvanlas was killed. The Amerioans finally drove the Filipinos baok. Al though there were three lines t f stri ng entrenchments along tbe traok, the enemy made soaroely any defence there. General MaoArtbnr and his staff were walking on the traok abreast of tbe line, with everything quiet, when suddenly tbey reoeived a shower of ballets from sharpshooters in trees and on housetops, bat these were speedily dislodged. The enemy's loss was apparently small, tbe jangle affording them snob protec tion that tbe Amerioans were unable to see them and in firing were guided only by tbe sound of tbe Filipino's shots, The American artillery was handioapped for the same reason. Last night's long line of oamp fires made a beautiful sight with tbe Twentieth Kansas on tbe left of Uulguloto and the Pennsylvania regi ment on the right beyond the river. Tbe provision train was delayed by broken bridges, bnt stores of grain and lots of docks in tbe locality tarnished ample forage. Hospital work is remarkably exoellent as it baa been through the whole campaign. Telegraphers keep abreast of the line and maintain ooo stan! connection with the oity, KIUHT MILK Vims. A rainy Easter. Grass isgroviug nicely. Farmers are very busy with their spring work. We were all very moon shocked to bear of tbe sadden death of Mrs. Case Fuqoa. We were eipeoting ber on Ewb. Mile soon to oooopy tbe new boose ber husband had built daring ber stay in i.eiiugtoo, bat instead tbe Mas ter called ber to come np higher, end sbe went to tbe mansion not made with bands, eternal in the beavens. She bad made ber peace with God years eg", sbe was prepared to meet ber Master, even though sbe was called so suddenly. Onr hearts ache for tbe husband and family, but tbey do not mourn as those having no hope When In their lovely bexle, Loved one are lying; When Joyful wiugs are spread, To hi'aron flying, Would we to sin and pain Call back their soula again, Wenve round their hearts the chain Severed In dying? N , drareat Jretm, no; To Thee, their Savior, Let their tree spirits go, Kauaomed forever, Holm of unending jr, Thelitis the victory; Thine let the glory be, Now and forever. E. M.U Spain' Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Oliver, of Barcelona. Soain. spends his winters in Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves bad caused severe pains in the baok of bis bead. On nsioa- Elaotria Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain eoon left bim. He says this graud medeolue is what bis ooantry needs. All America knows that it ouree liver and kidney troubles. Duri- fies tbe blood, tone np tbe stomach. strengthen tbe nerves, pat vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of tbe body. If weak, tired or ailing yon nee J it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 oenta, Hold bv Slocuua Drag Co, I LADIES' Ladies' Suits Brown covert light, jacket trimmed with narrow silk braid, lined with red silk, fancy corners, double breasted; skirt bell shaped, percaline lined, seams felled, velvet binding Only $10. Ladies' Suits in dark brown, lieht tan. navv u ui,nv,jr i,i blue, black and light brown coverts, serges, etc., from richer skirt. It is marvelously beau $6 to $8. tifu, says one woman, exquisite echoes another. We say itis the feSVwwSH. prettiest fancy skirting ever offered in our lining department. Ladies' Skirts in plaids, serges, worsted, blue duck, crepons, silks, etc., an elegant line at reasonable prices ranging from 1 to 8. In the Gjc to 30c. Agents for Minor & THE MYSTERIOUS CRAFT. The Verael from Nowhere Bound to No- where to Be Bold. The New York Times, on March 30tb, ays: lb e Hcipio, a orafl from nowhere, bound to nowhere, flying no flag, owner less and orewless, is to be eotd to tbe highett bidder at tbe Brooklyn navy yards by tbe United States government. A board baa been appointed to examine the abip whioh lies at the yard. The board will determine as to how to dis pose of ber. Tbe board will perform a similar doty with respect to the steamer Niagara, whioh is also at the Brooklyn yard. This was bongbt by the government from tbe Ward line daring tbe Spanish war. At tbe outbreak of hostilities, agents of the government were engaged in bay ing shite and war munitions in England. The beginning of actual warfare fonnd some of the deals incomplete, England being a nentral power, these incompleted deals could not be pushed through t tut ia to say, apparently not. Boon atter tl e beginning of hostilities, a steamship in perfect trim from stem to stern, with furcaoe fires burning, with steam up, but without a boqI on board, was found adrift off tbe coast of Newfoundland, found by a United States ship, too, oddly enough. Tbe crewlees ship was tbe Soipio. Sbe flew no flag, and there was not so much as a scrap of paper to be found aboard ber to indicate where sbe ssiled from, where sbe was sailing to, or who owned ber. She was a mystery of tbe deep. Tbe Soipio oarried a cargo of ooal, but never did snob strange things oome out of a cargo of ooal as oame trom tbe depths of tbe anthracite piled In tbe bold. Tbere were guns, fine modern affairs of English make, Maxims, Holobkiss oannoos, field piaoes and other ordnsooe, together witb ammu nition. Just bow the Soipio oame to be found adrift with such an opportune cargo by a United Statea ship has never been told officially. Tbe Soipio baa been at the Brooklyn navy yards einoe she was picked up adrift on tbe high sea-. Of oourse it was pre-arranged ehe could be "picked" up by ageats of tbe United Plates government, as at the time, owing to the restrictions of the neutrality law, a sale oould not be efieoted in the ordinary way To the Public On Monday, Maroh 27th, the steamer Spokane waa plaoed in service on the Snake river between Riparia and Lewis ton witb double daily service, and ia now operated aa a throngh mail, express and passenger steamer, making round trip daily exoept Saturday. Leaves Riparia at 2:30 a. m , arriviog at Lewis Ion at 12 o'olook, noon. Leaves Lewis- ton at 2:30 p. m., arriving at Riparia at 7 p. m. Tbe steamer Lewieton will take tbe plaoe of the Spokane on the same schedule n Saturday, and at other time will be operated ou a wild sched ule, taking care of all local work. This sohedole plaoea Lewieton and the Buffalo Hump ooantry more ia touch witb points on tbe O. K. AN. Now ia tbe time to reuew your ubecription to the Gazette. SUIT SILK SKIRTING 1 Mi- ----t.-.-; - i--T.' i--Or .r- m 'ic'( )'' Sea Island Silk Skirting is much more lustrous and durable fhan cheaD silk, costs no more, and makes a wav of Linings we have a splendid assortment. Silesias, percalines, nearsiik, brocades, roman stripes, etc., etc. Never had so complete a line. Prices Gordon Hats, Pendleton Blankets, Butterick Patterns, Queen Quality Shoes for women. Co. & HOTEL HEPPNER MRS. E. C. BOWERMAN, Proprietress. First-class Accommodations. Charges Reasonable. White Help Only Employed. The public guaranteed satisfaction. Any Blockhead 4 '. ,v 3 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. A hufre cypress tree in Tule, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, is 154 feet in circumference. A five-cent stamp must adorn every day book, ledper or other account book kept by a business house in Mexico. The cells in the jail at Dover, N. II., are arranged in a circle and revolve, so that the inmates can successively see the country at all points of the com pass. A bereaved widower in St. Joseph, Mo., took unto himself a second wifs before his first spouse was buried. The body of Xo. 1 had been temporarily plitced in a receiving vault. In Topeka there is a young mar ried man who really loves his mother-in-law loves her so much that her daughter has brought suit for alienat ing her husband's affections. A can of boiling lard whs on the cook stove, and Miss Stella Evans, of Colorado Springs, put on ogg into it to boil. In an instant the egg exploded nd the lady was spattered with flving lard. 1 citizen of Buckfield, Me., lost his house and all his furniture by fire. Mis neighbors came to his relief by the presentation of various household article, and among them were 4i bed Urads. A real estate agent in Xewburg. X. V., engaged a painter to paint a house. Inside and out. He gave him the wrong number, and the wrong house was com pletely painted before the blunder wss iiscovered. An extraordinary railroad trip was recently made over the Chicago, Bur lington A Quitu'v, from Chicago to IVn er. The distance is 1.023 miles, and the trip was made in 1,09 minutes' actual running time. A lady in Wilkesliarre, Pa., who lied possessed of considerable proper ty left it al to a female friend who had been very kind" to her all except one ?ent; and this she decreed should be given to her husband five years after her del h. nr- Hi M iP Dress Skirts, Ladies' Wraps, Calicos UNDERWEAR Percales, Ducks, Crashes and Linens Sliirt Tailor-Made Suits SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS The famous "Ideal" Hats Shoes Nobby Derbys and Felts ' Crash and Light Wool. GROCERIES The Choicest and most Complete Line in the City.... We Buy Before You Buy- As cheap as goods can be Call and examine our goods sold. None buy cheaper. and inquire our prices. -Ilea, cS5 "TBl(D3l3L, Free bus to and from all trains, Can get time on a Sewing Machine by paying a reason able price down and giving his note for the excess charges. p. c. miPsoN sen sell sewing machines at staple profits and consequently have no exorbitant gains to take risks on. If you want a sewing ma chine at a reasonable price for cash or A 1 security call on them. Heppners Candy Factory Fresh Candies manufactured and kept con stantly on hand. 8 O j Oyster Grotto Kept open nigbt and day. j Hart Bros. vvt. Proprietors. Hi ilil)nlii ut of tmuiwiu Towns. Berun. March 30. A brief official dispatch from Apia, Samoa, dated Maroh 30, says: The bombardment of the ooast villages by British end American warships continues. Iu pursuance of military orders, while residents have evsonateJ many houses. Tbe chiefs of the M alietoa Tanas party, who were exiled to tbe otber islands, have beeo brought back from Upola, Tbe firearms sod ammunition taken from Tanas January 2 have been returned. Kaatz acted aithio bia instructions, .od there ia no donbt. with tbe facts now at band, tbt he will be sustained by the United States government. The Popular Resort SPRING Comprising Fine Lines Summer Dress Goods Laces of all kinds Waists, Sill To GENTS' DEPARTMENT brand the nobbiest line made. The guaranteed Kelley-Goodfellow Brands. P. 0. B0RG, The JEWELER """"" Dr. Barthlow's Positively WHITE PINE saarasr cough syrup Hoarseness, Sore a-v Throat, Bronchitis. Dr. Barthlow's The best Nerve Tonio and Blood Purifier. Conser & Warren, Heppner. Or., Who carry a complete line of Drags, Chemicala, PaiDts, Oils and Glass CANTON DISC Is all s(d. which maV it rtry strong and durable It is simple in construction and has less parts to wear than any Disc made. The chilled journal bearings arc entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There is absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings. . . , Jm . "anged that they cannot raise out of the ground m the center, but easily adjust them selves to dead furrows or low places in rough ground. A trial will convince you that the Canton is without an equal. Manufactured by PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON. ILLINOIS. CANTON "U" BAR LEYER, HARROWS Are the best because they re made of the best steel and are durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to tt"dMadCe Jade'bT " PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. Farm Implements, Gram and Feed. i HARROW. V 1 GOODS Arc 0 m of Capes: arrive from the East in a few days OTf Is Offering - Watches And the finest Jewelry at very low prices. Repairing a Specialty. CELERY KOLA CANTON Gang Plows. A l7W superior of all makes. The easi est handled l.ghtest draft, most durable and turtTth ?t'fT ,y- ? udmlci " "ri on side hi b m ."'' Have dust proof hub band, an many points of superiority over all others MariTin . A."chmen,T rELWCHJLLED "3dR!3 -lit Z f Co,?Pre ,h others and see the: work and you will buy a Canton. Manufactured by PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS CANTON Stubble Plows Made with wood or steel beams in all sires Ml ky rims t omwRrr co, cut. 1, m m i : t m si Studebaker Wagons S. P. Garriguese