Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1899)
PAP EE OFFICIAL WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 Subscription Price, $1.50 The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests ot Morrow County and Its ' Taxpayers. Leads In Prestige Leads In Circulation... Leads In News Is the Official and Recognized Represent ative journal 01 tne county. NO. 724 SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1899, I I I .A r XXaOFESSZOXTUi.Xj c-A-xaxis. C E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in and satisfactory manner, lie and Collectors. prompt Notaries Pub- Ofllce in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U.S. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. C M Charlton ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Collections promptly attended to. Heppner, - - - Oregon, S. A. D. Curley, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. Practlcioner in all 8 ate and federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOFS and LAND K1LINU8. Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. Government land script for sale. V, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Allow no one to deceive you in tius. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other , Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of D. E. Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old bookB and notes in his hands and get your money out of them them. Makes a specialty of hard collec tions. Office in J. N, Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler -DENTIST S S w MSaB Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - , Oregon. G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. 15 Cents 25 " Heppner, Oregon. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner, His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCNTAUM COMPANY, TT MUHflAV STREET. NEW VOftK OITV. Semi-Annual iReport Of the County Clerk ot Morrow County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of olaima allowed by the county ooarlof saia ooanty, ror wnai anowee, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from tbe 1st day of October, 1898, to the Slsl day of March, 1HIW, Do in inoiusive. ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Amount of claims allowed. Road and Bridge Pauper Criminal, oirouit court . Criminal, justice oourt. Stationery Court bonee and jail . . . Clerk's salary Sheriff's salary School superintendent.'. Ooanty judge's County commissioners', Jury Treasurer's Assessor's District attorney's ..... Deputy clerk's Deputy sheriff's titook inspector's County expense Amount of war rant! drawn. Total amount claims allowed and drawn. AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID. Outstanding unpaid county warrants on tbe 81st day of March. 1899 Estimated interest accrued thereon. Total amount of unpaid county warrants. 1878 62 1228 55 61 20 842 82 268 88 S91 49 1200 00 1200 00 353 99 450 00 ' 130 00 325 20 249 99 60 00 135 00 499 98 499 98 138 00 338 93 $10242 63 1878 62 1228 65 61 20 842 82 , 268 88 391 49 1200 00 1200 00 353 99 450 00 130 00 325 20 249 99 60 00 135 00 499 98 499 98 138 00 838 93 WASHINGTON LETTER. Visit to the Arlington Cemetery. Soma of tha Grand Sights to baSaan Thara, Whara tha Nation's Dead Lia Under tha Cara of Loving Frlands. Other News. 10242 63 PRINCIPAL. 9 27,964 62 8 27,964 62 INTEREST. $ 1 200 00 I 1,200 00 STATE OF OREGON, ) County of Morrow, f ' I, Vawter Crawford, County Clerk of tbe County of Morrow, State of Oregon, do hereby oertify that tbe foregoing is a true and correot state rmmt of the number aud amount of olaims allowed by the County Court of said Ooanty fot thesis months ending on tbe 31st day ot March, 1899, on what aooount tbe same were allowed, and tbe amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants nutstand' ing and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and io my offioial custody. Witness my band and the ssal ot tbe Oonaty Omrt ot said County this 4th day ot March, A. D., 1899. Vawtbb Crawford, County Clerk. - SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of tbe amount of money and warrants reoeived for taxes and money paid to the County treasurer by the Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon, for the six months nding on tbe 31st day ot uaron, A. if. low. flRST Rational ank Date OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA President T. A. REEA Vio President (J. W. CON8ER E. L. FREELAND. . Assistant Cashier Cashier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all polntson reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided proflti 35,000. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At BY AMOUNT PAID DURING THE MONTH OF Date. ' 1 Oct. Nov. Dee. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1 . To County Treasurer ,T. 15354 18 19743 18 S6U 13 9ffl 68 ....... . 47677 68 81 7 Total paid to Treasurer 15854 18 11743 18 &17 1:1 1 959 B8 17709 55 And by the way they have anything you can call for In the line of Hardware, Stove and Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has Just been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly invites his friends to call and try his first-class accommodations. Planty of Haiy B-nA O-raAaa. for Sala Htable located on west side of Main street between Win. Scrivner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. LIBERTY MARKBT THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to fro to get your fine pork and lamb chops, steaks and roasts. Fish Every Friday. Fine suear-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest cash price paid for at stock. dock a. msingws. IHEPPNEK-CANYON CITY Stage Line B. F. MILLER, Prop. Hhnnnest and most direct ronte to John Day llley, Canyon City mining district, Burns auu tier interior poiuu. Itainu 1avo Hnnnner Dallv. Sunday eX' Ited. at 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City 14 hours. Vave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp- rn 24 hours connecting with trains. Gilliam B sbee s That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kohn's Best," .... On Tap Down at The TELEPHONE SALOON IT IS I OOOD8 New Stand, City Hotel Building, IvOW TIIIARD, ?Eror Good Goods.... Fair Prices.i -AT T. R. HOWARD'S. (Special Correspondence to the Gazette.) Washington, D. C, March 29.- Never was the breath of spring more welcome to any community than to this atthe national oapital at the present time. Washington has no memory of as disagreeable a season am the winter now passed. The green grass is already fresh ening the numerous parks aud grounds, and soon the bordering trees on every street and avenue will put forth verdure aud bloom to make life and nature beautiful As a farewell to winter, Mr. H. H. Qilf rey and myself went last Sunday, by trolley lined, to Arling ton. 1 8 topping at the Fort Meyer station we then walked through the continuous grounds of the Fort Meyer parade and , the national cemetry to the pillared ooloDnade of tbe ancestral home of tbe Lees, at Arlington. The views all the way are wonderful; the Potomac and beyond it the wide spread city, hour it was beside the door. There was a splendid team and in half an hour they had traversed the almost five miles distance from the fort parade to the capital. The B. & O. depot is only one block distant and my own home was be tween the two. We thought that if all soldiers' wives were made of such Spartan motherhood as we witnessed, it was fortunate for the sons of Mars and their families. This morning we had another exposition of womanhood in tbe person of Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker, who visited the land office on a matter of business that involved both her profession as a lawyer and also a doctor. One cannot easily have full confidence in this noted woman: that is, in. her womanliness and perfect sanity as well. She was attired in , mascu line array, her hair was cut short in tne neck: she wore a rather gentlemanly outfit, and, but for her voice, would have passed for a man. She discussed her qualifica tions as a medical student, with diploma to show; as a legal mind, also equipped for performance. In this dual capacity the disting uished lady of medioine demanded that a refusal to grant a pension should be . reopened. There .are some who champion the cause of woman without surrendering the most charming attributes of the sex; tnere are some wno oiaim wo much to please fastidious tastes, 1899. TO AMOUNT RECEIVED. In coin and currency. In county warrants... Total received with its glorious monuments; all were open to the view at times vet they ieave UB r0om to believe -in broad-spread vistas that re- that they deserve commendations DURING THE MONTH OF Oct. 15354 it $5354 It Nov. 59743 18 I I974S If Deo. 5817 13 J581T 13 Jan, I 959 68 i 959 68 Feb. Mar 777 68 ill 87 ! and appreciations. But Mrs. Mary Walker, who has all the pro fessions at command, leaves those so unfortunate as to meet her, with 7709 55 Statb op Obroon, ( County of Morrow, I I, . L. Matlock, sheriff of said ooanty, do hereby oertify that the fore goirjg statement is correot ami true. Witness my band this 31st day of Marob, A.. V. 18iM. IS. Li. Matlock, HheriH of Morrow Uounty By J. W. Matlock, Inty 8EMI ANNUAL STATEMENT Ot tbe Ooaoty Treasurer of Morrow County, Oregon, for tbe Biz months ending on the 31st day of Marob, A. V. la'JJ, of money reoeived nod paid out, from whom reoeived and from watt source, and ou wbt aoaouot paid out. DATB. 1899. To amount on hand from last report. To am m reo d from sheriff , AMOUNTS SBCETVBD. KBOH WHAT HOUKCB BBO'V'D, To To To To To To To OBNBRAL VUND. clerk assessor AO Bartbolonie W, M. Heguowood Fines T.W. Morgan.... Fines W. A. Richardson ,Fines W. B. MoAlieter. Pines Taxes SVs, eto Taxes Lumber Bold . . Totals. t 2823 60 19284 55 029 25 21 00 U 00 BCROOL FOND. $1107 78 6949 11 m 1 J i A cream ot uregoo s manuoou. j. is well enough that our country should know that Oregon has more of tbe stuff that heroes are made of to offer when our country has need of men. In my next I shall endeavor to give some pictures of life in the denartments. Oregon has one of w . 15 25 5 oo 1 3r- 6 IX I23IHJ1 30 f 7173 49 DATS. ANOCKTS PAID OUT OBNBHAI, FUND. 1899. iBy raouut paid oat on county warrants By amount paid out on school sup't's warrants. By balance general food oa baud . By balance school fuud oo band Tntalu 114778 60 I 8282 70 2301 80 SCHOOL FOND By balauoe on band last report. fa warrant paid Balance on band BOAD FUUD. 145 00 366 99 Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees. iBBk. T. K. HOWARD, Heppner. MILKS FARE 20 fl.50 55 4. CO 65 4 75 'ih 5.50 ("3 6 00 102 8 00 I 1(4 8 00 lei connect with trains at Heppner. i Bavin tnrkprt nn this line with new cowl coaches and good teams I am prepared I urst-ciass service to the pumic. 1NGT0N-F0SS1L 1TA6ELINE RE FROM ARLINGTON TO F.klM) miles)... 15 00 Round trip 1900 Mtte (53 miles). 400 Round trip 700 C (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 600 ClfcS miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 8 50 niTDmllMl 150 Round trip 8 50 'i . e leaves Arlington every morning rshv exceoted) at 6 o'clock: is dae flrj t 3 p. m. anrl rr?v Fo k:t p. rn. If 'irtabt rovurpil ooaoh'-t hii err nCperieuoed drivers. WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT? If a man's in love that's bis business; If a girl'B in love that's her business; If tbey get married it's our business to furnish their bftne from kilchen to parlor as we oarry a most oompMe Hock o Furniture, Carpet, Mattings, Wall Paper, Stoves, Ranges, Cranileware, Tinware, Etc And it, your bneioesa to drop In, examine goods aid get prices. WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or. We are now located in the building formerly occupied by The Mainebe tween the Photograph Gallery and Noble's Harness Shop, Main street. 9 601 99 OITT OF HKPPNEH. By oaab of sheriff To amount paid oat $ 055 11 Balauoe oa band 310.1 tm U $ 986 14 SCHOOL DISTRICTS. By balance on baud S 756 39 m'dona&d estatb. ' By balanoe on band. S 10 10 JDLICS If AHLHBT. By balance on ban 3 9 15 00 AHUIL KLBIOK. By balanoe on band 9 2172 STATE OF OREGON, County of Morrow. ) ' I. Mat Liobtentbal. do hereby certify tbat tbe foreaoina is a true and corrsot ttatpuient of tbe amounts reoeived, paid out and remaining oo hand, In tbs ooanty ber iu this delightful rusHnrr oi saiu ouuui lor tug in iuuuvui cuuiuk ou iu ouiu any oi nitron, A. D. Witness my bd Ibis 31tb day of Marob, A. D. Wft. MAT LICH TENTH AL, Oonnty Treasur.r. 8EMI ASNDAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of tbe finaneUI oonditioa of tbs C maty of Mirrow, io tbs stats of Oregon, on the SUt day of Maroh, 1890 LIABILITIES. To warrants drawn on tbe oaoty treasurer, and outstanding and on paid ...927,961 02 To estimated amount of interest sooraed thereto 1,200 00 roearreBt state taies doe 8,429 G8 Total Liabilities : VTlJM 80 RESOURCES. By fauds in hands uf County Treatnrer applioiole to tbs p)meot I 2 a if to tbs p)ment of oonnty warrants and state tsies. 9 fy etiBaat4 nnpld current taxes applicable to tbe payment of county warrants Total Resonrees.. mind us of the crowning features of national history. Five mileB away the great dome and spread ing wings of the capitol seem wider and broader than from where the unpleasant sensation that we L am wntiDg at my home, on the have met a woman who has un blook adjoining it on the north. Beed herself, and would like to The most striking feature of all is Qn86X Bl her kind 555 feet loftiest of all earth's hnt snriiier has come in its riaoe, I - -i o - " monuments; and, in such perfect War is far away as the Philip proportion as to satisfy every sense riwt, and it is unpleasant to read of beauty and majesty, defying the news that two soore Oregon criticism. bova are included in tbe list of This is the foreground, the casualties. But those Oregon boys dome miles beyond, create and Ure known, the world over, as perfect a perspective that requires heroes and we can well be proud no comparison; for, near and far, 0f them. Thev were from the i - it includes the swaying river and its varied outlines, and publio monuments that represent the greatness of our republic. Around us beneath the grandest oaks, maples, chestnuts and sycamore earth knows are the graves of the nation's dead. Sometimes sculp tured stone will tell where rest the greatest warriors of their time; her best known sons in charge of "Storied urn and monumental what mav be considered the most bust are on the one hand, and on important of all tbe departments the other tbe silent head-stones the general land office. There tell the never-to-be-forgotton story ia much in Washington life and of the battle fields of the republic. Burroundings tbat will be of in And. under one vast monoiun. are teraat to the DeoDle. We are a the remains of the ''Unknown hong wav from the capital but are Dead, tbe "heroes bemnd tne aB much interested as any in gunp, whose names are writ upon I knowing bow Dublio business is the scrolls of fame, to be trans-i conducted m 04 mitted through all the ages, though with tbe advent of spring ther 628445 their dust that cannot be ldenti- wi he much to tell that has gen fied lies beneath the recording erai interert for the people at $7173 49 stone: and. close by, are the Arl- ftrofl. There are manv features of ington mansion and the monuments jf9 aDJ people here that are dif 9 601 99 tbat are near it. ferant from other cities of this One of the officer's residences, nation. Tbe colored folks here on the Fort Meyer parade, is the are Worth showing up in their home of Lieut. Brooks, son of peculiar ways. The bouse in Quincy A. Brooks, for half a cen- which I live is one of the historic tury an Oregon friend of the edifices of this nation as well of writer. On tbat Sabbath day' the family had just received a message that be would be with them by the evening train; for he bad for a vear been in tbe campaigns of Cuba. Of late on the staff bf Uen eral Wood, at Santiago. We visited Mrs. Brooks when returning from Arlington, to find expectancy. The children were also exoited at the prospect of their father's home- comiug. One c ii easily imagine how glad a home-coming tbat would be. Since last spring Lieut. Brooks has been iu the thick of battle and the front oi war; every battle fought had caused intense solicitude; every mail that came it was feared would be tbe harbinger of ill-tidings; all those weary months that devoted wife and mother had been tortured by tbe anxieties that in time of war attend the feoldier'g wife. Mrs. Brooks bad ordered tbe garrison waconnette and at the 9 501 99 980 14 8,282 70 29,876 58 138,105 38 Washington. S. A. Clarke. The Chicago Hbms Market. Tbe Drovers' Commission company, io their report to tha Chicago Evening Post of tbe 81st alt., has the following to say in regard to sbeep: "Inert baa been a good strong undertone to tbe sbeep trade tbis week and tbe bigb prioel ot last week taave been' (ally maintained tbe only quotable advanoe beiog oa dipped iambs and sbeep and choice spnag iambi. Oar sales today include dipped Iambi at 95.12; clipped ewes, 9415. One spring lamb, weigbiog 20 pounds, at 920 per 100, tbe highest prioe of tbe season. Present prioel are oertainly making shippers good money and we be lieve it a good time to market all tbe tat sbeep and lambs on band. Top-wooled Colorado lambs have sold up to 94-90, ith fair to good natives 95.403.70. Best grades of abeep bats sold ai in. Balk of wooled natives, $4 .5004 85. Clipped lambs reached 5Mo,witbolipped ebeep, 14.2504 O. fjtop tbat oongbl Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle ol Bhilob's Care may save your life. Bold by Denser k Warrta. i