Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 30, 1899, Image 3

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Published Every Ihursday.
Editor aua.4 Uaut,.
Onw Year.
Six Month
Throe Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflee at Heppner, Oregon
as second-clam matter. "regon
A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
Tolls all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
"At the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores Bpread all over one
side of his face. Wo consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and woroo, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Barsaparilla, and before the first bottle
Was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old.
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he wag cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. 8. S. Weoten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s.
HAftJi rMI a,e Prompt, efficient and
iiisuu o I-1 1 is easy iu effect. 25 cents,
Or., March 27, 1899.
Bye, Mr J W
Mack, Mr Maurice
Sheridan, John
Simpson, Eugene
Steele, L N
Stllwell, Mr F M
Stone, Mr Crawford
Stone, Mr L D
Summers, Mr Otto
mautou, umar
Warner, William
Whon calling for these letters please
B. K Vadohan, P. M,
Local Notes.
Subscriptions to lbs Gflzette are now
due. Please call nod settle.
John D. Clark, of Vinson, Ore., proved
np on his homestead entry last Friday.
P. J. Bowerman has rented his res' i
deDoe to Eli Keeney for a term of one
year. v,
Wisoonsin full-cream cheese for sale
by P. 0. Thompson Co. Don't pass the
deal. 2t
Li. W. Batcbeller, representing Mur
phy Bros., tailors, is in Heppner doing
8 nice business.
Dr. 3. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here
ever; three months. 648-lyr
. Don't overlook the Morrow County
Land and Trust Co. in disposing of your
beef hides end sheep pelts. 5-2
The Lion brand of bats are tbe best in
quality aud cheapest in prioe. Sold ex
clusively by Browji & Hughes.
Adam B. Schwalm made final proof
on bis timber onlture claim on Monday
before County Clerk Crawford.
Tbe internal revenue oolleotor was
trailing our business men this week,
and captured numerous delinquents.
When wanting rifle, revolvers or am
munition, don't forget that V. C. Tbomp
a n Co. have got 'em, and are waiting
for you. 2t
P. 0. Thompson 0). keep tbe beet
assortment of By nips in Heppner. Cheap
syrups, medium grade eyrups and
tbe finest syrups in the country. - 2t
Be not deceived I A cough, hoarsness
Xr croup are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Sbiloh's Cure will save
you much trouble. Sold by Conser &
Warren. v .
Easter sermon nfxt Sunday morning.
Rev. Flesber will preaoh on "The Living
One." In the evening tbe obildren will
render a missionary service. Ton are
Dyspepsia cured. Sbiloh's Vitalizer
immediately relieves sour stomacb, com
iog up of food distress, and is tbe great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. t
Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure.
The best oough oare. Relieves croup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25cta. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. v
Ladies, take the best, If you are
troubled with constipation, sallow ekin.i
and a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover
Tea, it is pleassDt to take. Sold by
Conser & Warren. v
Geo. Wells is improving tbe appear
ance of bis reaidenoa property by laying
walks end building a new picket fnce.
Hnoh work helps make oar little city
attractive to strangers.
Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regalatae tbe bowels, purifies
tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make and pleasant to take. 25 eta.
Sold by Conser k Warren. v
Fos tmaeter Vaugban wishes to inform
box renters that tbe 10h is the last day
of grace granted by tbe Post Office De
partment and after that date if rents
are not paid he is compelled to look
Mr. Frank Patterson, s son of Hon. F.
A. Patterson, was in Dallas this week
iiting his brother, Iv Mr. Patter
son's bome is at lone, Morrow oonnty
and this is bis first visit to Polk county
in Feveral years. Dallas Observer.
At tbe Christian ehnreb next Sunday,
April 2, in tbe morning there will be
communion services at 11 o'clock. In
tbe evening th" services will b appro
nrintw to tin ncaision. Soaci l mnsio
Topic: "The Dead an Living Christ"
aowiic, uonser & Warren's inde.
rateable olerk who aots a nollnn, f.
the telephone oompany, has a reward of
nine new oontraots for telephone servioe
lot the past few days' bostle. As a sub
ottiuuui leiepnone town Heppner ranks
far ahead of most Paoifio coast towns
with several times its population.
Mike Roberts, at the Belvedere, hav
ing remodeled tbe popular old-time oo
ner, extends to tbe publio a oordial wel
come, me beverages he dispenses
win oe Kept up to tbe highest standard
and tbe enlargement and oomfortabl
equipment of his billiard parlors and
olub-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf
Mrs. E B Bowerman. has leased the
Hotel Heppner from Mr. Whitney, and
intends to open it up, with tbe dining
room, about the first of April, with
uosepn iUeoker as oook and his wife as
waitress, beta well known to the former
pairons or the hotel. Tbe hotel is now
undergoing a thorough renovation.
o. w. Bohotleld, representing Bwift A.
Co., has been in Heppotr for several
days, leaving Tuesday morniDg. Mr,
Ql. n I i
ounoeneia was reluctant to disonss the
sheep market for the present. This
community is muoh interested in bis
ideas and deBljngs, as he is a chief f o
tor in establishing onr sheep market.
Uaptain McGregor Bnd Comrade Bath
came over from Pendleton last Saturday
remaining over until Monday, inspiring
enthusiasm in the efforts of the Salva
tion Army. Captain Granfell's magnifl.
cent voice make their out door work at
traotive. At its first signal a general
rush is made for the front doors of tbe
business bouses.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of tbe Eugliab
Baptist churoh at Mioersvilte, Pa., when
suffering wilh rheumatism, was advised
to try Cuamberlain's Pain Balm. He
says: "A. few applications of this lini
ment proved of great servioe to me. It
subdued the inflammation and relieved
tbe pain. Should any sufferer profit by
giving Pain Balm a trial it will please
me. a or sale by Conser & Warren.
leading from the Gazette offloe to
Natter's, opposite, will be laid a oros.
walk in tbe near future. Not only for
tbe accommodation of those Rdjoent
will this be appreciated, but it has been
seriously in need by the entire town and
visiting publio, who will now have an
opportunity for Ibe most desirable prom
enade of the town, making a cirouit, from
which point a ta--oioatina view of onr
broad businees highway will be enjoyed.
The O. R. & N. Co'e. new book on tbe
Resources of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho is being distributed. Our readers
are requested to forward tbe addresses
of their Eastern friends aud acquaint
ances, and a oopy of tbe work will be
sent them free. This a matter all should
be interested in, and we would ask that
everyone take an interest and forward
such address to W. H. Hnrlbnrt, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, O. li. & N. Co.,
Portland. 81-tf
Died At the county poor farm last
ninht, Samuel Yaaghao, au aued oharge,
almost 60 years old feeble and "only in
the way." Distressingly sad is this end
of a career of a man who has been a
briubt, intelligent business man in his
time, leaving a family of five children,
all commanding tbe oonfideuoe of tbeir
respective communities. Physical de
bility together with childishness of old
uge at times made the old mar, a difficult
charge, but it does seem that a private
borne for tbe ased would have been
more in acoordnnoe with filinl devotion.
Fathers and mothers in this land of ours
are deserving of a better fate. One son
responded to comfort bis last boors and
assume tbe expense of his burial.
Mrs. Harriet Bid well, mother of Mrs.
J. W. Jenkins, passed away at tbe borne
of her daughter yesterday morning from
the fffeots of a severe cold contracted a
few days since and developed into la
grippe. She was born in New Hamp
shire, Feb. 23, 1817, and was quita an
active member of tbe Rebekab Lodge in
tbe east, a number of years slnoe, Tbe
funeral services took plaoe from tbe
Christian oburob this afternoon, Rev.
Shelley oilloiutiog,
Easter Services,
At the Christian cburob next Sunday
Ibe followiog special program bas been
prepared: "
Prelude Mrs. Bartholomew, Organist
Hymn "Coronation."
Invocation, followed by Lord Prayer.
Scripture Lesson.
Solo "The Resurrection Miss Welch
Prayer and Benediction.
Organ Postlude.
Sunday at the M. E. Church, Sooth
Entire Sunday services will ba beld in
tbe M. E. cburcb, Sontb. In the after
noon at 3 o'clock a mass meeting will be
hold for young people and obildren, at
which Kev. Hanson will preside. This
reverend gentleman, although young in
years, bas tbe ability to hold tbe undi
vided attention of bis bearers, o d and
young, and n olasaed witn me oriiuani
young men of oar modern age, inspiring
tbe genuine principles of civilized chris
tian mmhood. Every one bearing bim
have occasion for self cougratalation.
Hs will preaoh both morning and even
ing. Elk' ElfftlDB of Officer. .
On Monday evening at tbeir regular
meeting the election of offiojis took
place as follows: Exalted Ruler, 3. W.
Spencer; Eiteemed Leading Knuht,
R F. Byod; EVfemefl Loyal 4Coight,
Henry Blackmno; Esteemed Lecturing
Knight, Frank Ifobert; secretary, Jas.
Hart; treasurer, Frank Gilliam, and
trustee, M. B. Metzler.
Have Yno Ay Potato, to Kpare?
Tl an nrl lliam Wilt Mow vnn '
th. hiohe.t market mice Brio iLem
in. MivoH & Co.
XT- rr .
Expires Suddenly at Her Lexington Home of
Brain Appoplexy.
, Wednesday morning the whole con
mnnity was shocked by tbe report of tbe
sudden death of Mrs. Fuqaa. After
supper she was in her apparent good
health when she was called to open tbe
door to admit one of her daughters, and
upon doing so was seized with an in
slant severe pain in tbe bead, and re
tiring to tbe sofa close by, expired in a
very few minutes. In tbe meantime Dr,
Swinburne had been sent for, but on bis
arrival there she was beyond recall. He
at once pronounoed tbe cause one of
appoplexy of the brain.
She was knon and dearly beloved by
nearly all the residents of tbe oounty,
having been engaged as a teaober in both
the Heppner and Lexington publio
sohools, having ended the winter term
in the latter place just recently, and had
been reengaged to teaob tbe coming year.
Her husband was at Eight Mile at
Ibe time of ber death, making oomfort-
able tbeir summer home on tbe ranob. to
which they intended moving very soon
Her three daughters, Eva, aged 11 years.
Viola, 15, and Delia, 23, were with tbeir
mother at the time of her death, wbo
have the sympathy of everyone in this
tbeir saddest bereavement.
Her age was but 45 years, and could
she have been spared to tbe oommunity
longer, not only as a deyoted mother,
but b loving teaober, ber usefulness
could not be overestimated, in tbe de
velopment of character and shaping the
lives of those wbo are to beoome oar
useful aitizens.
Within tbe past few months she be-
oame a member of the Artisans, end
carried an insurance policy of $1000.
State Superintendent of Publio Instruction
Visits Heppner'i Schools.
State Superintendent of Public In
struction J, H. Aokerman arrived in
Heppner last night and spent today
carefully reviewing tbe various depart
ments of our aobool. Professor Aoker
man bas been making a circuit of East
ern Oregon's principal sohools on bis
return from the educational c eeting
held at Walla Walla Among the
sohools already visited are: L Grande,
Baker City, Pendleton, Union, Weston
and Tbe Dalles. Returning to Tbe
Dalles from berS be will visit Dufur,
thence back to Salem. The efficiency of
the broad minded professor in bis posi
tion as state superintendent is making
itself manifest throughout bis entire
jurisdiction, and where modern and
praotioal ideas are needed, tbey will
sorely be introduced . Our stale is to
be congratulated ou having in this posi
tion an exceptionally talented man, eat
able of accomplishing results progressive
in tbe extreme. ,
Regarding Sheep Sales.
J.I. CfirBon, the well known live stock opera
tor from Wyoming, la an interview with prom
inent sheepmen, said to these men, regarding
prices oi sheep : "At the present time sheepmen
want within 50 cents of the price paid last year,
which was $2.25 for yearling wethers. This
price cannot be paid under present conditions,
and, consequently, no sules are being made.
8ome few bands have, been sold In Idaho, year
lings mixed, after shearing, at (2 per head, and
buyers are reticent to pay that price there."
Mr. Carson thinks 11.75 all that any trailer can
all'ord to pay for Oregon yearlings, mixed, at
this time, and he says he is satisfied that at the
prices now offered few if any sales will be made.
Buyers are not anxious to take chances at prices
within 50 or 75 cents of last year, owing to the
recent heavy drop In the wool market.
Returned to tbs Asylum.
Walters Brundage, well-known to the resi
dents of our town and vaclnlty, was returned to
the insane asylum at Salem, from which he was
released last December, by this morning's train,
charge of Sheriff Matlock and County
Coroner E. R. Hunlock. The many friends of
this comparatively young man of powerful
physique and pleasant maimer can scarcely be
lieve that he is an Irresponsible being, and
must be confined during his remaining years.
His mania seems to be a realization on his part
that his father is incapable of the responsibility
the farm, and has been prompted to admin
ister the discipline in voge, as be claims at the
asylum, of the "shaking-up" process, which if
liable to result seriously if allowed to continue,
At his examination before the county judge
yesterday It was decided the safest plan to re-
rn him to the asylum,-although the young
man deemed it altogether unnecessary.
Saturday Night' Meeting favored With Sen
ator J. H. Mlcuell's Presence.
Grand Sachem John B. Mlchell, senator from
Wasco, paid this tribe a visit at its last council
and made the occasion a most interesting one.
Following la an extract from bis address to tbe
The Improved Order of Bed Men dates Its
nstitution from the Sons of Liberty in 1765 and
later St. Tammany societies. Tammany
Hall was originally simply a tribe of I. O. R. M.
nder control of its Sachem and Sagamores.
As its Institution would indicate, the order li
Intensely American, and from the Revolu
tionary struggle to the Spanish war Red Men
have been In the front rank of the army estab
lishing the principles of freedom, friendship
and charity, and maintaining tbe honor and in
tegrity of the flag. During the late Spanish
war there were 20,000 Redmen who volunteered,
nd they have sealed their patriotism with
their blood on the fields of La Quosina, El
Caney, Santiago, and around Manila. The or-
er numliers about 200,000 members and is in
very prosperous condition."
The Fire Lad Meet
At the meeting lat evening nf the
Heppner firemen officers were elected ea
The "Tigers" or No. l-President of
company, Elmer Slocnro; foreman, Joe
Clinej assistant foreman, D'ttk Matl.x-k;
treasurer, Pearl Jouee; secretary, John
"EugW or N . 2-Preiidnt, E. L
Freelaod; foreman, Frank Natter ; assist
ant foreman, E. M. Hbntt; treaenrer,
James Cart; secretary, Jesse Stewart.
By ordiuaoo tb city hai granted tbe
fireman a charter, under which the
companies will be managed by delegate
from each, wbo are E. W, Bbee, Lee
Catitweil sod P. Devio for No. 1, and
Bert Pbelps, Will Smith and M. B.
n . ti vta o
Tt,A j.l0iMnti Yif f Kif will Km in tpft
ay- of t iroeof poetiog notice rj
tb boa.d of Uele.atef.
Ladies' Skirts and Waists Jv?
Call for your first selection.
Fine line of
Butchers', Waiters', Barbers' and Bartenders5
Coats and Aprons
'JMie latest Eastern Patterns-Nobby....,,,.
O--1 1 -Ca 1 1 and examine them.
A Specialty.....
John Jenkins Is quite sick.
B. P. Eanawalt, the insurance man, is with us
Roy Jones fell and fractured hit forearm last
Geo. Barker came in from the Tillard ranch
t:iis week.
Marshal Thorntons' second boy Is down with
the measels.
E. 8. Amerman, of Eight Mile, was in Hep
pner yesterday.
A. L. Cornett, a resident of Lena, was in
Heppner Tuesday.
C. H. Beymer and wife were lu the city this
week a day or two.
Andy Raney's little boy is seriously ill at his
home near Lexington,
Frank Sloan came down from the ranch
Tuesday to take in the sights.
Miss Floss Farnsworth Is aflllcted with a
severe felon on the right hand.
N. A. Leach and Chos. Johnson, tbe Lexington
bustlers, were bare Wednesday.
Thomas Anderson,of Eight Mile was In our
city the fore part of of the week .
Mr Lawrence, the gentlemanly representative
of the Remington type writer, called Wednes
day. L. Blumanthal made a business trip to Port
land the latter part of last week and it expected
borne tonight.
Ora Adklni, who has been very sick for the
post three weeks, is greatly Improved and
now able to sit up.
Andy Rood, upon advice of his physician,
took his son to Portland, for a reduction of the
break at the elbow, thereby hoping to avoid a
tiff arm.
Allen Evans, burled here last week, was a
member of the Lexington Lodge of Artisans
and carried a policy of $2,000 for the benefit of
bis family.
A. D Slocum, of Hitter, writes Frank Sloan
that he has up to date lost about 150 bead of
cattle out of over 1500 and Is looking for con
siderable further loss.
Ex-Stock Inspector Wyland came over from
Hardman Tuesday, returning the next day. He
reports the weather somewhat severe for this
season, causing some anxiety on the part of
crop raisers.
John Devln's family are slowly recovering
from tbe measels. Last Sunday the entire six
of the family were confined to their beds,
Kind neighbors were there in full fore, ad
ministering to them.
Frank Johnson writes the Gazette from High
land Springs, Lake county, California, that he
Is on the sick list, but hopes to be able to inter
view the few remaining wool-clip owners about
April 1st, in iieppner.
O. W. Maxwell, father of M. 8. Maxwell, the
lone notary, leaves for his old home in West
Virginia within a few days. It is now seven
teen years since be left there, and will doubt
less hud things about the "old place" somewhat
O. W. Turner and wife, the enthusiastic flax
mm, removed to the extensive ranch south of
lone, where Mr. Turner has put In a big acerage
flax at an experlement in this field. He re.
ports development so far fully up to bit ex
pectation. Mr. J. O. Kealen, of Monument, paid the
Gazette a pleasant call on Wedneoday, on his
return from an extensive trip to the Puget
Sound country, where he fonnd an attonlshing
growth and development, the young cities
teemed to bave sprung into et stance at by
migtc. Stopping at Tbe Dalles to visit bit
daughter and niece who are attending the
seminary there, ba met many old-time friends,
and returns borne exceedingly pleated with bit
tin. tor. Uaratty
Is cow permanently located in Hepp
ner, where aba can ba found. Her
medicinea core all obronio diaeajea,ancb
i at deafness, catarrh, bronchial troubles,
long diseaea, rheumatism, kidney
troihle, liver tronble, blood poisoning
Any disnaae baffling tbe skill of f byi
oians yield tinder tbe iuflj'ooe -of b-r
j timple remedi. 13-tf
Ladies', Gents'
An Immense
A Most Enjoyable Social and Financial
Tbe entertainment ' given by tbe
Women's Relief Uorpa on last 8atn rday
evening was in every way so enjoyable
affair. Tbe follwing interesting program
was given, after which a number of well
filled baskets were disposed of, from
whiob was realized 821:
March ny Manila Boys.
PW by Rev. Flesh.r.
Song "Just Before the Battle" Manila Boyt
Hecitation "Yet I'm Guilty" Florenoe St. Clair
Song "Break the Newt to Mother"
Daisy Surface and Ella Avert
Mrt. Charleton
Mrs Kelley exbibibted a qnilt made
by tbe W. R. O. for Ibe Soldiers' Home
at Koseburg, and all present were invited
to pay 20 oents to bave tbeir names
written in the qnilt, and cany re
sponded thereto.
M. E. Church, Sontu, Remodeled.
The work of remodeling the M.
obarob, Booth, edifice is progressing at
a very satisfactory rate, there being five
men working on It at tbe present time.
Tbe auditory baa been partitioned off
and now will contain a olassroom of
abont 20 feel square, with doora con
necting the two, and can tbua be thrown
into one in case of necessity. Tbe main
anditory is 50 feet long and tbe fall'
width of the building. Tbe pnlpit is to
be located in the oentre on tbe north
aide, with the oboir to tbe right of it,
thus bringing tbe andienoe closer to tbe
preaoher and leaving no seats remote
for miscbevionaiy inolined attendanta.
It is hoped to have all needed repairs
finished tbie week so that aervioes nexl
Hand ay may be beld there.
Heppner, March 24, 1899.
Sohool distriote of Morrow county:
Eaob district clerk's bond should be
tamped with a 50o revenue atamp.
Since all of tbe clerka except two bave
overlooked tbia matter, in order to save
trouble, I will atamp the boads and
obsrge 50o against eaob distrlot failing
to make auob provision.
Respectfully submitted,
J. W. Shipley, County Supt.
Have you a farm for sale or for rent,
or do you know of any person holding
farming laoda that they wish to dispose
of? If so, please write to any agent of
Ibe O. R & N. Oo. and he will tend you
a oircolar tbal will interest you.
Fiy's rlqnlrrel Poison
Is a rapid and reliable peat deetroyer.
R A. Newton, Ashland, Oregon, says:
"Fry's equirrel poison has Dot only
proven sedoctfVe and deadly to squirrels
but to tbe rabbita and r estiferooe skunk
ai well. For sale by Slocum Drug Oo.
Potatoes! Potetoett
We want more potato bring all yoa
oao spare.
Highest market prioe.
Minob & Oo.
A Raaalaa Jok.
One reBde In a Russian periodical
which hae a corner devoted to the
"comic," thla pleasantry: "What, Van
ymisha, dmnk Bfraln? I thotip-ht you
only got rinink on the great holidays?"
"To-day is a great holiday; my mother
In-law has rone away."
and Children's Hosiery.
Disastrous Hesults to Stock Bomewhat
Obaa. P, Johnson of John Day, tbe
wideawake sheepman, and former man
ager of the Canyon City Telephone
Company, arrived in Heppner tbe first of
tbe week to make a transfer nf the oom
pany'a interests to the Blue Mountain
Telephone Company, wbiob now owni
the entire system of Telephone lines in
this interior part of the oonntry.
Discussing tbe severity of tbe winter
in hie section, Mr. Johnson estimates a
loss of from 5 to 10 per cent of tbe sheep
and oattle, and while bay in tbattection
is exhausted with most stockmen, before
be left the weather has eo far moderated
and sufficient grass was in sight to prob
ably ward off further disaster.
Being unfortunately ebort of feed Mr.
Cupper, of Monument and also Mr.
Bierly and Enill Bobarf are reported as
baying lost more sheep than most others,
Range horses, be reports, well tbined
out, as no effort was made to aave tbem,
Ibe msjority of owners considering tbem
valueless in consideration of the grass
Ihey consume.
He reports tbe dredging experiment of
tbe John Day river a failure, owing to
inoapaoity of tbe dredging machinery.
Tbe oompany still bave faith in Ibe
values being in tbe river bottom, and
bave already arranged to bave muoh
more extensive plant brought in, and
depend oo having it in working order
by the first of next September.
Appearances Went to Show That the
at Wallula Burled Himself.
From tbe appearance of things, peo
ple of Wallula though I tbe man whose
body was fonnd there Saturday bad
been injured oo the railway, and then
bad tried to bory his broken leg la tbe
sand, and died in that situation, says
tbe E. O.
Tbe remaine were found about half a
mile from the O. R. It N. depot and the
mao bad to all appearanoee been dead
for some time as all the Usb, to a great
extent, waa gone and only a skeleton re
mained. One leg bad been broken and
to all appearances Ibe man, after an
accident, bad crawled to tbe spot where
found, to die. Tbe lower portion of tbe
body waa oovered partially with eand as
if drawn over bim to obtain warmth and
all indications point to ao injury, and
sick and faint tbe poor fellow dug his
own grave and polled a slight covering
over bim for warmth. The weather be
ing oold, tbe injured mao soon per
ished a death away from all bomsn aid
and one tbat la pitiful to contemplate.
He waa a laboring man to all appear
Chasubcrlala's Couch Remedy.
Tbie remedy ia intended especially for
coogbi, colds, croup, whooping oougb
and iofloecza. It baa beoome famous
tor Its ooree of these diseases, over a
large part of tbe civilised world. Tbe
most flattering testimoniali bave been
received, giving aooounti of its good
works; of tbe aggravating and persistent
oongbs it bae oureJ ; of severe oolds tbat
bave yielded promptly to ita soothing
effect, and of tbe dangerous attacks of
ornnp it has Corel, often saving the life
' f the child. The txteiieive nse of it for
hooding congb baa shown that it rob
t t disuse of ll dangnrona ooosequen
eei. Bold by Oonitf 4 Warreo.
Smead & Co.
Have just received a
freeh line of
Turkish Nougets,
Japanese Caramels,
Creams, Etc.
Fruits and Vegetables
Cigars and Tobaccos
Don't overlook us when you want
something nice.
Agents for the Oregonlan and Telegram.
Blue Mountain Eagle.
D. O. Coboe came up from Monument Mon
day. John Carter, of Monument, was in Long Creek
Monday on land business.
Homer Uunsaker came up from Monument
early this week on business.
John Saunders, of Pott creek, bat just recov
ered from an attack of la grippe.
George W. Right, of Lone Rock, lost 000 shoep
from exposure during the winter.
Norve Hamilton and family, formerly reti
dentt of Hamilton, have moved to thlt valley
occupying the ranch of Mrt. T. F. Bcrogglnt.
The Myrtle Point ordinance prohibiting boyt
under 18 being on the streets after 8 p. m., hat
been amended to Include girls of the same age.
Henry Overholt, a cattleman of Monument,
was In Long creek Monday. He reports stock
In his locality doing well, though tome have
met with oontiderable lost.
W. C. Ulbbs and Henry Welch arrived In the
city Monday from Husaoytlle. Mr. Glbbs re
ports hay very tcarce In that locality, and that
none It to be had at 110 per ton.
The first marriage license issued In Wheeler
county, recently organized, was to 1 homat (iage
and Miss Lalah L. I'lerson, of Mitchell. They
first applied for a license in Crook county, but
were referred to the clerk of Wheeler oounty.
Tbe March term of county court made an
order declaring Uxei not delinquent until after
June first. Thlt extension Is apprecated by
every resident and taxpayer of the county at It
will allow stockmen ample time to realise from
their bands.
I hereby make tbe tbe following ap
pointments of deputy atook inspectors
for Morrow eounly: Heppner precinct,
Wm. Hagbee ; lone Precinct, J. P. Rhea;
Lena preoiuot, J. L. Ayera.
Stock Insieolor.
Dreadfully hervout.
Gents: I wai dreadfully nervous, and
for relief took your Carl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous system. I waa
troubled with constipation, kidney and
bowel tronble. four Tea aoon oleanaed
my system ao tborongbly tbat I rapidly
regained bealtb and strength, lira. 8.
A. Bweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
Conser k Warren. v
For Infants &nd Children,
The. Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear the
Signature of
7 -