Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 30, 1899, Image 1

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r- Subscription price. $1.50
1 : Leads In Prestige
Leads In Clrculatl
Leads In News
at Ion
the J?"0'1 and RecoB"lzed Represent-
Subscription Price, $1.50
the Paper Is Published Strictly In the
Interests of Morrow County And Its
C E. Redfield
Office In First National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon.
Ellis & Phelps
All business attended to in a prompt
and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub
lic and Collectors.
Office In Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon.
y J. W. Morrow
Office in Palace hotel building, HeppnerfOr.
C M. Charlton
Collections promptly attended to.
S. A. D. Gurley,
Practicioner In all State and
J) ederal Courts.
A. Mallory,
PeV KT. 0 ?,'11 kinds of LAND
collections made on reasonable terms.
Office at residence on Chase street.
Government land script for sale.
The Kind Yon tt
. uuu5ui,iuw wnicn lias oeen
m use for over 30 years, has born tii .iOT!,h e
- -- i,. is. J vjl
m and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no nno i r. Atkr.-m rM- i i . i .
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops -and
Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. If
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
ISri J flieves Teeing Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend.
' Bears the Signature of
NO. 723
Credit Due Our Representatives.
Giant Efforts in Behalf of Oregon'
Recognition - President McKin
ley'e Trip to the South -Soheming
(Bpeclal Correspondence to the Gazette.)
Washington, D. C, March 22.
March is wretched enough i n nil
poor buman nature will melt into
nothwgness when submitted to the
crucible of Time.
Politicians are scheming now
with regard to political bvents of
the future, i Just at present the
scheming is transferred to Jekyl
island and Thomasville, new win
ter resorts in Georgia.; Jekyl
island is off the coast, south of Sa
vannah, opposite Brunswick.
i nomasville is in southwestern
Georgia, near the Florida line.
The Filipinos have manifested a
Digoovery In
earth's zones, but the W until' nor
climate has the moat "tnwfthiw, J oaPacity for war, based on Aguin
features roossible and inflinta an.u a,do 8 ambition and the amount of
-- "J"" , I tue uuuu- wu UU IUU BUUI
varieties or weather as is hard to 77 . " irom , U"J not a mineral region, horse down with the 10 dajs:
We have had. for a dav 0r F U' years RS na tne guns and " o ia nasaiuc, wtuoh is said to government allowed him
One Explanation of the Gold
Evening Telegram.
"That etory telegraphed from Heppner
about Tom Morgan discovering gold
quartz there makes me laugh," said
Judge Dutton yesterday.
The judge is a prominent pioneer of
Morrow county., He has lived the
about 25 years, and owns larea rannhnn
and thousands of sheep. He is a perfeot
pioture of health, and a sample of what
the bracing climate of Eastern OregoD
will produce. Before going to Heppner
be was a merohant in Portland, and is
now revisiting here.
You see." said the jadge, "the Hepp
. l: m .
so, a terrible storm of wind, sleet t"""8 01 war he has received
and rain that oeoole on the frm American leaders on his false
Letters T recent past. As a
iouu wjey are treacherous and can-
coast cannot appreciate.
received from Oregon state that the
weather is bad, but that means no
such tormenting storms and fierce
and deadly gales as have been per-
petrated by dame nature.
A recent Oregonian has a letter
from its Washington correspondent
that is consistent with its malioious
views, but is a betrayal of confi
dence on the part of the author, as
pioked up in the wild mountain regions
he had traversed, and I remember he had
a big chunk of amethyst, half the size of
your i head, which was the handsomest
epeoimen I ever saw. He smashed off
several pieces of it and gave them to the
boys. He found it in the wonderful Hoo-
doo oountry, in Yellowstone park, while
serving as scout with the army on the
1,900-mile ohase after Chief Joseph's Neg
Peroes Indians. One of his onrioa was
the full scalp of a hostile Snake Indian
which he said be had stolen from the
Umatilla who bad raised it. Bed seemed
to carry more speoimens 1 to give to his
friends than he did hard-taok or rations.
He said he oould always shoot agrouse
in the mountains and make a square
meal on the spot without loadino ht
rations the
All anon in
never carry mineral. Still, gold is where preferred In trvi i,h .n r i. k.
you And it,' and I hope our friend Mayor oould shoot the head right off a grouse -
Morgan may strike it rioh, though I con- in the tops of the tallest trees. His 45.
eider thtttjgolden grain, wool, sheep and caliber carbine bullets would have torn
oattle are the true produots of Morrow to pieoes a grouse Bhot in the body,
oounty.but believe that coal will be j "Bed : and Will Morrow came over to"
found in paying quantities in the limber my ranoh shooting jaokrabbits one day.
of the Blue mountains, south of Hepp. They could sit on their oay uses and hit,
De'M jaokrabbits on the fly; they would stand ,
mur morgan is a pioneer of the up in their stirruns and Brmnrir ik
appreciate true civilization
when offered them. They prefer
vv, cino now ou ineir own ac
count; which is not profane only
HtflrAl rnrlorinnnf w;u u vr 7iT 01 ,ne ,n lneir stirrups ana earmark jack-
literal rendering of Filipino human Northwest, and deserves all the good for- rabbits by boring bullet-holes through
nature. It will be a ems! wnrt in tune a rioh quartz mina miuht hrin him th .. . .1 L s.
o - -- on gnu. as iiiuuku ii were aone
the redemption of humanity, to re- "U k 1 can aooount tor the find he by a conductor's punoh. Tbey disoov-
organize these Orientals, make ha' made'L l' W89 like tb! ed a knothole high up in theeideof my .
W " A HTA D Ivn A 1b m OPTO I MB .
them comorehend mmmnn .1 ."T"7 u"ur,u 10,0 VJO,onel Wa- woodshed, and Red bet Will Morrow a
D. E Gilman
13.. i. ....
h.nrtr i 01? D00ks and I10te8 i" his
;h "7 "V J'uur money out of them
lions c" peciaity 01 hard collec-
Offlce In J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or
The Kind You Have Always Bought
" In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ill lJ!!lC"'T"'"!MP"'T- TT """"'T TBIIT. NIWVORllITT:
Dr. M. B. Metzler
aence on tne part ot tne author, as . . ZZZJ. c rme10n Ked.ngton was in Heppner, horse that he oould put a bullet through
also an intentional misrepresenta- 7 understand Anglo-Saxon and went out shearing sheep with us the knothole without injuring its edges h
n ft til ra onI Intm J ttr hnna TO ii i '
tion of facts. The siimpkh nf Hon '",D ubouod.,, wer " 'i ooys tneo, and had
ator McBiidein securing river
Hair Cutting,
Bhop, Matlock Corner,
Teeth Extracted and Filled.
: Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. . , . .
ncppncr - - Oregon.
G. B. Hatt
snavlng, - 15 Cents
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
A. Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Tioneer Tailor of Heppner.
xiis work, first-class
and satisfactory.
trive him a call May Street. I
Feed and Sale Stable
Has Just been opened to the
public and Mr. Gordon, the
proprietor, kindly invites his
friends to call and try his
first-class accommodations.
nay ana. a-rain for Sale
Stable located on west side of Main
street between Wm, Scrivuer's and
A. M. Gunu's blacksmith shops.
Is the place to go to get your fine pork
A(.UUvuvat Dioas nuu rutulS.
A. RHEA. ,
.President I ti.
. ...Vio President E.
W. CON8ER Cashier
L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier
uaiuiu nun 10ve lor rreflflnn. Wo ooys. we were a 1 hnv thn. nj it. hm i n ut . . . .
w uau 11 mi riKui, uui (us bwiui raoKei
in the shed was oaused by the bullet
had on hand to rule these . ""heroreor smoe. I'll bet most shattering the handle of my big four-.
yBuuw. p, d understand whv u . are still laughing in man saw, which was hanging inside the
primarily due to his being a mem. f ' ' 8D nndMna why, their sleep over the funny experiences we knothole, and it fell all over my stack of
berof the senate committee on IU,PBU,8n ore, ne only way to bad while shearing. 'Red'. had never empty oual oil flftnn anil madn n hla nla.
luitj iuem was Dy terrorism and 8660 "eep before, and supposed that ter that stampeded a band of sheep at
imperial sovereignty. The Drob. wo1 Krew 00 trees, and the reoollection Six-Dollar canyon, a mile a. : Th
- ST 1 L 1 nn . . . I - J "
m.0 UUuiio en jrts to learn to shear thouaht a lot of Anom wr ihoi, t..n
fA At 1 i in A II... , 1 I '
. .u - via tuui woma amuae tue and
sheep and the rest of us makes me almost
rail off my chair today.
But pretty soon the Snake Indians
went on the warDath. and UaH aipnnir
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collection, madoon all polnt,on reasonabterms. Surplus and undivided profits 135,000.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chmaware & Queensware At
And by the way they havo anything you can call for in the line of
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
Zf iiriicrkC! Imi ii., ,
vvutiic lUUtAfN Ufc WHAT Vfill UflMT
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
Kohn's Best,',
' . On Tap Down at The. . . .
s ' New Stand, City Hotel Building,
commerce, and to his intense and
unremitting efforts to the last mo
ments of the session. Secondarily,
to the good will of senators who
stood by him, irrespective of party.
Senators Frye, of Maine, and El
kins, of West Virginia, were on the
committee of conference and stood
with McBnde in a most friendly
way. As I haye intimated, Sena
tor McBride had in the bill several
items that could be conceded to
secure a compromise. Senators
White and Peikins, of. California,
worked zealously for Oregon,
When the conference was held
Elkhis and Frye had a memoran
dum of several items that could be
uuuueutju, it necessary, to secure
the remainder, but they won out
with considerably more secured
th'in was hoped for.
Senator Simon was all the timn
in hearty sympathy with Senator
McBride, did all that was possible,
and warmly congratulated him ou
the outcome. This Oregonian cor-
respondent came and told them
that the conference committee hnd
"knocked but" both Yaquina and
the boat railway at The Dalles.
Supposing - that he had told the
truth,. our senators determined to
make a fight; to bold the floor to
he close and defeat the entire bill
or river and harbor appropriations
by fillibustering.
Senator El kins, who had stood
by Oregon in the conference, came
to Mr. McBride to explain that the
house confees had oonceded more
lem on hand may be considered
one of the ways of destiny to re
vive, liberate and broaden the Ori
ental character. When they shall
be made free, and educated to ap-
were thanKf ui that their tails bad
been oat off at lambing, so there would
be less ot them for the dogs to get a grip
Fih Every Friday.
i ln uBar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf
Mjiic-rauuBrea, oia style. Highest cash
- Bock &, Mathews.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.i
Stage Line
-B. F. MILLER, Prop.
Cheapest and most direct route to John Day
alley. Canyon City mining district, Burns ana
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware.
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Stages leave Heppner Daily,
cepted, at 6:30 a. m. Arrive at
in 2i hours.
Sunday ex- - r- 'm x wimj wruueries-
canyon city vn,e i ecis ana uojTees.
Leave Canyon City at 4 p. m., arrive at Hepp-
Monument ..
Long Creek..
Fox Valley...
John Day ...
Canyon City.
OT. R. HOWARD, Heppner.
6 00
8. 00
Stages connect with trains at Heppner.
now. Hating; stocked nn thl. itn. ..i.v, n
covered coaches and (rood teams I am prepared
H. REED fc
A. O. OQILVIE I p'Pr,etors.
FosU (60 miles). ..$500 Koand trip 9 00
MayTUleftimile). 4 00 Round trip 700
Condon (39 miles) . . S 00 Round trip S 00
Clem (28 miles).... 2 no ..Round trip 8 50
01x (19 miles) 1 jo Round trip 350
Stage leaves Arlington every morniug
(Sunday eiocpUd) at 6 o'clock; is An
t 0jni1.n a 3 p. m. nd nrrive at Fr
ail at 7 p. m.
Gomf-trtabl iorJ eiaohn anil
fol, ecpHrDO'1 drivers.
If a man's in love that's his businfsn;
If a girl's in love that's her business;
If I bey Bel married ik'a firif Kn Bin All m
to furnish their brme from kitchen to parlor-as we oorry a most ooruplele slock o
Foraifore, Carpet', Maltings, Wall Paper, Stoves, Ranges, Giuifeware, Thwvf, Ek
And it,s yonr bneiaess to drop in, examine goods and get prices.
WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or.
Will cure La Grippe without fail.
We guarantee it.
Bold ouly by
Slocum Drug Co.
preciate freedom, the world will ba Ut Blooe aod ioiaei tha resttlar 8rm' M
' wo i a oAnnft . rrA 1. - ... I
" uuw uo oTer reaonea tne rega
in... In . i I
C3 i r t i . . I " luoy worn
oeuuior fliccriae remainu here then on the east side of the Blue moun-
yet; Mr. Jiillis aod hia family will tB,n8 N Harney
the gairjer.
(Jnlian Outlaws Taken Into Custody by Gen-
valley country. erai wood.
return to Oregon as soon as thev and be 8t8rted 'romthe west side of the Santuqo, Cuba, March 24. There has
all shall be in good health. There m0UDta,n' '25 mi,eB distant, and 1,200 been considerable trouble from banditti
is uothiDff HPrinna m f V,mr -Qa hsUle 8aftk9 Iiaos were direotly be- n 8n Luis. When it was reported
iriET i. feen, and being driven by the army to. General Wood, the military governor,
some of them have been ailing for ward Heppner. Wa never expected to wnt mounted troops, as well as the entire
some time. Mr. Joseph Ivey has see him again iwhen he rode out of Hepp. foroe of gen d'armerie into the district
been here for several weeks look- ner-witu an old muzzle-loadiug Yager with instructions to capture the brodits
ing after Alaska affaira Ha ha rifle ,lun8 8oroa8 the horn of his saddle if possible.
beerj8nociMRf.il. .nlW,. and filled with home-hammered slugs
, wa.uUvu& j t tun-
RA Inns aa nn. fliin.. T . 1. .
t H.i I. ! . , -UKOi. UUI UO WHS B
aiul '"amiory.io command light-weight boy, and oould cover more
tue respect or tne autnorities here, 'onh ground with a saddle-horse than
and everywhere. He . xnnnt.a in anybody. He was a tireless rider, and
Tbey met with no sucoess, but finally
Lieutenant Hanna, General Wood's aide,
went to Hao Luis to make a personal in
vestigation, with the result that within
24 hours the ringleader, Franoisoo Die-
return to Oregon, on his way to mU81 bave kepl up a B0(J Bait Di"ht BDd Kafl8e' Bnd five 0,ber9 we,e oPtafed and
Alaska, in a few davs more dBy' 8nd do(18d tihi tb'a8b the la later two more taken and one killed
T,,Q , . '. dians Bnd 80 Q with the army and while resisting arrest. All sre now
lue evidence of epring is seen joined the scouts. closely guarded In the military prison
in swelling buds, and soon there "When the war was over he rode back bere, the jail not being considered safe,
will be the wonderful verdanoa (hat ,rom further Idaho acd jogged into owing to the friendship felt for the dHs-
Washington has to show for the Heppner 00 a uoh better horse than oners by several prominent insurgent
summertime. The streets are lined 'lie 0De he rode away. I think he rode officers residing in Santiago,
.irh'tha ,o,w wre..nea down about 17 horses on that oampaign, Colonel Francisoo Valiente, ohlef of
witn tbe rarest trees and (he tre- for it was sure enough rough riding. General Wood's gen d'armerie, has re
quent parko are studded with many The aJ of government greeobaoks be eweA his position. Three days ago be
varieties of flowering shrubbery. broRht back: in bis shirt pooket be left for Hon Luis to try to locate the
This is the most beautiful city en promPtly b,ew in 00 hlg beer banquet bandits. Three men aooompamed him.
the continent. It seems lona fince !Le by9' 1 tbe newaJ,Jition lo Ml'- After they bad proceeded a short dis.
in a uu 8 row ,Btore.t wbioh UnoleJsck Morrow tanoe Colonel Valiente ordered the men
winter came and robbed the scene and others made speeches, and the town to return, saying: "If we should be sl
ot all its wonderful verdance. It still remembers the festive occasion. I tacked by banditti wa would have, to
seems to me to have been the most bink tba' tbe everament used to pay fight, but it I were alone I oonld talk
disagreeable that I ever knew thesoouts 8125 a month, and the job was with them and get away safely."
S. A. CLARKE y Blways keit lnB"y Bi etory goes, the bandits
... u. jr ouu mo xuuiuud, Him u.yiunu uiiu, ubiu a coon martial ana '
were often 40 miles ahead of the soldiers, sentenoed bim to death, but finally re-
The scouts bad to uncover any ambushes lented and rele- sed bim. This tale is
mnl .. .U I.J. . . .
thonnna linno. ui (L! , . ,UI luo Huiuiers, ana wuen Daitje be-1 common ibik at the Unban olab and is
than was hoped; that nothing was Un Transaction S.nce the Buffalo Hnmp oan. would draw the enmv'. fl t .h L.nril. haliol1 iCi-.Ii
I ' "V W I SB - vwbwvvi v J a VUlUUOi
the soldisrs where they were. Iu that Valiene's resignation seems to irlve it
way the loss of e few soouts might save oolor. He is either out of the city or in
Sfokanb, March 26.-
Oiroo croon of claims
-The San Fran
in tbe Buffalo
the loss of a huodred soldiers.
"Bed brought back with him one of
those little Hpriogfleld carbines that was
an awful wicked gun, and would oarry
knocked out; that Yaquina was to
be re-examined by another board
engineers, and that the hrmt
railway project stood with nearly LaT,P ,nt'y h" been P1"" by
quarter of a million yet in hand 2.?
wiiii w ii i i r ( nnnrinna mAtur i-knA i i m -
. vUu..uu0 .uiaiunr, n one or me largest deals in Hnmn a you could see. and. a thouirh it
eft over from last vear. It was properties since the sale of tha hio Rnm. was very coarse siohtd. h n.mM hit
false to say i hat either had been loKroP' - most anything with it. Eagles and large
"knocked out." This is as the mat- T,,e 8aD Fr8l,oi8CO rotlP wssoneof hawks were plentiful around Heppner
rwriaAAAA &nt ,o0a"OD9 ,0 the camp. The group hat fall, and as they could Had no lambs
. .. u t . , 0o,nPr'e" be Baby Louise, Monte Carlo 10 fe8t on, they were swooping down ou
i iuo uuih. oenaior aicuriae and Han Francisoo, three distinct Iedg.
came out oE that affair with com- J'iu almost parallel with each other
mendation and congratulation on fianth "f Hob,on' choiw. W. H. Dorris,
all sides, that was well deserved, J P Ltffler' 0 L Flook aDd D- -
j . ... . ' Jarron were tbe owners of the grouo.
and was given Without quahfica- Prsctically no work ha. ever beeo don.
"on- , Pn tbe group, but it is understood ex-
The president has gone South for tensive development work i. planned as
tie rest that ho bo sadlv needed. soon tbe mow-will permit. It is
It can be imagined that he has had m,ea.tDat a ,nDDel dtven in . western 1.300 yards away. He had
r wOBrJn (i,. t, direotion from tbe Baby Louise for ple U5 oalber cartridges, and In the
..uc x uu distanoe of 800 feet
trivial matter to administer the ledges.
The new chief of gen d'armerie I.
Colonel Juan Vian. The gen d'armerie
in the Han Luis district are now under
tbe orders of Lieutenant Butte, who is
in command of mounted troops of tbe
Fifth regulars. Great satisfaction is
felt in this part of tbe province at the
oaptore of so many bandits.
the town chickens. Red shot lots of
them with bis oarbine.
"One of tbe favorite spots for these
eagles to light on was a point of rooks
well upon tbe side of Morgan mountain,
from which they would .woop down ou
their prey. Ited used to stand in TJoole
Jack Morrow', garden and with off-hand
shots and elevated sights nick off the
Mors of the Windsor Horror.
Nkw York, 24. Four more bodies
wire recovered from the ruin, ot tbe
Windsor hotel today. Tbe record as it
now stands is 23 dead, 40 more missing
aod a large collection of small bones.
affaire of a great tatiou in time of ' development will be adopted.
peace, and the two years of his ad
ministration have included events Story of Slav.
of the ereatast imnorfannn tr Iho r be bound hand and foot is for var
r L. .u -l . ... . '
wide world, as well as to the great ,? M aifM worst form
Aw UnnWJ- T.I.... .-: tn 0 "Uvefy: Oeo'a D' Wa. of Man.
...ou ,u " (to.Uf.Mwh UUhn...,
Ha n u: i ,
yuannn, hub aumIUinnnou ass maun rree. Uesavs: "Mr wifahnh...
made history that will be banded h"'ple for five years that she could
would taD all thr. buckskin saok be brought hm hank in
It is probable that this method be bld miied end jumbled up about
a handful of gold dust. Tbe shaking up
tbta saok received while being packed
400 miles oo horseback over mountaios
naturally missed tbe gold duBt and
cartridges, so tbat every bullet was gold
mounted. And when John Radington's
bullet, went through Tom Morgan's
eagle, they .pattered themselves out
sue rooas ana planted more or
i . . i i ......
down on the scrolls of Time as in ,0fn 0Ter iu bed """ After using 7." . . " ,u in" DM Men "oana
it... im I i k.u. j,oia, anu very
Hnylog Uaabnats.
Washington, Maroh 27.--The follow
ing cablegram was received by tbe war
department on Maroh 19, and has jusl
been made public:
"Manila. March 19. Adjuntant Gen
eral, Washington: Have purobased ell
the gunboats, in tbe Philippines, of
Spain thirteen in number, now at 6am
boanga. Half are in a serviceable con
dition, payment to be in onsb, from tbe
public funds, npjn delivery at Manila.
Tbey will be tent for tbie week. (Sign
ed) Otis."
many respects second to do other ,wo bole Electrio Bitter., .be is
4l.i i. ii . t . , .. .
nna.Hfl.2 i ... 7 UM.w VfJO floill tDfttlti hflini raiinrl
I , i I wmuciiuiij llUUrUTHl ID(1 ftniA frt rtA has I . . . - "
epocn save tne uivil war since Un work " Thi. n. I I V tbere l0d8J''
. . H . i v ui n s" ii i sm i v rrip i . . m
tne Kevolution. 1 his may, Lanilv. female diseases nninki. ' ' mope that Mjor Morgan will strike
overlook the mistakes. comDiica-l
tions and jealousies tbat plague us
t (tet-ent, to only remember tbe
ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head
ache, baokaobe, fainting and dizzy spells.
This miracle working luediolne is a god-
... i . .
lor of tbe r,ftr,n,ln,liiar.,.f ru " """ ",E"' run aown people.
, . v,. HVer. fwjitia .n.f.nlu
the world. The lesser features of Sold h Hinoom n, ru
-( , WM
Only iOot-.
it nob, but everytning in tbe Heppner
oountry argues tbat it is not a mineral -producing
"When Colonel Rediagtoo oume buck
from Indian oamptigos he had bis gov-
nMa... .. 1 I n . . ...
..uu-u.j,, pocsisuua witn pretty i cent a box. Cure guaranteed,
nnee agate, end specimens be had . Blooua Drug Co.
Voloenio Eruptions
Are grand, bnt tkin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen'i Arnica Salve curves
them; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, feloDs, boils, corns, warts, outs,
bruises, burns, scalds, chapped bands,
chilblains. Best pile cure on earth ,
Drives out pains and aohes. Only 25
Bold by