Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The Maxim g-un has only one bar rel, yet it can diecharge 000 shots in on minute. A net cat bit the finger of a little boy in Jasper county, Mo., and he died ten days later of blood poisoning. Lightning struck two hoes that ft negro in Millington, Md., was carrying over his shoulders, and instantly killed him. Endless leather belts, acting as moving staircases, convey the patrons of the large Parisian department stores from one floor to another. Four thousand thieves were arrest ed in Paris during the past 12 months, and among them were a princess, ft duchess, and a countess. Eli Becker, oi Cotton Hills, N. Y., became demented by religious zeal, and tore out both his eyes, saying that the. Lord had commanded him to do so. Wesley Donohue, aged 13, of Louis ville, Ky., had brown hair just before he fell 14 feet from a ladder. The only injury he received from the fall was that his hair has turned perfectly gray. A loving husband in Vienna com mitted suicide by hanging himself. In his pocket was a letter in which he left all his property the rope with which he had hanged himself to his wife, from whom he had been divorced ten years. . A certain Boston dentist is such a hrewd business man that he in sist on receiving payment in advance from customers who require the ad ministration of anaesthetics. This is to guard against the possibility of their dying in the chair. A 3-pounl turtle clutched a boy's foot as he was adjusting a seine in the Ohio canal near Warren. Two men 'res cued the lad from drowning, with the turtle still clinging to him. The rep tile's head had to be cut oft before its jaws could be relaxed. With the intention to poison mice, a man in the City of Mexico sprinkled strychnine on a banana skin, and put it where the mice would be likely to get it. A cat dropped the skin into the water jnr, and the entire family was Xoisoned, but found relief in the stom ach pump. MOLLY 'NEATH THE M18TLETOB. Molly, "neath the mlitletoe, standla there that night, I Cheeks as red at rosea, blue eyes shlnln' bright! An' who will come and kisa her? Her lover'i taudin' by. He shouldn't be so bashful when Molly ain't so shy! Molly, "neath the mistletoe, waltln' lor a kisa, (Never was a lover that was bashfuller than this!) An' who will come an' kiss her? The time is slijipin' by. What lover would be backward when hl sweet heart ain't so shy? Molly, 'neath the mistletoe! Let her lover blush, For the boys got tired waltln' an' they went there with a rush, An' they gave her twenty kisses, though her lover gave her none, But she don't know who to marry, for they kissed every one! --Atlanta Constitution. State News. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. GUAM' COUNTY NEWS. I. WON'T PAY DUTY CALLS. ftcTolt of KnfcllHli Women la India AuuliiHt n Form of Social llondnire. The English women living in India put a sensible nelienie into execution recently. They revolted ngainst the social bondage of "duty culls" and organized an anti-calling union. Sev eral hundred women joined and pledged 'themselves to abide by the mil's, which are very simple. Iusteud of paying wills in person cards are sent and cults ore returned by post. A personal cull is allowable only when a special compliment is in tended. At home days are held by the members of the union when conven ient, notices of these being printed in the papers several days beforehand. The fact that men are excluded from tlH'se privileges has caused no end of nmuHCinent among the women and no less talk among the lords of creution, particularly the crusty bachelors of society, who declare that culling did keep some women quiet; they go so far tia to make wagers on whaft mischief their women friends will be up to now that there is no necessity for them to pay duty calls. There is no union of this kind in this city, but the women members of the Barnard club long ago gave up culling for the mere name of the thing. They agreed 1hat their club should bei a kind of a social clearing houne, and the plan has worked admirably. An in formal reception Is held in the beautl: ful club rooms every Saturday after noon, and a little chat with one's friends there relieves everybody of all calling obligations. This even extends to party culls among most of the mem bers. One of the most prominent women in the club says that the plan not only saves the club members a great deal of valuable time, which can be put to more profitable use, but strengthens the moral character as well, since nothing weaken itao much as obligatory duty calling. The mem 1 berehip of this flub, which includes men, too, hss run away up into the hun dreds and the waiting list is very long, N. Y. Sun. From Grant County News. Mrs. Jack Matlock, nee Miss Jennie Wood, ar rived from Heppner last Friday to visit with ber mother and listers. , Jake SlirTo departed for Heppner yesterday to meet his brother and family and lister. They are coming to Fox to live. Mrs. Robbtns, sisttr of tick Gentry! arrived here on the stage one day last week, and la the guest of her father, W. O. Oentry. She will make her home on ber place in Northern Fox. E L Giroux, who was arrested and brought to Baker City last January to answer to a crim,. iual charge for salting a mine, which he sold to t rench capitalists, is a fee man, the indictment Deliig defective. As the statute of limitation has run in this case, no farther proceedings can he had, and Mr. Giroux returns to Texas a free man. On Tuesday next Marshall Adkini will start to Heppner to meet his brother and cousin and their families, from Missouri. And in a week J C. Berry will start to Heppner to meet relatives from Missouri. When they all get here we will call this Missouri Valley. Jim Bay we can all sell out then, as they don't know how hard It is here in the winter, and we hope so, too. Henry Trowbridge, a prominent itock man from lice, was In town the first of the week. Mr. Trowbridge says there Is plonty of hay around Iaed, although gome have run out, and will be compelled to buy Mr. Trowbf idge also iays that he considers" the winter no later than usual, but a little longer, on account of stock men beginning to feed earlier than usual. B. V. Reynolds was 111 Long Creek yesterday from his ranch on the Middle Fork. He statod that stockmen in that locality are all out of feed and are sure to suffer a great loss unless the weather changes: Beveral stockmen have al ready turned their bands out In pastures, but the country is covered with about four inches of fresh snow, and the outlook Is anything but encouraging. Isaao Guker, owner of the Great worinern mine, recently had occasion to leave the mine for a couple of days. On his return he looked over the dump and thought he detected Indica tion of values, and the ilrst pan disclosed r of free gold The boys were kept busy that day picking up and putting Into sacks all that had been thrown over the dump during the two days. One slab of gold picked up in the debris by Gukor was worth $40, and the next largest niece found by one of the men weighed two ounces. Mr. Guker went East on the 5th Inst to arrange for a milling plant to be erectod as soon as tho weather permits. A largo piece of coal was brought into the Nuws office this week from a recently discovered irnt II ttftH r naviMlle. on the John Day river. The .nnl was (Uncovered on the Aldrlch ranch by Reuben Fields, and no doubt will prove to be ri..i, fin,!. Mr. Fields has found a three-foot vein on tho surface and the coal U of a very finality, getting harder as he goes deeper into the ground. In burning the coal there seems to boa presence of sulphur. This is not the first coal that has been discovered in this section oi the county. There 1b also a large bed of it on the Alma Luco ranch. With a few coal mines, tho advent of a railroad through thtB county will not be tar distant. The grass on the hills near Huntington is said to be eightinchea high. J. M. Olberman, who murdered Jasper Castle, at Myrtle Creek, year ago. was re-sentenced at Roseburg to hang on tbe 28th prox. Edwin Fuller, a lad of 17, was arrested Mon day at Hlllsboro, for burglary. He has been guilty of housebreaking several times before. The M. M. Mcleod sawmill at Dllley, Or., has started, the first time for two years. The first run will be on ash, and the next on yellow nr. Three National Guard commissions have been Issued. On the recommendation of Brigadier General Beebe, Schuyler O. Spencer, of Port land, was appointed colonel and judge advocate general on the brigade staff; Dr. A. B Gillis, of Salem, colonel and surgeon general, and David M. Dunne, of Portland, colonel and commissary general. Miss Iva Templeton, for whose relief the leg islature appropriated i 000 to repay her for in juries received by falling through a bridge In Linn county a number of years ago, came to Salem yesterday. She called at the state de partment during the afternoon, and there re ceived her warrant for 15,000, and she was, by reason of this fact, one of the happiest women in Salem yesterday. Statesman. The first influx of fishermen from California have arrived In Astoria. There were fifteen in the party, and they said that there were more rfishermeu coming from San Francisco this sea son than for many years, as they had heard that prices were to be good. As to the necessity of their being citizens of this state to procure licenses, they said that they had made contracts with cannerymen, and that they would take out licenses for them on the other side of the river. VTOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Simon Shaner, deceased, by the county court of the State ol Oregon for the county of Morrow, and baa duly qualtlled as such administrator. All persons havino- claims aeainst said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned, at Ins nome in Hardman, in S'lid county and state, within six month, from this date. , BAKERt Administrator of the estate of Simon Shaner. . f 11' Mnuonvr A ttY.riif'V. nat'prt t. H,.minp'r. Oreeoii. March 22, 1809. 2-7 NOTICE. I TMTKD STATES U I TilE LAND OFFICE, Uru March IK. Is!9 Complaint having been entered at this oiliee by John M. Humphreys ais-tniiia wnuimn q.d iitr unuin mi mr iiih iiimt:3i,t:ri, cuv, . . ft. dated AuirustlM. lijya, upon iimimCT uiimi ii.umsiMn A south, muse to eat, In onow county, Oregon, with a view to the can In,,.,, ,.f .u ,1 nntrv rh( fl.11,1 narilL'h nir liuf , .,,,,,,,.,..,! In , .ril tlMKOllil'BOIl tl'.C lit h a ... ii.... ikuo iii in nVlnck n ..m.. to respond niul fnrniHh ti'Hiimonv concerning said al eited nhnndnnnmiit, .1. W. Morrow. United States commissioner, is authorized to take the test! mony herein at his omce at iieppuor, ua-Suu n May , law, hi u o cioea a. " JAI r. i,UV,AO, iM-gw'-i August Voight, who lives on the Tualatin, was brought before County Judge Ryan at Oregon City the other day to be examined for Insanity. He did not succeed in 'convincing the court that he was Insane, and was very Indignant when the judge refused a commitment to the asylum, It subsequently transpired that Voight wanted to be sent to the asylum to receive free medical treatment. Voight and his wife own an unin cumbered farm near the Tualatin. Mrs. Peter Kulfner died at The Dulles tin other day. She was born in Ohio, March 27, 1832, and was married to Peter Rull'ner in Iowa in l&r2. A month after their marriage they started across the plains to this coast, arriving In Vancouver, Wash , on the 11th of October, 1K52. They made their home near Portland until 1854, when they moved to Southern Ore gon. In 1912, they moved to The Dalles. Bo, ides a husband. Mrs. Rult'ner leaves eight children, a daughter, Mrs. laura Boehmer, havlnir died on September 9, 1898. The others are- Andrew Ruffner, of Seattle; Mrs. Joseph Marsh of Wasco; Mrs. John Kooutz, Mrs. Alice KoonU, Frank and William Ruflner and Clara and Maude Rutlner, all of The Dalles. Jesse M. Shepherd, of Baker City, a pioneer editor and printer of 56 years' experience, djad, aged 78 years. He came to California in 1850. After working a few years on the Sacra mento Union he came to Oregon, and was fore man of the States Rights Democrat, at Albany He went to Idaho in 18C2, and for three years was proprietor of the pony express from Boise to Walla Walla. In 1865 he published the World at Idaho City. He was a prominent politician and leader of the Jeffersonian democracy and was probate judge of Owvhee county. In 1872 he came to Baker and purchased the Weekly Bedrock Democrat, selling the plant In 1887 to Bowen Si Small and retiring to work In an old fashioned job printing olllce. His wife died last October. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TVEPARTMENT OF THE US I tKiUK, laud U Office at La Uranue, ore., marcn io, i. Nnt no hr-rnhv mven tnai me iouuwuik i ..,.,,., hu. nnth'p of her intention to make final proof in Bupport of her claim, and thai said proo: will De mane oejum man.j United States commissioner, at Heppner, Ore gon, on May 5, 1899, viz: mmu u hprhry. of Hardman. tire (Granddaughter of Alfred Compton, deceased) nnmUH onirv No. Rfi89. for the southeast y. southwest 'A, southwest H southeast section 6, northeast M northwest H, and northwest !4 northeast section 7, township 6 south, range 27 east. . . She names the following witnesses u. i' yv h.Fnnniiiiiuiiii rpirirr.B uDoii and cultlvatloi nt mild land, viz: Benjamin rariter, rraiia Ward, Thomas Merrill anu unei yvukuisuu, au The Army and Navy Dave covered themselves with glory durina the war. The army Bnd navy to vest pooket memorandum book pub lished by the N'irthero Paciflo is a com pact duietit of Uiformntion relative the navies and armies of Hpain Bnd tb Ualted 8tiitBg and the beginning of th war. it has a map or uuna, illustrations of Dsval ships, glossary of nuvy and army terms, translation of Spanish words, eto. Send ten oents to Obas. 8. Fee, general passenger agent, I. F. R., SI. Paul, Mino., for a copy. of Hardman, Oregon 22-7 E. W. Bartlktt, RegtBter. Timber Vulture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND omuii. m Grande. Ore . Feb. 7, m. Notice Is hereoy given vnav , as filed notice of ht intention "'; roof before Vawter Crawford, eminty clerk of orrow pountv. Oregon, at ms u ... "rr ner, Oregon, on Monday, the il.t i 1(W9, on timber culture in'Hctioii No. 2Wt J or the south 4 northeast , northeast "f 14 and the northwest h nonuen , township 3 south, range 28 east -,. He names as wuniwi-n. "' 1 - r. ,v"; AmlrnwJ Cook. John W. Waddell and Arthur K. Smith, all of Heppner, Oregon 17-22 k. W. Bakti.ktt. Register. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. - 1 ira k 1 FiST TBBIH SERVICE DfllLlf TO THE EAST VIA GRiT R K t SLAND RITE Fast Express ... 'wSHUHIsMhI 'WX-C TRADE MARKS, ftJ4'0 OE8IOMS, Anvone sending a sketch and description may ouickly ascertain, free, wlielher an Invention Is Brotmbly patentable. Communications atrn-tly couiWentlal. Oldest ageuej forsw-uriiiK pajenu In America. We have a Washington ortiee. Patents taken through Muuu & Co. receive special notice 111 tne Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER . . 2:J P- m . ni.MVFR . :80 p. m. " COLO. SPRINGS P- m U PDEBLO . ' ?.(p. m. ArriveoTOPEKA . . 7:80 a.m. CQl". BPR1N0B . . 8:t0 b. m. " KANSAS CITY . 9dl a. m Skn1aSCItV Kg! Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. K'y) 8:15 p. m Arrives LINJOLN 2:11 P- m. Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a. m " OMAHA . . :2 p. m. . " DES MOINES . . :30 p. m. Arrivee LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 8:45 a. m PKOKIA . ll'20a. m. ' OMAHA lExSon) . Win " CHICAGO 8:00 b. in. " CO.BLOFiB, . . 9.10 a. m tu .., mumi.i and Chair Cars Colorado to Wide Vestibule throughout. Tbe finest train in the West. For particular and folders giving time of these trains write DCBEVOISE, E. E. M LEOD, Through Sleepers Colorado Springe to Bt Louie via Wabash B'y. J. L. PORTLAND, OlUS. A. G. P. A.. TOPEKA. J NO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., CHICAGO. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tinmittfiillY I11utrntet. lanrest ctmilatlon any scieutltic journal, weekly, terms 3.00 a year; 11.50 six months. Specimen copies ana LLAJiU HOOK OM rATKn iD WU.UVC ntvom MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. of MEN ! fc Notice of Intention. DEPARTMENT OF THK INTERIOK. LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Feb. 11, 1MW. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Baid proof will be made before the county olerk of Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on March 24, lSiW, viz: JOHN D. CLARK, of Vinson, Oregon, a,,n,.iooj ontrw ?'n fifisfi for the soutn V4 southwest K and'south southeast section 21, township 1 south range 29 E. W. M. He names tne ionowing winicnnco n yc his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Moialey, Hugn koss and Johu W. Scott, ot Vinson, uresuu, auu James Warman, of Pendleton, Oregon. 17-22 V. UABTJ.JJ.1T, IVCKlBici. PUBLIC LAND SALE. UNITED STATES LAND OFF1UK, JUA iirumlo dm . Knliruarv 7. 18!K). Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of iimtriinHmia from the commissioner of the general land office, under authority vested in him by section 2456, U 8. Kev. Stat, as amended by the act of congress approved February 20, ln'Jn, we will proceed ui unor at puunv; v.. ih.OM, itnnl March. IS'.H). at 1 1 o'clock, a 1T1. of said day, at this office, the following tract oi land to-wit: ine iiorui vi unmeant 74 ,nW,iDh n A annth. ran?e 'll east. o,,,iun nurumia rlnlinltiir adverxelv tbe above described tract and lands are advised to tile their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otnerwise tneir rinma win ucluhciku Vj. W . HA in J.K il , rL'tiiHi-i, 17-22 J, O. Hwackhamkb, Keceiver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. can cured If in kiiiTm, from anv of the I ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., . . 1 0BI Market St Est'd IS52. Vaihis sips and middle i -a.1 oihn an cirferiniT fiom the effects o? youthful indiscretions or ex- e-sses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical nhi 1 1 Tnmolenn .1J jriiiiio , in all its complications; Npermatorr hpa, .... . ..ri, ,, ijiinorrlicpn. dleet, Vrpnii-ii-r of Vrluatlnar, eic. By a rininiinn of remedies. of ereat cnrative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only alford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not chum to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-einmeat in his specialty-IHfjenses Of Moil. . ( Svniiilla thoroughly eradicated uoua tne syntcm wtthou t using Mr rrnry EVK15V III AST applying to cs Trill re- , . a , ..,,, J mi et ti'ia r.r, iilnl tl fu !t e wiil Uuara'uee. a POS1TI VJS CUlt E in I every cane vie undertake, or forfeit One C'onniltation FREE and strictly private. CIIAHUES VERY UKASUIiAisi,rj. ireai- mrnt personally or ny letter. ;sna ict Don't, free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT BB. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in tne world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I are made; how lo avoid sickness and We are continually adding new specimens. OATAJJOtiUB rSEF. Call or write. 1051 Wn:ke! Street. San Francisco, Ca!. ONION f THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast -VIA THK 11 THE THROUGH OAK LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST 8LEEPER8. 1 FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Onick Time. Union Depots. . Personally Conducted Excursion'. BauguRe Checked to Destination. Dim line to TraiiK-MissiBsippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, neorasaa, 1ti.ii 1m November. Write undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to linion Paciho " J. H. LOTHROP, or J. C. HART Agt a A 1 0K )A Ut- . O K. AN. Co Portland. Or. Heppner. Or, CHICAGO ililwalcfi & SI. Paul B'8 H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Q., C. M. 4 Bt. F., C. 4 A., f. Ft. W. 61 0.. and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroad!. RATBH a.oo PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sti., ZXiXk O. R. & N Dkpart FOR TIME SCHEDULES From Heppner. 10:00 a, m. Klpaila to Lew:aton. The De BteBmboat 8pokane, built by tbs O. R. & N. Co., to pty on tbe Soake river between Riparia and Lewiaton, ia uow complete, aud iu eerviee. The ctearoer Lewiaton ia tilaj Id eervioo, and the two Bteamers will alternate between Riparia and Lewiaton, leaving Riparia daily exoept Sunday on arrival of train No. 4 from Portland and reaching Low iaton next day nt 1p.m. Rituroi iu, will leave Lewiaton daily except gntiu day at 12 o'olook noon, arriving al Ri paria at 7 p. m., oonneotinit with No. 3 from Hpokane. The Spokane bae been eapeoiully ooDgirnnted for tbe run mentioned nbove, and is thoroughly fitted with all modem npplianoei, eleotrir lights, etc., aud for speed and comfort will eioel any oraft that bae ever beep built for the river. The Lewieton ia ber steady old ae f. If A Ilf-nevolrnt Jndtfc. Thero ia u venerable ami benevolent j inline in I'nris who, ut the moment of ui8RinK' sentence on a prisoner, con suits his assessors on eiu'h side of him as to the penalty proper to be iuflieted. "What oiiffht we to pr'ive this raswvl, brother?" he stiys, betiding over to tbe assessor on the rijjht. "I should say three years." "What is your opinion, brother?" to the assessor on the left. "I should give him about four years." The judge, with benevolence: "Pris oner, not desiring to give you a long and severe term of imprisonment, as I should have done if left to myself, I have consulted my learned brothers and shnll duke their advice. Seven yvnrs." N. Y. Tribune. Victoria' Scroplea. So scrupulous was the queen In tak ing care to fully understand every doc ument placed in her hp.nds that Lord Melbourne was reported to have oc casionally declared that he would rather have to deal with ten kings than one queen. Having submitted some act of government for the royal approval, he was proceeding to urge the expe diency of the measure when the queen stopped hint, observing: "1 have been taught to judge between what is right and what is wrong, but expediency is a word I neither wish to bear nor under stand." Chicago Chronicle. On Thtnar Sur. Visitor Is your father at old as he looks? Son (whose father is an alderman)- I don't know, but I'm sure he Jsn't M big ss he feels, Tit-Bits, A Thousand Tongues Oonld uot express tbe rapture of Annie W. Spritzer, of 1125 H .ward st., Phila delphia, Pa., when she fouud thai Dr . Kiuu's New Discovery for oonsnmption uad completely oured ber of a hacking oougb that for manyyeara had made life a harden. All other remedies and doo ors could give ber no help, but she says i .I..- ...vui mtrH ''it soon removed the .in m mv ohesl and I cm now sleep ouudly, something I on scarcely re nember doing before. I feel like sonnd a. it llal tlPUiHAM throughout the universe. j nil! nvfrvone wbu tfies Dr. King's Inr anv trouble of the ,'hroat, elii st or luug. P. ice f30e and 1 00, Trial deities tree at Hlocnm Drug Co a Every bottle guaranteed. BLAINE'S GENEROSITY. Mow tbe Domed Knight Aide Presi dent Taylor's I)Bhtrr. ' A irootl storv of James G. Blaine is told by a writer in the St. Louis Globi Democrat. The incident related was a magnanimous and clever act of the Maine statesman, when, as speaker of the house, he got through a resolution appropriating $12,000 to the needy wid owed daughter of llresident Zachary Taylor. This lady got as far as Wash ington on her way to Paris to Bee a sick daughter, and, being destitute of mouey, appealed to her only friend at the capital, Oen. Sherman. His purse wns always open to the distressed, but be had no funds at all adequate to re lieve her necessities. In this emer gency he thought of Blaine.. The man from Maine entered Into the spirit of the occasion as soon as he heard Oen. Sherman's statement, lie called an other to the chair, made a five-minutes' speech that fairly electrified the house, which passed the resolution which ltlaiue had penned only a moment be fore. He took the resolution? person to the senate, where it was alsirnVAnedi ately passed, had the president to sign it the next day, and on the following day the beneficiary got the money. Gen. Sherman always insisted that Blaine would have made the grandest actor that ever lived, and in adapting his career to politics, he robbed the stage of a born star. The Sund-l.ndened Mlsioarl. Mr. Frank II. Spearman writes in St. Nicholas of the freaks of the Missouri river, his article bciug entitled "A Shift ing Boundary." Mr. Spearman says: You must know that the real business of the Missouri is to carry the moun tain waters east and south into the Gulf of Mexico. But In bounding from side to side of its valley through the tedious centuries, it bus twisted and turned so tunny times that uo doubt its head is contused. Carrying tbe quan tity of nnid it docs, OU would hardly J take a substitute aid to be " jut as good." I expect it to be clear-headed. There is I for pr- Merce's Common Sfnse jri i v -c ; Medical Adviser. Frkk. Unclose i one- j actually so mum sniiu iu iuc nmn iui the flah all have sore eyes; some are totally blind the saddest-looking crea t tires you ever caught. A really fastidi ous trout or bass dropped Into the Mis souri would hang himself in despair j on o fishhook. . . rEPA,RTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND IS Otii at The Dalles, ore., .uiiruu i, wj. Notice is hereby given Hint tlie followmti HHined settler 1ms tiled notice of his intention to ninke titiHl proof in support of hisckum, and thu.i iirnnf wl 11 be made before the ' ount y Clerk of Morrow county, at buppner, Oregon, on April 15, ltWJ, viz.: rillUl D01IKRTV, of Lexington, Ore.; Hnmestuul entry No. 6213, for the southeast K of section 2o, township 1 south, rantfe ii'J east, U M He iiHines the following witnesses u imivt 1 continuous residence upon and cultivation oi said laud, viz: Patrick Doherty, John Doherty, of Vinson, Ore,, James Molntiro. of Heppner, Ore., and Barney f. uoneny, or i.e.niKuiii, uio. 20-5 ". jjAHTLKi r, negioiur. Salt Lake Denver, Kt. Worth, omana, Kansas City, bt, l,nnis. Chic aero, Portland, Wallal Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Bt Paul. Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. AKKIVE FBOM 10:15 p. in. 8.00 p. m. Flfrures Don't Lie, It doesn't tale much knowledge of mathematics to figure out the facts about that dread disease consumption Statisticians lonir ago demonstrated that one -seventh of all the deaths in Christendom each year may be safely attributed to consumption and allied diseases. Thert is an almost certain cure and a Dositive prevent ive for this fatal disease if taken in time. The story of what it will do is told in the following letter : " About two and a half yean ago, when I was at Lick, Kv. ." writes I. lordan. E f ........ v. i t i-.. i , - . . i. im vuiinu, , , , . ,i J v. , .v j .. . " i " ' " e-ere pnins in the chest, after which 1 began to nit no blood and was also trouwea wan tiiirnt. sweats. I was so short winded that I could bordlT walk half a mile at once, and if I got the leant bit wearied. I would have an attack of phthisic (asthma) and almost die for about two or three days. I conchuied to try Dr. R. V. Pierce, and I related my case to him. He wrote me that 1 should take hi ' Golden Medical Hit covery.' I hrgao using It aud used about i i rmrna in w inn. wa ne niutr nie. I so concluded to continue its use. I did no and have inioroved both in trrngth and in weight 1 have not had the phthisic, nor apit up any i blood since last aunng.'' This great remedy Dr. Pierce's Golden t Medical Discovery cure gS per cent, of i all larvnirial. bronchial, throat and kindred ' affection which, if neglected lead up to ' consumption. It strengthens the stomach and make the appetite keen and hearty. It inviiroratea the liver and aids the natmul oroceasea of secretion and excretion. It ' makes the assimilation of the food perfect, i It is the great Wood - maker and flesh- builder. Honest dealers will not urge you to Ocean Hteamshifn From Portland. for Pan FranciRCO every live days. NOTICE. JNITED STATES LAND omUK, inn Dalles, Ore., Feb. 21, 1SJ9. cnnmuint hnvlnu hM'ii entered at this omce by Warren H. Robert against William H. Mc cormick for abandoning his homestead entry No. 42(5, dated February jr, ussi, upon tue uoriii west f4 of section 11, township 1 north, range 23 east, In Morrow county, Oregon, witn a view iu the cancellation oi said entry, tne saiu raran ro hi.n.hv summoned to aonear at this orlice on the lath .lav of Ann . IJW'J. at iu o cioca a. iu., i- respond and furnish testimony conoeruliig said oii..iro.l ahmulniimeiit. N. J. Hale. Unltca States cotnnilssloner, is autnorizeu to iimo mo testimony herein at his office in lone, Oregon, on April 8, lbW, at iu o cioea a. in. NOTICE-TIMBER CULTURE. TTNITED STATES tJ THE LAND OFFICE, llulloi ()r . lVh. 111. lH'M. Ooinplaitit having been entered at this office t,v ia ininin ii. Johnson aiialnst nilliam Young for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No. 2i72, dated Nov. 11, lNh7, upon the northwest ! section 27, township 2 south, mmiKfi Zleast. In Morrow county, uregiHi, wuu vi.iw tn tb cancel ation of said entry, con tMstiLiit aliasing failure to cultivate ana piaui; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this olllce on the l:ith day of April, 1WW. at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning aid alleged Iillure. N. J. Hale, United Slates commissioner, is autnoriseu uj take the testimony herein at his otllce at lone, Oregon, on April 7, 1&H7, at 10 o'clock a. in. 19-2r Jv P. Lucas, Receiver. fi:00 p. m. Ex Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. ui. Columbia, Rivbb Steamers. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette Rivkb Oregon City, New- berg, ealem ana Vi ay Landings. 7:00 a. m. Tues., Thur, and Sat. 6:00 a. ra. Tues. Thurs. and Sat. Lv. Riparia 2:30 a. m daily except Sunday 4:00 p. in. 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the fsmons block system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through oat; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read inur lamp; Buns speedily equipped passenger trains every day and Bigm oetween ot. r aui and Chioago, and umana ana udiobko; tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates eteam-heBted vestibuled trains, carrying ne latest, ynvuio oomDartment oara, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room Bleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair cars, onrl thn vrv best dioine onair oar service. For lowest rates to any point m the TTnitorl Rtntng or Canada, sppiy io Denver & Bio Qranfls H. B. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite TraLBContinental Between th Northwest and all Points East agent or address J. W. 0A8ET, Trav. Pass. Agent. O. J. EDDY, General Agent, , Portland, Or, Choice of Two Koutei Through the FAMOUS Rocky Mountain Scenery 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday . WlLI.AMBTTR AND Yamhill Kivers. Orejron City, Day ton & nay landings. Willamette Rivkb Portland to Corval lis & Way Land ings. 3:30 D. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. 4:30 P. m. Tues., Thur. and sat. Smaki Rivbb. Riparia to Lewiaton Lv. Lewlston 12 noon daily ex Saturday Paasengars booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. L) NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THK INTERIOR, LAND Ortiee at U liraude, Or., Feb. JO lw.W. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice oi his Intention to make flnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk ot .Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, ou April 7, lH'Jll, vU: JOHN R. SIMONS, Heppner, Or. Homestead No. for the southeast i uorth wesl , southwest U northeast l4 and lots i and 3 of section 1, township 5 south, range EWM He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land vis: Norman A. Kelley, Amna Mes seldine, Janiea Fristoe aud William liarrigus all of Heppner, Oregon. S-a K. W. Bahtlktt, Register. cent stamps to cover mailing only, to the World Dispensary Medical Association, RufUlo, N. Y., for a parxfr-coverrd copy. Cloth binding ten cents extra. It ia a thousand pace book with ovor seven hundied illustrations ; foimetly aold for fi jo. For UiniieU time can be haJ tor cot of mailing. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. tw VIIiTfR OF AN KX KCt'TIOV AND OR- J der of sale duly issued by the elork of the circuit court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, dateil tne M (lay oi warcn, i., m . .... ,-tiii ,.ii.n in the circuit court for said ..oiiutv and state, wherein S. S, Undine, ad ministrator ol the estate ot O T. Rodine, dc ceased, plaintiff, recovered judgment against l'l,url..a kilirlii. itrf.MliiKMt. lif the Slim of thirteen hundred eighty-eight and ii-HW dol lars, with interest thereon at the rale of S per rent Per annum "' the tith day of September and the further mm of one hun.irea dollars attorney' ice with iittereat at the rate nt ii c.'it tHr annum from the t'.th day of (HU'teailiv. IS-.W. and coats and iHshnrsements tuxitl at thirty two and W-Hi dollars and in lerest thereon at the rute of H per vut per anmitn (ro:n the t-ih day ot wnteiitl'or. Is"' Noiii c is hen'by i.ieu tloii 1 will ou Saturday, the 8th day of April, 1899 o'ch.'k lv m. of sal I day, at the trunt ioor ; ii... ....urt hiiiiM. in tloiunn r. ilorrow county Oregon s'll at puiilic auction to iiucucm bidder for cash lu hand, the follow Ins di'scrilu'd nronertv tivwit: The tarth half of the north- omrttT ol section euthtti'ii (ID In town ship one (II north oi ratine twenty lour ( Jli uast of nlllameite mri'iian. in jiorn.w inuui;, Oiegon. Taken aud ttm as the property ol themiid I'liaileu Filkin. or so much thereof : is nMHMMarT to aatiafv tne aai't ju.lg- ' lutM in favor ol the above natmii piamtul and agaliiki Mid barlcs e ilki.a. together witu all co, aud UUbursouieu: that ha or may . ...rUB K. u. M iruH k, heitt, . " By 1. W. M.tuk'k, lMputy. ptl at BeppBcr, Man'b iv OREGON SHORT LINE Ry i.E YOU G011S ERST ? If bo, be Bare and eee that yonr tioket reads via m Wweslen limi ....THE.... OHIOAOO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THK Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled inning ana Bleeping i-ar Trains, and Motto: And four routes east of Pueblo and Denver... All passengers granted a day Btopover in the Mormon capitol or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis Chicago and the East, For tickets and and Information regarding; rates, routes, etc., or fordescrlptfve advertising matter, call on agents of O. K. & N., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies. R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt 261 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or. M QUICKEST AND UTAH, MOST DIRECT LINE TO COLORADO, NE- ALWAYS ON TIME i Leave. No. 2 11 A. M. No. 8 I e p. m. hai fft an this road a national renutatlon. All olaase 'of Dassengera carried on tne vestibuled trains without atIi-a. ohArira. Rhln vonr frfllirht 7? TtA RKA. KANSAS. MIS- nd travel over this famous line. All agents j ' I hav0.t1nlrar.fl F. C. SAVAGE. Trav. F. & P. Agt. ashington Bt., rortiana, or. BEI'hEK II SOUIil RIVER and all Points EAST, and SOUTH EAST. eSST LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4i days CHICAGO, 3 1ST. LOUIS, 3J OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 J Free ReoHning Chair Cure Upholstered Tonrist Sleeping Crr Pullman Paittoe Sleeping Cart For fall particulars regarding rate, time of trains, etc., call on or address J. G. HART, Ageut O. R. & N. CV Ileppoer, Oregot 0. O. Terry, W. E. Comas, Trav. Phs. At. (Wl Agt. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. SPOKANE FllS 4 NORTHERN mm i fort shftpakd !iED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tl'.e Only All Kail Route Without Cbanse of Qnr Between Spokane, Iloftslttod aiKl Neleon. Alao between Nelm unl Uosalatii, daily eieept Hnuday : have tickets. W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agent 248 W '.The Regulator Line The Dulles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co. .... STrEA-aEOEas "DALLES CITY" 'REGULATOR Commencing Monday, May 2ud, the steamers of the Regnlator Line will leave Portland at 630 a, m. and The Dallea at 830 a. m. When yon go to Portland, etop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Colombia; yon will enjoy it, and save morjey. W. 0. ALLAWAT. General Agent Q0IOK TI3VI33 1 NORTHERN PACIFIC il Yellow Stone Park Lino THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Depot Fifth and I Sts. Arrive. Fast Mail for Tacoma. Seattle, Aberdeen.South Dend, Spokane, Helena, Butte, Anaconda, St. Paul, Chicago, New York, Boston, and all points East and Southeast. Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Express, for Ta coma, Seattle, Olympia and intermediate main line polnt: No. 1 10:15 A. M. No.S 11 P. H 8 DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana. Kansas City and other Missouri river points. 8)4 DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chl , cago. DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections In all principal el ties. Baggage checked through to destination of ticket. Union depot, Portland, font ot Sixth st. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps of routes and other information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Vi Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. Wisconsin CCNTRai Lincs tioav. frti A. M .. ll.) A. M... tUu A.X1 ... .. Si-kane. . K ml. .. Ni'luon .. Arrive. M P. M . S:t0 M 6.45 P. M Clivw connect at N!on witii Reamers for hicui, atut all iMHiionai Uike iDtnts. PajwMitrcra tor Kettle hlrar and Pomidair rse oiaineet at asrcm with stair daiir. San Pronolsco And all points in California, via tha Mt Hhasta route ol ths Southern Pacific Co the grat hnrhway thrungh California to all points East anil South. Grand Sonie Route of tha Paciflo Coast. Pullman Hn3et Hleepera. 8eoond-claas Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodatinnA for MyinHjiLit mm,.mm For rates, tieketa, sleeping car remrvations, cu, .-u niMin or aanreaa R. KOKHLSH, Manaor, C. H. VARKHAM Hvi. f. A P. At. Portjanrt OrAgoa TnKOl'GH TICKETS To all rmlntK in the Eastern Rates, Canada and r wyn ctu ue oniaineo at lowest rates from i. u. UH.MAN, ueppner. Ot. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of tbe Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Ceutral Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trama prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JA& CTOXD, Geo! Pawn Agt