Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 23, 1899, Image 3

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I'oblishcd Every Thursday.
Re?. Ha
Editor and Manag-ar.
On Year
Six Months
Three Months
SI. 30
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon
aa second-elas mrL. ' uresn.
Those Dreadful Sore
They Continued to Spread In Spite
i reaxment but Now They are
naiea-A Wonderful Work.
not many years I have been a great
ltu varicose veins on one of my
uxjr iuui ana umt) became dread
fully swollen. When I Btood up I could
feel the blood rushing down the veins of
. uino. une day I accidentally hit my
foot against some object and a sore broke
wuu wmcn continued to spread and was
.wUJDgiy painful. I Concluded
naOilAll A kln J n
v puriner and I began takine
Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time
tixiunu ureaatui sores which had caused
4W mucn suffering, beSan to heal
"T wu """iy with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and in a short time my limb was
completely healed and the sores gave me
- uiD yalu. A cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa-
lor me." m$b. A
Gilson, Hartland, Vermont.
MffA? Sarsa-
whfcbosiWn fact the One True H!ood Purincr.
Don't fail to
"nrf all liyPr jiia.
Or., March 20. 1899.
Bartow. H L
Boudry, Mr nhas
Browning, Mrs Wm
Clarke, W J (2)
Crane, Mrs ft 8
Dodson, Miss Mable
Howeth, Mr L
Lacoima, Mr Joe
Lathrom, Mr J H
Logan, Mr James
McAllister, Miss Flossie
moer, ueorge
Owen, Mrs J A
anVereHsed0aUing fr th8e,r 'S-tter8 lease Ba
uvertisea. g, jr. Vaughan, P. M.
nson, the firey. wideawake
Preacher, who is to assist in the coming
revival, is young, magnetic powerful,
...oBiKtaoio and has hod
Hucoess m revival work,
bear him nightly.
Mr. Blake, the sheep buyer, informs
us mat he bought 6,000 head of sbeep
-um rvoitie & f atterson and 8. P. Bor
iuet wets, with a 5 per cent out. He
also had reooived word from J. M. Wil
son that be had bonght 18,000 yearliDg
ewes ana weathers at Mount Home, Ida-
no, ror $2.
Mike Roberts, at the Belvedere, hav
mg remodeled the popular old-time oor-
ner, eitenda to the public a cordial wel
uuuie. mo bevsraofw ha 10-,.0.
win oe feept np t0 tbe biebest standard.
Bud the enlargement and comfortable
equipment of bis billiard narJors nri
olub-roome are a drawing feature. 92-tf
J. L. Morrow, of Heppner, a pioneer
merohant. after whom Morrow ootinfy
was named, is rapidly improving at the
Good Samaritan hospital from an opera
tion performed some time ago to relieve
a wound in the kuee, received in the
Paget Bound Indian wars of law fi.
Considering Mr. Morrow's age. bis raoid
reoovery is considered remarkable. Tel
egram, 15tb.
Rev. E. Edwurds, pastor of the Eoelish
Baptist chinch at MiDersville. P.. when
suffering with rheumatism, was advised
to try Oaamberlaio's Pain Balm. He
save: "A few applications of this lini
ment proved of great servioe to me. It
Buuaueu the inllammution aod relieved
the pain. Should any sufferer profit bv
giving Pain Balm a trial it will please
me." For bale bv Con
The O. ft. & N. Co's. new book on th
Resources of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho is being distributed. Our readers
are requested to forward the addresses
of their Eastern friends aod acquaint
ances, and a oopy of the work will ho
sent them free. This a matter all ahonlri
interested in, and we would ask that
everyone take an interest and forward
suoh address to W. H. Hurlburt, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co..
Portland, oi.
Oscar So'un'er. the newly appointed
took inspector, has his neoessary re-
oeipt books and blanks in the hands nf
Local Notes.
Subscriptions to tbs Gazette are now
due. Please call and settle.
Don't miss tbe Relief Corps social
Saturday night at tbe opera bonse.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defects of the eye, will be here
ever? three months. 648-lyr
Don't overlook tbe Morrow County
Land and Trust Co. in disposing of your
beef hides and sheep pelts. 5-2
TK. T.; U J l .
uo uiuu uiuuu 01 ijuih are tne oest in
quality and cheapest in prioe. Sold ex
clusively by Brown & Hughes.
Elegant lines of new milliner re
oeived by Heppnet'u milliners Bbould
not be overlooked by tbe ladies.
Miuor&Oo. haye filled their spaoe
this week with borgains in spring goods.
Read the same and save money.
Conner & Warren, the druggists, now
await their new show cases, which will
prove a new attraction to their rear
ranged store.
Stop that cough! Toke warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tie of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Oonser & Warreo. t
Karl's Ciover Root Tea, for Constipa
uon u s me oest and if after using it
you don't say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conser
Warren. x
Uatarrn oured. A clear head and
sweet breath secured with Shilob
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee
Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser
Warren x
vvm. Walbndge now occupies tbe
ranoh on Hinton creek, formerly oocu
pied by N. O. Maris. John Q. Wilson
the owners, is still iu Heppner enjoying
our climate.
Mr. Flesher announces that Evange-
lists Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Salem.
Oregon, will oonduct the services at tbe
Methodist Episoopal church next Sun
day. Come everybody.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures
headaches, Nervousness, Eruptions on
the faoe, and makes tbe bead as dear as
B bell. Sold by Conser & Warren, x
Tbe University of Oregon has just
published a "Semi Centennial History of
of Oregon," in pamphlet form, edited by
F. G. Young, which is on sale at 25 cent!1,
and will be intensely interesting to all.
Kev. Flesher bas kindly consented to
preaoh Friday night, at the Baptist
cbnroh, a preparatory sermon. Hear
him, sure. Service also on Saturday
evening al tbe same place at 7 o'clock.
"The Fair" will soon occupy the ad
joining room, from which has been re
moved tbe banking furniture. A fine
, line of gents' clothing and furnishing
goodti will be placed on exhibition there.
Two marriage lioenees were issued by
County Clerk Crawford Wednesday.
One to Fred Book and Miss Mary Neil,
of tbia place, and tbe other to Benjamin
Stanton and Edith Allen, of Eight Mile.
Sbiloh's Consumption Cure oarea
where others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and no home should be
without it. Pleasent to take and goes
rieot to the spot. 8old by Couser &
Warren. x
ToPnnoett Bros , of 625 Minion 8'.,
San Francisco, the Gvzette e fflce is in
debt for a new mo of Oregon, thrtroneh
ly op to date, with the boundary line
of WbeIer county, organized by the
last legislature.
Services next Sunday at tbe Baptist
church both at 11 a. m. and 730 p. m.
League at 6:45 p. m , Mrs. Jones, leader.
From Monday night nntil Sitnrday
night the revial nervier will h heH at
th Christian church, twic drtilv, R-
C. M. White came over from Condon Tuesday,
T. J. Allen, of lone, paid Heppner a visit this
Professor G. M. Paul is now at Moro, Sherman
Benj. Parker, of Parker's mill, was iu town on
C. D. Richardson, of Lone Bock, visited our
city this week.
Mrs. Broswell and daughters, of La Grande,
are visiting Mrs. Wall.
John Fleming, a big Montana stockman
in town exploring the field.
E. B. Stanton and wife, of Eight Mile, paid
neppner a visit Wednesday.
Miss Alice Glasscock went to Blalock last Sat
urday to take charge of a school.
Tom Matthews, the prominent Butter creek
sheep man, was in town yesterday on business.
Mike Kenny, the prosperous sheepman from
Sand Hollow, paid the (iazette office a viBit this
C. A. Terry, representative of the Oreiron
Short Line, was here on business the first of the
Miss Bertha Jones left on Monday morning
train for The Dalles, where she will attend
C. 8. Emery, of Hardman, came In this week,
He reports an apparent break-up of winter In
mat section.
i. J. Cillman ig having a very serious time
with ailments following the la grippe, but
slowly Improving.
Mrs. Ethel 8mith (nee Hamilton) is again at
ner post of duty, relieving Mrs. Hick Mathews
Monday morning.
Jay Bowerman, a young attorney of Salem,
former schoolmate of Attorney Charlton, is In
Heppner on a visit.
Herb Bartholomew returned from his sheep
camp early this week with more lambs In sight
tnan he "ever saw before."
Asa inompson, the enterprising stockman
from the boundary line of Umatilla county.
spent several days in town this week.
L. J. Shaner, of Hardman, was in town Tues
day on bussiness connected with the estate of
Simon Shaner, and gave this office a call.
Mrs. Pry Wilson, accompanied by her daugh.
ter, Miss Ep, arrived in Heppner Monday and
proceeded to Portland on Tuesday morning's
train, tor health consideration.
Mrs. Ida Turner, of Sand Hollow, was taken
to Portland on Inst Saturday's train to undergo
a surgical operation. It is to be hoped that she
win experience a speedy recovery.
Ora Adkins, we are glad to report, as gradu
ally Improving from his serious spell of sick
ness, and his many anxious friends are await
ing his advent among them once again.
Orin A. Brians returned last week from Port-
3Plaoe to
land, where he bas been in attendance at the
the Gflaafe job printer, nnd is assuming Portlan1 Business College since last November.
the responsibilities of his offir in a hna
inesa-like manner. Mr. Sohafer willL . 8 " and that Henr
jnK(1; 1 ,. ., , v,uiuot, returned irora a visit in Portland with
-M..r.DD uuve iuu uoue.i support of the her mother, Tuesday night, accompanied by
Stockmen of onr coouly.as tbe scab evil M'ssNeale.whoisnowMrs.Bock. Wewelcome
muvt bs kept down. He has shown wis- their return-
Mies Cora Hart came in from Mccarty's dis
trict with W. G. McCarty Saturday to spend the
day. Mies Hart Is very much pleased with her
school, as well as the people of her district, and
anticipates a very pleasant experience.
Mr. L. W. Hill, of Sand Hollow, wrr In tnwn
domin tbe selection on of his deputies,
aa tney are men wucse sheep mterests
will inspire prompt aotion on their part.
Tbe Women's Rolief Corps of Hepposr
is to give a basket or or social at the
opera house on next Saturduy evenina Saturday on business, and informs us thatM. J,
March 2Uh M,. R(k 1 J"Jveu'u. Devin is enjoying the measles, which he over
Muroh tb. Mrs. Bartholomew, secre- looked as a boy. He also reports Mrs. Sailing
uo uurpa, luiorms us mat all the que 111 at ner daughter's. Mrs. Morgan.
ladies of the oily are oordially invited to Ph Cohen returned with his wife from Port,
attend, and are expected to bring baskets lttnd Tue8day Ught. and we are glad to an-
or boxes oontainiue lunch ennnah fr tn uuu"ue a ver marked improvement in Mrs.
Lauies Marts and waists. J. w and finish.
Call for your first selection.
Fine line of
Butchers', Waiters', Barbers
Coats and Aprons
The Latest Eastern Patterns-Nobby
and Bartenders'
Oall and examine them.
A Specialty
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hosiery.
An. Immense Assortment
persona, for which tbe gentlemen are ex
peoted to pny for the privilege of getting
a partner and eating her lunch. A good
time is sura to be hard, and there should
be a largo attendance.
A Beuedlck-Miss I. M. Higsbee the Happy
, Bride.
A genuine greeting was extended
Robt. Eynd on his return from bis borne
trip to Scotland Monday, by Heppnerites
enmags. While it was generally sur
mised that Bob ended his career of "sin-
gle blessedness" among tbe Morrow
oounty hills on his departure a few
months since, but few realized that Miss
Cohen's condition. Mr. Cohen feels thoroughly
satisfied with the result of the treatment at the
Councilman E. W. Khea left on Wednesday
morning's train for Portland, where he will
Join his wife, and return home with her and his
son the last of the week. Attired in his fash
ionable spring suit he will doubtless precipitate
a deluge.
Rev. Green was escorted to the train Saturday
morning Dy Keverends Flesher and St. Clair,
en route to Walla Walla to take charge of the
soutn m. E. church there. Recently Kev. Green
has been devoting his attention to revival work
with decided succesB.
Mis. Dr. Vaughan returned this week from a
Willamette valley visit She spent several
weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. M.
Jones, in the city of Salem. While she enjoyed
her visit very much, she feels that Heppner is
her preference for a home.
Mrs. K. L. Estes, accompanied by her mother.
returned from Portland last week, where she
aigabee, the estimable lady teacher of
Heppner juveniles last year, bad wrought spent 80lne t,me "electing stock and study
havoo with tbe "reveries of a hanhnlnr " lUB ' ovel """mery lines to meet the
.... SDr
and that she was to return here in full
novel millinery lines
spring trade. While there she engaged the ser
vices 01 Miss Bertha Prior it trlmmo. f. 17.1
oontrol of the promising representative entine& Goldsmith's wholesale millinervhniiB
of Eastern Oregon. They were married of PortlanJ who will remain with her during
atEvanston, Wyoming, on March 15th J Dusy Beason, aiding her in the introduction
L. .. . 1JtD- of her exceptionally pleasing styles.
ouu, reHoning rortiand, made prepare
tion for a pleasant sojourn in the lively
metropolis, whioh anticipation was dis
pelled by a telegram 8atorday. sent by
Mr. Ed Bishop, announcing bis hurried
departure for the bedside of his sick
Bold to W. O. and Art Minor for 17,000 on
Saturday, March 11th.
At tha nnnnt. 1 iu- 1 ,11
partner, Allen Evans, necessitating Mr. the Nela Jon ' '
jyf fT I ----- nnq DUIU VJ
Mrs. UVDa tha Mlnnr hmthara - 7 nn ri
remained in Portland, awaiting tbe re- tht , m T
turn of her husband later durina the i-a -'- "w oouo.y i
uuouauu iaier ounng me solid men would be amb t on. for thi.
Drizn. hnt in nnnnaittnn t.n Ka n
Heppner to swell the U paPnBa,r,rih th
of our town as oermanent firt- L.j i.?,,- v. . '
, . ' , . " 4"' oioaing at ?o,70U. An in-
II anil ftliihHri a! kAiL I . . .
debtedness of 84,500 for taxes and school
week, end at the oonolusionof their visit
they will reach
ures. Ihe many friends of hnth mi
lously await an opportunity to tender
them congratulations beooming tbe es
teem io which they are held.
The Well Known Sheepman Sncenmln to
Last Friday Ed Bishop received a tel-
gram from Baker City that bis pnrtner,
Al Evan?, was in a oritiotfl condition
with pneumonia, tbe resnlt of exnosnro
oaring for the shetp while afflioted
with la giippe. He took Saturday
morning's train, but arrived there after
after his death, which ooonrred 8ondiy
at noon. Mr. Bishop at once began ar
rangements for the return of his remains
to Heppuer, and arrived with them Tues-
day night. The funeral took place the
following afternoon, under the auspices
of tbe Masonic lodge, of which be was an
honored member. Mr. Evans was held
high esteem by the entire oommunity,
who extend their sympathy to bis family.
ianas, tne Minors will also have to
assume. Tbe intention of the
owners is to pot it in proper shape for
successful etook raising. Their plana
are not definitely settled upon, but it is
safe to predict that it will ba handled
successfully by these experienced men.
The selling prioe will pay something
leas than 50 per cent of tbe indebtedness
of the estate.
Fry's Bqulrrel roioa
Is a raoid and reliable ccit destroyer.
K A. Newton. Ashlaod. Oregon, unva-
Fry's ednirrel poisoo ha not onlv
. i proven aediictive aod deadiv to Mrtirralu
Hanson., the fire bapt-zd preacher do-! but to the rabbits and rrstifernos tkonk
icg the preaching. Weloome. as well. For sale by Slocum Drag Co.
Spring Op ninis of Millinery.
Mrs L. J. Estes has just returned
from Portland with an immecse tock of
tbe latest novelties in millinery and will
bave her ppricg opening from Wennes
day to Friday t.f tut week. Sbeseoored
tbe rrviof of Mios Fnr, mho comes
highly recommended by Messrs. Valrn
tioe & Goldsmith. of Portland, where she
has trimmed for severnl seasons.
i tea m. bock, of Heppner, to Miss ary
Neaie, of Portland.
liHsl evemog, at the residence of tbe
Gazette editor, in tbe presence of a few
invited friends, Mr. Fred M. Bock was
united in marriage to Miss Mary Neal of
Portland, an estimable yooeg lady, well
known to tbe residents of the East Side
as W. H. Markell'g leading saleslady,
which position she held for nioe oonsco
utlve years. Mr. Bock is also well known
in Portland, hnying been so attaobee oi
nearly all the principal markets of the
metropolis, as well as in business for
bimreif. He returned to Heppner a
few months nine?, after an absence of
one years, at once associating himself
as a partner of B?oj Mathews, of the
Liberty market. Mr. Book enjoys tbe
confidence of Heppner's oommnuity, and
all will uuite in winbing bitn the aoeees
and happiness be is justly entitled to.
Tbe ceremony wag performed by Rev.
Fiegher, of the M. E. etiurob, in bis im
prtive manner, after which refresh
ments -fern nerved. Thone present were
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Benj. Mathews, Mr. and
Mrs. eoriiea Mi-rritt aod Misi Berth
Frier, of Portland.
Returns From Spokane An Enthusiastic Ad
mirer of That Enterprising City.
On Saturday morning's train Henry
Blaokman returned from a few days'
visit in Spokane, and in an interview
expressed himself as well paid for bis
visit. Tbe oity was a turmoil of exoite
ment over tbe reports coming in from
the Slocan, Buffalo Hump, Boundary
Creek and Great Repnblio diatriots. To
him tbe Buffalo Hump seemed of mout
Importance, while mining men were wild
in tbeir estimate of Boundary Creek's
immense deposits. He predicts that
Oinntry on the eve of a great mining
boom. Foreign capitalists were congre
gating at Spokane and in tbeir eagerness
for investment are stirring np looal
capitalists, who have made Spokane
famous the world over for its enterprise,
Mr. Blaokman, in conjunction with
prominent business men of Heppner
bas interests in this promising mining
section, and tbe excitement witnessed
in 8pokane naturally increased bis
The Great Repoblic selling for 83,000
000 demonstrates its value. Over $2,000,
000 of this stock belongs to Spokane,
In addition to Spokane's banking
facilities, she has a United States depos
itory and ber bauk clearance keep ber
prominently before tbe world. Besides
tbe great mining country adjacent, the
Palouse grain belt gives ber support
wnion adds to ber strength. A great
rash is predioted as soon as tbe spring
opens, rivaling that of tbe Klondike,
which means for Spokane prosperity
without a parallel in tbe northwest.
As an honored guest of tbe Elks he
attended a grand reoeption, over wbiob
presided Fredrick Ward, affording him
an evening's enjoyment long to be re
membered. In Spokane, Ihe B. P, O
CI , . . .
users recuguizea toe Dett people on
earth' in its fullest sense.
Spokane bas an ardent admirer
Hon. Henry Blaokman.
naceabees sold by the Pound Bald Heads
to the Front.
Saturday night standing room was at
I premium at the social given in tbe
Odd Fellows' ball by tbe Maocabee
ladies. Tbe novel manner of loosening
the purse-strings of the "gay old boys"
worked to tbe tone of $40, and tbe
hearts' desire of tbe finance committee.
Shoes, new and old, big aod little,
oalf, kid and borse bide, found their
admirers and sold like bot ooro, in an
ticipation of the charms of tbe wearer.
Visions of beautiful girls, sweet smiles
aod bountiful backets brought failing
eye and bald beads to tbeir knees in
Anxious endeavor for the best of a
Hands off and no recourse were tbe
listressing terms of tbe sale. Snipioioo
larked io tbe minds of tbe members of
tbe ' ways aod means" oommitts
draper young fellows bid in tbeir prizes
without the least imaginable concern,
wDiia ins ueiayea disorganization of
those whose years, dignity and position
a society should have prevented from
prostrating themselves, enlisted their
Potato! Potatoes I
We want more potatoes bring all yon
cso spare. Highest market price.
Minos Jk Co.
mey appeared at the Christian Church on
Friday Evenlnic.
Yes, the boys are baok from Manila,
and on Friday evening they appeared at
the Christian ohurob in this oity in foroe.
Everybody was glad to see them and to
know that their long journey bad been
frooght with no mishaps, aud that all
the boys returned in good health and
spirits and that there bad been no loss in
tbe oompany. The company was under
the obarge of Captain Thompson, and be
seemed to have tbe soldier boys in band
io good Bhape, and they obeyed bis or
ders well. Now, ibis all represents one
of the features of tbe entertainment given
t tbe church on Friday evenins. under
toe auspices of the Heppner W. O. T. U,
in meir (Sunday sohool rally. The pro
gram consisted of reoitatiooe. boobs, an
addresses by Pastors St. Clair aod Flesh
er, in whioh was brought to tbs minds of
the ohildrbn in very striking language,
nd illustration tbe great evils arising
irom me annk habit, both tbese preach
ers being enthusiastic and foroef ul speak
ers along the line of temperance,
oeauurui recitation on tbe "Amnrinan
Flag" was delivered by Miss Driskell, and
several Deaotirol songs were rendered by
tbe little boys and girla, for which tbev
reoeived a round of applause from tbe
audienoe, and Mrs. O. Charlton rendered
aoonple of beautiful solos with organ
aooompaniment. The entertainment was
under the direction and srjBervision of
Mrs. McJNsy, assisted by Mrs. Charlton
ana me results of tbe entertainment
show that no paios were spared to make
II a oomplete success.
me Manila boys opened and olnaerl
the entertainment by maroh and drill.
and, while some of them looked as
though tbey had belonged to tho awk
wuru equao, and bad passed tbrouab
some pretty olose skirmishes with tha
niipmos, yet they were able to tak.
tbeir part in a very aoceptable way. and
promise, as tbey grow older and ad van,..
in tbe manual of military taction. In
buuw ua a more perfect drill sometime in
the future. Jesse Berkley, one of tbe
boys, seemed to be tbe only one who had
suffered from tbeefieots of tbe campaign,
and his reoitation cam io in a very fit
ting manner, indeed, as be ooold, with
great deal of reality, represent tha ml.
dier wbo bad retnrned from tha war
minus a leg. We hope tha bovn m.
oall on ns again, and above all may they
ever remember some of Ihe important
essons impressed npoo them at Friday
evening's entertainment.
The Cuttinq Remarks made by our competitors are
inspired by jealousy at the re
markable cutting qualities of
the fine line of cutlery lately
received by
Oprlng Millinery.
Miss Altba Leaob wishes to annonnn.
to ber patrons that ber complete line of
onng millinery bas arrived. In 0,ri,
loproourean extensive variety .h. h.
purobased ber goods from Robinmn a
Slranss.New York; Engiehard A David-
son, Ht. Joseoh. Mn . mA n.,n.. .
Sohutze, of San Francisoo, besides add
ing a yariety from leadioir hon.. in p..
land. These fine lines oomprise goods
al all prices, and at ber opening an ele
gant display will be made. While in
Portland sbe engaged the semoes of a
leading fashionable milliner. Miss Grills
wbo is oow with ber. Tbe opening days
h .ve been deoided upon aa next Tuesday
and Wednesday,
Taz Weekly Gazette only 11.50.
three-piece carviDff set. of
guaranteed quality, at 11.25 per net.
The largest and beBt assortment of
scissors and shears ever shown in
Heppner, with pocket knives, butcher
knives:, hrpnrl n-n 1T7AO raniMi I J
and hay knives constantly in stock. '
Held In
Mis Opera House Last Thursday
Aboot twenty promising members of
tne athletic Club assembled in tbe opera
oouse io discuss the practicability of or
ganizatioo. Every consideration of im
portance was thoroughly disoussed, eaob
cne present seemingly intent upon its
s access.
Bert Phelps, as president, called the
meeting together, with O. Merritl aa sec
retary. The signatures of 60 were ore-
seoted with an assurance from tbe solic
iting oommltlee Ibat tbe list oould be
iooreased to 75, at least.
A committee of three, composed of W.
W. Smead, E. L. Freeiand and Frank
Lee were appointed to obtain definite
information as to entire cost of organiza
tion and equipment, and submit a writ
ten estimate at a future called meetinir,
many were tbe important suggestions
made by tbose present, thus enabling
inose desirous of membership to under
stand at tbe commencement tbe res Don
sibilities to be assumed la joining the
This move on tbe part of tbe vounjr
men is neaitily approved by tbe oltizeni
io general, and will lead to wholesome
exercise and entertainment beneficial to
Iheir mental as well as to their physical
welfare, and it is to be hoped that the
organization will be perfeoted al an
Mrs. Dr. Uarnsey
Is now permanently located in Hepp
ner, wnere sbe can be fonnd. Her
medicines oureall obronio diseases, such
aa deafness, catarrh, bronchial troubles.
lung diseases, rheumatism. lrlln
trouble, liver trouble, blood poisoning.
Any disease baffling Ihe skill of physi
cians yield nnder Ihe influence of ber
simple remedies. 12-tf
-Jjt aaanrr)" mm-.mum tuv oar
v w 11 cultivation rhmu on tnmnor
P-W awMwIi always) Uritttly mc! tb 1
C'lf ortif in&l Aat at that auuwla tn 1
cultivation wnt(l on Inferior
oritfmftl ont of ihm bawt ftutdi to
t, had. TtbMt la alwj tb
cfaMiMM. t'ajr iritl mor (off
war roar mna'a
worth. Fin umim pw par
vsrrwnere. AtwmylH
pent. mMlAiiiiuai rrw.
It.M. rt.HHY ID,
Smead & Co.
Have just received a
fresh line of
Turkish Nougets,
Japanese Caramels,
Creams, Etc.
Fruits and Vegetables
Cigars and Tobaccos
Don't overlook us when you want
something nice.
Agents for the Oregonlan and Telegram.
Candy Factory
Toe Popular Resort
Fresh Candies
and kept con
stantly on hand.
Oyster Grotto
Kept open night and dsy.
Hart Bros. xwwv
Proprietors. SS
Have loo Any Potato to Sparer
If so, we wanl them. Will .nn. ....
the highest market prioe. Bring them
I hereby make Ihe the folio wino an-
pointmeots of deputy atook inspectors
for Morrow oonnly: Heppner preoioot,
Wm. Hughes j lone Preoinot, J. P. Khea
Lena precinct. J. I.. Ai
22-8 1 Oscar Bdhiveb.
Stock Insprelor.