The Gazette. Thursday, March 23, 1899. The Walla Walla Statesman is sues, under date of March 4 th, an elegantly printed half-tone edition, illustrating the resources of that section of the thriving Northwest. The business firm, have come lib erally to its support and are re warded with a publication that will draw attention from all over tht country to their famous grain belt In Many Respects Tbe National Editorial Associa tion of the United States meets in Portland in July, of this year. Extensive preparations are being made to give the visitors a grand i : 4.: r.rl Via ana expense lrooFUUu MU J. n Prr aw. tt.RttA librarian. T. il 3 . I ' ' city oi roruauu bk.. hag heM uion fof tfae t a greai aiuuum ui. u,csv,iU , , . . nnmmodtir.c manners has given excellent satis. General Eeooke. military gov- faction to the patrons ot tne state ernor of Cuba, and General Otis, library. The last legislature or military governor of the Philip- dered the upper part of the ball of pines, have each been authorized representatives to be maae into a I i i ...ill l- I7A 4 to enlist a battalion of natives for uorary room wnicn wm oe iu wide bv 100 feet long. Tbe state it wlHft to trv the esDeriment. The library now contains aa,wu vol ' I ..... 1 1 L nffinftra will, of course, be Amer- nmes and tne state spends aooui $1,500 a year for new books, The tendency is toward the Ready, or Tailor Made In Ladies' Dress Goods, etc! We have anticipated the turn and made our selec tions in Spring Goods with .this view in mind. We have opened up a beautiful line of Ladies' Skirts, Waists and Suits. mained at his post from choice, and because he desired to complete the work in which he is engaged. This is strictly official. niRHPii. PunrririiiNfJS. The navy department nas no in formation that Admiral Dewey S First Meeting of tbe Newly-Elected Council- Wlth is in a Dreoarious condition, 'Ben months ago Admiral Dewey was Monday evemo toe cunna n. . i. u i i regular session, wisn uiayur uuura given leave WWuUuu.u.M 8fad 0oUDcilmen 08rrjgue., he desired to, and he has since re- Nobe. Rasmrjs. Rhea. Roberti and Simons present. After reading sod approval of previous minutes, tbe following standing oommit teea were appointed by Mayor (Jonaer Ways and Means Simons, Rhea and Rasmus. Health and Polioe Qarrigues, Rasmus and Simons Finanoe Noble, Roberts and Qarri gaea Election Rhea, Simons and Roberta. Streets and Pnblio Property Garri gues, Rbea and Roberta. Ordinance Rasmus, Roberta and No ble, Lioense Garriguea, Noble and Rob erta. Petition of G. M. Olmrltoa to be ap pointed city attorney, ordered placed on file. Petition of Mollie Reed for liquor Tailor made suits in dark brown and blue serge, bell shaped skirt, ined with percaline and bound around bottom with velveteen; the acket is half tight fitting with rounded corners and velvet collar Ladies' Skirts, the latest styles in crash, linen, serge, worsted and silk T?i Geeb. a cousin to Governor Geer, has been appointed state land agent. It now transpires that tbe office of land agent pays a fat salary for little work, because of a slight addition to the printed bill which passed the legislature creat- ing the oince. uy tne aauiuon vi a semicolon in the enrolled bill, Bi Geer will receive fl,00 a year, which was not intended by the leg islature. It is not known who added the very valuable semicolon, lense presented and granted but Bi Geer will receive the benefit Petition of Wm. Reed for liquor of it and the people who contribute "cense presented and referred o lioense lu. i tU .nffnMB lOommHiee, 10 uo reyurveu uu uca. meeting. Oregonian. Bills bb follows were presented, and on motion, warrants were drawn for the Now that General Lawton and amounts: J. P. Williams, 83.15; Conser V,n infnrBmnt Vip. narrifid with Warren, aa oems . . , . . .. , Reports of city treasurer end reoorder. n'.m nave muU wumi vuo, .Bpnmni(m,1ar.jn on flommit- Manila, decisive results are looked te6i were approyed. for in the campaign against the lil- The city marshul was authorized to initios. In late dispatches Ganeral enforoe the cleaning of streets, side and Otis sins he has information that tbe whippings already adminis tered have made the rank and file baok yards, and also instructed to in speot flues. Ordinauoe No G6, pertaining to organ ization of the fire department, was read aeoond and third time, and, on motion adopted. Couuoilman J. R. Simons, in consider ation of tbe honor due him aa serving longest in ooanoil and as an ex mayor waa appointed by Mayor Oonser as tbe obairman of tbe meetings in the absence $6.00 $1.00 to $6.50 A magnificent line of silk waists . i . . i i i . j m tne latest snaaes, aesigns aim styles - - - - In Shirt Waists we have a very large assortment. They are this season s styles and colors . You will find a clean fresh stock, lhere s not one out-of-date waist in it. Prices We have about 50 different waist patterns in silk 4 yards to each pattern no two alike; beautiful de signs for silk waists. Price per pattern $6.00 to $8.00 50c to $2.00 $3.00 to $5 00 Agents for the Butterick Patterns and the Famous Queen Quality $3.00 Shoes for women Minor & Co. Heppner Oregon. if SPRING GOODS Arc oovj in Comprising Fine Lines of Summer Dress Goods Laces of all kinds Dr ess Skirts, Ladies' Wraps, Calicos UNDERWEAR Percales, Ducks, Crashes and Linens :Sliirt VToists, Sill Capesi Tailor-Made Suits To arrive from the East in a few days GENTS' DEPARTMENT SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS The famous '.'Ideal" brand the nobbiest line made. Hats Shoes Nobby Derbys and Felts Crash and Light Wool. The guaranteed Kelley-Goodfellow Brands. GROCERIES The Choicest and most Complete Line in the City.... We Buy As cheap as goods can be sold. None buy cheaper. Before You Buy Call and examine our goods and inquire our prices. of the Filipinos anxious to give up, and tbat it is all their leaders can do to keep them in the field. As the campaign against them is likely to consist largely of bush fighting, General Law ton's extensive expe- rinnnn in Indian fighting will make of himself, u: :..i.,Ki Tha anA nf rnun Uuder tbe head of miscellaneous bos H l 111 liJ V (LI UIVU1U. mw T 1 . t .t I - I t-vrr ma of the names given Mm vy noBtne oommittee. Indians in the West some yeHrs Ran Man-who-cets-up-and-nchts- thk writing class. f1( The war department nas not requireu . . i :i. i i Ueneral Utis 10 suomu uib piaux L..t week ologe(1 tb Beoood term of for the campaign against the bMl rrofeesor Paul' wntiDg scbool, aod the ipinos, believing it to be better to development of bis papila is worthy of l,;m fra.lmn.l tn flftrrv out oreaimoie menuon. 10 uouniy caper- .... t iDtendeot Bhipley sod the Gazette editor luecampaigu iu u. Wwu - ,B fe) regpongjbjljty of detr. lug exaotly as lie may tnins Desi; 10 in, who honld be entjtied to &n scatter Aguinaldo's forces and, if consideration io hBV.D mode the most D08sibl to capture tbat slippery progress in the art daring tbe term. v i The specimen sheols were eorutin ed individual. I , .....!.....,..,,. lime hdu ngiiiu ueiure iuo juuob uubhj Brrived at tbo eume couulasion. and had IN a statement just made public there been several priaee instead of one . t 1. 1 .1 J.S COncerniUR tlie WOrK OI me lasi mey oonia nave oeeo jusuy awaruBu. ooncross, Chairman CaouoD, of the A' WftS Bie Satton, whose number 1 Anmmittaa I uu-.. - f U0UBH PP'i""D winner, with Martin Anderson eeconrf gives a more cietanea siaiemeui oi Ml9g Mftty LHIler WM tuere( diapulinst the appropriations made than was ta professor for honors, and, as wa said possible for him to mak earlier, before, she must eoon adopt the profea un,lOHvB- 'T)urin? the whole of !" Charles Horner, El Sutton and lift four vears covered by Mr, Cleveland's second administration, the material and industrial condi tion of the country was calamitous, and its contemplation does not bring satisfation to any American citizen. But the fifty-fifth con gress, beginning with the adminis tration of Wm. MoKinley aud promptly called in extraordinary session, as promptly enacted legis lation which has yielded the addi tional revenues needed to pay the ordinary expenses of the govern ment, and has at the same time protected American labor. With the euaclmont of that legislation, hope aud confidence struok hands and the condition of the whole country improved, and has contin ued to improve from that time to the present Labor is now uni versally employed with increased wages, and with such employment the meaus are supplied for in creased consumption. The vast increase of the navy, and the crea tion of an army of a quarter of a million men, together with the in crease of taxation, have not iu any appreciable degree checked our industrial advance, which began cp-incidentally with the incoming of the present administration aud the fifty-fifth conRress," Forrest Uyraua made efforts worthy of prizes. Now. tbat the profeeaor has left bis pnpils to their own efforts, tbey have only to keep up their practice to btoome expert writers, aod tbeir improvement will prove a fascination for them. A BAD PKKACHER. iter. Hairix Kluues From Albany With a fcllly Young Woman. Rev. Harris has Bed from Albany, Linn county, with Miss Lear, a pretty 15 year old girl. His description has been telegraphed to tbe police. He is 3D years old, five feet sii inches in height, weighs 150 ponnds, has black bair and mustache, his left hand ia out otf at the wrist, and ha wears an arti ficial baud covered most of the lime with a glove. Tbe young lady belongs to a highly reaped ed family. Tbe olergyman't saored office admitted him freely to her preaenoe, and do suspicion to tbe truth leaked out until tbe two were missed. Ho far aa known he has not eveu giveo his victim tbe name of wife. He is very good looking and seems to have com pletely bypuotii d theynnng woman. Descriptions telegraphed to the police iu all the onnat cities have failed to locate bim. The people of Albany are aid to be greately inoensed at the action of the mimelttr. Kxohange. GENTS' SPRING and SUMMER Tailojc Made Stylish and Serviceable At lowest prices ever offered in Heppner on goods pfj! the same quality. Youths' Suits All the latest styles Call and examine them Ages from 2 to 8 years 2-piece suits 90c. All-wool suite from $2.00 to $5.00 According to trimmings. Men's Servicable Suits-sizes 36 to 44 " All-wool blue, black and brown cheviot, good weight " " " imported clay worsted former price $12.00, now only only $3.00 5.00 8.00 rown & Hughes, Heppner9 A Frightful Blunder Willoftetu cause a horrible buru.soa'd, out or bruise. Huoklln's Arnica Salve, the best io the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever soree, nloera, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptiouH. Beet pile cure on earth. Only 25o a box. Cure guaran teed. Bold by Hlocom Drag Co, FINS C1TV ITEMS. From our regular correspondent. The bleat of the young lamba is fre quently beard. Farmers of this locality are behind with tbeir spring work. John Qaiuer, of this vioioity, made a flying visit to lower Butter oreek last Bundsy. J. L. Howard has been nursing a felon for some little time. Rev. Marlatt'a discourse on "The Pur pose of True Salvation" was delivered to a large and attentive audience at the U. B. ohnrch on the 12th. Harry Bartholomew, the road super visor, should get a onrve on himself and fix the Batter oreek bridge. H. W. Bartholomew was out on Sand Hollow looking after his sheep recently. Died, at bis borne near Galloway, March 12, Beojaim Pierson. The family have the sympathy of the entire oom mnoity. Chamberlalu's t'ouith Remedy. This remedy ia intended eepeoially for ooogha, colds, croup, whooping oougb and iotlnet a. It has become fatuous for Ite ourea of these diseases, over a large part of the civili?d world. Tbe most flattering tuetirooniiila have been received, giving accounts of its good works; of tbe aggravating and pereiateot ooughs it hae oureJ ; of revere colds tbat bave yielded promptly to its soothing effects, aud of tbe dangeroua attacks of croup it has cnrel, of'en saving tbe life cf the child. Tbe txieisiva ue of it for whooping congli baa shown thht it robs liat diset ee of all dangerous noueeqaen ce. Bold by Couser & Warren. P. 0. B0RG, The JEWELER Is Offering Watches And the finest Jewelry at very low prices. Repairing a Specialty. Dr. Barthlow's p..,,,..,, WHITE PINE 2?e5SBC COUGH SYRUP Hoaraenesa, Sor Throat, Bronchitia. Dr. Barthlow's CANTON DISC 1 HARROW. J- CANTON . Acknowledged the fuperior of all makei. The easi est handled, lightest draft, most durable and turn th soil perfectly. Can be adjusted to work on side hills, .. . , , , i-u. nave uusi pruoi nun oanas ana is ail steel, which makes it ery strong and durable, many points of superiority over all others. Made in all 2. .'""Pjf :.,n ion and has less parts to wear siies with STEEL or CHILLED bottoms and Riding man any Uisc made. The chdled journal bearings are Attachment. Compare them with others and see them Mltirelv rtnet nwF snrl l, ...iu i . j t i : -a ..... m . . . tel. T Z 7. "I "i'"'Ji. "" u """""" "u auy wmoa- Manutactured by The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise out of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them selves to dead furrows or low places in rough ground. A trial will convince you thai the Canton is without an equal. Manufactured by PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. CANTON Stubble Plows CANTON "U" BAR LEVER v HARROWS Th beat Nirv Tonio and Blood Purifier CELERY KOLA Conser & Warren, Heppner. Or., Who carry a complete line of Drugs, Chomica, Taints, Oils and 01 hps Are tne Dest because thnr at. m.rf a. Wu. m.j . ... .... and ate durable 1 h. tV.h .j" . .""" wooa or steel beams In aJl s ses. Mold, ana are auraoie in teeth can be adiusted as ta Share .nH 1 .aiut.;4 i. . t . PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON ILLINOIS ,uauM made perfectly m ii soils. Io. ky PiElIS I OEBDOWf f 0, Cuta. mk Farm Implements, Gram and Feed. Studebaker Wagons, S. P. 6arrigues.