v$K&iMa&HV - - ., - - ....... . Schillings est tea sold only in Packages WPITOJtLEIIEB. News of Importance to Oregon Wamhlnoton'a Climte--Hrmnn, Work in Securing Oregon1 River nd Harbor Approprletlone--Senator MoBride's Infill enoe In Our Behalf. (Special Correspondence to the Gazette.) Washington, D. 0.. March 7, 1899. Thii mornins a fleroe blizzard struck as and the world ia Greenland, with howl Ina winds and fleroe blasts, and snow and ioe Maroh at its very worst. II is imolv awful 1 All the wioter baa beeD o .nnnxaainn nf blizzard), while Boreas haa haso at times band in hand witb Jupiter Pluvius, and at other and sun a time with old ArctnrDUs. It has been a winter to tell of in days to oome Eveu as I write the winds are howling funeral dirges and playing "faDtastio ,int in mult a the ansels weep." For the year past Washington bas not been the oity we have read of, on the normal average, but bas set nature's rules and laws at deflanoe, playing the very mis ohief witb its semi-tropical reputation. We bave beard, in tbe past, of the splendid work Binger Hermann bas done when in congress, seouring river and harbor appropriations for Oregon. It in true that Hermann deserves all ibeoredit that has ever been aooorded him J that when in oongress be boilt himself np Id the good will and respeot of bis ool leagues, so was able to aooomplish great results. Onr fiht has nsually been made in the house, and, very fortunately for Oregon, Hermann was on the most important committee, as well as near the bead of that; so bad evtry advantage for doing work. But at the recent session we bad no member on the rivers and harbors oom mittee, for Mr. Tongue had not served long enough to oommand snob a posi tion. Despite all his strenuous efforts and protests, the rivers and harbors oom mittee practically iguored Oregon, so his able Bhowing of valid finite produoed no results. All tbo house allowed was Til lamook, $17,000; loAer Willamette and Columbia, 8100,000; below Goquille Citv. J23.000: upper Goquille, 86.000, making a totul of $148,000. WorBtof all, tbey wanted to repeal the aots by which work was to be contracted for Yaqnina, to oomplete that harbor at a cost of a million dollars, and also that for similar aotion at The Dalles for oom- nletion of the boat railway. This was r like adding insult to injury. Here was a pitiful outcome for ont-of the-way Oregon 1 The only reooaree was to see what the senate could and would do in our behalf. To most congressional workers it would have seemed fearful odds, when the bouse was so bent on ignoring Oregon. . But our state bad a ohampiop and., we have proof of the an cieut apboriBm : "Tbe hour always baa its man." Senator . George W. McBrtde had aniotlv worked bis way among his brother senators to aeqnire influence and make friends. He bas geniality and possesses tact as well as business quali ties, that, combined, make a senator strong by winning friends. Tbey bave discovered that be is a modest man, while firm in claiming what be considers right; tbey also respeot bis devotion to bis slate; all tbe more beoauae, until of late, he bad do oolleague to help his work for Oregon. Wbeu tbe sadly emasculated bouse bill found its way into the senate, Mr MoBride bad one strong advantage for be was a member of the senate oonmiit tee ou oommerce. that corresponds with tbe house oommittee on rivers and bar bora. Tbere be had room to work, aud did work, witb so rouob taol that the senate oommittee left no single feature of tbe bouse bill as the bouse committee bad framed it. The entire bill was changed; and, by the by, it was playing a tremendous bluff ou tbe house to de maud that every feature of their action as lo Oregon should be amended bo ut terly. It took on beroio proportions for a single man to attempt so rouob. The entire bill was changed its re pealing clauses as to Yaquioa bay aud The Dalles boat railway were struck out aud all the bouse figures were increased in respect to every appropriation made, Aa amended by the seuate, Oregon items stood witb fl!)5,000 added to what the bouse bad passed. Of ooursa, this disscreement called for a oommittee el conference. Ho well had Mr. MoBride impressed the senate, and its committee on couimeroe, that tbere were very strong prepossession in his favor. And so well bad be prepared bisoaee that the senate ooofereee, of whom he was unfor tunately ool one, bad in hand separate briefs, prepared by him, that oovered fully every diepoted point. 8o, as fast as these were called np for aotion, some senate oonferee would have the brief read is to Ibat peoial item; and so well prepared were tbey that tbey won their way witb two exceptions, which were settled on so honorable a compromise tbat tbey were in tbemeelvea victories, for they anulled tbe original bouse ao tion in each case. The boose bad determined lo out down to the fUS.OOO originally aooorded; they meant it every time; bat tbe way the senate stood by oar George was beauti ful to see. Said one of them, as was told me, "Mr. MoBride is a modest man who never intrudes; be wants bis state to have needed recognition; we intend tbat it shall bave it, and Oregon deserves it." And, sure enough, Oregon bae it. It was wonderful pluck on the part of Mr. McBride to grasp so wide a Boope, antagonize tbe imperative boose and win so great a viotoryl In the matter of Yaqnina Bay, tbere was an honorable compromise. It was not to be expected that tbe boose wonld surrender all; it ended by not repealing tbe aot of 1890, empowering to oonlraol for the work at Yaquioa, so tbe original aot stands with tbe 850,000 appropria tion omitted. Provision ia made for aotion by a board of U. fl. engineers, who will deoide if this work la desirable, or they may suggest some other as more desirable. Meantime no work will be done at Yaqnina. "Hope deferred" may "make tbe heart siok," but Yaquioa is nnlv defnrred. aa our delegation will work for it still. As lo the 850,000 lo be expended on the boat railway at Tbe Pallet, this was graoefully yielded by the senate to let tbe boose oonferees down easy. Tbere is left on hand 8210,000 to prosecute the work, soUbere knoib)ng, to worry aboul. The iofluile tact of our senator most probably inoluded these oonoes sions and bad them in view. - ' ' Salem people owe Mr. MoBride tbat tbey are to bave a government bonding tbere. The bill passed the bouse late in tbe afternoon, and was to immediately go to tbe senate, aa, to be effeotive, it must pass before tbo sundry civil bill oame np. Al the very last momeni just as tbe sundry oivil bill wee aboul to be called, this was hurried and by gen eral oonsent, as an appropriation bill was pending, it passed and was then made effeotive br an item added to tbe sundry bill making $50,000 appropriation (or tbe same. Tbe house bill contained no appropriation. The aenate bad an identical bill introduced by Senator Mo Bride. whioh eimulified matters. Then the bill was inoperative without an ap propriation, wbiob was aooompliebad by an amendmeut to the suudry civil bill tbat was just in baud. This emer genoy had been forseen by Senator, Mo Bride and Ibis amendmeut had been in oluded in tbe general amendments for poblio buildings. Tbis amendmeut would not have remained in the sundry oivil bill but for the passage of tbe bouse bill through tbe senate, as the bouse conferees threw out all appropriations for public buildings not authorized by bills paaaed both houses. Within twenty minutes after tbe passage of tbe house bill through tbe satiate, tbe suudry oivil bill, oarrying 850,000 tor tbe Salem building, also paased that body. Tbat was a close oall for Salem, but tbe last days of the session see rxany suou. Senator MoBride was so used up by tbe loss of two nights' sleep, tbat he has bad to get even by taking several days rest. 8. A. Clarkii. ' THEY GO HAND IN HAND. farmers and Manufacturers Traveling the Same Road to Prosperity. New York Commercial. An examination of Amerioao exports for 1898 reveals the fact that for every dollars' worth of American manufac tures rather more than 82 worth of State News Thi re are 170 students" enrolled iu the Moro public schools. Long Creek is to have a number ol fine new buildings this summer. Tax collections in Columbia county for 1S98 already amount to $2,500. Congress Thomas II. Tongue reached Hllls- Amerioan agricultural products found boro Monday from Washington, their way abroad. How long tbie grati- j. M. Shepherd, aged "8 years. a pioneer news fvina proportion will continue it is very paper man, ... bard to guess, in view of the strides Timber Culture Find Proof. TT KITED STATES LAND OFflCE. Notice is hereby given mat Aaani n. has riled notice of his intention to make final proof before Vawter Crawford, county clerk oi Morrow county, Oregon, at ins ornce iunpr (Iruunn rm M llIlflH V F.nR Z, LU UttV Ul HI at v.n, luuu Hmhr ftiitnn) iinnllration No. 2334, for I he south H northeast uorineaai duu and the northwest K nortaeasr, secuuu township 3 soutii, range 28 east. Andrew J. Cook. John W. Waddell and Arthur E. Smith, all of Heppner, Oregon wbiob Amerioao manufacturers are now taking to seonre tbeir full share of for eign trade. But the lead which agricul ture still has in this country over manu facturing is sufficient to promise a long Week. leas of life to American industrial progress along present lines. Time was in our history when the cul tivation of tbe aoil embraced interests ao preponderant that they had but to de mand a certain policy at tbe polls for ll..nr Tornh Bfitz. of Walla Walla, i to build two brick blocks at Pendleton this summer a nan oYnrAM line from Lakcview, Lake county, over the southern route is projected, with flveSiew looms added to their capacity the Union woolen mills started up again last A fund Is being suuscnoeu u, cuu.... athletic track at the Forest Grove Pacific Uni versity, The nroDosItion to bond the city of Arlington was carried last Saturday by an almost unanim ous vote. It is estimated that fully 150 immigrants from that policy to be adopted, no matter how the East have arrived in La Grande during the nHrl rleslrnative it uiltrht prove to past week every other than the agricultural inter- Coroner H. E. Currey. of Baker, received . . .... noma very painful bruises, caused by being est. Under socn, oironmsiaooes uiuu- & buggy faoturiug had pretty nara aieuuiug The Western Tongorlallst a journai deyotcd this Oountry for many years. IN o sooner to he ,ntoreBt of the barbers, by C. W. Benson, bad it lifted its bead and attempted to UfSalem, will begin publication about the 25th flourish as it. should than the agrioul- A mountain lion was killed recently four r.r intfli-flata. conceiving that Ameri- miles from Prairie City, Grant county, which can manufacturers were being encour aged, at tbe expense of the tiller of the soil, obanged the policy of enoourage- measured 7V4 feet from the nose to the tip of the tail. Bids for a two-story stone building, for fra ternal and business purposes, are advertised for meet to manufacturers at home to one of by the Masons and the Odd Fellows of Canyon enoouraaement to manufacturers abroad. City A special committee of The Dalles city council h.. rtonirlort tn order a terra-cotta sewer, to replace the pipes now in UBe over a large por tion of the city. The Prineville city council has granted H r,te. of Hillsboro. a 15 year electric light and Tin. h vaetlv nhanired since then, water franchise, and will Issue bontis to tne amount of tlO.UUU. xneir piaui w.n " uus before the first of AuguBt. leaving tbe smokelsss chimneys of Amer ioao plants as a patbetio monument to tbe flokle patriotism of American farmers and the pitiful shortsightedness of un bridled human selfishness in general. The farmer has learned the value of the adjaoent manufacturing village as a market, and baa come forth fully to realize tbe truth oj Adam Smith's dec laration that the home market is twice as valuable, sale for sale, as the foreign market. On the whole, though availing himself, of the foreign market as an out let for his surplus, tbe farmer boa be oome a sturdy champion of American manufacturing. The reason wby a good lead in agriculture ia necessary to tbe oountrv'B aeneral industrial thrift is FB5T TBBIH SERVICE TO THE EAST VIA BUT R tt sum m Fast Express 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. 1 am Leaves DENVER, FUJSBlAt, " COL-O. BrBlNGB 9:80 p. m. 10S p. m. 8:10 p. m. Arrives 1'OPEKA . Arrives K NBAS CITY 3.55 p- m. )0 p. m. Arrives LIN JOLN , " OMAHA - " DE8 MOINES . PEOISIA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:30 p. m, 11-20 a. m. 8:00 a. in. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS. COPYRICHTS Ao. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly contldentlal. Oldest agency for securing paten in America. We have a WasbiiiKton office. Patents taken throuKb iluuu A Co. receive special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER . . i P- " " COLO. BPR1NQS a P- m Arrive TOPEKA . . 7:30 a. m " RAN.sit I CITY . 9:15 Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. H'y) P- ra Arrives ST. JOSEPH . - 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) : a. m "OMAHA lExBaii) . 8:W a. m " CO.BLUFtS, . . 8.10 a. m Thronsh Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Chioago. wioe w.u finest train in the West. For particulars and folders giving time of these trains write 1 nrnrunisE. E. E. wrutOD, PORTLAND, ORE. Through Sleepers Colorado Springe to St- Louis via Wabash B'y. A. J. P. A.. TOPEKA. JNO. G. SEBASTIAN, P. A., CHICAGO. beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of ny scientific journal, weekly, terms s.uu a year; 1.50 bix mouths, specimen copies and HAKO any sol entitle ftl.50 six mou Book ON Patents seut free. MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. Vji m m m m--u THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast Pi?ro VIA THE MEM! beared ONION PACIFIC 11; If you suffer from any of the f H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR . Of the Old Reliable - Notice of Intention. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Feb. 11, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof-in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on March 24, 1899, viz: JOHN D. CLARK, of Vinson, Oregon, Homestead entry o. MSG for the south southwest H and south M southeast section 21, township 1 south, range 29 E. VV. M He names tne ioiiowmn wimicbbm i ,; ui. nn.,,i..A.,. t.aBifi.i.a iinnn mid cultivation (hat a large agricultural export indicates of Bttid land, viz:- John Moialey, Hugh Koss and . nhtl V. KCOlt. OI VIIIKIIC, vieKuu, nnu iiTiu Wurman, of Heniileton, Oregon. 17-22 K. W. Babtlett, Register. tbat food is oheaper bere than it is at least in tbe oouclries wbiob parohase our food, wbiob are chiefly tbe rjaaoufac tnriuR ooaotries. As long as foreign laborers engaged in manufacture are mr.llo,1 J n.n at IbobI qh rlnarlv for TTN1TED STATES LAND OFFICE, LA K-r -7i..,Jo n, l,Vl,rnrv7. 1 R'l'J. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the commissioner of the SNA KB KIVEIl RAILROAD. Men Are Being Pot On As Fast As Tbey Can Be Secured. Word comes from Huntington tbBt work is progressing rapidly on tbe North west railroad down Soaks river. Men and snppliea are arriving daily aud about 300 men are actively at work al tbe dif terent oarupa, which are aoattered along tbe river for ten miles. Laird's gang comprises about 60 men who are blasting aud doing rook work, while Ortnan k Crook are finishing grades on all tbe available ground before making tbe beavv fills. One mile ot grade ia completed and traok ia being laid on it from Blake s spur, two miles from Huntington, to. a polut below Nagle. Rolling stock Is now on the way and a construction train will be put on at onoe. The survey iug gang is oroes-seetioning Ilikih Point, through wbiob a tunnel ot about 200 feet will be made. 1 This is tbe only tunnel tbat will bave to be made in the entire route, The grade level will be about 20 feet above Snake river'a bigb water mark aud will be kept at this level all tbe way. Tbe i ointraotors state that new camps will be established as fast as meo can be obtained,' as they intend to work 1,000 jut us suou at tbey present themselves their food aa Amerioan laborers in the same pursuits.onr manufacturers cannot complain tbat they are hampered in their struggle for foreign markets by tbe higher oost of provisions here and there oonaequent compulsion on that aonroe to pay higher wages, and thus go handicapped into the foreign market. Just aa long aa manufacturing and agriculture go band in band and agree mutually to enjoy between them tbe great blessings of tbe Amerioao policy of Amerioan markets for American pro ducts, so long will tbe road to American greatness and predominating iufluenoe in the world's affaira be unobstructed. But if either of these great interests be oomes jealous of tbe other and oarnes PUBLIC LAND SALE. uu oi men, come so ino uiucm. Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., 2 h 1051 Market St Est'd 1852. f Vnnnir men and middle m airea men wno are suticrum I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maiurer years, iici um u j.v ikAht I i I-- imniiifnrT.iiiiai, irniiiin aa in allies complications; Xpermatorrliflea, Portland to frqu-nc.T of ITrlnntins;, ee. By combination of remedies, of great curativepow er, the Poctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to i perform miracles, but is weli-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent ill nis spcuuiiy v - - Vvnlill i thoroughly ernnicatea from tne gyatera wlthou t using Mewiiry KVKKY MXS applying to os will re ceiveourftoop(?itonot hismrnplnint. WewiUUuarantee.a t usni va isunn m every cane we undertake, or forjeit One Thousand Dollars. Consultation FREE ana strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat ment personally or by letter. Send for book. 'The Philosophy or marriage, free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT BB. JORDAN'S) Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made: how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOGUE FHEF: Call or write. 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, Cat. THE THROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST BLEErtHB. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Eastern Cities Change. Without Qniek Time. Union Ueiiots. Personally Condnoted Excursion. BaggRge Checked to Destination. i .. r., t Tmnr.Miasissmm and Inter national Exposition held at Umana, jNeDraena, Jane to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables ana other information pertaining to Union Pacific K'jVlOTHKOP, or J. C. H ART Agt. -,' Gen.ABt..lll6 8d8t., -Bi Ni5,. rortiana, wr. uowu., Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. k C, B.A RATES 0B.OO PBH DAT Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8t.,. OIHOAGO Denver & St. Paul B'y O. R. & N. general land office, under authority vested In him by Bection 2-155, 0 8. Hev. 8tnt., as amended by the act of congress approved February 26, W.I5, we will proceed to oiler at public sale on the 27th day of March, ISiiil, at 11 o'clock, a m. of suid day, at this ollice, the following tract of lurid to-wit: The north 4 southeast 4 section 1, township 4 south, range 27 east. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described tract and lands are advlBCd to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement ol said sale, otherwise thuirriglits will be forfeited. E. W. Bauti.ktt, Register, 17-22 J. O, Swaokhambb, Receiver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice at The Dalles, Ore., March 1, 1SU9. Kntna 1a hnrphv irtven that the following- named settler has Hied noticeof his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the I 'ouuty Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, Depart foh 10:00 a. m. TIME SCHEDULES' Front Heppner. Salt Lake Denver, Ft. Worth, omaiia, Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicago, Portland. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, tit. Paul. Duluth. Mil waukee, aud the East. ARBIVS FROM 10:15 p. m. iia Grievance to the noils, an illterDeoioe OU April 15, WJ'i, viz. straggle is likely to result, during whiob tbe wealth, of the great Amerioan market will be dissipated Bmou foreiKn pro ducers. Tb n tbe Amerioan p ople will again Iesrn tbe bitter lesson that family quarrels are the most destructive, as tbey ere tbe least exoueable of all quarrels. Th A p petit of Goat Ia envied by all poor dyspeptics whose etomaob acd liver are ont of order. All such should kno tbat Dr. King's New Life Fills, the wonderful etnmaoh and liver remedy, xive a splendid appetite, sonnd digestion and a regular bodily habit tbat insures perfect health and great energy, Only 25 cents at aoy drug store. Slooum Drug (Jo. Homestead entry No. 62, for the southeast hi of section 25, township 1 south, range SO east, H?'names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: Patrick Doherty, John Doherty, of Vinson, Ore., JameB Mclntire. of Heppner. Ore., and Barney P. Doherty, o? Lexington, Ore. 20-6 DAKlwiii jvutfusioi. NOTICE. Discovered By Woman. Another great disoovery bas been made aud tbet too, by a lady of this Oountry . "Disease fastened its olutob.es upon ber aud tor seven years she - with stood its severest tests, but ber vital or tfitus - were nudermined ' aud death seemed , ituruioent. For three mouths she oougbed inoessaotly and oould . not sleep., She finally discovered a way. to recovery by purchasing ot ue a bottle ot Dr. King's New discovery (or ooosomp tiou, aud was so moob relieved on tak ing first dose, that she slept all night ami with two bottles bus been absolute ly cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Luta." Thus write W. 0. Mamnick 4 Co., of Shelby, N. O. Trial bottle free at E. J. Hlocutu's drug store. Regular sizaoOd and 81.00 every bottle giiaran teed. The Army and Navy Have covered themselves with glory during the war, Tbe army aud navy vest pooket memorandum book pub lished by tbe Northern Pttoiflo is a oom paot digest of Information relative to the navies and armies of Spain and the United States and the beginning of tbe war. It baa a map of Cuba, illustrations ot naval ships, glossary ot navy and army terms, translation ot Spanish words, etc Send ten oents to Onus. 8. Fee, general passenger agent, N. P. R., HI. Paul, Minn., for a copy. iTNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE II Halloo flr FVh. 21. 1NM. Complaint having been entered at this office by Warren H. Roberts against William H. Mc cormick for abandoning his homestead entry Mn i 'xs rlatprl ifhrnarv 2ti. 1802. unon the north west 4 ol section 11, township 1 north, range 2:1 east, In Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on th isth dav of Anril. 1800. at 10 o'clock a. m., to r,.Ui,nn,i ami furnish testimony concerning said oiw.,.,1 nhmulmiment. N. J. Hale. United Htates commissioner, Is authorized to tnko the testimony herein at his ollice in lone, uregou, on a pril 8, 1800, at 10 ociock a.m. 19-25 Jay P. Lucas, Register, Kipsrls to Lewlston. The new steamboat Spokane, built by the O. R. & N. Co., to ply on the Snake river between Riparia aud Lewie ton, is now oomplete, aud iu service The steamer Lewiston is also Id semo and the two steamer will alternate between Riparia and Lewielon, leaving Rtparia daily except Sunday on arrival of train No. 4 from Portland aud reaching Lew iston next dav at 1 p. in. R (turning, will leave Lewiston daily aioept fiatur day at li o'olook Doou, arriving at Ri paria at 7 p. m., connecting with train No. 3 from Spokane. The Spokane bas been especially ooottruoted tor the run rr.soticoed above, and is thoroughly fitted with all modem appline s, electric lights, eto, and tor speed and comfort will excel any oratt thit baa ever been built for the Snake river, The Lewis loa li ber steady old salt. tt The woman who is weak, nervous, tired and exhausted ; who has a poor and variable appe tite and no strength or nerve: who sutlers from pains and aches, drag ging flown and burninft sensa tions; and who recogn ixes, herself, that she has become irritable, cross, blue and de spondent, is in almost every case surTerinir from weakness and disease of the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of maternity. Thousands of women suffer in this way and do not recoftniie the cause, or if they do understand their condition, neglect it rather than submit to the obnoxious exam inations and local treatment insisted upon by the average physician. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a wonderful medi cine for women who suffer in this way. It does away with the necessity for these try ing ordeals, and may be used in the privacy of the home. It acts directly on the deli cate organs concerned, and makes them strong, vigorous and healthy. It banishes the discomforts of the epectnnt period and makes baby's advent easy and almost pain less. It transforms weak, nervous, petulant invalids into happy wives and mothers. Thousands of women have testified, over their own signatures, to this fact. The "Favorite Prescription" maybe procured from any good medicine dealer. Any wom an who will write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N.Y., mv have the advice of an emin ent and skillful specialist without charge. Mrs. Cora M. McLsurin. of Rockport. Copish Co., Mia., writes: "I hd dnplcment and inflammation of the utru. I was under the treatment of our family physician for a long time, but received no benefit. I had fallinsof in ternal organ with tilctratlon and enlargement. I commenced naing Dr. Pierce Favorite Pre acriptioo. ' Golden Medical Diacovrry.' ' Pleasant Ft lieu' and 'Extract of Smart-Weed.' From the first day I brfa to improve, and in short time I w bl to do aU tnv housework. If It had not been for your medicine 1 would have been dead long ago." Stomach and liver troubles with sluggish action of the bowels arc cured by Doctor tneree's Pleasant Pellet. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. UNITKD STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles. Ore., Feb, 10, 1800. Complaint having been entered at this office by VN illlam O. Johnson against William Young or failure to comply with law as to Umber culture entry No. 2ti72, dated Nov. 11, 1887. upon the northwest M section 27, township 2 south ranged 2:1 east, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, con testant nlleeintr failure to cultivate and plant; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ollice on the mh day of April, 1800. at 10 o'clock a. m , to respond and furnish testimony alri allseed f-.ilure. N.J. Hale. I'nlted Slates commissioner, is authorised to take the testimony herein at his ollice at lone. Oregon, on April 1, ism , at iu o chick, a m. Jay P. Lucas, Receiver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T-vEPARTMENT OF THK INTERIOR, LAND I J t mice at La Grande. Or.. Feb. 20 1809. Nntli. ia hereby irtven that the following- named settler has filed noticeof his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the county clerk of Morrow county, at neppner, uieguu, ou April 7, lsoo, via: JOHN R. SIMONS, Heppner, Or. nnnixatxad No HI0. for the southeast U north west southwest northeast and lots 2 and a rttl.ni I. tnwnshto 5 south, range 2S E W M He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation oi Uml via: Norman A. Kclley. Amos Mes- seldine, James Fristoe and William Uarrigus all of Ucppuer, Oregon. 8 2;l K. W. Bauti.ktt, Register, NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. 11V VIRTI'E OF AN EXECUTION AND OR 1 d.-r of sale duly Issued by the clerk of the circuit court ot the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, dated the t uy oi jiarcn, inm, i a curtain action iu the circuit court for af .u.imrv ami state, wherein S. S. Hotline, ad mlnistrator ot tne estate oi w i. nouiue, ue I nialtitlir. rwnvored iudKtneut aaainst t'harles Kilkins. defendant, for the sum of thirteen hundred eighty-eight aud- 2A.1U0 dol lar, w ith Intercut ihereou at the rate ot 8 per out iK-r annum from the ritlt day of fceiuemlw ls'AS, and the further sum of one hundred dollars attorney's fee with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 6th day u s.uitiiiler. litis, and costs and diabiirsemen taxed at thirty two ami 5U-1UU doHars and in terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum f rum the pth day ol sepu'iuLer, is;'. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 6th day of April, 1899 at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door ,,f the court house hi tleonner. Morrow county, Oregon, sell at pumte auction to tne nignm bidder for cash tu band, the following described property, to-w It: The north half of the north west quarter of section eighteen (IS) In town ship one tt! north of range twenty-four (24) east ol Willamette meridian, in Morrow county, Oieiron. Taken and levied uin a tne protwrur Of thaaidChileFilkin, or so much thereof as mav l necessary to satisfy tne saio Juttg ment in favor of Ihe above tiauitxt niaiutirt and against said t'harle Filkins, together Willi all eosis and disbursemenn that hae or may accrue. K. I.. Matlock, Sheriff, By J. W. M nwk, Deputy. iMtxd at Uipur, March t), 1M W- 8.00 p.m. Ocean Stramhhips 4:00 p.m. From Portland. For San Francisco every Ave days. 8:00 p.m. CoMtmbia Riveb 4:00p.m. Ex Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday , . , 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6 00 a.m. Willamkttb River 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday , Ex.Bunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and V, ay Landings. 7-00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6-00 a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Tues Thurs Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Bat. lis & Way Land ings. Snake River. Lv. Riparia , , . J-v. Lewiston ally except Riparia to Lewiston daily except Saturday This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; I Liijhts its trains by electricity through out; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read- ins lamp; Runs speedily equipped passenper trains every day and night Detween i. raui and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibuled trains, carrying we wesi private oomDartment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reouning chair oars. and the verv best dining onair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the TTm'tnd States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. OASEY. Ueneral Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. rortiana, ur. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, Geucral PasBenger Agent. Portland, Or. OREGON SHORT LINE Ry DUE YOU GOING ERST? If bo, be sore and see that your tioket reads via Tie nwestern. Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THH Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled tuning ana Bleeping i;ar Trains, and Motto: Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Between tbe Northwest and all Points EaBt Choice of Two Routes Through the FAMOUS...,. Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes east of Pueblo and Denver... All passengers granted a day stopover in the Mormon capitol or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis Chicago and the East, ' For tickets and and information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of O. K. & N., Oregon Short Line or Sou them Pacific companies. R. C. NICHOI,, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. St Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. NORTHERN AM. PIMRI. Yellow Stone Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. OITIflKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS1 and SOUTH EAST.es LOOK AT THE TIME. "ALWAYS on time" has gl en this road a national reputation. All elasse of passengers carried on tne vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Hue. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, F.C.8AVAGE, Gen. Agent. Trav. F. it P. Agt 2 Washington St.. Portland, Or. mnu 3 3 NEW YORK, 4 days CHICAGO, 3 " ST. LOUIS, OMAHA, SALT LAKE, li Free Reclining Chair Cars Upholstered" Tourist Sleeping Car? PalluiBn Palaae Sleeping Care For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc., call on or address J. O. HART, Agent O. R. N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Tebby, W. E. Coman, Trav. ram. Ajt. Gtu'l Agt. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. "Tie tool ator Lioe" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. BTTl WEES "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Commencing Monday, May 2nd, the steamers ot tbe Regulator Line will leave Portland at 6:30 a, m. and Tbe Dalles at 8:30 a. m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. . W. CALLAWAY, General Agent, SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERS NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Rosalaod and Nelson. Also between Nelson aui RosslanJ, daily exoept Sunday : Leare. Arrive. Xl A. M Sookane 6:40 P. M. l!iO A. M Ii,wland S:W P. M :10 A.M.., Nelson 65 P. M ('li eonneet'ona at Nelson irith steamers for Kii and all Kootenai ltkk points. Pawwisera fr Rttl hlvr and Ponadarr MMt emuieet at Maraas wita sum datlv. QOICK TIMU ! San Franolsoo Aud all points in California, via the Ut, Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to all points Kant and Sonth. brand boenie Route Of the Paeifio Coast. Pullman Boffat Sleepers. Seoond-claaa Sleepers Attached to ezpreM trains, affording enperior acuomuoaationa ror seeund-otaas tassenawa. For rate, ticket, alannina rm.r , mm inHnn. etc. call npon or addram R. KOEHLER, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Qn. F. A P. art. Portland. Oraeoa TH ROUGH TICKETS To all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Kuraps can b obtained at lowest rates from D. S. tilUlAN, HepiiBer, Oft Mo. 2 11 A. H. No. 8 8 P. M. Depot Fifth and I Sts. Fast Mail for Tacoma, Seattle, Aberdeen, South Dend, Spokane, Helena, mute, Anaconda, Ht. Paul. Chlcaeo. New York. Boston, and all points ast and Boutn east. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Express, for Ta coma, Seattle, Olympia and intermediate maln-l line points. Arrive. No. 1 10:16 A.M. No.S 11 P. M 8 DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, KanBas City and other Missouri river points. 3!i DAYS to Bt. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4H DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections in all principal cities. Baintaire checked through to destination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth st For sleeping-car reservations, tickets. maDS of routes and other Information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 256 Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. Wisconsin Central . Lima GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the WiBoonein Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed witb brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort JAa C. POND, Gea'l Pausr. Agt