Eight-Page WJKLYGAZTre Subscription price. $1.50 J-8"?' Prestige. Leads in News OFFICIAL hi PAPEll Eight-Page WEEKLY GAZETTE i Subscription Price, $1.50 : " . 4 I fa v. vuuniy, SIXTEENTH YEAR The Paper Is Published Strictly In the i Interests of Morrow County and. Its i Taxpayers. C E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. A". A??.,ne" attended to in a Dromnt b- and satisfactory manner. aim untjciora. Notaries Pub Office in Natter', Building. Heppner, Oregon J. W. Morrow . ATTORNEY AT LAW and U.S. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. C M. Charlton ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Collections promptly attended to. Heppner, . Oregon. S. A. D. Gurley, A TTOBNE Y-A T-LA W. Practlcioner in all State and federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC Government land script (or sale. D. E. Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his thorn" m dtBet your out o them tion.' a 8Peoialty of Hard collec- Offl f0 in T XT n , .. v, A oluwu B ouiming, Heppner, Or KJJ,VvAVVSr,CWTi . . HEPPNER. MORROW mnNTv aduhaxt ttit. vvx KjxyjKjiy lnuKSUAY, MARCH 16. 1899 - 1 mini MOBAIS. JHD MAHNEBS PEOPESSIOITAL CAEDS, I ' ' " NO. 721 (Prof. Stanard at the Institute T? YU Ha Always Bouht an which has beea " w wvw u years. Has bom. thA and has been madn nniW h! .. iniwn biuco ids miaiicy. Allow All Counterfeits, Imttatioo, d SutaSV but X What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drons SSSSl It P-MorDhine or oer Narcotic 1a IT J aP 18 lts Saratee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind 25i f fheves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation Stm T assimilates the Food, regulates the GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of A Paper Read at the Session of the Teachers' Institute Held at lone 3 r Last Saturday-Of Interest Parente. 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CINTKUR OOMMNV, Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. ' Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . HePPner - .. Oregon. G. B. Hatt ' TONSORIAL ARTIST. snaving, - 15 Cents 25 ," Heppner, Oregon. fiRgT -Rational Iank O. A. RHEA. T. A. BBEA. OF HEPPNER. ..... ..President I U. W. CON8ER. . . .. vio-rresiaent ifi. h, .Cashier The . statutes of Massaohusetts contain thee words: "Teachers as well - as parents should imprrss upon the minds of those committed to their care and instruction the principles of piety and justice and a sacred regard for truth; love of their country, humanity and uni versal benevolence: sobriety, in dustry and frugality ; chastity, moderation and temperance: and should also point out to them the evil tendency of the opposite vices.'' It is not enough, that a child should be taught how to make bis way in the world, but he should also be taught those things which will make him a benefit to human- ity. The object of education is not merely nor mainly to learn the art ! of reading, writing and arithmetic; to learn how to buv and sell modities, and ihe facts of history. physiology and ethics. These are important, but the real end of edu cation is to build up character, virtuous, righteous and noble. Text-book knowledge may be ac quired, high scholarship attained, and at the same .time the pupil may grow into a deceiving, im moral and dangerous factor in so ciety, while with proper training in Transact a General Banking Business. , h EXCH,AN3E 0N PARTS OP THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD , Collection, made on all poon reasonable tern,-. 8urplue and nmmJLm FREELAND, .Assistant Cashier the principles of morality he may line must be founded on moral and religious truth, and moral and re ligious truth is founded upon the oime; hence, the bible is the foundation of all moral instruction. iiut since the bible is excluded from many of the schools, teachers are obliged to look to other means for vehicles to convey these truths to the minds of the pupils. But material for such use ,is by ; no means wanting. Our readers, his tories and physiologies , abound with lessons from UiVlDl truths may be drawn. Events are occurring continually In our midst, and our newspapers contain many accounts, which may, be turned to good use in illustrating the benefit or right living and the results of wrong living. The good and noble Bhould be held up aud extolled and the base and vicious pictured out in all their vileness, so that the sensitive mind of the child will turn from the latter in pity and disgust to admire and emulate the former. It is also necessary that teachers Bhould instruct their pupils in manners as well as moral. IV Q want to make gentlemen and ladies out of our pupils, and while they are right morally, they will, with out good manners, appear ooarse and rough. "Truthfulness, graoe fulness, oonsiderateness, unselfish ness, are essential to the breeding or a true gentleman, but much more so , to the breeding of a true lady." Perfect manners are based oa moral purity. A person may be polished in manners, but be a villain at heart. , But one cannot be refined unless he iB-nnm of heart. I shall not enter into detail JI0BTHWE8T W00LGROWEES. ijree session BelatlDg to the Sheep Industry. Eait Oregonlan. Ihe report of J. W. Bailev. secretary oi me wool Orowers' Association, aiven on Tuesday, the first day of the meeting, was oner, ana oited the interesting fanl lUBl Q1R BSSriOiallnn innlnaa UVVVQ (CltHUlJ that can claim rightfully the heaviest sheep interests in the world, taking into aooonnt the soope of oountry oovered. In his report he salH ."Gentlemen: In anbmiltinff to vnn this, my annual report of th Panifln Northwest Gool Growers' Association, 1 am pieasea lo say that the eheep indue try within our territory is in a very flour ishing oondition. From reports reoeived throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho acd Montana, I am able to report gen eral prosperity among the breeders and feeders. The late cold weather found, a far as I am able to ascertain, mom nf the sheepmen well prepared, with nnffl. oient feed to carry them through. The loss from this sooroe will eoaroely be 5 per oent. The general health of sheen thronoh. oat onr territory is reported good. The state veterinarians from each of the states informs me that no disease Is prev alent among the sheep, and the variom, stock inspectors that I have been able to near from report sheep in a healthy oon. dition generally. While the prioe of wool has not been what we had hoped for the past r the future for better prloes, I think, is very bright Notwithstanding the con tinued low price of wool. sheeD aro quoted in this market at $4.85 per 100, against 84 a year ago. Eastern buyers are coming into our territory, now. for their feeders, and we may expect the usual shipment of atook sheep at an ad vanced prioe over last year. The ranse question, that has oaused so much trouble in some parts of this country, is in a fair way to be settled, by owners leasing grounds from the government. While this matter has not been taken up by this association, no doubt we oould do much to bring about thin iloaira . given you sulphur and molasses for your blood." THURSDAY. Muob talking on different subjects was indulged in during the third day's ses sion, and the following officers were eleoted for the ensuing year: Dr. James Whitycombe, of Oorvall's. Or., re eleoted president, and J. W. Bai. ley, of Portland, seoretary. 0. B. Wade. of Pendleton, was eleoted to succeed Ohas, Ladd, of Portland, as treasurer, and the ezeou live, committee will be: For Oregon, W. J.f Furnish, of Pendle- ton; for, Washington,, A. 8. LeGraw, of Walla Walla ; for Idaho. J, N, Boise; for I uonlana, Vr. M. E. Knowlee, of Helena. The vio-preeident8 will be: Oregon, Riohard Scott, of Milwaukee; , Washing ton, J, H. Walker, of Pomeroy; Idaho, Robert Hickman, of Boise; Montana, H. H. Nelson, Cascade. STATB ASSOCIATION MEBT8. During the noon adjournment hour a brief meeting of the Oregon Wool Grow ers' Association was held , and , re elected their last year's offloers: Geo. A. Tonus. of Richfield, president; Fred W, Wilson, of Ths Dalles, secretary; D. M. Frenob, of The Dalles. .; IrnHHlirnr. Rua..n Wilson's report stated that the. Associa tion, after one year's exiateooe, had 64 members, and bad held two meetings during Ihe year. BOMB 8HEEP BAISBBS. In the attendanoe at the oonyention, are many of the men who produoe the wool and mutton in Oregon. Washing ton, Montana and Idaho. With a few an Eastern Oregon representative had talks. T. A. Rhea and W.. S., Spenoer two prominent sheep men of Heppner, ar rived In PendletoD today, and will re main until the olose of the oonveotion. In speaking of atook prospeota, Mr. Rhea says thai sheepmen in particular have done unusually well during the present winter, and estimates the loss in hid oonnty at less than five per cent, i Gilliam oounty, although divided by Ihe state legislature, is still undivided so tar as the interests are oonoerned. I Among the arrivals on this morning's train was Wm, Rettie, of Mayville , who Oomes as a sort of advance annrn and Half Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. ms woru hrst-class and satisfactory. fcrive him a nail May Street. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Ha just been opened to th public and Mr. Gordon, the A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At isbee's And by the way they have anything yon can call for In the line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Gilliam proprietor, friends to , kindly invites his r.all Anri trv Vila first-class accommodations. -.-j.-iii.5r 01 na7 ana. a-rola. for Bal Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Bcrivner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. LII1BHTY MAHKBT THE OLD SHOP Is the place to go to get your fine pork and lamb chopssteaks and roasts. That 14-Year Old Stuff, at A r d . ' Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The ... . TELEPHONE SALOON gain the Bame standing in scholar ship and develop iotj an upright, honorab e man, a benefactor to his generation. And this development largely depends upon the training of the teacher. The task of build ing up moral character would be comparatively easy if all the pupils iu uui ruuuuis cams rrnm n nnro home atmosphere. But when we consider the fact that a large per cent of the children receive little or no moral training at h salt. Hinoe our lAnf mAotin .AntM tms subject and tire your patience, bnnty law has been passed in this state, ffiu be JlneJ ler by several leading out you Know that there is a Bad Provides for the extermination of leepmen from Gilliam . oonnty. Mr defioiencv alonw thia li uu 0nyotM wolv other wild animals Re,9 boroaghly alive to the impor the home and in the snhnnl nA u f nl" tux ?f 0De !nt per bea(1 00 heP tanoe. of '.he lnduBtr? in whioh ha 19 e- 1 m ion .mm ind 1 m n .11 n.. giving more sooai property (except sheep) !g levied aiienuon 10 it. Children at home ror ,bls Pnrpose, wbiob will create a fund and at school should be drilled in 8uffloieot to destroy these pests, wbiob the rules of politeness and etiquet T f"""1"08 ,0 the 8beeP buebaodry of ..tk.iu :hl. , . this slate. I am not informed reoRrdino second nature to the boantv iw i ih " wsj BtfliLOH Ul uur so that it will be display good manners on all occa sions. I reoently read a story which may not be amiss to relate here. A clerevman had wv Vmm aMVwv IJ association, but would urge that nni form bounty law sboold be enacted in eaoh state, in ordor to make it of uni versal benefit to the sheep growing in dustry. " The membershiD or this aged, and is f ally ooovtnoed that stock men have it in their Dower to battxr their condition, if they will only stand manfully for each other's interests and work in unison. I George Young, of Bake Oven, Wasco oounty, is also here. Mr. Yonng, who is president of the State Wool Growers' Association, arrived this morning, and will remain until the meeting doses. Owing to stress of weather, early lamb ing, and rash of spring work, many of lh. a k an r. m a . I. - I . TO . n j. . , uramuoi.uiii " mis association, """i"11 mruuguom eastern ure- either by precept or example, but "ne at a SeutIemarj s house, and as I regret to report, is not what we should n and Washington, who would other many of them hail from immoral y ame to the table bis ig- expeotfroman association representing wise have attended the meetings of the parents and have been aocustomfd Doran(" the customs of refined rt,at number of sheep of any like weooiation, will be unable to do so, and to hear vile oathH frnm tl,a fofh.J society became Dainfullfaonarflnt t8800UUOD ,D tbe world- This, however, P'"ons of regret have already been IX I HAHB anrm . New Stand, City Hotel Building, Fish Every Fridav. 1 rue uBf-eurea nams and bacon. Pure leaf u. oiireiiuerea, oia style. Highest casb Benj. Mathews. Good Goods.... Fair Prices.i HEPPNEH-CANYON ClfY Stage Line F. MILLER, Prop. -AT- T. R. HOWARD'S. B Cheapest and most direct route to John Day v?u r! Cftnyn c"y mining district, Burns anu vium luierior puiaw. I o , j t t-t 8tSe Ie8Te Heppner Dlly Sunday n-ifiPeTlanci Fancy Groceries- in 24 hours; v"uyou we J- eats ana uoffees. . Leave Canyon City at 4 p. m.( arrive at Hepp- Groceries, Provisions, Glassware. Tinware and Furnishing Goods. HgpryjB to milks far Hardman. 20 (1.50 Momiment 55 4U0 Hamilton K5 4 7R Long Creek....,, ?5 M f? Vlley M 00 John Day m 8 M Canyon City m g 00 Stages connect with trains at Heppner. Not -Having stocked np this line with new covered coaches and good teams I am prepared T. R. HOWARD, Heppner. WHOSE BUSIN ESS IS IT? If a man's in love-tbat'e bis businesg; ? irl ' love that's ber bnsiness flRUN6T0N-F0SSIL STAGE LINE REED & I G. OGILVIE f p'P"eors. XI IHHV OPE rriOrlflli(' I to.fnrnish tbe.r home f rom nJL . - 1 - vuujtiiow HOCX 0 runii urt, uraeiR, Mattings, nail Faper, Stoves, Ranges, Craoifeware, Tlnw ana H,syour Dnsiness to drop In, examine goods and set dHob hear vile oaths from the father and - landerous gossip from the e trait some finger bowls mother, when to imitate the father were brougn nd, after eyeing would be to swear, chew or smoke 0De y P'ftte a moment, he tobacco, and drink whisky, and to ralsed " to bl8 "P8 and drank of imitate the mother would be to he ater. "Excuse me, ma'am," slander her neighbor, criticize the he eai(J touolling it with his finger, teacher or preacher, and talk un- Dever 88w Buc" Pretty, cups be- ceasingly of the latest scandal un- Ior6, vv uat d0 yu cal tnem ? I reoeived from the following gentlemen : Wm. Smith, Oroy, Gilliam county ; Jaa. Cameron, Condon, and A. J. Smith and son, of Biokleton, Wash. til a new one arises; when the very w. d llk9 to buJ" ona for my little uicatu ul mo uresias in nn nt with tobacco and whisky fumes They are plain ruby bowls. 4-t.ir.lr 1 I- I. 1 , luiua. tui is wnat tnev am Ett WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or. H. A. Bromo FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO sroaH (60 miles).. .500. Roundtrip $900 Mayville (53 miles). 400 Bound trip 700 Condon (39 miles). . 3 00 Round trip 6 00 wem ( miles) . .. 2.00 Round trip s 80 Olex (19 miles) ISO. .....Bound trip 150 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is due t Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaches and core fal. eperiened drivers. axine Will cure Xa Grippe without fail We guarantee it. Price 25c. Sold only by Slocum Drug Co. in his own life a character that is above reproach or suspicion. He has no more right, as an example tor children, to use tobacco or in toxicating liquors than he has to ie, steal or swear. It is useless or a teacher to attempt to incul cate mora truths in the minds of "lis pupils if Lis life is a contra- liction of his teaching. A true itory will serve as an illustration: 'A young lad attending a courjtry school had grown very fond of his teacher, who had carefully taught his pupils the uselessness and sin f slang, by-words and profanity. The boy thought his teacher a model of purity, which he really seemed to be. But, upon a subse quent occasion, he heard the same teacher using obscene and profane it has been sneepmen without a great deal of ex pense. We have onder way, and intend to publish, a book in pamphlet form, setting forth the many advantages of tbe atlAAn hn.li.ni.. . ( it.. . ... , .otiojx -j it. u i ' r ""Du""i ui sue country, witn and corrupt conversation, tha wnrk cauea 8am tJl hostess, siDDine statistical matter hinh . of clearing the clouded eoul of the rom her own' not buy one. ble to complete on aooonnt of funds, child and li.btiDg it into the sun- 1 have a P'etty one I , should love ?hjB book we hP8 ,0 ee oompleted shine of truth and virtue is an ex- to 8end to y daughter, if you "w " " ':TlB7Dg'l,,Dd' ceedingly difficult task, but all the b. kind enough to accept it." JTSSSlZ more obligatory on the teacher. ltoere W8S not ttie moving of an done." Now, tbe question awes, how TV ,Ah.e ho"k g'anoed at bis wedmbdat. shall we proceed to give this moral wue Wlin 10V1DK P"de and followed . raoie a.soussion was indulged instruction? Bf recent anil Even Master Tom, J - ample, the teacher must exemolifv T1 ' ? Wa9 to on iZZZ lull rrtr,n klx ' I w ' iuio occasions, ana Was Management" being tbe basis for the always making inopportune re- proceedings. marks, gravely drank from bis fin- Hig eiperieooe as tbe Montana state ger bowl and slipped down from Te,eritBr,8n aource from which he his chair, without a word, and he d,ew vs,a8ble fft0t wbiob to an was afterward heard to say to his ZIT ,0 mdiofttion Bister, "Doesn't mamma have lovely "Montana," aaid be, "has nov prao- "fuuKuko' cue is going to give oa"y no eao. The dipping there is him that pretty big cup that looks (loDe by ,he dePutv 8tcli inspector, and just like a fineer bowl, with a r,n J 1 ftra B'ad to that the railroada in die to it Oh T t, k : 'observe our rigid laws to en ... v, m. uuj(0 u3 Will never know what those bowls are ..... mat iodbooo dips are superior to lime gross lgDorance of the cuest and 'n(1 o'pbar dips . the beautiful conduct of the fam ily, which was occasioned by that mark of good breeding which ia so essential to true gentleness. Fellow teachers, let us lose no opportunity for improving the children under our care in tha I do not attribute to the lack of interest oi me sneepmen altogether. At th meeting a year ego, onr membership ooog. were not open until tbe meeting naa virtually adjourned, and most all i those in attendanoe had left for their homes. This being tbe oase, and out association covering so large a territory, I Boslness Disagreement and a Quarrel Brings impossible to reach tbe KILLED HW PARTNER. This Result. Ashland, Ore., Marota 10. Lon Ed wards ibis morning shot 0. 1. Evans at their mining camp, 12 miles west of asbland, and the latter is thought to be lying dead in bis oabin. Edwards and Evans have always borne excellent repu tations, i both of whom have highly respeoted families residing in this oity, are mining men and have been partners in a quartz claim. They have had aome business disagreement recently and yes terday quarreled. This morning Ed wards, acoording to hit own slory, went to tbe oabio and was denied admission, Words ensued between them, Evana fir ing a shot at Edwards, tbe latter says, before he drew hie revolver, Evans miss ing him. He then shot twioe at Evans inside the oabin. , Without ascertaining if bis partner was dead, Edwards left for Ashlaod and surrendered himself to the officers. Interested In Treasar. By the Associated Press. Nsw Iobk, Maroh 11. Tbe United States transport Meade sailed for Ha vana today. She bad on boad $3,000,000 provided by tho United States govern ment to pay Cnban troops. Muoh inter est oentereJ in tbe removal of tbe treas ury from tbe subtreasury. A lame -nguage. 'Quietly, though quick- PfrtJcn,ar8' ,8nd 8ef k create high ly,' he said, 4 stole away and wept; "a U? and ves. went hitterl.. T sv.M 1 character, which shall adorn so- j - "' i j i i OrOWd Watnhnil tha nrnstaarlin.ia ft. .!. Replying to a question by John Yonng, Llttol.of tbe quartermasters' department, Association, Dr. had charge of a detachment of soldiers. There were about 50 men, eaoh with Krag-Jorgeoseo rifles and a belt fall of oartndges. They formed in line at the treasury building and tbe boxes and safes of ooio were passed out between them. The money was put on trucks and eight men got on eaob truck to goard tbe treasure enroate to tbe steamer. wicked man! I could not be lieva it, and yet it was true.' " What t fleet would that helD it. I was so sorrv M t.hr ' oou 08 B imn8 monument to . " 7" "' noon we were uoip ii, j. wg so sorry. My teacher . , . . boys, and onr mothers took nr.. f ft. MVU QUI UUI11V. I . M in Q Xf Y r9 r I J - - wui UUI VV president of tbe State Knowles said that tbe main neoeasity is to properly mix the lime and sulphur, tbe eiaot proportion being dependent on the quality of ingredieots. Someone asked: "Is scab a blood diseaser And to this query, Di. Knowlee re plied in inch manner as to oause gen eral laugh ; "Let me illustrate, When we He Fooled tho Surgeon. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 man a flH . . - I 1 ... rewarded in dollura A " m mmi ave us 0Be 01 t6oM v to, uui .rrt IJUB OOmnino. .11 ..nn.Mft... 1 - .1. - J . 1 a . i . .... even in manKs or honor, hnt nnlabe waadnins tn.t h.t ... . , i i . ' - . , ,wu Muig udihb oosuy operation was pertormed; moral iratmntinn 4k-t u ' " lorgouen Dy our "7 oore scan, ior rcab is bat he cured himself with five boxes of SSmI? I ? Evenly father, and when we pass )bP of parasites, and .bat wa. Backlen". Arnica Salve, the surest Jife after that event? I leave you to f,om this earth wa will r..,! iu,t wllttt """ tber was contending core on eartb, and tbe best save in the answer. All instruction in thia ' nrrl against witbtbat fine comb. She onH worhl. or, v-.wi-i j .... I " v vvoi muiu y Mji'WUm - have iooompliahed very little bad iba 1 Drag Co.