The Gazette. Thursday, March 9, 1899. IN JUSTICE TO THE GAZETTE. The Times editor in the last is sue devotes unnecessary space to pretenses, which, like his business methods, are becoming so trans parent to the business men, and to the 'five-sixthB"(?) of Morrow county's "plain, common people," that, in looking into them, but little can be discerned. Like many of his advertisements of concerns long since out of existence, to which tiie public can refer, the weight of hia repeated insinuations regarding "official paper," "free subscribers," etc., etc., have long since become defunct. The present management came to this section to attend to his own business and conduct it in a manner satisfactory to his adver tisers and subscribers, for which he expects to earn a fair compen sation. Free advertising space is worth its price, and, like a false pretense, but few people will take much stock in it. The Gazette will stand on its merits, and when it ceases to wield an influence with the local people, and thereby earn their support, it will either seek other fields or meet its deserved fate. THE PHILIPPINE CAMPAIGN. Nobody could have imaged a year ago that, as a result of our righteous determination to protect the reooncentradoes in Cuba, we should within a twelvemonth have entered upon a thorough-going campaign against the native races for the possession of the numerous islands of the Philippine archipel ago. Yet that is what is now tak ing place; and although it is easy to phrase the kind of sarcasms and ironies that the critics of President McKinley's policy are employing, one may search in vain for a man who can frame a practical and sen sible argument against doing pre cisely what is now being under taken. With an ample supply of light-draught gunboats for enter ing the many shallow harbors of the chief local ports of Luzon, Pa nay, Negros, Mindanoa, and with various other islands, and with the considerable re-euforcemonts of soldiers, ships, and military and naval supplies that have been Bent, our fully trusted leaders, Dewey and Otis, will pursue a swift aud firm course ia establishing the au thority of the United Stater." AV hereupon there will follow the best times for the Filipinos that they have ever known. President McKinley's speech at Boston on February ICth, before the Home Market Club, was not only an elo quent defense of his policy, but a perfectly sune aud satisfactory account of the situation. There is liot the slightest reason to hesitate, to doubt, or to be half-hearted. This country is doing its duty, and the results will vindicate the policy pursued. Before the end of the present month General Otis will have 25,000 soldiers, and the rebel lion will be brought to an end in very short order. What Mr. Kip ling calls the "White Man's Bur den" will be borne manfully by the Americans now sweltering in the tropical heat of Luzon. From "The Progress of the World," iu the American Review of lleviews for March. The late Oregon legislature made quite a radical chauge in criminal procedure, when they provided that the district attorney might proceed against parties chargpd with crimp, by information instead of by indictment, thus practically doing away with the expensive aud cumberous graud jury system. Iu this Oregon has simply followed the lead of most Btates, who have adopted this reform in criminal prooedure. Aa the East Oregonian re marked the other day, there is a most excellent opportunity for a clean, able En8tem Oregon repub licau to secure a seat in the Uuited States seuate iu 1001, to succeed George W. McBride. Eastern Or egon is entitled to one of the eena torships, and if the right roan is discovered there is little doubt about his being successful. Ext ern Oregon needs representation in the United States senate and the whole people of this section would not be backward in pushing for. ward the right man. Who shall ha b? Representative Johnson, of In diana, made another speech at tacking the president his last, as be retired from public life at the end of last week which was ef fectually replied to by Representa tive Landis, of the same state, who declared that Mr. JohnBon had been repudiated by his constitu ents, whose sentiments he did not represent in any sense, and sup ported the declaration by reading extracts from republican papers in his district. "Those editors," said Mr. Landis, "are the men who 35 years ago upheld the hands of Oliver P. Morton, against the as saults of the copperheads. If the gentleman returns to bis district he will be crucified by public opin ion and spat upon with indigna tion." SECOND OREGON. Patrol From Company O Under a Heavy Klre Two Wounded. By the Associated Preei. Manila, March 6. The rebel have been couoentrntiog in Ibe vioiolty of tbe reservoir. Today a patrol of company Q, Second Oregon volunteers, was takeo in ambush. Two men were wounded, bat (be orgiDizatioo beld tbeir ground under a beavy fire until Ibe remainder of the company, assisted by two oompaniea of the First Nebraska regiment, flanked tbe enemy, killing 30 and wounding aev eral more. Two battalions ot tbe Twen tieth regular infantry bave reinforced General Hale'i brigade. All the native buta bave been destroyed at Mariqaina, and tbe oouutry there ie pretty well oleared, bnt the rebels were returning In email bodiea at sundown apparently they bave secured a new supply of smokeless ammunition lately, as there has been a noticeable difference during tbe last tew days. Theoivil members of tbe United Btates Philippine commission, who arrived here Saturday afternoon from Houg Kong on tbe oruiser Baltimore, landed today, and are now installed iu quarters especially provided for them, on tbe Malate water front, bnt they onn do nothing more than familiarize themselves with looal condi tions until after Colonel Charles Denby ex-minister to China and a member of the commission, arrives. Tbe troops which arrived Saturday on the transport Senator and those that ar rived yesterday on the transport Ohio are disembarking, and all the prepare rations are being made to proceed with an aggressive campaign before the wet seBson sets in. Tbe rebel, anticipating the Amorioan advance, are busy throwing up defenses in every direction, and it is reported that they are levying men and supplies in every quarter of tbe provinoe. As a result, great dissatisfaction prevails among the tribes originally uufriendly to tbe Tngalos, particularly among the Flo CHons, who assert tbeir desire to assist in oonqoeriog the Tagalos it furnished with arms. Cliiimlipilaln's Cough Remedy. This remedy is intended especially for cotighe, colds, croup, whooping ootigh and iulluerzi. It has beoome famous for its on res of these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. Tbe most flattering testimonials bave been received, giving aooonnts of its good works; of tbe aggravating and persistent ooughs it baa cured ; nf severe oolds that have yielded promptly to its soothing etTects, and of tbe dangerous atlaoks of croup it bas cured, often saving tbe life of the ohild. The extensive use of it for whooping congb has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous couseqnen 0 ia. Hold by Co riser & Warren. County Court In SmkIoii, Yettterday the county court met in reg ular session, with Judge ttartliolome and Commissioners flower J and Beckett iu attendance. Upon going to press we are furnished with simply the following important considerations: The petition for Ione's incorporation, presented by J. A. Woolery, Postmaster Perkins and 60 others, was aooepted and tbe privilege granted by the court, and the 10th of April was set for tbe voters of lone to decide the matter, with . O. Sperry, O. T. Walker and Mat Balvorsen appointed es judges and 8. P. Haney and Frank Ingleman as clerks. Oscar Sbafer, W. D. Lord, Hsnry Soberzicger and Pat Kilkenny were tbe applionnts for the position of slook in spector, and, as Oscar Sbafer accompa nied his application with a long petition from stockmen, be carried off tbe price The full proceedings will appear In tbe next issue. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomaob, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, aud all feel the result in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backitcbe, nervonsnnsa, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. Hut there's no need to feel like that. Lieten to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. lie says: "Eleolrio Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all ruo down, and dou't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have e new )ae on life." Only 60o at Hlo oum DrngCo's. Evry bottle goaraoteed. Th Army and Navy Have covered themselves with glory during the war. Tbe army and navy vest pocket memorandum book pub lished by Ilia Northern Paoiflo is a oom pact digest of Information relative to the navies and armies of Spain sod lbs Uolied Stales and the beginning of the war. It has a map ot Cuba, Illustrations ot naval ships, glossary ot navy and army terms, translation ot Spanish words, etc Send tea eenta to Ohas 8. Fee, general pasenger agent, N. P. R., Ht. fanl, Miun., tor copy. Tns Weekly Gazette only 11.50. Now! About That ; Spring Suit of Yours!! We bave for three years been agents for TG ROYRL TAILORS' line We have a line of 1500 samples to select from. We take your measure Suits range in price according to quality ) We do not ask for a c S In our three years' ) j deposit. If you don't J ; dealing with the S like the suit when it ? 5 Royal Tailors ) comes we will place ( ) we have yet to hear ) same in stock. of a cpmplaint. ae" Don't give your order to some unreliable representative of a tailoring concern. Don't pay any deposit. Don't allow them to send goods to you C. O. D. We give you a positive "and can give you a Better Fit, n Ti.T 1 1 service, ino deposit required, and we don t want you to take me suit unless you are Minor & MORROW COUNTY'S Ta Ltrj It One of the Lowest In Eaatero Oregon. We are indebted to Judge Bartholo mew tor the oarefoliy compiled rate ot taxation ot tbe courjtiei ot tbe elate tor tbe year, gained through correspondence with tbe oounty clerk of each conutj, wblob placet oar connty among those ot tbe lowett, wbiob will nff.ird Ibe taxpay er not odly a surprise bat oouaiderable ooosolati on: County. BHker Bon Urn ClacltauiM . Crook Columbia .. Coo Curry t'ltnp IoukIi .... Ornt OUUriii Harney Jackson . . . Joaeriliia.., Khtuit'h ... Uuu MtllH.ICounty. .. IfJUUiie .. St. 2 Lake. ... . . us 1 Lincoln. .. Marlon.. Mil If. 'JO IAi.7 21 21 V7 Malheur. 'VI !ll.lti.nm.h ta ft. "inu'li" O . Si 2 xe ' Morrow 22 t'..ik m iWherman 25.7 ;w.7 niiaiuook : U nion 24 a U'nmtllla 20 2l..VWahltitton 20 27.5jWallowa 26.7 1TJ Wamto 24 18 Yamhill 16 6 Following is aleo tbe rate of taxation of Morrow oounty for the past nine years, a showing that bat few counties can equal : Mill . 21 ; .. 22 23 Mill. m 1H91 IWfJ nwa IgH lVi. . ! . IV.'7.. IIW.. 2-J 20 21 22 . lttSi . 20 CASTOR I A For Infant i and Children. Th Kind Yoa Have Always Bought . t Not all well -dressed men are dressed by The Royal Tailors,' CHICAGO, U. S. A., 1w4 a ft AaceoA tstr The Royal Tailors arc ( well-dressed men. And it's done at a cost which means a saving of at least one third as compared with the average tail or's prices. We can show yoa qualities and prices that will interest you. Minor &Co.1 and Guarantee a fit. from $10.00 of goods. unqualified guarantee that we Better Workmanship, Better 1 1 1 . pleased with it. Co. ZZ: SPRING and GENTS Stylish and Serviceable At lowest prices ever offered in Heppner on goods of the same quality. Men's Servicable Suits sizes 36 to 44 " All-woo! blue, black'and brown cheviot, " " " imported clay worsted former P. 0. B0RG, J The JEWELER 'iimiilitj Dr. Barthlow's p..,,,..,, WHITE PINE ISS&reSK COUGH SYRUP Hoiriinm, Sor Throat, Bronchitis.' - Dr. Barthlow's The best Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier. - Conscr & Warren, Heppner, Or., Wbo carry a complete lino of Drags, Chemicals, Piot8, Oils snt Gl? SPRING At the Rhea SUMMER Tailor Made Brown & Is Offering-- Watches And the finest Jewelry at very low prices. N Repairing a Specialty. CELERY KOLA ENGAGED For Announcement Of arrival of GOODS Next Week old reliable firm o. n. Hejpiiiraeir? ouths yiii All the latest styles Call and examine them j j j q Ages from 2 to 8 years 2-piece suits 90c. All-wool suits from $2.00 to $5.00 According to trimmings. good weight price $12.00, now only CANTON DISC Is all steel, which makes it very strong and durable. It is simple in construction and has less parts to wear than any Disc made. The chilled journal bearings are entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There il absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings. The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise out of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them, selves to dead furrows or low places in rough ground. A trial will convince you thai the Canton is without an equal. Manufactured by PARLIN & ORENQORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. CANTON "U" BAR LEVER i HARROWS niiu : uurauic. ine (win can De adjusted as to depth and the ttlgn reversed. Frame is thoroughly " ' , J Ui uic ucm 51CCJ PARLW & ORENQORFF CO, CANTON. ILLINOIS. 4uuc iu .ill sizes, inaii nv jFarm Implements, Grain and Feed, Hughes, Ore. Suits 1 TiSfl only $3.00 5.00 8.00 Oregon. Acknowledged the superior of all makes. The easi. est handled, lightest draft, most durable and turn the soil perfectly. Can be adjusted to work on side hills, where others fail. Have dust proof hub hands and many points of superiorly over all others. Made in all sires with CHILLED bottoms and Riding Attachment. Compare them with others and see them work and you will buy a Canton. Manufactured by PARLIN & ORENCCRFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. CANTON His Plows Made with wood or steel beams in all sies. Mold, Mure and lindside is made of s. ft center, crueiole steel, tli.u-oHiihly hardened. Double Shin Mold. They are the tanners' friend, beetle lht nrc well and sub nude and work peifectly in all soils. M k PAOLIS 4 OREMXOT 0), Cant.. IHiwii Studebaker Wagons, HARROW. aCANTON r bang- trh S, P, Garrigues,