Eight-Page WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 Leads In Prestige Leads In Circulation Leads In News Is. the Official and Recognized Represent ative Journal of the County. OFFICIAL PAPER Eight-Page WEEKLY GAZETTE I Subscription Price, f 1.50 The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests of Morrow County and Its Taxpayers. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1899, NO. 720 PEOFESSIONAIi BRaNTON TRIES A RUSE C E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office In Natter's Building. Beppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow " ATTORNEY AT LAW and U.S. COMMISSIONER. Office la Palaoe hotel building, Heppner, Or. C M. Charlton ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Collections promptly attended to. Heppner, - . - Oregon, S. A. D. Gurley, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. Practlcioner in all State and Federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON A. Mallory, U.S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOFS and LAND FILINUS. Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. Government land Bcript for sale. D E. Gil man GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and noteB in his hands and get your money out of them them. Makes a specialty of hard collec tions. Office in J. N. Brown's building, Beppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction Heppner - - Oregon. G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 15 Cents 25 " Beppner, Oregon. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has lust been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly invites his friends to call and try his first-class accommodations. ' Flaaty of Hay aaxd. O-rstla. fox Savl Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Scrlvner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. LIBERTY MARKET THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to get your One pork and lamo chops, steaks and roasts. Fiah Evary Friday. Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest cash price paid for at stock. BenJ. Mathews. HEPPNER-CANYON CIIY Stage Line B. F. MILLER, Prop. Cheapest and most direct route to John Day alley, Canyon City mining district, Burns auu other interior points. Stages leave Heppner Daily, Sunday ex cepted, at 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City In 24 hours. Leave Canyon City at I p m., arrive at Hepp ner In 24 hours connecting with trains. HiPPNia to MILES PARS 20 II. BO 65 4. ! 85 4.75 15 5.50 3 6 00 102 8.00 104 8 00 Hard man Monument Hamilton Long Creek Fox Valley John Day Canyon City ... Stages connect with trains at Heppner. Note. Bavin stocked np this line with new covered coaches and good teams I am prepared frive firat-class service to the public. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STA6ELINE FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles)... 15 00 Kound trip 19 00 MayvUle(Mmile)- Eonndtrip 700 Condon P miles).. 100 Eonndtrip 600 Clem (28 miles).... 200 Round trip 50 f 19 miles! 1 50 Round trip 1 50 v- Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is doe at Condon st 3 p. m. and arrive t Fos sil at 7 p. m. . Comfortable covered ooaobenoa esre foi, wjwwcwl (Jrvrera. CffffliunmmimiiH i sagas' 11 f AVegetablePrcparationfor As similating theToodandRegula ling the S tomachs andBoweis of PronMtesTHgestion,Cheeind ticss and Rest.Contains neither S)rum,Morphint nor Mineral. ot Narcotic. Pumpkin Sml Mx-Savm Settt Jippermtnt JhCartanatiStimt Sugar . rtfisyw nmrm Aocifecf Remedy forConstioa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Xeveri sh ncss arid Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of . nt;w Vohk. U3 exact copr or whahpeb, fmsT Jational Jank OF HEPPNER O. A. RHEA. President I X. A. UHEA Vio President Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $35,0C0. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated China ware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee's And by the way they have anything yon can call for In the line of Hardware, Btoves and Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. That H-Year Old e Kohn's Best," .... On Tap Down at The TELEPHONE SALOON ' - a IT 18 RARB GOODS New Stand, City Hotel Building, Good Goods.... Fair. Prices.i AT- T. K. HOWARD'S. ... ; ws; Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, "J Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees. T. R. HOWARD, WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT? If a man' in love that's his business; . If a girl's in love t bat's ber business; If they get married it's our business to furnish tbeir b ne from kitchen to parlor as we curry a moat complete slock o Furnitnre, Carpets, Mattings, Wall Paper, Stoves, Ranges, Gruitewin, Tinware, Etf And it.iyoar business to drop Id, examine goods and get prices. WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or. Bromo Laxine Will cure La Grippe without fail. We guarantee it. Price Q5c. Sold only by Slocum Drug Co. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have THK CENTAUR COMPANY, RIWVONR OITY. (J. W. CONSER.. Cashier E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier Stuff, Heppner, AW A Ah Always Bought. Another Interesting Letter From H. L. McAlister. GUARDING SPANIARDS Hill DUTY Christmas at Manila. American Ladies Seldom Seen by the Soldier Boys. Spanish Ladies Admired at a Distance. A Call to Arms. ' Headquarters Co. A, Second Oregon, Manila, P. I., Cuartel de Espana, Jan. 1, 1899. Dear Folks at Home: Your letter waa received a few daya ago and would have written Booner, but United States, by way of Hong. Kong. Before I go any further I will and bo far nothing is wrong, although now you are Buffering some from oold weather, while in Manila it is warm. We had muster and inspection in a few days again. Then two more months will roll away again be fore another one comes. Eight months in the army, and it seems only a short whilo, and it will be some time yet before we get mastered out. We are becoming accustomed to good. for those who do not care sure. When my time is up I am Have you received those two them, bo you would be sure and get them. Curios are somewhat Bcaroer at the present time only a few cheap trinkets. Be sure and let me know when you get that bayonet. The Eifty-fiiBt Iowas did not several days, thsn went tallo Ho, Several came ashore and took din ner with us. The Crist you spoke of was discharged at San Francisco and sent back. There were several Osceola boys among them. I did did not hear any particular names among them. The Concord has returned from a pass for any length of time I will from Eight Mile. Nothing exciting has happened for several weeks. All is quiet. We hear that more troops are coming. It seems we are going to hold the islands, sure enough. There are 20,000 troops here. I suppose they will be scattered around before long. We never will leave this place guard. That is all we have done since coming here, and will continue, I guess, as long as we stay. It is getting tiresome guarding these Spanish soldiers. Well, Christmas has oome charged soldier at the swellest hotel were so many American ladiea in Manila. To see them was worth the while. We sat right among them, and many times I would forget to eat, as listening to our own language a stranger to our ears for six months. in the end. The Spanish ladies are very nice never seen them do any work yet. They are, so far as I can see, merely dolls. Never move only when they have to. All their work is done by native servants. The higher class of Filipinos are the same. This is New Year's day. Actually it seems like July and August. It is now 3 o'clock and I am sweating worse than I would if unloading a header box. Thus you see the difference in climate in our new possessions. The boys most all got Christmas of them got cake by mail. I got a per and envelops, some of the latest Many of the boys received as many as five boxes, and big ones, too, weighing 50 pounds or more. A heard no complaint. There was a big time last night is. After taps no one could sleep, No light could be lit for any length anything handy was good enoagh for any one who showed up. Just at 12 the band started, then everybody was on the parade ground and they made things lively while it lasted. Finally the band played "Home, Sweet Home," and we seemed satisfied and went to our bunks. If you have any of Bertha M. not need, you might send two or here. I would not advise sending costly books, as we cannot take care of them. There is nothing particularly that I need, only would like to bear a little oftener from you. Well, I must close, for the mail leaves for (long Kong at 7:30 to night and it is near that time now. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am, yours truly, January 11th. At the present terday 700 sick Spanish soldiers left t will be a relief to us when they ders." and have been for ten days, with 21 hours' rations in our haver sacks. The other day there was a call "to arms," and it took the Ore gon boys seven minutes to move. In 20 minutes 20,000 men were at heir post of dnty. The insurgents may, and may not, do anything, but I wish they would do something or quit They dont't seem to know what they do want, but if they fool with "Uncle Sam" they'll get left. The Oregon boys have to defend the bridge at the entrance to the city, The young fellow I wrote Cochran at lone, by name of Barse, las just como from the smallpox smallpox bo it the only oua that came out alive, mail will leave tomorrow for the Bay that I am as well as I ever was yesterday. Pay day will be here our duties. Barrack life is very for anything better and their pay is afraid I will be fit for nothing else. boxes of curios yet? I registered land here at all. They remained for the coast of China, and if I can get go out to her and find that fellow as long as we belong to the provost and gone. I ate dinner with a dis in Manila. I had no idea there (especially from ladies) has been Well, it will come out all right to look at a long way off. I have boxes. All came in time. Many small box from Corvallis, with pa magazines and other little articles. good many did not get any, but we in quarters. New Year's always in spite of the guard and officers. of time. Shoes, tin cups, cans Clay's novels laying around you do three; any kind of a book is scarce Habvey. time not much in going on. Yes for 8pain. Wish it had been 7,000. are all gone. We are under "or east Bide of the walled city, at the and in the rear of Sixth artillery, about some time ago, who worked for whom we call "Dutch," for short hospital. Out of 17 cases of black To Escape Front Jail by Trying to Hold Up the Sheriff With a Potato Gun. Eugene, Maroh 3. Oo the morning of March 1st, about 8 o'clock, Claude Bran .on, the oondemnea murderer, bad a queer experience, or, rather, Sheriff Withers did, that tried (be latter's nerve. As is a well known faot, Branton has lately claimed to have beeb conyerted, but this sot shows biin to still be a deep dyed villain and not a Christian. - Sheriff Withers, as is bis usual one torn, wen to the jail this morning to let oat Mr. Pratt, the death watch, to go after breakfast for the prisoners. He opened the door ot Branton's cell and let him oat iuto the corridor between the row of steel cells to exercise aud to wash. He kept the door to the oorridor doubly looked. Mr. With rs then oommenced reading his mail which he hud received at the postoffice, sitting in a chair. . All at once Branton exclaimed : "You are a Christian, ain't yon, Mr. Withers?" Mr. Withers answered "yes." "If yoa were in here, wouldn't yoaget oat if it was possible?" The sheriff good-naturedly said "yes," hardly looking up. Then Branton stepped back into the oorridor, where it was a little dark, and, holding in bis hand what resembled a navy six-shooter, said loudly: "Throw np your bands!" Mr. Withers was amazed and thought Branton bad by some means prooured a gun, bat kept oool and said : "Oh, come off." In a few seconds Branton concluded his ruse bad been dieoovered and laughed, and claimed "be meant noth ing." However, be stated that if he had had a real gao he would have done some real shooting. It was Branton's idea to make the sheriff throw up his hands, then be would reach through and get bis re volver. This would have been an Impossibility, as the sheriff was too far baok from the iron grating. The alleged pistol was an ingenious model of a navy revolver. It was made oat ot a roasted potato for a barrel, a piece ot tin from one o'. bis suspenders for a sight, while the chamber was made from a piece of boiled potato and the leaden messengers were pieces ot burnt bones, and the whofa was covered with tinfoil. It cau be seen at the sheriff's offloe, and is well worth one's time to exam ine it." BOLDIISK8 MOST UO UKV. Can't bay ileer or Auy Kind of Liquor In Havana. Havana, Maroh 1. The American military authorities in Cuba are attempt ing to maie the Amerioan soldiers tee totalers by stopping the sale of beer at post exobaoges and olosing the bars in Havana and Mariana for selling beer or wine to privates or nonoommissioned offloers. The proprietors of such nlaoes are fined $500, but are allowed to reopeo after three days, cm grnlDg bonds. The private soldiers, especially the volunteers, think it a hardship that they may not bay beer when the oflioers of tbeir regi meuts are nnrestrioted, especially as the volunteer officers feel comradeship for their men, and often bay flasks for tbem As matters stand now, the Amerioan oldiers cannot get a drink even of beer, without breaking tbe law or forc ing some one else to break it. Bid COLONY COMING. Oregon the Chosen Land ot Eastern Farmers. DisoonratEed In behalf of a oolooy , David Molotnrff and other trustees of the People's United Church today entered into arrangements for the purchase of 8,000 acres of land, a flooring mill, a general merchandise store and seven other buildings in Mon roe, for which tbey expect to pay $175, 000, saya the Monroe correspondent of tbe Uregonian. Id accordance with tbe terms of the agreeumt they deposited $10(0 cash today, and will soon make two more payments of like amounts. In May they will pay 50 per cent of tbe re mainder, knd the balance is to be paid iu ten years. Outside of railroad transao tions, tbe deal is considered the largest financially in the biatory ot Benton oonnty. Mr. Molntarff and tbe other trnstees say that it ia their intention to settle 3,000 people on tbe land. They will also build a motor line from Eugeoe to Corvallis, and engage in other railroad cuuBirpouao, ine colony win be or a religions character. Condition of Stock. Tbe Ontario Mattook says: Tbe pe riod of feeding has been oousnally long this winter, and all forage has been eaten up closely. It is approximately estimuted that U0.O0O tons of bar have been consumed by stook in this oonnty 15,000 tons ot whioh weie fed within radios oi ton miles from Ontario. There baa been little or no loss among stock that was fed, and in most instances they have thrived aud will be turned on tbe range strong and in bettor oonditioo tbao ever Dofore. The loss of range borses bas been enormous, bat they were not considered of sufficient value to pay for feeding, and lbs range they oooupied will sow be oeo for more valuable litock. COUNCIL MEETING. A Lively Time at the Council Chambers Monday Night. The regular meeting ot the city ooun oil opened by administering the oath ot office to the newly eleoted officers and oounoilnien. The roll call was responded to by Councilmen Lichtentbal, Simons, Roberts, Rasmus and Mayor Morgan, after wbiob the important minutes ot previous meeting were read and ap proved. Numerous bills were presented and warrants ordered drawn for the amounts. The bonds of the treasurer and re corder were read and npon endorsement by members of the finance oommittea were on motion aooepted. The ordioanoe presented to the ooun oil by Attorney Phelps authorizing .the organization of the fire department, and covering its reqairements was read for the first time and attentively listened to, and was then upon unanimous approval carried over until next meeting for final adoption, Upon motion a new plate for the seal to conform to requirements ot the new oity oharter, substituting the oity of Heppner for the town of Heppner, was ordered. The annual report ot the city treasurer for the year ending February 28, -1899 was read as follows, reflecting great credit on the administration of retiring Mayor Morgan and the oounoil: RESOURCIS. On hand March 1, 18118 $ 672 63 Liquor and beer hall licenses. .$3400 00 Dray, bus and delivery " .. 82 50 BuwliiiK alley " .. 75 00 Opera house and show " .. 105 00 Shooting nailery " .. SO 00 Hawkers and peddlers " .. )00 Fines 4.M5 60 City taxes 2007 90 City poll (or road) taxes 80 00 Dog taxes 21 00 Lumber sold 2105 ff320 05 Total resources 58 Warrants paid during year 4738 51 Balance on hand t'.265 07 The report was adopted and its bal ance to the credit of the oity favorably oommented on. A motion to purchase a safe belonging to Tom Matlock, for tbe safe keeping of oity documents was thoroughly dis- oussed and finally passed to the respon sibility ot the new oouncil at the next meeting, when tboy take tbeir seats, for final aotion. Under bead ot concluding order each member, besides others of tbe meeting, were oalled upon tor temarks. Some retired under the misfortune of modest confusion, while others held the fort, delivering volleys of wisdom with tell- ng effeot. Retiring Councilman Lion- tentbal held the marked attention of the assemblage, and in bis logical way re ferred to many important considerations of bis past 8 years' servioe as council man. In justice to Mr. Liohenthal, it is safe to say that tbe publio share in the appreciation ot bis integrity and faithful disoharge of his oonsoientioas duties. Mayor Morgan then took tbe floor and warming up to tbe oocasion held the close attention ct those present for a considerable length ot time. Crediting the first organized oonnoil of tbe oity with laying the foundation upon which they have today placed the solid fin an oial condition of Heppner without a parallel in the history ot the Northwest. The soundness of bis advice pertaining to tbe systematic balancing ot each quarter's financial statement, which bai avorted all possibility ot errors and shortages consequent upon laxity, was thoroughly appreciated. UO AD SUPE11V1SOK3. Law Passed by Legislature Uegnlatlng Their Election, The several oouuty courts shall, aa often as tbey may deem necessary, bnt not oftener than onoein two years, divide tbeir respective oonnties, or any part thereof, into suitable and convenient road distriots, eaob ot whioh shall be numbered, and oauae a brief description of the same to be entered npon tbe oonnty records. No road district shall be so made as that it shall be partly ia one election preoioot ana partly in an other, bnt eaob road district shall be so formed as to lie wholly within one elec tion preoinot. Provided, that all the territory within any incorporated town or oity may be one road district. Eaob oonnty court, at tbe January term, 1900( thereof shall arrange the road diatrioti in its county so as to conform to tbe pro visions of this section, and at tbe Janu ary term of said oonrt every two yean thereafter, and at no other time, make such obaoge in road districts as may be deemed neoeesary; bnt no obanges, either in road dlstriols or in election pre oinots, shall be made wbiob shall Inter fere with tbe relative arrangement there of ss provided in this seotion. At the general election in 1900, and every two years thereafter there shall be eluded in eaob election precioot in Ih'i state in which there is one or more road distriots in snob eleotion precioot, wbo shall be resident of tbe road district in snob election precinct, fr wbioh be is elected, and (ball hold bis office for two years, or until bis snocssor shall hive been elected and qualified. At snob eleo tion every person entitled to vote for preoinot oflioers in a given preoinot sball be entitled to vote for one road supervisor for each road district in snub preoinot. Before petering oonn the disobarge of his duties each road supervisor sball take au oatb to faithfully disobarge tbe duties ot hi oil! oo, and when any person (ball fail or refuse to accept tbe offloe of road snporvlsor to whioh be shall have been elected be shall be flood in tbe snm of 825, which fine nhall be appropriated to road purposes in the road district in which soou person iball Lave beta tlsoWJ.