Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 02, 1899, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Thuesday, March 2, 1899.
"We take pride in presenting to
our readers in this issue a news
paper devoted alone to the businets
institutions of our town, and feel
that our past efforts in their behalf
has been appreciated. Every en
terprising concern is represented
in our advertising columns in Buch
a manner that no one can mistake
their ability to meet the demands
of their customers.
Just as we go to press we are
startled with the information that
a party of railroad men reached
lone yesterday, having come in
over a proposed new roadbed for
the Heppner branch of the 0. R &
N. As we understand it, the main
line will swing off 45 miles above
the Junction, coming through to
lone, thence to Lexington and then
out through the HardmaD country,
in order to avoid the expense of
keeping the road clear of sand be
tween lone and the Junction. We
hope to have conclusive informa
tion by next issue.
There was a bill passed for
Clackamas county, relieving the
sheriff of that county of the power,
granted all other sheriffs by law, of
designating the paper in which the
delinquent tax list shall be pub
lished, and putting this power in
the hands of the newly created
separate board of commissioners.
The law regarding this point has
been well established, and this
special bill is only another evi
dence of the fact. Baker City lie
publican. Senator Frye has offered an
amendment to the sundry civil bill
authorizing the payment of $100,
000 a year for twenty years by the
government for the use of a Pacific
cablo, from home poiut in the
Unitud Stale to China aud Japan,
via llaw iii, Guam aud the Philip
pines, providing that the cible be
in working order to Honolulu by
July 1, 1900, aud to Manila by Jan
uary 1, 1001, and that messages of
the Uui!ed States government be
carried fiee forever.
No ONE was surprised, after the
caual bill was ruled off the Bnndry
civil bill on a point of order, to see
the item appropriating $20,000,000
to carry out the terms of the treaty
of peace with Spain go the same
road. But the money will bo paid.
Representative Cannon has intro
duced a bill making the appropria
tion, which will go through all
right. The attempt of Represent'
ative Gillett, of Massachusetts, to
mix up the appropriation aud the
McEuery resolution, adopted by
the senate last week, will do no
harm, as the bill will never be
heard of again.
To A VERY groat extent the grand
jury system is abolished in Oregon
and is, to all intents aud purposes,
a thing of the past, as the result of
the passage of a law at the recent
session of the legislative assombly,
which provides for criminal pros,
ecutions on information made by
the district attorney. This law
does not abolish the grand jury en
tirely, as it provides that the circuit
court may, in case it is deemed ad
visable, convene a grand jury
The bill was introduced in the
house by Mr. Moody, on January
11th, aud was known as U. B. No.
15; it passed the house on January
81st, and the senate on February
17th, and on the Bame date was
sent to the governor, and by him
Senators are determined that
they shall not be charged with re
sponsibility for the failure of Nioa-
raugua caual legislation at this
session. The house having, by a
majority vote, sustained the ruling
of its presiding oilioer, that the
canal bill was out of order as an
amend meut to the sundry civil
bill, and it being o-rtaiu that no
time can be secured in the house
for consideration of the Hepburn
caual bill, which was made a sub
stitute for the Morgan bill and re
ported to the house, the senators
propose giving the house another
opportunity to act upou canal leg
islation that cannot be blocked by
poiut of order, by putting the Hep
burn caual bill in the rivers and
harbors bill. The bill so amended
has already been reported to the
senate, aud there is no doubt that
it will pa38 that 1ndy
Morrow Comity Hag Boom for Thil Kind of
Many letters have been received by
the Grzette editor from Eastern states.
Following are samples:
High View, N. Y., Feb. SO, 1899.
Mb. CoiiLiEg Mkrkitt, Heppner, Ore. Dear
Sir: I notice In the Morninit OreKonlan of Jan
uary 10th a piece written by you in regard to
Morrow county, Oregon. I write to you to find
out a little more about the land, etc., princi
pally In the vicinity of Heppner.
How many miles from Heppner ia the nearest
government land not taken, that would be good
for farming purposes? Also, If you know of
any improved land close by, say about 50 acres,
more or les, for sale and at what price per acre!
What Is the average price of the produce of
butter, egga, pork, etc.?
Is there a home market for this produce, or
docs It have to be shipped to larger cities?
What la the wages of farm hands per day or
In regard to water, Is there any small streams
or riverfl in this vicinity? If so, what kind of
fish abound in them?
Also, what kind of small game is there around
that part of the country ? My reason for asking
so many questions Is that I, with my family,
am anticipating taking a trip West, with the ex
pectation of settling If suited.
I have a brother, at Heppner, but thought
perhaps you might know more about the farm
ing country than he would.
Another thing I would like to ask is the price
of cattle and horses.
By favoring me with an answer you will
greatly oblige me.
Forest River, N. n Feb. 7. 1899.
Mb. Cobliks Mkbbitt, Heppner, Ore. Dear
Sir: Having seen your name in an Oregon pa
per, and living In Morrow county, I write you
in quest of Information regarding free grant
land and prices of building material, farming
Implements, farm horses and other stock. If it
does not put you to any Inconvenience, I would
be thankful to you for any Information you
cou Id give me, as there are about ten families
thinking of moving out there in June.
Would like the price of other lands, also.
Whits Laks, S. D., Feb. 13, 1899.
Mr. Coklies Mkbbitt, Heppner, Ore. Dear
Sir: Having seen a short description ol Morrow
county in the Oregonlan of recent date written
by you, and being very desirous of obtaining
more information in regard to that country I
write you In regard to same. Would like to
have a more definite description of it. Is there
government land in or near this county, if so
what does the law require of a man to hold a
claim? If there it no government land, what
Is land worth per acre? I undeistand that
most any kind of small grain can be profitably
raised. What has been the usual average
bushel per acre of such grain in past seasons?
Can not corn be raised at all? About what
time do you commence putting in crops and
how long does it take to mature? How far is
your town from railroad? About what depth
do you have to go for wator? What Is the pros
pect for raising cattle and about what is the
price of all kinds of stock at tho present time?
I have understood that hay could not be ob
tained without raising some kind of tame hay,
such as millet or alfalfa; is such the case?
About how long do you have to feed during the
winter, and Is it generally rainy I if so, about
how much of the time docs it rain during this
time? Do you have snow, and if so, about how
much? Do you have to build protection for
stock during tho winter months? What is the
genoral prion of lumber, and Is wood eaBily
olit ilimble? Have you ever known a failure of
crops? Do you huvo rainfull enough to pro
duce Uiuko crops, or do you have to depend on
irrigation? Have you any creameries or cheese
factories In or near your locality. What is the
population o( your city and what arc the Bchool
ml church facilities? What do they pay a
chool toucher, generally. How far are you from
the great wheat Ileitis of Washington, and how
do they harvest in that vicinity? About what
Is the general price of wheat?
Hoping to hear from you as soon as con
venient. No Right to Ugliness.
Thn woruiiu who is lovely in (ace, form
and temper will ulways have friends, but
one who would be attraotive mast keep
ber health. It she is weak , siokly and
all run down, she will bo uervous aud
irritable. If sbe bas constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotobes, skin eruptions
aud a wretobed complexion. Klectrio
Bitters is tbe best medioine in the world
to regulate atomsob, liyer and kidneys
and to purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety
skin, rioh oomplexioo. It will make a
good-looking, charming woman of a run
down invalid. Only 50 oents st Sloonm
Drug (Jo's.
1 .
The Weekly Gazette only 1.50.
The Army ant! Navy
Have covered themselves with glory
(luring the war. The army and navy
vest pocket memorandum book pub
Imbed by the Northern Paoiflo is a com
paot digest of Information relative to
I lie navies and armiss of Spain and the
United States and the beginning of the
war. It has a map of Cuba, illustrations
of naval ships, glossary of navy and
army terms, translation of Spanish
words, etc Send ten oents to Obas. 8.
Fee, general passenger agent, N. P. R.,
Ml. i'aul, Minn., for a copy.
Now is the time to reuew your
subacriptiou to the Gazette.
General Debility
and Loss of Flesh
Scott's Emulsion has been the
standard remedy for nearly a
quarter of a century. Physicians
readily admit that they obtain re
sults from it that they cannot get
from any other flesh-forming: food.
There are many other prepara
tions on the market that pretend
to do what
d'Ks, but they fall to perform It.
'The. imiiV. IVrirwf ffi.in CrsAJtivtr Oil
made into a delightful cream, skill-
Stslly blended with the Hypophos
ohitjs of Lime and Soda, which
are such vjIiiaM tnnirt
fif -V makes this preparation an
7 ,0 1 Jeai one no cnecKS the
V tr : . J . .f .1
u"K iciiucuty, tno luc
f patient almost immediate
y commences to put on
flesh and fain a strength
which surprises them.
Be mr. vou get SCOTT'S Emulsion. $ that the
sun an4 lih ar on th, wrapper.
na. and Si.oo, alt drugfbta.
f.flff ftOWNE, Owmtst,, K. Ytffc
Spring Suit
of Yours!!
We have for three years been agents tor
We have a line of 1500
samples to select from.
We take your measure
) We do not ask for a c
? deposit. If you don't
S like the suit when it C
) comes we will place I
same in stock.
Suits range in price from $10.00 ll
according to quality of goods.
Don't give your order to some unreliable
representative of a tailoring concern.
Don't pay any deposit.
Don't allow them to send goods to vou
C. O. D.
We crive vou a positive and
can give you a Better Fit,
service, imo deposit required, and we don t want you to
take the suit unless you are pleased with it.
Minor &
From our regular oorreapondout.
Al W. Paroell was np last week from
Oaatla Bock.
Hadley Barker went to Pendleton on
bnainesa, remaining several dayi.
Geo. W. Vinoent waa a very eDergelio
influence in patting tbe telephone line
Bev. Uoakloa baa had bia plaoe ?ery
neatly flied np, and Harry Bartholomew
followed in like manner.
A. Audrewa baa been doing penance
ai a baobelor. Ilia family are expeoted
borne shortly from Dayton, Wash.
Tbe telephone line between Heppner
and Pine City will be oomplete within
a few dnye, with a term in as at tbe home
of Harry Bartholomew.
A. Andrews, (io. Vinoent, Frank
Warren and U. Paroell went lu Heppner
last week for a little recreation. They
retnrned iu good spirits .
Prof. Ilodson, adopted reooutljr French
atyle, iu the shape of a "little bnuoh t
wbixkera on bia chin," American en
thusiasm teiifd biiu lnft week, resulting
in his having it ohoru. lie ia again one
of "our people."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Baars the
Not all well -dressed
men are dressed by
PThc Royal Tailorv
but all men dressed by
The Royal Tailors are
well-dressed men.
And it's done at a
cost which means a
saving of at least one
third as compared
with the average tail
or's prices.
We can show you
qualities and prices that
will interest you
Minor & Co J
and Guarantee a fit.
In our three years'
dealing with the
Royal Tailors
we have yet to hear
of a ""t1"'"
unoualified guarantee that we
Better Workmanship, Better
UlyllOll CliJU
AwtSt prices ever onereu
but? oamo vuaiitjr.
Men's Servicable Suits sizes 36 to 44
" All-wool blue, black and brown cheviot,
" " " imported clay worsted-former
P. 0. B0RG,
Dr. Barthlow's
p..,,,..,, WHITE PINE
Scsfresr cough syrup
Hoaraencss, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis.
Dr. Barthlow's
Tha btst
Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifiar.
Conser & Warren, Heppner, Or.,
Who wr, a .smpkt line of Drugs, Chraimlf, Taints, Oil nd Gl
At the
Tailor Mode
vjUl V lVCl JIj
in xieppuer uu guuua ui
Brown &
Is Offering
And the finest Jewelry at
very low prices.
Repairing a Specialty.
For Announcement
Of arrival of
Next Week
old reliable firm
Rhea x Welch
All the latest styles
Call and examine them
Ages from 2 to 8 years 2
f All-wool suits from $2.00 to $5.00
. According to trimmings.
good weight
price $12.00, now only
I all Heel, which makes it very ttrong and durable.
It is simple in construction and has less parts to wear
than any Disc made. The chilled journal bearings are
entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There is
absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings.
The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise
osit of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them
selves to dead furrows or low place in rough ground.
A trial will convince you that the Canton is without
an equal. Manufactured by
Are the best because they are made of the best steel
and are durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to
depth and the edges reversed. Frame is thoroughly
hrafwrl Mad in all titM Mirlaku
braced. Made in ail sizes.
Farm Implements,
Grain and Feed.
- piece suits 90c.
only $3.00
Acknowledged the superior of all makes. The easi
est handled, lightest draft, most durable and turn tht
soil perfectly. Can be adjusted to work on side hills,
where others fail. Have dust proof hub bands and
many points of superiority over all others. Made in all
sizes withSTEELor CHILLED bottoms and Riding
Attachment. Compare them with others and see them
work and you wilt buy a Canton. Manufactured by
Stubble Plows
Made with wood or steel ham in it I , aru
Share and Land side is made of soft center cnicible
eeJ, thoroughly hardened. Double Shin Mold The
ir th larm.J V..J l .1 .
y-- - iimni, ucuausc uicy a TV WM MO. SUu-
KJiuwiy uwuc ana worn pence tiy in all soils.
lafc kj PAELH i OEESWRFF CO, Caitw, Oliioa.
Studebaker Wagons,
S. P, 6arn0ues