Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 23, 1899, Image 6

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    Heppner Weekly Gazette
Published Every Thursday.
An Interesting; Collection of Items From
the Two Hemisphere Presented
In at Condensed Form.
Tlie graves of tha Maine victims at
Havana were decorated with flowers
on the 15th, the anniversary of the ex
A British syndicate has ohtained a
concession from China to build a rail
road from Ilankan to Canton, along
the coast.
Col. Miller, who captured Ho Ilo
without the loss of a man In his com
mand, has been promoted to be brigadier-general
by the president.
The Cunard liner Etruria and the
cruiser Marblehead narrowly averted h
collision duiinga blinding sleet and
snow storm about 70 miles off Sandy
Hook Monday morning.
Representative Stal lings, of Ala
bama, has introduced in the house a
bill to authorize the president to ap
point General Wheeler a major-general
in the regular aimy.
Terrific weather is prevailing on
the coast of Jamaica. The winds are
high and the sea is encroaching on the
land. Coasting vessels have been
wrecked, and several hundred acres of
bananas swept away.
Naval ordnanoe officers in Washing
ton are elated over the remarkable re
sults seoured with the new smokeless
navy powder for large caliber guns in a
test at tho Indian Head proving
grounds on the Potomac.
State Entomologist Scott, of Georgia,
says the peach orop lias been utterly
destroyed, and in all probability the
gorwers will be so discouraged that
they will abandon the business. Last
year's crop was valued at $1,000,000.
Ex-Consul Duckert, of Beligum, has
been commissioned to make a tour of
China in the interests of Belgian manu
facturers at a salary of $29,000 a year.
The idea of the tour emanated from
King Leopold, who will contribute 8,
000 to the salary.
It is expected that General Otis will
shortly begin an aggressive oampaign
in the Philippines, us the reoont battles
have not subdued the insurgents, as
was expected. The rainy Beason will
soon set in, when military operations
can not bo well carried on, and a deci
sive blew must be given before that
P The torpedo-boat Fox, built by the
Wolff & Zwicker iron works, at Port
land, Or., is the first torpedo-boat in
the world to como up to the require
ments specified in the contract upon
her first official trial. For two conseo
utive hours in hor first trial sho main
tained an average spoed of 28 1 knots,
her engines turning at a rate of 881.4
revolutions per minute, which exceeds
tho requirements by 11.4 turns.
President Zelaya has issued a decree
declining tho republic of Nicaragua to
bo in a state of soigo. A buttle is
expected to tako place at any lime
went of Chilo mountain, the dividing
line of the Coidilluras. The president
is soiidiiig troops to tho front as rapid
ly as collected. The United States
gunboat Marietta, wihch arrived at
Greytown February 5, has sailed for
Bluofileds, the headquarteis of the
revolution headed by General Reyes.
Ono man was killed and five sorioui
ly injured in a powder explosion at
Moasgrovo, Pa.
Four Chinoso have died from in
juries sustained In tho San Francisoo
Chinatown firo Sunday,
Silas Jones and six children wore
burned to death on the Richardson
and May plantation, at Cor nui atone,
II. M. S. Leander has boon ordered
to procood with all speed to Bolivia to
ptoteot the property and lives of Biit
isli residents during the revolution.
Fire in Cincinnati destioyed the
clothing houses of Kahn & Felthmeyer,
II. A. lloinsheimor and Banford, Stern
& Burner. The Iohs is noarly $500,000.
There is a rumor in Paris that ne
gotiations are taking place betweon the
Panama canal company and the Watdi
ington government, looking to the coin
pletion of the canal,
Thirty-five persns havodiodof small
pox in the Cieek nation within a few
weeks. The victims wore negroes aud
Indians. All of Western Oklahoma
lias quaiantined ag:tiuBt the infected
Tho buildings of the Gieor Ma
chinory Company and the Whittle
Trunk Company, at Knoxville, Tenn
witli their oontents, were destroyed by
lire. The loss is estimated at between
115,000 and $100,000.
In the United States sonate Tuesday
the MoEnoiy resolution, declaring that
the ratification of the peaue treaty is
not u declaration on the part of the
United States to permanently hold the
Philippine iHlaruls, wag paused by
vote of SO to 23.
Minor Nitn Items.
A bargo loaded with a large quantity
of cord wood, consigned to a Portland
dealer was lost during the recent
freshet in the east fork of the Lewis
A carload of green onyx marble, the
first shipment of dimension stone from
the quarries of the United States Mar
ble Company, near Valley, in Stevens
county, Wash., was on tho track In
Spokane recently for a few hours, en
route to Chicago.
War upon gypsy foi tune-tellers
being waged bv License Officer Kogo-
way, of Portland. One ha been cor
tiered and forcod to tako out a $50 li
cense, and others will be called Uon
for similar contributions.
The Oregon Short Line Company ha
let a contract with a saw mill company
t La Center, Wash., for 2(10,000 rail
road ties. Nickum & Co., ot Portland
have the contract for shipping th
ties from the mill to the East Side,
whoro they will be loaded on cars. Th
transfer ot these ties by water will em
ploy about 40 baiget.
Chaplain John R. Thompson, of the
First Washington infantry at Manila,
died Monday.
The war department has issued an
order mustering out of service all the
volunteers now in the United States.
Ethan Allen Hitchcock, of Missouri,
has taken the prescribed oath and en
tered upon his duties as secretary of
the interior.
The house committee on appropria
tions has ordered a favorable report on
the bill to pay Spain $20,000,000 for
the Philippines.
Agonoillo, the Filipino delegate, ar
rived in New York Monday from Mon
treal. Agoncillo expects to sail for
England in a few days.
The senate committee lias reported
favorably an amendment to the sundry
civil bill providing for the laying of a
cable from the United States to Hawaii
and the Philippines.
Many French newspapers are bit
terly assailing M. Loubet, the new
president, but the better oluss support
him, and eoniidence in the stability of
the new government is inoreasing.
Samuel II. Stevenson, D. D. , one of
the oldest Presbyterian ministers In
the United States, is dead iu Bloom-
ington, III., at the age of so. He was
near relative of former Vice-Presi-
dent Stevenson.
A fire In tho little city of Port
Washington, Wis., destioyed $300,000
worth of property, and rendered 80
families homeless. A chair factory
oovering two blocks was destroyed,
throwing COO men out of work.
Tho revolution in Nicaragua is
preading. General Mena, at the iiead
of 700 insurgents, is near tho town of
Rama. The insurgents are well armed
with small guns and ate expeoting
Gatllng, Krupp and Hotohkiss cannon.
Michael Milano, the prosperous pro
prietor of a bootbhicking etsablishment
in Tacoina, committed suicide by firing
two shots fioin a revolver into his
brain. Fifty-two dollars was found
on the body. Family trouble was the
oauae of the aot.
A new town has been laid out in
Alaska, 25 miles from Juneau, which
is expected will be the gateway to
the Atlin goldfielda. It lias been
named Tuku, and is situated on Taku
bay, four miles from the mouth of the
n let of that name.
The Italian bark Barbara Luigi went
ashore February 4 on Little Bahama
bank and is a total loss. Three of the
crew wete drowned and two perished
from exposure. The captain and eight
of the ciew have anived at Nassau, N.
, and report the loss.
Mrs. Howe, ot Greshara, Or., was
drowned in the Willamette at Port
land Monday. She was passing from
one steamer to another, as the boats
were lying at the dock, when she fell
between them. An attempt to rescue
her tailed, bhe was on her way to
visit a son at Salem.
The first session of the eighth conti
nental congress of the National Socioty
of the Daughters of the American Rev
olution began in Washington Monday.
Mrs. Daniel Manning, president-gen
eral of the society, made her aunuul
address. She dwelt especially on the
aid given by the society during the re
cent war, asserting that the organiza
tion had furnished $300,000 in money
and supplies.
Hie Columbia river fish cannery
combine will close half ot the canneries
the coming season.
The Cunard steamer Pavonia, whluh
sailed from Queeustown for Boston.
January 26, and which was sighted on
February 6, in a disabled condition,
has arrived in tow at the Azores
M. Loubet was elected president of
Fraiioe on the 21st. The assembly
cast 812 votes, of which Loubet re
ceived 483 to 279 cast for M. Meline,
and 60 scattering.
A battle has occurred at Talien-Wan
between Russian soldiers and Chinese,
in whluh 800 of the latter were slain.
The trouble is said to have originated
over the question of taxes.
Grading has begun on the Snake
River Valley railroad, between Union
flat and the head of the south fork of
the Penewawa creek. A large
men and teams is working on
force ot
the big
cut between those two points.
A dispatch from Cape Charles, Va
says 60 oyster sloops and schooners
hve been carried out to sea by diift-
ing ice from Magothys bay. It ia be
lieved many are manned, and the crews
may suffer from exposure and hunger.
Tugs will be sunt to overhaul the ves
sels. Oregon Legislature Adjourns Sine Die.
Although the hour Ret for the final
adjournment of the Oregon legislature
was 12 o'clock noon Saturday, the ses
sion wus prolonged till 7 o'clock.
Aside from the formalities of finish
ing up necessary matten iu hand, the
passage of two special appropriation
bill was the feature of the day.
The house refused to concur in some
of the senate's reductions of items in
the bill, and it was necessary to ap
point conference ooinmittees before
agreement could be reached. This
prolonged the session till 7 o'clock In
tho evening, when the session was de
clared ended.
A deposit of earth stiontian has
been found on Pot-in-Bay island in
Lake Erie. It is many acres in extent.
The nitrate of stroutia is of pure white
The Hamburg-American line steamer
Adria arrived at New York Sunday
from Hamburg after a most tempestons
passage. During the night of January
80, Captain Levetsow, while trying to
go from the bridge to the cabin, was
thrown down into the cabin passageway
and killed.
Labolt Gautzburger, of Reading, Pa.,
91 years old, is cutting his third set of
teeth. The first arrival of the new set
came two months ago, and the seventh
molar has just put in its appearance.
A movement to erect a national mo
morial in honor of Abraham Lincoln
has been started by the Lincoln College
Club, of Chicago. Resolutions have
been adopted favoring the organisation
of a National Lincoln Memorial Asso
ciation, and a committee which in
cludes Senator Mason and Congress
man Loriruer appointed to secure iunds
lor the purpose.
Much Work Crowded In the Closing
Hours of the Session The Last
Working- Day.
The last working day of the Oregon
legislature was full of business, mostly
devoted to the rojtino of passing bills.
The general appropriation bill was
passed by both houses.
In the senate the bill to provide fot
executions of murderers at tho peni
tentiary was indefinitely postponed,
because it carried objectionablo mattor
relating to appeals.
Three bills touching military anairs
were passed, as follows: To cover into
the militarv fund all moneys received
from the United States on account of
transportation, etc.; to restore to the
military fund some $8,000 expended in
suppressing fishermen's riots in 1890;
to reorganize the official staff of the
Oregon National Guard.
The following bills were passed: lo
regulate license fire insurance com
panies; to protect the fruit and hop
industry by requiring the destruction
of pests; to cure certain defects in ju
dicial sales and deeds; to prevent the
maintenance of armed bodies of men
other than the duly constituted author
ities; to amend the charter of Newberg;
to provdie for criminal prosecutions on
information; to protect trout and cer
tain other food fishes; to relieve the
state of the necessity of advancing the
casts of giving a bond In a proceeding
to which the state is a party; to
amend the law relating to irrigation
rights and ditches; to amend the law
relative to liens against mines for la
bor or supplies; to amend the chatter
of Arlington; to fix the annual salary
of the supreme court clerk at $3,000,
with one deputy in Salem at $75 per
month and one at Pendleton at $50,
and providing that the fees be paid
into the state treasury; to fix the sal
aries of Columbia county officers; to
regulate the manner of sturgeon fishing
and making a close season on the Co
lumbia river from March 1 to Novem
ber 1; to provide for inspecting sheep
brought in bands into Oregon from an
other state (same as the Washington
iw); to amend the law relative to the
iuties of publio road viewers; to fix
the annuual salary of the Linn county
assessor at $2,400, inoluding the pay
of deputies; to regulate the practice of
the vocation of barbers; to provide for
the appropriation of water to be used
for mining purposes.
In the House.
In the house a long discission occur
red on the bill to adopt the Torrens
system of land title. The bill, when
put upon its passage, was defeated.
Bills passed were: To authorize
construction of skids across county
roads for logging purposes; to provide
for submission to the vote of the peo
pie the proposed constitutional amend
ments; to authorize the sale of agri
cultural school lands on the market for
25 years at less than the price fixed by
statute; to provide for payment of
taxes in coin, instead of county war
rants; to provide for the manner of se
curing the release as surety upon
bonds; to reduce fees to be charged by
county clerks in probate caBes; to
make the law prohibiting the fraudu
lent use of labels or trademarks more
effective; to fix the salaries of county
clerk, sheriff and recorder in Wash
ington county; to amend the code so as
to (rive parties the right to give notice
of appeal without assignment of error;
to authorize the printing of 800 copies
of supreme oouit reports at $2.60 per
copy; to prohibit the running of push
cars upon lailroad tracks; to create
state board of equalization, consisting
of the governor, secretary of state and
state treasurer; to authorize the work
ing of county prisoners on county loads;
to fix the salaries of county treasurers,
after amendment increasing tho salary
of the treasurer of Lane county from
$500 to $800, and the salary of the
treasurer of Wallowa county from $250
to $350; to amend code relative to at
tachments making the filing of a writ
with the oounty olerk answer the pur
pose of posting a notice on property
to amend the code relative to action for
adverse possession; to fix the compen
sation of county commissioners after
amending the bill by inoreasing the
per diem iu Union oounty from $4 to
$5; to reduce the mileage of jurors and
witnesses in cities ot 60,000 population
or over, from 10 to 5 cents; to give
preference in the employment in pub
lio servioe to honorably discharged sol
diers and sailors; to appropriate
$2,000, in aid of the Oregon Historical
Society, and to authorize printing at
the state's expense to the same anion rt
to provide for the payment of certain
fees to recorders of conveyances; to
constitute six days' publication of
notice a weeks notioe; amending the
law relative to the appointment of offi
olal stenographers; to abolish the office
of recorder of Clatsop oounty, and re
quire that the duties of that office be
performed by the county clerk; to leg
ulate the purchase, sale and transfer ot
stocks of goods, by requiring the pur
chaser to exact from the vendor a list
of creditors and the extent of llabil
ities; to piohibit the running at large
of stallions.
State Fair Appropriation.
In the Oregon senate Wednesday the
bill to repeal the annual appropria
tion of money to the state fair was de
featod by a vote of 12 to 16.
Th Daly" School Bill.
After the most exoiting and dramatic
halt-day of the session, the Orego
house shortly before 1 o'clock Wednes
day noon passed the Daly text book bill
by a vote of 33 to 20, only one member
being absent. The bill, which had
been made a special order ot business
for 10 A. M., did not come to a vote
withont sensational incidents.
The debate was paitiaipatod in by
all the orators of the house, and the
lobby and gallery were filled with in
terested spectators. The call of the
house was had three times before th
bill came to a vote, and several in
effectual efforts were made to secure an
The bill to change the management
of the Soldiers' Horns by doing away
with the present board of trustees and
putting the institution under the con
trol ot the governor was passed in the
The bill to codify the laws relatln
to school lands was passed after an un
successful attempt had been made to
amend by keeping the salary ot the
clerk at $1,500, as now, instead ol
$1,(100, as provided in the bill.
Bills That
Have Passed
Daring the
Bills passed by both houses previous
to the last day are as follows:
To authorize the town of Antelope to
borrow $5,000 to build water works.
To incorporate the city of Pendleton.
To amend charter of town of Adams.
To regulate pilotage on Columbia
and Willamette rivers.
To create office of state biologist,
without salary.
To reduce salaries of Douglas oounty
To incorporate Nehalem.
To provide that summaries only of
county assessment rolls be transmitted
to secretary of state.
To amend charter of Hillkboio.
To amend the chartei of Albany.
To incorpoiato town of Tillamook.
To incorporate the town oi Canyon
To constitute beach of CltUsop ooun
ty a publio highway.
To amend the charter of Grants Pass.
To authorize Jefferson institute to
sell out to the school district.
To amend chaiter of Oregon City.
To incorporate Port of Tillamook and
provide for the improvement of Ho
quiam slough.
To incorporate the town of Lakeview.
To incoporrate Cottage Grove.
To amend charter of town of Tangent.
To provide clerical aid for judges of
the supreme court.
To incorporate Drain.
To incorporate New Astoria, adjoin
ing Fort Stevens.
To amend charter of Monmouth.
To incoporrate the city of Ontario.
To incorporate the town of Bay City.
To incorporate the city of Heppner.
To incorporate the city Warrenton.
To incoiporate the oity of Wallowa.
To amend charter of Gold Hill.
To regulate and fix the salary of the
assessor of Jackson county.
To inoonorate the town of Marsh-
To amend charter of Woodburn,
To redistrict the state for senators
and representatives.
To create the office of tax collector in
Multnomah county.
To amend the charter of Corvallis.
To prevent production and sale of un
wholesome foods and medicines.
(Looney pure food bill.)
To Incorporate the town of Seaside.
To raise the salary of sheriff of Ma
rion county.
To regulate and to fix salaries of Til
lamook comity officers.
To fix salaues of county officers in
Clackamas. Morrow, Wasco and Yam-
11 counties.
To amend the charter of Eugene.
To amend the charter of Astoria,
To incorporate the town of Canby
To create a separate commission for
transaction of county business in
Clackamas county.
To amend the charter of Arlington
Incorporating Weston.
Incorporating Dufur.
Incorporating Enterprise.
Withdrawing school lands from Bala
and placing interest on school fund
loan 8 at 6 per cent.
Incorporating Dalles City.
Incorporating Moro.
Incorporating Brownsville.
Incorporating Lebanon.
Incorporating Burns.
Incorporating Carlton.
To protect salmon in Alsea bay and
To create a trust fund in Multnomah
To provide for the election of road
To create the office of clerk of the
justice court in cities of 60,000 popu
lation or over.
To authorize Multnomah county to
lease the upper deck of the steel bridge.
To provide for the sale of tide lands.
Protecting salmon in the Rogue
river and Curry county
To reorganize the state board of hor
Creating park commission in cities
of 8,000 population or over.
To amend seotion 6 of the mining
Amending the code relative to sher
iff 'a deeds
Requiring oounty clerks to adminis
ter oaths without charge, in pension
Appropriating $16,000 a year for fish
To amend the charter of Salem.
To regulate horse shoeing in Portland
Providing for normal schools at Ash
land and Drain.
To provide for the registration ol
To provido for a tax colleotoi of Mult
noraah county.
To change the manner ol governing
the Soldiers' Home.
To codify the laws ielative to state
school lands.
Partial codification of the sohool
To encourage the use of wide-tire
To amend the act incorporating th
Port of Portland.
To change the time of holding court
in the second jndiolal district.
To cure certain defects in deeds.
To permit surety companies to qalify
as sureties on bonds.
To change the time of holding court
in the ninth judicial district.
To prevent the adulteration of candy,
To provide foi boarding the prisoners
ot Clatsop, W ashington and Clackamas
counties by contract.
To provide for the reconveyance ot
land to J. E. Sal ing.
To fix the salaries ot the sheriff and
clerk in Lincoln oounty.
To create the county of Wheeler
To regulate the practice of dentistry,
To regulate mutual insurance com
To provide for a scalp bounty fund
To amend the law relating to the
duties of the state laud agent.
To constitute Willamette and Port
land boulevards Multnomah county
To provide for the protection ot
forests and game, and the appointment
of wardens,
To amend the law so as to permit
planking and corduroying county road
To appropriate $5,000 for the relief
of Ivy Templeton.
To amend the law so aa to give the
governor executive functions on the
state board of horticulture.
Providing foi the extirpation of thi
To as convicts tor impiovenient of
certain roads.
To reorganise the State Agricultural
o 1 - .
After Five Months of Patient
ount D'Almenas Make an Attack on
the Spanish Generals Who
Madrid, Feb.
22. Tho cortes reas
The galleries in both
thronged with an ex
The senate was very
sera bled today,
chambers wero
peotant crowd.
full, hardly a single general being ab
sent. Senor Montero Rios, president
of the senate, in opening tho proceed-
nus, pionounced a eulogy upon M.
Faure, aud a resolution of condolence
i th France was adopted.
Sonor Ragasta, the premier, then pro
posed to refer the bill proivding for the
ession of the Philippines to the Unit
ed States to a special committee, but
the conservatives protested against this,
declaring that the bill ought to be con
scientiously discussed, and , Senor tia
gasta withdrew his proposal.
Count D'Almenas then brought up
the question of the conduct of the gen
erals engaged in the war in Cuba, de
claring that General Primo Rivera,
General Weyler, General Blanco, Ad
miral Cervera and General Linares had
proven failures.
This declaration elicited raucn ap
plause from the public galleries, in
consequence of which several ot the
spectators were expelled from the cham
Observing that he would deal with
tho "shameful capitulation of San
tiago," Count D'Almenas asked the
C6j whether he should proceed, and
wai answered with cries of "yes" and
no" and a general uproar ensued. A
epetition of the query raising still
greater tumult, Senor Sagasta rose and
defended the government and its peace
commission. The' premier critioised
America's unjustified conduct, and said
that everything might be discussed, ex
cept'the war, because the" oases of the
generals were still subjudioiary.
County D Almenas resumed his at
tack upon the generals and complained
that "five months had elapsed, and not
a single geneial had been shot."
Filipino Attempt to Burn Qnarten ol
the Washington Volunteers.
Manila, Feb. 22. The natives of
the villaeo of Paco made a bold at
tempt last night to burn the quarters ot
the First Washington volunteers by
setting fire to the huts adjoining their
quarters in the rear. Fortunately the
wind changed, at the moment the fire
was discovered, and, fanned by a stiff
breeze, the flames spread in the oppo
site direotion, destroying fully 20
shacks and houses opposite the ruins of
the church. The incendiaries escaped.
Mysterious signals were frequently
made along the enemy's lines during
the night, and this led to the belief
that an attack had been arranged, but
nothing happened.
The rebels are leaving the vicinity of
San Podro Macati in small parties, and
are reported to be moving toward Sing
ulon. Money for Cuban.
Washington. Feb. 22. Efforts are
making with every prospect of success
to reconcile the radical element among
thj Cubans to the proposition of tho
government to pay the soldiers of the
Cuban cause $3,000,000.
General Gomez arrived today in Ma-
tanzas, making his way very slowly to
ward the oapital. . What is proposed is
that the United $tates shall sanction
the floating of bonds by the Cuban mu
nicipalities or provinces to the amount
of $7,000,000, whioh sum is to be paid
over to the Cuban troops, in addition
to the $3,000,000 to be paid by the
United States.
Data, it is said here, will be pro
duced by the Cuban assembly to show
that every cent of this sum was ex
pended in legitimate war expenses.
A Large Deficit.
Victoria, B. C, Feb. 23. F. C.
Cotton, minister of finance for British
Columbia, submitted his budget to the
legislature this afternoon. Ttio budget
shows a deficit of $647,723, and esti
mates that tl.e new government has to
start with a balanoe on the wrong side
of $64,000. Estimates show' a con
siderable outting in the salary list. A
new loan will be negotiated for $1,750,
000. No more large tracts of land will be
sold for speculative purposes, but
leases granted instead. Loss ol reve
nue by the abolition of the mortgage
tax will be met by an increase on the
income tax. ,
Millions for Spain.
Washington. Feb. 23. This was
suspension day in the house. The sen
ate amendments to a number of pit
vate pension bills were adopted.
Cannon, chairman of the appropria
tiona committee, by the direotion of
his committee, moved the passage tin
der suspension of the rules of the bill
for payment of $20,000,000 to Spain.
After disoussing the measure under
the 20-mlnute rule, the bill was passed,
219 to 84.
Man? Prisoner Released.
Havana, Feb. 23. One hundred and
sixty prisoners in the Havana jail,
whose reloase was recommended by
the board of pardons, were liberated
today, The United States government
il nude obligations to return them
home. Many of the prisoners are
Spaniards, aud the majority of these,
after consideration, decided that they
would prefer to be sent to Santiago to
work in the mines rather than go to
Thirty Killed Outright.
Brussels, Feb. 21. On Saturday va
express train from Calais, having pas
sengers from London on board, collided
with a stationary train at Foret, near
this city. Thirty persons were killed
outright and 50 more or less injured.
Seattle, Wash., Feb, 23. Prosecut
ing Attornety McElroy received a tele
gram from Washington today that the
United States supreme court had dis
missed the appeal of Char lee W. Nord
atroin, who murdered Will's Mason
I eight years ago. Sentence of death has
Kuttr, rtiBfc.i nn lilm 1 I 1 rM ttmA
Senate Committee Adds It t the Blver
and Harbor Bill.
- Washington, Feb. 20. The senate
committee on commerce decided today
to put the Morgan Nicaragua canal bill
on the river and harbor bill. The ac
tion of the committee was preceded by
brief argument by Senator Morgan,
in which he went over the general
grounds favorable to the construction
of the oanal.
Aside from the Nicaragua canal, the
committee increased cash appropria
tions to the extent of about $2,000,000
over the house cash appropriations.
while the amount of continuing con
tracts is increased to the exteut ol
about $10,000,000.
In the senate the only business oi
importance was the consideration of
bills on the pension calendar, which,
was begun under a special order.
Among the bills passed was one provid
ing procedure in certain pension cases.
It provides that no pension shall be
withheld, modified or cancelled except
for fraud, or mistakes in facts, and
prov'des a scheme of procedure. The
pi ivate pension calendar was complet
ed, 74 bills being passed.
In the House.
Washington, Feb. 20. In the house
today several railroad right-of-way bills
were passed. Among the bills was one
to authorize the construction of the
Clearwater Valley road through the
Nez Peices reservation.
The cenBus bill was sent to confer
ence. A bill was passed authorizing
the president to appoint five addition
al cadets-at-Iarge to the naval academy.
The sundry civil bill was then passed.
The naval appropriation bill was for
mally reported. The house went intc
committe of the whole and took up the
bill. No general debate was demanded
on the bill, and its reading for amend
ment under the five minute rule waf
immediate'y commenced.
No Disorders In ParU Followed yit
Death or Faure.
Paris, Feb. 20. Everything is quiet
in Paris tonight. There is no danger
of a coup d'etat. The favorite candi
date for the presidency is M. Emil
Loubet, now president of the senate.
Still the ministeis think Faure's death
is a misfortune at the present juncture,
and this is the conventional talk.
They had all looked forward to his re
signing, and they spoke today of the
possible effect of his death on the
courts of Europe.
If M. Loubet be elected, European
sovereigns would soon transfer to him
their friendly regards. He is a good,
unaffected, level-headed man of hon
est, open life, and of far more intel
lectual culture than poor Faure. He
is an advocate and practiced at the
Montilemar bar, in the department ol
the Drone. Montilemar is his native
The American Flag to Cover the Phil
Ipplne Island.
Washington, Feb. 20. The adminis
tration has determined to extend rap
idly the jurisdiction of the United
States over the Philippine group in its
entirety, acting on the theory that de.
lay in this crisis is dangerous, and
that anarohy and general paralysis oi
such interests as the islands suppoV
would be brought about through failure
to replace promptly Spanish sover
eisnty over the islands with that o
the Unnited States.
low Rate for Hoineeeker.
St. Paul, Feb. 20. The Northern
Pacific and Great Nothern have decided
to sell half-fare homoseekers' tioketi
February 21, March 1 and 7, on simi
lai rates as made by the more southerly
lines to the Pacific coast. Heretofore
the rates have applied only to near-bj
states, and it is now intended that
they shall apply to the entire length
of the roads named.
Gome Ooe to Cardena.
Havana, Feb. 20. A dispatch from
Cienfuegos says that Major-Genera
John C. Bates, military governor ol
the department of Santa Clara, and In
spector-General Breckinridge, yester
day paid a visit to General Gomez,
who was expecting to leave today foi
Estimate Output at 19,000,000.
Vanoouver, B. O., Feb. 20. M,
Marks, an Australian expert direot
from Dawson, places the output of the
Klondike at $19,000,000 this year. Hii
estimate is as follows: Eldorado and
Bonanza creeks, $5,000,000; Big anc
Little Bonanza, Gold and French
ureeks, $5,000,000; Hunker and Quart!
creeks, $5,000,000.
Steamer to Manila.
Tacoma, Feb. 20. James Ward, oi
the shipping firm of Saunders & Ward
has returned from a visit to England
and announces the establishment
himself and others of a steamer line
between this port and the Hawaiian
islands. The British steamer Manau
ense will be the first vessel out, and
will sail next week.
Nearly Froxen to Death.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 20. A special
to the Post-Intelligencer from Forty
Mile river, Alaska, says that William
Matheson, formerly of Los Angeles.
CaL, narrowly escaped being trozen to
death recently. It was necessary to
amputate both his bands and feet.
Waterworks for liiwion.
Los Angeles, Feb. 20. J. A. Acklen
ot this city, has been granted the privi
lege of maintaining a water works at
Dawson City by the Canadian govern
ment He will tap the Klondike river
four miles above Dawson..
Poor Manila Transport.
San Francisco, Feb. 20. A fleet of
four veeeels will leave San Francisco
for Manila within two weeks. No lees
than 8,600 tons of freight of all de
scriptions will be taken.
Accidentally Shot by HI Brother,
Olympia, Wash., Feb. 20. The
year-old son of H. S. Clyde, of this
city, was accidentally shot and killed
by an older brother today while at
Senator Wilson Oat of Polities.
Spokane, Feb. 3a Senator and Mrs.
Wilson, of Washington, reached thi
city last night. Senator Wilson says
be has given up politics for good.
The people who dined around Mr.
Astor's big tree will observe that th
country can furnish Europe with th
table as well as the things to put on it.
Oregon Soldiers Sent to the
Fighting Line.
ruiser Buffalo Bombard the mur-
gent. Driving Them Inland Heat
Interne and Increasing.
Manila, Feb. 21. The California
volunteers abandoned Uuadaloupe
chuich at 5 o'clock this morning, which
as since been set on fire, and retired
to San Pedro Macati. The rebels still
hold the oountiy in the vicinity of
Guadeloupe, Pasig and Patero, despite
the efforts of the gunboats to dislodge
them from the jungles on both sides of
the xiver.
The heat is intense, and is Increasing
perceptibly daily. Under present con-
tions, it Is impossible to provide
hade for the stioops in different parts
of the line, particularly McArthur's
vision. King's brigade is also ex
posed from San Pedro Macati to Culi-
culi, wheie it joins Ovenshine s brig
In view of the fact that the enemy
wero concentrating on ine American
ight preparations wero made last night
to give them a warm receptiou in the
event of attack.
General Ovenshine'B line, consisting
originally of the North Dakota volun
teers, the Fourteenth infantry, and two
troops of the Fourth cavalry, stretching
fiom the beach at Camp Dewey to Gen
eral King's right, was reinforced by two
battalions of Oregon volunteers a.id
three troops of the Fourth cavalry, as
The Buffalo's searchlight discovering
the rebels unusually active about 10
o'olook in the evening, signaled the
flagship for permission to fire upon
them, and, this being granted, bom
barded the enemy's trenches for 20
minutes. The only effect of the fire
was apparently to drive the rebels fur
ther inland.
Beyond a few ineffectual volleys from
the trenches, whioh were returned
with interest, the enemy made no dem
onstration, and all is quiet along the
reBt of the line.
Scouts olaim to have seen General
Pio del Pilar, who commanded the reb
els at Paco, with his arm in a sling,
directing the troops. General Monten
egro, ' the insurgent commander-in-chief,
is reported to be personally con
ducting the movements in front of
General King's line at San Pedro Ma
Gnerrllla Tactic.
Manila, Feb. 21. The enemy have
apparently realized the hopelessness ot
attacking the American position, and
are occupied chiefly by occasional
sharpshooting from the jungle, when
ever feasible. Fortunately, their ig
norance of the use of sights minimizes
the effect of their guerilla tactics.
The retirement of General King's
advance posts upon San Pedro Macati
has evidently been construed by the
rebels as a sign of weakness, as they
pressed forward along both sides of the
river, persistently barrassing the occu
pants of the town.
Last night the rebels poured volley
after volley into San Pedro Macati
from the brush on the adjacent ridge;,
but fortunately without effect. Gen
eral King's headquarters in the center
of the town was the target for scores of
Remington and Mauser bullets.
The rebls are using smokeless pow
der, and it is extremely difficult to lo
cate individual marksmen.
Pint Rupture Occurred at "Tali en -Wan
-300 Chinese Killed.
Peking, Feb. 21. A serious conflict
has taken place between the Russians
and Chinese at Talion-Wao, 500 of the
latter being killed.
The trouble is said to have originat
ed in a question of taxes.
Ripected by Lord Bereaford.
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 21. Admiral
Charles Beresford was seen while pass
ing through Detroit tonight in refer
ence to the battle reported at Talien
Wan between Russians and Chinese.
Lord Charles said that such a battle
was only what be had been expecting
for some time. Its effect, he believed,
would be to shake the Chinese govern
ment more than anything that occur
red, and he asserted that trade would
also suffer as a result of it.
Organised Demonstration Agaluit
New President.
Paris, Feb. 21. Police measured for
the maintenance of order have been
taken on an extensive scale.
M. Loubet did not quit his residence
at the Luxembourg until 0 o'clock this
Toward 7 o'clock demonstrations oc
curred in front of the office of Zehas
tian Faure's anarchist paper, the Jour
nal dn Peuple, on the Boulevard Mont
m art re, for and against Loubet.
There was a collision between rival fac
tions and several persons were injured.
Altogether, 100 arrests have been
made in connection with today's dis
turbances. Spain Once Owned It.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 21. The Post
Intelligencer today publishes the fac
simile of a Spanish document which
shows that the Spanish were in actual
military possession of Vanoouver island
between 1790 and January 1, 1792. It
is stated that the document, if it had
been in the possession of Emperor
William of Germany when be arbi
trated the Canadian boundary between
England and the United States, would
have inoontestably proven the right of
the United States to Vancouver island.
Paris, Feb. 31. The assembly met
at 1 o'clock this afternoon to elect a
successor to President Faure. The off!-
oiat count showed that 813 votes were
east, and that M. Loubet received 483,
M. Meline 279, and 50 were scattered.
The progressists insisted on voting for
M. Meline, which explains the vote
cast for him. The vote not oast for
Loubet or Meline was divided between
Cavaignaa, Joouint, General Sa ussier
and others.
There are over 200 creameries in
8outb Dakota the annual output now
mouotiog to nearly $23,000,000.