THE FAIR THE FAIR That it was The Fair that inaugurated low prices in Morrow County I V I tlxere Child ren's Shoes - from 24 cents up Ladies' fine Shoes - from 99 cents up Men's good kid Shoes from 94 cents up Men's vici kid Shoes - - $2.23 Men's kangaroo calf Shoes - 2.00 Men's kangaroo calf Boots - 2.10 Indian tanned 10-quart galvanized iron buckets only No. 8 copper-bottom tin teakettle No. 8 " " . wash boiler The Fair SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Off Oregon for Morrow County. 8. E. Duncan, Plaintiff, vs. Maggie A. Looney and E. G. Sperry. Defendants. To Maggie A. Looney, defendant above named: In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff, tiled against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of the time prescribed In the order lor the publication of this summons, which time of said publication Is six weeks, from the date of the Brst publication. Yon will take no tice that the date of the first publication of this summons Is January 12, 1H99. And if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of t:'T0i together with interest thereon from November '28, 18'Jl, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, for the costs and disbursements of this action, for the sum of $35.90 taxes paid, for the Bum of (50 attorney a fee, and will apply to tne court for a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage bearing date of November 28, 1894, and given by you to secure the payment of a certain promissoiy note of even date therewith, for the sum of and that the lands and premises covered by said mortgage, to-wit: The north 'A northwest lA, and northwest M of northeast of section!, townnhip 1 8, range 24 E, W M, be sold in the manner provided by law, to satisfy taid judg ment. Service of this summons is made tipon yon by publication thereof, pursuant to an order of the Hon Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the above en titled court, made and dated at chambers, In Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, January 10, 1899. Ellis & Phklps, 12-17 Attorneys for Plaintiff. ADVERTISED LETTERS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEB Or., February 20, 1899. Atkins, Mr Sam Cowdrcy, Mr J M Cooper, W A 12) Ears, Mr Johnny Young, Mrs E L When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. Vauohan, P. M. Local Notes. Tbe flouring mill is dow running . Mrs. Gate repainting ber cottage. Many Dew crosswalks are being laid. Hose bouse No. 1 is being overhauled, new (ills being required. It is reported that an additional story will be added to tbe First National Bank corner. Smoke Seidenberg A Go's. Arabian Nigbt and Espaoola cigars at Onser A Warren'. l-3mos Dr. Vogel, the optician, will arrive in Heppnei Saturday tbe 25th, BDd remain a few days. Dr. J. W. Vogrl, speoialint for refrac tion and defects of tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr By order of tbe oity marshal, an objeo tional female character departed from town a few days since. Wells A Co. are making a decided im provement in their new corner by giving il a few coats of paint. Don't overlook the Morrow County Land and Trust Co. in disposing of your beef bides snd sheep pelts. 5-2 Uooer the influence of City Marshal Thornton, a ceneral clearing np of tbe alleys, barnyards auu streets will te made at once. Bes i mrh syrup. 1 at Gou-i. LK -i i mm V tiling you Shoes& Buckskin Gloves 2?8 cents A. fine line Born to tbe wife of Qeo. Noble, on McEinney creek, this week, a fine eight pound boy. The counoil is considering the matter of erecting a oity jail adjoining tbe re corder's offioe on tbe north. Binns Brothers, in front of tbeir stable adjoining tbe Gazette iffioe, will soon have tbeir hay scales looated. We are informed that quite a band of lambs sold tbe other day on Butter oreek to local parties for $2.10 per bead. Congratulations are in order with our stockmen in this vicinity for getting through tbe winter with but little loss. Every one at tbe League social last Friday evening at tbe parsonage of tbe M E. church, South, bad a most de lightful time. A telephone line is now under consid eration from Heppner to Galloway, a convenience almost indispensable to Butter oreek people. Brown & Hughes now bave tbeir oorri gated iron warehouse in tbe rear of tbeir store finished, affording tbsm much more room for goods. Stop that cough 1 Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 26c bot tle of Sbilob's Cure may save your life. Sold by Oooeer A Warren. z Catarrh cured. A clear bead and sweet breath secured with Shilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector tree. Sold by Conser A Warren z Oscar Minor is highly pleased with bis reoently imported bull oalf, bought of Robinson in Indiana, and feels that now be has tbe very best strains of Short Horns in existence. "Tbe Fire in Us," at 11 a. m., and "Id the Fire," at 7:30 p. m.. will be subjects at tbe South Methodist cburob next Sunday. League at 8:15 p. m. with Judge Bartholomew as leader. Tbe Seven Devils Standard is a new paper published by Don Carlos Boyd, well known in Heppner. It is a bright, newsy sheet and will develop with tbe mineral resouroes of that regioo. For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, ouree headaches. Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tbe bead as dear as a bell. Sold by Conser A Warren, z 8biloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is tbe leading Cough Cure, anrj no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes rit-ht to the BDot. 8old by Conser A Warren. Tbe many friends of Sam Teed, for merly of fbe Gazett force, will be pleased to learn that Sam is now man ager and editor of tbe Weiser (Idaho) Rsoord, a live eigbt-psge paper, and is bringing it to tbe front. On both tbe windows of tbe First National bank and Rbea A Welch's, new signs in gold ar conspicuous. Mr. Hmraban, tbe painter, Is texond a doubt the finest s-gn writer this country is liable to entertain for years. of English Semi 10 cents 35 cents 74 cents Good 25-cent Clothes Pins The Place to Save Money "Spiritual Manifestation of the Son of God" is the subjeot for Sunday morning at tbe Methodist Episoopal cburoh. In tbe eyeniog Mr. Flesher's seoond dis course "Jonah and tbe whale Cbrist's Re figuration." Franklin Bryon Gurley, youngest son of Mr and Mrs. S. A. D. Gurley, died in Arlington, Oregon. Thursday, Feb. 10, 1899. Tbe Woodmen of the World at tended tbe funeral in a body, which was held in tbe Baptist ohurob, Rev. Miller delivering the funeral service. Rev. Green is oonduoting tbe most re markBble revival at Weston, Ore., ever held In tbe Northwest. Immense con gregations show intense interest, while nearly 75 conversion and 50 accessions to date have beeo to tbe M. E. cburob, South, and 10 to other ohurohes. Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time cor ner, extends to tbe publio a oordial wel- oome. Tbe beverages be dispenses will be kept up to the highest standard, and tbe enlargement and oomfortable equipment of his billiard parlors and club-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf H. V. Gates, the water works con tractor, having1 definitely located tbe souroe from wbiob he will secure water, and completed his preliminary surveys, took bis departure on last evening's train for bis borne . in Hilleboro. He expects to return in about a month to begin act ive operations. Elain Record. The "Lion" brand of bats reoeived by Brown A Hugbes last week, In sty Is. trimmings and quality, far exceed tbeir expectations. They are "out of sight,' and tbe young bloods will miss it it tbey fail to drop in and try tbem on. Made of tbe best material and sold reasonably tbey are taking the lead with their spring styles In all fashionable cities. "Early birds, etc." A number of tbe young bloods of our city, feeling tbe need of tbe braoing early morning air, bave agreed among themselves to be up with tbe sunrise, and away along tbe well beaten ooyote trails in quest of physioal development. It remains to be seen how many of tbem will respond. They will distinguish themselves under the desig nation of tbe "Sunrise Club." County Superintendent Shipley's pop ularity with tbe teachers was demon strated one nig'bt this week, wbeo tbey assembled at bis home. Hobool methods were discussed, games played, jokes and walnuts cracked, oranges and oakes in dulged in, and a good all-round intel lectual time had. Those present were Professor Howard, Miss Balsicrer, Miss Hnell, Miss Johnston, Mils Pugb, Mist Barker sod Mrs. Steeves. Tbe O. R. A N. Co's. new book on tbe Resouroes of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are requested to forward tbe addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaint ances, and a copy of tbe work will be sent tbem free, Tbis a matter all should be interested In, and we wonld sak that everyone take fto interest and forward such address to W, H. Hurlbnrt, Gen eral Passenger Agent, O. B. AN. Co., Portland. Sl-tf need? HIT it its. Tailor-made Clothing Men's railroad cord suits - $3.33 All-wool men's suits, guaranteed 6.48 20-oz all-wool importod worsted 9.79 All clothing is strictly first-class not only in quality, but in style and finish. Overalls, - Porcelain at prices that will astonish you brooms 1 cent per dozen Our Three joint indictments bave been re turned by the grand jury in session at Salem against P. H. D'Arcy, W. J. D'Aroy, S. G. Richardson, W. J. Rafter, H. T. Hayes, J. A. Carson and L. V. Eblm, charging them with forgery in election returns in last June's election in Marion county. The matter was taken In tbe oonrts soon after tbe June elec tion, but tbe grand jurv took no aotion until now. Several of tbe men are quite prominent in Marion oounty pMitios. M. L. Akers left here on Wednesday morning's train for Tbe Dalles, where be will join A. W. Lundell, Rev. D. V. Pol ing and S. N. Steel, where they will unite in organizing a quartette, soon to give a series of oonoerts, beginning with Tbe Dalles, tbenoe to neighboring towns for a period of two weeks. These gen tlemen formed at one time tbe concert company known as "Tbe Alps," and won merited recognition in consideration of tbe harmony of tbeir well-trained voioes. It is to bo hoped they will meet their deserved recognition, and will afford the neighboring oities a decided musical treat. Oar Fire Fighters. Saturday tbe fire boys were out for a trial and after a magnificent "spurt," in making an attaobment to the hydrant found the water missing, owing to the tbe inexperieuoe of tbe new engineer at tbe power house, as substituted for Mr. Pruyn A visit to the . power bouse opened up tbe system and the boys pro ceeded to tbe court bouse where a good foroe ol water responded insuring a successful fight on those premises, should a fire oconr, From there tbey went to tbe sobool boose, and the verdict "I told you so," by tbe alwiee, was confirmed, as tbe water's top notob was tbe building's first floor, an even level with tbe company's storage reser voir. Now, tbe question is, "what shall be done to save the school house?" An addilional reservoir a little higher np seems tbe only solution, and that costs money. Tbe Kowiaa Thistle. Mr. E. Q. Roberts, of Walla Walla, and its prominent monuoent oompany, pai J our office a visit yesterday, bring icg for our inspection a sample of tbe genuine Russian thistle, picked np about four miles below "town. The farmers of this county sre inclined to mistake it f r tomble weed and It i most important that tbey should beoome familiar with tbis destructive pest. I is positively tbs ruination of any section it overruns, and many states are already legislating for its destruction at at enor mons expense. Wherever a bush of it oan be held up for general inspection it should be done, and road supervisors oao Dot act too s'hio in the matter of its extermination. In Washington tbe toad supervisors are heavilv fined io conseqnece of its growing within tbsir districts. Have Yon Any PutuU io Kp f? If so, we want tbem. Will allow you tbe highest market price. Briug them in. MixoH A Co tne best made, 10 cents Hate naia Fedoras, Guarantee Personal. Miss Casey is quite sick with la grlppo. Mr. Clark, the wool buyer, Is again with us. Ed and Al Siocum are both down with la grippe. Mike Kinney and Tom Qilllllan, of Sand Hol low, are in town. County Commissioner Howard spent Wedner- day night in the city. Prof. Arthur Hodson, the Pine City professor, was In town this week. Geo. Holmes, the well-known Gooseberry farmer was in Tuesday, John Jordan, of Willow creek, was In Hepp ner on business Tuesday. J. W. Blake, of The Dalles, a well known sheep buyer, is in Heppner. Visa Ethel Walhridge commenced her new term of school at Eight Mile this week. Mr. Blrdsell, the gentlemanly representative of Hnell, Heltshu & Woodard, Is in town today. Milt Morgan, tbe enterprising young Butter creek dairyman, spent several days In the city this week. Miss Nellie Basey, one of Heppner'i prettiest girls, was married last week to a gentleman from Spokane. Miss Ethel Hamilton has been absent for sev eral days from the telephone central, owing to a siege of la grippe. J. M. Kinney, I. Knighton, Fred Tolls and D. E. Oilman were outgoing passengers Tuesday morning for Portland. Mr. Nat Webb, of Walla Walla, who has ex tensive land and stock Interests In this vicinity, came in on Tuesday night's train. Mr. E. O. Roberts, the energetlo monument hostler of Walla Walla, has been doing quite an extensive business in this part of the country. Reports are that Mrs. George Whlteis Is tin proving at a rapid rate, and Mr, Whfteit Is ex. pected home on a business trip within a few days. Miss Henrietta Blnshelmer returned to ber heme in Portland after a visit of several weeks In Heppner. Miss Blnshelmer proved herself a very Interesting addition to our social circle, Mrs. L. E. Estes left for Portland, accompan ied by her mother, on yesterday morning's train and will remain there three weeks, giving attention to the detrlls of the millinery busl ness and making selections of spring goods. Mr. M. 8. Maxwell, formerly of Hardman, will establish a collection agency and notary public office at lone, as advertised in another column. He paid the Gazette a pleasant visit this morning, laying In a Urge supply of legal maims. Mr. Carr, a contractor and builder of Pendle ton, was In Heppner the first of the week. Mr. Carr was so well pleased with onr city and its people that he will make this his future homo We are always glad to welcome such people 111 VUF JlllUftl.. Wm. Ross returned here Tuesday night and reports Mrs. Rons' condition improved, and the doctors had no hesitancy in permitting him to leave. Hhe will probably not be compelled to undergo the operation generallj resorted to in appenuicuis. Mrs. Eugene Freeland reached home Satur day evening from Salem, where she went at the beginning of the suasion of the' legislature. Mrs. Froeland grow heartily tired of tha nrn. limited stay ami feel that Heppner seems very piuiiBMiii w iicr, City Recorder Richardson was one oi the fortunate participants In the Elks' festivities at The iMIles. The Judge reports a moat enjoyable time among his many friends there, and feels that The Dalles Elks are fully up to the reiiulrc iiii'titfl ot a itood time. s.f ami took special pains In their entertainment 01 visitors irom neighboring towns. Mrs Dave McAtae left on Tuesday morning's train for Moscow, Idaho, summoned for quite a stay while proceedings are Instituted for her (hare of a v-ry valuable estate left by her de e:acd father recently. It Is to be hoped that Mr. MeAr will get her proportion, (iov. Kea, the elli'leiit lawyer, has the matter In hand and will leave nothing unturned In rwhrnf .i hluli'!iit. Stop and tlninls:! Underwear and Men's good cotton suit Underwear 48cts Men's good all-wool fleece suits $1.00 (This is positively a snap) Ladies' union suits - - 44cts Children's union suits - - 25cts An elegant line of Hosiery now due. fall weight and oat 39 cents The latest and finest assortment to select from, PRICES AT BEDROCK fine satin lined, elegant style Money Returned if Goods are oot Satisfactory. XO ODE SUBSCRIBERS. The Gazette to Be Materially Changed In Next Isruo. Since assuming responsibility of tbe publication of tbe Oezette last August, I bave spared no effort to reach an under standing of tbe requirements of tbe busi ness institutions of the oity in the shape of an advertising medium, and bave made it an aim to establish a fair representative paper. At this time my conclusion is that tbe paper should be reduoed In size to a four-page and oontinued on that basis. Bnoh it shall appear in next issue, and we will con tinue to tight oar way on those lines. We appreciate the promising future of tbis oountry, and are determined to keep our "beads above water and share its prosperity. We make no appeal for oharity just business. Tbe time is ripe for renewal of subscriptions, and we are here to write receipts for tbe same Those feeling that the paper isof interest to tbem, and valuable as an exponent of our home interests, are earnestly re quested to come forward witb $1.60 tbe prioe of one year's subscription. To succeed la business, business methods are essential, and as we adopted them on our arrival, we will continue them until our departure. Our adver tising columns are and have been the significance of tbe appreciation of our local business men, and we are at their servioe in encouraging tbe patronage of home institutions, and meeting competi tion from our enterprising neighbors. Heppner oannot afford to "bide ber light under a bushel." DR. EHTE8' FUNERAL. Laid to Heat In the Heppner Cemetery Last Sunday. The funeral aervioes over tbe remains of Dr. Logan Jesse Estes werebeld at tbe Christian oburoh at 2:30 p, m., Sunday, Revs. Shelley and Flesher officiating. The oburoh was crowded to its utmost and at tbe conclusion of tbs services tbe funeral procession, ooder escort of tbe Knights of Pythias, was one of tbe larg est ever witnessed by tbe residents of our little oity. Tbe consideration shown tbe family of tbe deceased was truly an illustration of the appreciation of tbe human family of those unfortunately in distress. Not oneof tbose in attendance but appreciated tbs ability of tbe de ceased, and oould be have been restored to a normal oocdition would have been to tbe oommnnity an alleviator of dis tress second to no mumbnr of the pro fession in theoouotry. He simply fell tbe victim of an overtax of bis physical nature. Tbe members of bis family were conclusive proof of his past intelli gent associations, with an ambition Io better tbe oouditioo of the human fam ily, and be is mourned for and referred to witb regret that bis usf o'ness should bave been taken away at Its prime. Potatoes I 1'otatotsl We want more potatoes biiog all )ou can spare. Highest market prioe. Minor A Co. Hosiery 99 cents Card of Thanks. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel toward tbe many kind friends who came to my assistance during the late illness and death of my husband, and X herewith extend my heartfelt thanks. Very truly, Mrs. Lbonoba E. Estes . Collections. M.S. Maxwell anoounoes to the publio that in future be will oonduct a general collection business and notary public office in the town of lone. Business en trusted to him will be attended to with dispatch. M. S. Maxwell, 18 22 lone, Oregon. Mrs. Dr. Garnsey Is now permanently looated in Hepp ner, wbere she can be found. Ber medicines onre all chronic diseases, snob as deafness, catarrh, bronchial troubles, lung diseases, rheumatism, kidney trouble, liver trouble, blood poisoning. Any disease baffling tbe skill of physi cians yield under tbe iniluenoe of her simple remedies. 12-tf How It Harts! Rheunatism, witb its sharp twinges, aobei and pains. Do you know tbe oausef Acid in the blood has accumu lated io your joints. Tbe cure la found io Hood's Sarsaparills, which neutral izes this acid. Thousands write that they have been completely cured of rheu matism by Hood's Barsaparilla. Notice ot Stockholders' Meeting;. Notioe Is hereby given tbat a meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe Morrow Oounty Land and Trust Gompany will be held at tbeir ofiloe in Heppner, Oregon, on the seoond Saturday in Marob, 1K09, at 7 o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose ot electing direotors for tbe ensuing year. 14-20 J. A. Thompson, Seo. Heppner, Ore., Feb. 10, 1899. A BARGAIN. One of Eastern Oregon's Floest farms for Bale. Do not pass tbis unheeded by. A raoob, embracing 4,175 acres, all under fenoe ot three wires, 17 miles in length, improved at a big expense, must bs sold. These improvements embrace a large 9-room bouse, witb woodsheds and oellar, three 3-roora cottages; a boaidinghouse for 40 men, blacksmith shop, 2 graneries, 80s 70 feet eaob, with capacity of 25,000 sack! eaob; implement house, 30x60 feet, and farming implements; barns, sheds and ebickeuboases; large cistern well (inex haustible) and windmill, witb three ad ditional wells on tbe place. An ideal stock ranch. For particulars address Gazette, Heppoer. Oregon. tf CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. 19 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V -