Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 16, 1899, Image 5

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That it was The Fair that inaugurated low prices in Morrow County
' ,1,1 r ' i i i
fX r
I tlnee
Children's Shoes - from 24 cents up
Ladies' fine Shoes - from 99 cents up
Men's good kid Shoes from 94 cents up
Men's vici kid Shoes - - $2 23
Men's kangaroo calf Shoes - 2.00
Men's kangaroo calf Boots - 2.10
Indian tanned
10-quart galvanized iron buckets only
No. 8 copper-bottom tin teakettle
No. 8 " " wash boiler
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandons J Wonder
ful Results of Purifying tl.o Elood.
"A very severe pain came ia my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a sore broke out above the kuee.
It discharged a great deal and tlie pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered In this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking It
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief ! I am
stronger than I have ever been lu my life.
I am In the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, 25 cents.
Or., February 13, 1899.
Beskman, John Robinett, Mr B
MHrlatte, Rev Milton Stuart, W A
McLaughlin, Wm M Weed, Mr Ed
Ridgeway, Mr Clyde Williams, John H
Willson, K E
When calling for these letteri please say
advertised, . B. f. Vaugkan, P. M.
A No. 1 general merchandise spot cash busi
ness in Prineville. Our terms cash no trade
deal. About $8000. Good reason for selling.
Address box 115 Prineville, Ore.
Local Notes.
For Sale. Second-hand baby buggy.
Inquire at Gazette office.
Those molasses cherries at Smead's
are delioiona. Try Ihem.
8moke Beideoberg A Co'a. Arabian
Night and Espanola cigars at C"nser A
Warren's. l-3;nos
Dr. J. W. VorpI. specialist for refrac
lion and defects of the eye, will be bete
every three months. 618-lyr
Miss St. Clair, wbo recently purchtised
a new ''Epwortb" piano, is delighted
with her instrument,
Don't overlook the Morrow County
Land and Trust Co. in riinposmg of our
beef hides end sheep tells. 6-2
Rev. Mr. Fleaber will prench to tbe
young people and ohildren on Sunday
morning at the M. E. church.
Mrs. Geo. WbiteiV condition U re
ported as much better thm reports of
yesterday, ard we trust the will continue
to gain.
f l ...ii mr.., LA liKf U
I Best UjukIi Syrup. Tatt (iumi.
In timo. !a rt nruirisn.
...... w
eLXiytlnliLi.gr you
Buckskin Gloves cents
.A. fine line
An interesting series of sermon on tbe
ProptrBt-JonBh willTBegih" hisf Biinday
evening at tbe M. E. cbnrcb. Yon should
bear tbem.
Be not deoeivedl A cough, hoarsness
or oronp are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save
you much trouble. Sold by Conger &
Warren. v
Wedding bells are ringing. Invita
tions are in the bands of tbe Gazette for
printing of a prominent yound couple of
oar city. In a snooeeding issue we will
announce it.
Dyspepsia cored. Shiloh's Vitalizer
immediately relieves soar stomach, com
ing up of food distress, and is tbe great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con-
ser & Wftrreu. v
Care that coogb with Shiloh's Cure.
Tbe best cough on re. Relieves oroup
promptly. One million bottles told last
year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. v
Ladies, take the best, If yon are
troubled with constipation, sallow ekin.
and a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Cooser & Warren. v
Earl's Clover Root Tea ia a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purities
tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts.
Sold by Oonser & Warren. v
Tbe sad intelligence bas just reached
here that Mrs. Prnyn, wife of the super
intendent of tbe eleotrio light and water
works, bad died from tbe effeotsof a sur
gical operation performed at Portland.
Mr. Proyn was hurriedly summoned and
left on this morning's train.
We are watobing with interest tbe
friendly rivalry existing between tbe
olasees of Prof, Howard and Miss Snell,
at tbe M. E. obnrcb, South, Sunday
school. Look out. Professor; tbe boys
will change your Northern laurels into
Southern cypress. Go it, boys!
Considerable agitation if being stirred
up in Ibe Douglas vicinity regarding the
opeoing of a road through tbe property
of Messrs. Fagalde and Tamer. Tbe
county jndite and commissioners now
have the matter under coneiJeration
and at tbe nxt session of tbe court it
will be decided.
Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav
ing remodeled tbe popnlar old-time eor
ner, extends to the public a cordial wel-
oonie. The beverages be dispenses
will b kept np to tbe highest etaodard,
and tbe enlargement and comfortable
eqoipment of bis billiard parlors and
club-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf
"Tbe Temptation of Jean," at 11 a
m., and "IleppDer's Daadly Peril," at 7
p. m., will bi tbe subjects discussed at
the M E. cbnrcb, South, next Sunday.
League at 6:15 p. m , Miss Pearl Basey,
leader. Everybody if invited to all of
these services. Tbe genial 'Knights of
of tbe Grip" and tbe railroad laddie are
extended a special invitation. Tbere
will be spirited singing and red hot
presebjog if promised.
of 3Inglish Semi
10 cents Good 25-cent
35 cents Clothes Pins
74 cents
The Place to
Save Money
Mrs. Von Cadow, the popular hostess
of tbe Hotel Grande, returned from a
trip in Washington this week, and bas
oonoluded to move to Dayton in tbe near
future and take obarge of a large hotel at
tbat place. During her stay in Arling
ton she has gained many friends and
patrons, besid'S doing a first-olass bnsi
ness. In their departure Arlington will
lose a good family and a first-class hotel
keeper. Mrs. Von Gudo will be glad to
see all bar friends Hnd patrons that may
oome to Davton. Arlington Review.
Tbe O. R. & N. Co's. new book on tbe
Resources of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho is being distributed. Our readers
are requested to forward tbe addresses
ottbelr Eastern friends and acquaint
ances, and a copy of tbe work will be
sent tbem free. This a matter all should
be interested in, and we would ask tbat
everyone take an interest and forward
such address to W. H. Hurlburt, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co.,
Portland. 81-tf
Sht Died in Balem and Was Buried There
Sunday Morning.
Regarding the death of Mis Viola Mann, the
Salem Statesman says the following:
Miss Viola Mann, a graduate from the Salem
hospital training school, and for one and a half
years matron of the Oregon Soldiers' homo
hospital at Roseburg, expired In this city at 5
o'clock Saturday evening, from blood poison
ing. Miss Mann contracted the dread disease
while nursing an inmate of the Soldiers' home
wbo wss suffering from blood poisoning. She
was promptly brought to Salem and every oltbrt
was made to save her, but without avail.
Deceased was born on a farm near Zena, Polk
county, 27 years ago. She received her educa
tion In Willamette univerilty, and became a
student In the Good Samaritan hospital train
ing school. In Portland, coming later to the
Salem hospital, where she graduated from the
training sshool. She was a popular young lady,
and a most excellent nurse, and will be
mourned by many friends throughout the
She leaves a father, V. Mann, a resident of
Zena, Polk county; two brothers and two
sisters, to mourn her early demise. Miss Balm
Mann, one of tbe sinters, li a teacher in tbe
Pendleton high school, and Miss Ann, another
sister, Is a reporter on the Independence
West Side.
The funeral was held at tbe First Congrega
tional church in Salem Sunday at 10.30 a. m.
taking the place of the regular church services,
Rev. W. C. Kantner, D. D., officiating. Inter
ment was bad In tbe family cemetery plat at
One of Ejutera Oregon's Finest Farms for
Do not pas tbii unheeded by. A ranch,
embracing 4,175 acres, all under fence of
three wires, 17 miles io length, improved
at a big expense, must be sold. These
improvements embrace a large 9-room
bouse, with woodsheds and cellar, three
3-room cottages; a boa-diogbouae for 40
men, blacksmith shop, 2 graneries, 30x
70 feet each, witb eapucity of 25.UU0 sacks
each; implement bouse, 30x60 feet, and
farming implements; barns, (beds and
cbickeobooses; large cistern well (ioex
banstible) and windmill, witb three ad
ditional wells oo the place. An ideal
stock ranch. For particulars addrean
Uztte, ueppoer. Oregon, tf
Tailor-made Clothing
Men's railroad cord suits - $3.33
All-wool men's suits, guaranteed 6.48
20-oz all-wool importod worsted 9.79
AH clothing is strictly first-class
not only in quality, but in
style and finish.
- Porcelain at prices that will astonish you
1 cent per dozen
Person ai;
Frank Johnson left for Idaho Tuesday.
C. B. Sperry, of lone, was up this week.
W. A. Bayless, of Hardman, was lu town this
Wm. Long is registered at the Palace, on his
way to Canyon City.
R. McElllgotl and son have been trading with
our merchants this week.
A. A. Smith and wife, of Lena, were registered
at the Palace last Saturday.
R. H. and E. M. Akers, of lone, were here this
week visiting their brother B. B. Akers.
S. C. Donaldson, of the Donaloson bouse at
Fossil, called on the Gazette this week.
G. W. Bcrlbner, T. J. Morris and J. C. Johnson,
of Dry Fork, came into town this week.
A. Btlrrltt, a well known stockman from John
Day, spent several days in town this week.
Geo. Parker, the hustling editor of the lone
Post, came up on business the first of the week.
C. F. Walker, the well known enterprising
merchant of lone, was up early in the week on
Professor Kennedy, now of Fossil, and an old-
timer of Heppner, is here under care of Dr.
T, D. Matthews came in from Galloway this
week, stopping contest proceedings as published
In last Issue ol the Gazette.
Senator J. W. Morrow returned the first of the
week to Salem, very much improved In health,
and thoroughly able to meet the requirements
of bis position.
A report was in circulation here the first of
the week that Otis Patterson was in the Walla
Walla hospital, a victim to pneumonia, which
proves untrue, as he is now at The Dalles.
Attorney Phelps, accompanied by the Misses
Hart, was a fortunate attendant of the Elk's
grand ball at The Dalles last night, It li pro
nounced tbe gayest of all the gay events In tbe
history of The Dalles.
Attorney (i. W. Rea left this morning for
Moscow, Idaho, to begin action In the courts
for the recovery of the just share of the estate of
the deceased father of Mrs. Dave McAtee for her
which seems to have been brought to Issue by
the other heirs.
Fred Bock's many friends are extending to
him the hand of welcome, as be is here to re
main. Mr, Brock haa been absent from here
about a year, employed by the leading butcher
ing establishments of Portland. He haa during
this time lost none of his Interest in Heppner
and is glad to be with his old associates once
Dr. Swinburne's Slrk List
Tbe doctor kindly furnishes the following list
of victims of la grippe and other troubles, now
under his care: Eugene Jones, Mrs Chas Jones,
Mrs Pierce of Hardman, Miss Nellie Brown,
Professor Kennedy of Komi 1, Joe Rector, MrfS
Morgan and family, Frank Turner, employe of
Bartholomew Bros; T Williams, employe of M
Kinney; Mrs H Gay, Mrs Ed Koort. Mrs J Young
Mrs Went Brannon of Klijlit Mile, Mrs E M
Akers of lone, Mrs K Thompson of Lexington,
Mrs W G Hcott of Blackhorse, Lee Matlock, Mrs
J as Royce, Ed C Ashhaugh.L A Dow, Mra A
Weirs of Six Dollar, Walter Clurn, Mrs J Sorib.
ner, L W Brings, Harry Jones and wife, J'reas
Thompson, Mrs Jell Jones, llert Kaney, A I Flor
ence's child, N M Johnson, and hllns Wright,
Mra. Owar Thompson, Mln Hynd, David Mc
carty's son, Prens Cresswell's son, BenJ. Parker,
Ham Hhuler's boy, John Nolan and Joseph lug
rish, the majority of whom are convalescent.
Mra. Dr. (iarnaey
Is cow permanently located in Hepp
oer. where she can be found. Der
medicines cure all chronic diseases, sucb
as deafness, catarrh, bronchial troubles,
long dieeaaes,' rheumatism, kidney
trouble, livor" trouble, blood poisoning.
Any disease baffling Ibe skill of physi
cian yield under tt)9 )o! '-BC9 of ber
itnp!e retueijjeg, UU
the best mode,
10 cents Hate
Sealed bids will be received for oon
traot to plough 40 sores new ground oo
my farm at the bead of Sand Hollow.
Bidders to board themselves and teams
and furnish tbeir own plows. Bida may
be mailed in tbe postoffioe at Heppner.
Work to begin on or about March 15,
1899. I propose to let contract to lowest
responsible bidder, bot reserving tbe
right to rejot any or all bids. Plough
ing to be not lesa than five inches deep.
Address L. W. Hill,
It Heppner, Morrow Co., Ore.
Carpet ltag Boclal.
On Friday evening, February 10, at
seven b'oloek, bo enjoyable sooial was
given by the members of tbe Epwortb
League of tbe M. E. church at tbe borne
of Miss Bessie Sutton. Tbere were
about thirty young people present and
all sewed industriously tor several
hours. An eioellent luoob was served
to which all did ample justice, after
wbiob tbey indulged in games, songs,
recitations, etc. until tbe olook oo tbe
mantle warned tbem of tbe midnight
hour, when all bid farewell to tbe young
hostess Hnd took tbeir leave. All present
realized tbat tbey bad a pleasant time
and hoping to meet again soon.
"Am Era Witnkhs."
All Honor Heppner.
The Dalles Mountaineer.
Tbe members of Tbe Dalles Club
minstrels desire to state through the
columns of tbe Times-Mountaineer tbat
tbeir visit to Heppner, and reception
and treatment at tbat place, was most
genial and whole-souled and bespeaks
f r tbat little olty a oitizensbip of wbiob
any place can well bs proud. Tbe
members of our local minstrels will ever
remember the neat little oity of Hepp
ner for all this, and their overflowing
fund of fraternity, Ood bless tbem. Our
experience of tbe past two daya shall
ever remain as one of tbe brightest spots
in our existence.
Tub Dalles Clcb Minstrels.
In Portland, Wednesday, February
1st at the Catbolio cbnrcb, by lie v.
Father Ortb, Mies Martha Neville of
this place was married to Mr. J. P.
Uath, of Portland, well and favorably
known there. Mr. Uatb bas been con
nected witb tbe firm of Baum & Bran
dies for many years. Tbe many Hepp
ner friends of Mies Neville unite in
wishing ber every happiness.
i. B. Manning's Death.
J. 15. Maonicg, who has been bope
lesely sick from consumption some time,
patrned away Sunday night at 10 o'olock
Mr. Manning bas been a resident of
Heppner and vicinity for many years.
His wife and son survive him. Mrs.
Manning, wbo Is almost a helpless invalid'
as a cooeeqnenoe of a fracture of tbe bip
several mouths since, is slowly gaining,
and bM the sympathy and aseuratioe of
care by the tovokpeople, His remaiot
were W4 lo reel Io Ueppoer Cetcotry,
Stop and tliimls: !
Underwear and
Men's good cotton suit Underwear 48cts
Men's good all-wool fleece suits $1.00
(This is positively a snap)
Ladies' union suits - - 44cts
Children's union suits - - 25cts
An elegant line of Hosiery now due.
f till weight and out 39 cents
The latest and finest assortment to select from,
fine satin lined, elegant style
Money Returned if
Goods are oot Satisfactory.
Playing to Big Honsos and Producing Fine
The above eioellent organization
opened Tuesday night in tbe very funny
farce comedy "Our Strategists," and we
are glad to note tbat tbey are receiving
so liberal patronage. They are certainly
giving the people of Heppner a rare treat
in tbe way of good plays, artistically
produced, and floe musio by tbeir band
aud oroheetra. This is Ibe best oompBny
tbe amusement loving people of our city
have bad tbe pleasure of witnessing io
years, and during the remainder of tbeir
engagement merit paoked houses. To
night tbe great scenio production, "Tbe
Train Wreckers," full sized trains in mo
tion, bridges, explosions, etc Friday
night "Tbe Gold King. Saturday at 2:30
grand family matinee. Saturday
night tbeir last production will be
"Luoky Banob," and at tbe oonolnsion
of tbe engagement the fine parlor set of
furniture will be presented to tbe one
holding the luoky number.
HnrprlHe Party.
Saturday evening was the date of a most
agreeable time for the society loaders of Hepp
ner. The two hotel busses, besides caarrlagos,
were secured for the occasion, and regardless of
the darkness, started for the home of Mr, and
Mra. W. P. Duttou, below town. The journey
was safely made, although thrilling events
marked the ride. Once there, Mr. and Mrs.
Duttou were equal to the emergency, and post
poning the retiring hour, proceeded to arrange
for the festivities of a very jolly crowd. The
thoughtful ladles, appreciating the disadvan
tage of a surprise for Mrs. Duttou, carried well-
lined baskets, to cap the climax of an enjoyable
evening at cards, danclnv and music, both vocal
and Instrumental. Midnight arrived in short
order, when the young folks deemed It advis
able to return to their homes. Those compos
ing tbe party were: Mr. and Mrs. II. Bartholo
mew, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conser, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Brock, Dr. and Mrs. McSwords. Misses
Lizzie Matlock, Henrietta Slnsheluier, Cora
Hart, Lutle Farnsworth, Julia Hart, Emma
Welch, Iva Blake, Lena Khea, Etta Minor, Elsie
Ayora, and Measra, Jas, Kcenan, Frank Roberts,
Frank Johnson, Bert Phelps, Dr. Met.ler, Fred
Hart, Doc Matlock, Frank Borg, Jess Stewart,
Will Dutton, Hepp Blackman and Jas. Hart.
All pronounced it an enjoyable time, and will
look forward to a repetition ol It with pleasure.
How It Hartal
Rheumatism, with its sharp twinges,
aohes and pains. Do yon know tbe
causef Acid in tbe blood bas aoonmu-
lated io your joints. Tbe on re is found
lu Ilood HareHDanlla, wbioh neutral
Izes this acid. Thousands write that
they have been completely cured of rheu
matism Dy Hood's Harsapurilla.
YellowRtone Park Map.
Tbe Northern Paoiflc railway baa jus
Issued a new map of the Yellowstone
Park, tbat should b In demand. It is
relief map In colors, is scieotifloally
made, and Is complete in topography an
nomenclature. The map i about 22x28
inches iu size and is printed on heavy
paper thus making it suitable for fram
log. Tbe map fa specially adapted for
sohool and olass rooms and will be
mailed io tubes to any address by Chas
S. Fee. general passenger agent of thi
Northern Paoiflo, St. Paul, Minn., upon
receipt of two dents, i
99 cents
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
, Notice is hereby given tbat a meeting
of tbe stockholders of tbe Morrow County
Land and Trust Company will be held
at tbeir offioe in Heppner, Oregon, on
the seoond Saturday in Marcb, 1899, at 7
o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose of eleoting
direotors for tbe ensuing year.
14-20 J. A. Thompson, Sec ,
Heppner, Ore., Feb. 10, 1899.
Danger of the Grippe.
Tbe greatest danger from la grippe is
of its resulting id pneumonia. If reason
able oare is used, however, aod Cham-
berlaio's Oougb Remedy takeo, all dan
ger wi'l be avoided. Among tbe tens of
thousands wbo have used this remedy
for la grippe, we have yet to learo of a
single case having resulted in pneumonia
wbioh shows oonolusively tbat this
remedy is a certain preventative of that
dangerous disease. It will cure la
grippe in less time than any other treat
ment. It is pleasant and safe to take.
For sale by Oonser & Warren.
Through Tourist Cars to Kansas City.
A tourist Bleeping oar will leavs Port
land every Friday at 8 p. m. via O. R. &
N., Oregon Short Line aod Unioo Paoiflo
railroad, through Obeyeone and Den
ver without change. No change of oars
to tbe oities, Denver or Kansas City,
EaBt bound schedule is as follows:
Portland, leave 8:00 p. m. Friday.
Granger, arrive 1:00 p. m. Saturday.
Granger, leave 1 :35 p. m. Sunday.
Denver, arrive 7:15 a. m. Suoday.
Denver, leave 2:66 p. m. Sunday.
Kansas City, arrive 7:25 a. m. Monday.
Keep this servioe io mind wbeo going
East and consult O. R. & N. agents or
address W. H. Horlbubt,
Qen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Or.
An Honest Medicine for La Grlpp.
Geo. W. Waitt of Booth Gardiner, Me.,
says: "I have had tbe worst oougb, oold,
chills and grip and have taken lots of
trash of oo aooouot but profit lo tba
vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is tbe only thing that bas dons any good
wnaiever. i nave used one 00-oenl
bottle aod tbe obills, oold and grip have
all left me. I congratulate tbe manu
facturers of an honest medioine." For
sale by Conser & Warren.
Dread fatly Neryons.
Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and
tor relief took your Carl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous system. I was
troubled with oonstipation, kidney and
bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mrs. 8.
A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
Conser & Warren, w
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
E!gaatu; of