THE FAIR THE FAIR That it was The Fair that inaugurated low prices in Morrow County 1 Is tler Children's Shoes - from 24 cents up Ladies' fine Shoes - from 99 cents up Men's good kid Shoes from 94 cents up Men's vici kid Shoes - - $223 Men's kangaroo calf Shoes - 2.00 Men's kangaroo calf Boots - 2.10 Indian, tanned 10-quart galvanized iron buckets only No. 8 copper-bottom tin teakettle No. 8 " " wash boiler - The BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter Tells all about Her Troubles when Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores. " At the age of two monthB, my baby began to have sores break out on his right cheek. We used all tho external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail. Tho sores spread all over one side of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned. He is now four years old, but he has never had any sign of those scrofulous sores since he was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great med icine." Mrs. S. S. Wroten, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s. rMi are prompt, efficient and MOOd S FlIlS easy in effect 2B cents. ADVERTISED LETTKHS. LETTERS ADVERT18ED " AT HEPPNEB Or., February 6, 1899. Bryant, A W Jacobs, Mr D Davis, Mr 0 8 Plucks, Carl Holt, Eld H L Younit, W A When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. K Vaoohah, P. M. FOK SALE. A No. t general merchandise spot cash busi ness in Prlnevllle. Our terms cash no trsde deal. About S00O. Good reason for selling. Address box 115 Prlnevllle, Ore. Local Notes. To Rent. Six-room boose. Inquire of W. 0. Wills. For Sale. Second-band baby bnggy. Ioqaire at Gazette office. Those molasses cherries at Smead's are delioions. Try them. Last week Jacob Borcher bought the Blake place in the lone precinct. 8moke Seidenberg A Co's. Arabian Night and Espanola cigars at Onser & Warren's. l-3uios Father Servais will bold servioes at the Catholio cbnrcb next Sunday at the tbe usual hour. Dr. 3. W. Vogel, specia'ist for refrac lion and defects of tbe eye. will be here every three months. 648-lyr Don't overlook the "Morrow County Land and Trust Co. in disposing of onr beef bides sod sheep pelts. 5-2 Wood, wood, wood. Sep R. C. Wills for your wood. Cash on delivery. Orders left at Minor & Co's.. Gilliam & Biebee s or Brown & Hughes. CiJii hnrhi lit riSt (AiL .(.much Sjmp. Tiuimm GL In time. Mininmsnm St Far : CI yox Shoes Bticlcslcln. Gloves 78 cents .A. fine line Perry Hnyder has bought the lone livery stable of M. M. Hunter, the bote! man at that plaoe, and will divide bis time between here and there. Stop tbntoougbl Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25a bot tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by Oonser & Warren. x Karl's Clover Root Tea, fir Constipa tion it's the beet and if after using it you don't say so, retnrn package and get your money. Sold by Conger & Warren. x For Constipation take Earl's Glover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures beadaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tbe bead as clear as a bell. Sold by Conser & Warren, x A chi look oame over tbe bills from tbe south Tuesday uight, and tbe several inches of snow have already gone down tbe oreek at a furioas rate. At Lexing ton it met a stiff northerner, and we are informed that a terriflo battle ia being foagbt on that line. . . , Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time cor ner, extends to tbe publio a oordial wel come. Tbe beverages be dispenses will be kept up to tbe highest standard, and the enlargement and comfortable equipment of bis billiard parlors and dob-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf D. W. Falgalde, of Douglas, oame to Heppner yesterday morning and re mained over oigbt As a school director be oame op to. make inqoiry about tbe eobool allowaooe made for their district, as tbe tax was voted. Ha 6ods matters alright which insures for them a good season of sohool. Horsemen in this seotino are becom ing very much interested in the proposed race track under contemplation of con etrootion by E. O. hparry at Ion, as tbe spring opeos, owir g to tbe faot tbat there are numerous promising clts in this section, tbat are sadly in neid of development. A little enterprise on tbe part of Heppner might eeoore tbe track for this place, wbicb woald add to ooffers very materially. Kev. 8t. Clair writes from Pendleton tbat at tbe earnest solicitation ot tbe pastor and bis people and lbs elder, Rev. Thomas, be consented to remain over one Sunday more than be bad In tended He says immense congrega tions still come nod great interest Is shown. Tbey say feodletoa was never so shaken up. I will be borne Wednes day or Thursday of this week and fill my polpit ntxt Sunday, both morning and evening. Tbe O. R. 4 N. Co'a. oew book on tbe Resouroes of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are nqntsted to forward tbs addressee of their Eastern friends and acquaint ances, and a copy of the work will be sent them free. Tbie a matter all should be interested in, and we would ask tbat everyone take an interest and forward snob ejlress to W. H. Hnrlburt. Gen eral Paeseuger Agent, 0. B. 4N.Co., Portland. not style of English Semi 10 cents 35 cents 74 cents Good 25-cent Clothes Pins The Place to Save Money Personal. Frank Lee is again with us for a abort stay. Ed Hunter drove up from lone this week with drummers. Chns. Ingraham, the lone druggist, spent Wednesday night In Heppner. ' Jess Wells left on this morning's train for a two week's business trip to Portland. Geo. Parker, editor and publisher of the lone Post, came up on business this week. Ben Binsheimer and Al McEwen, two travel ing men from Portland, were In town this week. J. E. Peterson, Hiss Murry and Jesse Zummalt registered at the Palace this week from Goose berry. Frank Patterson, Ione't good-looking mlxer- ologist, came up for the show, and terms The Dalles boys "alright." Otis Patterson and wife accompanied The Dalles Club and enjoyed a very pleasant visit with their old friends. Special Agent Vonettllnger, of the Commer cial Union Fire Insurance Company, was in specting the town yesterday. Peter Brenner, the well known rancher and prominent politician, of Eight Mile, spent sev eral days in our city this week. Mr. Geo. Whlteia, of The Fslr, has been com pelled to take his wife to Portland for medical treatment, and left on this morning's train.. Mr. Fry, the veteran traveling representative of Murphy, Grant & Co., of San Francisco made his many customers an agreeable business call this week. Miss Ifle Matlock, youngest daughter of J. W. Matlock, was married recently to Mr. 8. H. Simmons, at Spokane, and bave settled at North port, Wash. Senator J. W. Morrow's condition has so far improved that he is enabled to get about town, and Is his intention to start for Salem to attend the closing days of tbe session within a day or two. Ben Patterson, son of Engineer Patterson, is visiting his parents here at present. Mr. Pat terson holds a responsible position as drug clerk at Ellensburg, Wash., and Is a wide-awake business man. Mr, Clark, the gentlemanly wool buyer has been making Heppner his headquarters for some little time. He made a business trip to Portland tbe first of the week and while there made quite extensive purchases for tbe Palace bar. "Doc" Wilson, the notoriously popular sheep- buyer, of Wyoming, is back In Heppner with his old friends, and about him at all times are tbe "old-time romancers," lining him up lor a discussion. "Doc's" return has been looked for. ward to by many. Mrs. M. M. Hunter, the exceedingly popular hotel landlady, of lone, spent several days in Heppnsr as our guest, combining business with pleasure. Under her supervision no more com plaints are heard about the untidy or carelesi condition of the lone hotel. It Is pronounced a strictly first-cla house, and ia continually overrun with business. . Visiting Maccabees. Friday nigbt tbe Marcabee ladies vis ited tbs Sir Knights, when a most e" j y able time waa experienced. Lady Jook, tbe state commander, or waletn, was present, enlivening tbs occasion with a very able address in t! e interests of tbe order. Lady Commander Mrs. Dr. Gam sey also paid a touching tribute to tbe order, after wnicn rerresnmeots were served by the ladies and a most agrees ble time toeiilly was bad until a late hour. need? J1H it is. Tailor-made Clothing Men's railroad cord suits - $3 33 All-wool men's suits, guaranteed 6.48, 20-oz all-wool importod worsted g.7g All clothing is strictly first-class only in quality, but and finish. Overalls, - Porcelain at prices that will astonish you brooms 1 cent per dozen Our A Weil-Known Captain. Accompanying The Dalles minstrel company was Captain 0. 8. Wand, a well-known raptaln of the Columbia river boats and father of little Hazel Waud of the company. He paid the Gazette office a pleasant call, reciting bis past year's experience in running a steamer on the Yukon, Tbe captain for years commanded the Regulator between Portland and The Dalles, and kept her on the surface of the water. We found him an exceptionally interesting geutle man, which accounts for his popularity. He will return to Alatka in a month s time. Died In Salem. Mrs. Margaret Maxwell wife of G- W. Maxwell of Hardman, who was taken to tbe asylum at Salem but a few days ago, ber me 'tal collapse resulting from a stroke of paralysis, dlid at tbat institu tion last Saturday and ber remains were brought bere on Monday evening's train and taken to Hardman tbe follow ing day by private conveyance in charge of ber son M. 8. Maxwell, wbo oame in for them, tbe interment to lake plaoe in tbs Odd Fellows' cemetery. Mrs. Max well was 72 years ot age and came to this oountry in 1884 from Ohio. She was a devoted member ot tbe Christian cburob sinoe early womanhood, having joined in West Virginia where sbe was oonverted under tbe influence ot Bishop Campbell, wbo was tbe founder of tbe Campbellile oborob, as it was formerly knon tbrooghout the land. Mrs. Maxwell's txmplery life as a cbristian woman won for ber the esteem and love of tbe entire oommnnity which mourns ber lots. Her sole sarvivers in this country ere ber bnsband and sou. Married. Wednesday nigbt at tbe home of County Superintendent J. W. Hhiply, In tbe presence of relatives and a few Intimate friends, Ciyde Wells was united in marriage to Mrs. Myrtle Cutlaok, by Rev J. W. Fleecer. Clyde is one of tbe popular boys and his departure from tbe ' gang" is quite a surprise to bis many friends. Tbe entire community unite 10 wishing him and bis bride every bap- pinees. THE MAINE. Clyde Wells Las assumed the manage ment ot The Maine and will oouduot it as a first-class confectionery, and in addi tion will run a short-order restaurant, open day and nigbt. The patronage of the public is respectfully solioited. Yellowstone Park Map. Tbe Northern Pacific railway has jnt issued a new map ot the Yellowstone Park, tbit should b in deman i. It ia a relief map In colors, is scientifically made, and is complete in topography and nomenclature. Tbe map is shunt 22i2H inohts io size and is priuted on heavy paper thos making it suitable for fram ing. Tbe map ia specially adapted for sohool and class rooms and will be mailed in tabes to any address bv Chas. S. Fee. general passenger agent of the Northern Peoifle, St. Paul, Mino . upon receipt of ten su, in tlxo best mode, , 10 cents Hate 1 liaia Fedoras, Guarantee WEDDING ANNIVER8ARI. Rev. Henry Hasinas and Wife Remembered By His Portland Congregation. Mrs. Otis Patterson gives tbe Gazette reporter a most interesting description of tbe celebration of tbe wedding aui vereary of tbe Rev. Henry Rasmus and estimable wife at Portland Saturday eyening whiob sbe bad tbe pleasure of attending. It was held in tbe parlors of tbe Graoe M. E. ohurch and was tbe occasion of their 15th anniversary. It is estimated tbat 400 were in attendance all tendering their bappiest congratula tions. Rev. Riamus is exceedingly pop ular witb bis Portland congregation and tbey demonstrated that fact in a most substantial manner by presentation of many servioable and costly presents. Mr. Rasmus responded in well rendered remnrks. Tbe pretty decorations of tbe rooms, delightful refreshments and pleas ant musical program made a most enjoy able oocasion for those present. We feel justified in tendering Kev. Rasmus and wife tbe earnest ooogratulation of Hepp. net's oommuoity, where we so often bear pleasant referenoe to Ihem. Obituary, Died from tumor of tbe stomach at ber borne oo Eight Mile, Or., January 15, 1899, Mrs. Mary L. Montague, wife of Geo. W. Montague and daughter of Haskell and Elizabeth Yates. Sbe was born in Savaoab, Andrew oouuty, Mo., February 5, 1848, and married io Geary oouuty, Kansas, January 1, 1807. Tbey crossed tbe planes and moved to Walla Walla, Wash., in 1882 and from there to Tbe Dalles io 2885 and soon thereafter to their present borne in Gilliam oounty. Tbey bave burried three children and she leaves nine living and her worthy oompaoion, ber mother, four brothers and many other relatives and friends to mourn ber death. Sbe will be greatly missed at borne and by ber large oirole of friends, having been a loving faithful wife, and effeotion- ate mother, a good neighbor of bigb moral standiog, charitable to all whiob is a goldeo thread ot tbe entire family. Arlington Reoord. A BARGAIN. One of Eaatera Oregoa's Hsle. Finest Farms for Do not pas tbls unheeded by. A raoob, embraoing 4,175 acres, all under fence of three wires, 17 miles io length, improved at a big expense, must be sold. Tbese improvements embrace a large 9-room bouse, witb woodsbeds and cellar, three 3-room cottages; a boatdiogbonse for 40 men, blacksmith shop, 2 graneriea, 30x 70 feet each, witb capacity of 25,000 sacks eaob; Implement bouse, 80x00 feet, aud farming Implements; bams, sbeds and chlckenbouees; large oistern well (inex haustible) and windmill, witb three ad ditional wells on the plaoe. Ao ideal slock ranob. For particulars address Gazette, Hoppoer, Oregon. tf Stop Underwear and Men's good" cotton suit Underwear 48cts Men's good all-wool fleece suits $1.00 (This is positively a snap) Ladies' union suits - - 44cts Children's union suits - - 25cts An elegant line of Hosiery now due. full weight and The latest and finest assortment to select from. PRICES AT BEDROCK fine satin lined, elegant style Money Returned if Goods are i)ot Satisfactory. THE REBEKAHS' ENTERTAINMENT. An Enjoyable Time bong to be Remembered. La grippe denied us tbe pleasure of a social evening last week reported to bave been one of tbe most enjoyable io tbe history ot Heppner's sooial doings. Tbe Rebekaba are famed throughout tbe land tor tbeir snooesa as a social order, and when tbeir program is ar ranged admitting outside guests fortun ate are those who partake ot tbeir hospitality. On Tuesday nigbt at tbe oonolusion ot an interesting literary and mnaioal entertainment, announced by Miss Barker, the chief oflioer. and opened by Professor Howard In a fitting address, when Miss Abrabamsiok pleased tbs audienoe with a sweet German song, and Miss Eva Brians rendered a reolta tion entitled "Tbe Dukioe Hnakes," in ber inimitable style, followed by the rendition of "The Teacher's Vision" by Miss Glassoook and a delightful solo by Miss Brown. Tbe leading and all ab sorbing feature of the evening was in troduced io tbe basket sale ot good things by Mr. George Conser, whose enthusiasm, tuken together witb bis ex ternal indioations of an epiooreao, seemed to banish every vestige of morbid dyspepsia and a wild scramble by the "Odd" aud other fellows for these bundles of delicaoies. together witb tbe oompany of tbe chef de cuinine whose favor fell to Ihem, while indulg ing in tbe oontents of tbeir prize pack ages not only wbiled tbe happy hours away but "made bay" for tbe Rebekahs to the extent of over 830. Another event ot a like natore by these estimable ladies is anxiously awaited by not only tbose fortunate enough to bave been participants, but by all their friends. BLUE OCNTAIN BLIZZARD. Everybody in this neighborhood busy and energetio as ever. Otto Williamson has throe teams on tbe road hauling wood. Tbe mountains echo witb tbe sounds from tba woodoboppers ax. Although tbe people in this vioiuity have fed their stock slnoe tbs middle of November, there is plenty of bay and stuck looks well. mi i iL s mere is now inree inoiies or snow, wbiob protects tbe grass and fall grain from tbe severe oold wbiob we are hav ing just now. Two of oor oldest residents got into a flgbl about the bad babil of smoking, and a horse was offered to lbs one stop ping, ine prize ran away, but oame back again, tbe smoking still going on as a loroe oi tiatnl, yon know. BiiCi Mountain Bull, How It Hurt. I Rheuaatism, with ia sharp twinges, aobes and psins. Da you koow tbe cansf Acid in the blood bas aoonmu lated io yoor join's. Tbe onre is found in Hood's HarsaDarilla, whioli neutral izes tbis acid. Thousands write tbat they have been completely cored of rheu matism by Hood's Sarsaparilla, Hosiery ouit 89 cents 99 cents NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Tbe co-partnership hitherto existing between W. 0. Minor and C. A. Minor, under tbe firm name of Minor & Co., ia this day dissolved by mutual oonseot. Mr. 0. A. Minor is authorized to settle all olaima against, or to reoeive all amounts due, the late firm. Tbe busi ness will be oontinued by W. O. Minor, W. R. Irwin and M. D. Clark, nnder tbe name of Minor & Oo. W. O. Minor, '. O. A. Minob. Heppner, Ore., Jan. 10, 1899. Mrs. Dr. Garnsey Is now permanently looaled in Hepp ner, where she can be found. Her medicines oure all ohronio diseases, snob as deafness, oatarrb, bronchial troubles, lung diseases, rheumatism, kidney trouble, liver Ironble, blood poisoning. Any disease baffling tbe skill of physi cians yield under tbe influenoe of ber simple remedies. 12-tf Dangers of the Grippe. Tbe greatest danger from la grippe ii of its resulting in pneumonia. If reason able oare ia used, however, and Cbam berlaio's Cough Remedy taken, all dan ger will be avoided. Among tbe tens of thousands wbo have used thia remedy for la grippe, we have yet to learn of a single OBse having resulted in pneumonia wbiob shows conclusively that tbit remedy is a oertain preventative of thai dangerous disease. It will cure la grippe in less time than any other treat ment. It la pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Oonser & Warrsn. Tbrongh Tourist Cars to Kansas City. A tourist sleeping oar will leave Port land every Friday at 8 p. m. via O. R. & N., Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific railroad, through Cheyenne and Den ver without change. No change of oars to tbe oities, Denver or Kansas City, East bound sobedule Is as follows: Portland, leave 8:00 p. m. Friday. Granger, arrive 1 AO p. m. Saturday. Granger, leave 1 :35 p. m. Sunday. Denver, arrive 7:15 a, m. Sanday, Denver, leave 2:55 p, m. Sunday. Kansas City, arrive 7:25 a. m. Monday. Keep tbis aervioe io mind when going East and oonsult O. R. k N. agents or address W. H. Hcbi.burt, Gen. Pass. Agsnt, Portland, Or. What Dr. A. K. Halter Bays. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents j From my personal knowledge, gaioed in observing tbe effect of your Shilob'i Core io oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it ia the most remarkable remedy tbat has ever been brought to my atten tion, II bas certainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser & Warren 1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Mie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of