THE FAIR THE FAIR That it was The Fair that inaugurated low prices in Morrow County tlxere anything, you need? ! HIT t iss. Shoes Children's- Shoes - from 24 cents up Ladies' fine Shoes - from 99 cents up Men's good kid Shoes from 94 cents up Men's yici kid Shoes - - $223 Men's kangaroo calf Shoes - 2.00 Men's kangaroo calf Boots - 2.10 Tailor-made Clothing Men's railroad cord suits - $3.33 All-wool men's suits, guaranteed 6.48 20-oz all-wool importod worsted 9.79 All clothing is strictly first-class not only in quality, but in style and finish. Underwear and Hosiery Men's good cotton suit Underwear 48cts Men's good all-wooj fleece suits $1.00 (This is positively a snap) Ladies' union suits - - 44cts Children's union suits - - 25cts An elegant line of Hosiery now due. Indian tanned Buckskin Gloves 78 cents Overalls, tne best made, f nil weigtit and out 30 cents A. fine line of JUnglish Semi-Porcelain at prices that .will astonish you 10-quart galvanized iron buckets only No. 8 copper-bottom tin teakettle No. 8 " " wash boiler 10 cents 35 cents 74 cents Good 25-cent brooms Clothes Pins 1 cent per dozen 10 cents HatQ The latest and finest assortment to select from, naia PRICES AT BEDROCK Fedoras, fine satin lined, elegant style 99 cents The Fair The Place to Save Money Our Guarantee Money Returned if Goods are got Satisfactory. BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter Tells all about Her Troubles when Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores. " At the age of two months, my baby began to have sores break out on his right cheek. Wo used all the external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail. Tho sores spread all over one side of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Sareaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned. He is now four years old, but he has never had any sign of those scrofulous sores since he was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great med icine." Mks. S. S. Weoten, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s. n'lt are prompt, efficient and HOOd S PlllS easy in effect 25 rents. ADVERTISED LETTEHS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEK Or., January 80, 1899. Bailey. RevC P Golden, Miss Mattie Clem, Mr Ueorgo Msglnis, Miss Lettie Eavins, Mr Tom Shipley, Dr Wra Thomas, Mrs Cora When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. F. Vaugham, P. M. Local Notes. The Dalles minstrels are great. Don't miss tbe minstrels next Tues day night. To Rent. Six-room house. Inquire of W. 0. Wills. Hay, have you tried Smead's nonget candies, yet? Where to get fruits and vegetables at Smead's, of course. For Sale. Pecond-band baby bngyy. Inquire at Gazette office. Those molasses cherries at Smead's are delicious. Try them. The local Elks "ill vouch for a good time tbe night of tbe Tib. 8moke Heidenberg 4 Co'. Arabian Nigbt and Eepaoola cigars at Censer 4 Warren's. 1 3oios Dr. 3. W. Vogel. specialist for refrac tion and defects of tbe eye, will be here every tbree months. 618-lyr Mrs. Jos. Masterson, formerly of this city, is ill at her home in Long Creek from blood poisoning. Be not deceived I A bough, hoarsnes or croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Slnloh's Cnre will save you much trouble. Sold by Conser 4 Varreo. T ujuI. .-L 1:1 II CL till 5. Bt loivh ejrup. Ttwa Gh. V In tim. N-m or cr'iv- ' Don't overlook tbe Morrow County Land and Trust Co. in disposing of your beef bides end sleep pelts. 5 2 A grand street pBtaile will take place Tuesday at noon, previous to tbe even ing's entertainment by The Dulles Club Minstrels. The Morrow County Land and Trust Company bought E C. Aebbaugh's wheat, 5.500 bushels, last Thursday at 1$ cents. Wood, wood, wood. See R. C. Wills for your wood. Cash on delivery. Orders left at Minor 4 Co's., Gilliam & Bisbee's or Brown 4 Hughes. Sumpter News: Frank Rogers, of Heppner, interested with G. B. Tedrowe in tbe Capital saloon, was in town the first of tbe week on business. Dyspepsia cured. Sbilob'a Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomaob, com ing up of food distress, and is tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con ser 4 Warreu. v Call at the Candy Faotory when you want a good onp of hot coffee, oooo or chocolate. Fresh oysters in aoy style. Hot and cold lunches. Try one of our oyster cocktail's. tf Ladies, take tbe best. If yon are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Ten, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Conser 4 Warren. v " Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purifies tbe blood.. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Conser 4 Warren. v W. P. Snyder, tbe livery stable pro prietor, buys only tbe best bay and grain. Largs oorrals and accommodations for freighters. Hacks and buggies furnished reasonable. Stock well oared for. tf Gid Halt's new barber shop will be a "daisy." Neat, cosy and complete. The price of a ebave will remain just tbe same. His customers are all superin tendents of its construction and inspect it daily. A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in tbe dressmaking parlorsof Hiss Altha Leacb, the contracting par'iee being Mr. George Weir and Miss Stella Sbick, with Rev. Davis officiating. A number of friends of tbe bappy oouple were present and note a very enjoyable event. Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time cor ner, extends to tbe public a oordial wel come. Tbe beverages he dispenses will bs kept np to tbe highest standard, and tbe enlargement and comfortable equipment of bis billiard parlors and club-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf Well, what on eartb was tbe matter with Bert Simons? Matter plenty a bouncing big boy Arrived Tuesday, just in time to assume the protection of bis three prettly little Meters. His grandpa bas set aside the grip and is peering away along in tbe future when tbe young man will be looking np tbe family tree tot tbe name be it perpetuating. Brown 4 Hughes are surely keeping up with tbe procession in tbe way of making additional improvements. In the rear of their storeroom a neat and commodious balcony is being ereoted for a better display of their spring goods, while au additional corrugated iron warehouse is being annexed with a ca pacity almost equal to the main build ing. A new hotel, is promised Heppner, Mr. R C. Wills bas purchased the oor- ner this side of the lower brick now oo- oupied by Mrs. Gilmore's boarding bouse, and bas already entered into ne gotiations with lumbermen and mechan ics for tbe erection of a 40-room two- story hote), arranged with every conven ience of a first-class botel. Mr. Wills is surely displaying an enterprising spirit and should be encouraged. Tbus Hepp ner is assuming tbe proportions of the larger Eastern Oregon towns to mark tbe prosperity of oar county. Rev. Bt. Clair In Pendleton. Rev. St. Clair writes tbe Gazette that their revival meetings at Pendleton are meeting with great success, and stirring op tbe city. A number have been saved, whiob is tbe general toplo of col versa tion. Hs will leave for Heppner next Saturday and will occupy his own pulpit Sanday. At Jl a. m., there will be a servioe for the obildren, and at 7 p. m. be will deliver "A Message to Voters." League Bt 0:15 p. m. Tbe East Oregon inn, in mentioning bis arrival tbere says: "Rev. F. F. St. Clair, of Heppner, ar rived tbia morning. He will assist Rev. Mr. Wiggins in revival servioes at tbe Galloway Methodist obnrob. Rev. St. Clair is a very strong and unique preacher, a man of charming eloquence and deep piety." The Holly Club Party. One of tbe most successful parties of tbe season was given by tbe Holly Club last evening. Excellent music was far nisbed by Mrs. J. D. Brown, piano, Mr. Wm. J. Reil, violin, and Mr. J. O Hart, Bute. Danoiog began at 9 and con tinned nntil 11, wben light refreshment were served, after whiob tbe gentlemen chose partners for the gernian and danoed nntil 12 o'clock. This is the first time tbe german was ever danoed in Heppner and every one of tbe 29 couples present were bigbly pleased with tbe novelty. Postponed. Tbe sale of Mexican drawn work to be held at tbe borne of Mrs. Dr. MrSword, aunouooed for Saturday, is postponed until next Wedoesday evening. THE HALVE. Clyde Wells bae assumed the manage ment of The Maine and will oonduot it m first-class confectionery, and in eddi tion will run a short-order restaurant open day and nigbt. Tbe patronage of the pnblio is respectfully solicited. Personal. Attorney Redfleld went to Portland today. Mr. Clark, the wool buyer, Is again with us, Mrs. Chas. Jones is quite Blck with neuralgia. M. 8. Maxwell came in from Hardman Mon-day. Perry Snyder was in lone yesterday on bus iness. J. M. Day, of Ella, was here the first of the week. Jacob Bortzer, ot lone, spent Sunday In Heppner. W. 8. McKinney, ot Eight Mile, was in town last week. C. O. Fuqua, of Eight Mile, spent a few days here this week. Henry Padberg, of Rhea creek, came In on business Saturday. Jas. Yeager's 15-months old baby is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mayor Morgan is again on the streets, after several days selge ot la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vey, of Butter creek, went to Portland recently for a visit. Ot o Kramer, the Portland justice of the peace, is in Heppner today on business. John Ralph, the Inland Telephone company's repairer, is here at work on their system. Art Minor, wife and son left the first of the week for a stay of some length In Portland. Mrs. Barton and Miss Ruth Hager are addi tional to tbe list of la grippe victims this week. Mrs. R. O. Sperry, of lone, is enjoying a three weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. R. C. Wills. Newt Whetstone is again about after what he terms the "worst thin': that ever caught him." He has our sympathy. Miss Edith Vaughan's many friends are pleased to see her again at her post In the office after a very trying selge of la grippe. E. P. Jarmon, late of Texas, was in from But ter Creek Friday last with a load of fine apples, which he disposed of, returning next day. E. O, Roberta, of Roberts & Roberts, tomb stone manufacturers of Walla Walla, was a caller at the Gazette office on Haturday last. J. N. Fordyce, the handsome grocery drum mer, and P. C. Holland, ditto, of the Pacific Paper Co., were interviewing their friends this week. Mrs. Eugene L. Freeland came up from Balem the latter part of last week, remaining over a few days with her little ones, returning Mon day morning. S.W.Spencer, Otis Welch, Frank Natter and mother, Wm. Hughes, Pat Kilkenny and Frank Jones composed a party leaving here for Port land Tuesday morning. Judge Bartholomew Is again on our streets, having made his recovery from la grippe com plications, which he acknowledges looked very serious to blm at times. N. A. Leach, of Lexington, and Chas. Johnson of Douglas, the grain buyers, are showing con siderable activity of late. It Is rumored that they are shipping considerable wheal out of here at present, which is very encouraging for all of us. Mrs. Dr. Vauglian left on Tuesday's train for Portland, where she anticipates visiting ber son, who is at the business college there, for several weeks. Then she will go to Salern and visit with her daugher, Mrs. Jones, who spent some time with here this summer. Teacher' Inntllpte. The tf sobers' mstitnte will bi beld at Lexington Feb. 4, 18SJ (Saturday. Teachers, sxbool officer, parents and any others interested in education are cordially invited. Tbe teachers will be entertained by tbe people of Lexington. Tbey know bow to entertain. Train leaves Heppner about 10 o'clock a m. and return at about that boor at night. A good program bts been prepared. PINE CITV ITEMS. From our regular correspondent. J. H. Burkes, H. E. Bartholomew and and John Hosktns were in town tbia week. Messrs. T. D. and A. T. Matthews were in Pendleton on business the first of this week. Chns. Bartholomew was over from Sand Hollow Sunday. Reverends Hookins aud Marlate oame in from Hardman, where tbey bad been vifliting friends and relatives. Rev. Marlate returned to bis home in Washington the first ot the week. Presiding Elder J. T, Hoskins and wife start for Davton, Wash., In a few days. Oora Wattenberger is slowly recover ing from a severe attaok of grip. E. H Kellogg, who bas been seriously ill from over-work, is slowly recovering. Judge Bartholomew's many friends are glad to bear ot bis recovery and hopi to nee him up and around soon. W. B. Finley bas oommeooed bis spring plowing, with 0. Drlskell as obief engineer. Off for loos. Tbe Heppner Amateur Dramatic Com pany has oompleted arrangements to play "Tbe Quiet Family" in tbe oity of lone Saturday nigbt, and have it well billed, with so assnranoeof a big orowd. Everybody wbo fortunately attended here voice tbe sentiment that very few professional shows bave ever visited our oity that gave better satisfaction than this amateur effort and feel that tbe com pany should bave no reluotaooe in play ing before any audienoe, even In tbe metropolitan oities. We predict a most enjoyable entertaiment for tbe Ioneites, and a pleasant danoe in conolusion. HCHUOL. NOTES. A BARGAIN. Una of Eastern Oregon's Finest Farms for Hale. Do not pass tbis unheeded by. Araoob, embraoing 4,175 acres, all under fenoe of tbree wires, 17 miles in length, improved at big expense, must be sold. Tbese improvements embrace a large 9-room bouse, with woodsheds and cellar, tbree 3-room cottages; a boatdioghouse for 40 men, blackemitb shop, 2 graneries, 80x 70 feet each, with capacity of 25,000 aaoks each; implement bouse, 80x60 feet, and farming implements; barns, sbeds and cbickenbonaee; large cistern well (inex haustible) and windmill, witb three ad ditional wells on tbe place. An ideal stock ranch. For particulars address Gsztte, Heppoer. Oregon. tf How It Harts! Kheurratisro, with its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you koow the cansf Acid in tbs blood bas aooimu lated io your joinla. Tbe On re is found in Hood's Harsaparilla, wbioh neutral izes tbia acid. Thousands write that they have been completely cored ot rheu matism by Hood's Hsresparilla. Miss Nellie Phillips is again at school, Ora Adkins visited the bigb eobool the latter part of last week. Mrs. O. E. Farnsworth and Mrs. W. P. Dutton visited our school last week. We were pleased to receive b visit from our directors a few weeks ago. Tbe eleventh grade will take up tbe study of botany as soon as spring opens. A program is being prepared for Washington's birthday. All are invited to attend. The bigb sohool is reading "David Copperfleld," whiob is proving very in teresting. Mrs. Benj. Parker and Mrs. Ed. Slooum vibited the primary department last week. Geo. Vinson is again at bis place in sohool after an obaeooe of several weeks on aooouot of siokness. We welcome oar old sohool mate Miss Flora Farusworth, wbo returned from Portland Monday evening. Misses Lnlu aud Graoe Hager re turned to sobool last week after a brief absenoe on aoconnt of illness. Tbe tenth grade bas flnisheJ book kf eping and will lake up pbyaioal geo graphy for tbe remainder of the term. Tbe members of Miss Sc ell's room suooeeded in raising enongh money to purchase au organ, which tbey enjoy very much. Recently tbe principal requested tbe pupils of the bigb school to para-phrase tbe following quotation from Shakes peare, offering a prize for tbe best "The quality of mercy is not strained, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath; it Is twice bint; Itblesseth Mm that gives and him tins', takes 'Tis mightiest in the mlgtlest; it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown," Miss Stella Rhea took tbe prize. Who? Throngh Tourist Car to Kansas City. A tourist sleeping oar will leave Port land every Friday at 8 p. m via O. B- 4 N., Oregon Sbort Line and Union Pacific railroad, through Cheyenne and Den ver without ohange. No change of oars to tbe oities, Denver or Kansas City. East bound schedule Is as follows: Portland, leave 8:00 p. m. Friday. Granger, arrive 1:00 p. m. Saturday, Granger, leave 1 :3j p, m. Sunday. Denver, arrive 7:15 a. m. Sanday. Denver, leave 2:55 p. m. Sunday. Kansas City, arrive 7:25 a. m. Monday. Keep tbis servioe io mind when going East and consult O. R. 4 N. agents or address W. H. Bcrlbijbt, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. TE ACHE US' EXAMINATION. V-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may otter themselves as eanrti dates for touchers of the schools of this county, and for state and life diplomas, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a pub lic examination at the court house at Heppner, opening Wednesday, February Mb. at I: mi p. m. JAY W. HHIPI.KY, 15 It Hchool Hupt., Morrow Co, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership bitberto existing between W. O. Minor and C. A. Minor, under the firm name of Minor 4 Co., is tbis day dissolved by mutual oonseot. Mr. C. A, Minor is authorized to settle all olaims against, or to receive all amounts due, the late firm. Tbe busi ness will be continued by W. O. Minor, W. R. Irwin and M. D. Clark, under tbe name of Minor He Go. W. O. MlNOB, O. A. MlNOB. Heppner, Ore., Jan. 16, 181)9. Sick List. Dr. Swinburne furnishes ua a partial list ot bis patients for the past week, wbo are cow oonvalesoent : P. O. Thompson. Mrs. Wm. Ross, ot lone, Mrs. George Wbiteis, Mrs. Vawter Crawford, son ot Marion Evans, N.O.Smead, N. M. John son, of Gooseberry, Sam Hale, of Butter Creek, Silas Wrigbl. of Rbea Creek, Jeoob Young's family, ot Eight Mile, Merritl family, Tom Rhea and wife, T. A., nephew of John Spray, of Wagner, Ram Sbuler's family, Wesley Brannon of Eight Mile, W. J. Derting of Batter Creek and Mrs. Ben Leland. Mrs. Dr. tiaroaey Is now permanently located in Hepp ner, wbere she oan be found. Her medioioes oureall obronio diseases, snob as deafness, catarrb, bronchial troubles, long diseases, rheumatism, kidney trouble, liver trouble, blood poisoning. Aoy disease ba filing tbe skill of physi cians yield under tbe inlluenoe of ber simple remedies. 12-tf Danger of the Urlppe. Tbe greatest danger from la grippe is ot its resulting in pneumonia. It reason able oare is used, however, and Cham berlain's Congb Remedy takeo, all dan ger wi'l be avoided. Among tbe tens ot thousands wbo have used tbia remedy for la grippe, we bave yet to learn ot a single oase having resulted id pneumonia which shows oonolusively that Ibii remedy is a certain preventative ot that dangerous disease. It will cure la grippe in less time tban any otber treat ment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Conser 4 Warren. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with constipation, kidney end bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conser 4 Warren. v CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Be Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of t