Pure Tea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best FOND OF THE WEED. Indians All Smoke from Early Child . hood to Old Age. I Tin c: XVftTi. "Ralivcr,ri in. wrifiae WTien, Sir Walter Raleigh, debt all smokers Tnut everlnetinply re main, was surprised one morning by his servant, who found him smoking n Dine, and, thinkir.fr that he was-on fire, threw a bucket of water over him, he inaugurated that discomfort which, it is sold, ail users of the weed, must un dergo by way of preliminary training:; yet, oddly enough, in the home of to bacco, among the Indian tribes, no such preliminaries are undergone by neo phytes. It is no unusual thing to see an Indian mother smoking a cigarette nnd occasionally allowing her child, still in arms, to take a puff or two. The average Indian commences to smoke when he is less than year old, and con tinues the practice until he dies; buthe seldom smokes to excess, and he can hardly be said to smoke regularly in the way tjliat we do. A report by the Smithsonian institution, now in press, contains some information on the sub Wr, of smokinfir omonc the Indians - u which is of initcrest. The Indians do not regard tobacco as we do, nor do tliey use it in the some wav. While there is a social side to their smoking, the principal use of the leaf in ceremonial and religiou It has always been so with tjiem, and even now, when the native prejxi rations are largely replaced by the cheaper and more convenient supply at the trader' stores, the old religious feeling is still there. There is, something about to- bacco which turns the mind of the Hinoker into contemplative moods, the savage mind not less tiian the mind of the poet. The Indian will buy whatever he needs when he has money sugar, coffee, cal ioo or what-not but he cannot bring bimself to buy tolNiioco; he cannot pro fane the "sacred soother" by buying- it as he would a horse. Yet a mnoke is an indisnenmable part of every transac tion, wlietjier H be a religious ceremony a declaration of war or the purchase of n yard of calico. The traders have conn1 to recognize, this, and in. every store there is a little tin- basin on the counter (and generally nailed to it), containing tobacco, cigarette paer and matches, which are freely used by all coiners, Even the worst "boats" are sensitive to any remark alwiut their use: of this f ree toboimo, and n.ny idhisina to if will drive them out of the place and keep them away for days. Washington Star. - ' - Red Hot from the Gun Wbi the ball that bit Q. B. Stead man of Newark. Mioh , in the Ulvti war. it Ohiised horrible uloerg that do treatment helped for 20 years. Then Buoklen'a Arn ioa Salve cured him. Cures oots, braises, hums, bolls, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 25o a bos. Cure guarantee. Hold by Blocura Drug Co. Tbe Grippe and Salpbar. In my daily papers of Deoember 22d, I find that there are supposed to be some thing like 100.000 oases of grippe in New York City, and that it is also prevailing largely In Washington, Philadelphia Bud other cities, and is now threatening Bos ton. It is a fact that when it was pre vailing as an epidemio largely JD our city a few years ago, I ascertained, by inquiry of my offioers at "Byam'a Matcn faotory," that of the forly-tnree persons employed there not one had been trou bled by it. I have at various times told the press how many at Memphis, Tennessee, lin oluding the agents of "Tbe Howard Be nevolent Association"! esoaped the ter rible epidemio of yellow fever there as they olaimed by wearing powdered anlnhnr in their shoes, also the evi- - Aanna nf a distinguished German me Only the tor tures of the i diaEval rack comparable to agonies which many women suffer through K-artf peculiar weaitnesses - the o,d diseases cate, feminine luunu.r. PUBLIC LAND SALE. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PVJR- J.1 suance of Instructions from tne commis sioner of the general land othce, under author ity vested In him by section vi., i mien i-rntes Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of con gress approved February 'if. lsii.i, we will pro ceed to otter at public sale on Thursday, the dth day of March, next, at 10 o'clock a. in , at this olilee, the following tract of land, tn-wlt: The northeast H of southeast 'A ot section town ship 3 south, range 2i east. V. M. Any and all persons i laiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to Hie their claims in this office on m beiore the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited JAY 1'.. Lu cad, Register. 14-20 Otis I'attkiison, Keculvor. cal writer translated into English, that wearing sulphur in this WBy bas proven a nomnlete proteotion against cholera and other epidemio diseases, also that ihnco njnrkintr the fitilnhur mines of Italy escape tbe malaria which prevails all about them, also that sulphur in shoes has oured various cases of rheum atism, also that sulphur taken intern ally or worn in the shoes bas eumoierit nnwnr to nass tbrooeh tbe body, tbe clothing and the pocket book, blacken ing the silver there. Dumb Animuls. Nothing less than iiiiucaiauic would induce sensitive-minded women to submit to the intolerable methods of the average doctor in dealing with diseases ot this nature. , . That there is a ueiin ........ - detestable "examinations and local ap plications" is a truth which some women i' t tn learn, although thousands are V already rejoicing in the knowledge. They 5dl- ?'r.eaa YJ.Ja ; nr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- To the Public. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remody to be as represented and if not satisfao tory after two-thirds of Ibe contents have been need, will refund the money to the purohaser. There is no better medicine made for la grippe, colds and whooping oongb. Price, 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Try it. For sale by Conser & Warrn. New Palace Sleepers. Elegant new Pullman Palace Sleepers between Portland and Chiogo have just been plaoed in service via the O. R & N Oregon Short Line, Union Paoiflo and Chicago A Northwestern railways daily every day in tbe year. Cars are of the vnrv latest pattern, in faot being the the most improved up to date sleeping oars turned out by the Pullman com pany. These new palaoes will leave Portland on the evening fast train of the O. R. & N. arriving at Chicago on tbe morning of tbe fourth day and running through without change via Granger and Omaha. nave ivu.. .!.. ,i,;u scription the one iiiimiiuiK irni;,'"' heals feminine weaknesses at their very source This marvelous Prescription ' ohsnlnte health to the internal ' ctr,n weakenine drains and ul cerated conditions, gives elastic strength t tv.o aimnnmntr iigaTiiei"., vimui ". nerve centers, and complete womanly vigor to the entire constitution. It is the pertcct toruner ami irsuii" y .. .-. .... nT Pl'CTV I'llll,..!! 1 I w ... WUllI-. . J . . .- , .Welnnment: from the time wnen iney merge into womanhood until the change makes ' motherhood safe and almost free from pain. , A lady living nt 7 Park Avenue, Ch cago, IHSm . u.o ,rit(.. " I.mvsdf. suffered "loiig time from 'female weakness and seemed . ... ,1 i 'ivV cpvpra hnltles to be going im " . - , r of voiir ' Favorite Prescription ' and it saved me from a great deal of suffering. . 1 now enjoy per fect health and will ever praise the wonderful efficacy of your medicine." The best popular medical dook in tm world is Dr. R. V. Pierce's 1000 page illu strated Common Sense Medical Adviser. It will be sent free, paper-oouna, lor 21 one-cent stamps, lo pav the cost of mailing Address the Doctor at Utiffalo, N. Y., or send 31 stamps for cloth-bound copy. Timber Culture, Final Proof. TTNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon, Jan. H.'i, 1S99. Notice is hereby given that diaries H. Hams of Hardman, has filed notice of intention to make final nroof betore V. Crawford, County Clerk, at his office ill Hcvinncr. Oregon, on Hat- urciav the 11th nay 01 .Marcn, iw.i, on nmoer culture, application No. Sim, for the south of northeast )4 section o A), in townsnip rso, Bnth miiye No east. W M. He names as witnesses: lui b. tox, imviu Jenkins, James Hansford and Maurice Devore, all of Hardman, Oregon. 14-20 Jay P. Utah, Rcinster, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Notice of Intention. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Dec. 10, 1K)8. Notice is herebv eivea that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 24, 18Ki, viz : EDWARD C. JOHNSON, ot Heppner, Or.; Homestead entry No. 7iW4. for the nU nc!4 and sei sc! oc ii and nv)4 nvvJi sec SI, tp 2 8, r 28 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Andrew Tillard. William C. Brown, V. L. Tillard and Hugh Fields, all 01 Heppner, Oregon. 8-13 E. W. Babtlett, Register. Ffl5T TBBIK SERVICE DMLY-- TO THE EAST TCI IV I, GREAT ROCK ROUTE NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Jan. 21, 1SSW. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hisclaim, and that said proof will be made before J. iv. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, March 3, 1W.I, vis: CHARLES H. KEITH LEY, of Hardman; Homestead application No. 5002, for the south H southeast and southeast southwest see tion is, and northeast H norinwest y. secuon jm, township 4 south, range 21 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James H. Allen. Jacob Williams, Juhn Allen and James H. Inekeep, all of Hard man, Oregon. 14-20 Jay P. Lucas, Register. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 10. 1X88 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, cm February 24, 1C.I9, viz: WILLIAM C. BROWN, of Heppner, Or.; Homestead entrv No. WOS for the Ba seH and ne1 se4 and se iie)4, see 4, tp 2 8, r28E, w. M. He names the following witnesses to provchis continuous residence upon and cultivation of snid land, viz: Andrew Tillard, Edward C. Johnson. V. 1.. Tillard, Hugh Fields, all of Heppner, Oregon, Leaves DENVER . 2J P- m Leaves DENVER, ...... :30 p. m. " COLO SPRINGS 2 p. m " PUEBLO . . 7 (Hip. m. Arrives TOPEKA . . J.J m " COL". BPB1NG3 . 8:40 p m. " KANSA8 CITY . 9:15 a. m Arrives i'OI'EKA . . 8:55 p- m. . ST . ortTa (Wab R'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives K KHA8 CITY MM p. m. Ar. bl. 1-UU18. twap.nyj Arrives LIN JOLN . . 2:11p.m. Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a. m ' OMAHA . . 4:25 p. m. " DK8 MOINES . . :S0p. m. Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 6:45 a. m " PKOH1A . . 11-20 a.m. OMAHA (Ex Bon) . 8:S0 a. m " CHICAGO 80 a. in. " CO. bLUFiS, . . 9.10 a. m M 10 ID SAW. Two New York women stood in front of a Broadway window watching- a Persian weaver laboriously weaving upon a frame, the pattern of a beautiful rug. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, thread by thread the fmttern grew beneath his hand, until what md seemed a meaningless crossing of dull threads gradually took on form and beauty. Suddenly one of the two women began to lepcat the lines: Weaving, weaving threads of faith Pattern of a woman's heart, Who can ere anticipate Th. tinnt ot lit in v.ry rtk Y - Will the colors warmly ttlow All traced ill love and luippiness ; Or will they fade in somber woe? A woman's future who can guess ? There is infinite pathos in the way that Women ponder over and try to trace out Stuffed Ileet Salad. Boil red Ilermudiv beet) of medium size, until well cooked, nnd remove the skin while warm. Cut off the end of Ibe beet, and with n nhurp round-end knife tnke out the centers, making- a thick cup of ench beet, Let them Htnnd over night' in vinegar. When ready to nerve, take crisp celery, chop it flue, nnd mix with a mayonnaise dressing1. I'lnce tlio beet cups on lettuce leaves nnd fill them with the prepared celery, lienping them, and cover with dressing. Sprinkle a little finely chopped pars Icy over tbe dessing.-Good JJousekecp Ing. Tlneairple gardens planted two years aro at fit. Petersburg, Fla., have proved mo iuccefisful that the acreage given to them had 'been increased lorge ly by different investors. Varieties of the pines have been imported frotm the Azores for culture there. I si neon 11. mtnin, or uregon, Oj. 1., who is 83, jumped into the air and kicked liis heela together twice before touching the ground the other day, just to demonstrate to the people gathered nt family reunion how young he still felt himself to be, -. 1 A Mississippi Tlr says that n negro living near Newton who heard his dogs barking one night found' that they had killed a remarkable animal. It had a head like s bulldog, ears like a mule, legs like a thick and a tail like nn elephant, end It waalong-foodiVd like a weasel. a t A lineman fell from the roof of a three-tory building in Mxioo City, landed on the roof of s streetcar and rolled oft to the ground, where he re cedved a out on the head an a sprained wrist. The car was full, and on pas senger, when the man fell on the roof, promptly jumiped through a window, leaving fcU allk hat and umbrella behind. j jji Hi jlll I'nerowned Ilnlers. There are many reigning sovereigns at the present time wno nave never taken the trouble to be crowned. Among them may be mentioned the German emperor, the king of Italy, the king of Spain, the queen of Holland, the king of Iiavarin, the king 01 haxony. AuHtrliui Cities. Fifty years ago Austria had seven cities with more than 20,000 inhab itants; to-day there are 32. SnKKOHtlonM for tlie Sick. Flaxseed, lemonade is excellent for a ooldi To a pint of water ndd the juice of two lemons (carefully removing the seedw) audi three heaping teaspoonfuls. of 'flaxseed-. Let the mixture tiinimer few mi nut ps, then sweeten it to the taste and let it boil. Kcmove and strain and set it, nway to cool. Take a good swallow once or twice nn hour. The coldi will relax nnd) the throat will feel prcatlv soothed! by the drink. X. Y. Tribune. Brave Men Fall Viotima to etomaoh. liver and kirlnej troubles hb well as women, aud all feel the result in loss of appetite, poisons ii the blood, backache, oervouRtinss, bead ache and tired, listless, rnn-dowo feel luff, lint thore's no need to feel like iliat. LiBteti to J. W. CUnliier, Idaville Iml. Unsays: "Eleotrio Bitters are just the tbina for ft rontr whwhe is all rui iown. and dou l csre whether be lives o lies It did more to iri ve me new streniftl and eood iinpetite than auvtbioK I could take. I oau now eat anything and haVH 8 new lease on lire. wniy uuu hi nm enm Drug Co's. Evry bottle guaranteed NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, January 21, 1S!)9. Notice, is hereby eiven that tne tonowina- named settler has filed notice of lits intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that sunt proot win tie pnue imuisj. . row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, March 3, 18'J9, viz: THOM S MAKLATT, of Heppner, Hnmcstend nnnlicatlotl No f97!, for the south est ti eectioii a, low nsuip . nuiuu, huso flHHl W. M . He names the following witnesses to prove is continuous residence upon aim cultivation f irt loud, viz? William 0. Lncv, Oscar Minor. John C. Brown and Thomas Morgan, all of neppuer, Oregon. , . How to Prevent Pneumonia. You re perhaps aware that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an ' tack of la urippe. Dnrlng the epidemic of la grippe a few years ago when so many esses resulted In pueamooia, it wh observed the tack wsa never followed by that diseRse hen Chamberlain's Ootigb remedy waauaed. II counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe lo result in thai danseroim disease. It is the best remedy in the world tor bad colda anil la grippe. Every bottle war anted. For sale by Oouser & Warren. The Army sad Navy Ilave covered tbemielvea with glory during the war. Tbe army and Davy vesl pooket memorandum book pub lished by tba Northern FaoiBo is a com pact digest of Information relative to the navies and artuiea of Spain and Ibe United Htalea and Ibe beginning of the war. It hat a map ot Cuba, illustration! of naval ships, glossary ot navy and army terms, translation ot Spanish worde, eta. Bond ten oenta lo Goes. 8. Fee, general passenger agent, N. P. H., til. faul, MIdo., tor copy. the purpose and meaning of their lives. To young and happy women it seems as if destiny was weaving their future in all the colors of the rainbow like a merry dance of cupids weaving garlands about a May pole in the spring-time of life. Hut to thousands of women life looks to be all "a warp of sorrow in a woof of pain." WHAT LIFE RUALI.Y IS. A woman's life pattern is really woven by herself. A great philosopher has said "Life is neither pain, nor pleasure ; it is serious business." If a woman would make it her serious business to understand her self mentally, morally and physically, using the common sense that God has given her, there would be far less misery and suffering woven into the pattern of her life. She can make it almost anything she chooses. Kvery woman who wants to derive the full share of happiness, which nature in tended her to find as a woman, wife and mother, ouirht to read that great and wise book, The People's Common Sense Medi cal Adviser, by K. V. Pierce, M. I). Several hundred of its thousand pages are devoted to the subject of womun's special physi I ology, telling in plain and refined language I how a woman may build up her physical self to meet the emcigeucics of her de veloping career. The author of this great book is among the most successful of living physicians. His " Favorite Ptescrptton " is known m every corner of the civilized globe as the most remarkable supportive tonic and health creator ever devised for weak and ailing women. It imparts direct strength and healthful vitality to woman's delicate, special structure, and increases the vigor, endurance and recuperative force of her entire system. A I'ennsvlvaiiia lady, Mrs. Alonro Rnlhtnell, living at the corner of Mvadr and Almond St , In llliamRirt, in a recent letter, snys : "My life is a story of misery. I ntil the hiith of my Ikiv 1 hud health that 1 often txmsted of. 1 married in niv twentv-tillli year, nnd two years afterward inv Ikiv wail horn.' Then the health I txwsted of was suddenly cone. Pen or tongue can never dcscrilie the awlul siiltvi ms I endured for year ami a hull' I was no miserable I longed lor death to relieve me. when a kind nciKhlHr came in ami nskeii me to iry a louie id" )t. rirn-e'a Favorite Prescription. I said, despairingly : ' Oh, lis of no u I can't ever te any ta-tter.' sue 11111111, ami mv niisiwno. wno wim in despair, got a tmttlr, and 1 took it just to pleaae him. 1 had not taken hall a Kittle when I wa aide to walk acroM the room without feeling laint or having anv palpitation of the heart, oh what a Coif uru'd your medicine i to sutleritlg liumauitv. We had spent two hundred dollars with the "lending doctors without any beticht whatever. ' t lfcvemlKT 1 had a twhy, and, thank to your 'Favorite Prescription .' I stood the con finement well and have a fourteen ixmnd baby girl. To-day 1 11 aa well a 1 ever did iu my hie " For thirty years Tr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' 1 t. .- .i i..-.,;.... r n..,r..i. jnoiei aim cmiikicbi uiv,t,,i .m, N. Y.. assisted bv a staff of nearly a score of skilled specialists ill the different blanches of medical practice. Any woman consult ing him by mail will receive, free of charge, the t-st urotcssnm.il advice imvw lit re un tamable. All cortespomlence is regamea as sacredly confidential. The magnificently illustrated " Common Sense Medical Adviser" is now published in a paper-covered edition which, will be sent absolutely free for the bate cost of mailing ; ai one cent stumps which should be sent to the Woild's nispensary Mescal Association, toot Mam Strevt. ltutUlo. N. Y. Or tl stamps should be ent if a datable, Through Tourist Cars to Kansas t'lty. A tourist sleeping oar will leave Port and every Friday at 8 p. m via O. 11 N., Oregon Hhort Line and Union Pacific railroad, through Cheyenne and 1)jo ver without change. No change of oar to tho cities. Denver or Kansas City East bound schedule is as follows: Portland, leave 8:00 p. tn. Friday. Granger, arrive 1:(H) p. m. Saturday Granger, leave 1 :3o p. m. Sunday. Denver, arrive 7:15 o. m. Sunday. Denver, leave 2:55 p. m. Sundnv. Kansas City, arrive 7:25 a. m. Monday. Keep this Bervioe in mind when going East and consult (). K. & N. agents or address W. U. Hcblburt, Qeu. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, Olvl-.UUJN I J Inn 91 IS'l'l Ivotiee is hareby given mai i.ne ioiiowing named settler has filed noiice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that mid proof will he mane tieiore j. w.mor row, United mates commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon, 011 Thursday, March 2. inw, viz: LUCY WILKIN, of Heppner; . Homestead application No. 4.110, for the south V, nortnwest aou hub onmn,DB,ui,i,u(w,,u Bhip 2 south, range 2 east, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Barton, verner narton, V. tientry and Frank Wtlklu, all of heppner, Oregon. 14 20 )AY r. IjUCA, neKimer. 8-13 E. W. Bartlktt, Register. 1 Gi SgrsUYou W ft can bs cured if you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., , 1081 Market St. Est d 1352. - Yonnir men and middle aired men who are suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- 1 cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Aflllll.v,AiupoieDcy,j 1uiibifm in nil its comnlir.itiotis: Mlieriliatwri'hu'a. I'rostntorrlMPu, Ooiiorrlio-n, Ulect, , I'rpqiM-ucy of t riiuiiiiis, eie. By a. combination of remedies, of ereat curative pow- , er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only allord immediate relict dm permanent cure, 'l'he Doctor dues not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair j and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specially Oineasew of Men. Syphilis thoroughly eradicated uum me iVMli-m wiinoiuoRmg MriTi1r.11 evert ,HA,M aonlrliiir to us will re- (.pivo i,ur hnnpxf. rmlniim of hlfl Comr.laillt. H e mil uuaremttea rvsi 1 1 twr. every case we undertake, or forfeit One Xlionsnnu jonars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. ClIAKQES VERY REASONABLE. Treat-' mcnt personally or by letter. Send for book. free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT BR. JOKMBPN Great Museum of An.itoisiy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. VAT A LOG UK Ji'KKif. L'uiiorwnie. 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, Cal. Fast Express Colorado Flyer Through Bleeped and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago. Wide leetibuie tnrougnout. me finest train in the West. Through gleepera Colorado Springs to 8t. Louis via Wabash K'y. For particulars and folders giving time of these trains write E. E. M'LEOD, JNO. SEBASTIAN, A. i. P. A.. TOPEKA. G. P. A.. CHICAGO. L. DE BEVOISE, PORTLAND, QUE. HON F THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE R. R. THE THROUGH OAK LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST 8LEEPERB. FREE RECLISING CHAIR CARB. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Quick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Exoursions. Baggage Checked to Destination. ItfltAB iii-eni- linn to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Umaha, ineDrasita, June to November, n7-;f ..n.iflpaifmarl f,,r mtea. time tables and ntlier information pertaining to Union Pacifio BJ.lH. LOTHROP, or J. C. H ART Agt. . n A., las H Hr... O. R. &N. Co Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. CHICAGO -NOTICE OF INTENTION. AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J January 21, lH'.ili. Notice i herebv iriven that the folIowiiiR- nained settlor has filed notice of his intention to inukc final proof In support of his claim, and that mid proof will lie made before Vawler Crawford, countv clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, March -1, 1SW, viz: JAMES T. MITCHELL, of ElRht Slllc, Homestead application No. tills, for the south; emt ;i section 2J, township a soutn, muge si inst, Vl. M. --tte-mMMt-the faUawluK witnessea ta.prove his continuous residerce upon anil cuuuanou of said land, viz: Gilbert R. Jones, ot J-.luht Mile, OrcKOii, and L. I'earl Jones, t.nanes n. lieymer and William Beymer, all of Heppner, OrcKon. . , . M-ai Jav P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. VrOTICE IN 11 HEREHY OIVEN THAT, I'N- ,i,.r mi,I hv virtue of an exei-utlon and order of siilo.duiy lHsued out of theclrcult court of tbe state ot Dregon, ior morrow uoumy, j the clerk of snid court, on the 4th day of Janu ary, ISM, and to 1110 directed, in a certain suit in said court theretofore ponding, wherein Ben jamin Parker and Peter (ilcamin, na partners, were platutill'n, and Nancy A .liiiikins, as guar- I,..,, . n, nilin.r heirs of W. H, JllllklllS, ite- eeased, Nancv A. Junkins, Peter Brenner, Wil her KiiKOim Junklim, William Huuiner Junkins, Jonathan Bunvoii Juiiktns, James lllaine Jim i i,,u .,,,,1 iii.ftlin K-loreoco Junkins. were de fondants, and wherein plaintills recovered judg ment Bgntnt ""id delenilanis, ior ine sum 01 six huniireu any ami ! ii", further sum of flfty dollars as a reasonatue at torney's tee sad costs and disbursements taxed and allowed at Jl.iiO. on the -.nth day of Decem ber, lsiis, and lu pursuance thereof, I will, on Saturday, tha 4th day of February, iwm, at the hour nil o'clock p 111. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner. Morrow countv, Oregon, sell at piiiuic biiciio 1 to the highest bidder lor cash In Ilium tne 101- low lug described real property, situiueu 111 mor row ouiitv. Oregon, to-wit: 1 he southeast quarter 01 section in, lownsmp ft south, range 21 east, Vt . M. taken and ley tea upon as the property of the said heirs of v. h Junkins, deceased, or so much thereof as may be iiccesssiuy to satisiy tne sain jungim-m ilalnttlht' favor and against inesaiu ueiemmms. ogollier with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. r.. ij. i'lAii.i'i i-iin in , Dated at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, January Sill, WH', SUMMONS. rs l'HE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF 1 Oregon for Morrow county. S. E. Duncan, I'laintill', Mnguie A. Loonev and E. G. Hpcrry, Defendants. To Ms-gie A. Looney, defundant above named: In the name of tho State of Oregon, yon are 1,,,,. ..1.,. im, i,.fl and reiiuired to aiiuear and answer the complaint of plaintill', tiled sifiilnst you ill the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of the time prescribed in the order r.'J 11, 1, 1,,. mil, 11 nf this summons, which time of Rukl publication is six weeks, from the date of the first publication. Von will take no tice that the date of the lirst publication of this And if von frfil to so appear and answer, for want thereof plaintilt' will take judgment ...,it vim f.ir the sum of S'UO. together with . J.. . . vi 1u.ll ,1 lha interest tnereou iroin niiioiiiuci ."'" v rut of 10 per cent per annum, for the costs and liulxirSMnieiltH Ot I HS IICIIOU. UM uiuniiui ui $:ift.(K) taxes paid, for the sum ot fau attorney fee, and win appiy 10 iuo wiu. ra...ii.. foreclosing a certain mortgage bearing date of November as, IS'.i I, and given by you to secure the pavinent of a ecrtain promlssoiy note of even date therewith, for tho sum of f:U, and that tho lands and premises covered by said mortgage, to-wlt: ine norm uoiinneni, V4, i,.t 1. t iiorthenst U of section 4, township 1 H, range 24 E, W M, be sold in the manner provided by law, to satisiy said Judg- '"uil'.' tnn nf thin mimmons is made upon yon by publication thereof, pursuant to an order of the Hon Stephen A. 1 owell, judge of the above en titled court, made and dated at chambers, in Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregn.i, January 10, imw. elms x rnKLPs ' j.g Attorneys lor I'laintill. O. R.& N. Dkpart TIME 8CHEDULES ARBIVH F03 From Heppner. fkom , . 10:00 a, m. Salt Lake Denver, 10:15 p. m. Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, l)ul 11th, Mil waukee, and tho East. 8.00 p.m. Ocban Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. For San" Frnnctsco every five days. R:00 p. m. Coi.pmbia River 4:00 p.m. Ex Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m . To Astoria and Way Landings. fi-00 a. m. Willamette Rivkr 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday , Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and V ay Landings. 7-00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m. i'ues Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Moil, Wed. and Sat. and Frl- Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. B-OOa. m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Tues Thurs. Tues., Tlrar. end Sat. Portiund to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Land lugs. Snake River. Lv. Riparia , . Lv. Lewiston ailv except Rtparla to Lewiston daily except Saturday '"ay ' ; IlwalBe & St. Paul B'g This' Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity tbrou(?h oat: TJoes the celebrated elflotrio berth read ins lamp; Rnns speedily equipped passenger trains every day and night between hi. mu and C'tiiOBgo, aud UmanB ann uihohbi the Chtc.nnci. Milwaukee a St. Paul Also operates steam-heated veHtibuled trains, oarrying tbe latest private oomparlment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor curs." tree redlining ohi obtb. and the very best dining chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point id the United States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & St. P., c. & A., r. Ft. w. of v and the C. St, L. & P. Railroads. RATES OB.oo PBR 13 AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta., f Denver & Bio Granae 1 1 Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Between the Northwest and all Points East Choice of Two Routes Through the FAMOUS Rocky Moun'ain Scenery And four mutes east of I'ueblo and Denver... All paBRPncprp grunted a day stopover in the Mormon CHpitol or anywhere between Ogdeu aud Denver. 1 ersonaliy comiuctecj ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas CitySL-JLoiiis ; Chicago and the East, For tickets and and information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of O. R. fe N., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies. R. C NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 261 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Haet, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or. . Passenqert booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. l)V VIRTUE 1 NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OKKIl'K. AT T1IK PAI.l.KS, OREGON j January I'i. . v.. ii..., la herehv nlven that the ollowlng named settler has tiled notiee l his Intention ,., uiiu thml liriait In iniiitrt ol hi" I'lalm, and that niild lrool will I niaile helnre Vaw ter Craw fnr.l, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, March 11. via: MAl llIt K PKVOKE, of llardman; Honiestesd application No. 4W 'r the south S mu-thwciit i, aud mirth v on!hest 't section .ii K, l .,,, nlh. r,iiiL;e 'J etmt. W M. He nauii the liill' i"g itncuscs to prove his eiiutliiiious reiidi iiee upon and cultivation of saldland, vl: Kd S Cox, Havid II. Jenkins ami James llaiistord. of Hardman, Uregon, and vis Johnson, ot liooseherry. Oreou H.-.D Jay I', l.l'i is, Ucgister. nw A EXECUTION AND order of rale duly issued hy the Cleric of i.o I'.xmrv i-,,iirt nf the Mute ot uregon ior iv Q,l Hilled the llh dav of Jan imrv. I.H1W. and' to me directed, tu a certain suit i eui.l circuit court theretofore pending, wherein Benjamin Parker and l'eter Ulcuson u ,.ri.,r. ucru iilaintilU. aud Nancy A i,i,,u an.l irr Hrenner were defendants, u here lii uilirnieni was recoieien oj .,i..i.,i,i-u .n.i.i HriiH ilcfemlants for the Sinn ..( ii,,,,,,i,l tour hundred tifly-slx aud 5.i-1im dolllars. and tha further sum of one h,,.tr.l uti.l liv,i on lars aiiorneys icen mm n, tnrtlier Hum iif iwonty-four and tW-luU ll. mIi nn, I iltKliurseliieuis. on ine-oiu lav of December. lW'K. Notice H lierehy given that 1 will on Saturday, tha 4th day of February lw.M. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. nf said day oi ii... imiit. linor of the court house In Heppner, Morrow eimiitv. Oregon, sell at puiiiic auciiou to the highest Milder 'or cash In hand, nil the following described real property situated in lrp,,iv countv. oreiron. io w n: i nw iitmn- w,.t nnarter of section iweniy-iwo. aim me ,,.,rti,...ii.t mmrtnr of seetloii twenty-one, In townshin three, south of range twenty-foil ot v M luken and levied muni as the prop orti. nf Nanev A Jiuikln. or sn much thereof as inn v he necessary to siithdy said Judgineiit i i,n n utiit its. ami anniusi sum uricim- ants, together with all costs and distuirsiuonts that have or may accrue. r,, i. I.A M ati.oi k, Pherift". 11..1..1I ut ll,.trner. Morrow County, oretnn, January Mil, I W. 11 In SL'MMOys. j heavy clotlt-buuuU volume in prvfVmtl. PUBLIC LAND SALE. TTNITED STATES l.AN'D OFFICE, I 1" ,:....l., Ilr lveceintier!. WW. - Notice Is hereby given that tn pursuance of Instructions from the commissioner of the general land omiti. tinner auininy ui.,,-.. , ,. him by sccllon :i I si. Kcv. rtnl .ns aineiided bv the act of ii.miiess approved February , lS'i. w e w ill pris ed to oiler at public sale oil IhelMhiUvot February. I ".!, nt the hour of UoeliH'k.a m.ofsMUl day. at tin ott ee, t he follow In tract ol land to w it: 1 lie X N w l4 !hh- s.i, Twp . K '.'a K W M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above deketibiNl lnd ar- advised to tile their elnliiisln iMsottl e on or b. lore the day above desiiiiiKied It the .leiiMi-iieement of said sn.e, olberw Uv their iktu '!! be forfeited. 1 l W H 11 r : kit, Keg'ster, 1D1 J.'o. b' i'ti'. KwehW. IN THE CIRCCIT t'Ol'KT OF THE STATE 1 of Oregon, lor Morrow County Margaret)! Von Cadow, I'laintill, vs. vviliij,,, v,, Pn.Wiw. Ilefeiidant. r ilium Van radow. defendant alavve named lu Hie name of tne ctie oUlicion: Yon are li..ihv rc.nilrv.l to anneal' and answer the com- plaint of plaintiff Med airainst you In the above cause nn or before the expirallou ol six weeks immediately follow ing the tirst publication ol inusiiiniiioiia. which date 01 nrst piiimeauon Is December 1 l.. and it you fall to i p- ,,.i,.r an, I i,u.,r Sllid COII! nlai II t. t lie plaintiff will applv to the court for the ri'llef prayixi for in her complaint, Uvwit: For a din ree and or. der of this court forever dissolving the bonus of .....-i. ...... uvi.Hnff iM.tweeii voiirsii!f anil the nlnititilV herein; for a further ttccree and order of the court awarding to plsintttt the custodv conirol ol tbe minor elitui, Arinnr 011 a (buy the Issue ot your man hu;c itli phtlutttt : l.,r lu.r cala and ll isblirselllCllls HelS'tll Bint t' ucli other and further relief as to the court iuhv s.s-111 meet with iniutty aim gooo cou This summons Is served upon yon by public' n.. th..r.u,l in tha Ilciinner t;a.-ette. in pursu ance of an order of th'.s court dulv made and entered herein on the :id day of D.-ecmber. lv-, bv 110:1. :,-iibcn A. lx ell. judge of thecin-m ! ,-r.urt of tlie state of Oregon, for the --ltn iicil district, vhich sai l order diicets tr is sonimous to be uublnhcd In sai.l wr ior s iwee. it-fti OlilLGON SHOUT LINE Ry. QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS- ROTIM RIVER and all Points EAST and SOUTH EAST. afiSSSS LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4 days CHICAGO, 3J " ST. LOUIS, 3J " ; OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 " Fnt Ueolining Glihir Cars Upholstered Tminst SleepirR Cars rullman Palace Sleeping Carp For full particular regarding rate time of trains, etc., call on or addrew J. C. HART, Agent O. R. k N. Co., Heppner, Orego 0. O. Tkrby, W. E. Coman. Trv. Tiifia. Act. OtVl Agt 121 Third St., Portland. Ore. Sf TBI G01BB ERST? If bo, be sore and nee that your tioket reads via le iMilwestein Line ....THE.... OHIOAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CHICA.G0 AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless VeBtibuled Dluinn ana Bleeping tu Trains, and Motto: "always on time" k i n ilil. rnoA a national renutation. All elasse of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains wltnont extra cnarne. nmp juuj ncimi. and travel over this famous line. Ail agent have tickets. W.H. MEAD, 'C BVAQ.F'.i (ien. Agent. irav. r. a r. a(i, 248 Washington St, Portland, Or. SPOKANE falls k northern mm h FORT SHEITARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tt,a rnl All liitil Ronte Witliont Ctiane of Cars Iktween tvpoKnue i;.,.oiun,l and e son. Also iietwen Nelaou anl RosaUtid, daily eit-ept Sunday : Leave. mm A. M 1H) A. M :10 A.M. ArriT. -MO P. HI .tVt P. M A l (,1'lil.lV. Attorney l"r r'ratntio'. Htxikane .. .... Koas and .. .... Nelson Cliwe eonreet oesat Nlm with steamern for KasJo. and ali K.i ai lka p.niit. lVt tror tt K"ttl? liivor and l1onn,ary IWC fMnnact M H with ' dailv. NORTHERN PACIFIC 81. Yellow Stona Park Line THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. No. 2 U A. M. No. 6 5 P. M. Depot Fifth and I Sts. Fast Mail for Tacoma, Seattle, Aberdeen, South Dend. Bpokane, Helena, Butte, Anaconda, St. Paul. Chicago, New York, Boston, and all points East and South east. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Express, for Ta coma, Seattle, Olyinpia and intermediate main line points Arrive. No. 1 10:15 A. M, No. 6 11 P. M "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. STSAMSBS "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" rinmmencinu Monday. May 2nd, tbfe Htearaera ot the Keerolator Lune win lenve Portland at 630 a, m and Tbe Dallea nt 8:30 a.m. When you no to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Colnmbia; yon will enjoy it, and aave uaouey. W. C. ALLAWAT, Oaneral Agent 3 DAY8 to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. 8!i DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4J DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston aud other far-Eastern points. ( Union depot connections in all principal cities. Baggage checked through to destination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth it. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps of route and other Information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, '255 Morri son St., Cor, Third, Portland, Oregon, WiacoNaiH Central Line M quick mivrxi t 54ttix Francisco And all point lo t'alifoniia, via the Mt Bhaeta Southern Pacific Co Trw irmt hisrhway through California to all points Vft and South, brand Hemic Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Bnffet Hlitepor. Baoond-clam Simper Attached tn expreea train, affording nparior accommodation for cond-elaM pasaancwa. For rate, tickets, t Imping oar raws-rations, to. rtill upon or addrea S. KOKtlI.ER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, t rt fftH!. Ciwfti- THROUGH TICKETS To all poi'it in the Efem Mate. Canad and Europe can !w otitafne.1 at lowest rates from a. H:iMj, Bvppner. or. GENERAL PASSENQKR DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wieciinin Central Lines in passiug through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their baud baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station,, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. 4 AS. POND, Geu'I Patter. Agt.