Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 19, 1899, Image 8

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From the Long Creek Eagle.
J. B. Keeney, who in the past has had charge
ol the Heppner-Canyon City stage line, ia now
operating a line over between Elgin, Union
county, and Joseph, Wlllowa county.
The Eagle was again designated by the pres
ent term of county court as the official paper oi
the county. This distinction the Eagle has en
joyed continuously for the past five years.
A single blast in the Bonanza mine, knocked
down 20 tons of ore Monday. Repeated sampl
ing of the ore, which contained prnclpally free
gold, showed that the mass contained $63,000
worth of gold.
M.J.Chambers, who conducted the Elkhorn
hotel at Canyon City before the Are, Is putting
up a lodging house on the site of his former
building. He will build a comfortable hotel
building in the spring.
J. I). Kirk has been appointed postmaster at
Bitter, vice Mary E. Powell, resigned. Mr.
Kirk will at once qualify and move the office
from its present location to his merchandise
store at the McDufl'e hot springs.
The drifting snows early thl.week has worked
a serious hardship on all malls necessitating
the carriers laying out on the hills for hours on
account of losing the road in the mountains
No paper mall of any kind has reached Long
Creek since Monday morning.
On Willow creek, 10 miles above Malheur
City, Clark Bros, recently discovered a two-foot
vein of rotten quartz from which they pounded
out in a mortar (3,200 in two days. These are
the same famous pocket hunters that dis
covered Ike Guker's Great Northern near
Canyon City.
In the matter of the tax levy for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 18!W, and ending July 1,
1809. It is ordered that there be levied on all
taxable property both real and personal, in
Orant county, on each and every dollar, for
county purposes, 20 mills; and on each and
every dollar for school purposes, 5 mills. i
If the people of Orant county are not opposed
to the losing of a large part of the county in the
formation of a new county with Mitchell as
county seat, and all the Greenhorn mining
country iu the formation of a county with
Sumpter as county seat, they have only to re
main silent, and inside of two months the area
of Orant county will be one-half of Its present
The marriage of Geo. D. Brler'y, of Hamilton,
and Miss Kltte Barnard, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. B. P. Barnard, of Fox, was solemnized last
Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's
parents, in the presence of a number of rela
tives and friends. Mr. Brlcrly has charge of
the mercantile establishment of O. V. Mc Haley
at Hamilton, while Miss Barnard Is one of
Grant county's prominent teachers. They will
make their future home at Hamilton.
Ike Ennis, manager of the Blue Mountain
Tc'ephone line, passed through Long Creek
Hunday morning en route to his home at Uepp
ner from Burns, where ho has just completed
putting in an exchange. Ho informed a repre
sentative of the Eagle when on his way home,
that he expected to return to Long Creek In the
near future and put in an exchange. 1 his new
departure will be welcomed by the business
men of this place, since it will do away with
many inconveniences when they desire to use
the line.
J. Oarst, V. Ollieer and 8. Omcor, of Dayvllle,
passed through Long Creek Wednesday en route
to the gold fields at Atlln lake, Alaska. They
wore joined at this place by E. Olllcor who
ciune down from Snwinvlllo. The Atlln lake
district is located in the interior about 80 miles
from Hkagway. Gold was discovered in that
locality during last season, and while the
whole country In that vicinity has been staked
off In claims, there has not been enough work
done there to ascortalu the value on a small
per cent of the located ground Yet it Is re
ported quite rich and it is to be hoped that
the Orant county boys will be able to return In
a few years with evory pocket llued with yellow
From GrantCounty News.
Tom Hewlett, of Monument, spent a iuwuys
with us last week,
I). M. Bingham, of Monument, was In town on
court business this week.
B. F. Miller, proprietor of the Canyon City
and Heppner stage lino, is In town this week on
Thomas McEwon, the veteran stagemau, Is
doing an excellent business on the various lines
which ho controls, and which have Sumpter for
a terminal point.
Ike Enuls, of tho Blue Mountain Telephone
Company, of Heppner, camo over from Bums on
the stage Friday morning. While In Burns he
put in a tulephoue exchange and 20 private
Wheat Conditions.
Whllo wheat is still M cents hero, the Com
mercial Kovlew has the following concerning
tho Portland market:
The upward movement in Europe, which
tarted just prior to the holidays, continued In
motion until the present woek;when tho ad
vance was checked, and an easier feeling set in
and values fell off. The local situation has not
has not been much all'ected either way, owing
to the firmness of shipowners, who have In
sisted on a portion at least of the advance In
wheat abroad, At the same time, holders ol
wheat consider themselves entitled to all the
benefits from the appreciation In piices, result
ing in a deadlock between buyers and sellers
Borne unimportant sales were made during the
week but holders still hold the extreme Ideas as
to tho futuro, aud are disposed to hold back
supplies, In the belief that Interest aud carrying
charges will more than be offset by obtainable
prlcoi a month or two hence.
Stocks of wheat In warehouses hero are largo
Indicating conclusively that exporters are un
der no necessity to make new or Immediate
purchases at the expense of values, and there Is
absolutely no competition between shippers to
bid on tho few parcels olftrlng Exporters are
at all times In the market at full prices, but
when the would-be seller expects towoikthe
market at lc to 2c above values, he falls to And
a purchaser. Koeelpis continue small from
both sections of the state, and the movement Is
not likely to show much activity unless prices
should advance materially. Keporli from the
Interior Indicate recent purchases oil milling
acoount were moderately fair, and prospects of
a steady movement in this direction, Shlp
meuts foreign from Portland the past week
amounted to 20,6IU centals, and from Pugot
sound :1J7,M4 centals
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
Yon tire perhaps awn'e that pneumoniii
alwaya roanlta from a cold or from an at
tuck f la grippe. Daring tbe epiilemic
of la grippe few year ano wheo o
many oases reunited lo puenmonia, it wn
obaervej the attack wi never followed
by that iliKPHKrt ben OhHtuherlHinV
Oonh remedy wax uaeil. It ooiiuteracitN
any tendency of a oold or la grippe lo
remilt ia 1ih dttnueroiiii diaeime, It i
tlie licet remedy iu the world for b id
cold and la grippe. Every bottle war
oted. For ole by Conner A Warrm
The Army aud Navy
Have covered themselves with glory
during the war. Tbe array aud navy
vest pocket tumnorauduui book pub
liahed by I lie Northern roitlo ia a ooui
pnot ditfeat of luforiuatiuQ reUtive Iu
tie nttviei and armiet of Hpain and tbe
Uo If od Stales and the beginning of the
war. It has a map of Cuba, illoatraliooa
of naval ahlpe, gloseary of navy and
army terms, translation of Spanish
words, etc. Send ten oenta to Ouaa. 8
Fee, geueral pateenger ageut, N i II,
t), f ni, Mioo., for a c7.
sold only in
State News.
Measles Is prevalent in Roseburg.
Ashland has $3,471.81 cash on hand.
There were 114 marriages in Jackson county
last year.
Baker City expects to soon have a free deliv
ery system.
The town of Harney ha a number of cases of
Douglas county is soon to have an historical
society at Roseburg.
Lakevlew wants water works and Is willing to
bond itself 125,000 therefor.
Coyotes have killed a large number of sheep
In the neighborhood of Monroe.
There has been a new gold field found about
six miles southeast of Hillsboro.
J. C. Lyons, a merchant of Lyons, Linn Coun
ty, was murdered last Friday night.
La Grande will vote on March 13th on a prop
bsltion to fund the indebtedness of the city.
Edward Kiddle, of Island City, reports the
outlook for stock trade in Eastern Oregon as
Two freight trains collided atCelilo Saturday,
doing considerable damage but no ono was in
jured. A distillery Is being built at Logan, Clacka
mas county. It will make whisky from rye
grown in Clackamas county.
Ontario Is ambitious to be the seat of Malheur
county. The legislature will be asked to pass a
bill providing for a vote on the question. Vale
is the present county seat.
Land Office Report.
The register and receiver of the local land
office have completed their report for the
mouth of December, which was one of the most
active months of business In the history of the
office. The report shows the receipts from all
sources for the month were 33,605.09, There
were 74 homestead entries filed covering
11,279.07 acres. There were 30 final homestead
entries, 6 final timber culture entries, 1G0 cash
entries, covering 2rr:8 81 acres, and 24 contests
served. Testimony and other fees collected
amounted to tuO.Wi, and unearned fees collected
on cases suspended were $5,285 11. The total
remittance from this office to the department
during the month was $36,074.31 Times Moun
They started their new happy life of love
and hope together in a trim-hrighl-tinted
little house that Htood back upon a terraced
lawn. A smooth path led to the broad
" stoop " and hospitable piazza. The long
sweep of roof, the wide curving "bays"
and the little western turret with oriel
windows bespoke Atopic room and light and
air and gorgeous mmsets.
O, how they loved that little home I He
was industrious, frugal, ambitious ; she a
lender wife with a heart full of devotion ;
and both of them determined at nny cost
Df Struggle, oj aacrifice to earn and pay for
this cherished dwelling place, and possess
it as their very own ; a cosey nest in days
of sunshine, a refuge iu time of trouble, a
fireside, a home.
At first it seemed smooth sailing. He
was glad to work over time, and she being
deft with needle and scissors helped the
neighbors with their gowns. In such
ways a few dollars were added to the
small, home-making fund. Day after day,
early and late, they earnestly planned and
toiled, never realizing that they were going
beyond their strength, until the little break
downs began to come.
Many a morning he would rise with his
head feeling as he expressed it, "like a
lump of lead," and no stomach for the
dainty breakfast she had prepared. "O,
you must eat!" she would exclaim anxi
ously, " You can never work without it."
And all the time trying to smile, she would
pass her hand lightly across her own fore
head as if to brush away the pain that
snapped and darted underneath.
Then came days when he could neither
eat nor work at all ; when his sight was
blurred and dizzy, his limbs weighted
down as if with shackles ; his whole body
full of sickness and nausea and distaste
of living, and his mind dark with dismal
forebodings. Describing this terrible time
afterward he said to a friend :
" What troubled me most was that I
could not understand what wan the matter
with me. The doctors said it was con
sumption ; they did me no good. I knew
something was killing me by inches.
Finally I had to give up and go to bed. I
could hardly lift my head off the pillow.
My brother wanted to write to Dr. Pierce
of Buffalo, nnd brought me three bottles
of his ' Golden Medical Discovery 1 and
begged me to take it. I didu't have much
fuith but said to my wife :
"What's the use? The doctors don't
help me a bit and nothing else will. At
this rate I'll die anyway. This ' Discovery '
can't hurt me; it may help me; I'll try these
three bottles just to please Jim. He was
right too. The first bottle went straight to
mv digestion aud gave me an appetite so I
relished mv food. I felt as if every mouth
ful was doing me good and making good
blood in my veins. I began to feel better
and pick up my flesh ; my bowels came
around right and I guess my liver sort of
waked up. My cough stopped. 1 got good
and strong and iu four weeks I was back at
work again like a man."
"My wife never let on how miserable
she w as feeling all the while ; when I
found it out I made her take the ' Discov
ery ' too aud Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion for her nerves, and she says she's just
made over new again. 1 sent for his great
' Medical Adviser. ' It's the grandest owk
you ever saw. If we'd had it before, we
would have saved hundreds of dollars."
Then came new hopes, new plans, new
power and fresh achievements. The little
home in time became their very own,
earned and paid for by the erstwhile
nerveless hands and braiii now restored to
vigor and activity by the most remarkable
life-renewing "Discovery" that medical
science has ever revealed to man. And
when at length a sweet, fresh little life
came to bless their lives, they felt that
happiness was complete.
This is a true story and it cannot be told
too often or too strongly. What this great
" Discovery " did for this man, it has done
for thousands of men and women in every
corner of this Union, and in every civilized
country on the glob.
The ''Golden Medical Discovery" is sold
bv all good dealers iu uicdicitivi ever
(V CMjjg
A Device Attached to Males to Reduce
He is a mean man who cheats a farmer, but
there are degrees of meanness even among such
men. The meanest man of all has just been
discovered. Realizing that the lightning rod
fake and the duplicate order fraud were ex
hausted, he devised a scheme for beating the
farmer out of his grain and live stock on the
scale under his very eyes. This he does by
means of a V-shaped device attached to
the scales and so operated as to shrink the
ac ual weight 4 or 5 per cent. And he has found
plenty of dealers mean enough to buy the de
vice, soothing their consclenses by assuring
them that the farmers have been getting the
best of It right along and that dealers should
now try to get even in this underhanded, con
temptible manner.
George L. Carman, superintendent of the
Western Railway Weighing Association aud In
spection Bureau, Chicago, has addressed circu
lar lotters to general freight ageuts of lines in
the West Informing them of the new fraud and
describing the new device in detail. He will
send copies to chairmen of the boards of rail
way commissioners in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, where hun
dreds of these scale attachments have been sold.
This he does not only to put people on their
guard, but also to enable the boards to "bring
such action as they may deem advisable."
A diagram In tbe circular shows the appliance
detached. It Is made of hardened steel. The
end Introduced has a raised portion or "slug"
on one side, which has a tendency when intro
duced to lengthen the beam so as to cause it to
weigh leBs than it should. Another diagram
shows the handle made to fit over the top of the
scale beam and used to tip the scale beam so
that one hand preused on the rod connected
with the lever on the scale raises a loop con
nected with the beam so as to allow a space to
insert the shrlnker In the diamond-shaped
knife or bearing on each scale holding the rod
"Information reached me some days ago,"
said Mr. Carman, "that this appliance was in
tbe hands of several buyers of grain and live
stock. I visited one of the stations, procured
one of the appliances, which are being sold tor
from (25 to $50 each by a party who represents
himself as a solicitor for a prominent live stock
firm In Chicago, the solicitation of business be
ing a blind to cover his transactions while in
traducing and selling these devices."
The enterprising agent broaches the subject
something after this style: "Do you want to
know how to get even with the farmers who fill
their stock with swill before bringing them to
market to sell? I haveadevlce that will shrink
hogs from 10 to 15 pounds each " Borne of these
devices are bought and others are taken for use
with the understanding that the dealers will
ship to this firm some of their stock, off which
the agent receives a commission.
Careful tests with the device have produced
the following results: First, scale balances
properly at 1,000 pounds with shrlnker attached,
8D0 pounds; second, four hogs weighing 1,310
pounds, and with shrlnker 1,270, an average of
10 pounds per hog; third, 12 hogs, weighing
1,515 pounds, and with shrlnker 4.405, an aver
age shrinkage of 11 pounds per hog..
The traffic officials will instruct their travel
ing agents to watch sharply for the device and
warn the farmers every chance they get to do
so. St. l'aul Pioneer Press.
To the Public.
We are authorized to guarantee every
bottle of Chamberlain's Congo Remedy
to be as represented and if not satisfao
tory after two-thirds of the con tents have
been osed, will refund tbe money to tbe
purchaser. There m no better medicine
rrjiide for la grippe, colds and whooping
oougb. Pride, 25 aud 60 cents per bnttle,
Try it. For shIc by Conser & Warren.
dory of Frank Hosj, Recently . Arrested in
Heppner for Hnrr.e .stealing.
Frank ltoas, the man reoently arrested
iu Heppner, proves to have been a tbief
if considerable, maguitnde aud resonroe
He was a cattlo tbief and horse trader
vlien he commeuoed business. Be be
.!ino on all a-otind tbief within a few
mouths, llo first stole 15 bend of oattle
-ii.d sold tbem. He went lo Lewistuu,
Idaho, with $100 iu his noeiietH, part of
tbe receipts of the sale cf tbe oattle.
1'bere he hired u team in,d btlckboard
aud drove to Duytoo, Washington. There
be sold the harness and buckboard. He
took the team on to Dry creek, where be
iraded the two horses with Sum Looney
for one. Lie rods this hnrpe to Wallals,
but beiug unnble lo oross the Columbia
on the ice be camn to FendMon and
here he traded horses sod weut to flopp
tier on this l'endletou hors. All tbe
itrjB offioore from Lewiston, Idaho, were
;iu his trail and overtook him at Hepp
uer. There ltoss paraded the streets ou
his horse, with a goodly load of stimu
lants oo beard. While druuk be got
mto trouble with a fast woman, and
drew a Inrgo crowd. Then he treated
ever) body, aud ho ted in suoh a miiguuu-
imuus fashiou with $75 which he hud
A'ith bim that tbe poltoe beouuie sus
picious. A deecriptiou of the man was
sent by th I.Hwiston ollloera.wbo arrived
at this junoture.snd H iss was looked for.
Lie bad lit out, however, and was cap
tured at Butter oreek, this side of Hepp
ner, by looal oQioerg. The Lewiston
iMoera were notified and went after him,
aud took him back to LewiHlou where he
is in j ail, from w here he will go to tbe
peuiti utjary (or five years. East Ore
No Right to Ugllneta.
The wonoiu who is lovely m face, form
and temper will always biivo friends, but
ono who wiuKi be attractive must keep
her health. If she is weak , siokly and
all ruu down, she will be nervous aud
irritable. If she has constipation or
kiducy trouble, her impure blood will
oause pimples, blotobea, skin eruptions
Mud a wretched completion. Electric,
Bitters is tbe best tnedinine in the world
io regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
nnd to purify the blond. It glvea strong
uerves, bright eves, smooth, velvety
kin, rich complexion. It will make a
gncd-lnnkiiif!, charming oman of a run
town invn'id. Only 50 ceuts at Sloonm
llinoith Tourist Cars to Kansas City,
A tourist sleeping oar will leave Port
land vry Friday at S p. m via O. K A
N., Oregon Hhort Line and Union P'iaiQo
railroad , through Chyeone aud Den
ver without change. No change of oara
to the dill, Denver or Kansas City.
Esit bound eobednle Is as follows:
1'ortlHiid, leave 8.00 p. m. Friday.
Granger, arrive 1:00 p. m. Suturd.ty.
Oranger, letve 1 :3C p. m. Sunday.
Denver, arrive 7.13 a. ro. Sunday.
Denver, leave 2:55 p m. Suudav.
Kansas City, arrive 7:!W a. m. Monday.
Keep this aervioe iu mind when going
East nnd c neo't O. R. St S aueota or
sddreti W. H. HrRLBUBT,
Oen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Or,
Death's Betrothal.
A few years aeo a New York newspaper
conducted an open discussion upon the
topic: "Is Marriage a Failure?" The
answer is easy and upon the surface. Where
there is mutual love and respect, if there is
also health, marriage is a success. When
health is left out, even the most ardent love
does not count, and marriage is invariably
a failure.
Modern science has cried the warning
so often that all should realize the dangers
of wedlock to people in ill-health. In a
case of this kind death lurks on every side
in the kiss of betrothal and the caress of
the honeymoon. The man who is suffering
from ill-health is a physical bankrupt, and
has no right to condemn a woman to be his
nurse for life and the mother of babes that
inherit his physical weakness. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery acts directly on
the digestive organism. It makes it strong
and its action perfect. When a man's di
gestion is all right his blood will be pure;
when his blood is pure his nervous system
Will be strong and his health vigorous.
A woman who suffers from weakness and
disease of the delicate organism of her sex
is certain to suffer from general ill-health,
and to be an unhappy, helpless invalid and
a disappointment as a wife. Her children
will be weak, puny and peevish. A happy
home is an impossibility for her until her
health is restored. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription cures all troubles of the dis
tinctly feminine organism. It cures them
speedily, completely and permanently. It
fits for wifehood and motherhood. Both
medicines are sold by all good dealers.
All of Grant Comity at Present Has the
Mining Fever.
Long Creek Eagle.
A reaction from Klondike has set in. All the
country has the mining fover; the Yukon ex
citement started it, but is unequal to the task
of either curing it or feeding It.
Prospecting in this country is a picnic ex
cursion compared with a trip to the Ice-bound
regions of the north. Mining here U more
profitable In the long run than It is In Alaska.
The climate on an average, is good enough to
r3nder tent-living comfortable nine months out
of the year. New finds a:e being reported
almost dally and the old mines are showing up
their wealth iu a way that is almost astounding.
The stamps of new mill plants will be dropping
Soon after the commencement of the new year.
Old abandoned mines, the tailings and placer
beds, will be worked again under new condi
tions. Dredges will be put on to work thous
ands of acres of ground not adapted to hydraul
ics. These modern contrivances will cause
ground to pay that would otherwise remain
Idle and practically worthless.
Abont Catarrh.
It is caused by a oold or suooession of
oolJs, oombiued with impure blood. Its
symptoms nie pain in the bead, dig
charge from the nose, ringing noises in
the ears. It is cured by Hood's Sarsnp
arilla, which purifies aud enriches tb"
blood, soothes and rebuilds the tissnes
acd relieves i.ll the disagreeable sensa
I order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of
the County Court of the Mate of Oregon for
Morrow county, and dated the 4th day ot Jan
uary, 1S9SI. and to me directed, In a certain suit
in saiu cireiiir. courr inereroiore penning,
wherein Benjamin Parker and Peter Oleapon
as partners were plaintiffs, and Nancy A
Junkiiis and Peter llrenner were defendants,
and wherein judgment was recovered by
luulntllls against said defendants for the sum
of one thousand four hundred fifty-six and
59-100 dolllars, and th further sum of one
hundred and live, dollars attorneys' fees and
the further sum of twenty-four and 60-100
dollars costs ana disbursements, on tne win
day of December. 18il. Notice Is hereby given
that I will on
Saturday, the 4th day of February,
lH'J'.i, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day
at the Iront door of the court house in Heppner.
Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for ensh in hand, all the
following described real property situated In
Morrow county, Oregon, to-wit: The north
west quarter of section twenty-two, and the
north-east quarter of section twenty-one, in
township three, south of lange twenty-four
eastVV. M., taken and levied upon as the prop
erty of Nancy A Junklns, or so much thereof
as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment
iu favor of plaintiffs, and against said defend
ants, together with all costs and dishursmeuts
that have or may accrue.
E. L. Matlock, Sheriff.
Dated at Herpner, Morrow County, Oregon,
January Sth, im. 11-16
J Dec. 12, WM-
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregou,
ou Saturday, January 21, IK'J'J, vis:
CHARLES W. CRADICK. ol Eight Mile;
Homestead application No 4S10, for the wVi
uw'i sec2tiande4 ne sec 27. tp 3 8. r 2i E,WM.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, vis: Alfred T. Warren, Robert H.
Warren, of Klght Mile, Ore, and Charles H. Bey
mer and William Uordon, of Heppner, Oregon.
8 1.H Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Urande, Ore., December 23, 18SW.
; Notice is hereliy given that In pursuance of
instructions fiom the commissioner of the
general land oftice, under authority vested in
htm by section 2tm, v e. Kev. Mat., as amended
by the act of congrcRS approved t'ebruary 26,
IS',15, we will proceed to oiler at pu'dlc sale on
the loth day of helirnary, lssw, at the hour of
11 o'clock, a in. of sn til day, at this office, the
following tract of land to wit: The NE'.i NWW
Sec 211, Twp 8, R 2S K W M. '
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to tile their
claims in this oftice on or before the day above
designated (or the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rigins win oe torieiteo.
h. . IUrti.ktt, Register,
10-16 J. O. ."wii'KHiME a, Receiver.
of Oregon, for Morrow County.
Margaret!) Vou Cadow, 1'laiutill,
William Von Cadow, Defendant.
To Mllllaiu Van Cadow , defendant above named.
In the name of the State of Oregon: ou are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint of ulaintitr tiled against you In the above
cause on or before the expiration of six weeks
tmnediatcly following the first publication ol
this summons, w hich date of first publication
is IHH-ember ' lww, and if you fail to an ap
pear and answer said complaint, tho plaintln"
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for
in ner coinpianti. io-wu: ror sueerveaiui or
der of this court forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony existing between yourself and the
plalutltt herein; for a further decree and order
of the court awarding to plalutltt the custody
and control of the minor child, Arthur Von ('
dw, the issue of your marriage with plaintiff;
for her costs and disbursements herein and for
such other and further relief as to Hie court
may seem meet with equity and good con
science. This summons ( served npon you by publica
tion thereof In tho Heppner (iaiette. In pursu
ance of an enter of this court duly made and
entered herein on the M day of December, lf'tt.
by Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judseof the circuit
court of the slate of Orygou, lor the cinth Ju
dicial dlstnot, which said order directs tills
summons to bo bitbltshed In said paper tor six
weeks. (i. A. D. UVRI.KV.
8-1.3 AttorntT fw fhHnttfr,
Notice o Intention.
Office at La Grande, (ire., Dec. 10, 18.
Notice is hereby eiven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final nroof In sutiDort of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before J W. Mor
row, United states commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, ou February 24, 18j9, viz:
EDWARD C. JOHNSON, ot Heppner, Or.;
Homestead entry No. 7694. for the n4 ueU. and
se1 sei sec 63 and u nw'i sec 34, tp 2 8, r
28 K
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Andrew Tillard, William C.
Brown, v. L. ill laid ana ttugn fieias, ail oi
Heppner, Oregon.
8-13 It. W. J5ARTLETT, KeglSter.
Ollice at La Grande, Or., Dec. 10. In!l8.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make dual proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, United States commissioner at Heppner,
Oregon, on February 24, 18119, viz:
WILLIAM C. BROWN, of Heppner, Or.;
Homestead entry No. 7695 for tbe t se54 and
neH seii and seV ne'l, sec 4, tp 2 8, r 28 E,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot
sid land, viz: Andrew Tillard. Edward O.
Johnson, v: L. Tillard, Hugh Fields, all of
Heppner, Oregon.
8-13 E. W. Babtlbtt, Register
If you auffer from any of the
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Pacific Coast,
1051 Market St Est'd 1852.
Vonnjc men and middle
aired men who are suffering
zrora the enects oi youthim indiscretions or ex
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
Debt lity,Iinpoleucy,JLot Manhood
in all its complications; NperinatorrliWtt.
Proiitatrrhn, Uonorrlicea, (dlret,
Frequfuc.r of Urinating etc. By a
combination of remedies, of great curative pow
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment
that it will not only afford immediate relief but
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to
perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
in his specialty IIeae of Men,
K.rpbilSa thoroughly eradicated from the
ystom withouturoiig M?rourjt
KVEBY man applying to us will re
ceive our honest opinion of his complaint.
We will Guarantee a POSITIVE CUKE in
every case we undertake, or forfeit One
Thousand JolIars.
Consultation FREE and strictly private.
ment personally or by letter. Send for book,
"The Philosophy of Marriage,"
free. (A valuable book for men.)
Great Museum of Anatomy f
the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the
world. Come and learn how wonderfully you t
are made; how to avoid sickness and disease.
We are continually adding new specimens, t
rJWA mfJITW H'WPH f'aflAr nrrlta
1061 Maiket Street San Francisco, C!. (
G. R. & N
From Heppner.
10:00 a. m.
Salt Lake Denver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kausus City, Ht.
Louis, Chicago,
10:15 p. m.
Portland. Walla
Walla, Bpokano,
Minneapolis, 8t
Paul. Dulnlh, Mil
waukee, and the
8.00 p. ra.
Ocean Steamships
4:00 p. in.
From Portland.
(Tor Pan Francisco
evory five days,
8:00 p. m.
Ex Sunday
10:00 p. in.
Colpmria River
4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
fo Astoria and Way
6:00 a. m.
Ex. Sunday
Willamette River
4:30 p. ra.
Ex. Sunday
Oreirnn City, New-
Bern, i-aiem ana
v. ay Landings.
7:00 a m.
Tues , Tlmr,
and Sat.
nA'ii.lamrtte and
Yamhill Rivers.
3:30 p.m.
Mon.. Wed.
aud Frl.
Oreifon City, Day
ton Hi Ytay Land
ings. 6:00 a. m.
Tucs Thurs.
aud Sat.
Willamette River
4:30 p. m.
Tues., Th'ar.
Portland to Corval-
and Sat.
lie & Way Land
ings. Snake River.
Lv. Rlparta
aily except
Lv. Lewiston
Rlparla to Lewiston
daily except
Passengers booked for all Foreign
J. O. HART, Acont, Heppner.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Points EAS7 and SOUTH
NEW YORK. 4 days
ST. LOUIS, 3J- "
OMAHA, 3 -
Fre ncHuhig Chnir Cars
Ut'bolsWed Tourist Sleeping Gsrs
PallruBn PsiHoe Sleepiog Curs
For fall pnrticnUrg regarding rate,
Mme of trains, eio., orU on or art drees
Agent O. U. & N. Co., Ueppner, Oregon
C. O. Terry. W. E. Cohan,
Trav. Pr. Ag. OtD'l Agt.
124 Third St.. Portland, Ore.
Th Only A'l Kail Konte Without
Cbiinae. uf Cm Between Hpokane,
RossUud Rtui elon. Also between
Nelson an-1 RogMsod, daily except
....) P. M.
:W . M.
MS P. M.
8m A. M ....
Kpoknn ...
. KfM'and. ...
. Kelson
1H A. M
:10 A M
rim .Hi"(ict'ns t Nl"n with (teamen for
Kio, ml ai Koottmal L&k puioU.
PaowniRwr for Kitt! KItw nJ Roondarf
reek GCiaw t Marcus with stage dailr.
Fast Express
Leavee PENVEK,
9:30 p. iil.
7 05 p. m.
8:40 p. m.
Arrives 1UPEKA
8:55 p.
6:00 p-
Arrives LIN JOLN
2:11 p. m.
4:23 p. ro.
9:80 p. m.
11 -20 a m.
8:(X) a. in.
Throngh Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to
ChicaKo. Wide vestibule throughout. The
finest train iu the West.
For particulars and folders giving time of these
A. G. P.
Fast and Southeast
um i)
. R.
Portland to Eastern CitifB Without
Quick Time.
Union DtoU.
Personally Conducted Exonrsiou'.
BaxKHffe Ch icked to Dee Nation.
L w Rates. ...... . , .
Dirrct line to Tran"-Mnpi8tippi and Inter
nati'nial Exposition hild al Omhha, Nobranka,
June to November,
Writo undersigned fur ras, tine table and
other informal ion pertaining t Onion Paoifio
Gen. Aat.. 185 8d St., O. it. & N. Co ,
Portland, Or. Heppner, Or.
liwaiee & St. Paul B'y
This Railway Co.
Operates its trains on the famouH block
Lights its trains by eleotrioity througb
ont; Deee the celebrated eleotrio berth read
ing lamp;
Rons speedily equipped passenger trnine
every day and niuht between Ht. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Ohiongo;
Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Also operates steam-bested ves-tibnled
trains, carrying the latest private
oompartment oars, library buffet smok
ing care, and palace drawing room
Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars,
and the very best dining chair oar
For lowest rates to any point id the
United States or Canada, apply to
agent or address
J. W. OASEX", General Agent,
Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or.
ARE 181 S0II& ERST ?
If so, be sore and see that your
tioket reads via
this is Tan
Great Short LiQe
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled
Dining and Sleeping Car
Trains, aud Motto:
"always on time"
has gl en this road a national reputation. All
elasse of passengers carried on the vestibnled
trains without extra charge Ship your freight
and travel over this famous line. All agenta
have tickets.
Gen. Agent Trav. t. A P. Agt.
248 Washington St. Portland. Or.
"Tie Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co.
Commencing Monday, May 2od, tbe
steamers f the Regnlator Line will
leave Portland at 6:30 a, m and Tbe
Dalles at 8:30 a.m.
When yoo go to Portland, stop off a
The Dalles and take a trip down the
Columbia; yon will enjoy it, an:! save
General Aueut.
quick: Tirvrn i
San Pranoisoo
And all point in CalifitroU, via the Mt. bhata
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
rh tnmt hihT throutth t :if..n.i to :
pirr 8t and S.mtb. tf"iil Hoenio
of the I'ac 11c ('ms?. Pullman KnrTst
bisepi. Hflonnd-ulMM Me,-
Attxhul tuuprM trains, atfurdm ufTioT
wi'no)atinna forattvtnd-da twwoifr.
For n't, ticket, ftlflnptnf w rrwiUon.
call cix?a .r addr
t. Xofi'-njiR. ynrg)r C. TI. VARK'MM
r P. Por'l.M
To all points In the FuMern Ptaten. Canada and
Kuroi rsn be obtained at lowest r!s from
ni n
Colorado Flyer
Arrives TOPEKA
2-.8R p. m
2:.1S p. m
7:30 a. m
9:15 a. m
Ar. ST. 1.0P1S, (Web. K'y)
6:15 p. m
Arrives ST. JOSEPH
10:40 a. m
Arrives LINCOLN' (Kx Sun) 8:45 a. m
OMAHA iEiSul) . 8:.r.0a. m
" CO. hLUFi S, . . 9.10 a. m
Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis
via Wabash lt'y.
trains write
H. W. Fall,
. Of the Old Reliable
Gau It House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A
Q., C. M. & Ht. P., O. & A., P. Kt. W. & C.
aud the C. St. L. & P. Hailroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
Denver Bio Granae 1 1
Scenic Line of the World
The Favorite TranPcontiueDtal
Between tliH Northwest aud
all Points Ettbt
Choice of Two Routes Through
Rocky Mountain Scenery
A nd four routes east of
Pueblo aud Denver...
All passenger granted a day
stopover iu the Mormon cHpitol or
anywhere between Ogden and
Denver. Peieotially conducted ex
cursions three days a week to
Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis
Chicago and the East,
For tickets and and information reRardlnfr
rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising
matter, call on agents of O. R. & S., Oregon
Short Line or Southern Pacific companies.
General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt.
251 Washington St., Denver, Col-
Portland. Oregon.
J. C. II art, Local Agt., Heppner, Or.
Yellow Stone Park Line
Depot Fifth toil I Sk
No. 2
11 A. M.
5 P. M.
Fast Mail for Tacoma,
Seattle. Aberdeen. South
No. 1
10:15 A. M.
No. S
11 P. M
Dend, Spokane, Helena,
nuiie, Anaconda, St.
Haul, Chicago, New
York. Boston, and all
points East and South-
Portland, Tacoma nnd
Seattle Express, for Ta
coma. Seattle, Olympia
aim lntennemaie main
line points.
S DAYS to St Paul, Minneapolis, Omana.
Kansas City and other Missouri
river points.
& DAYS to St. LouIb, Milwaukee and Chi
cago. 4)4 DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New
York, Boston and other far-Eastern
Union depot connections In all principal cities.
Baggage checked through to destination ot
Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth St.
For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps
of routes and other information, call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morri
son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon.
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of the Wisconsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may require some assist
ance in the way of having their
hand baggage tnken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other ways, aid they will
find all that is desired in this re-
spect in the service of the Ushers
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown suit and red
cap. They will be in waiting at
all trains prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it is hoped that our
patrons will fully avail themselves
of this additional provision Ifor
thoir corjnfos t.
J AS. l PON J),
Gsn'l P85S?r. Agt,