Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 19, 1899, Image 5

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Our Guarantee
Money Returned
If Goods
Save Money
1 in til !LaaL
till 0. Ttlne ILnos&tfLZl
Call and
AHllers' allawool OlotliintS
Brown JsiiOG Co's ft Shoes
King 15i33 Hats
IMie Xair Overalls -mmszsz;zK
An Immense
Face, Hands and Arms Covered With
Scrofulous Humors How a Cure
Was Effected.
"When five years old my little boy had
scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although the sores
on his cheeks and hands were very bad.
It appeared in the form of red pimples
which would fester, break open and run
and then scab over. After disappearing
they would break out again. They caused
intense itching and the little sufferer had
to be watched continually to keep him
from scratching the sores. We became
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
wife's mother had had scrofula and the
only medicine which had helpd her was
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to gh'3
it to our boy and we noted an improve
ment in his case very soon. After giving
him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilia
the humor had all been driven out of his
blood and it has never since returned."
William Bartz, 416 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
!- J T1 ! 1 1 cure I.lver III: easy to take
nOOU 0 PlIlS tuty to operate. Jesuits.
Or., January IB, ld'.KI.
Brown, Mrs Elen Flounder, Gusslo
Brvant, Albert (2) (iairen, E F
Cadon, W V Hu.'hes, Miss Mary
Cave. Mr Bud Hayes. Mr 4eori?e (2)
Divon, MrOaton Kennedy, Mr Tom
Palstrom, Mr Emil Smith. Lewis A
Dtmcan, Mr Vern Strange, W M
When calling for those letters please say
advertised. B. F. Vauuiian, P. 51.
Local Notes.
To Bent. Six-room bonee. Inquire of
W. 0. Wills.
Hay, bave you trieuV Srnead's uouget
Candies, yet?
D. 0. Justice, who has been quite sick,
is much improved.
Where to get fruits and vegetables
at Smead'e, of oouree.
For Sale. Seooud-hflnd b(by hnesy.
Inquire at Uazel'.e office.
Those molasses cherries at Hinead'B
are delioions. Try them. .
8moke 8iJetberg & Go's. Arabian
Night ami Eepuoola cigare at C naer &
Warren's. . 1 3:uos
Geo. Wright, at Mallory's mill, is iu r
oritioal eoudirioD, but it in hoped Le will
Oome out all right
Dr. J. W. Vogel, ppe!i!ir for refrac
lion aud detects of tne eye, will be beic
every three months. 613-l)r
Notices have been pouted for election
of ma? or. recorder and three council
roo, wbicb will take place on February
Wood, wooi, wood. P-e R. C. Wills
for your wood. Cab on delivery. Orders
left at Minor & Co's., Giiiiaua & B;bee'a
or Brown & Hughes.
id Beat linttfti Syrup, 'f at Li j 1
iummiiiwiwiiBiifcHii'nuiiM v.iihpi' , b m 1 1 Tunrn'jM i minium
no Shelf-worn Goods
...'''V. e
Examine Goods and Learn Our Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
Assortment of
All are welcome t the services at the
M. E; Chorob, South, next Sunday.
The League will be led by Mine Jennie
Just as we go to prrt.8 nnr Lexingtou
correspondent sends an interesting
letter, wbiob, owing to the I itenens of
the boil, we are unable to print in this
Be not deceived! A cough, hoarsness
or croup are not to be trilled with. '' A
dose in time of Nbiloh's Cure will save
you much trouble Sold bv Conser &
Vrari;o. v
Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure
Tt'e best oongh oure. Relieves croup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. , 40 doses for 25cts. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. v
Dyspepsia cured. Shiloh's Vitalize
immediately relieves sonr stomach, oom
ing up of food distress, and is the great
kidney and liver remedy. Bold by Cou
ser & WiirreTi. v
Call at the Candy Factory when yon
want a good cup of hot o nVa, oooo or
chocolate. Freh oysters in any style.
Hot and oold lnnclie. Try one of onr
oystpr cocktail's. tf
Ladies, take the best. If yon are
troubled with constipation, sallow ekiu.
and a tired feeliug, tukfl Earl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Conner & Warren. v
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, parities
the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy
to make nod pleasant to take. 25 cis.
Sold by Couser k Warreu. f
Tbe date of school eleotion has been
set for January 28tb, when the tax levy'
will be made for expense of running the
sohool tbe coming year, and also to pay
in t ertst on tbe school bonds.
W. P. Suyder. tbe livery stable pro
prietor, bays only the best bay and grain.
Large corrals and aconmmodatiooR for
freightee. f!so!;e aod bnggie famished
reasonable. Stork well oared for. tf
Dr. MoSwords is the victim of s par
tinl'y dislocated knee, wbiob has confined
him to the bonne for several days. Time
is working a recovery and he will sooaj
bp able to resume bis responsibilities.
J. M. Hager has b-en sprinualy ill for
some little time, aid Dr. Hwinbnrne bas
felt some anxiety about tbeonioome.but
now mi'tuifri'1 a very favorabletorn with
hiiE, which oitin an ea'ly recovery.
Mike RobertK, at the Belvedere, hav
ing remodeled Hie popnlir old-time cor
ner, extends to the public a cordial wel
come. Tb bevt-races be dispenses
will b'i kept up to tbe hiinijest atandard,
snd the enlargement aod comfortable
equipment of bis billiurd pari irs and
'otul-riH)m8 m drawinif fehtnre. 92-tf
Owing to the sirknete of bis wife,
Representative Ellis, of Oregon, wm
obliged to remain in WashiBg'oD dur
ing the holidays. It hid been bis inten
tion to spend a f' days iniir frienilt
and rsiativ-"1 iij Indiana. Mrs. K'lis f'-r
a m "as eor fined ler bf-A with lbt
gdp, lu sj picVjicLt in Was Liifctii..
Crockery, Graniteware, Tinware and Hardware at
Mias Sincbeimer will organize a olass
on her arrival in Heppner, and will givr'
an entertaiumeut in the near future.
Judge Bartholomew has beeu ooDflned
1 1 his home for some time, tbe resalt ol
la grippe and other complications, tba
at one period caused cmsiderable anx
iety on the part of members of tbe fam
ily. However, h.s condition bas taken a
turn for tbe better and be will soon be
Tbe Jobuson Bros., eloontiouistg, will
give an entertainment Bt the Heppner
opera bouse Saturday evening, January
21st, at 8 p. m. This entertainment is
given for the purpose of working up a
olass for instruotiou in elocution. Tbe
gentlemen coma highly recommended
and a first class entertainment is as
snred Admission free. Gome nil.
No healthy person need fear any dan
gerous consequences from an attaok of
la grippe if properly treated. It is mnoh
the same as a severe cold and requires
precisely the same treatment. Remain
quietly at home and take Cbambeilain's
Coutfh Remedy as directed fur a Revere
oold and a t'omnt and complete recov
ery is sure to follow. For sale by Con
ser & Warren.
Evangelist Nagle has been the main
spring of a most snooessfui series of re
vival services held at the . Metbodist
Episcopal church tbe past two weeks
and will ooutinae tbe same eaob nigbt
until Hnnday evening besides a service
each afternoon at 230 o'clock. The
majority of oar oitizeus bave filled the
chnrcb oontinuoasly and a great deal of
interest bas been taken.
The O. R. & N. Co's. new book on the
Resources of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho is being distributed. Onr readers
are requested to forward the addresses
of their Eastern friends and acquaint
ances, and a copy of tbe work will be
sent tbenj free. Tbis a matter all should
be interested in, and we would ask tbat
everyone take so interest aod forward
such address to W. H. Hnrlbart, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, O. R. A N. Co.,
Portland. 81-tf
Oi.e f KaHterp Oregon's Finest Fernm fr
I) i not pass tbis unheeded by. A ranch,
embracing 4,175 acres, all under fence of
three wires, 17 miles io length, improved
at a big expense, must be sold. Tliese
improvements embrace a large 9-room
boose, wit!i woodsheds and cellar, three
3-rnora cottsifes; a boa'dinghoeiso f-r 40
men, tilackf mitb shop, 2 arrif-ries, 3 )x
70 feet each. iih e- pscity of 25 IM) sacks
sci; implement house, !10xty) fcr-t, and
farming implements; barun, sue Is aod
cbickatibnn.; large oisteru well (iuex
haofttible) and windmill, witu tdree ad
ditional wells on ttie pUe. An idal
took ranch. For particulars add en
(Hzitt, tl..'ipiier Oregon. tf
Educate i oar Koaei fttth tcrt-'.
i:u.-f Catiiarttc. care totutiipuCon Iiorr.
10c U C C- C. Vol. uruju-u rtf tud muuLt.
in Our Stock!
W. M. Ross, of Ioue, was up today.
Chaa. Ellison was up from lone today.
M. 8. Maxwell was over from Hardman this
N. A. Leach, of Lexington, came up Tuesday
la quest of wool,
Mies St. Clair, sister of Kev. St. Clair, la quite
111 with la grippe.
G. E. Parker, editor of the lone Post, was In
city Saturday last.
Wm. Walsh and John M. Day, of lone, were
in town this week.
J. C.Cochran, of Monument, was in our city
on nuslness yesterday.
A. B. Thompson, a prosperous rancher at
Echo, made our city a visit this week,
Mrs. M. M. Hunter, ot lone, spent Tuesday
in our city, combining business with pleasure.
Kev. St Clair leaves next week for Pen iletun,
where he will taite part In a two weeks' revival
It Is reported that Uncle Jack Morrow has had
a very serious experience with la grippe the
past week In Portland, but la now well on the
road to recovery.
Henry Blackman made a trip to Portland this
week, and while there afforded the Oregontan
reporter a valuable write-up of our prosperous
county, which wo publish elsewhere.
W. 8. Connor, fro'ii the southern end of the
county, spent a few days this week In flcppuor
with his family who are here for the winter
(or the benefit of our public school advantages
Frank Johnson, the young wide awake wool-
buyer, Is nudlii In Huppner, and has succeeded
In securing considerable wool the past week,
among which Is the clip of Senatow J. VV. Mor
row. He will remain here yet a few days.
Ou Wednesday evening, January 4'b,
Willow Liodge, Nn. fits, and Han Souoi
Kebekah Lodge, No. 33, I. O O. F , held
a joint installation, after which refresh
ments were served and several hours
consumed in social enj'Oiuerjb Those
installed were as follows:
Willow Lodge, No CO-Otto Friedriok,
N. Q. ; T. J. Janes, V. G j J. L. Yeager,
Seo. ; M. Licbteuthat. Troas.; A. M.
Ouno, warden; N. 8. Whetstone, on
dootor; W. J. Brown, J. O ; J. O. Kirk,
K. H N. G j Thos. Morgan, L. S. N. G.;
J. W. Rasmus, R S. V O j Philip Blaum,
L. 8. V. Gj A. J. 8teveuson, R. 8. 8.;
Geo. Noble, L 8. 8.
Han Houri Rfbekah, No. 33 Etta
Rasmus, N. G.J Ultima Hteveusnn, V. G.;
J. L. Yuiigor, 8.0. j 8. P. Dviii, Trees.;
Lena Liuhienthal, wurdeu; Clara Gum
sey, conductor; Tli'm. Morgan, J. G ;
J. O. BoruboN, O. G j H. P. Devin, R. 8.
S. Q ; Marg'iarite G.roBi-y. L 8. N O.;
. J. Hievens.io, R. 8. V. G ; Emma
Welch, L. H V. (t. ; J L Yeager, tbap
lain. Took a Hpin.
L u t Friday night Rev. Tboroagbman's
tesm broke their hitching strap in (rout
of the M E. church, aud under cover of
darkness started uff niiceremonieusly.
The next morning remnants of the biggy
were gstfbered up by tbe good-natured
eircoit rii-r, the team in th meantime
having hrongtit np at the corral gate.
Siiinewhi-rn along t( route a large shawl
and a biauket we: I'm',, wbioli, sn far,
have x, t been lrntd. Any "lie having
picked up the hih wiil kindly leave
itiru at this olliae aod earn the ever
lastiLg gratitude of Re. Tboroiigbmao.
in Prices
sulci QxxeLliy of
These lines we guarantee to be THE BEST manufactured.
Every article warranted as represented. Your money
refunded if goods are not satisfactory. Our prices un
der all competitors.
It oame to pass daring the reign of
Cleveland, tbe fishermao, that there
arose one who was a prophet, and whose
name was Elisiab, who dwelt lu the laud
of Oregon, and hf spake onto tbe people,
saying: "Harken unto my voios , O, ye
people, for, verily I say onto yon, thou
ehalt take op thy bed and go tby way
into tbe valley of Willow oreek, and
tbon shalt pitoh thy teot In this valley,
over against the bills of Jordon; and it
shall come to pass that a city shall be
builded and its name shall be lone; and
it shall oome to pass tbat tbis city shall
beoome oreat, and will be known
throughout the whole land, for the bless
ings shall talt upon it like a shower of
rain that desoeodeth from the oloutls.
And the rains shall fall, and the floods
aball come, and tbe winds shall blow and
beat upon tbis oity, but it shall stand,
aod thou who dwelleth therein shall
prosper, for tby possessions shall be in
creased many fold."
And it oame to pass tbat tbe people
heard the words of the prophet, and
there oame great multitudes of people,
both Jew aod Gentile, wbo panted after
tbe riches of this promised land "as tbe
hart paotetb after tbe water brook," aod
they did pitch their tents near the hills
of Jordoo, and they were numbered by
tbe tens and by the bnodreds, aud the
city grew aod became great, and its name
was lone, aooordiug to tbe words of tbe
prophet Elieiab, aod the people were of
"one heart and one soul."
Then it came to pass that tbe inhab
itants of lone said to one another "Come,
let us build a ohuroh UDto the Lord ;"
and they builded; and wben it was fin
ished ibe people were all gathered to
gether io the home, wbioh they had
builded, and there oame one who was
verged io the laws, aod a minister of tbe
gospel, and ministered onto them, say
ing: "Give ear unto my voioe, O, my
people; for verily, verilv, I say nuto thee,
be tbat shall break one of tbe laws of
nature, or of God, shall suffer in tbe de
gree that he hatb sinned; and tbe gen
erations tbat follow shall s offer for tbe
wrong wbiob tbon bast done, eveo nolo
the end of tbe world. Therefore, I sd
mouisb you to do good unto thyself aod
to tby fellow men aod tbou shalt be
blessed, and they tbat follow tbee shall
be blessed. Let not tby days be passed
in idleness, for idleness is sin, aud upon
the idler the devil visitetb sod sorely
letupw. Tbe day tbat hatb passed will
never (lawn again; it Oometb but onoe
and is punsed forever and cannot be re
called. Ho it is with tba errors wbiob
tbon bant made; it cannot be oorreoted.
Nature is kind, hot iwfol. Verily, ver
ily, I say nuto you, blast not tby future
by sinfulness, fur 'there'll come a tims
some day' when tby pathway shall bd
streAO Willi thorns, stones and all man
ner of vile creeping things; thy bed shall
be coils of reptiles, witb fiery tongues,
tbat stiog tbee witb their venomous
fangs; and tby broth shall be Billed with
Aod, as one looking into a atill pool,
the peoplA saw themselves, and remem
bered, sod tbeir hearts were sore.
IUordd by tb torib mPohiol."
one-half the cost
The city oounoil met Id regular session
Monday evening, all members being in
attendance, save Oouooilmao Simons,
wbo 'was abseut on aooount of sickness.
First iu order came the installation of
E. W. Rhea, to fill tbe vaoaooy ot E. G.
8 perry, resigned.
The petition of J. B. Natter for liquor
licence for ensuing quarter was granted.
Remoostranoe of J. W. Morrow et al.
regarding removal of arc light in front of
Palaoe hotel was tabled indefinitely.
Committee on streets and public prop
erty were instructed to examine street
from looation of Representative Free
laud's residence south to Jas.Adklns' witb
a view to tbe location of a sidewalk.
The mayor aod reoorder were io
struoted to issue a bond for deed to Mrs.
Cora Crawford for 60 feet adjoining her
resideooe property on tbe south. Con
sideration, 8375.
A motion was pa-sed requesting the
HeppDerGazette to publish tbe flnaooial
reports of treasurer and recorder for Ibe
last quarter, ending December 1, 1898.
Oity Attorney O.E. Redfield, Reoorder
Richardson aod Mayor Morgan were in
structed to draft a new charter for tbe
city and report at tbe adjourned meeting
on Saturday, tbe 21st.
Reoorder Richardson was instruoted
to draw np a petition and oirculate for
siguatnres for tbe repeal of tbe old obar
Tbe following bills were presented aod
allowed :
1 R Hlmons , I 50
(ieo Thornton i 60
Wm Withercll. 3 00
John Hmlth 2 00
(! fc Kcdlleld !!r 00
Minor 4 Co 4 00
T A Khea 1 00
J W Horner 1 00
A K Minns 1 00
J K Blnns 1 00
W P Hnyder 1 00
J J Wells
1 00
t t 'J
1 oo
1 L Ayers .
RC Wills
Jas Cowlns , 1 0
vti French 1 I'l
v Gentry 1 M
J Kasmiis 1 60
O C Aiken 1 W
I) A Hamiltm 1 60
M ; IirlKHil 1 Ml
W A Klchardnon 2 .7)
Clyde Wells baa Besomed the manage
merit of The Maine aod will oonduot it as
a first-class confectionery, and id addi
tion will ran a short-order restaurant,
open day aod uigbt. Tbe patronage of
the pnblio is respectfully solioited.
Mrs. Dr. (iarnwy
Is now permanently located io Uepp
ner. wbere she can be found. Her
medioioes onre all obronio diseases, snob
as deafness, oatarrb, bronchial troubles,
lung diseases, rheumatism, kidney
troible, liver trouble, blood poisoning.
Any disease brining tbe skill of pbysl
oiaus yield under tbe inllueuoe of ber
simple remedies. 12-tf
Near flerrin's no Balm Fork, a bay
mare, work animal, brand left-band "R"
ou lfl shoulder. Suitable reward. Ad
dress. Johnson Dros.( Gooseberry, On
Wool Growers Meeting.
Tuesday evening tbe Wool Grower's
Association held its annoa! election of
officers at the oounty court bouse, re
sulting in tbe re-electioo. of O. E. Faros-
worth, president, and A. B. Thompson,
of Butter oreek, seoretary and treasurer.
Mr. Thompson informs us that tbe im
portant considerations ot the meeting
were tbe instructions to Senator Morrow
aod Representative Freeland to lend
their euergetio support to tbe soalp
bounty bill, so important to tbe sheep
owners ot this aod adjaoent counties;
also recommend tbem to bave repealed
tbe present soab law ot Oregon, wbiob
is under regulation of appointed in
spectors snd bave substituted, if possi
ble, tbe Montana law, placing Its enforce
ment under the jurisdiction of a state
veterinary. In view of the important
interests of the sheepmen in Eastern
Oregon, muoh legislation is needed, snd
throughout the entire oonntry active in
terest is manifest. Tbe department of
tbe interior is now making inquiry rela
tive to tbe proposed leasiug ot grazing
lands next summer. Tbe ebeep men ot
Tbe Dalles are very muob interested iu
ibis subjeot aud will io tbe near futura
bold a speoial meeting, wben Captain
Ormsby, superintendent of tbe Casoade
Forest Reserve, will be present to dis
cuss tbis matter.
O. A, It. Installation.
Installation of tbe oilloers of Rawlius
Poet, G. A. R., sod ot tbe Relief Corps
will take plaoe in Heppner at a joint
Installation on the 21st day of January,
1809. A fine supper will be given by the
ladies of tbe Relief Corps. All comrades
witb tbeir families are cordially invited
to attend. Regular post meeting will be
held at tbe K. of P ball at 1 o'olook p.
m of tbat day, as businsss of impor
tance will be transaoted. All members
are commanded Io be present.
Attest: G. W. Rea,
G. W. Smith, Commander.
La Grippe HacceMfally Treated.
"I have just recovered from tbe second
attack of la grippe this year," says Mr.
Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader,
Mezia, Texas. ''In ibe latter case I nsed
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, sod I
tblnk with ooosiderable suooess, only
being in bed a little over two days
against ten days io ths former attack,
The second attaok I am satisfied woo Id
bave beeo equally as bad as tbe first but
tor tbe use of this remedy as I bad to go
to bed in about ail hours after being
'struok' with it, while in tbe first oase I
was able to attend to business about two
days before getting 'down.' " For sale
by C mser & Warreo.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the