THE FAIR T HE PLACE Our Guarantee Money Returned If Goods ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. To Save Money xxv. till B.3HL til ILa(BSLll2 till ilHL tl3LB Hj3SKlU22 Positively Call' and Examine Goods and Learn Our Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Millers' all-wool Olotliing Brown Shoe Go's ft & ft Shoes King Bee Hats Tlie roir Overalls An Immense Poor aid Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trou ble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not leel like work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last pring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He haa taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Miss Abbih J. Feeeman, South Dux bury, Mass. Hood's Sarsa parilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 91. r;il are the best after-dinner uuvu 3 i ma pni al(1 digestion. 250. ADVERTISED LEITKKS. ETTER8 ADVERTISED 4 Or., January 9, 1899. AT HEPPNEli Brown, Martha A Hughes, Amanda Cadon, W V Levlt, F F Farlow, James M Daks, Made Fltzsimon. Mary E . Parker, Crank (2) Gagen, Dr Tyler, Ellsher When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. V. Vauohan, P. M. Local Notes. To Rent. Six-room house. Inquire of W. Q Wills. For Sale. Second-hand baby buggy. Inquire at Oazette office. Tbe Red Men will meet io the E. of P. ball tomorrow (Friday) night at 7:30. Smoke Seideoberg k Go's. Arabian Night and EspaDola cigars at Conser k WarreD'g. l-3inog Dr. 3. W. Vogal, specialist for refrac tion and defeats of tbe eye, will be here every tbree months, 648-lyr Wood, wood, wood. See R. 0. Wills for your wood. Cash on delivery. Orders left at Minor k Co's., Gilliam & Bisbee's or Brown k Hughes. Stop tbat oongb! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Sbilob'a On re may save your life. Botd by Conner k Warreo. x Frank Natter was out several boors to day chasing iid geese on horseback. He gave op in discouragement and will utilize a balloon in fu'nre. Clyde Well baa d if posed of bis inter est in tbe Heppner Candy factor? to R. Hart, a brother of James, and the business will be emidaoted by tbe broth era bUnLU Tslti-rtl fill bi-Wb I eat Couifh firupk Cwhl vie In Mma ft.lrf h rl misfimlm ' fi DLQ tfa.,i.Ji Alt )tt tAiiSL THE no Shelf-worn Goods "We THE PUBLIC ARE WITH Assortment of Otr Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion It's the best and if after using it yon don't eay so, return package and get yonr money. Sold by Conser & Warren. x County Commissioner J. W. Beckett left yesterday moroing for an extensive visit with relatives in Missouri and Illi- 0016, where be will likely spend tbe next two months. Frank Vanghan, of Eight Mile, left on yesterday's train on a telegram noti fyiog bim of the dangerous illness of a brother in Illinois. Before returning be will visit Oklahoma. For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, ourei hesdaohea. Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tbe bead as olear as a bell. Sold by Conser k Warren, x A warm weloome awaits yon at the M. E. oburoh, South, next Sunday. Hear both subjects. At 11 a. m. , "Heart Par ity ;" at 7 p. m , "David's Fall and Resto ration." Come and bring yonr friends. Sbiloh'a Consumption Care cures where others fail. It ia the leading Oongb Care, and no borne sbonld be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Sold by Conser k Warren. x Call at the Camlv Factory when yon want a good oup of hot ooffee, o.ioo or chocolate. Fresh oysters in any style. Hot and cold luncbes. Try one of onr oyster oock tail's. tf W. P. Snyder, tbe livery stable pro prietor, buys only tbe best bay and grain. Large corrals and accommodations for freighters. Haoks and baggies famished reasonable. Stock we1) oared for. tf At a meeting of tbe stock ho'ders of tbe Heppner flooring mills, tbe former officers were re-elected for tbe ensuing year. Considerable discussion took plaoe relative to the advisability of mo oing tbe mill again this spring, which was favored by the mr.jority. Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popnlar old-time cor ner, extends to tbe public a oordial wel oome. Tbe beverages be dispenses will b kept up to tbe highest standard, and tbe enlargement and comfortable equipment of bin billiard parlors and club-rooms are a drawing featnre. 92-tf Tbe revival meetings at the M. E. ohnrob are in full blast, tbe attendance is large and the good work is going for ward. Rev. Jno. F. Nangle is a stroog preacher, with native wit and nnanswer able logic. Tbe people are held spell bound. Great good is being done. Don't miss a service ; singing is spirited. Come ont, everybody. No healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences from an attaok of la grippe improperly treated. It ia mocb tbe sams as a severs cold and requires precisely tbe same treatment. Remain qnietly at home and take Chamberlain's Oongb Remedy as directed for a severe sold and a prompt and complete recov ery is sure to follow. For sale by Con ner k Warren. w verytning 1 Defy Competitioi Crockery, Graniteware, Tinware Space Mrs. T. J. Hnmpbrey, wife of Mr. Humphrey, of tbe Slooum Drag Com pany, reoeived tbe sad intelligence from ber Hillsboro home that her youngest brother was hopelessly siok, and left on Tuesday morning's train in order to reach bis bedside before he passed awav. Later Report is reoeived that the young man diedToesday atip m .consequent! Mrs. Hnmpbrey was deprived of seeing bim alive. Tbe O. R. & N. Co's. new book on tbe Reeonroes of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distribnted. Our readers are requested to forward tbe addresses of tbelr Eastern friends and acquaint ances, and a oopy of the work will be seut them free. This a matter all should be interested in, and we would BBk that everyone take an interest and forward euoh address to W. H. Harlbnrt, Gen eral Pesseoger Agent, O.B. k N. Co., Portland, gi-tf Walter Brown, the well known Canvon City miner, reached Heppner Tuesday, en route to Wailsborg. Wash., to visit bis mother. Mr. Brown reports encoun tering a blizzard while en route here, which seemed a desperate issue with tbem at times sad at one place tbe con veyance was overturned. Speaking of tbe unfortunate city, be predicts Its be ing rebuilt this year, and as the Main street has been extended io width to 60 feet it will prove an immense benefit to (be town's appearance and convenience. Spring mining will open up wilba boom, and eucoess is anticipated. La Grippe BnctKwfally Treated. "I have just recovered from tbe eeoond attack of la grippe Ibis year," says Mr. J as. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "Io the latter case I need Chamberlain's Congb Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days in the former attack Tbe second attaok I am satisfied woo Id have been equally as bad as tbe first but tor tbe nse of this remedy as I had to go to bed in about six boors after being 'struck' with it, while in tbe first oase I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down. " For sole by Cunser & Warren. Molly Club Party. Monday night we bad tbs pleasure of attending tbe social danoe given at tbe opera house by this popular club. Tbe purpose of its members is to make it thoroughly enjoyable, and they suc ceeded admirably. Mrs. Bartholomew presides at tbe piano and bas tbe happy faonlty of infusing life in ber music wbiob exoites enthusiasm necessary to the enjoyment of those wbo danoe. For the "old boys" whoss infirmities prohibit indulgence io tbe terpsiohorean art, table were arranged, where tbey amused themselves at whist At 11 o'clock re freshments were furnished, fa which all banda participated, and at tbe midnight boar tbe happy throng dispersed to their respective homes after so evening of food delight. in Our Stock! li T New US AND WE for Wer iiajiLoxjLxxceixxori.t. Heppner, Oregon. Personal. Frank 61oau was In yesterday. Wm. Borger left this week for a San Francisco VlBit. J. 8. Boothby, of Lexington, spent Wednesday In town. P. M. Houseman, of Ceclir was in town Wednesday. Theodore Anderson came in irom Hard man Wednesday. A. B. Nlles, the Walla Walla tombstone man, Is In our midst. A, B. Ammerman, f Parker's mill, came to town this week. E. Q. Sperry and Charles Martin came up from lone on business. E. D. Rood, of Bardman, made this office an agreeable call this week. Cha. L. Parrlih, Geo. Culp and Roy Short came over from Canyon City Tuesday. Ed. Hunter, the lone hotel proprietor's son, brought up a load of drummers yesterday. N. B. and W. E. Williams, two wide-awake Insurance men, are In our city for business. J. N. Fordyce, Joe Meyer and C. H. New, the popular traveling man, were in town Wednes day. Professor Howard returned from Spokane Saturday night and bas resumed his duties at tbe High school. Miss I. M. Slgbce started for Salt Lake Ci I y Wednesday morning, where she will visit for some length of time. Wm. Barnett came up from Lexington Wednesday, and reports the cbluook two days later in reaching that point than at Heppner. . J as. Jones returned from The Dalles Friday morning, where he had gone in answer to a telegram to the effect that bis daughter, Miss Bertha, was very ill. He reports her recovering and will return home as soon as able Herb Bartholomew left town on Wednesday morning's train, with his sheep camps in view. It Is surmised, however, by the knowing ones that his escapade a few evenings previous had something to do with his absence. His hurried departure necessitated the employment of a tailor on the depot platform before be could gain admittance to the railway coach. World's Fair Awards. M. L. Akers bas added another "laurel" to those already enomerated in tbe Gazeette, to Morrow county's list. The company, oompoeed of Dr. MoSworde, D. Oilman and Dr. MoFaul. wbo have purchased tbe patent of Mr. Akers, reoeived this week, not only a diploma but a handsome bronzs medal from tbe Trans Mississippi and Inter national Exposition on tbe merits of tbis improved draper, and in oonse. qoeuoe are highly elated. Beyond a question of a doubt if this valuable in vention is placed upoo tbe market io a business way It will yield its fortunate possessors bandsoma royalties. Destroyed by Klre. Tbe son of E. D. Leacb.of Eight Mile informs us tbat their ho ue was entirely destroyed by fire Monday morning at 11 o'clock. A stovepipe became discon nected, setting fire to tbe roof, and there being no one at home save bis mother and sister, only a sewing: machine snd a smll amount of bedding was saved The lose is estimated at about tOOO. with no insurance. Their home for tbe win er will be a oomforUl.le ooltags on the farm of Jerry McEiiigott, one and one half miles dibtaut. In tbe spring they will rebuild. 1 Fresh fro o.ial Quality of APPRECIATE These lines we guarantee to be THE BEST manufactured. Every article warranted as represented. Your money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. Our prices un der all competitors. and Hardware at THE ELKS' SOCIAL SESSION. Hpppuer's Society Participates in the Most Enjnyable Event of tbe Season. To the Elks' lodge, B. P. 0. E., Hepp ner's appreciative society people are in debt for an enjoyable oooaslon seound to no event in tbe history of our little oily. At tbe appointed hour, in the E. of P lodge room, assembled tbe invited guests, wbo were entertained with a obarming musical and literary program, as follows: Instrumental Duet . Mrs. Bartholomew and Miss Julia Hart Ladles' Quartet... Mrs. Conser, Mrs. McSwords, Mrs. Brown, and Miss Emma Welch. Address Attorney C. E .Rcdfield Recitation Heppner Blackmail Vocal Solo Miss Elsie A yen Instrumental Duet Mrs. Bartholomew and Miss Julia Hart Recitation Kim Eva Brians Vocal Solo Miss Emma Welch At the oonolusion those present re paired to tbe epera house, where a band of musicians were awaiting them and danoiog was indalgad in until tbe morn ing boars rolled 'round. Previous to 12 o'clock a sapper was served by Mrs. Gilmore, at her boarding bouse opposite, and ber table was loaded dowo with choicest refreshments, and served by ber in a manner thoroughly consistent with ber reputation as a onteress, wbiob bns won for ber a successful business. Tbis pleasant night of enjoymeul will be long held io remembrance by those present, wbo unite io pronouncing the Elks of Heppner royal good fellows, and striotly np to their world wide repntation for aobieving suooess io their pursuit of pleasure. Calclam Carbide Regulations. Tbe Eleotrloal World, published in New York, says: Steps have been taken in tbis oily to oontrol tbs trade in oa'oiom carbide, and regulations have been issued governing tbe transportation, storage and sale of tbe produot, wbiob firemen declare to be tbe source of danger in a burning building. Tbe regnlationa require tbat hereafter, in transit or storage, caloium carbide mast beenolosed in hermetically sealed iron reoeptacles marked "Dan gerous if not kept dry." No package may contain more tban 100 pounds. The carbide must be stored io isolated build ings tbat are fireproof and waterproof, and no artificial light or beat will be permitted in tbe building where it is stored. Themannfactnre, transportation, storsge, sale and use of liquefied acetylene is absolutely prohibited witbln tbe limits of the oity. The regulations were framed by the bureau of combusti bles, and tbe Ore department basordered tbeir enforcement. Tu tbe Public. We ars authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Congb Remedy to be as represented and if not satisfac tory after two-tbirds of tbe eon tents have been osed, wiil refund tbe money to the parch wer. There is no better mediolne made for la grippe, colds and whooping congb. Price, 25 and 60 cents per buttle. Try it. For sale by Conser & Warrm. THE FACT. one-half the cost elsewhere. THE LEX1NUTON CORRESPONDENCE. Lexington, Ore , Jan. 10, 1S99. Editor Gazette, Heppner, Ore. Dear Sir: I have been thinking that a little news from tbis plaoe might prove to be of interest to some of your readers, and give you a quaint idea that the peo ple of tbis town are uot all snowed uuder yet, although some of them live under roofs oovered with a good deal of tbe genuine arliole. Tbe United Artisans gave a publio in stallation on Saturday evening, wbiob m well attended, notwithstanding the inclemency of tbe atmosphere. After tbe installation preparations were made for sapper, and neckties were distributed amongst the boys. Some were success ful and soma a little bit disappointed, bnt everything passed off pleasantly. Mr. 0 II. Cromwell, state organizer and district grand master, gave a nice talk relative to the interests of the fraternity, Tbe program was short, although the musio furnished by Miss Dona Barnett and the soprano solos sang by Miss Bes sie Metier and Miss Traunia Barnett was highly oomplimented. Rumor is now current in tbe city of Lexington that dame fortune is again smiling in tbe taoe of our esteemed Con stable C, C. Bo .in, wbo, as tbe story goes, is about to consummate a marriage with a beautiful belle of an adjoining town, We withhold tbe name of tbis lady for propiety's sake, as Mr. Bum bas informed us that be thinks sbe will make a nick looking grass widw. Several young Indies of tbis oity and adjoining villages visited tbe commodi ous resideuoe of one of our esteemed bachelor friends a few days ago. Tbey olaim that bis treatment to tbem was olever, but some of tbem seemed to fear thst tbe days of bis single blessedness would soon eod; tbeir supposition being based opoo tbe beaniifu! rugs and oar pets in bis parlor and tbe snow wbite disbrag io bis kilobeo However tbey objoted to the three-cornered cupboard, fearing that it might be tbe cause of a doctor's bill. Prof. Paul's penmanship olass will soon close at this place aud we thick be lotends going to Heppner imnediately after it ceases. Some of tbe young folks of this plaoe visited Heppner Sunday evening. Tbey repotted a protraoted eleigb ride, with a bope of a future con tiu nut ion. Any one desirous of trading borses with sime of tbe Lexington boys bad better make a oircuitously eqtare dicker or treat to the peaouts. Miss Vida Oarmiohel bas come from ber father's tesidenoe at Penland's butles to attend tbs Lexlngtoo school. A big hop is expected next Friday evening at Poland's hall, Giodmuaio will be furnished and everybo ly antici pates a good time. "(). B. Wake.". Lost. Nw nerrin's on Balm Folk, a bay mare, work animal, brsud left-hand Mi" on left shoulder. Suitable reward. Ad tli ess, Johnson Bros., Gooseberry, Or. e Factory Goods FAIR PINE CITY NOTES. From our regular correspondent: 0. Driacoll of Heppner has been spending tbe past week on tbe creek. La grippe has slighted but few along the creek, a most unweloomed visitor. Owing to the intense oold it waa deemed advisable to close the school for one week. James Ghor i erly, employed by Mr. Mathews, paid Pendleton a business visit last week. T. D. Mathews, 0. F. Flemming, J. T. Hoekins and son went to Heppner Ibis week on business. Harry Bartholomew, aooompauisd by bis wife, and E. L Eellogg, spent Toes day nigbt in Heppner. Horses generally bave suffered from tbe I nok of feed and a few days mora of freeze np would bsvs oleared tbe ranges. Mrs. Wm, Sbaw, sistsr of Rev, Hoi kins, having finished a pleasant visit, started for ber home io Washington Monday. Tbe little 2 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Howard bas been seri ously ill, but is showing symptoms of recovery. T. D. Mathews bas arranged bis vats, boilers, etc, and will be io readiness Io dip bis sheep at tbe conclusion of tbis cold soap. Tbe ebeeprmn in tbis section bave been fortunately provided with sufficient feed for tbe sheep to carry tbem through in good order, Sleighs of every description lav oome to tbs surfaoe sinoe tbs fall of snow, and have contributed their osaal amount sf pleasure. Mrs. Wm. Gillette, of Pendleton, wbo bas been visiting ber parents, Mr. and T. D. Mathews, witb ber two children will return home io a few days, John D. Hoskins, tbe energetio and enterprising mail oarrier, now sports a new set of harness for bis team, which insures their attaobmenl to bis rig when I bey reach tbeir destination. Rev. Marlatt and Rev. Hoskins bave succeeded io keeping up aotive interest o tbe revival servioes held at tbe D. B. oburoh. Two weeks bave passed sine its commencement and it will be con tinued indefinably. Mrs. Dr. (iaraney Is now permanently located in Hepp ner, where she oan be found. Her inedioines oareall obrooid diseases, sash us deafness, caterrb, bronchial troubles, lung diseases, rheumatism, kidney trouble, liver trouble, blood poisoning. Any disease baffling tbe skill of physi cians yield under the influence of her simple remedies. 12-tf CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of ii