THE CLOSE OF THE TEAR. Concise Btatenieut by Bradatreet of a Twelve Months' Business New York, Deo. 31. Bradstreet'g to day Bays: Holiday quiet in general de mand, unstained activity in indostrial lineB, particalarly iron and steel, exoep Uoaally lurae uhipments of goods io orders, liberal cereal exports and es pecially heavy dealings in speculative markets are features oalliojr for notable mention marked tbe closing weej of the year. Firmness in price ia also an en ounraging feature in most staples. Wheat, though showing a reaction, is higher on the week on larga export clearances and other cereals are in sympathy. Pig iron demand groB and prices for the product and for steel rails, steel billets, plates and wire rodn are all higher on the week, while the volume of foreign demand for even finished metal products apparently in creases as the year draws to a close. Concisely stated, the reports received as to the year's business in all section of the country point to an unprecedented volume of domestic and export trade, which is retieoted in bank olearanoes that break tbe high reoord of 1892. Tbe general level of prices of staple secur ities at the close of the year is at the highest point reached for five years pant. Riiilroad earnings exoeed all previous years and finally there was a email uum ber of failures and lower liabilities th;i reported in buy year for at least five years past. These genernl results in the com try at large have been achieved ton, notwithstanding the outbrake aud con elusion of the foreign war, and in spi'e also, of unfavorable conditions io some industries, notably textile m.nufB0'nr- er, which oombined with unfavorable weather early in the year, and the lowest prioe for cotton on reoord, exeroised ao unfavorable iufluenoe. But tbe close of the year finds an Improvement even in those directions, and returns as to retail trade, and pnrtioulnrly holiday business, Bre strikingly good in all sections. Bst reports as to distributive trade naturally oome from tbe grain growing sections of the country, whioh were tbe first to meet an improvement resulting from free foreigh demand lor our oereala, but in dioations are not wanting tbat this Im provement is gradually percolating throughout the entire business oommun ity BDd coupled with unprecedented ex port trade in mnnnfactured goods and tbe fact that we are selling two dollurs worth abroad for every dollai's wortti we buy renders possible the gains re ported in distributive trade of 1H',)8 over 1897, ranging from 10 to 40 per cent witj likewise good exports from the manufacturing oentern, exoepting the textile industries already mentioned The export trade of the oonntry for th year, as ab ive (..titrated, is the heaviest ever known and will probably exceed 81,250 000,000 in value, thus being nearly double the imports. Our export trn.e In ronnafiictnrnj goods it trnwt bo ob tjofvttil, in tins heaviest ever known, and for the first time in our country's history exceeds! the VHhie of imports of sircila. goods. There were 11,0118 failures in the United States iu 1998, involving Kahili ties of 9141,137.117, a doorease from 1S97 in number of 1.12 per onnt, and in liu bihtl'B of 9.5 per cent. Compared with l.SOtl and 1HSJ5 tlu proportion of deorea shown is even larger ns compared witli 18.HI, failures were fewer by 2,"i per cent and liabilities smaller bv 04 per eent. D oreanes are also shown when 0 111 pared with 1891, a year of large trade, but of miiiuiroiis aud costly f dlures; but compared with 1892 there is an increase shown of 13 per oenl in number and 31 per cent in liabilities. Tbe tendenov of failures toward the normal is illustrated by the fact that the percentage of assets to liabilities is the smallest reported sinoe 1892 mid the annual death rnte--thut is, the peroenta),'ii of traders tailini; to those in business is likewise tin1 smallest reported siiios tbe 'Utter ynxr, h un k only It! per cent, against 1.2) i 1S.I7; l.M) in lS'.CJ. aud 1 iu 1892 Unsatisfactory conditions in texiilo hues aud so'ue lavge failures of biiiik t and other UoanoUl oouoHrns nnaount f r the expansion, iu liabilities snown in those seo'ious, with a large uumlier of until failures in Pennsylvania and soni of the eastern states reflect poor trad" early in the year and dullness growing out of the war and bad weather. Wheat, iuoluoing timr, shipments for the week avgregate 0,202,231 bushels, aifainat 5515,231 bushels last week; 6D'.l!i,06l in the on' reepoiuling week of 1897: 2.077.795 bushels in 1895, and 3.109,405 bnsliels Iu 1894. fciiooe July 11 this year the exports of wheat avgregatrt 121.518,709 bushels, against 128,901,708 bushels last year. chil lings est Jrpan Ctyoa English Breakfast Oo'cng Ideal Blend FIT lea Reform Ihey Mast. Philadelphia Inquirer: Thirty daya' labor on tbe streets of Santiago or a horsewhipping seems a pretty severe alternative for dirtiness, bat General Wood is wise in making tbe people un derstand from the start that they mtiwt keep clean or suffer for it. Dirt is a habit among the Bpaiiinrds, and the Cu bans come honestly to if. But now that the inland is becoming Amerioaniz -d they mast acquire tbe other habit. A"TOKIA FOK aN OPEN RIYEK. Resolutions of Astoria Chamber of Commerce and Astoria Progressive Commercial Association. The following resolutions were adopted by the above bodieB: The Joint committee of the Astoria Progres sive Commercial Association and of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce report the following resolutions for adoption by their respective bodies: Resolved: That the phenomenal develop ment of the Columbia river valley within tne states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and the rapid growth of the coaBt and ocean com merce of the Pacific states, require the removal of all obstructions to free and easy navigation of said river from its head of navigation to tho sea. Resolved, That the government of the United Htates should tako prompt action to secure the early removal of said obstructions to free and easy navigation. ReBolved, That the government of the United St.tes should make adequate appro priations, in accordance with the report of its engineers, for the early completion of the ship railway, to be built within the state of Oregon from Celilo to The Dalles, for which $250,000 have been appropriated, as this single improve ment, when finished will permit continuous navigation of tho Columbia and Snake rivers from Priest rapids and Lewiston to the sea. 'Resolved, That the government of the United States should all'ord the commerce of said river temporary and immediate relief, In accordance with the recommendations of Hs engineers, by constructing a portage railwsy between Celilo and The Dalles, aud, if practi cable, so locate and build the said portage rail way that It may bo operated during the con struction of the said ship railway and finally adopted as a part thereof. Resolved, That the efforts of the United States government in promoting the commerce of the Columbia river should be continually directed and applied in the construction of the aforesaid portage railway and ship railway until the same are completed. "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Oregon congressional delegation, urging thorn to take all proper steps to secure the cany completion of the improvements that are referred to in these resolutions." When yon have a sick horse you do not hitch him up to a sulky aud take him to the race track for a little healthful spin. You doc tor him. You cannot work or recreate a man into good health any more than you can a horse. Bicycling will make healthy men more ucnimj , it will make unhealthy men more unhealthy. When a man has been living in too big a hurry, when he has worked himself out, when he has got so that he does not sleep or eat, or rest, and the whole world looks gloomy to him, it is time for him to take medicine, i nen, when he is braced up a bit, it is time enough for him to take to the bicycle. When a man's nerves have an edge on them, so that the least little disappoint ment rasps on his temper like a file, when his stomach and liver anu nerves aic uc- U hn. m,.n nf P.r.hd.illnBtratione ranged, and he is continually .ou , y The Army and Navy Have covered tbemaelvos with glory during the war. The army and navy vest pocket memorandum book pub lisbed by the Northern Pucifio is a com pact digest of information relative to the navies and armies of Spain and tbe United States and the beginning of the war. of naval ships, glossary of navy and army terms, translation of Spanish words, etc. 8oud ten cents to Ohas. 8 Fee, general passenger agoDt, N. P. R., St. Paul, Mino., for a copy. h1 WWW SM 1 I I Ml il NOTICE OF INTENTION. AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, lj November, iffl. WW. t , , Kntin i. i...r,.i,r iriveu that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his Intention lo make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppuer, Oregon, on Saturday, an. 7, 1WJ, viz: ROBERT FRIEND, of Heppner; homestead application So 4163, for the se !4 sec as. tp 2 S, r 25 E, W M. , He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Nathaniel L. Shaw and A'thur Hunt, of Heppner, Ore.; Jacoo trnsi anu naipii Benge, of Lexington, Ore. 6-li JAY r. 1.UI.AI5, VCB1D5. State Board of Immigration. The new state board of immigration is it, and have nothing "just as good." melancholy, he should take Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. It makes a man as hungry as a fisherman and sees to it that all the vital elements ot tne iooq are absorbed into the blood. It braces up the liver and puts it to work in the right way. It drives all bilious impurities irom mc system. It fills tiesh, nerves, orain ecus, sinews and bones with the life-giving ele ments of rich, red, pure blooa. it manes a man healthy and then a bicycle will make him strong. Medicine dealers sell NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, iiAHU Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 10. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following n,n,i iptibr hns ftl.'ri notice of his intention tomake final proof In support of his claim, and that said proot win ue niaue ueiore j. . row, United States commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on February 24, 1!"JU, viz: WILLIAM C. BROWN, of Heppner, Or.; Homestead entry No. 7fiS5 for the s"4 seU and ne! se! and ee!4 ne!i, sec 4. tp 2 S, r 28 E, W. M. 14o tinmoa iha follow! nir witnesses to Drovehls continuous residence upon and cultivation of Slid laud, viz: Andrew Tillard, Edward C. Johnson, V. L. Tillard, Hugn ileias, ail oi Heppner, Oregon. . 8-13 J. n.AiKluli, busy these days perfecting plans for the year's work. It is the desire of the members of the board to make it more effective and valuable than it has ever b-en. If the plans uuder contemplation are snooesHfiilly ourried out, those mod aotive iu the movement hink that great good will result to the state. Iu order to got the entire state inter ested in the matter and for the additional purpose nf consultation, a meeting of representative men of the state has been called, under date if DeeerubHr 31 , and the following circular letter is being sent out: Under date of De ember 17, 18'H Hon. Wm. P. Lord, governor of Oregon, by authority of sec tion 250(i, Hill's Code, appointed the uudei- slKiied a state board of immigration. In view of the importance of the work to be undertaken tvm irrh x,, ciiufiil treatment I em once more a well man," writes J. N. Arnold, Esq., of Candy, Logan Co., Neb. I suffered for years with constipation and torpidity of the liver irritation of the prostate and inflammation of t, Kl.,,l,lr T tnrV SIX OOtt eS OI OOlHCn rl ' Pleasant Pellets ' and urn nermanentlv cured. You have been the means oi saving my inc. A man or woman who neglects ronstination sutlers trom slow noisoning Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxa tive, and two a mild cathartic. All medicine dealers sell them No other pills are "just as good.' NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS- MEETING. VTOTTCE IS HEREBY lilVKN THA I 1 n crijl will bo a meeting 01 trie stoeKnomer u' tha If rat Nut nun HiilllC Ot Heppner, 111 llieir lil iion mi tho -jii Tiims.Ihv of .lunuurv. IR'19. between and the desire oi the board to secure co-opera- , h.,,,ru ,,, w o'nloek a. in. and 4 o'clock p m., tlon in every section of the stale, as well as by i said dy, for the purpose of electing directors i,wrv th.roi,, in. .l,.md advisable and for the transaction of such other business ,v., . or . ro. coNKJtu. vaanier. THi CASE DISMISSED. The to obtain a full expression of opinion. With this end iu view, a convention is hereby called, to meet In the city of Portland, Saturday, Janu ary 21, 18!r9, at 10 o'clock a. m., composed of ed itorB, majors, county judges and commission ers, members of the legislature, and such repre sentative citizens as may be appointed by may ors, aud county judges and commissioners. J. C. Coopek, IlENBY L. PlTTOCK, Wm. G. Gosslin, State Board of Immigration. Heppner, Ore., Dec. S, 1HH8. 7-10 STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE. VTOTICE IS Federal Government Has Exonerated Daniel J. Fry. Morning Oregouian. In tho United Statos circuit court of Portland, in the two cases of the United States, plalutlff, vs. Daniel J. Fry, defendant, the charges have been dismissed, and Mr. Fry will have no further unpleasantness. In CHch of IheBO cases the delendant Mr. Fry, was charged with violating the war revenue act by neglecting to stamp his goods as required bylaw. Sometime last summer, just after the act come In force, a deputy Inspector, A. M. llntler, called at Mr. Fry's drug store, and, without disclosing who he was, or the nature of his business, proceeded to go through his store, and upon being remonstrated with by A. K. Crosby, the clerk In the store, ho became angry and threatened to make trouble, and he forthwith proceeded to do so, and, as a result, two Informations were filed in the United Stales couit. As soon as Mr. Fry had an oppor tunily to do bo lie gave to the United States district attorney all tlio facts In the case, and the matter was refeired by tho latter to the treasury department at Washington, and upon Investigation, tho treasury officials concluded that Vr. Fry had not violated the law, and consequently recommended tho United States attorney to dismiss thu case. This was prompt ly done, and on Saturday last John A. Carson, attorney for Mr Fry, received official uotillca lion from the United Slates attorney that both cases hud been dismissed by the court, upon his motion. There was never any question of the inno cence of Mr. Fry, tho entire trouble being caused by a misuiidei'Hiaudliig, and possibly tho zeal of tho federal revemio inspector. HEREBY GIVEN THAT nuotiiiff nf tin. tttnf'klioldcrs of the Henn- nor Bnllrilmr mil Loan Association will be held at their office iu tne National Bank ill iteppner, , iwirnii iptwpp.n the nourB ol 2 n. m. ana p in. nf 'rniMuiHv. tliB mih day of January. 1899, for the purpose OI electing on eciorsior uie ensmug vear. E. R, bWlNBUKNK, Secretary. December 8, 1898. - The Race of the Age! What a race I The train was hut milling out of Engle. wood, puffing and panting with its mighty efforts. As it slowly gained speed it came on a lot of tow headed children roosting on a fence, who shouted and waved as the cars came no. and then, as if with a com mon impulse, every child leaped to the round and began a race with the train. I he race was of short duration. As the aTi- Notice of Intention. TvEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND 1 J Office at La Grande, ore., uec. iu, Notice Is hereby given that the following i ui.itlnr him H S.'il notice of his intentiol to make final proof in support of his claim, and that wiia proot will oe niuiie oeiore j . row. United States commissioner, ui ueppuai, Uiegon, on February 21, IH'.ill, viz: EDWARD C. JOHNSON, ot Heppner, Or.; Homestead entry No. 7ll. for the n1 ne and seV seU see . and nv J nwji sec Ji, tp i a, r 'H E i-i'.'. mimes the following witnesses to prove his romiiiuiniB resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Aiiurew niiarn, vt uuaiu Brown, V.L. Tillard and Hugh Fluids, all of Heppner, Oregon- r J., n, OAnLJ.r.11, jirnmic.. f Ygu can i bo cured If vou suffer from anv of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. J0R0AN A CO., .1081 Market St Est'd SSS2. Yonai men and middle acred men who are suffering I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Iellllly,lmpoiency ,s.oi itiuiiiifh in all its complications; Mnermatorrliffia, lroillmlorriiee, Minairrnwii, FreauvMcr of Urinating-, eic. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but nermanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair , and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty Diseases of S3 en. tfypnllia tnoi'ougniy eriiniraieu mjiu mo avatAm vll hnn t nil ntr TW rBlil.VB B-.VF.KY MAN aimlvhiir to OH Will re- , celveourftonesfojnnionot nmr-nmpiHirii:. Wetimf umiranter.a rusn i vn, nines, ra every eaie we undertake, or forfeit One XlioiiHano jpoiiurs. Consultation 1'KtE. and strictly private. CHARGES VERT REASONABLE. Treat- - or oy letter. Send for book. lnsopliy of BiaiTiage,' ible book lor men.; ment personally 'The I'hili free, (A valuable VISIT IR. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museumof its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOGUE i'UEB. Call or write. ' 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, Cr.l. f -FH5T . TIBII SEM1GE DAILY TO THE EAST VIA (Ml HI U SUND ROUTE Fast Express LeaveB DENVER, . . J:3p p. m. " PUEBLO, . no p. m. " COLit. 8PHINGB . . 8:10 p m. Arrives I UPEKA Arrives K NHAS CITY 8:55 p- m. tHX) p. m- 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:80 p. m. 11 it) a m. 8:00 a. in. Ti,,,v, M'utw- nnd Chair Cars Colorado to " . ... i. i n-L- t hieaco. wiae ' estiDuie inrouguouu uw tinest'truin in the West. Arrives LINCOLN " OMAHA " DKS MOINES PEG' IA " CHICAGO Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:35 p. m 2:85 p. ra 7-.S0 a. m 9 :15 a. m Ar. ST. LOUIS. (Wab. K'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSKPH 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Bun) 8:46 a. m OMAHA (Ei Ban) . 8:M a. m " CO.i.LTJF.8, . . 9.10 a. m Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash K'y. For particulars and folders giving time of these tratus write J. L. DE BEVOISE. E. E. M'LEOD, UNO. SEBASTIAN, POHTUND, ORE. A. (i. P. A.. TOPEKA. G. V. A.. CHICAGO. e'sw?ror HON f THROUGH TICKETS TO THE Fast and Southeast VIA THE r!. R. THE THEOUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST 8LEEPi:KS FREE RECUSING CHAIR CAK8. Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. QuioV Time. Imion Unpots. Personally Cbndueted Excnrsions. BaiiRHKe Chaeked to Desliuation. L w Hates. , n:...f i;na tn Trn.TiRsissuiDi and Inter nati nnl Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, Jane to November, nther inforniaiiou pertaining to Union Paoifio HJ. H. LOTHROP. or 3. C. HAItT Afrt. a.., las H Ht... O. It, &N. Co. Portland. Or. " Heppner, Or, Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C.. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. KATKH JSli.oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., O. R. & N. CHICAGO DKl'ART fob TIME SCHEDULES From Heppner. 9:30 p. m. IMPORTANT TO MINKKd. B lue Ksdlcal ( IihiiBm in t)reon Mlulug l.awa. Tbe lulling laws Ha iiasaeil by the last leuis'titiUB, niaku iome ru lioal clianteg in the location of m in in if otuima, Bo tiou3HU)s: "Btfnre the npiratioo of ninety day frntii the (late ot poatini; the aid notiOB of Jiaoovery Ufou hit claim aforesalil, the locator muat tiuk a die oovery abaft upon the cUiui located to a duth ot at leant teu feet trom the lowest part of the rim ot inch shuft ul the auiface, ur deeper if veceatmry to how by aui'h work lode or vein of mineral deonait In olaoe, A out, or oroaa out. or tnimel. which cuts the lodn ot b dpoth of ten fi-et, or tii oprn cut at lea" rx feet derp, tour ffet wide end ten fMt in leiioth. alniiir the lode from tbe nriint where the same may be in any maimer discovered, ie equivalent to tnoh disonverv ihaft. htintl work elial nil lie deemed a pari of he asaeasmen work required by the revised statutes ot the Uoiied Htates. " No Signs Left. My little hov bad a breaking out on bis limits. We tried to heal tbf m by the use of retmdies ws had on hand, but wit hint enoeees. Ths boy then bean Uood'a Hareapenlla. tl sonu improving and 0'iw t) I cnretl ami Iihh no elun ot the ermi'tions." Mre, Miuuie DuJaou, Bt. John, Wasb. (ill AN I' COUNTY NEWS. From the Long Creek Eagle. T. F. Duntlii and Miss Maud Hyde, two of Ueo's residents, were rveeully joined In the hnly bonds of wedlock. Klhel Drowning, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. li browning, of this valley, was married re- eutly at linker City to a man named Ekstrom, Miinurtient people uelobraled Christinas last Monday evening with a largo Christmas tree, followed by a grand ball. A pleasant time was ported. Jus. Fiazler, who w as shot by Geo Snodderly line tune since at Husauvuie, is reoovermi from the elteets of the wounds and will toou b in perfect health sunlit. Mr. and Urs. Kinil Bcharh", of Monument, pent Christmas with relatives In Long Creek While here, Mrs, ochsrn" mad proot ou her homestead near Monument. W. T. Long passed through l ong Creek Bun- day night eu route to Canyon City to meet his race brother, Ileujnuiln Long, of New Jen jy. These two gentlemen are brothers of the late John Long, of Canyon City. They have not teeu each olhvr for 47 years. A Flue I'lere of Color Woik. machine left the panting little runners behind, a gray haired onlooker smiling eadly remarked: " Young America all w.r Nnihino' too swift for them to race against." " Ve, you couldn't find a fitter exemplification of the familiar saying, 'The rhild ia the father of the man ' than in that group of children racing against the train It's hut a Tjreliniinarv heat of the great race their parents are engaged in. As a phvsician I realize as perhaps you do not, "'he continued, "the erroneous change Hint fiftv vears have made in our nntional life. People point back to grandmothers aud greatsrandmolliers anu say LOOK AT THEM ! Compare them with the women of to-day I How straight thev were and how strong, how hardv and how helpful they were, how heartily they ate and how heartily they laughed. "To-day, as men and women, millions of us do in earnest what those children did in play ; we're keyed up to the straining point all the time, and the nerves won't eland the daily strains and drains w ithout protest.' There is a tnn of solid fact to reflect on, suggested by the statement just quoted. What are we going to do? This is the age of steam, the age of electricity. V must keep up in THK GREAT RACE. nnt hnw lonor can we keep up ? No longer, relatively, than the children kept up their race with the train. What we need is more brawn, more blood and better oiooti. Strength of body depends on a pure and plentiful blood current, for science has never advanced a fact beyond the state ment of Moses that "The Wood is The Life." But every generation of investiga tion shows the statement to be true in a , deener. and broader sense than was dreamed of iu the past. Dr. Pierce's NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT 1HK DAU.liS, OUfcUOiN, I j Hce. VI, 1NH8 , Notice 1h hereby viven that tne louowiug- ntiiniw i-r hnn !i ci nonce Ol ins liiienm'ii ro moke dual proof in support of his chdm, and thitt Hniil proof will he made before Vawter Crawford, Couutv Cle'k, Bt Heppner, Oregon, im .Saturday, January -I, lWi viz: CIIAKI.E3 W. CKADIOK, ot Eight Mile; Homestead application No 4.M0, for the w', nn ' . see Ji'i and ell nc i see '27. tp :i h, r iw c,vt w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation .i ii.ihl Innil vis: Alfred 1. Warren, Robert H. iVanen, of Fight Mile, Ore, and Cliaries n. uey- uicr and William Uordon. of Heppner, Oregon, B UI Jay P. Lucas, Register. PUBLIC LAND SALE. LAND OFFICE, LA r-INfTKD STATED I lir.iiiili. lln. December 2:1. lH'.IS. Notice Is herehv given that In pursuance of instructions from the commissioner of the jimeral land ollice, under authority vested iu ,i 1 hi by section i!lf5, V S. Rev. Hiat.. as amended nv the act of congress apnroved February 26, niiK u in iinic.M'd to oiler at rnt'dic sale on he loth day of February, 1.H99, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a m. of said day, at this olliee, the ollnwing tract of land to wit: The NEJi N W ..... -i -i-wn :t a M :m K W M. Any'andall persnns elnlmlng adversely the ibove described lands are advised to tile their claims In this olliee on or tieiore inc nay anuve designated for the eomniencemein m sam saie, otherwise tlielr tlgnis win oe lonenen. li. W.Barti.ktt, Register. 10 111 J. O. bWAMiHAMKK, Receiver, Salt Lake Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, KanBas City, St, Louis. Chicago Portland. Walla! v. alia, ' Spokane, Minneapolis. St, Paul, Uuluth, Mil waukee, and the East. Arrive from 4:50 a. m. 8.00 p. in. OcKAN STEAMSH1I. 1: rota Portland. All sailing date; subject to change For !-an Fmneiseo Bail Dee. 3, , 18 IS, 23, 28. 8:00 p. m. Ex Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday 7:00 a. ra. 'ues-, Thar, and Sat. Columbia Rivkr 8TKAMEB8. To Astoria and Way Laiuuugs. 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette Rivkr Oregon City, New- berg, ralem ana v. ay Landings. A'I,I,AMI?TTE AND Yamhill Kivkiis Oretron Citv. ton Ac Way Lun lugs. 6:00 a. m. Tues Thurs and Sat. Lv. Riparla ally except Saturday Day-: d- 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday liwaf 63 k St. Paul m This Railway Co. Operates its trains ou the famous bloob system; Lishts its trains by eleotrioity tbrouKh oat: TJees the oelebraterl eleotrie berth rrincl iog lamp; nnn aneedilv caniDDed passenger train everv dav and nicht between Ht. Pnu and Ohioago, aod Omaha and Ohioogo tbe Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-beoted vestibuled trains, carrying the latest private oomoartment oars, library bnffet emok fntr cars, ana paiuce arawiug rouuj sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars, and the very best dining obair oar service. For lowest rntes to sny point in the TTnitpd states or Canada, apply t agent or address 0. J. EDDY, T. W. fiAREY. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. fortiana, u H:fi0 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Willamette Riveh Portland to Corval 11a & Way Landings. 4:30 p.m. Tues., Thur. aud Sat. Snake Riveb. Riparla to Lewiston Lv. Lewiston daily except rriaay 1 D MINIS THA TOR'S NOTICE. TOllCE IS HERERY OIVEN THAT THE S undnrslirned has twen duly appointed by- he county court of tho state ol uroirou, ior Horrmv cnuntv. administrator of the estate of Holland B. Thompsou, deceased. All persons having claims aguinst sum esimo re herehv required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, at tne law nice ot r.iiis i neips, hi oiu'1"-'. llhln six irmtiths trom uate nereoi Dated this th day of Sovemher, ia!8. P. C. TllOHPHOM. Admlnlstratorof the estate of 5 U Uollaud II. Thompson, deceased. A.. v i,url..,w,.l ttit nrltln oltr.i. It tt. hi. opinion that there will be uo handsomer piece Golden weoicai uisc ,vr y ,-olor work Issued this year than Uixxi s , ' " VX tn nf diseases because Sarsaparllla Calendar for m. It Is not only i m.J form, 0f disease have their oriirin in useful, but artlstlo and beautiful, aud up to ; tne 0iood. It is a scientific compound dale. The charming "American Ulrl" whose , based, not upon theory Cut upon tne prac- beautllul face appears with a delicately painted tical, common sense proof mat li you flax in Ihe background, make, a pleasing feature purify, enrich, and vitalise the blood you which anyone 111 be pl.ased to have before Mim . ?." xVerv " heals dis- the whole of IMN. We suppose druggists will 1 e ju ,uM tuis way jt begins first of all have this Calendar, or a copy may tie ootaiuea tQ Htrclftiu.n the body throiiKh tne moou by sending 0 cents to C. I. Hood li Co., Lowell. Mass. Through Tonrlst Cars to Kansas City. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Friday t 8 p. ra m O. It A N., Oregon Hbort Line auJUmou Psoiflo railroad , through Oheyenne aud Den ver without change. No change of fart- to the cities, Denver or Kansas City, Eaat bound eohodule I as (ollows: Portland, leave 8:00 p. in. Friday. Uranger, arrive 1KW p. m. Saturday. Granger, leave 1 ;3" p. m. Sunday. Denver, arrive 7:15 a. m. Munday. Deliver, leave IZ M p m.Biindiir. K'lusae City, arrive 7:23 a. m. Monday. Keep this service In mind when golrfc" East and consult O. R. A N agents or address V. fl. IIcri bcbt, (leu. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. and every ounce of new blood and pure blood counts against disease. "It was near the little town of I.erov. V Va., aad duriug the month of March, o. thai a voung msa lay pale ami motimilesa upon (wluit ihm uivaiMirs caueui R livinv i"- of Ue Timn, liver nmiplattit n I'wraw , kidnev trouhle, and olmri'sy were fast hastening him to the srrave. The loctors bad given him no to die. VV. i..i.i. hf nuiiiot live. Oh, 1 ." ., flf. . .lil. h said. ' were it not for iMviug sT dear wife aud Utile child. lut I kaow thai I must die.' A brother had pre armed him with three bottle ol medictue. but k had no failh In ' patent meillcinrii Cnr that cough with Shiloh's Core. The beat oongb enre. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold latt year. 4d doeea lor -.'h'I. Hold by Ou aer Sc V arren. but. after the d.x-tnrn had giveu hnn up tu die anil he ksd Iwoished everv hope of recovery, he wild to his wife, 'Dear wile. I am going to die. there " In lakinu that tnrdU'lue. 1 will begin il use ' e use It and at first he grew worse, but soon there m a change. Slowly but s.m-ly he got taltrr. Tixlsy that man is strong, and healthy and he l; hi. life to that mchVine. What was . the medicine 1 1 "ns Or. nerve a Oolden Mednnl " . .,t i t uther Martin, am Ihe cured nan Ur. l'leree. 1 thank you Irom the very dctith of my heart, for rescuing me from the .1 ' I IIP lOl l lil'lilK " a comment euuen oi i.m-, .-. Ymv. a W.Va. M. L ....ilaa twoveart. ' SulVerevt wilh uiu in head, uervous. " .u .i- ,r mmetlte. hws of flcsh; caused bv overwork. lKvtors did nU E .r i ...nitnl In von for advice, and lie- LA1 n v cise You K-plied advising me to uv. 1)r j n-rc s C.oldeii Meitu il Oi'overy an rn.ii. i ma .i mid ni.rr u..iug one boMIe '.li -i.. i.,T,r .ml (t-lt b tt.-r, Arttr iism ... I,tlli4 ol Ihe Oi.ld.n M.vlu-nl l)w.veiy aud two vin's of ' IVlli is.' I li'id invsi 11 k is link awt 1 asu aUaua cnurvly curat. r ..M.r ifu, ol CriHieM. l.amoiue v.o ; - . i. .,,i. ..K...I I luiil lu'cn uui oi io Passengers booked for ell Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or Notice of Intention. DEPARTMENT OF TI1K INTERIOR LAND ollice at l.a Oranile, Ore., Dee. 6, lstw. V. Is ll. IKt.C ITlieil llltll HID UillimillK- nmeil settler has 111 mi notice of his intention 1 1 mike final proof tu support of his claim, anu hai said prool will no mane ui-ium nio lerk of Morrow county Oregon, at Heppner, Iregon on January 1 1, l"J, vis. i.niv 11 i'i ibw nf Pilot ItiM'k. Oregon. homestead entry No Hi'.vi, lor the s'i swl and i.. se see. il tp 1 . r 2i K, W M. He names tne toiiowina nim ......... tool, .l.a rt.utit.MK'P I1IHII1 HIIU I -llllllBUl'll .( ..1,1 u,l ill. John Molalev. Hugh Koss .ml John w. ott. of Vinson, Ore., and James iVarman, of Pendleton, Oregon. SUM MOSS. IS THK I'lRH IT COl Kl UK im-. o 1 a 1 b 1 of Oregun, for Morrow County. largiue!li Von Ciulow, l iainuu, vs. vim..... v,.ii r'a.ioiv. rii.ffoidHiit. 10 Llliaui Van Cadow. defendant above named In ihe name of the ntale oi Oregon: V ou are w.roi.r r..,iinr...i to iioo.-ar and answer the com .lalin'of piulntirt tiled Bsalnst you In the above ause on or before the evplrnllou of six weeks nmiedlatelv lollow lug the timl publication of his summons, which date 01 nrst piioiicauon .. it mh..r I"- Iv.ih. and If vmi fsll to so an- iear ami answ er said eomolainl, the plalnttlf .vlll applv to t:ie court lor me reuei prayeo ior ,. i...r ,x,.niiii,iiiii l.v-wit For a decree and or- ler of Ibis court forever dissolving the bonds of Matrimony cximug between yourselt and the .Inintlll 'herein; lor a further decree and order if the eniirt awarding to plnlntlll the eustoitv md control 01 the minor child. Arthur V on a i., 11... Usui, oi vour insrriiore w ith nlalntltl or her eet ami disluremenl herein and for inch oMicr and fuiO' -r relief as to the court nay seem meet with equity aud giRl con I his suinmoiis is served upon you by public- Ion ihereo 111 Ihe H.-ooner i.aHiie, 111 piinm ill(M Of All order oi this court duly made an nvrcd herein on meal day ol lco-nib.r. .v Hun Mi phen A l ow ell.jmb'eot tnecireuii .,',ri ,.( il... sti.' i f Or, .,it. lor iheMxIliin A. district. !. h find olilcr di rwta this sumliiiuit to be pulu, .bed in said paper lor tl it-ta AituOHt fur Piatuna". H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable ault. House, CHICAGO. ILL.. iifliflk OREGON SHORT LINE Ry. QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BR ASK A, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS1 and SOUTH. EAST.SSST LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4 J days CHICAGO, 3J " ST. LOUIS, 3J " OMAHA, 3 " SALT LAKE, li " Free Rcoliuing Cbsir Cars Upholstered Tourist Sleeping Car Pnllman Palnoe Sleeping Can For foil particulars regarding rates, time of Irains, etc., call on or address J. 0. II ART, Ageut O. R. & N. Co., Uerpner, Oregon 0. O. Tkkky, W. E. Oomav, Trav. Pees. Agt. Otn'l Ag. m IBB HIS ERST ? If bo, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THK Great Short Lir)C BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled DiuliiK and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "always on time'' has gt en this road a national reputation. All classe of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, F.C.8VAGE. Oeu. Agent. Trav. r. r. Agi. 248 Washington St., Portland. Or. i IS twi k Bio Granae 1 1 Scenic Line of the World The Fnvorite TrauRcontiueDtal Between the Northwest and nil Points East Choice of Two Routes Through the FAMOUS Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes east of Pueblo and Denver... All passengers granted a day stopover iu tbe Mormon capitol or anywhere between Ogden aud Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis Chicago and the East. For tickets and and Information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising mutter, call 011 agents of O. ,R. & N., Oregon Bbort bine or (Southern Pacific companies. R. C. NTCHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Habt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. wmw PACIFIC RY. Yellow Stone Park Line THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. msu u 124 Third St., Portland. Ore. SPOKANE FiLLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SREPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Ronte WObont Change of Cara Uptween Hpokane, Rosalaod nnd Nrl-on. Alsn between Nelson anl RoeMauil, daily except Snnday: Lmv. Arrive, ami A. M Bpoksr. ... "iM tf. 1. 110 A. M How and MH M- 9:10 A.M Nelsoa : P. M. C'lnoe eonneet'oua at N.'lsnn with triner for Kalo. aud a.l KiHueual poiuta. Ik Regulator Line" Tho Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation (h ETEAMEEa DALLES CITY" AUD 'REGULATOR No. 2 11 A. M. No. a 6 P. M. Depot Fifth and I Stai Fast Mail for Tacoma. Seattle, Aberdeen. South Dend, Hpokane, Helena, Hutte, Anaconda, St. Paul, Chicago, New York. Boston, and all points East and South east. Pottland, Tacoma and Seattle Hxpress, for Ta coma, Heattle, Olympta ana imermeaiate main lllne points. Arrive. No. 1 10:15 A. M. No. 5 11 P. M 8 DAYS to St Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. 3 DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. iH. DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York. Boston aud other far-Eastern points. Cnlon depot connections in all principal cities. Baggage checked through to destination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot or Sixth St. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps of routes and other lnioruiallon, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Genernl Passenger Agent, 255 Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. OonimenciDii Monday, May 2nd, Ihi e learners of Ihe Kegnlaror L-iue m leave Portland at 6:30 B, m and Tbe Dalles at 8:30 a. m. When yon go to Portland, etnp off The Dallea and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. . W. 0. ALLAWAT, General Airtnt. QUICK; TIIVII3 I 8an Franoiseo And all points In California, via tha Mt. Shasta root of ths Southern Pacific Co V .( hitrhwaj through Caiiforuin to ai. colnls Kwt and Sonth. Itrand 8nl Hi-ul;. ... r i ..ia. i ' .,n.n l,f QllllOIW'lUl- IWHI , U.i.".. ......r hi);r. 8wnnd-cla Hlepc At'a.-h-l toespmas trains, attnrdma urnM eeinimolatinrs f or seeimdlass paMiiri- For rati tiokwa. lepin car rwrTU"", sfo, ell noon or addrppa KOKSU.KS. Mauaer. C. H. MABKHAM Gin. if. Ktt fnriianA Ol-n.n THHOIGH TICKET9 To all points In tbe Fierti itatea. cana.ia aud Wisconsin Central Lin is r . f. KMIla hive, and 1'o-ir.dan I Kuroim ou be oouunen ai io wi inija rk Wuwt Tea hmt wiU mn daJV. wn-. Tt", vr. GENETvAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may reqnire some assist ance in the way of having their haod baggagfl takeu form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Ceutral Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red c. lney will be m waiting at all trains prepared to Resist pas sengers, and it ia boppd that our pntrons will folly avail themselves of this additional proviaion for their comfort. J AS. ( roxo, Genl IWr. Agt.