THE FAI T HE PLACE Guarantee Money Returned If Goods ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. To Save Money vwvt 1.11 M3HL tl3L till iia tin UneaidLn Our Positively Call and Millors' all-wool Clot 111 Brown. iot3 Co's ft & King Bee Hats Tlie lolr Overalls: An Imn)ense VO-toli. FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From a Terrible Sore Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. "For many years X was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago it broke out in a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would barn and itch all the time and discbarge t great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Some one sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found il helped me. I kept on taking it until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit it has been to mo. Ir cleanses the blood of all impurities aim leaves it rich and pure." Mbs. Anna E. Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. Il , , ri are the favorite family nOOU S PUIS cathartic. Price 250. ADVERTISED LETTKKS. LETTER8 A11VEHT18ED AT HEPPNEK Or.. January 2, 1899 Bay, Mr. Torn Marrow, O J Beach, Mr Kobt Maiiies, Mr G H Cox, Mr Arch IHolahan, Mr John Church, Mr Mall O'ronuer. Caroline Reliefer. Patrick Thompson, Kichard Martin, F G When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. F. Vauohan, P. M. Local Notes. lone has a band arid orobestrs. Snow fell to the depth ct five Inobes in lone. W. B. Ewing's infant, five days oh', died of rupture Tuesday. The infant twin daughter nf Frank Inglemar. died at lone lust Friday. Smoke 8ideoberg k Co's. Arabian Night and Espaoola cigars at Censer & Warreu'e. 1 amos The bnyg and gills, ith tbeir sled and ponies, bate hod a gloriom time the pat t-.etk. Dr. J. W. Vogel, peoiali( for refrac linn and defeot of the eye, will be here every three months. 618-lr The barroom of the Palace is bei. g remodelled aud thoroughly fixed op h tht) nw management. On Sunday next Father Sr-rvais wi 1 hoht mission in the Oatbolio church. A go 'd htteodaoce Is nrgid. The outage prayer meetings, prepara tory to the revival uieefii g, heeo onaeual seasons of refreshing. The saloon bueines conducted at the old Matlock corner by h Matttson Bros dosed its doors lart week. 1, ' Mi ni 'Ui Ail liot tiai. i'J 1 Best CoiHitt Hj-up. T.W ui. tse fJ I In tima S..I-1 hT (trie;. fy1 i . no Shelf-worn Goods npo: Examine Goods and Learn Our Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. THE PUBLIC ARE WITH Assortment of Our Fiid iy morning inhabitants arose to fi d seven inches of mow on the ground, which has since afforded good sleighing. Another salnon in added to the row north of tl'e Palace. The name chosen by its proprietors is not catobiug tbe pop ular verdiot. Wood, wood, wood. See R. 0. Wills for your wood. Cash on delivery. Orders left at Minor & Go's., Gilliam & Biabee'e or Brown & Hughes. Del Knowlton and wife, of lone, will give the comedy-drama "Ooolfl Josh," with the aid of local talent, Friday ev ening, in their little city. Be not deoeivedl A cough, hoarsness or croup are cot t ne trinea witn. a dose in time of Hhiloh's Core will save you much trouble. Sold by Oonser k Warren. Dyspepsia enred. Shilob's Vitalize immediately relieves soar storaaob, oom ing np of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Oon ser k Warren. v Cbris Borohers and Newt Whetstone's new saloon and billiard hall is experi- enoing qnite a run. The proprietors propose making it a first-class resort in every partioolar. Call at the Candy Faotory when yon want ft good oup of hot coffee, ooeo or chocolate. Freeh oysters in any slyle Hot and oold lunches. Try one of onr ovster cocktail's. tf Ladies, take the best, If yon ere troubled with constipation, sallow skin. and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Bold by Oonser k Warren. v Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Eaay to ranko arid pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Oonser 4 Warren, v There will be a Pentecostal service at the M E. chnroh next Saturday evening Rv. Fred St. Clair has kindly eon sentpd to preach on "Tli9 Shiftless Man." S-rvices promptly at 7 o'olock. W. P. Snyder, the livery stable pro-p-ietor.bnysonlythebesbsy aul grsin Lsrae corrals and HCOi'mraorlatioiis for freitfhte'8. Hacks and bnggies furnished reasonable. Stork well oared for. tf A apeoixl pe'mon fr oiiil.lren will h pr. eh"d a1 th M. E. chnrch, Hon'h -icxr Hit- d iv at 11 a. m ; at 3 p m , S ib ha'h Foh I; 6:'V R)W rh L?ne; 7 r. m . J hu, 3:16. Everybody cordially invited. Jim Crv and John Kilkenny were fortnnte enough to serture 10.8S0 sores of railmad lnd. ft'd r now in shape to bndd np pxtomdve st ek :neres's in onr rnnnty. They have pn.ven themselves alivs to t'n orportaoity. A cbiraney barnin? ont oer th Bel vB'lere was the 0(?fBiot of lively ron for th fire doparlment Snnay evening. Ar-lvin t ft e hy lrant op xnite it wm fonnd out of working order, an t forta rale it tb .t t' e fire confiLtd itself I to tbe chiainei . verytliflg oj: hoe Crockery, Graniteware, Tinware and Hardware at paee Revival! Evacgelut Niuiule. nt tl.o Methodist Episoopal cbnroli, ntxi Sun day, and every nigbt throtiBbouS t; e week. Come everybody; bring your families. Tbe nnexcell- d "Bow of Prom ise" song book will ba used, McGubeV lutest, brightest, best. Mike Roberts, at tbe B.tlveilere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time oor ner, extends to the public a oordul wel come.' Tbo beveraees he dmpnsw will be kept up to the highest standard, and tbe enlargement and oomfortable equipment of hi billiard parlors and club-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf No healthy person need fear auy dan gerous oonstqliences from an attsok of la grippe if properly treated. It is muoh the sam as a severe cold and reqmres preoiaely the same treatment. Remain quietly nt home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as direoted for a severe oold Bud a prompt and complete recov ery is sure to follow. For sale by Oon ser k Warren. The O. R. & N. Co's. new book on tbe Resources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are requested to forward the addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaint- anoes, and a oopy of tbe work will be sent them free. Tbis a matter all sbonld be interested in, aud we would ask that everyone take an interest and forward snob address to W. H. Hurlbnrt, Gen eral Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co., Portland. 61-tf Teacrirr's Local Institute. A 'ooal teachers institute was held here last Saturday, Notwithstanding tbe doptb of snow and the severity of the weather the attendance was large. The morning seeeion was held at the so'iool house, but owing to the blizzard tbut was blowing it was thought best to bold tbe afternoon cession in one of tbe olurchee, the M. E, cbaroh beiDg elected, Pr eident Reed of the Weston Noimal school was in attendance. All ,f the teachers were delighted wilb Mr, Reed's interesting and highly instructive talks during the riiecosainD. Tbe pro irram as rendered was as folio's: Lnj;(e Rev. .(. W, Kli'he' (ie jrrphv Miss Altee (, lafsnock 'rh'Mil Libraries toia B Is'iter Music Mrs ;hBrltoH PHiiniarmlilp 1 W. Hli!..y Kchoul Management President K tl TI.e dimen sions were very hnimit-rl ai;d imt nc'ive. At the c! m- i.f the sea. "i .n a vote r,f M).r k was teiide'td l'p" id-rit R ed anil Superintend, nt Sbij l j How'to Look Good. Hood lucks are really more than i-kin deep, dependiug entirely on a health) condition of all the vial org-.UH. If the liverbe inactive, you beve billions Inrik, 'f yonr stomach b disordered yon have a dysoeptio look; if yonr kidts he afTeteil, yon have pinnhed look ,S-i iir sood hal b. and von ' ill surely have good loons "Electric Bitters" is iroid alternative and t'inie Acts di r-clv on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, eti'ea pimples, hlotchM and boils, and gives a good n...r.l,.v,,n Vvarv IV'ttlA irnfirAi,tpl v(,.M hv Hlor-nm Dm Co . E. J. Sloonm.'i manager. 50 oeots par bottle. in Our Stock! New Competition US AND WE for New Amiotincemeiit. eppner, Personal. Klmer ills Is quite ill with la grippe Mrs. Burrows is suffering from la grippo. J. Sterger came over from Condon Tuesdoy. Clins. Haws, of Hurdinan, was in town this week. Pat Carty, of Sand Hollow, was up on business Tuesday. Rev. TlioroiiBhnian came in from the interior yesterday. Chas. Ingraham, the lone druggist, visited our town Sunday. Mrs. John Hager had a serious attack of neu ralgia last week, M. L. Akers is meeting with good success at. lone, as a rnuMc teacher, 0. and E. C Ashbaugh, of Eight Mile, regis tered at the Palace this week. John Kirk, the sheep man, is sutterlng from an attack of qulnsey sore throat. Receiver Otis Palterson came np this morn ing from The Dalles, visiting with friends. Mr. White, the artistic drummer for Sanbourn, Tail & Co.. of Portland, was here this week. Walt Williams, John Nelson and Nat Hale, Ionite", were in Heppner on business this week. Geo. 8. Parker, who issues the first copy of the lone Post this week, spent Saturday in this city. County Commissioners Howard and Backet came In to attend to the responsibilities of the court session. County Clerk Crawford spent several days at home last week, struggling with la grippe, but is at his post this week. Al McEwin, representing Mason, Ehrman & Co., wholesale graces, was interviewing our business men this week. N. A. Leach Is again in town this week look ing after wheat. His buys last week relieved the monotony of the dull market. Mrs. M. M, Hunter, of the lone hotel, accom panied by Mrs. Ross, came to Heppner Saturday, combining business with pleasure. X. N. Btceves, the acquitted lawyer, who was Indicted with "Bunco" Kelly for the murder of old man Sayers, was In Heppner this week. Ed Farnsworth and Emll Johnson returned home to remain yesterday from Portland, where they have been attending the business college. Nell Johnson, the popular vnung sheepman from Gilliam county, has been in town the past week under treatment of Dr. McHwords for a slight attack of pneumonia, the conclusion of a slight attack of la grippe. Improved Order of tied Ma- L st night at the K of P Ball lodge f Red Men as institnted by Orarjd Deputy Saohem J. Daniel sritz, of Port land. Q'lite a number f onr most prom inent oitiz-tis are enrolled on tb charter list, aDd the members admitted I bus far are enthusiastic in their praise of the irlr. The chief officers elected are as follows: Prophet, J. 11. Himotis; sachem, (. W. Phelps; senior aachamore, R. L. Shelly; junior saohamore, Frank K b arts; ke. uer of records, W, P. Huyder; keeper of wimpum, O. W. Hweifgart Fbe recnaiui g twelve effioera will b appointed by the sachem at the nut nreiiug. I est Near H-rrin's on Blm Fork, a hay mare, work animal, branl left- band "R'' 00 Mi bonlder. Suitable reward. Ad dress, Johnson Bros., Gooseberry, Or. i Fresl iin Price etxiCL QtAeLllty of APPRECIATE These lines we guarantee to be THE BEST manufactured. Every article warranted as represented. Your money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. Our prices un der all competitors. Oregon. UliUNO OVER. T. C. Aubrey and Dave Deau Arrested for stealing Wheat. On November 29tb Theodora Ander son, living at Eight Mile.disoavered that 58 sacks of gntiu had ben taken from a stank located in bis field. That day be spent in investigation, and cmicIii led that the thieves wou'd return for more and planned ti watch tbe stuoks, but, upin persuasion of bis wife, gave np tbis intention. Sure euongh, on the morning of December 29th, one month lbter, tbe tracks of two wagons one a wide tire and tbe other a nartow one had visited tbe plaoe, carrying away 72 saoks. Pro ceeding on a bunt for the grain, be name to the premises of T. 0. Aubrey and there fonnd two wagons answering tbe descrip tion of the wagon tracks in bis fl'ld loaded with about the number of bucks missing, as near as be could estimate At the lone warehouse be found that 58 sacks bad been delivered on the day cor responding with the loss of the 58 sacks by Mr. Aubrey, and on tbis circumstan tial evidence, oansed bis arrest and also Mr Dean, who was his driver. Their preliminary hearing wai bad before R--oorder Richardson yesterday, J. W. Morrow appearing for tbe prosecution and 0. E Redfield for the defense A number of witneaees were examined aud at tbe oonolusion of tbe evidenoe Re corder Richardson required a short time for conclusion, and at i o'clook exoner ated the young man, Dtve Dean, in con sideration of bis being in tbe employ of T. O. Aubrey, aud held Aubrey to await tbe action of the grand jury, under bonds of $500. Mr. Aubrey and his at torney feel that their case is a safe one, and that the prosecution cannot estab ileh tbe guilt of tbe accused. A a K.Ik hlayrr. Walter Van Duyo writtm Dr. Hwio borne ao interesting account of an elk hunt last fall, a portion of which is a follows: "Last fall 1 had remarkable success killing three fine speoimrns. Uu fortnuately one of them broke his horns in falling when I shot him, acd lam now working the horns up into knife handles. I made quite a speculation ou the meat sod tusks realizing 8110, and have a standing offer of $00 for one set of boms and $25 f r the other. The first elk I kll'ed dressed 070 pounds. I herewith wl you as a New Years gift oi.e set of tusks, and will have the other p ir rn muted for myself.' How to Prevent 1'ueumouia. Yon .re perhaps aware that pneumonia always results from a oold or from an at. tack lit la grippe. During the epidemic of la gr pptt a few years ago when so many cases resulted in pneumonia, it was observed the a'tack was never followed by that disease heo Chamberlain's Coagh remedy wan nsed. It counteracts any tendency of a oold or la grippe to result io that dangerous disease. Ills the I et remedy in the world for bad colds aud la gi ippe. Every bottle wur- aotud. Fur by Couter St Warrau fro THE FACT. one-half the cost ElOHT Ml Lit) NOl'EH. The Gazette's correspondent sends ns the following intersting items under date of January 21: The new year came in dressed in white, and presented herself to us in rather a oool manner. The old year made qnite a fuss in the lasl few duys of bis slay with us and left us in quite a stormy passion. Rev. Tborougbman and Rev. St. Clair have been holding a meeting at Libeity sotionl bouse. Miss St. Cluir plays tbe organ. Rev. St. Clair preuohed some fine sermons in his inimitable style. Be doea uot fear mau, and preaobes very plain language. Both he and Mr, Thoroughmau are well liked here. E O. Ashbaugh hnd a pleasant gath ering at bis home on New Years day. There was quite a room full of relatives and friend, expecting the two Metho dist ministers and their folks. Of oorjree there was plenty of ohioken prepared and a very pleasant time was enjoyed, la the evening the company repaired to tbe school house and listened to a dis course from Rev. Ht. Clair on tbe sub ject of "Am I ray Brother's Keeper?" The meeting will clone iu a day or two. It has been interesting indeed. Mrs. Gay has been sick but Is a little better, although nuuble to leave her room. Theie was quite a surprise on Eight Mile when tbe word was circulated that Mr. Aubrey was arrested for stealing wheat. Mrs Cy Fuqua hn beu siok wilb la grippe, but is uow muoh butter. Mr. and Mrs. E. 13. Stanton have re turned from their Eastern visit, whiob they enjoyed very much. It is very foggy today. A few days sgo farmers were harrow ing and seeding, but the farming im plement are not io use now as the ground is frozen too bard. E. M. C. AT bASI" We Have a New Time Xcurdule a Day lln ii. Our long-felt want is now at Land. The O. R. k N time schedule went Into effect this morning, and we surely have occasion for rejoicing. At 10 a. m. tbe passeoirer left the depot to arrive al the j'ination at 12:30 connecting with No. 4, which passes that point at VIM p. m Returning the train will leave the juno tion at 7 :50 p. m., arriving io Heppner at 10:15 This gives ns all we oonl.l ask for, and now the horrible effects of a night ran are only a dream of the past wbioh will surely increase the passenger Irnftlo on this line. Dreadfully Nervons. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves aud strength ened my whole nervous system. I was tronnieu wirn o iarip in in, n imy sno bowel trouble. Your Tea so n cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and ptrenuth. Mrs. 8. A Hweet, Hartford, Coon, Sold by Conaer War ron. v THE e Factory Goods elsewhere. FAIR NEW YEAlt PABTI. Watching the Old Year Ont and the New Year In. The lovely home of Mrs. O.E. Red field was thrown opeu to many of her ft ends Saturday evening, and she, wilb the Bssistanoe of Misa Julia Hart, made tbe evening's program most entertaining. Six tables were provided, and tbe major ity of the guests whiled away the bouri at enobre until the midnight alarm an nounced tbe death of tbe old year, when its solemn features were taken into con sideration, to be disturbed by the ringing of belle and firing of bqmbs up town. Tbe advent of 1899 brought good oheer, in shape of a bountiful supply of deli oaoies, to which the assemblage paid tbeir respeots, and at tbe conclusion ot entertaining tnnsio by Miss Julia Hart and Mrg, II. W. Bartholo.i ew, tbe mem bers of tbe party, after expressing tbeir appreciation ot the delightful evening il the hostesses, repaired to their respect ive bnmes. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 8. W, Speooer, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Oonser, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mor row, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blackmao, Mr. aud Mrs. E. R Bishop, Mr, and Mia. W. E Brock, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ounn, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. Oorlies Merritt, Mrs. Dr, McSwordi, Misses Julia Dart, Emma Welch, Leo Rhea, Etta Minor, Elizabeth Matlock, Bertha Cate, May Bailey, and Messri. Frank Borg. Jess Stewart, G. W. Pbelpi, Mao Clark, Dr. Melzler and Fred Bart. To tbs Public. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Ooagb Remedy to be as represented and if not satisfac tory after two-thirds of the contents have been nsed, will refund tbe money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made for la grippe, colds and whooping dough. Prion, 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Try it. For sale by Oonser & Warren. Ilucklen's Arnica Halve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Bait Kbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, uo'. all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Files or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 20 cents per box. For sale by 31ooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooutn, manager Ileum? Is lllooil lieen. Cleiin Mood menus a clean akin. No ticaiity without it. Caaenicts, t'undy Cathar tic eiean your blood and keep it cluun, by itiiriiiK t lie lazy liver and driving all iin purities from the body. Jieiu today to imnihli pimplcx, boil, ilotelieH, hl.tcklieuils, .triil that Bil l. ly bilious complexion hy taking Caacarets, - beauty for ten rents. All drug givta, salmfaelioii guaranteed, 10c, 2Jc, 50c. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature