OF INTEREST TO STOCKH3N. k Bill to be Presented at the Next Bession of the Legislature. At the next legislature the following bill, or one substantially the same, will be presented. It is of the utmost importance to Btockmcn generally, and it is suggested that they peruse carefully the contents thereof. A Bill For an act entitled "An act empower ing county courts to levy taxes on sheep, cattle and hogs, and also on real and personal prop erty, to create funds for bounties for coyote, mountain lion or cougar, bear, lynx or wild cat and gray or timber wolf scalps; also pro viding for the necessary affidavit to be taken before a notary public or magistrate of the precinct in which the wild animal or animals ate killed, and providing also for the evidence of such killing, upon which the county court shall pay the bounty for such scalp or scalps." Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon: Sec. 1. That the ciunty courts of the several counties of this states shall levy a tax upon the assessed number of all tho sheep, cattle and hogs in their respective counties which are owned by residents of the counties or are being pastured in the counties, that may appear upon t le assessment rolls as if made on the first day f March of each year. The tax shall be as ollows: One cent per head on all sheep appear ingon the assessment rolls as aforesaid, one cent per head on all cattle appearing on the assessnient roll as aforesaid; one j cent per head on all hogs appearing on assess ment rolls as aforesaid Sec. 2. The county court of the several coun ties of this state shall levy a tax of !i mill on all personal and real property that may be re turned on the assessment rolls of their respec tive counties to be used and placed in a fund In possession of the state treasurer, to be used in conjunction and in connection with the aforesaid tax on sheep, cattle and hogs as a scalp bounty fund for the state of Oregon Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the ceunty court, upon tho receipt of any scalp or scalps, accompanied by an affidavit as hereinafter mentioned, to pay the following bounty for the same: three dollars apiece for each coyoto, lvnx. or wild cat scalp; nix dollars for each dollars for each and every gray or timber wolf scalo; and In pnymont of tho same the county court shall draw a warrant on the state treasur er for the amount, and the same to be attested by the clerk of the county waereiu such bounty is claimed. Sec. 4. Every person or persons having in his or their possession any scaip or scalps of the animals named shall take the same to a notary ....l.O. v..,.rluinfn 1,1 1,1a tii.,,,1 ntlfl ail u 1 1 imimu ui .nR.o.....o ........ .. ....... make an affidavit that the animal or animals from which the scalp or scalps were taken, were kllled in the precinct within 90 days of the time SrMZrKpo7.T move at least two-thirds of one ear of each and every scalp so presen cd, aud shall give to the owner of the scalp or scalps a certificate stating number of scalps, tne time wnen tne animal or or nersons claiming to own or have killed the. wild animal or animals from which the scalp or scalpB wero takeii; provided that the notary publlo or magistrate tor ariminisiering tne am- Huvlt nml rpiiifivhiir tho far fmm Hin Rfuln nr scaii.saud making the ceitidcate shall be made by the person owning or claiming to have killed or caused to be killed the animal or an imals from which the scalps were taken. U... R Tl. nnlirl imi.l, ...nnll.l f ll.it ...i... ... i. m,.,,n,.,i -,i ,,n,, r..,.,.iT,i "w"'" " - I of the certillcato aforesaid, shall issue to the order of the person lawfully In possession of said certlllcate and scalps warrants lor tne scalps named or enumerated in said certificate In the amounts mentioned in this act. Bee. 6. All acts or portions of acts in conllict herewith are horehy repealed. Bee 7. As there is no adequate law now in force for this purpose, it is hereby provided that this act shall he enforced from aud after Its approval by the governor. Something for the New Year. The world-renewed success, of Hostettor's Btomach Hlttcrs.aud their continued popularity for near half a century as a stomachlu, is scar cely more wonderful than the welcome that greets iloHtutter's Almanac. This medical ttcnttte Is published by tho liostcttcr Company 1'ittshiirgh, I'a., under their own linniedliito supervision, employing sixty hands in that do- pariiieut. The issue of tho siune for lH.ili will be over eleven millions, printed in nine languages Refer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading concerning he ilth, aud numerous test imonials as to Mie elllcacy of Hostettor's Stom ach Hitters. The Almanac for 1H99 can bo ob tained, free of cost, from druggists and, general counts' dealers In all purls of the country. 1. N. BAN I) KH8 DEAD. Fx-Indie nf Union County Expire at II Ik Halem Home, Baker City Democrat. Judge 1. N, Kaudors died at the homo of his family, at Wlllametto V Diversity, Haleni, Weduesilny ailcrnooii, after a week's illness Acute rheumatism and iulliunmiitinii of the bowels whs tho cause. Tho seriousness of his condition was realized by but few, and tho an iiouncemelit of his death came as a shock to his friends throughout the state. JudgoHnmlurs was horn lit Indiana In Novetn ber, 1 H 10. lie lived for a time in Illinois, from which atnte he came to Oregon in 1871. He located In Multnomah oounly. He was the first mayor nf East Portland, and later recorder for the sanio city. Hu served one term as as- sessor, and one term as dork of Multnomah county. In lvMi be moved to I'nton county aud engaged In funning and stock-raising. There ho w as twice elected judge, set vlng Irom 1H90 to July of this year. He was a candidate before the last republican state convention for nomi nation for secretary of slate, Hud had a strong following. His family has been living in Ha em for the past year for educational advantages, and lie spent his spare time with them, going back and forth between here ami I'ulon county. A widow and six children survive Judge Kan. den. Newton and MUs Pearl Wanders live in Salem: Mrs. C. A. Holmes, in Grant's I'uss; J F. Handers, in Indiana, aud Edgar an I fttmuel tandcralu Colon county. Judge Manden belonged to the Q A. K, and was a member of the Methodist church, Micrp Doomed to MarvHiloD. Our Los Angeles o rresjnu lent, says the Livestock Gazottt, of Sau Prauoinoo informs ns that if th'i present drotiglii Ootitmiics Rimltier ttiotilh, itrtnliylou herds of sheep on H.ui Cieinout irtiaml will perish inUorulily. Already Ihous anils huvs died of stiirvatuui aud thirni and nottiing oan eave tlm remniiiler, Fur yeara 8u Cleuiriiin Ims prodtioed great quaiiti'l-a of wool aud mutt n Exrept in llie wiulor the inUu.1 H wi'b un hi i'iiiuh, hiiii nan nuiy a lew !iou apringH,HHrt I H.il.dy by the sbeephetdeis The ll 'uk-t never drink, but Met ttl-iHt u until ui" neiu'tgi wi'i uy inp iit-av fo PniiW Hin punt winter int raiii fi-l Biill! I'-nt loslart (lit grass The si i- have twept tin) hilla littrr hh a laliU , and iiow iiiiiliii g rctiitina to supply tnoielme, Tlie Sm Cemi'iite W.uil 0 ., nf Los Anyel: n, omili uiplat sUtig.ter- jug the retuhiuder for pclU, "(lii.2H:g i wholly (liiiHto.," sxi,l JlldneH 1). Hut bvd u btnrkllolder of the i-.iiiiiiat ), to mr corre.potiili nl With im fno I in I iio spiliig on Hie IelHtiii, llie lliil.-t nto ilmii.tlm fHt All w ill be gf'iii williiu I Iio next m inlh. Tliete is im diN"Hi jml etnr stint) whioli cannot b I'fev uted." 1 1, o i. ilil una nrx iirarlv b il O tir chaniiil le!i i!h, sil l e.lln M (I iln ep i.t biing kl Ic I I r hultl, h' l)f Ld tu. low. Pure Tea in packages at grocers' drillings est VIslT FROM PltOP. ACKERHAN. Is Preparing to Knter Upon the Duties of Hla Ollice. LaGmude Chronicle. 11)0. J. II Ackerman, state superin- tenilentelect of pablic instruction, graced oar humble eanctntn eauotornm by his presence today and bad many good words to say of oot town and oounly. Prof. Aekerm tn is in the city bringing Christinas to his daughter, as it were, since it is not oouvenient for her to en- ,v Christinas at home, being tied down in our high BOhool work. Prof. Ackerman has Just come from oonference with tbe joint oommittee of tbe legislature appointed to revise the school laws, and report at the regular session, and be is sanguine that much needed legislation on school matters will be secured, The professor has prepared a hiifb school bill for tbe committee wbloh will enable our smaller towns to organiss- I high eohool departments and provide for union bigb schools in tbe oouutry mknw n n,,n-,l,ar r f nntlnlpv fliat.rinfa nan 1 Combine and bavo a oentral school for advauoed work. This is in line witb the high school law ot California aud will be a great improvement over our present I system, or lack of system. Tbe Professor also favors the entire repeal of the law granting normal schools and other chartered institutions ..... . . i I tue ngui io issue situo leauueia uihmj ma8 good for six years' teacbiug auy- where in tbe State, and we wish to add ( J?J ..dor. to view, we nave h uuuu 01 juuun people turned out by the numerous so- ca er "universities ' and "colleges" lhrouaboat oor Ute eVefy yetri uever having taught a day in thoir lives, Car rying State teaonirs diplomas good tor gjx ye8r8. What a farce I By all means , ,a . w rnnBBiaj iBt , MJ --. Pvery indivilual stand on his own merits aud every inHtitUtion stand on its merits Tin Professor leaves this eveoicg for Pendleton aud Weston, where he will iook oio Bouooi uiauers. so tnai ne win be in better touoh with the work m this 8(otion of the state when be euters upon . , . . , . . , .. ,fi in .Tuuuary. The Devlll His iast possible thtt some of the raauy proposed railroads to the Seven Devils will go no further tbau to one of them statesman. They will fluil it a devil of a job to get to "one of tbem" before they reach it They will have to bridge "llell Can yon," tunnel the "Devil's Pulpit," olimb " hides' Hill," AM "Hell's Half Acre,' skirt "I'aiailiae Prairie." and loop baok over "Mtitau's Stairs" into "Oblivion Onlcb" to liud n place to locate depot grounds. H will prove no wonder if they don't go to the devil trying to reach the Devils. Lewiston Patriot. Little hiuilrnnocA like those above mentioned will not retard our modern railroad builders any. His Satanic Majesty, if be were encountered in person, would have fo gel out of the road or be run over. Ex. It seems to us that the other six devils bad better look out or the Seven Devils might be minus two or three little nM,0W";.ift,vr u'" ,rHlUii t0 rl,nDil"'- Tbe Old Nick generally looks out for himself. The Army and Navy Have covered tbemaelvos witb glory during the war, Tbe army aud navy veal pooket memorandum book pub - lished by the Northern PaoiBc is a com- pact digest of Information relative to he navies aul armies of Spain and the United States and the beginning ot th war. It hua. a map of Cuba, illostralioup of naval ships, glossary of navy and army terms, translation ot Spanish words, etc. Send teu cents to Obas. S Fee, general passenger agent, N. P. K., SI. Fan), Miuu., for a copy. J 1 - - J " Mow DO I Look ? " How freoucntlv t woman asks this question! How much thought and study she devotes to it! It Ir tmtuiul. A woni.ni hates to think that nil is growing day by day less charming and Uttaotive and youthful to her husband's ye than in the d:v of mirtshit). A woman tuny nlwava retain her chnrms Htul tlie vivacity and fYeshness of youth if ne will take the proper care of her health. trcmcndoim percentage of ill health in women it due to weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism. Dr. Pierce's I'livorite Prescrintion is an unfail ing remedy for all disorders of this nature, it ,,n ,,ii ,,,.,. .i1m t..i. ..i.r..;., Mop ilrliiliuting (hums and soothes and tones the nervea. It preserves in a woman all the charm of hcalthv youth. Thou sandt of women have testified to lt mar- velum merits. " I'livorite Prescription " is sold by all re spectable deiilera in medicinra. Deal only where you are honestly treated. Any store keeper who tries to give vou a aubatitute for wliiit you demand in not treating you honestly and you should take your trade cist'wture. ' I'nr nine yrnin I hsve suffcrrd with fntlinsr of 'nli-nuil otitnim," wrllrs Mrs. Mnrv Wllllsniv of KHleivih. Wake Co , N. C. (H isiti). "I was tniuiilea with iK-srmg down piii. I hd itidt. geitmn and Irmiil wenkneM and Bervounr. I could nut lsrp nl night. I was contiptrd Bud had uritiiil truuMr. The dK'tnr hrre said lh.it tin itieon-tiir wotttil rrtich mv disewfte. Or. 1'n-n-o's l-'avni'ilr I'lTU'rtntum, 'I'.nldrn Mnll. i ll liiM-oM ty' ud ' I'U-iiMtiit 'Ivllets' have curnl me. ' An every day necessity in the home. A good home medical wotk Send 11 one- cent Htunip. to cover mailing only, to the World 1 iisornsary Medical Association Huf ilo. N Y . for a paper-covered copy of Dr. fierce a uimmon ,vnsr Medical Ad' Ml Ml OLDEST LIVING MAN. He la a HangarUn and Haa Brea on Earth 111 Years. The oldest mun in the world lives in Vienoa, He is 111 years oi l, but is hala aod hearty. By n j means decrepit, be dispensea tbe hospitality of bis cimfort- j able home with tbe pleaaaut, oberry manner of an old-world geotleuna. Think what it means to be 111 years old. It means that 1787 was tin year of birtb. At 6 bia obildUh ears drank in (earful stories about L mis XVI having bis bead ohopped off. At 16 he mhs stirred by the battle of Trafalgar. Wei' does he remember when Queen Victoria aacendod tbe throne; he was then 56 years old. He Dad almost reaonen ou i . i- - 1 . . : t, . .. M,.. years wneu mo revmunuu uuw.u. faoe of bis Fatherland. DyuBstieg have risen and been overthrown, soience nas transformed tbe world, but here is tbe old mHn, still alert and interested . He is a living history ol the j?reaest epooh the world bus ever kuown. H e wife is 76, but she is hale and sprightly, aod ooddlea the old gentle- man to bis heart's content. Of Jewish faitb he is a regular attend ant at daily prayers. He spends bis days chatting witb bis friends and read- iug, frequently dropping in to a Dap On being asked bow be lived in hu young days be replied: "I worked bard and felt hangar after my labor. I always had two pounds of meat at a cuenl aod a pint of ligbt Hnn- gariun wine. Twice io my life 1 was drunk, aud I was so dreadf ally ill after ward that it was no tak to keep sober I've always liked girle, I liked tbem nkan T mug vnllmi anil irhHn t VBua mirl die - aged, and I like them eiill, now that I am old. All tbe mischief that I was ever in had a pretty girl at the bottom of it. "What do think is the cause of mj happy old age? Oh, I know exactly, 1 never worrie.1 and I never grieved. - I worked nntil weary, and then selpt in unbroken rest until it was time to work again. It is those who sit brooding over raiHfortiines who crow old before their time. A whole night's sorrowing Das never put a copper in any man h pooket or made a misfortune ligbt to bear." MAKIUED BY INHTALLHENTS. .luilice Arberry Had a Lapse of Memory in the Midst of a Ceremony. An experience which falls to the lot of but fw people, happened to a couple who applied toJuntloe Arbarry, Deoem i 1st, 10 De uunevi tu me Donas 01 J'"K" ol' ,U,3U "nav uttuua started to repeat tbe words which would make them man and wife. In the mid die of the ceremony he forgot bis lines and an embarrasNing eilenoe followed wbile the magistrate eudeavored to drive be oloud from u,fl mnao.'7- The worn an blushed aud appeared reudy to faint while tbe groom cltiRped ber band tighter, fearing that altbongb half mar ned be might still lose ber. Finally the judge put tbem at ease by remarking in bis gruff way that he "bad it down here in tbe drawer somewhere" and he pro ceeded to huut it up, while tbe audience repressed a Binilo aud the couple waited uneasily for tho seoo,nd edition. The ceremony was then soon concluded aod Mr. aud Mrs. John II. Story, of Cnlum bia county, were dismissed with tho judge's blessing Tbe brile's name was Martha A. Mo 'Jul I and as she passed out of tbe bearing ot bis honor she gave him a blessing that was both eloquent aud emphatic Walla Walla Union. Oregon Teachers' Ortltlcatrs. Portland Oregoman; The legislative Oommittee on revision of sohool law has agreed to incorporate in its report a pro vision that any person haying competed a four years' course of study above tbe grammar grades in Buy normal sohool controlled and supported b' the etat shall be entitled to receive from such sobool one first-grade county certificate I to be issued without eximinatio i Clearly, if the normal oourse i not worth this muoh to its graduates, it i nnl nrlu .nvthio. Other institution will bs ohagriued, iuovitably, that IL privilege is denied them, but tbe Hue baa to be drawn somewhere. Probtbly tbere is no belter plaoe tbau tbe hue t normal schools, ooutrolled aud pirtly supported by tbe stale. The deuomi national soboola must o it.sole tbem selves witb Hie ri-Heotiou that the dis orimiuatiou also bits tbe slats university and the slate agricultural ollegs. free to Trarhrrn and Hrliolari. Id 1H7 we had thousands of requests- from leHohera aud sobolars for Wonder landt)?. Tbe edition a large one ws exhausted long before the end of the year. Wonderland '(H i-annot only ba sup plied to those nn able to secure tbe f r mer but also to others. It is entirely dilTerenl however, from the first named book. It has a chapter on the Agricul tural Northwest, oramed full of valuable information; one ou Yellowstone Park, ritten especially for teaobers; another on Alaska aud Klondike, and one on a oanotie lake trip, that will be ot interest to sohoolH. Tbe book baa a bigb art over deaiift ed by L')eudecker, aud it is iirofiieely illustrated fro'U new photo rfrdiH. Th Noitliero raoitid railway I nend llieb-nk hiiJ h revised folder map d Y'llunHtoti Turk, upon receipt if six cents in stamps or postal order. Send ' Clixa. 8. Fe. (sen I'ass. Asent. fit. I'hiiI, Minn, Write address plainly md atBte where Jim saw tbe advertise ment. PUBLIC LAND SALE. TtNITEO PTsTr.'s I.AM orrur., 1.A U urande, Or., Deeeiiilr2.t, lKia. Notice Is hereny giveu iiuii in uurpumicu ui iiislriictl 'lis from llie ooiiimii-wnn oi mo general l"d olhce. under authority vested In linn by seelloll !. I W'v- riai-, viiimi hv Hie act ol rongresa approved r'ehruary 2ii, IKH'., wewlll proceed l oner ai pi "lie naif on Ihe l..lh day ol Hehrimiy, l"'. at the hour of i .( ,, j, rv,,,l ,, ,T pul,iu llnVbHk.a m. of md day. at this 'Jv'' Hon theieoi in Hie H.-pnuer .sett, in piir.ii. followlua tract ol land to lt. Ill 4 mWi ()( r,,,r o( ,. .Inly mul See W. I w p a, R ' K W M Any snd nil p.'rni cUmln '"rsely tha ive de.crll?c 1 laiim are iu-i'i u.r ...rir lalnis I I' Is 1 m e or tH'iore inensv shove lele"ii.'d lor Vf i-oni'i eoeei'ieiil ol said sails, .ihciAlse their tkh S 'll he lorfelted. K, W. Bati.stc, Hciristcr. WrV j u r..si a.vrVn NOTICE-TIMBER CULTURE. U. a Land Okficb, Thb Dallrs, Oregon, Noveiuher 0, 118. COMPLAINT HAVING BEES EN'l'KKED AT thin oltlce by Ernest C. Montandeu against John D. Mathcson for failure to comply wi h law as to- timber culture entry No. 'Ml, dated May 24, 1886, upon tne nwii section towiismp 1 N, range 24 E, W M , in Morrow comity, Ore enn. with a view to the cancellation ol said en try, contestant alleging that said eiitryuiuu has wholly failed to plant trees tnercon or cuiuvaie the land to trees, ieeds or cuttings as prescribed by law, since hlltig thereon, mat no improve ments whatever have been placed thereon dur ing the last four vears: the said parties are here by summoned to appear at thiB office on the th day of January, 18W. at 10 o'clock a. m., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged laliure vawien.-rawioni, oouiiiy ciem, is authorized to take the testimony herein, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on Jan. i, 1WJ, at 10 o'clock a. m. 2-9 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN thai 1 hhkb 1 wi he a meetlne of tne stoclcnoiriers ot the First National Bank of Heppner, at their of- lice Oil Hie Za lUCBtlll)- in jiuimiy, w, m-ic th. hnnr.nf in o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock d m.. ... m , . , .. i.i.i i ...... ni of said day. for tne purpose of electing director. and for tne transaction ot sucn otner ousiness as may appear. tro. Conslk, Caluer. HeppiK r, Ore., Dec. 8, IN. 7-10 STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE. XTOTK'E 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A IN meeting of the stockholders of the Hepp ner Building and Loan Association will be held ui their oiliee In the National Bank in HenDuer. Oregon, between the hours of 2 p. m. and 4 pm. of Tuesday, the 10th day of January, 18'.H), for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing Vear. - tv, owihuukab, ocuicimr. "December 8, 1898. 7-10 Notice 0 Intention. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Dee. 10, 1898. Notice is hereby given that tne loliowing- oiTieil settler lias nieo notice 01 nis lnienuon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said nroof will be made before J W. Mor row, V nl ted states commissioner, m jtieppuer, Oregon, on f eoruary zi, ihjd, vu: EDWARD 0. JOHNSON, oi Heppuer, Or.; Homestead entrv No. 7094, for the nM 110 and sei seJ4 sec 33 and nw4 nwj sec 34, tp 2 d, r 28 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation nf tiM iH Imiil . viz : Andrew Tillard. William C, Brown, V.L. Tinara ana uugn iieius, an 01 Heppner, Oregon NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1" AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OIUCUUN, JLJ liec. V2, ism Nntien Is herehv eiven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Dtoof ill stiDuort of hiB claim, and that, said nroof will be made before Vawter tlrawtoro, uouiuy uiera, ar, neppuei, ureguu, on Saturday, January vi, 18'JD, viz: CHARLES W. CRADICK, oi Eight Mile; Homestead aoplication No 4810, for the wV, nw'4 sec 2ti ami e ne! sec 27. tp 3 8, r 25 E,WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Alireit T. " arren, notion, n. Warren, of Kight Mile, Ore, andcnaries H.uey- ler ana William uortion, oi tieppuer, wregon. 8-13 Jay r.-Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAEPvRTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND 17 Office at La Grande. Or.. Dec. 10 1H98 Notice is herehv Eiven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said Droof will he made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on reuruary n, inis, viz: WILLIAM 0. BROVWS, of Heppner, Or.; Homestead entry No. 7(195 for the s', se'i and ne!4 se!i and se!i ueJ4, sec 4, tp 2 S, r28E, w. i. i Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aim cultivation oi K id land, viz: Andrew llllartt. mi ward u. Johnson, V. L. Tillard, Hugh Fields, all ol Heppner, Oregon, 8-13 W. JJAKU.BTT, tiugisujr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of Elisha SDerrv. deceased, has tiled in the county court, of Morrow county. State of Oregon, his nnal account as sucn aoniinisiraiiir oi skiu estate, and that Tuesday, the 3d day of January, l.siiy. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. has been fixed by the court as the time for hearing ol objections to said report aud the settlement thereof. E. G. Si'KHRY. Administrator 7-10 of the estate of Elisha Sperry, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT X'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, administrator of the cslatc of Helen M. Allyn, deceased, has filed in the county court of Morrow county, Ktateof Oregon, his tliiHl account as such administrator of sntd estate, and that Tuesday, the 3d day o January, IH'.is), nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been llxcd hv the court as the time for hearing ol objections to said report and the settlement thereof. Thomas R. Lyons. Administrator 7 10 of the estate of Helen M. Allyn, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOI'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE il undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of tne state oi 'Jregon, tor Morrow county, administrator of the estatoof Holland B. Thompson, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verilied, as by law required, at the law omce ot Rills i-neips, at neppiier, uresuu, within six months from onte hereof Dated this 2th day of November, 1K'.8. P. o. Thompson, Administrator of the estate of 5 11 Holland B. Thompson, deceased. limber Culture Final Proof. UN1TKD 8TATK8 LAND OFFICE, lirmidn. Orciron. Nov Tt. 1:S. LA Notice is hereby given that William Letrace has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof before J. w. Morrow, t niieu Slates commis sioner at his otlice In Heppner. Oregon, on Sit- tirday, the 31st tiny of Dceeinlwr, 18'W, ou Umber culture applliiatlon No. 24J0, for the s '4 sw! and s'i seii oi see No H, in twp No. 1 S, r No. 27 it w M. Ho names as witnesses Edward K. Day. Mor. rls Bull, Kosciie lny and Robert Hynd, all of Ilt'itinier. Ureon. t 1U, K. W. Baktlett, Register. Notice of Intention. IMCI'ARTMENT OF THK INTF.ItlDR-I.ANl) A ' eihee at La Crande. Ore,, lcc. i, ls'.ix. Notice Is hctetiv given that the following- named settler bus tiled notice ot his Intention t- make tiual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made helnro the County clerk of Morrow coiiniy Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon. on January 11, W, vu: JOHN I). CLAKK. of Pilot Rock. Oregon. homestead entry No tii'vsti, lor the H sw1 and se! see. i tp 1 S. r D K, W M. Ho iisines the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Molalcy, Hugh Koss and John W. Scott, of Vinson, Oro..-aiid James Wsnmiii. of Pendleton. Oregon. 71'J K. W Uaktlktt. Register. SUM MOSS. IS THB CIRCI IT rorRT OF THE 8TATK 1 of Oregon, for Morrow County, Margaret)! Vou Cadow, Plalntill, vs. William Von Cadow. Defendant. To illiam Van Cadow, defendant above nsmel In the name of the ,tate nl Oregon: You are hereby required to iiear and answer the com plaint ol plsintiir HU d against yon In the above cause on or t-fore the expiration of six weeks Immediately following the lirsl publication ol tills summons, u nicii unto oi nrst puiuicaiion U DecemlHT . and it you mil to so ap pear and ansucr said complaint, the plaiutlll will anplv to the court lor the relief prayed for tu her complaint, to-wlt: For iilw'wsnil or- der of this court forever dissolving llie bonds of matrimony existing between ourelf and the plalntill' herein: for a further decree and or.ler ol the court awarding m pisnuin me cimo.iv and eotitml ol Hie minor child. Arthur Von (' dots, tlie Issue of your inarrlxve with platntltt; for her eosti. and dlsb'trsemenu hctelu sod lor such other and further relief as to the court may sceiii mctt with C'liiity and immhI vou ssieiiee b Hoii, Slenheii A. U ell. u.U-e nl tliecln-n Co,lrl ( the K!at of Oretoii. lor ibeflMl, I , tllcial district. h!ch Mid otoer llrii-t l'd iiininoits lu publishe.1 In ssid imt-r or ev... O- n .i.r,, NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, J November, ."J, 18'JS. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to muke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, Jan. 7, lain, viz: ROBERT FRIESD, of Heppner; homestead application No. 4161, for the se sec W. tp 2 S, r a E, W M, Hh names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Nathaniel L. Shaw and Arthur Hunt, of Heppner. Ore.; Jacob trust ana Kaipn Be nge, of Lexington, Ore. 6-11 Jay f. lucas, negister. NOTICE OF INTENTION, TVEPABTMEST OK THE INTERIOR, LAN II 1 J Office at La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 'it, l. Notice is her by given that the following mimed settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support o her claim, ana that said nroof will be made oeiore J. w. mor row. U. S. Coin missioner at Heppner, Oregon, on December 3iBt, vm, viz ALICE BARR, nee ALICE TILLARD, u f': ', !, Il.o Ml 5WI ni the Nu t... No. 6A7, for the N'4S and the NH npnnner. urce m M. nf see in J H J.WjM. Bhe names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upo:i and cultivation nf said land, viz: David Presley. Thomas A. Khea, William Brown and Hugh Fields, all of Heppner, Ore gon, it. vv . a A ill le 1 1; . 4-1U Register can cured If vou suffer from anv of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the f acir.c Loast, DR. JORDAN k CO.. ,1051 Market SL Esfd 1862. Youne men and middle acred men who are suffering I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical ueiiiiiv.imoincy .sohi nunnouu in all its complications; Nuerniatorrhflpa, I'roeiaiorriiirit, itonoi'riiw, MJtF, Frcaurucr of UrinaUiiir. etc. By a combination of remedies, of great curativepow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but Tjermanenr cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, hut is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent n lus specialty is iscugeM or nam. Srplill is thoroughly eradicated from tne IIVERV .HAM applying to lis will re ceive our honest opinion of his complaint. H e ttiifi CriiaraiKee a POSITIVE CURE in every caae we undertake, or forfeit One ThotiNand Dollars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- mrnt personally or uy leuer. oena lor ckkik, "The riiiloHophy of Marriage, free. (A valuable book for men.) Vmrvm a w ana i. vw y x Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. C CATALOGUE PliER. Call or write. " 101 Mai-kBt Street. San Francisco. Cat. f O. R. & N. Dkpart TIME SCHEDULES Abriv fob From Heppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake Denver, 4:50 . m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ouluih, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Stramshii 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing date? subject to change For San Francisco Sail Dec. 3, , 13, IS, 23, 28. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00 p.m. Ex Sunday Stkamers. Ex.Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. in. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Wh.lamrttb Rivkr 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex.Sunday Oregon City, New berg, t-alein aud v ay l andings. 7:00 a. m. WIM.AMXTTK AND 3:30 p. m. Mon.. Wed. and Frl. rues , Thur, Yamhill Rivers. and Sat, Oregon City, Day ton & way Land ings. 6:00 a. in. WlLLAMETTK RlVKR 4:30 p. in. Tues. Thurs Tues., Thur and Sat. Portland to Corval Us & Way Land ings. and Sat. Snakk Rivkr, Lv, Riparia l.v. Lewistop daily except Friday ally except Saturday Klparla to Lcwiston Passangars booked for all Foreign Countries. I. O. II ART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or OREGON SUOHTUJffi Bj. QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS7 and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4i days CHICAGO, 3J " ST. LOUIS, OMAHA,- 3 3 SALT LAKE, 1J Free Reclining Chair Cars Upholstered Too net Bleeping Cars Falltnan Palaoe Sleeping Cars For full particulars regarding rate, time of trains, etc., oil on or address J. C- II ART, Agont O. R, & S. Co., Heppuer, Oregon O. O. Terkv, W. E. Comaw, Trav. Fasa. Ag. Otn'l Agt. 124 Third St.. Poifland, Ora. SPOKANE FALLS 1 NORTHERN KELSON 4 FORT SIIETPARD REI) MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only AU-Hail Itoiil Without Chsnse of Cars IVtwreq Spoktne, Uoasluod atid Nelson. Also between Nelson and H.wslind, daily except Sunday : Imts. Arrive. A. M Spokane ; P. M n) A. M H'MH'antl -0 " 1 d0 A.M Nelson 5 r. M l'.i4i eon- eet'ims nt N-ls4.ii with st musri for .), aud till Kimmmoai lj;ks points. tsni?rs I f Kett! l l'r rJ po-Ardri FflST TBB1H SERVICE DBILT TO THE EAST - GREAT ROCK VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVER, . . 930 p. m ' FUEHLO, . , l on p. m. " COLO. BHK1NG3 . 8:40 p. m. Arrives IOPEKA 3:65 p- m. Halt) p. m. Arrives K - NhAS W'l'l Arrives LINCOLN 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 11-20 a m. 8:00 a. ui. " OMAHA " DKS MOINES " FEO IA " CHICAGO Through 8'eepe-s and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago, n loo ' esuDuie mrouguoui. im finest train in the West. For particulars and folders giving time of those J.IDE BEVOISE. E, E. M'LEOD, A. i. P. A.. TOPEKA PORTLAND, ORE. THRiJUGil TICKETS -TO THE ' Fat and Southeast VIA THE H. R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LEEP1CB8. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAliS. Portland to Eastern Ciiits Without Change. Quick Time. Union Dapote. Personally Conducted Excursion?. MaggHge Checked to Destination. L'.w Kates. ..... , , tliront linn to Trnnf-MissiBBinDl and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific J. H. LOTHHOP, or J. C, HAIlT Agt., rim t... ins. ad Ht.. O. K. & N. Co . Portland. Or. Heppner, Or. CHICAGO Iimtee & St. Paul I'd This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the faraona block system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity turongu- ont; Uses the celebrated ebotrio berth read ins lamp; Eons speedily equipped pnHsecizer trains every day and Dijrbt between St. rani and Chioago, aud Omaha aod Ghicngo; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibnled trains, carrying tbe latest private compartment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reolining chair oars. aod tbe very best dining obair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, Generul Agent, Trav. Pass. Aent. Portland, Or. W YOU GOING ERST? If bo, be sore and see that your tiokot reads via itie wWM Line ....THE.... 0HI0AGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tholr Magnificent Track, Peerleai Vestibuled UliiuiK ana Bieepins; Liar Trains, and Motto; "always on time" hu id nn thli road a national reputation. All ulasse of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have ticket. W. H. MEAD, F. C. 8WAUB, Gen. Agent. Trav. v. si r. Agt. 248 Washington 8t, Portland. Or. The Dalles, Portland t Astoria Navigation Ci STEAKEBS "DALLES CITY" ASD "REGULATOR" CommencioK Monday, May 2nd, tbe steamers, i f the Retrnlator Linn will leave Portland at 6:30 a, m. and The Dalles at $30 a. in. When yon go to Portland," stop off a The Dalles and lake a trip down the Columbia; yon will enjoy it, anJ save money. W. C. AI.LAWAT, Geueral Atfent. QDIOIt TI3VIU I Stiix FrunoiNoo Vad til poinu to t'alifoniia, via Uia Mt Bhai rontaot tha Southern Pacific Co Che irrmt hirhvny Ihroach California t.i at! M,iiii. KhM and Smth. Ornfld heerile HoaU of the 1'ai'iAa t oast. Pnllniaii HuSei Hlrvfra. Heoond-olaM Himr DIN F "The Regulator Attach! 10 pr train, anorrtiea tipmnr ailiraillS prepared to BSSIst DKS. etoDiuitHlatinn forend-eiaM Hvxncrra. , . , . . ' r..r -'. iickau. ipii,j ear rwi.tt ns ; sen tjei a, RDil it is hoped that onr TTA"TM,. c h. m.rkhaii.Ip:" ' fully avail tbrmsplves v., re.,- TH KnroH TICK KM . To all p..nr. In 'b l's.'er i Sihhi, Cans, la and r.unni cxi t- .v '-j- '"- - - ' 1 SLAND ROUTE Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER . . 2:3 p. m " COLO. SPRINGS 2:3S p. m ArriveeTOPKKA . . 7:30 a. m " KANSAS CITY . 9:15 a. m Ar. ST. LOtUS, (Wab. K'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Snn) 6:45 a. m " OMAHA lExSoii) . 8:f.O a. m " CO.i.LUFi8, . . 9.10 a. m Through Sltepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash K'y. trains write JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A.. CHICAGO. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. ' Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroads. K AT I 9I2.oo PISE DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Mnn'JflVS To Kaiisas City, Chicago, Buffalo and UlUll'jnva, Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri I'aciUCttua Chicago aud Alton Kys. Ttuwiluwo To Omaha, Chicago, Bufi'alo and JIlCMlayK, Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Ry. VVoilnooil'iiri! Bt- Joseph, Kansas City and flBUUCSliiip, yt. Lonig without change via Sail Lake and Burlington Route. Tli n nod aire To Kansas City and St Louis with IIHirMlaJS, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R. & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington Bt., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. O. Hakt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. pacific n. Yellow Stone Park Line THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM j PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL- ,' LOW8TONE NATIONAL PARK. ve. Depot Fifth and I Sts. Arrive- No. 2 Fast Mail for Tacoma, No. 1 Heattle, Aberdeen.tiouth Dend, Spokane, Helens, 11A.M. Rutte, Anaconda, nt. 10:15 A.M. Haul, Chicago, New York Boston, and all points East and South east, No. 6 Portland, Taeoina and Mo. S Seattle Express, for Ta cgma. Heattle, Olympia J P. M. and Intermediate main- 11 P. M line points, 3 DAYS to St. Taul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansfts City and other Missouri river points. 3!i DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4J4 DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other fur-Eastern points, Union depot connections In all principal cities. Bapirafre checked through to destination ot ticket. Union depot, Portland, font of Sixth .., For sleeplnir-car reservations, tickets, mnpj" of routes and other Inlormatlon, call on or write i A. D. CHARLTON", Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2-"6 Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland. Oregon. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin Central Links Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897 PATRONS of tbe W Ceutral Lines io jiRssiug tbtonb Chicago may require some HBsist aDce in the way of having their baod baggagn tnkeu form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, aod they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ueht-ra at the Grand Ceutral Passenger Station, who have recently been Qui formed with brown suit and rod cap. They will be in waitinear ,n ln,s Ni-lttlo.Hf i.T.tviMt I. f (rtivihii-t. ' . KIM . ( tLi-tf Ci!U fit t. j J A S