THE FAIR T HE PLACE To Save Money xv Our Guarantee AUmey Krd ARE NOT SATISFACTORY, JUST AERIVED is are We have now opened and on display a beautiful line of Holiday Goods, including Toys of every description. Now is the time to call and make your selections. These goods have been, bought at a figure that will enable you to purchase at prices that will astonish you. Among these goods many beautiful and useful presents. Our shelves and counters are teeming with them. Lall at once and inspect our-display. WE HAVE ALSO JUS T RECEIVED A. fine additional line of THE FAIR Which we are prepared to sell at prices lower than ever. THE FAIR Oil, How Thankfu Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Clood. " A very severe pain came in my left kneo, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out abuve the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots uppeared on my leg. I suffered In this way for years, and gave up all hope ofever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she advised mo to try it. I began taking it and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this relief 1 I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. OOC9 S pariiEa Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. !r cmiti. ADVERTISED LETTERS. I ETTEKH ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEK JU Or., December 26, 1HH8. Anderson, G O Libby, C H Anderson, Will Nelson. Pete Brown, Mrs Charlie Tcinpletnn Ed Downing, Milton Zau Brothers Jones, J B When calling for these lettors please say advertised. B. jr. vauohan, r. m. Local Notes. Bund Wm. Guidon's Dew ad in another column. County court convenes Wednesday, January 4tb. ' Liobteotb'tl & Go. for shoes. Ex clusive aboe store. Bundles tbe best. The Sloeum Drag Do. advertises a tare la grippe care ia their display ipuoe. Smoke Beideoberg & Go's. Arabian Nigbt and Eepanola cigare al Conner & Warren's. l-3inos Tbe past few days of delightful spring weatber will enable sheep to regain a substantial footing. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac ion and defeots of tbe eye, will be beie every three months. 648-lyr Wm. Hughes was (be fortunate ' loner of tbe elegant sideboard rr-ffl-'d Christ mas day by Wells 4 Co. Tbe Herren Bros, passed through town Tuesday with their sheep eiiroute to the Siuette place to feed. Miss Buyer cbhib op from lone today preparatory to taking Miss Sigbae's po sition in the tohool, wbo goes to Ltan, Oonser & Warren bave filled their pace witb Dr. Bartblow's White Fine Byrap and Celery Kolo, the celebrated remedies. Wood, wood, wood. Hue R. C. Wills for yonr wood. Cash on delivery. Orders left at Minor & Go's., Gilliam St Bisbee's or Brown A Hugbes. Chamberlain's Colic, Coolers and Diar rboea remedy oan always be depended npon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Conser k Warren. Tbe young msmbers of Beppaer's society wi'l give party t the opera bouse tomorrow (Friday) evening. A pleasant time is assoifd. Karl's Clover Root Tea, f ir Constipa tion It's tbe best and if after osing it Ann't irt an. return package aun you money. Sold by Conser x get your Warren. Call at tbe Candy Faotory whet; yoo want good o up of hot oo ff e, oooo or chocolate. Freeb njelers in any style Holandool.l luncbe. Try one of our oyster cocktail's. tf For Constipation Karl's Clover Tea tbe greet B'00'1 l,nriflfcri onre headaches. NervoueneH. on tbe face, and meee tba bead a olesr m bell.- KoM by Conser vYarren. I W P Snyder, tbe livery stable pro prietor, boys only the best bsy and grain. jre oorrals ai.-l .r-crotno.tatinu. for Mnoke aol nniflli" '''",lr rttock well cared Inr. ir The Inue Herald makes its bow under date of December 211, neat in typo graphical HppeH-HUOtS and well patro nized by the business owi of tbe enter prising t IWO. Sbiloh's Consumption Cure on ret- where others fail. It is th lcnin: Cough f'ure, ami no heme bIiouM br1 without it. FloBsmit to take and goes right tn the etnt. Sold by Conner A Warren. x Moore, the hnhaiid r.f Fayne Strahan Moore, the Oregon girl, v,as sentenced to 19 years in ptatwr prison for working the "badger" gome, in New York. Fayne'a case, as accomplice, is yet to be disposed of. Mr. Btn Leland, tbe genial clerk of The Fair, was qiietly married Tuesday evemug at Mrs. Leezer's, to Miss Nannie H.ckH, an estimsble youog lady of Can yon City. The couple have the beet wishes of the entire community. A Harney oouoty girl advertised for a busbaud and got him. Tbe advertise ment and wedding outfit cost $11, and within a year he died and left her $5,000 life insurance. Yet there are still people in the world who ask, "does advertising pay?" Added to the list of .1 grippe victims this week are Mr. W. J. Leezer, Misi Willetta Leezar, wbiob threatens pneu monia, Cubs. Beymer, Mrs. O. B. Faros worth, S. W. Hpenoer, Otis Welch, Orvil Rasmus, I. Cox, B. I!'. Miller and others. The Signs of tbe Times, a 32-page religious journal, published at Oakland, California, makes its appearance as a ! holiday number in a beautiful cover, artistic in design, and printed in colors. Its publishers) expect to distribute 1,000,. 000 copies of this issue. "In tbe morning by tie bright light,' In the evening at tbe "Redligbt," wbere John Rasmus oontinuos to dole to his patrons those sparkling beverages, whinh ''banish melauoboly Hud drive doll oare away." Drop in; warmth greets you these (all and winter evening. Rev. St. Clair left UbI evening (or tbe Liberty sohool to bold a revival meeting in conjunction with Rev. Tborooghman, wbiob will ooutinue tbe rest of the week, inoiudinu Sonday nigbt. In bis absence Rev. Green wv ill occupy tbe M. li church, fcoutb, pulpit both Sunday morniug and evening. Mike Roberts, at the Belvedere, hav- iug remodeled tbe popular old-time oor uer, extends to toe public a cordial wel come. The beverages be dispenses will ba kept up to tbe highest standard, and tbe enlargement aud comfortable equipment of bis billiard parlors and club-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-if Pitninin Marian's Dut artiole on "Ibe War on tbe Sea and Its Lessons,"iu Mo Clure's Magazine for January, will con sider tbe effect o( our dtfioieut ooaat de- (euse on the plan of campaign and tbe movements o( the navy iu the reoen war. It will alo describe the military i aid naval conditions of tbe enemy at tbe outbreak of the war. Tbe series grows iu interest and value as it progresses. Representative Eugene L Freelaud went to Portland on Saturday night's train, returning yesterday morning. He witnessed tbe foot ball battle between tbe Berkeley aud Multnomah learns, wbiob resulted in an iguoroibiooe defeat for the "web foots," notwithstanding the favorable conditions of rain aud otDJ. Mr. Freeland is getting iu tooob with tbe members of the legislature auJ the latter part o( next week he will start for Saiem, equipped witb tutu una o( im portance fur jor oouoty. The O. R- N. Co'e. new book on tbe Reeouroee o( Oregon, Washington aud Idaho is beiug distributed. Our leaders are rt quested to lorward the addresses if their Eastern friends and acquaint- anoes.aad copy of tbe work will be neul tberu (ree. This mntter all skoau be iutriit-d iu, and we would aak that everyone Wka au interest and forward aueti ad Ires to W. II. Hnrlburl. Oen- Ps-ur, U It. .uo. THE ( HK1S1 1 N CHURCH CANTATA. A I'elisilitlul l.'n terrain meat for Those Who Were Present. Fo lunate were .those who attended the cautata at tbe Christian cburob on night. Io consideration of thin dtiy's feativitke rightfully belonging to tbe y ung folks, tbe front sects were reserved for the children of its Sunday pohool, while the others; were comfort ably filled by their parents and friends, alio felt au interest in tbeir Christmas j iyp. The niiBioul ooropositioo, as ren dered by Mrs. Vawter Crawford and Mrs. Prater in "Christmas at Qmndpa'e", was simple aud sweet, wbere Mrs. Prhter's voice seenled to entrauoe both old and young. Tbe striking pioture of tbe old folks Bt borne was in harmony witb tbe beautiful sentiment and music, and tbe chorus of voices in the back ground oarried a volume of melody you seldom bear, save in the chorus of pro fessional trained singers. Fay BartholO' mew, in ber natty boy's attire, and Etta Rogers sang their pretty duet in pleas ing style, while Zilpha HtignrviBsde cide.dly cute iu her little Christmas song. At the conclusion of (be cantata, candy, orange b aud nuts weie distributed in abundance among tbe olil'dren, nod presents and numerous bundles went home to little ones wbo were doobtless ost iu dreamland, at the olose of the eyening's i-leBHiiut entertainment. CHRISTMAS EYE ON BETTER CliEEK. An lulere tlnic J'l'oKimu, u t'liiistuiHS Tree and Bountiful spreud. ChrHtmaB Eve's celebration at Pine City marks one of the happiest events io the history of Butter Creek. Tbe United Brethren church was eeleoted for the enjoyable event, and its spacious room 'was comfortably filled. First io order came tbe interesting musioal and literary program as follows: Praver Rev. J. T. Hoskln Solo .Mrs. A. T. Matihew Address Kev. J T. Hoskin Hoiik. "Listen to the Bells" 'Ihu Misses Baker KwitHiion. "(jiirisim&s unimes Mins i:ora viuceni Recitation. "TheTrueHDlritof Christmas '.. Miss Ina WsttenherRO Recitation. "John Mariiaru John Hosku Kecitailon, "uroHsinii me Mar ..waiuo Vincent Dmlouue. "The Widow s Mistake aiixset Baser ana jonn uoskiii Recitation. "The Bewitched Clock Jas. Hoskln Hone. "That 8torv of Old" Masters Willie and Charles Hosktm Solo Mis. A. I. Matthew Tableau. "Rock of Aires Miss Ina Wattenberge Recitation, "Monntiin Justice ...T. 1. Hoskin Recitation. "War Calender" Miss Ollie Watleubergcr Recitation. "The Road to Heaven" Miss Ida Vlncen Recitation. "The Isles of long Ako" Willie Howard Tableau, "Good Night" Mlsi, May Becke and Ada anil i juiiitiiia mmie 8olo Mrs. A. T. Matthew At the oouolusion of the above came tbe distribution of too presents, and both old and young were trade bappy recipients of many beautiful gifts, which consumed considerable time. Then all present were Introduced Io a "spread" suob as tbe "housewives of long sko" were equal to. Tbe committee to whom this important responsibility was en trusted wan, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Bartholomew aud Mr. aud Mrs. J. II. Watteubergor, and iu justice to them, all nuited io an expression of tbeir appreciation of the attainments o( tbe "cooks." After tbe feast compli ments of Ibe seuaon were exchanged, when all retired t tbeir homes, satisfied that tbe r efforts bad beej well re warded. t , . Tas M. E. Church Christinas Tree. Personal. E. Q. Bperry spent several days in town last week. W. T. Matlock was recently visiting In Pen dleton. F. C. Patterson, of lone, visited Heppner Tuesday. H. K. Hickerman, of Lone Rock, was In town this week. County Commissioner Howard was In our city this week. 8. H. Williams, of Eight Mile, was iu town on business this week. O. A. Summer, of Rock Creek, came in on business this week. Miss Amy Leach spent Christmas with her parents at Lexington. J. H. and J D. Allen, of Haidman, registered at the Palace Tuesday. H. M. Olden, prominent farmer of Eight Mile, came to town Tuesday. J. H. Piper, of Milton, formerly of Heppner, is here on land business. Henry Padberg, the genial stockman of Rhea creek, came up this week. Frank Lee, the wool buyer, came up from below the first of the week. Frank Sloan came in from his Butter creek ranch, spending a few days here, this week. Geo. W. Vincent, Isaac Vincent, J. L. Howard and Luther Huston made final proof this week. When in lone do not overlook the "Klon dike." Patterson and Rudd have the "lakh string" out for you. Commissioner Howard came In from Butter Creek Monday, and reports a most eujoyable Christinas in h s neighborhood Mrs. Eugene Freeland left last evening, accompauled by her little son, for a visit ol several days with Baker City frleuds. Ensign Ernest L. Hawks, of Portland, camo up to Infuse new life and energy in the work ot the Salvation Army, and is taking hold with vim. Miss Cora Hart is home spending the holidays with her parents aud friends. Her Castle Hock school will close shortly for this yerr when she will be welcomed home by all her iriende, Mrs. Geo. Swaggart accompanied by her son, Wilbur, departed Monday evening lor Oakes- dale, Wash., for a visit with herdaughtor, Mrs. K. L Beard, expecting to remain about a week, O. D. Rennie, who has been a faithful attache of the Gazette, left Monday evening for lone where he will accept a position on the new rival sheet about to be launched In that little city. The many friends of Mrs Manning are pleased to see her out on the streets again, with the aid of crutches. Bhe seems very happy over her prospects of recovery alter such a distressing accident. Prof. Arthur Hodson, the popular teacher of the Pine City school, came in bunday, spending a few days among his friends. The success of their Christinas festivities was exceedingly gratifying to him, of which he speaks with en thustaam. Last week Fred H. Douglas, the enterprising Olex farmer, left for a visit to his former home iu Boston aud from there he will go to Nova Scotia, from whence he came a young lad. Hi many friends are somewhat suspicious of hi intent and prophecy that he will return benedick. J, D. Whiteis will make his final trip to Colfax this week, turning over to his successor the affairs of his oHice as county surveyor of Whitman county, whose term begins January 1st. Mr. Whltots will then return to Heppner and assume the responsibilities ol his partner ship Interest In The Fair store. Call and see our Christmas Dolls, Toilet Articles, Glove Boxes, Ornamental China, Etc. CHANCE to BUY WINTER CLOTHING BROWN BROS' Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection. At Prices that are All Right. Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay. MEN'S SUITS and a line of OVERCOATS Suitable for, this Climate - . Call and Carefully Inspect Stock An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now $7 Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12 All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $4 50 r D f O ET D I f Q An extensive stock arriving every day. UnUvLniLO . presh an(j ot the atest stapie ines Boots. Shsos, a&i Overshoes, Felts, Iters, 1c. New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived. Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the Market. We want your trade and will give you the best value - for it. freiiibte. reMooablft. I'LL rM.Mk.A.) t-k wKtrtl Kl tut .. L i Bert t .milh Urnip. '! " "- 1 Hiniilajr timing. The following list of business men's siiiha tures have been handed us by the committee procuring tho same for publication, and feel glail thut so many consent to enhir Into a com pact to close their places of business on each Holiday. The following is the agreement: We, the undersicried, business men of the town of Heppner, hereby promise to close our respective places of business all day each Bun- day: BROWN 4 GHES. Wm. Gordon's Barn. It ! dow finished and orotipled by Ibe popular liyery man, mbo meets and antl ers bit patrons 10 with a new smile. Mr. Gordon's years of experienoe results in bis knowing just t xaotly what a bam should be, and ba baa it oomplete io very detail. Tba immense slruotore ia an important addition to oar business oenler, and a most cotspiououi mark of tba city's progress. Minor A Co., T K Howiau, Hkown Uumhks, PCThompsok Co., A M Gl'HK, W P KIVNKR, 8 W M KADOWS, Wsi.I.s & Co., TllK Faik, (Iko Con sal, Kim & Wm it, i L Yti'.KK, The Cbristmu tree and mimics! and literary entertainment at the M. E. church is reported by Kev. Fiesher as a most enjoyabla afTmr, ev erything palug olT pleasantly and to the de light ot tlic little Hunday school scholars. Kev. tit. Clair, of the M E. church. South, Joined with them on this occasion, and, together 1th Miss Anna Bulslger, ho Is supcrinlcnderit of the school, cotiduct'd the celebration In a ja moronity ' ' -"" i th, firHt premlom at the '" - : li'i worth of ImxiSs, which will prove of perma- iicnt worth to them. PO Bi. Hxi'I-kkkGaixttb, HscmrsliMfs, 1 B Himoks A Son, Al.THA I.EAtH, KOBI.S A CO., Louis Kssiai h, W M hKIAO, H P (J.saiol'ES, J M Haoir, A AllRAIIAMSICK. First Pre ml am. Mr-Certy, of Echo, was awarded eral Portland Hi tl Ner Uerrin's on B.lro Fork, a buy mar. work auiiual, brainl left- bind "K" on tftsboolJer. Hjila'ole reward. Ad dre, Johonvo Bro. , (i .osrb rrj-, Hi thday Parly. On Tuesday evening Frank Borg was given a sn-prlw party In honor of hti 2IMi birthday, ty a ti w nf hlsfrictida. Ibe etcnlnK was dototrd to games and music, alter tthi'h were served 1 hw prwent were: Ulsvsl.uta Farrmrorlh. F mrr.a Wslrh, Lena I In a. Fatclla ktiea, Iv Blalc, Magio Adkliis. Vera Hart, Julia Hart and Hcrtlia ( .'ate. Must lit-rt Pfa-liK, Irr Meik r. Jas Hart. Mise Galloway, M. I.. Akcrs, Jas rln-Iler and Jeaae Uwart, w bo pro nounce the evening mt enjuyably nu. 1'0'tland eipo- sl'ion on bis display or hot ey, wbicb ilds i iiotber "iaurel" Io tbis aeotion of Eastern Oregon. Mr. MeCarty baa an eitensiye giowtb of sweet clover on bis pisoe, wbiob accmiD's for the qnality and elearnesa of Ms exhibit at the indftf- trial lir. Mormw and the counties 4'jtoent ae fast cowing to tbe front io rwognitlou of tie enterprise of tbore bo are tnakinif n ITort to develop in dostr'ea, t in rnnserjuenoe we'ean lHk for an imnjigra'n u wbiob iaeore to enbaLce property valuta. Merited applana. Under tbe eopervUion of Cbaa. Teffi, tbe Ben Mathewe meat market bad for a Christmas display ao exhibit of artiatio bntoberinn brooming to a leading me tropolis, displaying tbe skill of genuine artiste in Ibie profession. Tbe proprie tor spared no pains nor expense in seoar iog Morrow coonty'e price animals fir tbe slaughter, and when opened to tbe poblio be and bia assistants bad tbe eat- iafaotion of tbe merit d praise of Ibe entire community, ajd we predict a "rno on tbe shop" wben tbe ornamental dia play goee to " tbe block." CHURCH NOTES. J. F. Nag le, a noted evangelist ot Port land, will arrive bere on tbe 7lb ot next motitb to cooperate in tbe revival services to be Instituted by tbe Metho dist Episcopal ohnrob. On New Yeara eve, at tbe M. E. oburob, wstob night services will be beld, daring wbicb preaching, prayers and testimony will be rendered, and holy oommiiuioo will oocnr between tbe hours of 11 and 12 o'olock. Next week tbe M. E. ohnrob Houtb will unite witb tba M. E. obarnb in cottage prayer meetings preparatory to , tbe revival services. "The Spa New Firm Now Goods We make a specialty of Fine Candles Nuts Cigars Tobaccoes Groceries Provisions Fresh Fruits and Vegetables con stantly in stock. Time's I'p Jaaaary 1st. Tbe attention of settlers on railroad laud within the borders of Morrow county ia railed to the fact that tbe time for making tbeir proof ou tbe same eipirs on January 1st, lHif.l, Vawter Crawlord, eonnty clerk, le aotbt rizd to take land fllloga arid proofs, ar.d trans acta a general poblio land bnlueae at ble oBloe io the ooort house, at reaeon- et 1 rte end satisfaction guaranteed BU lt KWW J 72 Jan 1 Bock lea's Arnica Hal vs. Tbe Best flalve in tba world tor Uata, Brnieee, Bores, Uloers, Salt Khenm, Fever Mores, Tetter, Obapped Hands, Chilblains, Oorna, ant', all 8k in Ernp tiona, and positively caret Piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per boi. For tale by Hloonm Drag Co., E. J. Hlooam, manager (live us a call- Smcad & Blahm Next door to Ulocuui Drug Co., Heppner, Or. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. !hs Kind You Havs Always Bought Bears tba Signature of Yoa Hhuald Kaow What llood'a Sarsaparilla baa power to do for those wbo bave impure sod im poverished blood. It makes tba blood riob and pare, aod cares aorofula, aall rbeum, dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, nervonaneea. If yoa sre troubled witb any ailment cause I or promoted by im pure blood, ti ke Hood's Bsrsaparllla at once. What lr. A- IE. falter Says. Buffalo, N. Y.-Gente:-Froin my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect ot yonr Hbi'ob'i Car in oases ot advanced consumption, 1 em prepared to sav it ia tbe moat remark aDIe remedy tbat ba ever been brongbt to my atleo. tiou. II baa oerUioly saved many from consumption. Bold by Oonser Waneo