Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 29, 1898, Image 4

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    The Gazette.
Thursday, Dec. 29, 1898.
Now is the time to renew your
subscription to the Gazette.
On December 21st congresa ad
journed until January 4tb, and the
representatives and senators de
serted the capital that night to
find holiday amusements outside
of Washington.
The senate committee on foreign
relations and the house committee
oc territories are both at work upon
bills providing a government for
Hawaii, and present expectation is
that the bills will be repoited early
in January.
New Yeae's day the railroad
time schedule on the main line
changes to a day run to Portland,
and it seems that a like change is
inevitable on the Heppner branch.
Until then we will live in anxious
hopes that this good fortune is in
6tore for us.
Tbe Portland Telegram issues
an exceedingly attractive Christ
mas number. Its illustrations of
the beautiful city will attract wide
spread attention. This paper is
t&it gaining popular favor, and its
improvement means a big increase
io its subsciptioo list.
Judge T. U. Beaseley, of Fay
etteviile, Ga., is a representative
intelligent Southerner. He is now
visiting Washington, and, among
other interesting things, said:
"President McKinley has made
himself so solid in the South,
especially in Georgia and Alabama,
that in the event of his renomina
tion in 1900 he will get thousands
of democratic votes in those states.
Ilia broad-gauged sentiments and
generosity have captured our peo
ple." Senatob Thukston, of Nebras
ka, is one of the most pronounced
expansionists in congress. He
said, speaking of the various ob
jections to our taking the Philip
pines: "I am satisfied to trust
their future to the good sense of
the American people. If they
become a but den rather than a
blessing, the same patriotio spirit
which demanded their surrender
by Spain would then set them up
in independence or otherwise dis
pose of them, without sacrificing
the liberties of other peoples and
without doing discredit to the
American name.
Chairman IlErBURN, of the
house committee on interstate and
foreign commerce, anticipating
early action on the Nicaragua
canal bill, has announced that the
committee will grant hearings
either for or against the Nicaragua
oanal. The agents of the Panama
Canal Company, now in Washing
ton, are prepared, it is believed,
to spend n lot of money to defeat
or prevent Nicaragua canal legis
lation, but the friends of the canal
are also in Washington in force,
including a delegation from the
chamber of commerce of Shu
Francisco, and they' will work as
thy have never worked before,
because they believe success is
in sight.
These goods are positively the best made, and will be
MEN'S SUITS - $5.00 UP
The celebrated "iCtmt Wofir Out" brand of Boy's all-wool Suits
The hopes of Binger Hermann
to become a member of the presi
dent's official household have been
blighted. Etnan A. Hitchcock,
ambassador to Ilussia, has been
appointed secretary of the interior.
A great many Oregonians would
have been pleased to have seen
him given a place in the cabinet
for they feel assured that he would
have filled the place creditably.
Wfll Known to Hrppnerltrn as Wis Belie
The Christmas OregoDiaa oontains tbe
snnouuoemeDt of tbe death of this yonDg
woman, who waa a lister of Mrs. Duon,
wife of a former oondnotor on tbe Hepp
ner branch. Miss Belle O'Brien, as she
was known to ber many friends bere
wbile visiting ber sister, was an eetima
ble young lady, Bnd by ber sunny dispo
sition and sweet faoe was a oboseo leader
of sooiety, and ber untimely deatb will
cause a feeling of sad regret with those
wbo knew ber. Just one year ago ebe
gave up tbe world BBd embraced tbe
Sisterhood. TbeOregooiau refers to ber
memory as follows:
"A very sad death occurred at St. Vid
oent's hospital yesterday, tbat of Sister
Claire Marie, wbo bat a few bours be
fore death occurred was known to tbe
world under the name of Belle O'Brien,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Micbael O'Brien, of 419 Hell wood street.
She died in ber 23J year, in tbe full
bloom of ber youog womanhood, and ber
last earnest wish was to be affiliated
witb tbe Sisterhood of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary, wbiob sbe loved so
well, and wbioh sbe bad entered at St.
Mary's aoademy and oollege, December,
1897. This last wish was granted yes
terday by ber reoeiving tbe habit aud
name sbe bad expected to receive at tbe
religions ceremony of January 4tb at St.
"Tbe sad and sudden deatb of this
brilliant young aspirant is a crushing
blow to ber bereaved parents, sisters aud
brotber-in law, and to tbe Sisters of 8t.
Mary's, to whom sbe was a most promis
ing teuoher, Her little pupils wbo w ut
forto from St. Mary's Thursday last
with naught but merry Christmas greet
ings for their devoted teachers, will re
oeive this intelligence with keen sorrow,
for her influence on these young hearts
was deep-reaching and earnest,
"Tbe funeral service will take plaoe at
the Churoh of the Immaoulate Heart of
Mary, Tuesday, Deoember 27th, at 9
o'olook a. m., Rev. 0 J. O'Reillv offici
ating, Tbe Sisters of St. Mary will oon
duct the ohtiir. The remains will lw in
terred In Calvary cemetery.
A Man With a Bad Record Captured by
Countable Gray.
The Utter part of last week a tall, illm follow,
wearing a cap, pulled down over a pair of small
Ifray eyes, appeared on our streets, riding a flue
bay home with a bald face, and from then until
Monday noon made pretty thorough canvas
of the town trying to dispose of hia rig at a very
unreasonable price, which at once excited the
suspicion of those approached. In the mean
time Marshal Thornton received telephone com
munication from Waitsburg, Walla Walla, Day
ton, Wash., and Lewlston, Idaho, describing the
man and urging his arrest as a horse thief, and
a thoroughly bad man. Owing to technicalities.
delay in his arrest gave the fellow a change to
ride his horse out of town, going In the dlrec.
lion of Butter creek. Matters adjusted, Consta
ble Oray, armed with a warrant, etc , took his
trail that afternoon and at the end of an 80 mile
ride caught his man the next morning. The
evening before he had sold his rig to Mr. Wat.
tenbergor, whom the constable had seen in the
meantime, and, anxious for the return of his
money, ho continued with Mr, Gray until they
fouud their man, who readily returned the
money, taking back his horse, which he rode
back to town.
Whllo hore the fellow was thoroughly reck
less, and Sunday night, while drunk, preclpl.
tated a row which resulted disastrously to him!
Arriving here with some money, he purchased
a watch, chain and charm for fid, and later in
the day borrowed $10 nn the same, never re
turning to roclaim It. He also secured his
horse from the livery stablo by pretending to
exercise It, when he departed without settling.
He Is now In the county Jail and will be taken
back to Washington tomorrow by an officer who
will come In on the morning's train. He gave
the name of Frank Wilson, while the warrant
lor arrest calls for Bub Roberts. He takes his
arrest easy, denying everything.
Since the above was set Deputy-HhertlT Alli
son has arrived and identified the clmlnal as a
very desperate man, and tomorrow morning
officers will arrive from both Walla Walla and
Dayton for possession of the much-wanted
man, The Lewlston officer "first come will be
first served."
The Opera Hoase Crowded and Everybody
The tffortg of tbe ladies, aided by con
tributions from tbe business men, were
crowned witb glory, as tbe opera bouse
was completely jammed on Christinas
eve. Everybody seemed to enter into
the spirit of tbe occasion. Tbe three
trees were well set and tastily decorated,
bat for oonvenieooe tbe majority of tbe
presents were distributed from tables.
Rev. Shelley addressed the assemblage
witb a few appropriate remarks. Mrs.
H. Bartholomew and Miss Julia Hart
played a lively duet, acd Mise Welch
favored tbe listeners with a vocal sola
Messrs. George Conser and Herb Bar
tholomew assumed their "peroh" and tbe
fun began. The tiue-baired sooiety
gents were (he seivants of the "kids"
and Santa Chus, aud the way they were
kept jumping shout delivering Christmas
gifts was a ouution. Every ear in tbe
assemblage prioked op in aoxious ex
pectation, and on,y those without friends
were overlooked. Besides the hundreds
f pleBeing little Christmas things, many
costly and beautiful presents fell to tbe
lot of loved ones. Tbe two bours con
sumed in tbe distribution were, witb tbe
little ones, the happiest of tbe year, and
when next Christmas comes Old Santa
Clause will extend an invitation to the
same little people to gather at tbe same
place and they will be there. Messrs.
Conser and Bartholomew, tbe two oriers,
it is claimed, were voiceless at tbe con
clusion of tbeir task, but we are told
confidentially tbat George, as he wis
homeward bound, was singing with glee
that little ditty, so familiar to tbe chil
dren "This Is the day they give babies
A ChlHtnms Eve spent in the Tuiving Little
Mr. Charles Barnett reports a delightful
Christmas eve at Lexington. Penland's hall
was tastily arranged and the tree furnished for
the occasion loaded down with treasures for
the little ones. The festivities were Introduced
with a pleasing musical and literary program,
after which came thegivingout of the gener
ous supply of toys, candies, nuts and oranges.
Prof. Stanard and estimable wife were among
the prime movers In the happy event and were
untiring in their elforts to make it a success for
the children.
Not only were the children attending the tree
remembered, but the little ones t home were
not forgotten, as packages were sent to them.
Many laughable incloents contributed to the
good cheer, chief of which was the presentation
of a pipe, match and tobacco to Dave Porter, a
bachelor's solace, provoking a roar of laughter
above the din of which arose Dave's Inimitable
applause. John McMillan was the recipient of
a cup and saucer of suitable proportions, with a
package of his favorite braud of coffee.
The annual bachelors' banquet, held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Leach, at Lexing
ton, was a notable event of the holiday season.
Mrs. Leach's commiseration for their unhappy
lot prompts her efforts to contribute a bit of
sunshine into their cheerless lives and furnishes
them with a spread that prompts resolutions
for future reformation.
A very enjoyable hop was given by Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Metier, in their spacious parlors, to
the young folks of Lexington, Monday night,
which was thoroughly enjoyed.
A dance will be given in Penlaud's hall to
morrow (Friday) night.
On Saturday evening, January 7th, an open
Installation of Lexington Assembly No, 8H,
United Artisans, will be held, and invitations
are being distributed to friends by members,
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What is the use of making a better
artiole than your competitor if you oho
not net a better prioe for it?
Ana. As there is no dilfdreooe In the
prioe tbe publio will buy only tbe better,
so tbat while our profits may be smaller
on a single xale tbey will bemuoh great
er in tbe aggregate.
How can you get the publio to kuow
your make is the best?
If both articles are brought promin
ently before tbe publio both are certain
to be tried and tbe publio will very
quickly pass judgement ou them and use
only tbe better one.
This explains tbe large sale on Chora
berlain'i Cough Remedy. Tbe people
have been using it for years and buve
found that it oan always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take up
witb some fashionable novelty put forth
witb exaggerated claims but are certain
to return to the one remedy that tbey
know to be reliable, aid for congha,
Cilds and croup there is nothing equal
to Cbamberlain's Cough Remedy. Fo
sale by Oouser & Warren
Wo huvo in
t oek
2VE 3ES 2ST 9 S
Ione, Oregon, Dec 27, 1808.
Editor Hefpkir Gazette, Heppner Oregon.
Dear Sir: Complying with your request, 1
write these few lines that lh) world may know
that we, the people of Ione, still live, move aud
have our being.
We landed in this beautiful and promising
little city at 10:30 o'clock on last Friday night
aud find that a great change has, taken place in
the appearance of this cltv since our last visit,
only a few weeks ago, and had it not been for
the old landmarks and tbe few familiar faces
among the many strange ones we could hardly
have been persuaded that our train conductor
had not put us off at the wrong place. A great
many new buildings have been erected arising
as by magic from the ground. Some of them,
I am told, are of Immense proportions, covering
several "Alters."
On Xmas eve the people of lone gathered
themselves together la the opera house. They
were not so "numerous as the sands of the sea
shore," but it was a great gathering and they
made merry. Two trees were beautifully dec
orated and were well loaded with valuable
presents. A well prepared program was very
creditably rendered before the distribution oithe
presents. Hauia Claus appeared on the scene
with his large knapsack well hlled with candy
aud nuta for the small children. The writer
was coldly passed by.
On Christmas morning Ione turned out what
was first thought to be a '-freak" a green man.
Now, some may think that this is one of the
most common things, but this man was painted,
as waa learned later. He had been Indulging
too freely the night before in the spirits fer
ment!, and while sleeping in a chair some mis
chievous body took the pains to paint this old
man's hands, face and hair with a bright green
paint, aud of a kind that did not yield to soap
and water. He found great difficulty in remov
ing it. By advice he took an oil bafh, then vig
orously applied soap aud water with success,
The frlendB of the painted party have a "warm"
color in Btore for the paiutcrs, when they are
The light-footed celebrated the holiday last
night with a grand ball at the opera house.
Qood music was furnished by local musicians,
good order was kept by the good floor managers,
a good lunch was prepared by the good ladies
of the city and a general good time Was had by
all who attended.
Ione has two newspapers, the Post and the
Herald. It seems that the former has met with
a little opposition, but tbe Iouites are becoming
reconciled and are offering its manager more
encouragement since they see he has come to
stay and is acting the geutleman, that he is.
He has been falsely accused of some unreason
able things and they are beginning to see their
mistake and are showing a disposition to sup
port his paper.
Ione, we think,, will soon be incorporated.
The promoters of the Incorporation are meeting
with some opposition, but it is hoped that their
opposers will soon become more enlightened ou
the subject aud withdraw their objections.
Birds are singing, sheepbells ringing,
All the signs of spring are here.
We are seeming to be dreaming,
Aud forget the time of year.
Yours truly,
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should be
supplied witb every means possibe
for its relief. It is with pleasure we
publish tbe following: "This is to
certify that I was a terrible sufferer
from lellow Jaundice for over six
mouths and was treated by some of the
beat pbysioians in onr city and alt to do
avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recom
mended Eleotric Bitters and after taking
two bottles I was entirely cured. I now
take great pleasure in recommending
them to any person snffering from this
terrible malady. 1 am gratefully yours,
M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." Sold
by E. J. Slooum, druggist.
Dealer in
-,....Fr6sH, Salt and Smoked Meats
Sausage, - Lard, - Xoultry,
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
"Kohn's Best,"
On Tap Down at The ....
Telephone Saloon
IT IH UAHU GOOnt) . . .
New Htand, City Hotel Buildiog,
elegant line
What is
It is a strengthening; food and
tonic, remarkable in its flesh-forming-
properties. It contains Cod
Liver Oil emulsified or partially
digested, combined with the well
known and highly prized Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda, so
that their potency is materially
WhatWfililt Do?
It will arrest loss of flesh and
restore to a normal condition the
infant, the child and the adult. It
will enrich the blood of the anemic ',
will stop the cough, heal thc-irrita-tion
of the throat and lungs, and
cure incipient consumption. We
make this statement because the
experience of twenty-five years has
proven it in tens of thousands of
Cases. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion.
50c and $1.00, all druggists.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chemists, New York,
The Slock Issued Was Over-Subscribed in
Spokesman Review.
Copies of the prospectus of the new lie Bol
company lately floated in London by the British
America Corporation have been received In
Toronto, and the World of that city says that
the entire issue of stock was oversubscribed,
and the shares ore now quoted in London at a
premium of about 12 per cent. The World Is
just in receipt of a copy of the now company's
prospectus, which sets out some interesting
In the first place Lord DuIIerin, Lord Loch,
Whlttaker Wright and H. H. Andrew, of
Sheffield, are put down as the chief directors.
The 0 shares were offered for subscription on
the following basis: 1 per share on applica
tion, 2 per share on allotment and 2 per share
one mouth after allotment.
Several expert's reports are quoted to show
that the ore bodies maintain there average
value aud at the same time increase in width
as greater depths are attained. Between the
700 and 800 foot level the ore body is 40 feet
wide, and the ore runs (!, or $30, to the ton.
Mr. Rathbone, one expert, says that on tbe
basis of the present daily output the mine will
yseld annually 120,000 tons of ore. He estimate
the entire cost of msning, freight and treatment
at 3, or 15, per ton, and shows that the Le Rol
Is producing a net profit of 360,000, or 11,800,000,
per year. In other words, the property, accord
ing to the prospectus, will turn out a net profit
of 25 ner cent per annum on the total capital
ization. The London (England) Mining Journal, com
menting on the flotation, notes that the British
public has oversubscribed the undertaking and,
admits that the record of the old company is
excellent, but takes exetlon to the small
amount of capital (viz., 50,000) that Is set aside
for a working reserve.
Catarrh cured. A clear bead and
sweet breath secured with Sbilob's
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nnstil injector tree. Sold by Conser k
Warren. x
Central Market
sold at a sweeping reduction
Overcoats An emg?nt ''-ne of ,Dress Coats and warm
j v vi wu 10 Ulsters-just what you want
From iO.BO to JS1S.OO
. Overcoats sa.oo coat for
85.00 Coat for
Proportionate reduction on
If a man's in love that's bis bnsinras;
If a girl's in love that's her business;
If tbey get married it's our business
to furuish tbeir home from kitchen to parlor as we curry a most complete stock o
Furniture, Carpet, Mattings, Wall Taper, Stoves, Ranges, Granilera, TInwve, Etc.
And i',syour business to drop in, examine goods aud get prices.
Bromo Laxine
Will cure La Grippe withont fail.
-We guarantee it. Price 25c.
Sold only by )
Slocum Drug Co.
The Cuttinq Remarks made by our competitors are
and hoy knives constantly in stock.
Good GtTods....
Fair Prices.-!.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
iine Teas and Coffees. mm
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you eet a
good article when they guarantee it.
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Sp.cl.lt
Dr. Barthlow's
tha vary beat remedy
for Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness. Sore
Throat, Bronchitis. -
Dr. Barthlow's
The best
Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier.
Conser & Warren, Heppner, Or.,
Who carry h complete lin of Drug, Chemical, Paiote, Oils aud Glass
IS IT? '
WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or.
inspired by jealousy at the re
markable cutting qualities of
the fine line of cutlery lately
received by
P. G.
Fine three-piece carving set, of
guaranteed quality, at $1.25 per set.
The largest and beet assortment of
scissors and shears ever shown in
Heppner, with pocket knives, butcher
knives, bread knives, paring knives.
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
nil grades
Heppner, Oregon.