THE ELECTION IS BQUAW VILLE. It Wat Non Partisan a to the Fate of the Candidate. f. ina s i n i From The Denver Post. Fur somethin' like a score o' yean oi uncie BillyReeso Has ladled out our SquawviUe law a Jesilce of the peace, An I've a notion when the call from Angel Gabr'el cornea "I'll End him jit a-sittin' thero a-twlrHn' of hli thumbs. A notion struck us t'other day 't'd be bong tong a few Fur u to have a .lection day as outride people An. An' when the idee fust was broached It seemed so new an' strange We coupled to It with a whoop that seemed to jar the range Wa wns'nt flv on politics, but had a notion that We'd manage fur to pull It off with laubable eclat. An' as a sort o' primal move we counted up our clans, An' found 'bout half was Democrats an half Re- nuhlicant. We'd never had no officers In that whole moun tain belt Excepttn' jestic.e of the peace, which Uncle Billy helt, But all the same we cottoned to the firm belief that we Could handle an election day in style, away up in 0. Both parties helt conventions, an, I want to tell you, pard, They wns'nt Buiiday-sciiool affairs conduted by the card, But all the same each party chose Its leader fur to pack Its standard in the race along the candldatlal track. Ug Democrat put up a man we thought 'd win fur sure, A man that could both read an' write, ol' Col onel Jack Menitire. Whilst them upon the other side named Faro Tommy Ward, As sq'ar' a fullow-cltlzeii as ever dealt a card. Th imttln scarcely had begun, afore we heard It unid That Ward had left a' Kastern stato, a price up on his head. An' that if it was run to earth the death o' Texas Jim, A feller that was slugged an' robbed, might be ascribed to him. 01' Faro turned a whitish cast when charged with this offence, Which seemed to show his guilt without no fitrtliur evidence; Then party lines was cast as'do an' politics forgot, An' jct, to purify the camp wo hung him on the spot. Then came a painful rumor that ol' Colone Jack McCluru In former antecedents wns'nt absolutely pure That some one had it from the status that ho bad chocked his wife An' hud to change his residence fur safety to bis life. Wo brought the accusation homo to him, an' then the cuss Allowed his prev'ous rocord dld'nt cut no ice with us, An' then ag'ln the party lines wore glv' & rest ing berth, An' Heps, an' Demo's both chipped In to raise It I in from the earth. Best tea sold only in Packages Git AN I' COUNTY NEWS. From Grant County News. John Uuy will have a Christmas tree this year tor the little folks. D. G. Overboil baa built an addition. ou bis uo v mora to be uaed an a tempo rary reni.leije. Al! efforts to recover the body of Ubas, CampM', who whs drowned a abort tinw atfo, have proven fruitless Mr. HiKbtower, a nephew ot Mrs. W. H. Short of tbis place, left ou the stae Sunday for bis borne iu Missouri. The ice this season is the finest seen for muny a year in Uanyoa Ulty. it runs from 8 to 12 inches thick and is as oloar as crystal. J, F. loafer, of Malheur City, Mai. hour oouaty, youn man wht b is bwen prospecting on tipper Willo-v oieek for the past two years, Las dis appeared, and uo trace whatever of bim oau be found. Through Tonrlst Cart to Kansas City. A tourist sleeii ig oar will leave Port land every Friday at 8 p. m via O.R 4 N., Oregon Short Line and Union Paciflo railroad, thr mii Cbayenne and Da- ver without change. No change of otrs to the cities, Denver or Kansas City. East bound sobednN Is as folic: Portland, leave 8.00 p. tn. Friday. Granger, arrive 10J p. m SaturJay. Granger, ieve 1:35 p. in. Sunday. Denver, arrive 7:15 a. m Sunday. Denver, leave 2:55 p. m. Sunday. Eausae City, arrive 7:25 a. m. Monday. Keep this service In mind when going East and consult O. R. & N. agents or address W. H. Huhlbtjbt, Out). Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. Something for the New Year. The world-renowed success of Hostetter' Stomach Bitters.aud their continued popularity for near half a century as a stomachic, is scar cely more wonderful than the welcome that greets Hostetter's Almanac. This medical treatise is published by the Hostetter Company Pittsburgh, Pa., under their own Immediate supervision, employing sixty hands In that de- parment. The Issue of the same for 1898 will De over eleven millions, printed In nine languages Refer to a copy of It for valuable and Interesting reading concerning health, and numerous test imonials as to the efficacy of Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters. The Almanac for 189 can be ob tained, free of cost, from druggists and, general county dealers In all parts of the country. Blue Mountain Eagle. Denver and M int;na min ing journal pn'diot a mining boo'D in Eistein Ore gen during 1899. Th Heppner Uzotte ban discnutiuned its euii weekly ublicatioa and domes out with a lume eight pnrfi weekly. Fos bus bi-eu made a money order oilioe. This oliange will b.i quite a o i.j venirnoa to the p-ople of t'uas valley. li. F. Miller, the proprietor of the HeppoarOmyoi Oity s!ko line, is in the city looking after tlia interests of hi i Hue. Emil Siiba rd', of Monument, received a kick on his leg from a uewiy snnd horse last Friday, aod narrowly otciupod serioui ii jury. Quito a number of sh?p are being drivon from oonnty to Milheur oonnty to be wintered, us hay ia more plentiful and cheaper iu Malheur county. Rufus Kitiiberly, a former resident of this valley, oun-.e over from 0'inyori City lust Huuday. He departed Monday morning ( ir tlep;tiar after freight for Cunyo i City merchants. Dr. E N. Crockett male a pt ifes- Aguln wo called conventions, with the Btatcil j Hjonrl T) f S'l-tirivillt) Inat Friday, beinf c lie 1 to administer NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. VOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE 1 will be a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Hcppner, at their of fice on the !2d Tuesday of January, W., between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p m., of said day, for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business us may appear. ino. uonheb, tmnier. lleppiif r, jre., uec. b, uvg. STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the stockholders of the Hepp np Biillilinn anil lari Association will be held at their ollice iu tne National Bank in Heppuer, ......,. i iiro.n ih hniim of '2 n. m. and 4 t m. of iuesday, the 10th day of January, 1hK, for the purpose ol electing directors lor me u.nuiug year. E. R, Swinlobsb, fckcreiary. Jjecembcr 8, 1898. 7"10 NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, iovemler, W. , . Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof ill be made before V. Crawford, County Dcrk, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Saturday, Jan. 7, lsyil, viz: ROBERT FRIEND, of Heppner; homestead application No im, for the se M w H tn ) .4 r E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: Nathaniel L. hhaw and Arthur Hunt, of Heppner. Ore.; Jacob Ernst and Ralph Benge, of Lexington, uie. 6-u Jay P. Lucas. Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon. Nov. 16, 18'J8. Notice Is hereby given that Reuben J. Gaunt, of Heppner, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. VV. Morrow, United States commissioner, at his ollice in Heppner, Ore., on Wednesday, the 28th day of December, 18!W, on timber culture application No :;, for the se'4 nw4, swJi ne and e', swj of sec No. '28, In tp No. 4 S, r No. 26 E. W M He names as witnesses: Robert P. Matteson, Albert Matteson, Milton Brown and Robert Large, all of Heppner, Ore. 2-9 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at Iji Grande, Ort-iron, Nov. !M, 189. Notice is her by give i that the following named Bottler has filed notice of her intention to make final nroof in support o her claim, and that aairi nrmir vi II he made before J. W. Mor row, U. S .Commissioner at beppner, Oregon, on December 3lst, ih'.'s, viz: ALICE BARR, nee ALICE TILLiRD, nf Uunnnar OrPffill H. K. No. 62ti7, for the N'4 8W' and the Ntf SEH, of 8ec. :, Tp. 1 s, k. r.. . ii. uh. n.mmtha following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation nvid Hrfwiev. i nomas a. nnea, vvioiuiu Browu and Hugh Fields, allot Heppner, Ore gon. I. . 4-1U Notice o Intention. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice at La Grande, Ore., Dec. 10, 1898. Notice Is hereby given tnat tne iouowing named ettler has filed notice of his intention .,,,,,i Muni nroof In siinnort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J W. Mor row, Liutea states commissioner, ai rieppuci Oregtnl, on February 24, 18J9, viz: EDWARD C. JOHNSON, ot Heppner, Or.; Homestead entrv No. 7094, for the n'A ne!a and se seVi sec M and nw)4 uw)4 sec at, tp 2 S, r 28 K. .... He names tne following witnesses to prove Timber Vulture Final Proof. THE TTN1TED STATES LAND OFFICE, J wanes, uregon, nov. id, iot. Notice is hereby given that Luther Huston, of Eight Mile, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, United States commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Ore., on Tuesday, the 27th day of December, 1898, on timber culture application No. 3289, for the ue)4 sec 26, in tp No. 3 S, r No. 24 E, W M. He names as witnesses: James J. Adkins, Henry O. Gay, Herbert M Olden and William Becket, all of Heppner, Ore. 2-9 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. TNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE U Dalles, Ore., Nov. 16, IkUS. Notice U herehv given that lacob H. Williams, of Hirdinan, has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof before J. W Morrow, United stuten nommiusioner. at his office in Heppner hU TwttWixMvW OreTon Wednesday the 28th day of December, l L. Tlllard and Hugn Fieius, ail oi " -'vv; i' .. V ' ' ... .. - -w TT TnVn He names as witnesses: james n. aiw, uuu D. Allen and J. C. Keithly all of Hardmau, and William R. Leathers, of Eight iw,ue, I're. JAY r. LiUOAS, iveBisver. Brown, V Heppner, Oregon 8-18 E. W. Bahtlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 2-9 Register TBBIH SERVICE MILT TO THE EAST VIA (Ml III ISLAND Ho nnnn UUulL Fast Express Thrnngh B'.eepers and Chair Cars Colorado to ChicHso. Wide etibule throughout. The finest train in the West. Colorado Flyer Leaves DFNVER . . 2:S p. m Leaves DENVER. . . :30 p. m- " COLO. HPH1NBB 2:36 p. m PUEBLO . . 7 OS p. m. Arrlvet TOPfcKA . . 7:80 a. m COLi" B'PBlNGa . 8:40 p m. " KANSAS CITY . 9:15 a. m Arrives K NKA3 CITY ' llm. Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. H'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives LINCOLN '. ' 2!i7pTm7" Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a. m " OMAHA . . 4:25 p. m. " DES MOINES . . 9:30 p.m. Arrives LINCOI N (Ex Bun) 6:46 a. m " PEOl IA . . 11-20 a m. OMAHA (Ex Bat) . 8:f.O a. m " CHICAGO 8) a. in. CO. bLUF. 8, . . 9.10 a. m Throngh Blrepeni Colorado BprinfB to St. Louis via W abash lt'y. For particulars and folders giving time of these trains write J. L DE BEVOISE, E. E. M'LEOD, JNO. SEBASTIAN, I'ORTLiND, ORE. A. (i. P. A.. TOPEKA. Q. P. A.. CHICAGO. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON Dec. 12, 1898. , , Nolli'H is herebv given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention Notice of Intention. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND office at La (irande, Ore,, Dec. 6, 1898. o make final proof in support of his claim, and Notice is hereby JJ.h1"- that said proof will be 'made before Vawter named settler has U led .1 ottce of h"'nt.en0" Crawford County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, make final proof In support of his claim, and o , Hatnrdav J i inarv 21 1899 viz' that Baid proof will be made before the County on Saturday, January i, iB.(a, vi.. i, ntu Oreo-on. at Hennner. CHARLES W.CRADIUK.ot Eight Mile; Oregon on January 14, 18TO, vU: Homestead application No 4810, for the wV4 JOHN D. CLARK, of Pilot Rock, Oregon, uwl4Beo2tiaude!4ne!, r2oE,WM. home8tead ctry n for the s' sw and He names the following witnesses to prove ii ",eu Bec 21 tp 1 8 ri!9E WM. his continuous residence upon and cultivation - e5 o'ilowlng witnesses to prove of said land, viz: Alfred 1. Warren, Robert H. h. nnnl, resilience u non and cultivation Warren, of Eight Mile, Ore, andCtiarles rl. uey mer and William Gordon, of Heppner, Oregon. 8-13 Jay P. Luc ah, ReglBter. of Bald land, viz: John Molaley, Hugh Ross and John W. Scott, of Vinson, ore., ana James Warman, of Pendleton, Oregon. 7-12 E. w. bartlett, KegiBier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. NOTICE OF INTENTION. view to till The vacancies created by a moral people's will, But every candidate wo named declined with skeery fa'c, Each chilinlu' that ho lud no ti mo to monkey with the place. There was'nt a rooster In the camp that wasn't nuked to run, But nil of 'em shied at the gamo, an every rtr'Kcd one. I'm wlllln' fur to but my head ag'ln a lump o' clay. Had records that they was afear'd nevor stand asKiiy, An' so, us I remarked afore, ol' Uncle Billy Kecsn 'LI likely hold the honored seat of Jestlco o' the peace Till (labr'el toots the final horn, or cruel death creates A vacancy for which we'll have no ready candi dates, Homebody started up a yarn that L'uclo Billy bud A klory chitMln' him ar .mud that was ulinl((hty i.,,, i But we unanimously tossed the rumor to the lirl0u rclutuloil wall, Fur If we had to hang the Judge we'd have uo law at all. lrt)';t(u jut to J h. S'raz'er, w'io bLi it by Grij.i :jj)j3:-ly. ii r-p'irt Mr. Fjpzt'i'.i not neoiMHimly fatal, ... - , . t it... I'M p PI, VI It II) Will Wn.TH J U.MIIII ot: v o .u t nit in mHo l trnrmo'it. T-VEPXRTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND 1 ) Otllce at La Grande. Or.. Dec. 10 1m98 Notleo Is herebv given that the following. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tliml proof In support of his claim, and " v 1 1 1 s tat. c on. m si. nerat Heopner "t h.. 1.1 pro., will be made before J. W. Mor Xg.n.l'on'Vebnrir.'li'vizS' "PP "!,,!sd.?,.,,eri HPPner' WILLIAM C. BROWN, of Heppner, Or. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande. Oregon, Nov 14, 198. Notice is herebv given that the tollowmg named settler has filed notice of his Intention to to make final proof in support of his claim, and Millions Given Away. It ia o it iiui. Kirttif j lurf lo llie p'lblio in ku'xv f 0'ii o ncerii in iho latol wlio urn ti t nrr .Ki In li i.'imroiH to tha , i.UVriiii. Tiio pruiirietiirH of Dr. K nr ISe'v I) Ri'.iviry fur cotisninption, i,ii'b i unit o I'M. Luvn iveu awuy i.ver ton mil I'ina trim iwttiei or ifiis (jfe'' meilioliiH uti'l btivfl tllH BiitiHfntttlnn of ktinnn U Ims uliHoliltuly ourad llious Biol -i of I.ohUss (1HSOH. AHtliinri, tinin oliilii, li.inrnr iit'ia ami nil (Iinhiihcs of the throtit, chc?it (Hid lui'K''' "r" surt'ly curfld by it. (VII on K J Hl.piiin, nriiKKist, a'ol Kit a t'inl bottle free, regular si.e Hon ai'.'l 1. livery Ijot'.le unHrun teed, or Homestead entry No. 7n,r for the s'4 se4 and lie! and nv ne;4, sec i, tp 2 a, ta. w t. lie names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous resilience upon anil cultivation oi mill lHii.l. viz: Andrew Tlllard, Edward C. Johnson. V. L. Tlllard. nugh Fields, all of Heppner, Oregon, b-l:i E. W. Bartj.rtt, Register. Ore,, on December 26, 1898, viz UEORGE W. VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore, Homestead entry No. 5710, for the eV4 sw and sir. ni.:. sec 14. Two 1 N. r 27 E Hu names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John i. lioskins, William " ai- tenberger, James L. Howard and Alba u. Bar tholomew, all of Heppner, Oregon, 2 h n.. w, BABTL,ETT, IWglBier, can cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coat, i DR. JORDAN & CO., .1051 Market St tst d 1052. ' Yomiir men and middle , accd men who are sufferinz I &om the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- j cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical in all its complications; Wnermatorrlia'a, .kk,.n,fli(iML. f jtsi4rrliu. wire,, i I'rrnii. u..; or I'rinailns, etc. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow- r. th linrtor ha no arranizea nis treatmem that it will not only afford immediate relief but ( permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty inrseasr J"f". i Syphilid thoronghl y eradicated Irom the EVIiBV 31 AS applying tons will re-I ceive our Aonesf opfnfon of his complaint. It g yiui uuaraiaec a rusi litJi, lyvur. m every cone we undertake, or forfeit Oae Xlioiisanu uoiiars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY SEASONABLE. Treat ment personally or Dy letter, bend tor book, " The lMiilosopliy of Slavriagc," free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT ltt. JOKDAS'S Great Museum of Anatotny 1im fin.Gl anil Inrroat M u.cpuni of its kind in tilO world. Come and learn how wonderfully f. are made; how to avoid sickness and dise?.. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOUUB t'KEE. Cull or write. ; 1C51 Market Street. San Francisco, (W. K ONION f TUROUGU TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPEBB. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. Quick Time. Union Depota. Personally Conducted Exclusions. Baggage Chscked to Designation. 1 I(..taa Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, Jnne to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacifio V H. LOTHKOP, or J. C. HAItT Agt., nm A n.t. las HH Ht... O. B. AN. Co , Portland. Or. Heppner, Or, H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A y., c. M. & St. p., c. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HAT1CH OQ.OO PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton fits.,, XXiZi. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD ' CIIICAQO li A k St. Paul try O. Money-Mavlng Pointers, Do yon wtuli to buy a piann? If so, Ihvaiiriilly Nei yous. ntnp Mini cinHi.ltr. in not us lUipoBeu (lenlH: I wait ilreailfiilly iwrvoun. ami on. liny r a mil one from n nnlesra in in for reliff took your Oarl'd Clover Hunt whom yon b'lvd c nfl l ia i, ici l who Tea. It iinlote.l my ihtvi'B iinilalreiiKlli- linn rxputnti m t atiikn. J xef Mueller hihiI my whole nerv.niH nyHm. I whs "hip in r irl no 1 Ui.-rof o in Bell I ti..... 1. .. ,1.. lin.ini.Bj l i I ...I. - . . li 1 ...1 "" " ' 1 1,1 i i ,-i7 ...... ,. -"'"' IIIIII1M. .1 ., .ouiH,, ....i.ry ..,. . u ,, ,, , ((B) flirnlHh , txiWHl tmuIilH. lour leB hood oloHUHcd ui,,,,,, .iiiv mie . mul at Innns lo unit my 8VHii'in so tlioroiirfhly tluit I riiniillv your cnnvnitcmM. for iirio. a mh! in- reuniiii'il lu iillli nti.l Htrtwlli. MrH. H. . rm ittoo. iiui'iiH ut IiM olli b Ht Hie A. .Sweet, llarlfonl, Ooim. Sold iy Sl. fluiii P.un t'o u. Bt ire, Ucppuer, Ur. CoiiHt r ,t iirreti, ? An t-xi'li wan su8 thai, Itinmiinnli no you w.uil.l " !lki Unit son I' paper lo he a Ki.oil loe il paper, ju4 rt-llio" a mnmi'tit NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, j lIKKKHY OIVKN THAT THE NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollicnat La Grande. Oregon. Nov. 14. 1W8. fcTOTK'E IH HKKh HY OIVMN THAT lot v,,ii u h,.rol,v lvn thnt th fo lowimr ii iiilorlLriiiMl. iidiiiiniHtriitor of the estate n,,,,,...i a..tiinp hu tiiiwi oii,1ii of hU Intontlou to of Ellnha -lH'rry, deceased, hss tiled in the lmlki) Hnal proof In support of his claim, and county court, of Morrow county. State of OreKon, thttt Baill iroof wln n0 lna,iB before J. V. Wor ms mint Hc.'oiuii ii, nui n H,M, in iinix.iw, w. r.,.. row i.lilte.1 wtates comimssioner, at uciipuer, estate, mid that Tuesday, the ltd day ol Jiinuary, 0re 011 p(;cemH.r n,iis, viz: lMH'.l, at the hour ol io o'clock a. m , nns neen vikcipnt ,i nnr rm tlvod l,v the court . s the time for hearing of IbAAC 1NCEN I, of Heppner, Ore,, objections to said leportand the settlement Homestead entry No. 630, for the n ne'i and thereof. n'-i um K. see 22. two 1 in. r ii n. F (i. Hi'fciiBY, Administrator be names the followlnir witnesses to prove 7 111 of the estate of Misha bperry, deceased. his coiitlniious residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James M. thaw, James L. Howard, Milium Ayers and Ueorge Pearson, all NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, outeppuer, oo,,., w DKPART TIME SCHEDULES ArbIV fok From Heppner. kbom 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, omaha, Kansas City, Bt. IjiuIs, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dulutii, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ockam Steamship- 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailltiK dates suhject to change For San Francisco Sail Dec. , , l:l, is, 2:1, 'At. R:00 p. m. Coi.I'muia Rivek 4:00 p m. Ex Sunday Stbameus. Ex. Sunda) Saturday 10:00 p, m. To Astoria and Way 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Wtl.LAMKTTB RlVEK Orcsoii City. New- berg, i-alem and V, n y Landings. I xtOTICE H HEKKHY GIVEN THAT THE IN undersigned, adinlnlstrator of the estate of Helen M. Allyn. deceased, has filed ill the county court of Morrow county, State of Oregon, his Hnal account as such administrator ol sui uml that. Tuesday, the :ltl dav of January, IH'.ni, at the hour of ID o'clock a. in., has been NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 11, lS'.W, Notice Is herebv aiveil that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention ii ... . .... .1. uu tl.o tlitw, fitr n.'Hrlliir of 1 LO H1ILKH unai Drool 111 I Ii nil I Ol hib vim in, nil,. obleetioin to said repoit Hiid the settlement that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor-tberi-of n,w. Culled States commissioner, at Heppner, Thomas It. l.voNM. Administrator 7 10 of the estate of Helen M. Ally n, deceased 7:00 a m Tues , Thur,! and eat. 6:00 a. m. Tues Thurs and Sat, AD M IN IS TRA TO li'S N O TICE. Was One of Thrill. Here h a Htory tolilof 1", it rick O'Mura, private ill the Ninth regulars: Nol lunif Bin! h w nmrli Imial iiowh you have Rao ho wont to tho Oulniiel. who wan n evere ilUniplinuri.iti, (or a two Weeks ll'HVH of HllHt'llOe: "V'H"hihI tin) oolmiol, "lmt do yon want it tvrn weeks' furl. null f it?" i Klriok himwithiI ; ".M j wo.frt in very ioh iiinl (ha aliililreu ar not well, ami if y don't lulinl she w i 1 .1 lik t to have tne home for a few woeka to uive her hit of uHHiHtitnoe." The 0 I'.itiel eye, I him for ft few minutes Hint Mii.l: "I might ur.nit your request but I tfot h letter Irom your wil.i (his tuoiniiu Nayiiitt Unit alio't want you home; Unit .m were it 1 1 ti i n 'it i o 4 ii ii 1 1 rhlHi',1 llio.lovil wheueVrr ) oil Wore llleltt. Hhe h "io I won't let you have any more (url.iuliH." ' Hint a. tiles it I Htii.iM I can't net the fil 1' iiv'ii, It oiiT' "'it I 1'ut. ' N ' , I ' 1 1 . i In, ol li, .1 I nlriok ;it wi'ttlili,' ha . l; f .r in . ,i do iiiuh r the oiimitii itnni'e " ll n I'nli i.'k'a furu In rye lne o t tit 1 1, ks l.e ilnrli.1 In tl,K door. Hl.'i iiIiil' ,..! i ! i I l e enlil: ''l',i!,,iii l,('..ii say Hoinelliintf tn ), I? "'. 1 1 .in I) , ralrii k , lint la il ( ' V oi won't i. iim I, Oidouttl, II I lii t?" (I. r' M.l, I'-ilrlck, hat is 'T' "I i i t t i sny ihern t.r, two aploinii.l llnfM In U m r,, 'in. mi l I am one of them 1 thH I." M i t'lurr'.eil hi my mf." A Clavtr Trick. It ct'ilniiily I.Miki lik it, hut Hu re I really i t ii li iilmtit it, Ai l .iily cnu try it who tmi lame hack Hiul wenk kl.l- lieya, nmiaria ur nervoim t'oiililiH). We lueuti In- c 'O cure lilinneir riht torn) Ii) takoik' 'i no liiil.ts. line medicine toinH o,i ti.e wluilo m st. in, bt'ln us a tliiuuli i.i to lli. liv. r Mini kidnevs.K a Lliiuil I milier hiul move Lone. It cures OoIimIij. .linn In a lui'lii', fainliiig ells, le iimi.i's Mini Iiii'Ikih toil). It Is ttiii ly Vr ' thllio, a mil I InlxllTH, Hiul realnii I llie Kvati III tn U nt ill ill i(or. Try hi i ctrio lliittoa ami lie convince,! that llr me k llllliui.l W..(l.ef l.Vit) l)ot,'i' 4 'I il.iuli d Ooly .'!) bottle v! ''inn ltJ (.'iiV, 1". J S tfttHii, nun it.) t. urn "i etl for it. Ah you would like thnt ur liiiiii ' pnper w.iuiii HiieiiK a uoou tvuid oli'iut yon, juat rellect how many itoiid wordi you have spukeu of the ptito r II r& y-r . ;. . . I..-; v vi.. jit ' Walking the I loor. Win ti n liti-oni-s man eeti to the point w lu ie he cannot (deep at nit-hl. w here he ia so sliatl.-trd nf nerve that it is t.utute to even ti nt. no in lus la d, and he Inn to get lip and pace the rt.mi - it in tunc fur that man to tiling ltim-o lf tip w ith a round turn, ll In- does not it mi aiis iiftvous ptoslintion and nn nt d. H' not physical, dealh. 1 'ni a hi til who K. t- into thin condition there is a 1. no dv ill it w ill luiiee him up. put hull on hi- t. . t and make l man ol 111 in natn. It In. l'i. tit ' (,o!di n Medical I h-i ovetv II (if to the lniltotil of things. It m ..ictus mil the tn d catt-e. When a in in is tn Ibis onditioti "ti en. put your lini'i t on mie of tw o -pots and lnl that litst can-" llie -.t"'!! u li .u the liver or tiotll. Tins j;ii ai iii. ih. mi' arts din ellv on these split-, lips iiii.! ' v tt.nisioi nis a w eak stom ai h ml' , a he i:!v uttr, ll facilitates the (low id .!i"i'M.' iuires mul makes diges tool and a '.in i.iti.oi petted. It gives a in iu an eto tue like a lio's. U invigor nies the Inn. It lills Die lilnod with the lite g iv to i' . 'h im ;it s ni the lnoil, and makes II pine, i i. li. it ' aod pi. lit it til. The blood is i be M. i iioii't and whin it is lil led w till the it,", . is thit loiild new and In altliv li' .ni ' it ili i s not I ike ,ni!! to make a man will nod s' :,.! . li huilds linn, niiisvtiliir lb s!i ii in mid strong and steady nerve Ilia -H. ll puts m-w lite, vigot and italtlv inlu ei'tv atom and ore in ol the lualv It lines in ivuii. i ion and toiwiiation. Sotbiug ''lust as good" can he lotind at lilt lil'-ttie M.'Tl sL " I (. i ntt. ii.l n!'i!l eleven eirs Hith pain In i lie tH ii ,,f mv tit id and l-a,k." w ites r K,,ImmI Mul. Lift, of aftnr, Lltuoln to., Ara. ' I suil. tt-l ..r i I'-tTS ei,s an. I stwnl a girat it. -it ! m ; I i 1 I. ,i hi I in, .1 r bill ,li, li.a . I I .' ' ' it I III ,! .,Mt !.!!'. -s i,l Ihr ' ' .o! '. M, : ' I I '. "if v ' n-i.t teat P i -a i. i ti ' . -t ati l . 'tin U4 ti. .ill ..r-:. e 11,0 t mo iu I'f lilli. 1 VOI1CE IIKKERY 01VKN THAT THE IN iiiitlnrslgnetl has hecn duly appointed by the r, mul v eourt of the state ol Oregon, lor Morrow county, administrator of the estate of Holland 11. Ihoinl'Son, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly vermeil, ss ny law reipuieo. ni mo mw ollice ot Mils tV i neips, hi neppner, iiie.'ii, wltblu six iinoillis from dale lulled this .".Hli day of November, 1W.1N. P TiioMi'MiN, Adinlnlstrator of the estate of ft H llullaiid H. Thoinps in, deceased. Timber Culture, Final Proof. UNITED KTATE LAND OFPICK, LA l I liran.le, lire., Nov. 14, lw.W. Notice is hereby given Hint William A. Ayers has tiled notice ol Intention lo make tlnal proof beioro J. W. Morro, I' nlted elates commis sioner, at Ids ollice In Heppner, Oregon, on Moiitlav the Jtlth dav of lleeeinber, I aim, on tim ber culture, application No. W-t), for tliew', n w and w 'i svv " see. i" o .', In tw p No, a 8, r No. -II K. . . . . He names as witnesses: Edward F. Hay, Charles Onrdner, vt illiain A. Hrowu and August 1. 1 ..k, all of llei pocr Oregon . 2 E. W. lUwn.icrr, Itegister. Timber Cultuie Final Proof. MTHI efAlfS (iran.le, Oregon. Nov LAND OKHCE, I. ss 1.A Nutiee Is herebv alvcu that MIIUni l.etrace has hied notice ol Intention to niskii llnal proof be I ore J. W Morrow, I lilted mates couimls- toiier at til" othee In oeppner, Oregon, oil Sit nrdiiy, the :'lt .1 iy of Peeeinber, IK. on tlinlaT culliire appllestloo No. '.'!-i, lor the s'tsw , and ', so'. o sec No 14, III IvvpNo. IH, rNo 27 b w f Ho iinin-s as witnesses r.uwnru r pay. Jior. rla Hall, Koseoe Hay and Kolart Hyud. all ol Heppner, Oregon. 4 10 r.. vv. fi.imi.Kii, neaiBivr, limber Culture -Final Proof. Oregon, ou December 2ti, Was, vU: JAMES L. HOWARD, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No 5'.3t, for the wS4 and ss uw'U see 2H, two 1 N, r 27 E. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James M. Hhaw, Isaac Vin cent, William Ayers and George Pearson, all of Heppner, Oregon. 2-s E. W. Barti.ktt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OKFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, 4 November 1, IWW. Notice Is hereby given that the followlng- i ained settler has filed notice ol his Intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, Pulled Htates commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on 1 uesday, December 27, lw, viz: Ll'TllEll Hl'STON, of Eight Mile: Homestead application No. SH73 for the s'i scV, no' sek. ami se' i svv H. li. tn :1 S. r24 h. W M. He names the follow lug w ltitvsscstn nrove his conliiiiious resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James J. Adkins and Henrv t: Gav. ot Heppner, Ore; Herbert M. Olden, of lone, ami ivtitiatu nvcsei, oi r.igui jiiie, ore. 2 i) Jav r. l.i'i AS, Keglster. NOTICH-T1MUEU VULTURE. t. S. Land Oificr, Th Dai.i.ks, Oregon, Noveinher , Pfia. OM PI, A IN T HAVING BEEN tMKKKD AT VV Ibis oliiee bv Ernest Moiitandeii against John D Miillie'sou for failure io comply wl h law as to limber culture entry No. 2IN7, dated May 21, IHsii, upon the nw sei llon !, township l is, raiiae-i r.t o jt , in .,it,in,w v,,nt., wiu iron. will) a view to Hie cancellation ol said en try, contestant alleging that said eiitryuian has wholly latled to plant tree ther oh or cultivate the land lo tn weds or cuttings as pres. ribe.l by law, since tiling thereon, tbst no Improve ments balever have been placed thereon dur ing the Inst lour veais; iheSHi l (writes are here bv Buiiououed toapis ar at Ibis ottice on the nth day of January, in., at to o'clock a. in., lo r siHiiul and tiirnlsh tealimony iiiucernlng said slleueil lull ii m Vawter Craw lord, county clerk la autborlio il to take the testimony herein, at his olhce at Heppner, Oregon, oil Jan. 4, at io o clock a. in. 2D JaY V. l.rcAS, Register, ITNIIKD STV.Ks .ND OKHCE, THE I J linlies. Ore . Nov. 111. Isas. S tit i. . la In reby given thai Albert Matteson, of Henpller. has lllel li'iH.'f ol Intel. I toll to make llnal pns l 1 1 lure J Mnrunv, l nllisl sitsles eoinniisslotier. al ins ninee ill neppner Ore on ednedv. the 2vh .In) ' DieeilllH'l s'is, .oi 1 1 in i er eunnre si pin hiioo .so .ss-.. i.,r the se1 , ol see Mi ;n in ip mi, s o r .so. -ti b W M. lie names wltuentisi: Holiert P Matteson Keubeii J. Gaunt, John Uniiiit and Mllloll prow ii, all ol Heppner ore j Jiv P. 1 1 , as, Itegister. NOTICE. I'. H, t.ANIi tun. K. I'll" llvlllts, OK , Noveii'taT ?. Issi ViMW.UN t' lUMNG PI s N t-NIKUKH AT V v Hits oiltee bv Ktla . I evmer agslnil Jour dean I eiillnos br HiMiii toiilng hla homesleait entry No Is.'l. dst.d Aecnsl .'I, Is'U. upon the ', ot aeetl.ill ..i, low li.hlp I ft. range J.i K, W M. In Moirna county, Oregon, with a view tn ll.e eai t v liitleii ot said entry, the ash! esrllrs r b reo) auiniiifue l lo par at this otliee mi Hie 4ih dav ol Is omry. Iv, at hi o ebs-k a. m , lo respond and luriu.l. Iiall noliv eolieernllig aiiid alii K-l a'sind, iiiiiienl. Vaw er Craw litr.l, eooi.iv k. la amliooo'tl to lake the leattnm ny ben In, at hla oiheii t Heppner, Oregon, on le.s nibei nun l.s k a m. t a Jv p. I.i . as. Keglater. SUMMONS. IN THE C1RC1IT COl RT OK THE STATE 1 ol Oregon, for Morrow County. MargHlelh Vou Catlow, l'lalntill, vs. Wtllliuii V.,n fmtiiw. Defendant. T, w iiltain Vain a, above named In the name ol the stale ol Oregon: Vou are hereby reouired lo annear and answer the com i.l.lnl ol nulniirl Mini aaalnal Jon In lh above cause on nr he lore the expiration ni ats aeiks Immediately lollow lng the llrsl piuiiieainni ol Una illinium, which date of lira! publication la Devembcr au.l ll you (atlUisoi- i....,r sn.l amui't id i .ui'ii'si'ii, liie pUlnlltl w ill aiudy lo Hie c.ntrt for ititi rellel prayed lor In ber eoinplsiiii, lo wli: r or a decree anil or der ol this court (orew r dUsoh tug lite bonda ol niatiln v enning Mlweeu voiimcil ami lh a. i, on I i, ..r,. in lor a inrlber de. ree and onli olll.e court sar.hi In plli.tlll llie atld control ol the nitlmr eilioa. no..r tinin .low, the Issue ol vour marriage won planum l.,r i,r .-.'. anil tlisi.iirsenienia herein and Im mil oilier and fniilier rellel as to the coiirl may teem meet with e.inly and gta.l con 'telle . ,,, I hla a.iiiiiiiona la tervrdj you by p ib.lra i.... ,...,,..1 t,t n, 11,-itt.itr t. alette, tn Mlira.l ne ol an order il tins ronrt duly m.ts toil entered herein uu llie day ot INseml-r. w a. by Hon Keplien A l.otvell. n l.'I Iheelretnl itm rl of the -tale of Ol.-g.iii, ..r th eUlo I I .Heist dlstrl.l. which nil nr.ier .litis u tin nniiiiiina to Im publnlie-l In Mid si"-r lor rt. A l iivkity. a AitoriwT lor Plaintiff. This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity tbroti(?h- out: Usee the oelebraterl eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Runs speedily equipped passenger trains every day and night between t. mm and t'hioago, and umana aim uDiotigo, the Chicaqo, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibnled trains, carrying tne latest private oomnariment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars and the very bust dminR onmr oar service. For lowest rates to any point id the United States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDT, .T W. flASP.T. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. fortiuna, ur. Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced couduotors and porters. MnnrVo To 0lty. Chicago, Buffalo and mllUl.iip, Boston withoutchangu vlaSalt Lake, Missouri Pociticand Chicago and Alton Rys. To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and i Boston without change via Bait Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & tacitic Ky. Worlnocrlniro Bt- Ju'cph, Kansas. City and lUIICiiUiiyS, Ht. ixmis without chango via Salt Lake and Burlington Uoute. ThnacilQiri! To Kansas City and St. Louis with lUuTMldyS, out change via Bait Lake and Mis souri t'acinc railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday WlLI.AMBTTR AND Yamhill Kivkhb. Oregon City, Day ton S Way Landings. 3:110 p. in. Mon., Wed. and l ri. VVll.LAMRTTE RlVEK' 4 :30 P. Ul. jTues., Thir. Portland to Corval-i lis A nay landings. Lv, Rlpsrla ally except Saturday and bat. HNAII f'.IVKK, I.V. I,W1B10I1 Riparia to Lew Iston daily except l rrniajr BRE TOO 0BIH8 EHST ? If so, be sure and see tbat your tioket reads via lie Mwesteni Line ....THE.... 0HI0AOO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TH For rates and all all Information, inquire of O. R. & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Habt, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or. Passsngart bookad for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Auent. lleppnpr. W. H. HURLBURT, tlcneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. I'AGIFIC K Ytllow Stono Park Llna THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTH, StPAUL, CIJICAG0 AND ALU POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerlest Vettlhuled Hilling ana niei-puig Trains, and Motto: "always on time" hat gl an this road national reputation. All ulasse of passenger carried on the vestltinle.1 . i... ui.L...,,..i,. Mhln woi.p frpfirht BR ASK A, KANSAS, MIS- and travel over this fauiout line. All agent ntvc iii itt:.!. W. H. MEAD, F.0.8VA. (ien. Agent. I rav. r. ai r. gu iib Washington Bt., Portland, Or. Leave. liEGON SHORT LINE i QUICKEST AND MOtT 1HUECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE Depot Fifth and I Sis. SOURI RIVER and all Point EAS'l ami SOUTH EAST. czszr LOOK AT THE TIME. HEl'Mil NEW YORK, 4 J days CHICAGO, :J ST. LOUIS. OMAHA, SALT LAKE, 1 1 Free II. dining Chair Can Upbolntxrci! T'lurixt Slcepiog Cr rullman raluou tSlwpiritf Cerf For full partictiUm regarding rait1, time nf treitit, pto., o ill on t r ddrf 3. V. HART, Agnnt O. U. N. Co.,, Oresoa (I. O. Terby, V. K. Comas, Trav. I'nss. Aw. Oili'l Agt. l'24TliiM rt rmtUn I, Ore. SPOKANE falls i noiitkliis NELSOS i FORT SIIKPPARD IlKD Mi.'l'NTAlN RAILWATS Tli All-lUil Ron Wnlionl Chung nf Cs't lictwrwo Kixikiti, KtwffUn.t mid Nilon. Alt' H-twa!! R.ii.slao.1, daily fepl 'The Regulator Line No. 2 Past Mall for Tacoma, Heattle, AtHTilcen.Wouth Ikoiil, bpoltaite, Helena 11 A. M. Iliitte, Anaconda, Kt. Paul, thlcaKO. New York, Rnstou, and all points Cast and South cast. No. 8 I'oitland, Tai oina and 'Nvattle Kxprcss, for la coma. Hvattlr, Olynipia C P. M. land Intermediate niain- Hue points. Arrive. No. 1 10:15 A. M. No.t 11 P. H The Dalles, FortlanJ & Astoria Navi-itioa Ca eTx:.iscxzs "DALLES CITY" AV0 "REGULATOR' CoroniwDclog Mno.lay, May 2ti.l, the ttenrue ra f tho Regnlator Lioe will leave l'ortlHod at b iH) , Ui and Tne Dalles kt 8.30 a. m. Wtieo yon uo to rnrtlatid, ttop off a' Tli Pallet ami take a trip down tlie Colnmbtaj you will crjiy it, nciaavc nioney. V. C. AI.LAWXT. (leoeral Aiient. 4ad all point in California, t Hit Mt BhU rout ut lb Southern Pacific Co s DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Oman. Kansas l lty and other Missouri river point. 8V DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4" DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Hoston and other far-Eaat-em points. Union depot connections in all principal citlet. Bairgage checked through to dettluatlou of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth St. For tleeplnt car reservations, tickets, mam of routes and other Information, call on or write A. D. CUAULTOV, Assistant General Passenger Agent, l'i Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland. Oregon. WltCONt.N CCNTRAL Lint GENE UAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. MlLWACKEE, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wiscoubin Central Lines iu passing through Chicsgo mny require bo rue sssisU Alice in the ay of LaviDg their hatiil Imgagft tken form or to train nod caniaye cr bus, or in many other waya, actl they will find all that in desired in this re ajiect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central PaBseriger Station, who liHve receotly lieen anitormpil with tirown oit and red Nelson n I Siioilty : I, re. a A. V . II ul A M .. . .ti) A.H "l- ka" K. and N-.Vstl . 4rv. P. M , e. M . 1J T. M. Mm r .ii I-. t , i,t-, t N. ts.'n with steamers for KjmI.i, and all tvo..iriial Ijike p.uiiifc Piuussi,rs f. r K.'i. Mrr and K,-n,uUr twk irnmsH at Han-us oil stao iUiIy. fha artsal loriwai thnnivh 'altfi-nna 'J I p.iint !" a d "4MitU. rndHMtir lsoq'a or ) 1 arine rnnmw wi-vm si,. -. . ., rinssr. (senwid-likHi Klniee ! ki. ur) sin vn in waning & AitaehwUo pei train. t.iniin nw ! 1 1 traiDs tirermred fo aaaint naHs. r -are, ticket., i i.iu cw r-v. vi -hs aeojjei , and it lit liooed that our ?7'tt"lTnZr. c. h. MAKKMvi. P?tron will fnlly avail fh. mselvei n. r. A P. Aft . Portland. r,oo TllKi'l yH Tit Ktra Tasll polnn In the p'ini toslea, Tsnsda tnd Kiiiotsj Ij tiii'ameil ai l ii-st rtt Inwa il It. lillAis, tl. pi.n.-r, nr. of this a.Mitionfil roviion for ttii-ir comrort. JAS. ('. rONP, O. u'l Timr. ArI