Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 22, 1898, Image 4

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    The Gazette.
Thursday, Dec. 22, 1898.
Now is the time to renew your
subscription to the Gazette.
It is hard to believe that Grover
Cleveland is against expansion.
However, in his own person he
represents so much in that line
it is possible he is actuated by pro
fessional jealously. Chicago Post.
The Baker City Record has
been coming to our table the past
three wteks, but has been over
looked in a way. We are pleased
with its clean, businesslike ap
pearance and will gladly exchange,
wishing Messrs. Bowen & Gregg,
its publishers, the success their
efforts deserve.
The inhabitants of Pinar del
Rio, the province west of Havana,
Cuba, must feel as though the
United States is going to be and
has been its friend after the words
of General Davis, the commander
of that district, that, with their
assistance, and co-operation, he
would "turn the trochas and forts
into homes and the matchets into
implements of labors." . It is re
ported that fully one-half the
population have died off, or beeD
killed, in the past three years, and
this assurance comes none to soon.
Senator Morgan on December
12th called up his Nicaragua canal
bill, which now has exclusive right
of way in the senate until disposed
of. He says he will push it until
it is passed. There is no doubt of
its passage as soon as a vote is
reached. This bill makes this
government, Nicaragua, and Costa
Rica, the sole owners of the stock
of the Maritime Canal Company,
which holds a concession to build
the anal, a majority of the stock
to be held by this government,
which is to guarantee $100,000,000
in the bonds of the company, to
be UBed in the construction of the
canal, with the exoeption of $5,
000,000 to be paid to the present
stockholders of. the company, for
them for money they have already
spout on the canal. The president
alone will have authority to issue
those bonds, and he may suspend
their issue at any time he deems
it prmlout to do so. There is
elroug lobby in Washington work
ing against this bill, both openly
. . ... 1 1 1 rn i
nun Bocreiiy. i ue secret wort is
the moat dangerous, because it is
apparently in tho interest of build
ing tue canal, ami only against
this particular bill; in reality it is
against the building of the canal.
A IMlKlitfui Tims Wan lliul ud Tholr Knncls
Were Hwrllnl.
Uu I'riiUy uitfhl Itixl the flfsmen ol
our oil gnv bull wbiob was one of
the moat enjoyable nooMione of th
BMon. The mimic fiirninli1, cnrnprtiA.I
of Wm. J. Hiel m piiuiiHt, ltabt. BuhII,
iin biiojiiHt, and J. V. O'IMlloy, rio
linilt, wm iplemiiil, utnl was compli
iuqIJ oo every sli!n.
The dftooe whi oontlnned uutil abont
! M lo tbe moruina when it broke ap
with every one eatiefUl with the even
intf'f entertainment, while the Mr emeu
refilled tbe neat torn of 40 odd dollars.
These goods arc positively the best made, and will he
The celebrated "JCt.iit Wear Oitt" brand of Boy's all-wool Suits
Two Days Agrceabljr Bpeat ia tbe Thriving
Llttls City.
Saturday evening, aooompanied by tbe
family, we reached the town ol lone and
were tendered tbe hospitality of the
lone botel, under management of our
old time friends and associates, Mr. M.
XI. Hunter and estimable wife, who
have, daring tbeir short reigo, made
this hostlery an asylum of rest and re
onperation second to no other botel in
Eastern Oregon. The addition of its
southern iDg makes it oommodions,
while tbe thorough renovation and re
furnishing make it agreeable to tbe
most fastidious, and we found its every
available spaoe in demand. Tbe Sab
bath was quiet and enjoyably spent
under circumstanoes most agreeable and
interesting with a delegation of towns
people, professional and traveling gen
tlemen who appreciate the hospitality
of its manaKement.
We found the business conoeros of
the town rearranging stook at tbe con
clusion of a season of marked pros
perity, trusting to favorable conditions
for another prolific year, which means
for tbeni an Increase in population and
business booses which will plaos their
little town along the line of progress
and recognition as a leader in Eastern
Oregon. This season has encouraged
building and many new business build
ings have been created, which are all
xnis wees a. ai. ouuii launches a
newspaper, a branoh of tbe Heppoer
rimes, in tbe little city, wbiob tbe
oitizens herald with enthusiasm and
have pledged its support, feeling that a
newspaper is a necessary adjunot to a
thriving town. Another ambitious
newspaper man by tbe name of Oeo. S,
rarjeer, witn an eye to business, oomes
in on the heels of Mr. Sbutt and invites
tbe people of lone to give him an op
poriunuy 10 compete ror supremacy in
tbe journalistic field, and after submit
tiog his proposition a meeting of i
numoer or toe representative men was
called, and at the conclusion of a dig
oussioo they deoided that they had
already pledged their snpport to Mr.
Sbutt to the extent of tbeir ability, aad
in oooseqiienoe united in form of
resolution to give him tbeir undivided
support, wbioh naturally placed a
damper" on tbe enthusiasm of tbe com
petitor, as he felt that discrimination
bad bien drawn. However, upon a
personal oauV'tss of tbe town, explaining
the inducements for seleotion of that
Beld for tbe uewspaper venture in shape
of support, cast a different light upon
the subject, and while tbe business men
are not disposed to waiver in their
pledged support to Mr. Sbutt, they fel
that from a business standpoint Mr.
Parker is entitled to courtesy and a
chance to establish himself on bis merits
and b isiupss ability along the lines up
building tbe town. N)w it romikias to
i- l.iu . nt.a taitm win
start his paper and if so which news
paper man will win the oonQdeooe and
permanent support of looe's bumuess
Uraud Master D Hernn, A. O. U. W.,
with whom we trained in "early days"
as a soh lolm ite, we found at the lone
hotnl and pasjed the time pleasantly
rehearsing tbe "tricks we used to pUy."
Mr. Udrrin's mission was to institute
a lodge of twenty members, conferring
the degree of Prinoss of Oalephs, Tues
day night. He anticipated a large at
teiidnuoa from tb Heppner and Arling
tou lodges.
Sunday night oue and one-half miles
this side of lone, T. J. Carl tbe livery
man, snd U. Q. Iiudd met with dis
asterous runaway, the horses upsetting
tbe buggy throwing them out with
sullloicut foroe to bruise tbem seriously,
The team disappeared in the darkness,
inn a rarmer happening along at that
time brought tbem to town sofTering
Intensely. While Mr. Carl's injuries
vers not serious Mr. Itndd's condition
lecmed unoertam. Dr. Hunlook, Laving
just driven in from below town was
mlled and pronounced the injuries not
it a serious nature and left perscrlp
lions which put Mr. ltudd upon bis feet
again. The team aud rig were f.iund
next morning piled up in ravine a
short dietanos from where they started
somewhat dila pidated.
Mr. Thompson, the inventor of tbe
Summary of the Assessment of Morrow County,
Oregon, for the Year 1898.
During the past few weeks County
tbe assessor's returns, and, as they were
print tbem below, which eeemi lo be a
number of noo-tillable and non deeded
These figures may be ohanged some
are praotically what they will be after the
Acres of tillable land
Acres of non-tillable land
Improvements on deeded lands
Town and city lots
Improvements on town and citv lots
Improvements on land not deeded or patented.
Miles oi railroad bed
Railroad rolling stock
Miles of telegraph and telephone lines
Merchandise and stock in trade
Farming implements, wairons, carriages, etc
Steamboats, stilboats, stationery engines, etc. . .
Notes and accounts
Shares of sto k
Household furniture, watches, jewelry, etc
Horses and mules
Sheep and goats
Gross value of all property.
Total taxable property.
Number of polls
Thompson aoiieyleae km machine, a as
in tbe town looking after several
macbioes he had there, which were in
idleness, owing to an absence of oarbid".
While tbe muohioes are an experiment
as yet and are entiling more or less
trouble, the business men are inclined
to believe if properly handled tbey are
a suooess. Tuey propose testing tbem
to their foil capacity.
The City Being Kebnilt and a Condition of
Comfort Apparent.
Attorney Phelps and Mr. Wm. Long returned
from Canyon City last Friday evening where
they went to arrange for the settlement of the
estate of John Lone as mentioned in last sue.
Mr. Phelps was appointed administrator for the
estate, a considerable portion of which is located
in Qrant county, while valuable property is
located In San Francisco and other parts of
California. Unfortunately the papers of the
deceased were consumed in the Canyon City
fire necessitating considerable trouble on the
part of Mr. Phelps to locate. Ue will leave
about the first of the year for California to
locate and look up titles of property there.
Both Mr. Phelps and Mr. Long were quite
enthusiastic In declaring Canyon City had the
most hospitable and cheerful class of people it
has been there fortune to meet. Rebuilding of
the city is going steadily ahead, and the people
seem to be well provided for and grateful for
the consideration of the outside world. The
frozen condition of the roads made their ride
a thrilling one, as the mountain grades were
covered with Ice, and the horses urged to the
top of their speed to keep clear of the coach at
times. The trip was made in twenty-seven
hours, and hey spoke highly of Mr. Miller's
efficient stage service.
A Mother's Devotion. '
Jas. It. Kinney who tins charge
Thos. Quade's sheep tells a story
canine devotion that unpens t) onr
tender ImpnlriPB. Canngisig onmn from
tio uji'uumiii ranirn t ma "ttiHnirjj
grounds, threo milns distant, during 8
snow storm, the mothtr of live little
Scot oh coll iers, 17 dtys old, whs oom
pelled to leave them in th denerterl
camp to help in the drive. Tlmt niht
when the sheep had onieted down nnd
her responsibilities at nn end, she
burned to ber bnhies, bnt tme to hor
master she was at the sheep corral in
tbe early morning remaining during the
day and at nightfall wns back to the
little ones, finally at the lapse of the
eleventh day ber mnnter noticing her
absenoe, felt some nnmiHiuBS when a
little later be saw her approaching the
bouse osrrying one of her pups in her
month, having struggled the diHtanoe
of three miles that bitter cold morning
This touching illustration of motherly
devotion proved too mnoh for Mr
Kinney and the first part of tlmt day's
program was to hitch np the team, and
that night the poor old mother had
suug nest with ber six little loves clone
to the hearth in tbe old farm house.
For a Christmas Gift
There is no small dry (food article
that is so desirable as a pair of kid
gl ves, No matter bow many pairs a
lady possecses one or two more are
always acceptable. They are always in
demand, are useful, of medium oost, and
sure to please, if yon get a pair of those
Frauds T. Bimmous gloves at Minor ,v
WlJiHVn in stock
Clerk Crawford his been busy filing np
Goished only a day or two since, we
very good showing considering tbe
or patented laoda
by the board of equalization, but they
board has gone over tbem.
92 026
319, 190
. 1,553,730
. I 108,326
J 1,445,404
. I 295
G. A. H.
Kawlliis Post Mo. 51, hag an Interesting
At the last monthly camp fire of this
popt there was a good attendance, and,
as a oonsequenoe, a good time was had.
Among tbe business traDBHOted was
the nomination of officers and the pass
ing of tbe following preamble and reso
lution of condolenoe:
Whereas, It has pleased tbe Supreme
(Jommander to call by death our re
spected oomrade, Dr. L. F. Shipley, to a
membership in that post beyond tbe
grave, and to whioh we are all hasten
ing; therefore be it-
Resolved, That by his death Rawlins
Post No. 31, department of Oregon, Q.
A. R. has lost a faitbfol member, friend
and oomrade, and bis family a lovit g
bnsband and father;
Resolved further, That this post ten
der to the bereaved relatives of our oom
rade, onr heartfelt sympathy in tbei
In reavement, that these resolutions be
snread in full upon the records of this
i ost, and that a copy be furnished to
each of the Heppner papers for pub
lication, and also a copy be sent to tbe
family of the deceased.
G. W. Rea,
J. O. Ball,
Foster Adams,
' Committee.
The offioera Dominated were as fol
lows: C imraander, Q. W. Rea; 8. V. O.,
R. D. Hill; D. V. 0., J. Q. Hart; auditor.
Q. VV. 8 nub; N. D., J. O. Bill; Q M.,
S. h. WhetHtonv; S. , 1). Hhaoer: Q Q .
H. D. Mik.-s.li; O. B.f A. D. Stevenson;
(J.)ligato, A. D. Stevenson; alternate, A.
There will b a j;iint installation of
trmu-rs witlr tU'7 SV. It. O uu Jrtuuary 21.
(iiristnius Services
Uiinl rervioi'B at M. E. ohurcb, Smith,
next Sunday. A Xmas sermon, "The
Divinity of Christ" at 7 p. m. Welcome
(or all. The following Willi the Ep
wor'h Lewie program at M, E churob,
South: Sou,, prayer, soripture lesson,
song, diioimi.m of topio by tbe leader,
.Mrs. J. D Brown, axsisted by Judge
Baitbolomow, Bertha Adkius and others,
B'llo hi' Prof. Akers.
Tb Epworth League of tbe M. E.
ohnroh, South, elected following officers
at tbe Deeember business meeting: P.
M. Howard, president; Miss Maggie Ad
kins, first vine president; Mrs, Thorough
man, second vice president ; Prof. W. O
Howard, third vioe president; Miss
Jennie Bartholomew, secretary; Miss
Pearl Basey, treaenrer; Miss Florenoe
St. Clair, organist. The league has
taken on new life and will arrange for
some si oials, concerts, literary entertain
ments, etc., during the winter.
nntmniKiliiK Morrow county wurrnnti ren-
weri'il prior 10 Him llH'liKUtlR Hvpl W,
lN'.tv.will ho paid upon prenentiUlon at the office
ol the trpMHiirur nl auid county. Interest ceaaei
niter the dnte ol till, notice.
DRtcil at lli'ppner, Or , Dec Z2, 1898.
It Tromurer ol Morrow County.
eleiiu( line ol.
ii ii
If you have coughed and
coughed until the lining mem-
hrane of your throat and lungs
is inflamed,
1 Scott's Emulsion
X of Cod-liver Oil will soothe.
strengthen and probably cure u
$ The cod-liver oil feeds and m
strengthens the weakened tis-
$ sues. The glycerine soothes
a and heals them. The hypo
$ phosphites of lime and soda
m impart tone and vigor. Don't
m neglect these coughs. One
bottle of the Emulsion may do
more for you now than ten
can do later on Be sure you
get SCOTT'S Emulsion.
$ All druggists ; 50c. snd Si.oo.
& SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
There was a regular meeting of the
oity oouncil on Tuesday, at wbioh the
offioials were all present eioept Alder
man Roberts.
The minutes of previous meeting were
read and approved.
Elisha G. S perry tendered bis resig
nation as alderman, whioh was aooepted,
to take place with tbe new year.
L. W. Reed was granted a linoense to
tan a saloon.
The following bills were allowed and
warrants ordered drawn for payment of
Heppner Transfer Co I 4 20
George Thornton A 00
Ueorge Thornton 3 '25
R.O.White 4 95
Rheadt Welch 2 25
A. T. McNay 2o
J. W. Matlock 55
Heppner Fire Department 80 00
The meeting then adjourned to meet
s(ain at its next regular night in Janu
ary, 1899.
The O. R. & N. Co's. new book on Ue
Resouroes of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho is being distributed. Our readers
are requested to forward tbe addresses
of their Eastern friends and acquaint
anoes, and a copy of tbe work will be
sent them free. This a matter all sbool
be interested in, and we would ask tba
everyone take an interest and forward
suob address to W. H. Hurlburt, Oen
eral Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co,
Portlaud. 8l-tf
Dressing Cases
I .! CX
i manicure sets
Albums -latest
Positively the finest goods
ever brought to Heppner.
Jew elry
Elegant Christmas Presents.
Call before the choice elec
tions are made..
Prices within the reach of all
Conser& Warren.
sold at a sweeping reduction
Men's Overcoats
Boys Overcoats 33.00 coat for
S5.00 Coat for
Proportionate induction on
If a roan's in love that's bia business;
If a girl's in love that's her business;
If they set married it's oar business
to furnish tbeir bome from kitchen to parlor as we oarry a most complete stock o
Furniture, Carpels, Mattings, Wall Taper, Stoves, Baoges, Gruitewan, Tinware, Etc.
And ityour business to drop in, examine
Consists of
Japanese Goods, Toilet Cases,
Jewelry, Novelties, Etc., Etc.
The Cuttinq Remarks
and hay knives constantly in stock.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.-i-
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fine Teas and Coffees. m
T R. HOWARD, Heppner.
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a
good article when they guarantee It. e
Old Stand. Main Str..t R.p.lrlna Specialty
The Central Market
Dealer in
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats
Sausage, - Lard, - Poultry,
That U-Year Old Stuff,
"Kohn's Best,"
On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
An el!&!!?!? and w
lrom O.C50 to
goods and get prices.
WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or.
Drug Co.
Albums, Gold Pens, Books,
Prices Reasonable.
made by our competitors are
inspired by jealousy at the re
markable cutting qualities of
the fine line of cutlery lately
received by
Fine three-piece carving set, of
guaranteed quality, at $1.25 per set.
Tbe largest and best assortment of
scissors and shears ever shown in
Heppner, with pocket knives, butcher
knives, bread knives, paring knives,
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
is or
Stand, Oity Hotel Building,
nil grades
Heppner, Oregon.