Eight-Page WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 OFFICIAL Eight-Page WEEKLY GAZETTE, Subscription Price, $1.50 The Paper Is Published Strictly in the Interests of Morrow County and Its Taxpayers. Leads In Prestige Leads in Circulation Leads In News Is the Official and Recognized Represent ative journal 01 tne county. 22S.E SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1898. NO. 701) P A P E K TIE HEPPNER GAZETTE rublished Every Ihnrsday. BY CORLIES MEKRITT, Editor suad. Managw. SUBSCRIPTION On Year Six Month Three Month RATES SI .BO 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. OFFICIAL DIHEOTOET. United States Officiate. President William McKinley Vino President (iarret A. Hobart Secretary of State W. R. Day Secretary of Treasury... ..Lyman J. Cane Secretary of Interior Cornelins N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell A. Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General Charles Emery Smith Attorney-O neral John W. GripgB Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord decretory of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metschon flupt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General 0. M. Idleman Senator. fc congressmen w. R. EUis I Printer W. H. Leeds - 15 U U ijlTfiiue Judios....". F Mr A. Moore, E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial DlHtrlct. Ctrmit Judge Stephen A. Lowell f loaecutring Attorney n. J. Dean llorrow County Officials. J itnt Senator J, W. Morrow R proseutative E. L. Freeland C "ilyjadge A. G. Bartholomew C.oinmissioners J.R.Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Vawter Crawford " Sheriff K. L. Matlock " Treasurer M. Lichtenthal " AHSBBBor A C. Petteya " Surveyor Julius Keithly " l.jUool Bup't Jay W. Shipley " C roner Dr. E. R. Hunlouk hkppnkb town officers. Jluyoi Thog. Morgan C'ir.nflTnon E. J. Hloeum, M. Liehtentlial, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W. Rasmus and E. G. Sperry. R eorder W. A. HichardBon rreaHurer.... L. W. Briggs Manila) George Thornton Precinct Officers. Justice of the Peace W. E. Richardson Constable G. H. Gray United States Land Officers. TH DALLES, OB. Jay P. Luoas Register Otis Patterson Receiver LA UBANDI, OB. E. W. Bartlett, Register J. O. Bwackasumer Receiver FEOFESSIOlTAIi C-A-HIDS. D. J JHcF.aul, M D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Otllce hours, 8 to 10 a. m and 12 to 2 p. in., at residence, and 1(1 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p m , at otllce in the rear of Borg'a jewelry store. C E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office In Natter' Building. Heppner, Oregon, J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. S. A. D. Gurley, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. Practlcioner in all 8'ate and Federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON - and It O. A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOKH and LAND MI.INdH Collections made on ressonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. Government land script for file. D- E Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old hooks and note In hit hands and get your money nut of them them. Makes a specially ol hard collections. Office In J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borno the signature of has been made under his per-x supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUft COMPANY, TT MUttRAV STHCCT, NEW TO UK StTV J 1RST. fATIONAL jjANK OF HEPPNER. RTTEiV. , .President KHEA Via Preident W. TONHER Cashier L. FKEELAND.. Assistant Cashier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all polntBon reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits &,X0. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Quecnsware At Gilliam isbee's And by the way t'-ey have anything yon can call for in the line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. NEW NAME ! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jone3 livery stable The Central. Baled hay for sale. Charirci reasonable. Call ou mm and nave your horses well "area lor. LIIIIJWTY MAHKICT THE OLD SHOP Is the place to no to get your fine pork and Unij chops, steuks and roasts. ft CABINET SECRET Ex-Secretary of State Sherman Divulged One of Them. Says Negotiation for the Pur chase of Cuba Wert) Under Way. By the Associated Press. Chicago, Deo. 20. .V special to the Tribune from Washington says: Former Secretary of State John Sherman, in an interview, tells an interesting cabinet secret, which in the days before the war was fre quently suspected, but never es tablished. With considerable emotioo, the ex-secretary said: "I tried to prevent this foolish war with Spain. As a matter of fact, negotiations were aleeady in progress to purchase Cuba from Spain when the war feeling sud denly' rose and swept everything before it. And Spain would have accepted the terms. "This is a matter of secret his tory. And now what have we to show for all this expense? Some islands in the Philippines, for in stance, which are worth , about $200,000 per annum income; in. created indebtedness of $200,000, 000 and a lot of islands inhabited mainly by man-eaters. And the most distressing feature of the af fair is that we are now about to be called upon to pay $20,000,000 for territory that we could have taken without spending a cent." WILLI tM BLCK DEAD. Passing Aw ly of the Well Known I'iikIIsIi Novelist. London, Dec. 13. Ttie death is on nounced of William Black, the novelist. Willi'tiu Black was bom in Glasgow, I Scotland, in 1811. Hi was educated ut privnte schools; studied for a short time in the government ue'iool of art, G!ii9- now, but Booi engaged in j laruulisiu for the Glasgow Weekly Citizen, lu 1804 he weut tu Loudon Bt'ot wrote for magazines no nrcame (itta?.! io,thP staff of tho Morning Star m '18G3, and was its special corespondent during the Prusso Austrian war of 18(i(. He after ward wrote numerous novels among whioli are "In Si k Afire," descriptive of peasant life in the Bluck Forest; 'Monarch of Minoing Lane" "A Dauht er of Hetb," "The Sirange Adventures of a Phaeton," "A Prinoesa of Thue," Maoleod of Dre," "Waits Wings," Id Far L-)ohabr," and "New Piiuoe Fjrtnnas." His books range from Bo hemian art life in Loudon to outdoor sporting tile, Scotoh scenes sod obaraot era and desoripiious of soeuery strung oo a mere thread of inoident, Ue was tor several years BaosUut editor of the London Daily News. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Belled express fs comlnir. Does deliver work ou short order. 10 cents and up wards. This WHKon is No. 4, and leave your order with It, or at ' Central" tele- . phone otllce. We Move Anything! -CANYON CITY Stage Line ' B. F. MILLER, Prop. Cheapest and most direct route to John Day Valley, t'anyon ('try mining district. Burns auu other interior points. Staves leave Heppner Dallv, Rundar ex cepted. at 6:W a. ni. Arrive at Canyon City in it noun. Leave Canyon City at I p m., arrive at Hepp ner In 24 hours cotmectlnif with trains. Fish Every Friday. Klne sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest caan price pmu lor at noes. Benj. Mathews. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor I'ioneer Tailor of Heppner His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. Hart-NX a to hilks rial Hardman 20 II !i Mont.ment ftV 4 0 Hamilton tV Uitig ( reek V" A 'id Fox Valley .. f:l ft ill John lav 102 s mi Canyon City 1"4 s m Teeth PLTtracted and Filled Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon, d. B. Hatt . TOSSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, 15 CenU Hair Cutting, 25 " bop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oron. Mathews & Gentry BARBERS. Shaving IS Cents Hair Cutting 25 " Shoe te doors Boutn ol I'ostoSico Htaajet connect with trains at Hi'ppner. Not. Ravins stocked up this line w ith new covered cosi-hes arid ir'tod tesrns I am prepared Htve flrsi-cKs service Ui the rjnlHIC. fARUmeTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE A. O. OUILVIE f rrprte ors. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (l miles).. ..' Bound trip HW MayvillctUmtie). tm Bound trip 7U Condon (W mllm).. ni Knnnd trip il Clem is tnilmi .. 2i Bound trip M Olvx (1 irillwi) .... I So Bound trip Blags leaves A'lir.gion every tnormng (uord iv n-r'"1) at f oVIrwk; i dne at truin at 3 p. to. fetid i,rrly at 1 o il at 7 P. m. Cotif iriifjla rovtr -1 ccaoLts sol ears tot, ttprlij drivers. I'rffnt Velhn4 flood fcrmaicli. A Snlein news paragraph states that so amendment to the school law Is pro posed which will olrme the method of apportioning the ptib'm sohool tn tn:y Now the money is distributed to th' ohildreo of solni.il S2-, whioli is i to 20 years, residing in Ihn d striot. The change proposes to divide It soaordinu to the atteudanca at the oo onion snhools. Il Is claimed that districts that have private schools will b affr-oted. One district in Marion sonnty receives f7()0, yet there are bat sii children stiendiDg the o itnTion school lhf others go to the Catb'din sohool If the change is mad these sii ohildreo will be denied school privil""S or be forced to ittnd the Uatholii; schools The common ach ol will be broken np for no hoIiooI oao be maintained with the money that would be ai prupriits l to s i oHi'dren. It is toe Ameriean policy to niHke the rotum i school so gool thut there will m no f ci-finn for msiataiuing olmroll snh'i U C'lin s telte reason Oin ho tl'g d for the change it otitflit not tt i- rri-'l. B it it will n it, howi-ver, for H e e luslcntioi numes the method of npnpriitinj lbs fntld. GRAM'S MINERAL OUTLOOK. Well Known Miulnir. Man Makes Bonie Predictions. In speaking of Grant county's mineral resouroes -eoently, 0. M. Hoghes, a well LOSS Or A LEADER. tiracla's Death Means Much to the Cubans as They Trusted Him. New York, Deo. 14 A dispitoh to the Tribune from Havana says: Citlixto Garoia's death at this oritioal known mining man, said period ia a lnea for both Cuba and the "You may rest assured that Grant United States. The Cubaoa are today county will not be overlooked by ioves- too much excited over the killing of two tors in the future. Her reoord for the of their number on Sunday night b pant year, now becoming generally Spanish officers and soldiers ti appre kuown, is bound to attraot those who ciate its signifioauce, though their want reliable investments in mining grief waa deep. The larger part of the properties. While the mines of the insurgent army had a strong hff,otion Yukon have been the sensation of the tor Garoia. Commanders who are In world for the post twelve months, the oontrol of the forces around Havana boom is now on the wane, and mining appreciate that their task ia iuoreased in the Klondike la coming down to a by Garoia's death. business basis. The speculator and Whether the commission in Weshing. boomer, though not desired, will next ton ia successful or not in arranging a turn their attention to Grant county and loan with which to pay the insurgent the Greenborua. Throngh all the Elon troops, Garcia was the leader to whom dike, Africa, Cripple Creek and other all were looking for guidance. He had niiuing excitements our mines have shown unexpected strength in control I- been working steadily along, holding ing the radioal elements at the Santa out their offers of fortunes to those who Crnz assembly and having himself would oome and aooept them. Every plaoed at the head of the commission to property of any consequence in the belt yieit Washington. He had almoet im- has increased its bullion output and preened oo the insurgents control. His shipments to nearly double what they influenoe was decided and his wishes were wheu the Klondike boom began to were respected. attract the investors, and all who have Garcia waa ambitious and he was olung to their Grant oounty possessions known to be looking forward to be- will be handsomely repaid in the future, ootniug the president of the Oubno re- Thousands of disoouraged Klondikers publio, but he showed himself a politi- will seek to recoup a portion of their cian in the best sense of the word, losses in Oregon, Washington and C.ili- Maximo Gomez bad oensared bim for tortus next summer, and I predict that bis hasty notion at Santiago after bis a mnjor portion will oome to Eastern quarrel with Shatter, and be was in Oregon, Toexe are in Grant oounty open antagonist to the members ot the hundreds of olaims praotioally lying former provisional government. Never- idle, that, when shown In a proper way theless, mutual tolerance as shown. to capitalists, will be worked, and thiire The sorrow over Guroiu's death will be are hundreds of capitalists throughout widespread. He was uot a strong revo- the oounty who, when onoe they lay eyes lutionary oommander, such as Gomez, on theae claims, will invest and opeu but siDOd the death of Mnoeo he had them np aa bullion producers and been after Gomez, the most important dividend payers, leader among the insurgents. His loss "Taking into consideration the sboW' may impress on them that tbey have too ing made in the past and the oo mpara few strong men to indulge lu dissensions live ease wi'h which the entire region i.mong themselves. can be traversed and prospeoted, to The immediate effect of bis death will nether witb the fact that ooaet oities bo to bring fotwrd leaders of the pro will be filled with roiDiog men, I see no visional government, suoh aa Masso and reason why next year should not witness Capote, who were not prominent hereto- a tborougii iuvesligation and prospeot fore. However, they all oonueel ao- ing of this great mlueral belt. There ia qneeoenca regarding temporary Ameri- a great aud almost continuous chain of can control, and some of thorn lan to- letie matter extending from Granite to wnrd annexation. Their weak point ia Snsativillo and Canyon City, whore here .... l t .lTi that tney oao not be expected to Have ami mere suou niiues as me Dimnnz, the influence with the Cuban soldiers I Bed Boy, Skyscraper, Bulger, Bull of that oiliet-rs lo oomniand the inpur- the Woods and Great Northeru to ents foroea possess. l bman for the emergency is O iint-z. lie has been repotted as being distrust ful of Amerioin oooupancy and not in fall sympathy with the visit of the Garoia oommisunn to Washington Nevertbless, he has steadjly oonnseled by Al Geiser, owner of the Bonanz i, and acqaiescnoe. Gomez has remained at bis Fred Hayes, au Etsturn mining man, for OHinp lu HBota Clara province, refusing a,0Uil, will result lu the opeuing up to transfer his headquarters to Marinnao and working on an extensive soa'e of the u the ground that he was uot needed best properties iu that region. I here is and did not iutend to make a show of an abundance of ore in the mine, and it himself. The actual cause is said to be ia biljeved by many to equal the Bo due to his unwillingness to recoguize I uanza in richness. It is believed that Suauisb sovereignty. I the new owners will ereot a mill on the I The period of Spanish authority la property in the spring now so brief and bis counsel is so sadly needed rjy the Unbans that Uomez may KOTTfcN MAIL BEUVHIK. ohange his mind and oome at onoe. About Oregon's Delegation. , In Sundai'i Oregonian we 11 od the following in th-ir correapondeno from Washington, whioli is of interest to resi dents of this county : Our delegation Is iu shape and all well, so fur as we know, Mr. Luke, daughter ot Representative Ellis, will soon return to her home at Sao Fran oisco, and with her goes Mis Torre who has been Mr Ellis' stenograph ir. The interests ot Oregon will be well taken oate of, for our senators are work ing together a? tliey should, aud will d i all that united iffort is capable of Senator M. Bride, has made friend, and what, perhaps, is as forcible, has m i le oo enemies In senate or house, and both he aud Senator Hunt u are masters of policy, as their 0 ireer In Oregon show, There will be strong work done to pu through this session seme features that were defeated . iu the lionse, sfier pss lugths senate, t teim Mt tongue has got th" hang of thing, a every now member innal, and will woik with Mr Elli to secure result. Mr. Tongue has not yet arrived, a he i visiting with friend in Indiana. I ll ink, hot will lis here iu a few das. The Ellis family keep bon at Mount Pleasant, suburb of Washington. gladdeu the hearts of those, who have taken the time' to locate and develop properties." " ' Miners who have oome out of the Oreeuhoru mountains for the winter say that the purchase of the Phoenix mine The Hallrosd Mall Hervice Need luvestlgS' tlou bv tho Government. There ia something radically rotten ubout the railroad until servioe iu Ore gon, aud that (lepailmeut ot the postal system of this government bid.y needs investigation. No oue should be held accountable lor delays on aocouut ot storms, but when traiui ooutiuue so much behind day after day la good inter westhur. rtml fail to make do ou Sir. North as noou a the door as (!Ctloo with the utags lines, the mutter opened. He then turued the revolver LUM ,a l iokel Into, and the fault on himself and Urd a bullet into hi ,.,,. right temple and fell m irUlly wound ! UuJ ,b .,;Ue,lrie f0, the lleno .t- J I ooiue ooors.ep. u .ing o tne danger- uf Cmyoa ulty )ine iUges BrB ou maimer la whioh U imley wts am- L,,ml)8liBll , r(,m,.ln , iBDOI1Hr nntll i.... al.-. l :.- I - uiarsuii ami cu wHi0 ioiiwi M O'c00k, sud if the train fails to On the KsmpHice. Elmer It'imley, a young man who ro Oently went to Garflild, Wash., from Oregon, who has been loa ling hay for the OarQeld Hard vara Company, ran muck Stturday evening. After terror izing several residents by oarelesaly firing a revolver in the air, he went to the residenoe of Mr. North, opening fire Where Ameiica Is. There is some reason for impatience at this talk ot "England with her bsok to the wall." What nation attacks, ot in existing cirenmstanoes wants to at tack, the "ruler of the wavee?" It has been a great many years einoe the mightiest French ruler that ever lived thought ot assailing England, and be did not. Tulk of alliances there baa been by the wagon-load, but it never moved a regiment or a gunboat. Irri tations there have been by the million; mosquitoes swarm when a man lies down to sleep in peaoeful summer. What excuse is there for saying tbat the British ambassador spoke at Paris too strongly? He Baid what the ablest and best men of Franco have said ot their own national course. He spoke as Anglo-Saxons always should, what they tbiuk and mean, A nation which marks with pin prioks its path to glory ought to hear the fact stated without Bhame, and the inevitable end suggested with out surprise. lu this the ambassador was right. It ia not the way ot English-speaking nations to say "my brother" with a dagger hunting the brother's fifth rib. It is not au Aogle-Suxon boast that its diplomacy can cheat anybody. Ameri cans at Paris have stated the wishes ot their government, and Spain has been some months finding out that its will was exaotly what it was ready to fight (or jf necessary. So discovering tardily, Spain has made her choice. Neither is it the diplomacy of the strong against the weak, as puerile ' critics say. Great Britain was not weak nor the United States stroug when the judgment of this oountry about Venezuela was stated. The straight Anglo-Saxon way is to say what one means, prepared to face re sults. Britieh history has countless aentences of tbat sort, and Amerioans love above all things a "square" man. Wheu Great Britain has ber baok to the wall the world will be older. Not this year nor next oan any alliance be formed that will on re to begin war with Great Britain, and with a right cause Great Britain will not be lonely. Amer icans do not believe tbat the Great Britain of this generation can be rntibed into au unjust or foolish war, hut they are iu the mind to judge for themselves. When tlioy find the oooasion not unjust nor foolish, other powers will probably earn that the Western Republic wiahes to express its opiuiou in tho interest ot peace and civilization, aid it ia always aeier to hear than to refuse. "Arbiter of natious?' Not any, Amer icans are not likely to get uiunh Btirred p in any matter whioh has uot passed he point ot arbitration, and do uot want to arbitrate whore questions of human ly and absolute right are involved. If there is nothing of that sort in the mixtion, Aniotionns are at peace and Hindi eugroeaed in btiHiuees. It that kind ot question ia involved, Americans are not arbitrating at all. It is free to auybndy else to object, as it waa when America stated its opinion about Cuba, If Great Britain bappeus to be the party plainly iu the right, then American and British ititineuce, suoh aa it Is, will probably be iu the same eotle. There is some reason to hope that will insure peaoe and justioe. Oo the side of the United States nobody wants war. The function of a oiviliz d nation is to live at peace, to thrive by iudustry, aud to sell goods to people who want them. Hut the function of Auglo-Saxon fs also to enter a protest if things tend toward wrong aud irjuntice, and it may t ud toward wrong and jiistice, aud it may ways In lp toward peaoe iu the future f that fact i ppreoiatd. N. Y. Tri bune. to make any attempt to capture bim East Oregotiian. Jet What Kb llnprd rr ''Mr little girl had very bad Scrofula trouble. Horr appeared iu ber ear, snd her eyes were li kff ctd. I d- cid'd to have her befln taking II rod's HnrsaparilU ll. for lb first b ittla was gote (i.e ii'm Wmm pal' fnl n. d after tbe n ft a few in ire battles toy wel ror I." Mm, Howard l'"J'D, A it'll, Oregon. Fres to Teacher Hebolar. In 1H'J7 e had thons'iud of reqiie' from teacher so I nh"lars for Wonder Isnd W. Ths ediiion large on wis exhausted long before the end of the year, Wondcrlanl "JH rsnnot only be sup plied to tho nrmbl ti seenrs th fi r mr but also to others. It I vntir'-'y diff trent however, from the first named book. It ha ciiapter on the Agricul tural Northwest, crsmi 1 lull f valuable Information; oj on Yllowtn Park, written especially for lesflbers; another on Alaska an ! Klondike, an t one on euone Uke trip, that will lis of Interest to school. The book bs a high 't Oover designed by Lyndeeker, an 1 it I profusa'y illustrated from uw photo graphs. Thi Northern I'aoiflu railway will ten! the book aula rrvo-ad f Idr map of Yellowstoii Park, npon receipt of six Mite in starnp or potl orl'-r. Hn I to 'lis. . Yr, 0n. I. AgM, Ht. Paul, Minn, Writ ad Ire plainly and !' aher you saw (L advi.-rti-meet. The Army aud Navy Have covered themselves with glory during the war. The army aud navy vest pooket meinoraodnoj book pub liatiwl by the Northern PaciUo is a oom paot digest of Information relative to the navies sol armies of Spain and the United Slates and the beginning of the war. It ha a map of Cuba, illnstratlon of naval ships, glossary of navy and army term, tramlatiio of Hpsnish word, etc. Sum! tea oeuts to On. H Fee, general passenger agent, N. 1. It., tit. Paul, Minn., for a copy. arrive by that hour, the vehicle is sent on Its journey empty. For this to occur from onoe to twioe a week it un called for, and the government shoul iuveatigate the matter and oorrsct the error at once. We do out wish to b understood as rtuding fsnll witb our stage servioe, foi it I impossible for stages to Oarry malls when it ia col delivered to them on time Blue Mountaiu Eagle. Krrp Yowr If't Open. Huntington wae afflK-ted last week with the pressuo of a bilk and dead butt by ths tiarue of Charlo Stewart. He ol iini- l hi b-t canvasmiig for the Portlnud U-gali O imptny, an I took a nniiiler of order for photographic but tots, ooll'Otltig the money in advance o I s)iug lbs buttons would Oome by mail. Alter he bad thoroughly can vanned the tovo Im jumped bis board aod left on ths east bound train, Iti unnecessary lo state that th order h rroelvel will never be filled H tinting t-n Herald, lo low a man on trial for rq teexiug a pretty girl' hard pl'ndcd fiat he did it by ici Icnl, The Ju lgn look a goii look at the girl and llieu very properly Cued the liar 1 10. Two Foliiled Qnestioa Aaswered. What i the ue of making a better article than your o ompetitor It you oan uot get a better price for it? Ad. A there ia no differeooe In th prioa the publio will buy only the belter so that while our profits may be smaller on a sin gle esle they will be much gruat er in the aggregate. How can yon get the publio to kno your make I the bnat? If troth article are hrooght promln enlly b fora Ihn public both are Certain to be tried and the publio will very quickly pas judgement oo them and use only the better one. This eiplain the large sale on Cham herlain's Cough Itemedy. The people hsv ben uiug It for year and have fonud that it osn always be depondod upon, liny may oo ssl onnlly lake tip Willi some f 4' lii"tialile novelty put forth illt etagg'Tateil rUitm, but are certain to return to the one remedy that they know loin r. ii idle, aid for coughs, c ild ku I croup there Is nothing equal 1 1 C1.atiiti"rlliie Oongb lletuedy. Fof rah by Coiir Warren, Juinplnn to ('onciuilous. Of course Hhi) tin Indignant wl en it dawned npon inar that someone whs try ing to flirt with b r. Yet there was no denying the faol fiat the man behind her had kept steadily after bcr ever since she had left the street car. "And Iih's old eaoiigh lo be iu bo'ter buNiness," she said to her elf indig nantly. "I'll cross the street just to make sure whether be is really following." She crossed the street, aud ) (11 1 be. limn she turned on bim. "Sir," she said, "why do you feralst in following ma 7" He started, a If dieturbad in the midst of some shstrnse mental calcu lation, and tor a minute seemed to be bewildered. Then he bowed courteously and said: "Madam, why do yon persist in pre ceding me?'' Two doors further on be turuol iu, producing a luttih key a he did so, aud bowing in other war that he lad reached LI it Mtlnatioii. She turned back and went round the block rathor than is thai home, and her luoa w -ut till re I w mo n rnu'oH I h nu . silowtun I'aik l J ii. The No.-thoru Paoilln railway lu jut issued a new nmp of th Yllowstooe i'.irk, th it s'iouM In In d 'tn iti I. It is a rolii f til ip In r. dor, I erientl'J.'ally tua l ', an I i cotopUtlein topography an I n on 'im'i'UM. Tliitiuiiii ah ml iiii!hs in e.i un I i .fut I on heavy p4i'r lii'M miHl iit siiitabln for fram ing. Tii.t in i;i U npiHii'illy ad ipicdfor school nod o'as ro im and will be mails 1 1 1 too 1 1 any ad lr by Co. S F -e. gn ral ptngr ageat of tlie Northern Pioilln, Ht. P.ml, Mino , n;v)a receipt of ten Oetlt.