THK KLAMATH INDIANS. O. C. Applfgate's Kf port to the Commla iloner of Indian A (Talis. Ashland Tiding. 0. 0. Applegste, agent at the Klam ath agency, Oregon, was in ehsrge of these same Indiana 33 years ago, and in bis report submitted to the commissioner of Indian affairs gives some interesting facts oonoerniog the bistory of tbe tribes on Ibis reservation wbiob has probably been nearly forgotten by some of the older residents of the state, and wbicb some of tbe newcomers do not know anything about. Mr. Applegate says: "I am convinoed, however, by wide aoqaaintance with Indian tribes, that tbe Klamath and Modoo Indians are a soperior aboriginal race, more readily taken no tbe 'white man's civilization' than have many other Indian tribes. "Tbe Klamaths and Modoos being naturally of the same blood have almost blended into one tribe, and it is almost impossible to number them separately. Tbe whole number of Indians on tbe Klamath reservation, as shown by tbe annual oeDgus now in preparation, amounts to approximately 1,072 indi viduals. Of these about 487 are Modoos and Piutes, and 685 Klamaths; 488 ap proximately are males and 584 females. "Tbe Klamaths, before taken under oontrol by government authority, wert formidable people, and, with their allies, the Modoop, were masters of all sur rounding tribes, among them tbe Snakes (or Flutes,) Sbaetas, Pitt Rivers, and tbe warlike Rogue River Indians, formerly oooupying tbe fertile valleys of south western Oregon. "Tbe nomadic Snakes (or Piutes) though quite and dooile, do not advanoe rapidly in industrial pursnits, and the representatives of this tribe we have oo the reservation are quite poor, and I think they may need a little help iu tbe way of subsistence this winter. I in tend making speoial efforts to get them to work iu cultivating their lands in tbe spring, and I am quite oertain it will be necessary to furnish tbem with seed grain and to detail an experienced man to assist them in seeding the ground. "The Pitt Rivers (or Mo-at was) now on the reservation consist of former slaves and their descendants. Many Pitt Rivers were originally held in servi tade by tbe Klamaths, having been captured during warlike forays into Ihe Pitt river oountry, a diatriot lying in California south of tbe Klamath basin. Soon after the treaty of October 14, 1804, was concluded with the Klamaths, Modoc, and Ya-booe-kin Snakes, the Mo-at-was slaves were given their free dm, and were adopted into the Klam ath tribe. Although possessing diatiuo tribal characteristics, these people bav become pructioally Klamaths, having married with them and become fully assimilate I. A tnw of them are now prominent, and even wealthy men. Henr Jackson, for instance, formerly iield as a slave by a olnet now living, owns 5UO or COO head of cattle, and bis sales of Ivel animals amount to from $3000 to $1000 a year. Asatriba, tbe Klamaths have always been friendly to the whites, and assisted lis as allies during both the Suoke and Modoc wars. "lue Indians now usually known an Piutes were treated with as Suakes, and were nrginally nomadic bands roaming over the plains of Eastern Oregon aud Nevada. Of these, the Ya-boos kin band. under fjlioc.ktout and Kile lo-ik, was treated with In 18(54, in connection with the KUmatb and Modoos; the Wall-pah pe band, nnder the war chief Po-ui oa, at Yainax Butte, Aogist 12, 1805. Ocbe- bo's baud, alter the termination of the HiiHke luiliau war, was brought from Oamp Harney t Yainax, near the east em border of the Klamath reservation, end established there in the autumn ol lHti!). Tbey have many of them wandered awny during the last 20 yearn, and the once powerful oliirf, Ooheho, now old and blind, resides with the remnant of bis people near Fort Bidwell, in Oalifor nia. There tbey bave bad lands allotted to them, and patronixe the Iiidwell In dian school. Wherever found tbey are quiet and pesoeable and their children are easily controlled as pnpils." OUKUUN ( KIHHKHlta Interesting Information ltrgarilliig: (lor KUh lug lutluntry. II. D. MoQuire, state game protector aud fish commissioner has Bled bis sixth annual report with Governor Lord Conoeriiiug the Columbia rivor fisheries, be said: "The total ouUut of lbs Columbia river salni'in HaWy, since the enterprise was inaugurated as a omnuieroia! feotor aggregates ftV),000 IXH) pounds, worth trO.OOO.UH). If all these salmon could be loaded on freight oars It would require 42,500 oars to bold them, making a solid train L'HO miles long. No other river or like area nf water anywhere on earth ha yielded suoh tiixt wealth in tbe same period f time. If the rxmprehniv law recently enacted l) tueOiegoti legi littiire la also paeao I by the Uwiuuker aud then stiii tly ei.fmrt'd, tb great in diiNlry w ill emit in ne to ) leld It I rename ti in I'-oiIld Nirtlien At preae the ou'pnl Npi fxtni'.t I'lOOOlMH) i ani inn.iii e li .lf i't wli'oli gtna n to b ,ii l i f Itii'i id'K'ri l arm Hi i g .th. and p in-a I In- pnnltut f. r tlia tuik I lf lllH t . i It. ' 1 or iijouinl i-r of )i"un ttiere ha lioe a k ii'tiini ilium h'i 'ii in t' o '.mi'i i ii i r il ".Ini iii iii tliP (' -I ii tn hi rt v a '"i il ti g tln p"t ri'iiH' n tlx- fnili' g i If prulxitllll'i'it BS Ii) h'lirnl til ti II V Wil l luv In t. t.ifortii i u iu..i(T. rent. They atlas! Seem to real ili that we cannot r.mMtuir lo reap Imuutiful harvests indrQnitely ilboiil sow'.rg. "Tlis tulurs pronperiiy, ami, la my opinion, lbs prraervatlnn of this great industry depend upou arliurlal props Hatha and strict eitoroeiuetit of the laws, which I In llevs has been toad poH.ilile uo.ier ths art dratted by the A'torin Tr ',r- iv Comnie'cial Ass'Sis II t, in il I It'll . i iiadtpil Into a ! I li b tu'.ut rl'iu til Mi O raj '0 leg Ittlwr scliiilmgs Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers ADVICE TO BREE.DEK8. Some of Something forth Now Year. ' The world-renowed success of Boatetter's Stomach Bitters.and their continued popularity for near naif a century a a stomachic, is scar cely more wonderful than tbe welcome that greet! Hostetter's Almanac. This medical treatise is published by tbe Hostetter Company Pittsburgh, Pa., under their own Immediate supervision, employing sixty hands in that de barment. The Issue ot the tame for 18U8 will be over eleven millions, printed in nine languages Refer to a copy of it for valuable and Interesting reading concerning health, and numerous test imonials as to the efficacy of Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters. The Almanac for Vm can be ob tained, free of cost, from druggists and, general county dealers In all parts of the country. SUMMONS. Wonts of Value to the Raisers Livestock lo Umatilla County. Kant Oregonlan. John OlBy, jr., recently delivered an address before tbe Illinois Live Stock Breeders' AssoolutioD, at Springfield, in which he said some things which are of interest here in Umatilla county, where baef and mutton end pork are tbe princi pal produots. The neoessity of "breed ing up" and maintaining the grade of the livestock stuff torned off on tbe market here, will give Mr. Clay's words additional foroe. In the ooorse of bis remarks, he said : "The present aim of our farmers and feeders must be quality let tbe ranob man work off tbe cheaper kinds. You may of ooorse pay too muoh for quality that is, the feeder may do so and for 12 months past be has dons so, but the producer can never give us too muoh blue blood. "Tbe agricultural industry all over the world is proverbial for poor oran izutioo, and nowhere are we ridden over and kicked from ii liar to post so much ss in the central states of this continent; tbe politicians think about us only at tbe last inomeBt and then do but little. What we want to enable as to realize the best prices for our live stook is a more enterprising and sggressive policy, a policy that will make our goods be taken on fair terms and in a fair ti-ld. "In tbe second plaoe we must look to our home demand. The taste for good meat of all kinds is increasing. Qo east and you will find it out. Tbe people want tbe goods and are ready to pay for them. In pork we bave praotioally reached tbe perfection point. In beet we are retrograding, while in mutton a vast odvance has been made in tbe past five years. Tbe taste for mutton is in creasing rapidly, and it looks as if we would eventually be as great a mutton eatinv nine as the Britishers. The tide is fl iwiiu in the sheep trade, but as said above in cattle our progress is backward instead of forward. It seems diHgraoeful that it Bhonld be so, but we oannot controvert it, and tbe sooner we commence to Improve our methods the better. There are signs that our breeders are inoliund tn do belter, at least west of tho MisiiMiri river they have bought linerally or good bulls tor two years past, hilt the demand it) the great granger states is sIukuibU and tbe out look is only fair. "Hod helps those who help themselves," and our farmers have no one but themselves to blame They boo tbe writing on the wall but do out heed it. Lot us therefore take a lesson from Sonth America and Anstra 1 1 a, enoourage the breeder of pure-bred cattle and thriiiigb bis agency lead the nations of tho world iu the path o( live Mock progress." IN TBE CIRCl'fT COURT OF THE 8TATE of Oregon, for Morrow Counly. Margaret Van Cadow, Plaintiff, vs. William Van Cadow, Defendant. To W illiam Van Cadow, defendant above named. In the name ol the elate ot uregon: you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above cause ou or before the expiration of six weeks immediately following tne nrst publication oi this summons, which date of first publication In Deramher 15. lH'IS. and if vou fail tu so ap pear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff wtll apply to the court lor tne reuei prayed ior iu her complaint, to-wit: For a decree and or der of this court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and tbe plaintiff herein; for a further decree and order of the court awarding to plaintift the custody and control of the minor child, Arthur Van Ca dow. the Indue nf vour marriage with Dlaintilt: lor her costs ana uisoursements nereiu aim ior such other and further relief as to the court nay seem meet with equity and good con science. This summons is served upon vou by publica tion thereof in the Heppner Gazette, in pursu ance of an order of this court duly made and entered herein on the 3d day of December, 1898, by Hon, Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the Sixth ju dicial district, which said order directs this summons to be published in said paper for six weens. o. a. v. uirlst, 8-13 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOUCE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THERE will be a meeting of the stockholders ot the First National Bank of Heppner, at their of fice on the 2d Tuesday of January, 18'.i9, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., of said day, for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may appear. Geo. Conskh, tasiucr. Hepptirr, ure., iec. a, nws. STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A iM meeting of the stockholders of the Hepp ner Buildinc snd Loan Association will be held at their office iu the National Bank in oeppner, Oregon, between the hours oi 2 p. m. anil 4 pm. of Tuesday, the 10th day of January, lxw, for the purpose ot electing directors for the ensuing year. E. R. Swinbubns, Secretary. December 8, 1898. 7-10 Timber Culture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon. Nov. IB, 1S!W. Notice is hereby given that Reuben J. Gaunt, of Heppner, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J W. Morrow, United States commissioner, athlsotlice in Heppner, Ore., on Wednesday, the 28th day of December, 189C, on timber culture application No tfjisi, for the se4 nw"i, iwk nc!i and e'4 swj of see No. 28, in tp No. 4 S, r No. 26 E, W M He names as witnesses: Robert P. Matteson, Albert Matteson, Milton Brown and Robert Large, all ol Heppner, Ore. 2-9 Jay P. Ll'CAS, Registur. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, J November, 29, 189. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, Jan. 7, l9t, viz: ROBERT FRIErD, of Heppner; homestead application So. 4101, for the se ii sec 28 tp 2 S, r 25 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Nathaniel L. Shaw and Arthur Hunt, of Heppner, Ore.: Jacob Ernst and Ralph Bi-nge, of Lexington, Ore. 6-11 Jay P. I-L'cas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Oiiice at Ia Grande, Oreirnn, Nov. 2:1. 189. Notice Is hereby give i that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support o her claim, and that said proof w ill be made before J. VV . Mor row, U. 8. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on December 31st, 1898, viz: ALICE BARR, nee ALICE TILLA.RD, of Heppner, Oregon H. K. No. G2li7, for the N'i SW'i and the NK SE'4, of Sec. Tp. 1 S, It. 28, E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous resilience upou and cultivation of said land, viz: David Presley, Thomas A. Rhea, William Brown and Hugh Fields, allot Heppner, Oie gon. E. W, BAKTLE IT, 4-1U lCglBlUI Timber Vulture Final Froof. THE TTN1TED STATES LAND OFFICE, U Dalles, Oregon, Nov. Hi, 189S. Notice is hereby given that Luther Huston, of Eight Mile, has filed noticeof intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, United States commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Ore., ou Tuesday, the 27th dav of December, 1898, on timber culture application No. 3289, for the ncft sec 26, in tp No. S, r No. 24 E, W M. He names as witnesses: James J. Adkins, Henry C. Gay, Herbert M. Olden and William Becket, all of Heppner, Ore. Z-y jay r. IjUcass negi&i-ui.- Notice of Intention. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Dec. 10, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 24, 1899, viz: EDWARD C. JOHNSON, ot Heppner, Or.; Homestead entry No. "694, for the n4 ne!4 and se'i se!4 sec XI and nw& nwj sec SI, tp 2 S, r 28 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Andrew Tillard, William C. Brown, V. L. Tillard and Hugh Fields, all of Heppner, Oregon. ' 8-13 E. W. Babti.btt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THK DALLES, OREGON, A J Dec. 12, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has flled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawter urawioro, uounty inera, at neppner, uregou ou Saturday, January 21, 1899, viz: CHARLES W. CRADICK, ot Eight Mile; Homestead application No 4810, for the w',4 nwi4 sec 2d and eW neS sec 27. tp 8, r 23 E.W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A fred T. Warren. Robert H Warren, of Eight Mile, Ore, and Charles H. Bey- mer and William Oordon, ol Heppner, Oregon, 8-13 jay r. lucab, Register. Free Pills. Send your address to H . E. Uticklen x Co., Chicago, aud (jet a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Fills. A trial will convince you (if their merits. These pills are easy m aotiou and are p'rtica- inriy elleclivo Iu the oure of ionstina- iioii ami hick iiMiniHone. for malaria and liver troubles thoy have been proved inviilunblo. They are guaranteed to be perteully froe mm every delete' ion Hiihalance and to be purely vegetable. Uiey do not wenlteu by thir action, but ny giving tone to atomach and bowels greatly invigorate (Iih eysteiu. Uegular sizn L'.ro per bt.x. Hold by Hlocum Drug jo., l',, o. Moonm, munnfler. Hugging while w altzing is under the ban. the decree has gone forth from the nieu who traeb waltzing that no more hard pressure shall be permitted during the process ot lbe fascinating whirl. All this has been deoided at tbe tweuty-tlrat annual onnventioo ot the American Sooiety ot Professors of Dancing. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Timber Culture Final Proof. iTNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE U Dalles, Ore., Nov. 16, 1898. Notice is hereby civen that lacnb H. Williams, of Hsrdman, has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof before J. W Morrow, United States commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Ore., on Wednesday, the 28th day of December, 1898, on timber culture application wo. avji, ior the swU neU. nw4 teH. aud eH swU of sec No. 5, in tp No. 4 S, r No, 25 K, W M. tie names as witnesses: james n. aiicii, jojiii D. Allen and J. C. Keithly. all of Hardmau, aud William R, Leathers, of Eight iw.Ue, ore. 2-9 JAY r. looas, uegiBier. y T Ycu can f PI i be cisred i Timber Culture, Final Proof. , UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, LA Grande, Ore., Nov. 14, 1898. Notice is hereby given that William A. Avers has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, United States commis sioner, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Monday the 28th day of December, 1898, on tim ber culture application No. 2320, for the w nw!4 ana w'i sw4 sec. fo. o,iu,i No. 29 E. He names as witnesses: Edward F. Day, Charles Gardner, William A. Brown and August J. Cook, all of Heppner. Oregon. 2-9 E. W. Bawi,ktt, Register. If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, Dfl. JORDAN h CO., 1051 Market St Esi'd S852. Young; men and middle atred men who are suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and physical nebllla.T.Iinpolency.I.oxt M anhuixl in all its complications; Sporinn tll l'll-:i, ProstutArrhipa, fMoiiorrltocn, &icc(, Frequency of Urinating, etc. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specially DlneaSP Of fijll. K.Tplillla thoroughly eradicated fi'Oiil tno system wlthon t using Irlewury KVKRT .HASt applying to us will re ceive our Honest rminwn ot ins complaint. H e will Uuaranlee a POM TI VE CU1: S in every eatt we undertake, or forfeit Osic T lion hhikI Dollar. Consultation FREE and strictly private. rr.ttr jckasujs aisle, lreat ment personally or by letter. Send for book, " Tho Philosophy of Marriage. frea (A valuable book for men.) TIN IT Ilt. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest M useumof its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disea c. We are continually adding new speciuitiis. CAVAl.OUUE fll'lCF. Cull or write. 10B1 Vaikft Street. San FrnncijCT, C-i. efiw-ivrJvs--iev!i. -ay-t--": -FB5T TBBIH SERVICE DfllLR TO THE EAST n nnnr ior n VIA WlEiAl MM toLAM ftUUlfi. Fast Express Leave PFNVF.R, . . 8:80 p. in " FUEliLO, . . Tin p. in. " Colli i. SPRINGS . . 8:40 p m. Airives lOPEKA Arrives K N'KAS CITY 8:.V p. m. HttlO p. m. Arrives I.1NJOI.N " OMAHA " DKS MOINES " I'EOtlA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. m. 4:2r p. m. 9:30 p. m. 11-20 a. m. 8H0 a. m. Throngh Sleepe's and Chair Cars Colorado to i hicago. wide e'tiDuie tnrougnouu me finest train in the West. Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOFEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:3. p. m 2:36 p. m 7:30 a. m 9:15 a. m At. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. B'y) 0:15 p. ID Arrive ST. JOSEPH 10:40 I m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Bun) OMAHA (Ex Sod) " CO.tLDPB, 6:4B a, m 8:f.O a. m v.10 a. m Through Sleepers Colorado Spring! to 8t Louis via Wabash B'y. ' For particulars and folders giving time of these tralus writs E. E. M'LEOD, JNO. SEBASTIAN, A. . P. A.. TOPEKA. G. P. A., CHICAGO. J. L. DE BEVOISE, PORTLAND. ORE 1S& mk TIIROl'till TICKETS TO THE- Fat and Southeast HON PACIFIC H R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE HEC LINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities . Change. Without ault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Kt. W. & C. ana tne u. ut. u & r. Kallroads. RATES Ha.oo PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sti., t CHICAdO, ILL. O. R. & N. Quick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. . Hafcgaeo Checked to Destination. Ij iw RHtes. , Hi,, pt linn to Trans-UississinDi and Inter national Exposition hold at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific J. II. LOTHROP, or J. C. HART AfrU Run. Ant.. 1S5 HA St.. O. R, AN. Co Portland, Or. Heppner, Or, CHICAGO T"iEPVRTMENT OF THR INTERIOR, LAND U offlee at La Grande. Or.. Dec 10 1x38 Notice is herebv irlven that the following named settler has filed noticeof his intention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that said prool will ne maoe Deiore j. v. mor row, United States commlfsloner at Heppner, Oregon, on February 24, 1WI9, vis: WILLIAM C. BROWS, of Heppner, Or.; Homestead entry No. 7(195 for the s'4 seH a d ne! se!i aud se'i e, sec 4, tp 2 8, r 28 E, W. M. He names the followinir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Id land, viz: Aimrew iiiiaro, towaru u. Joh i, V. L, Tillard, Hindi ileliii, ail of Heppner, Oregon. B'la W. 13AH1I.KTT, neglBlVr NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Olhe.e at La Grande. Oregon. Nov 14. 1.IS. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prool will oe mane oetore J. w. Bior row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Ore,, on December 2o. laws viz: GEORGE W. VINCENT, ot Heppner, Ore,, Homestead entry No. H710, for the e sw4 and a'. nwW. kbc 14. 1'wn 1 N. r 27 E He names the tollowingwitnessesto provehis continuous residence upon anil cuinvauon oi said land, viz: John T. Hosklns, William "at tenberger, James L. Howard and Alba G. Bar tholomew, all of Heppner, Oregon, 2 9 E. W W. Bahtlett, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN THAT THE iindernlgned. administrator of tho estate ot Ellsha Hperrv. deceased, has tiled in the county court of Morrow county, Htatc of Oregon, nis nnai aeeounc as suen aominisiraiur ui mm estate, and that Tuesday, the 3d day of January, WW, at the hour of lo o'clock a. m . has been fixed by the court ss the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof, E. O. HritRRY, Administrator 7-10 of the aslate of Ellsha Hperry, deceased. NOTICE OF INTENTION, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Olllceat La Grande. Oreiron. Nov. It. lwig. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support ot his claim, ana that said prool will De mane neiore J. vv. sor row, united Mtates commisHimier, ai ricppuer, Ore., ou December 20, 18HH, viz: ISAAC VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore,, Homestead entry No. 6V)ii, for the M neli and nu n i.. sec 22. twn lN.r 27 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou aud cultivation of said land, viz: James M. Shaw, James I. Howard. W illiam Ayers and George rearson, an of Heppner, Oregon. n. nAHii.iii, ni-iBiur. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. XTOTICB U HKKEBV (JIVEN THAT THK 1 undersigned, administrator of the estate of Helen M. Allyu county court of Mor deceated. has flled in the orrow county. State of Oregon. his llnal aceouiit as such administrator of said estate, and that Tuesday, the :d (lay ot January, iMiiii, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., has been fixed by tho court as the time for hearing of objections to laid report and the sottteuieut thereof, Thomas R. Lyons, Administrator 7 10 of the estate of Helen M. Allyn, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICK IH HEREBY GIVKN THAT THE undersigned, assignee nf the estate of G. W. Rwaggart, insolvent debtor, will make final settlement nf his accounts with said estate as such assignee, at an adjourned term of the cir cuit court for Morrow county. Oregon, at Hepp ner, to be holden at the court house iu said county, on the 2nth day ot December, A D. IbW. AO. K. DlHllor. 18 Assignee ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VJOTICK l!4 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK i undersigned has been duly apKitntcd by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Morrow county, aiiministrator oi tne estate oi Holland H. 1 lioinnsoii. deceaaed. All iH-rsnna having agaiuai sain main are hereby required to present the same lo inn properly verified, as by law riHiulrol, at the law orllcs of Kills l'hels, at (leppnor, Oregon, within six mouths from dale liereot Dated this 2Uth day ol NovemiMir, iw. I'. II, TlioMesnS. Administrator ot the estata of S II liitlland B. Thoinpsiin, deceased Lavs that Altars. "Love l not lovt that altera whra H slleratlol rinds." That is one of the auhlimeat lines in all lltrrature. It ia the final definition nf love by the world's greatest rradrt of the htltiiatl niltul, Shnkcirate. Nratly all women who truly love, love in this sublime way. Men a Ilium do. Woman's tuoat glorious endow nirnt is the power to awaken aud hold the purs and honest love of a worthy man. When she loc it and still lovr on, no one in the wide wotld ran know the heart agony she iinliiira The woman who siillrts Itottt wt aknrss anil drriingrnitnt of her special woinimlv nrganiam mm loses the power to sway the liratt of a man. Her griu tiil health atiileta ami she loses her food looks, hrt utttaitivrnrss. her atuia iility ami hrt power and tirrstigr a S woman. Dr K. V Pu ree, nf llulfulo N.Y., w ith the nil.un-r of his stafl of able tihv. aii i'in. has pti-act itx-d for many thousands of women lie has devised s prtlnt and acirntihc rrmrtly for women's ailmrnta. It l known a lit. I'irtcVa pavortle Ptracrip. tion. It is piwttive apecihe for all weak ni'w, dirava. ili-mtilirs, dispUcemrnta, It r ic it it aud i!rm!ilattn( ntaina pe culinr to woniin It lMinfiis, triulatea. stirngthrns ami heals. Mrdirine dealers Sell il, and no honest tlralrr will advi you to accept a stitMtitntt that b may niake Imlr lariter proht. ' I w.,a atltt.1t-t with kldnrv tntilile and I tiav alwava had a torpid lim, wnlra Mrs K. Cnnawhilr. nl IHiflau. FtathCo . Traaa " W Hew f oMiimvnrrd yur mvtlkins I was wot able to staml on mv r,.r rt was nmtl of lr, 1'nttr a l avoi'l lrp,rlHlt,a and Sv viala of hi I' I. ui r, ll ta ' I am it.iw Wf-ll I had a, 4 amlW'l in frur ot'.iilli h Ii. n I otismriivTil (in ir.-..iinfMi i,,t ia Uks 1 www wtia tu WWW mwVns'' NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Olllce at La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 14, 18U8. Notice Is hereby uiven that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said uroof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, ou December 2o. viz: JAMES L. HOWARD, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. SKIS, for the K sw't and s'i iiw1, sec 28, two I n, r n E. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlx: James M. Shaw, Isaac lu cent, William Ayers and George Pearson, all of Ucppner, Oregon. 8-11 E. W. Bakti.ktt, Register. DKPART TIME SCHEDULES ABKIV1 fob From Heppner,. fkom 9:30 p. in. Salt Lake Denver, 4:50 a.m. Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louts, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, ' Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dululh, Mil waukee, and the Kast. 8.00 p.m. K'K A N STEAMS. 1 4:00 p. 111. From Portland 11 sailing dntet subject to change For San Krnncisco- Sail Dee. 3, 8, Ui. 18, 23, 28. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00 p.m. Ex Sunday Stkamuhh. Ex.Sundaj Saturday 10:UO p. in. To Astoria and Way Landings. 1 :00 a. m. W'ii.lamkttk Rivkr! 4:TOp. m. Ex. Sunday I Ex. Sunday 'Oregon City, New-I berg, i-alom audi V, ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamsttb ano 3::S0p. m. rues, Thur,i Yamhill Kivkiih. , Mon., Wed aud Bat. d Eri. Oregon City, Day-I ton ii Way Landings. Bmitoi & St. Paul B y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights its .rains by eleotrioity throntrh- ont; fjeee the oelebratert elpotno berth rearl inglamp; Runs spendily pquippe 1 psssenKer trains evrv uuy una Hij?ht uptwesu t. ru anil ("uobk'i, aoii Omnha and Chioago the Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul lso opBrstes steam-heaterl veHtibulei' trains, carryina the latest pnvati oomparlment oars, library boffet Brook frier curs, and palace drawing room steppers. Parlor ours, free reclining chair oars, and the very best dining obnir oar service. for lowest rates to any point id the United States or Canada, apply Often t or address 0. J. EDDY, I. V. OASEY. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or, 6:00a. in. Tues Thurs and Sat. iWtl.LAMKTTK Rivkb 4:Wp. m. Tues., Th ir i Portland to Corval ' and ;at. lis A Way Laud- lugs. i H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable - Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTi In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of ezperienoed oouduotors aud porters. FT- 1r - .1.1 n..r, S1U ABOBKB Kiliy, IjIIU'BKU, DIIIIUIU W1IU , Boston withontchanae via Salt Lake. Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Bys. Tnocrliivo To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and 1 UcSUttJ, Boston without change via Salt Lake ana umcago, Kock island s I'aciuc tiy. Wednesdavs. , OU. LJ.,,I,D "'Il Lake and Burlington Koute Thnscrliiuii To Kansas City and 8t Ixuis with IHUrSUttyS, nut change via 8alt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. To St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis without change via Salt A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. NOTICE OF INTENTION. f AND OKEICE AT THK DALLES, OREtiON, I J November IS. In'.iH. Notice is herebv given that the following- rained settler has filed notice ol hislntention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said prool will he mane oeiore J. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Tuesday, Uecemuer ii, new, vu: LUTHER HUSTON, of Eight Mile; Homestead application No. tnTi for the ', seU. ne1, soa and sv'4 sw', sec, Z, tp :IH, r24 K, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his cnullniious residence upon and cultivation ol said laud, vlx: James J. Adklus and Henry C liay, ol Heppner, tire : Herliert M. Olden, of lone, and William hlght Mile, (ire. 2 V Jay P. Lucas, Register. Snakk Kiver. Lv. Rlparla i ' v. Lowlstoi ally except Kiparia to iewiaiou oaiiy exeepi Saturday 1 rrmay i Pssstrtgsrs booktd for all Foralgr Countries. ! J. 0. HART, Agent, Hoprner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or Notice of Intention. OKPARTMKNT OV THK INTERIOR -LAND olllce at La (i ramie. Ore,, le. S, leia. Notice Is hi'teliy given that I lie following- named settler has filed Holies ol Mi intention t ' make final proof tu iirt of his claim, and thai said priaif will lie made lafor the County i lerk of Morrow coiiniv Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon on January II, vis: JOHN D. CLARK, of Pilot Kock. Oregon, homestead entry No aM, for the s sw and sri see 21 tp I S . r Ifa K, M M. lie iianirs lb following ltnrss to prova his iHiiiilniioiis resldenre upon and cultivation f said land, vl: John Mnlaley, Hugh Hol snd John W. A nlt, nf Vinson, (.ire., and Jamrs Vlariiiail, ol I'eudlelou, Oregon 7 12 K. n aTl.KTT Register. Timber CultuieFinal Proof. UNITED HTATM I.ND orricK, La l.rau.le. Mtegon, Nov 21, Is si Notita Is hrrt'lit given llisl w imam ltrac has DUnI notice ol iiil. ull'iii lo iiiaka llnal priad Ivlore J. W Siorrow, United Hiati-s punnils- loner at his nthe In eppner, Ori-aon, on a t- unlar, tit :lst d-y of Itrccmhcr. Im on llnilwr rullure aplillcalio'i No. Hit), lor Ihe V and ar. ol see No 14, III to p No. I H, r .No 27 I W M Ha nam as wltiiies i.issw V lay, Mnr. rls Hall. Hoseoa lisy and Kolivrt Hyud, all uf Heppner, Urvgon. 4 10 R. W. P.BTLrr. Register. NOTICE-TIMBER VULTURE. U. S. Lad Ot t icl, TMg 1UI.I.KS, Oregon, Novenihcril, IwaA, rtOMI'LAINT HAVINO IIKKN ENIKRKD AT V, i hl olllce by Krust C. Moutandeii against John H Mathesou lor failure to comply wl h law as to tlmlwr culture entry No. 21a7, dated May 21, 1NI, uhiii the li awlloll :I2, township I N, range 21 p., w M, Iu Morrow coauty. ore ioii. with a view to the raneellatlou ol said en try, contestant alleging that Mid eutrynian has wholly failed to plant trees thereon or cultivate ths lami ui ire', mmi or rniiiugs as prcscrineu hy law, since nling thereon, that no Improve munis whatever have ticen placel thereon dur ing the last lour years: Ihesnlil parties are here by summoned to appear at this olllce on the nil day ol January, IM'.I. at 10 o'clock a in , to re inoml and furnish tesilmonv concerning said alleged failure Vawter t'rax lord, connly clerk, is authorial d to take the testimony herein, at his orhi-f at Heppner, Oregon, on Jan. 4, If!', at iuo civa i a. m. 2 JaT P. Litas. Register. NOTICE. V. s Land Orrit s. Tn, oa , Noveinir S. XIMI'LAINT HAVINO BKSN s.Nlr.nkl AT Vy this nrtlce by Kllsa . neynier agilnal Jour- dean iMthera for aiaindoiilng hia honu-sti-ad entry Nu 7I. dated Allans! 21, lanl, m on tli ni.ul section lowuahlp 1 S, rauga iS K, W M. Tn Morrow eoumy. Onsoo. with a view tn tliecanreilatlon nf said entry, the said parties are hereLy suuiuione-l lo spN-ar at this oihi'e on Ih 4th day ol January, law, at in o ei.a'S a. lo re.oi..l and fiirniah testl ' ooy ronwrnlni said allege abandonment. Vw ler t 'raw lord. county rlerk, la authorised to las tli leaitmo. ny herein, at his olfii at Heppurr, ori g in, on ticceinher 27, Ism. at in o clock a m it Jitf. l.ftAs. Register, EGON SHORT USE Ky. QUICKEST AND MOST T1RECT LINE Tc UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and nl Points EAST wi.l SOUTH EAST. te3SSy LOOK AT THK TIME. SHE YOO fiOlSG EAST? If so, be sure Ami sea tbst yoor ticket reads via its Line ....TIIK.... OHIO AGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TBI Great Short Uqc BETWEEN DULUTf I, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTLI. rholr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and Sleeping car Trains, snd Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" iaa z en this road a national reputation. All daae nf passengers carried on the vestlbuled rains w ithout estra charge. Ship your freight m l travel over this famous line. All agents nave tickets. W.H. MEAD, K.C.StVAOE, lieu. Agent, I rav. T. A f. Agt. 2ta Washington St.. Portland. Or. For rates snd all all Information, inquire of O. R. & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Ageut, Gen. Pass, ii Tkt Agt. 2M Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Ha at, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or. VA 0 '5 a NEW V0KK, 4 days CHICAGO. '.)h ST. LOUIS, OMAHA, SALT LAKH, 1 J M Vn-f K' Ollniiig Chair Cars Uplioletereil T'inrisl Hleepinu Cat' rullroan ralnnsi Hleeplnn Car. Kiir full partifiil ir retfar.ling rte itua of trains, do., otll "ti or s t.lri ss J. o. H ur, Airnt . U. A N. V- Hrpprer. Oricm O. (1. Tkbhv, W. E. Coma. Trs. I'asa. Ag. t A,t IJtThirr) Kt.. tV.flnil, Or. Timber Culture -Final Proof. NOTICE. v It, I.asu Orrn s, Tns Pi i . oasoos. NoW'ttitM-r 1. fOMI'LAINT HAVIMI Sff.N KMkKMI AT this nSlrw hy I'avld II. Hensbaw asalnat UMI,P STA.KS IsSn OrrtCK. Tllil'r." 'niyr tor lallnrloe,.mply wltlilaw Imllea Or Nov IS Iw 1 aa h Homestead Unity Nit 4. "J. August of Meepner. has !.! iioll. eol Intenll,,,, u I 4 A Tow ushlp J . Hang ! . w . A ... i ti,,,a i vi u,.,niw I nlie.1 ' M 1" Morrow ronniy, oreon. w Uh a view to NKLSON 4 FORT SIUJTARD I1F.D MOINTAIN RAILWAYS Tl. Ouly All Hail lU'iit Wiibi.oi Chang it ('' Hrtwi-o HHi5iim. Hoaslno.l stiJ Nrlaon. A 1st kltwti Nflaotl SB I Hivselao l, itsity xvp flood ay : sl.l.s ,H.n.n.l..loiwr, athlsoSlew In H,,,p,,.r th e.-e"all.. nl s. Id niry II.. ld parties Or. , on H.liw.1.1. Ih. nh day ol krrmli. ft. 5;''. -i V'T ! "t""1 l , .m Mmlr eoltnr. appll. siloa No ., lor l'r. I" at Wneln. I a m , .1, ai. ol see No , Imp No, I r No, M K, "'"""I, M'i t"r"l'U "' - .Heenl,,, WM said alleged lallur. a ter I r lord, i nuiity I Imvs SOI A. !M lim A M 10 AM . Mp..k (.- and , N,.:mm -. AH. . . l , s ' -. s P. M II names as wilm-.i.-s: Rolrt F. Mst'esnn, Reuhen J. I.siitit, Joha Oaiiul and altitou Br,.wU,ai4 UHVuer or. I l.-rk. Is aiilliorlret to take the y ha In si hi tiito1 at tlt'ppiier. Oregon, uu lieta. t r 1). lt.v at ;u W nl'- I a. m. 41 r. (Atvaji, swn.:, I'w et.tirte. m. at N. i.,tl w alels.t-ra f. taal.s ami all h.-' ei a' U.k i-..n'- Paatta-w f t Iilrer ax I ' e4a ft4i kVukMA aft iitvba m.ut mm warn PACIFIC III. Ysllow Stone Park Lin TUB ONLY DININQ CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. 'Tlic Iteiilator line" flic Dallrs, PurtldaJ k Astoria Nivigilico Ci mTXJL.y&xnm ....... en alhII liarllll irA&" U A LLC J Mi 1 1 miu ntuvLivi tnaincltig MooiUt, May 2nd, lb atoarurrs if ih Kefcrnlator Lio will lv 1'tMtian.l at 630 s, m aud The Dalles at 8 3D Vhco yen kti to Pnrllacd, Slop fiff Th Ualles and tsks trip down the Coionjbj .; jnn will erjoy it, sr,i ssvr mny. W. 0. AI.LAWAT, General Arfnt. O IJIOlt TIIVII3 t Sciti Kranolwoo Vd all lnl. ia ( allf-rtila. ta th. Mt HhaM roataol the Southern Pacific Co n.i Kiatiwai tliriMa rahftwnia IMtlttra mr mmin. iiiasowwiff rMiat Il No. 2 11 A. M. No. P. M. Depot Fifth aod I Sis. Fast Mall for Tacoma. Seattle, Aherdeen.Houth lend, Spokane, Helena, Hutte, Anaconda, Kt. Paul, Chicago, New York. Boston, and all points Last and South east. Portland, Tacoma snd Seattle Express, for Ta coma, Seattle, Olyropla wou iiitenueuiaie maul' line points. Arrive. No. 1 10:15 A. M. No. I It P. M I DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. 3!4 DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee snd Chi cago. 4V DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-East-srn points. Union depot connections In all principal cities. Baggaga checked through to destination nf tickets. I'nton depot, Portland, foot of Sixth st. For aleerlt g ear reservations, tickets, nan. of routes sua other lulorniatlou. call on or writ A. D. CUARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Stt Morri son it.. Cor. Third, Portland. Oregon. Wisconsin CiBjvsat, liats rtiatiwai m.M utd lit of th. Pwetfbt t s. Inllna8 Bnffs alasiMt, Hswnnil-elaM Mfrs A 'ta-led tn.spes. train, alt.aMinaj Mawyo are. i m,-lati "r, fur Barmd-tlas. tianBr. Fur mie. Urkta, alawti.tig rr rxawer tia, Ma. fa't tie-. " a-idfa. a. I'lghimt. Mai.arer. O. ft. MABKIIAM -n P s lw-l.A rteee THRot i.H Tit KITS o all p .int. In ' Fa.'erfl iH rana la aud KuflAai ua Ul fcl''ji't, af b rst fates (nit, f A' UA.. teVVVM. Ct. GENERAL PASSENGKR DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Not. 5, 1897. PAT HON 8 of tbe Wiboolmd Central Lice io pRgsiog tbrongb mny require some sssist Dce io the way of bnviDg their baud bapgagn tskeo form or to train aud carriage r butt, or in many other way, aod tbey will find all that ia desired in tbia re aped in tbe aerrice of tbe Uabers at the Grand Central Passenger Ktatioo, ho bare recently been aniformed with brown aait and red icap. I bey will be in waiting at jail train prepared to assist pa. "s" i ""u ! uouea ioai our patrnna will folly avail tbeuaelTee f thia additional nmriainn fnw 'their comfort. JAM. J POX I),