THE FAIR T HE PLACE To Save Money xwvs-. Our Guarantee Money Nnsr1 ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. JUST AERIVED Egg 'TTTwaraiiifflMHUiiiiw We have now opened and on display a beautiful line of Holiday Goods, including Toys of every description. Now is the time to call and make your selections. These goods have been bought at a figure that will enable you to purchase at prices that will astonish you. Among these goods are many beautiful and useful presents. Our shelves 'and. counters are teeming with them. Call at once and inspect our display. WE HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED A. fine additional line of THE FAIR Which we are prepared to sell at prices lower than ever. THE FAIR Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread in Spite of Treatment but Now They are Healed A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great Sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully Bwollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsnparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, hag done for me." Mes. A. E. Gilson, Hartland, Vermont. OOCFS Spfrma Istht, best ill fact the One True Blood rurlfler pil'" onrp nil livr Ills. cpntH. ADVEKT18EO LETTEBS. LETTERS ADVERTISED Or., December 12, 1HU8. AT HEPPNEB Bairil, Mr Frank Blevins.Mr J A Brown, Mr John Carle, T Z Esq Crr Mr Sylvester David, Mr C D Feezell, Nathan Watkiua, Mr B F Hl(?hby, Mr Charles Johnson Jimmy Ray, Mr Dale Smith, Mr D C Bominer Mr Herman Trenton, Philip Turner, Mr Frank Web, Fat When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. F. Vaoghan, P. M. Local Notes. Mrs. Julia Bradley is convalescent. J as. Brown, living near the Caldwell grade, is afflicted with neuralgia. Liobtentbal & Co. for shoes. Ex clusive shoe store. Handles the best Mrs. Oourseu, mother of Wm. Cmr od, of lone, aged 70 years, is seriously ill. The nnioa teacher's meeting will be held at Rev. Flesber'a study next Friday sfterooon. Smoke tietdenberg k Co's. Arabian Nigbt and Eepanols cigars at Onser k Warren's. 1 3mos Go to Tbe Fair for your Christmas toys, wbere they have everything your bear! desires. Dr. J. W. Vogel, speeiolist for refrac tion and defeota of tbe eye, will be bere every three months. 618-1 yr Dr. J W. Vogel, the oconlist, arrived bere from Portland Tuesday morning and will remain until the last of tbe week. Arthur HtepbeDe, Pat Kilkenny, Jerry J. McElligotl, Fredriok W. Balsiger, David II. Urabill made final proof Ibis week. Cbai. Fenoe, who left Heppner two years since for the east, was married to an estimable young lady in Batter oounty, Pa. Wood, wood, wood. H-te It. 0. Wills for your wood. Cash on delivery. Orders left at Minor & Go's.. Gilliam k Bisbee'e or Brown k Hughes. Professor Paul, a professional pen man of years experience in teaching, i organizing a class in penmanship, to be gin within a few days. Clmmherlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Disr rboea remedy can always be depends! noon and is uleasmt and safe ti lake Bold by Ci'oiwr 4 Warren. Htop that oougbl Take warning. It may lead to ooosompiioo. A 25c bot tle of tibilnb'e Oar may save your life. Bold by Cooser k Warreo. I Mrs. Wm. Leaob, of Lexington, who pent last week in lieppoer under medi cal treatment of Dr. MoSworde returned b imevery much improved in health. Karl R'lea, tbe 10 year-old sou of J. P. I'.hea, of ll'iee oreek, has recovered from the surgical nperaHou performed t.y Dr. MoSworde, aoJ returned home. ll II II Karl's Clover R-iot Tea, fr Constipa tion It's tbe "beet and if after using it you drn't say so, return package and get your money Sold by Conser & Warren. x Catarrh cured. A clear head aud sweet breath a-cured with Rbiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on n guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by OnuBtr & Warren. x Call at the OtW'lv Factory when yon want a good oup of hot ctfi-e, oooo or chocolate. Fresh o6ter in any style. Hot and oold lunobe,. Try one of our oyster cocktail's. tf Mr. S. J. Lez-r widhes to annonnoe to the public that he now bus eeoured the service of a strictly first olass painter and paper banger, aud is now in shape to fill all requirements. W. P. Snyder, tbe livery stable pro prietor, buys only the beat bay and gruin. Large corrals and HCOommodatiooH for freighters. Haoks and buggies furnished reiiHonable. (Stock well oared for. tf Tbe tioket nominated by tbe independ ent non-partsiao, taxpayers, oommittee was elected from top to bottom with tbe single exception of alderman in the third ward iu Salem. . There Alonz Gesner orept in over Hirman Smith by two votes. ' W. W. Smead retarned from Portland yesterday morning, having been there purchasing a fine liue of confectionery, fruits and vegetables, which will be on display next week iu tbe old postoffioe site, wbiah is now beiog neatly re modled fur the business. Mr. F. MoFarland, Heppner's former merchant, returned bere this week for a few days on business. The metropolitan oity seems to be treating Mr. AlcFarlanu very nicely. He has beo trav hug tbe state tborongbly in tbe interests of in suranoe, meeting with good success. 'In tbe morning by ti e bright light," In tbe evening at tbe "Redlight," wbere John Rasmus oontinues to dole to his patrons those sparkling beverages, wbioh "banish melancholy and drive dull osre away." Drop in; warmth greets you these fall sod winter evening. Oregon barbers "ill introduce a bill in tbe next legislature for the protection of their business, by requiring licensee, iusuriog better qualification for doing work. No doubt the measure will pass without a deeenting vote as tbe members bave all been victims to tbs "hoeing" process. Si Bennett allowed "tire-water" to get tbe best of him one night this week, and B realstiog tbe marshal met with pretty severe treatment, ibe next morning before Judge Richardson, he plead guilty, and was fined 7.50, with the alternative of going home. He accepted the latter proposition. Frank H. Johnson is again with bis Heppner friendi, having Just returned from Boise and Baker City. He reports a great deal of wool moving from that section, and predicts a mmbty effort on tbe part of eastern wool-buyers to move the wool they bought early in tbe season during the month of January. Dr. MoFanl reports M. 8. Gregory, wbo baa been at the Ueppuer House un der bis treatment for lottummatury rheu matism, recovered and able to return borne. He also has under treatmeol Mr. Jaa. Willie, suffering from tooeill tis; Mr. Cornell's little baby, and Mrs. Ailltuinghsm, all of bou are eonva-leeOrtnt. Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time Oor uer, extends to the public a oordial wel come. Tbe beverages be dispenses will b kept np to tbe highest standard, and tbe enlargement and oomfortable eqnipmeot of bis billiard parlors and olub-roome are a drawing feature. 92 tf Home one convinced Qeo. Cinser tbal "Jack Frost' would turn bis beels lo rook salt He tried it oo the walk la front of Ooeer Wsrr-n's early Mon day morning melting the ioa is short order, and when "O d Hoi" came over lbs bid be was minus on J b, and to ao ugly mood ibvo tbe town "oolJ shake" leaving tbe snow sod ice on the idsalk loaot. O ir iori)iiU, we lil ytitnre to sty, will in ike tli trc (I I' k!t III el l'lnal t .!'( if I :) , wilt try frw um vrnnstJut. "Christian Education" at 7 P. M. and 'How to do i-fFeoiive work" at 11 A. M. Wil ho the auhjacts disoussed next Sun day ntM.E. cburoh south, League at K:15 f. .11 , led by Miss Maggie Adkina. Harry Warren, Dr. MoFanl and S. P. Garngus enoountered a band of prairie chickens this week. They were ell armed. At tbe onnolus'on of tbe shoot they returned home minus ammunition, claiming even honors. Their firearms and ammunition were seoured of Art Minor, and they are united iu acousicg him of sending them out witb shntless shells, W. D Keuey, who was seriously in jured at tbe Hager ranoh, by being thrown from a horse and dragged some distance, bis foot being cangbt in tbe stirrup, is at the Heppner hotel under care of Dr. Hunlook and is getting along exceedingly well, although it will be several weeks before be oan lay aside bis orutcbes. He was very fortunate in not Deiug killed. Mrs. M.J. Bailing, of Gooseberry, wbo went to Tbe Dalles Inst May to visit her daughter returned this morning aud calling on the Gazette reports tbe serious llness of ber daughter, necessitating her removal to the Portland hospital to on dergo a surgical operation. While the o use is serioas the d ictors asi ira Mrs. Sailing thtt her daughter wiil get through with it without serioui trouble Tbe 0. R & N. Co's. new book on tbe Resources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are requested to forward tbe addressee of their Eastern friends and acquaint- a noes, and a copy of tbe work will be sent tbem free. This a matter all should be interested in, and we would ask that everyone take ao interest and forward uch address to W. H. Hnrlburt, Gen eral Passenger Agent, O. R. k N. Co., Portland. 81-tf Consluble Geo. Gray recites an inter eating experience in running tbe 11,000 pound traction engine from Peter Bren ner's plaoe to Lexington, a distance of fourteen miles, tbia week, wbere it will be told the latter part of Ibis month to aatisfy ao indebt edness of 81,200 in favor of tbe Bnff.lo Pitts On. Notwithstanding tbe rnngb and frrzn ooditinn of the roads tbe eonioe moved rigbt alongcompl9ting tbe Journey in two short daya. Sous Dental Booms. Dr. Vaughau can new ba found in bis newly furnished dental parlors justbaok and adjaoent to the postoffioe depart ment, which be bas had neatly papered and tarnished. The dootor is exceedingly fortunate in the effioienoy of bis olsrioal help whioh relieves bim personally, and affords bim an opportunity to attend to tbe requirements of bis profession. Tbe change iu tbe looation of tbe office has proven a great convenience lo bim, as be oan, by having bis rooms together, ive both tbe required attention. Tbe community no w feels reconciled to tbe new location; from foroe of habit and would feel tbe same disturbance ebould it be removed to tbe old quarters. Dootor's years of pratioe iu Heppner make it a bard matter for his patrons to recognize, bim iu bie new department, aod are pleased to know tbat bis praotioe is not to be interfere.! with. In the Nick of Time. We bave received alarge line of ladies' kid gloves from Franois T. Simmons & Co., importers. Tbey are especially fine in black auil oolors. They sell at $1.25 and $1 50. Minor & Co, New Management. Mr. T. B. Wbitiey, tbe proprietor of the Heppner Home, spoored a Isase on the Palace tbia week and will now o n trol the hotel business of our oity bj running both plsoes. He will renovate. repaper and repaint tbe Palace from the ground up, aod ruo the same to the eatisfactiou of tbe pnblic,. as be is thorough hotel mao of 18 years' exper ience. The Heppner Boom will be an ler tbe supervision of Mr. and Mra. Jack Livingston, Mrs. Livingston having been connected witb tbe same for a long time, ami, aa Mr. Whitney exprees-s It, la a very agreeable and capable hotel woman." Mr. Liivingstooa popularity it'i the stockmen will also be a draw ing card for tbe bouse. Ohaa. Tefft gave op the diuniog room of the PsUqj last week, wbioh olneed it, scattering tb goeste eiuoog tbe restaurants aod private boarding bouse or the town. A Chrlatnu Tree. Tbe citizens of Heppner should not overlook lbs pleasure afforded 'he little ooea by giving public Christina tree ft in so event wbioh excites mire en tbnsiasm an 1 good reeling man an olass of entertainment Tb jiiveoilee take an interest lo their playratU and it gives them in opportunity to ex change small tokens of aff-otion lo manner tbat eomnleiely ronlM tbe selfishness of their natarea, developed by exo'nsive restriction of tbir pUtsure and gift to their home. All of the bright little boys aod girls bave frieud wbo would gladly contribute thnaly bit ol "sunshine' loto tbeir lives, a'i witnessing it woulj retire lo lb r biiimt filing a pleasure wortb their effirt I cnmtuitUe in a small town like Upp oer cunld furnish a list of the little otM b"tn eiroumataocea might raise to b otrlokl. salleniog their seasltiv hr net un na this ,n 1 i-ie mri the l't'l fnlks If o-i .now th oi eoni Jurnwa, tu; are bound tii rvuvrvua'.s. .1 -. a Bam page, - Call and see our Christmas Dolls, Toilet Articles, Glove Boes, Ornamental China, Etc. CHANCE to BUY WINTER CLOTHING BROWN BROS' Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection. At Prices that are All Right. Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay. MEN'S SUITS and a line of OVERCOATS La Grippe on With tbe severity of winter cams tbe la grippe, and olaime among its victims: Jas. Adkios, W. O. Minor, Chris Borob- ers, Frank Gilliam, Harold Brook, Otto Frederiob's little babv, W. 8. Connor, Wm. Hughes daughter, Will Drisooll, Mrs. Geo. Wells, Mrs. Dr. Hunlook, the daughters of Mr. Barton, Mrs. John Hager, Mrs. Julia Bradley, Mrs. Abra- bamsio and daughter, and many others not reported. At Last ' We bave secured the agency for kid gloves that we o iu highly recommend We believe that there is oo better gloves made for tbe prioes, viz- $1 25 and 50. Just tbs thing for a Xmas gift. Mii.or k Co. Back to the Old Home. Monday night's train oarried away quite a party, eoroute to their former Eastern homes to renew old associations and satisfy tbat longing for tbe "dear ones at home," whioh takes possession of all westerners to a more or less extent. fhoee fortunate otej oompoeing tbe party ware N. R McVey, wife aud ohild of Gooseberry, bound for Marietta, Ohio; J as. Robinson and Mr. Sbnltuok wife aod ohild of Line Riok to their former Iowa borne; Jaa. Ioskeep to HI. Joseph, Mo., and Cbria Reunioger, of Hardmao, to St. Louis, Mo. Suitable for this Climate Call and Carefully Inspect Stock An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now $7 Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12 All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $1 .r0 D r ET D I IT O An extensive stock arriving every day. 1 w 1 1 1 1 VJP prcsh anJ of the latest staple lines. Boots, Shoes, and Overshoes, Fells, Biers, Etc. New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived. Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the Market. We want your trade and will give you the best value for it. For a Christmas eilt There te no email dry good article tbat it ao deeirable ae a pair of kid gl ifea. No matter bow many pairs a lady poseeeaes one or two more are always acceptable. They are always io demand, are useful, of medium cost, aod are to please, if you get a psir of tboee Frenois T. Rimmooa gloves at Minor Go's. Two Pointed liaeetiuas Aawr4 What ia tbe use of making a better artiole than your competitor if you oo- oot get a belter prioe for ll? Aos. Aa there is no diflereoce In tbe prioe tbe public will buy only tbe belle'. so toil while uor profits may be smaller oo a single sale tbey will be much great er to tbe aggregate. IIow can you get tbe pnblio to know your make ia the bestf If both ertk'lee are brought prorolo eotly before tbe pnblio both are eerlain to be tried and the pohlio will very quickly paaa judgement on them aod oae only the better on. Tbls eipUins the large aale oo Cham berlaio't Cough Ileroedy. The people have twee neiog it for years and be. re found tbat It oo always be d'peoded upon. Tbey may oecaeionally take op witb some fashionable boeelty pat f'tftb with eteggereted aleims, but are eertaio to return lo the ooe remedy Ibal tbey ka'iwtohe reliable, and for vuogbs, colds and croup there te nothing eiel to Cbamberialn'i Cough Iteiiiedy. For sale by Cooeer k Warren. For Cootiipelloo take Karl'e Clover T, the great lllooi roriflrr, en res Iieed-K'hee. NerToneea, Rruptione oo ti la1, aed make Ih4 hd as olear ae U.I. Mi by Cvbavr k WerreJ. i BROWN 4 w 0 S, Lmt. One hundred aod seventy five bead of abeep in the mountains near tbe bead of Bear oreek, Morrow county. A reward of 25 cents per bead wilt be paid for the recovery or information leading to tbe reoovery of tbe said abeep. E wee aod lambt branded 11 ; yearlings branded F oo shouldsd; 2 yesr-olds branded P on blps. Address, tf r. M. Putib, Condon, Or. Tine's t'p Jaaaary 1st, Tbe attention of settlers oo railroad land within tbe borders of Morrow oounty la called to tbe fact that the time for making tbeir proofs on tbe same eiplree on Jaouary 1st, lHlrt). Vawter Crawford, county clerk, ia authorised to t ke land filings and proofs, and trans ects general publio land business at bis omoe lo tbe oouri boose, at re aeon - ol la rates aod satisfaction guaranteed Tl jao 1 Hoi ail a a Dollar. .,kk.'. i.i "I bave eoff-red for tbe last tso years i Tbe fleet Baits in tbe world for Cute, from pilee, aod dnring the last two years Bruiaee, Mores, Uloere, Salt Kbeotn, I was completely Lid op with Ibis die. ' K,TM fjorea, Tetter, Chapped Uande, ease. I begao taking flood's Barssparllla, Chilblains, Coma, anb oil Hk'o Erop tbe first dose of wbioh did me moob tiooa, and positively cures Files or oo good. I eon'iooed tbe oee of tbia medi cine, and today I am aonod as dollar." O. W. Hwayoe, Teaoawar, Wash. A Ores! Ckaae. Piaoos slightly need from 75 op; also high-grade organs tskeo io eichsnge at from l.'lS op. Inquire at Joeef Mueller's office witb the Bioeom Drag Co , liepp oer. Or. ( fcrtatejM Hell Kkteosive preparations are being made for o CbrUtmsa ball for Friday eveeiug tbe 23 L Good maeio bee beee seoured aod no SI penes lll be Spared lo mete t tbe eyel of the seii.. Meet outal lore will be prnt and the young folk are forward ro tbe otJcietuW vrrtb pTiurV. pay required. Ii ia guaranteed to give perfect eatisfaolloo or money refunded. Price 25 ceote per boi. For sale by Hlooom Drug Co., K. i. Hlooum, manager rVkool Wasted. A yoong mao of aeveo year's etperl ence, holding first-grade state certifl eate, is desirous of obtaining sobool lo Morrow oounty at ooce. Inquire of Ooury Huperloleodeot Shipley, liepp oer, Or, 8 tf WILL uriUHN BOON. Joaepb Mealier, tbe Plaao Has, Aaauaaces to His Patroas That importsot bnaioees reqairmeols oecessilated bis departure aoooer tbao be sxpeoted, but will retaro her wilb i msgoidueot seleotioo of high-grade pianos as toon aa possible. During hie short, stay Mr, Mueller made severs! sales aod secured orders for tbe future wbioh jostllled bim io assuring bis pa trons of hia early return. Ilia dealings with tbia commuoily bavebeeo each at to wlo the confllsnoe of musio lovers, od lo eoosequeoce be rivals all compet itors. Mr. Mueller ie not only fort on ate lo this seotioo. bat bis inocess baa beeo phenomenal elsewhere. Hissooompllib men! as a musioiao, together witb bis be ing Unguis! baa made bim most sue ceesful piano salennao; besides, be ll thoroughly oooverssot witb his business aod i gifted witb tirelees energy. Mr. Mueller lias proveo himself aa Interest ing end affable gentlemen in all bia dealings thereby securing the firm frieedahip of the majority of reputable ottlSKoe. lie will meet wilb oordial reoepliou upoo bie return io the near future, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Kln1 Yea Have Always Bought Bear the fUtfotfeirv ll A 1 1,110 A l) LAND Huttler tributary to lone having rail road land ami have not made proof yet, by railing at tbs office of N. J. Uale, loos Oregon, ran make tbeir proof aoJ save lot of money. Time expires Jeo. 1 1. 1H04 All kinds of land boaioea jOeoU-d . Huttf1! looateM Utt varit