Eight-Page WEEKLY GAZETTE OFFICIAL PAPER Eight-Page WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription Price, $1.50 The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests of Morrow County and Its Taxpayers. Leads In Prestige I Claris In rlrr.ulAtlnn Leads In News Is the Official and Recognized Represent mm m far ur ative journal 01 in louniy. .SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1898. NO. 708 mm THE HEPPNER GAZETTE relished Every Thursday. BY OORL1ES MERRITT, Editor am.d. Ma7-i a-g-ar. SUBSCRIPTION On Year Six Months - Three Months BATES- SI. BO 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppuer, Oregon, aa second-class matter. OFFICIAIi BIBEOTORT. United States Officials. Ptesidont .....William McKinley Vice President ....Garret A. llobart fleoretary of Slat W. K. Day (secretary or Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss tfeoretary of War Kussell A. Alger Seoretary of Navy John I). Long Postinascer-tteneral Charles Emery Smith Attorney-1onernl John W. Griggs Baeratary of Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Uovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of Btate H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metaohan pnpt. Public Instruction (, M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senators. j G. W. Mo , MoBride Connon i A'108.- H:.T"nBne ( W. . EU18 Printer. !n. 8. Bean, P. A. Moore, C. K. Wolyerton dnprorue Judges Sixth Judicial District. rirjnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell PtoBeonting Attorney.... H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. J int Senator J, W. Morrow K presontative E. L. Freeland C! if.yjndae A. G. Bartholomew ' tJouimiesionere 1 . U. Howard J. W. Beokett. " Olers Vawter Crawford " Sheriff E. L. IKatlock " Treasurer M. Lichtonthal " Assessor A 0. Pettey " rfnrveyor Julius Keithly " -"ihool Hap't Jay W. Shipley " C roner Dr. E. B. flunlouk HKPPNEB TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor .- Thos. Morgan Oiunnilmnu E. J. Hloonm, M. liiclitenthal, J. H. Simons, J. J. Koberts, J. W. Rasmus and E. G. Sperry. K uordei W. A. Richardson r'ein'xrer. L. W Briggs Waiahaf George Thornton Precinct Office if. Mixtion of the Peace W. E. Hichardson n ntahlo 0. B. Gray United States Land Officers. THE DALLES, OB. ! ay P Lucna Register Oh HaitiTsoa -.... Roceiver LA BBANDE, OB. H W. Bart'ott Register .!. O. BWrtCklm.mer Receiver PBOrESSIOWAl- C-A-KIDS. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER. OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. in., at reHiUer.ee, and 10 rA 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p m at ollice In tno rear of Borg'a jewelry store, C E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in first National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW, All business attended to in a prompt . and satisfactory mauner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW und U. S. COMMISSIONERS Office In Palace hottl building, Heppner, Or. S. A. D. Gourley, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. Practlcloner In all State and Federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON A. Mallory, V. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PKOOKrt and LAND KILINuB Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. Government land script lor sale. D. E Gil man GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes In his hands and get your money out of them them. Makes a specially of bard collec tions. Office In J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon G. B. Matt TOSSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, 15 Cents Hair Cutting, 25 " Shop, Mallotk Corner, Heppuar, Oregon. Mathews & Gentry BARBERS. Shavlnj IS Canta Half CnUifig 25 " ltU&n, Owks SMI 4 i'usnwfi ''EM AVegelabJcPreparationfor As similating iMfoodatidReguta ling the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes lDigesUon.Cteerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opwm.Morphirie nor Mineral. MotNahcotic. foape afOldHrSAMUELBTCmJl Alx. Senna JfoditUi SJa -tnist Seed JYppemiint -Jh CuriHtnabSofo fUrmSctd -Clarified Sugar . jiiifcymtw flora: A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF VRAPPEH, El i! 1KST gATIONAL ANK OF HEPPNER. O. A RHEA. Presieut T. A. RHEA Vio President Transact a General Banking Business. 4 EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits ;S5,0CO. L,IBEHTY JVIAHKIST THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to get your fine pork and lamb chops, steaks and roasts. Fish Every Friday, ' fine stumr-cured hams and haenn. Pure Irnf lard, kettle-rendered, old utyle. Highest cash price paid for at stock. Bsnj. Mathews. NEW NAME ! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Central. Baled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call on him ana have your horses well cared for. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work hrst-class v and satisfactory. Give him a nail May Street. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Belled express Is coming. Does deliver work on short order, 10 cents and up wards. "1 His wagon la No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" tele phone office. We Move Anything!. IPP1OT0N CITY Stage Line B. F. MILLER, Prop. Clieaet and most direct route to John Day valley. Canyon City mining district, Burns auu other interior points. HUkcs leave Heppner Dallr, fundaf ex cepted, at t.HO a. ru. Arrive at Canyon City In 21 hours. Leave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp ner in it hours connecting with trains. Hr.imita to HU.KI lll 20 H) ") 4 as 4 7 '. . ft ; M mi 102 H nn li4 a on Hardman Monument .... Hamilton lng CriH-k.... Km Valley.... John Day Canyon City . . Htagee connect w ith t Ins at Heppner. ' Noi Having stix kiVjBii this line lth covered ritai'lie and gil tennis I sm prei gtve flr-cl1uiservl s to the (l itilifi. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE A. O. 0HLTIE f P,opr " or. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO yMll (flu mile)., titio .... Hound trip '"" Mayvlll (M milw), m .. .. Kound trip 7 J fotidon ( mllrs) . im MihhiI lrii hin I Clem (W tallea) .. sm Hound trip 3 v j OI (U miles) . ... I n) Kouud trip J ' Plage leaves Arlington every morning ! (tinnday eirepled) at b oVIorkj is rla, n j . .. a a Co of.'r shl cnvr!l roach.sauJ sere, tdU S.XIIO! U"VlTS. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. (i. W. roNSEB.... Caehier K. L. FREELAND. .AsBistant Uasbier CHARGKD WITH HORSE STEALING Win Hiiuiu anil Gus Hill Under Arrest for This rei'lou Crime. East Oregon ian. Una Hill nnd Willitm flnua were ar mrtHit 'oilny on a ohnrga bronifht by Peter Nelson or steal n 7.1 henrt of horneii. Mr. NbIhou clainja tbat big reel Ions is 00 horses, bat lbs ooroplait I tiHuies 75 the number allcued to Lave been stolen. G is Hill went to jtll. Id lefhiilt of b mds, pending an fiimina- tion before Justice Parkes. Mr. Haons aave n iftJOO bond, with Wm R iesoli and Q. R. Q'Dutiinl as sureties for bis ap pearauo. Tbe oomplaint seta forth tiiat tba i fendants, on Nivembar Oth, stole tbe horses, drove tbera to Pendleton and on tbe lllti shipped them from be to tb Linutou cannery, Dar Portland, It i understood tbe defense will b tbat Haona bmabt and paid for tbe borsea, payinj oasb and giviog no obecks or draft. T mt the horses were shinned will probably not be denied, bnt tbe point over wbioh there will be conten tion is nhetVr there was anything p.iid for i1 ena or not. When the borees were being shipped tbey were takeo down in ratbrr bratal manner. Whose fault it was does n t appear; bat there can be no douht tbe animals were piled up in confusion, tome were dead, other throwo down, and tbe entire three oars were in anything btr a ha dp, so far as regards their uotntrl Several inatanaea have onu to light re oently in which shipments n(lio-s have gone from or throogti Pendleton west watd, and been in utter absenoe of all feelings of humanity add ordinary Qitre tbat the brute be kept from sutlriiig while en ronte to be butchered at lhe Liooton borse meat oaoning oouc-'ri. The arrest of HiO'ia and HiM.so it I given to on vvrsta'id, are not a'l. ' I'lmr are others" on tbe list, sod, unless there be some chsnge in lyhn, (be s ite will baveiiirther prosecatioii against perro'S who will he charged ilb tiuving ato'eo boree and sold tb m to the Liootoo cannery . Beats tha Klondike- I Mr. A. C. I'horoae, of Mnrjsfillf.T!., 1 1 ha found a more valuable discovery than baa rt been mail in the KloLdik. r'or j i srs I e n.fTereil outold egony from conaufiiptioo Rt'O tiipani'd hy bemorrb ie, atnl in khsidll'e'y rured bf I)r, Kfng'a New Dn-eovrrv f"f "otisntiipti.a, i f'ongba and C'dil, be derlare that gold is r.f litlic vnln in (V inp iri.no to tbl murvelon core, wool I have It rf. ri If it nt a l.iitiilred dollar a bottle. Asthma, lironrhitie and all throat and lung tBVe tl'iii are poaitjvily enred by Vt. King's New Ihifoviry for IVtiautut tloo. Trial ! t'ittl Irre l K. J. Hl"pnm'a drug tor. It gulir ai VI eta and II. (Joarinteed I . ..... ... .l ,.tAA 1 ' - Hlt.ethebeMkU.rgfriMbMarl- m a tno-i,nit kili'g ', n; p. i Ug .1 Ui le L'er. AAtf THI CINTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CI TV. m Li i A Well-Written Letter From Oregon Volunteer. OREGON BOM Aguiruddo Not so Bad as Painted by News paper Correspondents American ization of the Business Houses. Correspondence to the Ashland Tidings. MANILA, Philippine Islands, Oct. 23, 1898. Editoh Tidings: Nothing much of importance has transpired since my last advices from Manila. The situation regarding the sovereignty of the islands, whether Aguinaldo and his aggregation of i i Ait vm j i l ! j i ,i freaks, or Alfonso XIII and his 17th century hippodrome, shall exer- cise authority over the Philippines, not in actual possession of your Uncle Samuel, has not yet been Battled. Aguinaldo has been very dictatorial in his actions recently. His hired men have been holding up American officers whenever they , passed beyond the limits of the American lines and ordering them;" back. Among others so held up was Major-General Tboe. AndersoD, commanding the 2d Division of the 8th army corps. A vigorovs protest from that gallant old veteran elicited the fact that this action was taken by a general who when taken to task for this actual act of hostilities proved to be one of the large majority of Aguinaldo's followers who do not accept his leader ship and deny tbe right of Aguinaldo to aeoept anything less than the complete government of the Spanish East Indies, including the Caro lines and Ladrones, the looting of all cities therein, the massacre of all tbe hated whites and the retarp Philippines were tbe home of the pirate and savage. This BhiniDg light of republicanism as she is known to the Insurrecto can neither read nor write and yet mawkish sentiment pictures the patriotic and . , . . . . .. . , . high minded insurgent chief as a follower of the teachings of Washing- ton. Ye Godl What saciilege! The duty of the Great Republic I here is to first educate these heathens and bring them out of the dense darkness that now surrounds them,; Aguinaldo is all right and as he was educated in-France is somewhat civilized. His fault is in think- ing that he can control . hia followers. Aguinaldo'e life has been threatened by assassination tioe recently and if the islands were turned over to him anarchy would Admiral Dewey has promptly navy. An ultimatum has been given him and' if not accepted by the otiuu.-.i: :n u :ut uj u..i. i xl . 4Jluuu,"'M W1" Fuaumi uu w iu isxtreme umus oi Uncle Sam's domain and I'll swear that if the Insurrectos offer any re- sistanoe the American soldier will slop over a few feet on Spanish soil tentions toward tba girl bad been pro just for good measure. bibited by tbe father, and when be at Tf tha ripupo pommiRDinn crivaa na thn ilnr1a Unr-lo Sam noarl r. tempted to interfere with the old gentle t u ti.i;,. n, lDal uu,u,u business in short order. Id anticipation of any trouble the troops have been issued a full supply of ammunition and a call on short notioe has 1 1 11 a. . . . fill a Deenarrangeu Bmongme provosi ammunition by the men is no light task and tbey will gladly donate coyote drive was made in this neigb the lead to our saddle-colored brethren with neatness and dispatch. borbood today, resulting in tbe death of Lono- era theaa lines reach von this mixtion will Vm .ntiUI kn coyote. Tbe drive wat organized here on the Bcene, I want to emphasize this fact, that "Our Boys," Ood bless 'em, are worthy of a prouder title than can be conferred by king, prince or potentate and that is "An American Soldier." Oregon's regiment is a speciman of that adaptability to all conditions tbat experts. Mothers of Oregon, yon may I tell you that every time that extra like businees are issued, the hearty i ,i . i , I, v .i . , . i . . fal cures among the sick, who roll off the ' sick-list like boys down a mountain chute, show tbe metal has the true ring and Oregon's boys are as good nnd true as steel. They but I know it lot a bitter disappointment and we always console them with a hearty "We'll give them h The general health of tbe command is above averatra. Follourino is a statement of the hospital patients at this date from this regiment: DALL4, ,r" v' "-J,0"' " 10 D ""IJ-I W lt (awe la KK UllffAM ftaVslaa In hospital, 52; to quarters, 74, typhoid and thirty-four malaria will come out all right. The medical department administers quinine to the men, sick or well, daily, at nnd the firet sergeant administers tbe dose; a snap shot of the "faces" would be woi th a good deal. Company "13" has eight sick, and none seriously. Tbev are suffering from malaria or plain "fever and agr," as they used to call it "On the liank of the Wabash" long ago. Quinine is a potent remedr aud the men gpt it iu quantity. The city of Manila is quiet and the business bouses proceeds. Tbe American Commercial Company is pushing American wares. Maoondray Si Co., of Sao Francisco, bare opened a branch. Kuglish signs appear over all business houses. The ommercial community is very much in favor of American control of the inlands. Five American papers, twj dailies, one semi-weekly and two! weeklies, have ma!e their appearance. Thxir advertising columns are well patroui.i'd and their circulation from 5,000 to 10,000 copies each issue. Tbe weather here at (resent is delightful, and it is "late in the fall," tbe months correapouding to our winter, being the pleasantest of the year. November, December and January are like Jnne in Oregon; rainfall is very pligbt during this period, and as flowers bloom all the year roami and palm and otbr ing veueiaiion, me tcenry is aeiiKUiiui. vv tin American sanitation and A meiican citizens, Manila would on the globe. lour correspondent reoentlr some 20 miles inside tbi rebel and under high cultivation. Transportation facilities are lackins and if supplied, eui;ar, rice aud coffe to supply tha markets of tbe United er of lbir bollJay book. Tba rd Htates could barrestel oo th ialaod of Luzon. I lag natur and tb tllatrtioo art par Among the recent arrivalt from the states in Uncle Ham's service, was Hpr, formerly assistant agent for tbe Houtbern Pacific at Med. lord. Me is a oorporsl iu the signal corps, lie is Stationed in Manila add Irvtks well. I ii iJi'tisii rvatee poaionl1, Vaitle, it acre l.t t I'ncle. Kim. It Laving rfjitedua tha lilaaieih tails maii rvuttt AiiJU mm an 1) to the good old days when the surely follow. gathered -up all of Aguinaldo's j u::. .:n . u.ouuuue win Ku ous oi regiments, i nis carrying or extra splendid physique, self reliance and has ever been tbe wonder of the vuUU, well be proud of your boys. When ammunition and ordera that look cheers of the men and the wonder - don't always get off tbe sick-list, 1! for you Bill." Of these there are eight cases of fever. None are dangerous aud all reveille. The mpn are formed in line orderly. The Americanization of tropical evergreens are the pravail- be one of the most del ishtful cities PRIDE OF THE ill Bomber. It ba MO page ot readlog made a trip on tba Manila railroad liaas; the country traversed was rich oo'leyirie manL'ment rr PnnL F. Mr. Vtille ia well known in AahUn FLANS Or FLOUE COMBINED Tbey Will Control All Americas Spring Wheat Mills. Cliviland, Dec. 9. In an interview here today Clement B.Stearn ottba Atlas floor mills ot Milwaukee stated that be expeoted the big flour combination would be in operation shortly. The combine will bavs a capitalization of $30,000,000. A syndicate ot English and American capitalists had been negotiating with tbe owners of mills, looking to tbe formation ot tbe trust for soma time past. Htearn said a oablegram has just been reoeived from the agent of the com bine, bo has been in London some time, arranging tba deal, which says all neg otiations will be oloaed up within tour weeks. "It flour goes op," said Steam, "it will not be combination tbat iatbe cause ot tbe advanoe. Tbe combination will include praotically all the spring wheat mills is the country." At Dulutb, Minn., the leading spir- ju in th, jooa fl(mr mi,ig Me in thiJ eMl presumably to confer with Thome Mo- Intyre, promoter ot tbe floor mill left h,r" Wednesday and George Palmer, mn8 Minkato, left last even- ingfor New York. Managers ot tbe other mills are already in the ea.t. Tbe combination, if effeoted, will take In tbe Imperial mill at Dulutb, tba Freeman Daisy, Liatmau Anchor and Minkato at WeBl 8P,rior witb " wregato oapa- "jl'u'toT tba milla named ejoept the Minkato, is $l,760.00a Tb Minkato maaagars are holding out '' 250,000. frslsteoi Boitor Bhot. Lono Cbkkk, Or , Deo. 9. A messen ger wno arrived Id ton city uie last evening from Susaoville, in quest ot a arseoo, reports the ghootiug and pro bably fatal "onndinu of Joseph Frazier by an aged miner named Bnodderly Persistent attention on the part of Fr"ier to" Snodderly'a 17-jear-old duhtefl8 "id o havr been the oause ottna shooting. It is aaid that on tbe morni ion to th, troable the old gentleman made arrangements prepare tory to bringing hi daughter to Long Creek. Frazier objeoted in a demon 8i,,iT9 ,nd DOt word8 werB ei ZK'L!Z and Snodderly picked up a rifle and I flred. tha ball entering the lower portion I o( lhe long and passing through lh Aordiiig-te. ha atatenwat per.ons down from Busanville, tbe ten,iment of tb, oommunity i with Snodderly, a it seems tbat Freiier'e at- man's plan to remove ber to thi place fae koew tha tlout trouble would follow. cojote Drue. Qarfiild, Wash., Deo. 11. A big iTlS bs inoreaeing number of coyotes. Tb drive oovsrsd a traot ot oountry about ni,B tbe number of men WM 0OJ w- 11 " Bf .ttemptingto cover so muohUrrilory The lines were imuerfeot in many plaoee, and it is koown tbat a namber of ooyo- t caped. Tba oitizens of Alberton, 1" milM "Ml ! P,rflld' !Uo b ! arive 10 ineir vioidiij. vvuru reoeivsu ffom th,r, befor. the final round up was that It was uosuooescfol. All tb ooyo- tea killed in tb Garfield drive wars ,Dot t'or ,b ,ioM Dt1 " ot eaoti otner. MHer la tb first Degree, L.mo.. , ' Iui nf m ,B th. I first dears. This wat a sorptis to everybody, even to the prosecution. motion for s new tnal will be made, and if'(oMd, a bill ot exception will be filed, and tba osm taken to the lopreme ooortjn tbe hope ot reverting torn of I Jod Barnctt' decision on vital points ln "Idaac. Tba prisoner did not (how tba Is! sign ot Interest in the waist. Dis bands ware stssdy and bi countenance never changed. Be walked 001 o( tbe eoort room to lb J'1'300 ""boot any sign of eioite- nol. I How It Hartal Rbumatim, witb Us sharp twinges, ache and pains. Do you koow the cause? Acid in the blood ba accumu lated io your joint. Tb sore I found in Hood's Harsaparille, wbioh asntral is this acid. Thousand writ that tby bvbeen completely cared ot rheu matism by Hood' Beraaperille Tba Daosmlier maaasio number ot Tba Outlook Is its teoth annual book matter and advertisements, tba latter io I elodiog vry toll and Intersstlog so I aoaaau)tebf all tbaprioolpalpoblUh tlallv taltad to tbt tpcl tat ot tb I somber, and tb lean i io ooy way la notable oat. Tb editor tsnoonoe, by the war, thai tha oiroolatiosi of W lisaa. of Th. Oatbv k is 100.00J. 13 f. t.af. Tba Uut'ook Ompaoy. w llotk.) W. U. MINOB'3 SHORT HOBN CATTLS. One of tbe Leading Industries or Morrow County. Mr. Minor's receot purohase from N. O. Maria ot part ot his obampion herd ot Short Horns reminds u that we have in his breeding farm one of the most im portant industries in our county. Live stock ie the basis of wealth of all agricultural countries, and the faot that Heppner ie the principal shipping point and situated in the heart of one of the very best grazing and etook growing sectious ot tbe whole oountry, explains tbe remark so often and so truthfully mide, "that Heppner has more money and is tbe best business town of its size in the Northwest." In the early settling of this oountry the growth of nutritious bunch-grass was so rnok that tbe herds fed upon it the year round and were fat enough for beef at any time without other feed; and when driven to market they aold tor so mooh a head, and tbe 900 pound steer counted one, and brought as much as one that weighed 1,500, and the one whose baok would split a rain drop brought as many dollars as the one with a baok like a dinner table. Under these conditio! s there was little inoentive tor tbe etookmao to invest in good blood witb wbioh to Improve hia oattle. But circumstances are altogether obanged. Now the country is stocked and farmed to euob an extent that eaoh man must own bis own rauge and provide feed for good portion of tbe winter, and be finds it neoessary to have oattle tbat will turn every pound of feed to good use and make a rapid growth. Now tbey are all weighed and sold by tbe pound, aud tbe steer with the broad baok, short lege and heavy quarters not only weighs third to a halt more than the lank, lean, slab-sided one, but brings a bait oent to a cent and a bait more per pound, thus demonstrating in a praotioal way tbe value of good blood in the herd. Mr. Minor being a close observer loon oaugbt on to these point when they oommenoed weighing their beef.notiolng that the good grade Short Horn steer invariably outweighed tbe aorob, even though be might look no larger. No sooner bad be arrived al tbis conclusion ban be determined to establish a breed ing farm and stock it witb a herd of as good pure bred Short Horns as money could buy, with wbioh he and his neigh bors might improve their stock of range cattle. Few of n appreoiate ! what II la aotoally worth in dollars and oentg to tbis county to bave a man of means and business like Mr. Minor put time and capital into suoh an enterprise, making it possible and convenient for every oattle grower to secure at nominal cost, pure blood with wbioh to improve their herds. Mr. Minor's first purchase were mostly from tbe herd of Mr, Maritof thi plaoe.wbose herd added muob to its already enviable reputation by winning tbe ohampion prize at the late Washing ton state fair in competition with all' beet breeds. Not only defeating the noted Ladd herd of Short Horns, bat also the finest herd of Hereford in tba Northwest. He also bought several bead ot tba bed ot Mr. Ladd' herd, aud two veart ago imported tbe grand how cow Roan Lady, and the fine young bull, Gov. Oloogh, tbat now bead bi herd. Gov. Cloogb ia a oalf from th great oow, Lou Aon Second of Drowndale, that i con sidered to be one of tbe most valuable cow in th oountry, and waa never de feated in tb ibow ring bat ono. Mr. Minor paid a substantial oompli- men I to tb herd of Mr. Maris by por obaaiog, al a good price, three heifer out of fait noted show herd, pronouncing them better than he could buy in tbt Eaat. Tba heifers art all of tba noted Mazurka tribe or family, being Gay Mazurka 11th, Oay Mazurka l.ltb and Gay Mazurka Htb,two roan and one red, aod aa handsome a trio a yon ever e. Tbt lirt tod dam of alt of them wera Imported from tbt Eaat by Mr. Merit and art aa good blood a oao b bad. Tbt sir, Conqueror 111,377, I tb only ton ot tbt great Imported Oay Mmaron 00 tba coast. Gay Monarob is consider ed by tba beat authorities to be tbt most valuable show tod breeding boll Io tbt United State or Canada, he and tbrea ot bit daughter winning tbt grand obampion herd prise over all beef breeda al tba Columbian exposition, Ibt greeted cattle bow tha world bat vr sao. Mr, Minor 1 oow negotiating for tbt purobast of the beat young ball to bt found io tbe Kant, oarry log oat hi mot!t that "tb best is none too good for Ore goo aod hi herd." Hit to be regretted that Mr. Merit ha decided to leav Heppner aod tell all bia fin herd of cattle, at tbey bavt been ba mean of much improvement Io tb eattl Ind istry hers, and It is to bt hoped that they will mostly rrmsra io th county. Il I not, however, through soy lack of lulsfrst or faith io tb bu-l-seat Ibat cause him to tuak tbis thtege, but cireainstaoor ar. suoh tbat be derm it aee.ss.ry for him to do to. Bhilob't Consamptioo Curt eurrt where other fail. It it tb leading this Oogb Cor, a1 oo bom should bt a without it. I'leasaut to las soj goat right ta tbt sot. Hold by Cunter WmM a T