D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m and 12 to 2 P. m., at residence, and Hi to 12 a. m and 2 to 5 p.m., at office la the rear of Borg's jewelry store. C E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First National Bank building.;ja Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. A II K.,.,1., ... and satisiiietory manner. to in a promnt Notaries Pub- . a.uu collectors. Office in Natter's BuiMing. Heppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. S. A. D. Gourlcy, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. I'ractleloner in all State and federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON A. JWallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER pK'K ffri!) "- of LAND Offlw 1,,i,,i'a,, " 'Honable terms. Office at residence on Chase street Government land script lor sale D. E Oilman GENERAL COLLECTOR them. Make, a specialty' Xrd 'eolbS. Office in J, N, Brown's building, Heppner, 0r Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teetli Extracted and Filled Bridging a specialty rainless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon, G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Comer, 15 Cants 25 " Heppner, Oregon. Mathews & Gentry RARRERS. Shaving . 15 Centt Hair Cutting 25 " Shop two doors Houth of Postofflot. IIlIIClVrv- MAHKBT i THE OLD SHOP! Is Mm place t Kn to Ret your lino pork and lamb chops, siciiks and masts. Flah Every Friday.- laJl"6!."'.'."''''","' lml"K ftni1 '""'"'i- I'ureleaf XjSr "Iglieat cash BenJ. Mathaws. NEW NAME I Win. Gordon has re-named 1U8 stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Control. ni. 1 1 y 1 1 ( nrn, "'"onl.le. Call " "'" ' ""r nurses wen eared tor, A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor loneer Tailor of It 1 His work first-class and satisfactory. Give I11111 a call May Street. IIHITNIK IRANSFKK CU'S Helled cv.ri is comliin. lines dcllrvr ork mi si.rt older, in cents and ui. rds. I In., iiirmi Is No. 4, and lesva jour order ill, , or at Cculral" telo. phone ollirc. Wc Move Anything! fuvrnu nrru Stago Line B. F. MILLER, Prop ('li.'.t and must direct route to Jehu Pay Vallry hiivmi, niy i,,ii,m district, Hiirnsanu Other Interliir polins. Htsnes lev Heppner Hllr, Himdav ft- wzk: " " A,rhe n.'.','1'!.,'"'V""",!", 4 W ."lvtllpp. nr in .'t Ii.iiiis i.MinectliiK hiii, trains. ll'si i Nm in Itardinsii Monument IIkiiiIIIiiii ,,. ' IxniK t iet k , , Fo Vsllejf John Psy "I 'll Canyon (itr , ; . TTw i m m 4 ; 1 v A .! ft (SI l"1 (SI im s in HtKs couiiwt with trains at lte..iier. lla In, sta ked (in tl,l. Iln, , in, " .. - - . . . , vr,e piiniic, flRMNGTOiN-FOSSIL STAGE LINE I!. ItKKI) A A, O. O IILVIK l'r.rii'lori. FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO fohii itio ! 1 1 1 i t-iv hound trip 1st 00 too ( IV Mayvllle (W mil, .) 4 on ( nndiiu ( in mil, .) . .: ii Clem (.' uillcj .mm Olvl (IV mile") . . in Hound trip , lUmiid tnp houiul itip ..hound trip Hl la. n Ar'iniftiiii evrrjr mnrtiinir t ( -' ( VI. , fc is di. I'm, I n ,, J (l rl Vl, , (h, ll M 1 i. m. nllttif.Ha, il(M, il,. .i. the shillings Best J?pan Ceylon English Breakfast Oo1cng Ideal Blend Tea "THE WORLD'S EGOISM." (Concluded from Fimt Page.) save ooule! This is the errand whiob brought Jenus Christ into this world. But I have left till dow your last ob jeotion. Yes, yon tell me yon would h ready to sot in the most bumble epbere with ooaraffe, on one condition it is tbBtyonr work briog forth, at least, some fruit. Bat each work is so a 11- traitfnl, you have seen so manv effort. defeated by stubborn iodifferenna. hv heartrending ingratitude. Here passes before you the sad history of vain at tempts, of humiliating failures. To these objeotious, to these arguments from courage lost, let me give yon the same answer ae before : "Look to Jesus Ohrmt." Was Jesus Christ suooessful when here on earth 1 Did He see a reo. ognition of His benefits, hearts tonobed by His words and oonverted by His miracles? Did He see the multitudes whom He bad fed volunteer for Hi rla fenoe in danger, expressing for Him their sympathy Did He see the apostles whom He bad iustrooted. whom He had compassed with most tender solioitude. ilways faithful? Alug. we must confer that no man has had a ministry less sni oe situ! than that of Jesus Christ 1 Look ot the plan of God, look at what (be apostle culls this "holy foolishness" lo conquer by ill suooess, to oonquer tnrougn tiiimilia ion, lo oonauer bv sur rendering life; this is the viotnrv nf deausuurist. Perhaps it will be yours No more to you will He give to see the fruit of your aotivity. Yon. also, mav sow in tears; you, also, may invite souls wtio do not respond; you. also, mav multiply the bread of your charity for the ungrateful poor; you, also, may see your best intentions misoonstrned vnm. love despised. Very well. In those dark hours, when dipoonrflflremfinl innM insinuate Itself into your soul, iu order to cstort the words of the fratrioid. "Am I my brother's keeper?": in thnaa dArlr hoars look to Jesus Christ: think of Fli. unalterable love. His extraordinary n. tienoe, His mercy miabtier than all tha hatreds that overwhelmed bim and yon win una etrength to love still, tn hla. still, even to the day when God shall say to you : "Enter into mv real." Tha Sura La Grippa Cura. There lM "ho use rinffdrlua from this dreadful malady if yon will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is ont of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion have a bad cold, in fact are com pletely uHed up. Eleotrio Hitter. . 11,. iwlv rented v that mill .,.. . , " -. B" jun oroiuui ,1111 sure relief Th yonr liver, stomach and kidneys, touenp the Who e Rvnlem ami ml. ...... ., 7 " V. mnnu uu leei line new being. They are guaranteed to nure or tirinn r-.tn, .lu.i v... ...- ... t , u. ', , ............ a'l.r HHIH at ci, J. Slooum s drug store, only 50 oeuts per Menu for a C hildren's rarty. A wry poo,) menu fr a child'a mri limy consiht of liouilhm m. i.-.i Bticka niul cflcry, creamed chicken In III tJo Dlllitr ciLsoa. u.rvo.l ...111. liomciniulo blxrtiiK enmlwU-bes of tonptic and white bread rolled vith crlery, and lee ireiitn, ith such litfht cakes n liiaearooim and lady fingers. Lemon or oranpe jelly in oraugt) slu-Il. limy lie served in place of icecream. II ave for favors the boiilxm that con tain pretty tisane inr cops and bon wt, and a eake' eontalniug a rinjr or in lt phue a little, pjft for each cliild.-.-l'hiliideli.hlu Timen. tav that Altera. "fiml?" loh", w,""a ' lt'ralio That ia our of the atihlimrsl lines in all iletaiure. It is the final (Irfiniti.ui of love y ll.c wot 1,1's ureateat reader of the human m ud -Shakespeare. Nearly all women who truly love, love in (his sublime way. Men seldom do. ' Woman a most glorious endowment it the mmcr to awaken and hold the pure am! lionrsl love of worthy man. When she lo.r. it ami .till OVea on, no one in the wide world ran ., n.. i . . . ure tit-ail Hguny she rndurra. The .i.u... .i. . - ---- .......... ntiiirrn Hum wraknru mnA .1- . . . M-nal womanly otganisui noon lose the fiuwrr to ii-tt i li i,M.rf - - : ...mt. Kit m iiiait. tier vrnetal health auffrra and she lours hrr ood liKika, her attrartivrnesa, hrr amia nlity and hrr power and trrsti .. . woman. Dr K. V. I'irrce, of irtl". N Y., with Ih aaaiaiam-e of his staff of aide t.hy. n uns, has t.re rilnl for many thousand of women. He has devised a twtfett and Mirntihc remedy fur womrn'a ailmrnta It j known as Irr. IHrrce'a Favorite I'teacrin. tton. II is a rHitive specifie for all weak, nrssea diseawa, di-ordrt, di..cementa, irrrs-Hlarilira, and dbilittmf drama pe. culiat to womrn. It purtti.a. mtul.tr. t.. tiKtl.rns and hr.l.. Medicine dr.leti aril il, and mi linnet dralrr will advise you In accept a uhslitute thai he uiav make a lilllr li,frr pt.,h ' ..'J ?" hi1r" " dnrv trouble .ml I alvi hs.l a torpid i,rr' wtiir. M V , , . ", V f"' 1 ""l " Ht4tl of I the trrstmrnt l. (tt ,ra day. .JT lo NOTICE OF STWKllULltKIiS' MEET! SO. $VV?1!?U!!Y Ul tS THAT Till UK .i "-" "i inesiia knoiiirrsnl . . - .wunarv. (ran, lirlnera lours ol illnrli... . mi ....i j r J ,1,'r'i' X '"' "rl" f rlrrll... tilfrtn,.,; t'l I luf Itlff tr.llU..ll.... nl .,..1 .... . " in., ai ... ' i nrr diisiii, & a,; ui, ixr l;;,u iom"' i"?r NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the stockholders of the Hepp ner Building and Loan Association will be held at their office In the National Bank in Heppner. Oregon, between the hours of 2 p. m. and 4 p m. of Tuesday, the Kith day of January, I9, tor the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing IT"' . ,M -to R. Bishop, Secretary. December 8, 1898. 7.9 SUMMONS, IN THE CIRCIIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Morrow County. Margaret Von Cadow, Plaintill', William Von Cadow, Defendant 10 niiiiam von 1 anow, iielcinlxnt above named. fn.lianumanf.Ka.A... r.t . . v hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of plaintiff filed herein on or before the expiration of six weeks immediately following the date of the first publication of this sum. 1110ns, which date is the Wh day of Decern tier, A. D. 1K'.I8, and if yon fail to answer the said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for iu her complaint, to wit: For a decree and order of this pnurt Inr. ever dissolving and annulling the binds of matrimony existing between yourself and plaintiff; for a further decree and order of this court awarding plnintill the custody and con trol of the minor child, Arthur Von Cadow, the iaatiA nf vnitp tliuppl.iira mill, r.liil tilf f... u... costs and disbursements of this suit and for sucn lunner and other relief in the premises, as the court may seein meet with equity and good conscience. Thin iimmruifl la fipiv,)rf nnnn vtn l. T,,l,tt,,a- viwii uieieui 111 me ti eppiier a.eil e, 111 pursu ance of an order of this court duly made and entered in this cause December 3, 1W8, by Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the Mxth judicial dis- nmt.11 nfim uiiici icjuiieB l II in nil III IIIUI1B 10 be published in said paper lor six weeks. O. A. U, UUltLbl, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FIN AT. RF.TTTMMF.NT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVKN THAT THE 1inHum1ir..iir1 ol,nn,l.utn.nl tt... naf..,n Of Fliuha Inavrw '(taiuu.i, ha. Hlu.l In I. n county court of Morrow county, 8tate of Oregon, ins mini account as sucn administrator ot sala estate, and that Tuesday, the 8d day of January, IUIM1 I ... ... 1. - u.i Dl lilts lllliu 1,1 III II CHICK H. III., IIHS UCCll fixed by the court as the time for hearing of khiiwH,.,,a In ..M I .....l . M.jvuiviig w nun ivfuib ailU LUC OCiLlUUieill' thereof. E. (1. Spkury, Administrator 11 of the estate of Elisha riperry, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE A-i unoersignco, aiinunisirator of tne estate ilF Uill.in hf All..,. .1. ........ ...I I ... .1. ... ii".u i'i. nujii, uaptii, jinn iituu III lile llfllllllnnniol I.f lfn,.n,i, r.,.,...... 13.... f,l his HiiHl account as Biich administrator of said who, nun iviiut i ucB'my, uie .-,i uuy 01 January, IH'Jil, at the hour of iu o'clock a. m., has been llv.il-1 1,V II, n ,u,n,l ..u lh It..... f..n l....1r. ( no iiivj tiniu li.il lltfl I x Lib; Ul objections to said report and the settlement iiiereui. Thomas H. Lyonh, Administrator 11 of the estate of Helen M. sllyn, deceased, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. JSJOTICE IU HEREIiY GIVEN THAT THE ' llllllpralirniill llUBiirlioa ,xf ll.n ..f .A " ..... , id uninit, i,i j . W. Rwaifeart. Insolvent ilnltlnr will mul Oi,.,i settlement of li is accounts with said estate as Btich assignee, at an adjourned term of the cir cuit court for Morrow countv, Oregon, at Heop- nT 11 ha hnlHnn .. t- fl.n I 1.. l.i county, on the aith day of December, A D. 1898. ...... ... nw i.ui'iviii a, iiic 1:1(11 t limine in SHlll I'll Assignee, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE ia HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE llllllfifiKllsmiil liua Kuan A ., 1., n .....1 ...l I - ..r,..,. ....a iiiiij aiiiiuiii Leil UV l.llAlimitltv n.,i,.l nf .1... ..... i-i v. iiiu dime ui iregoil. lor Morrow county, administrator of the estate of uuun.ji. K. i iiuiiiiiauii, ouceuseii. All neranna hovlmi itl.. I ...... !..- -..i . . are hereby required to present the same to me properiy vermeil, as ny law required, at the law olHce of Ellis A 1'helpR. at Hennuer. Orcirnn within six months from date hereof juateu in is aim uay ot November, 1K!8, r. I.. 1 IKIMl'HtlN, Adllllnlutriilfirnr Ilia iiUl.il 514 Holland H. Thoiiinmin. I,.,w.mu,.,1 Notice of Intention. TAEPARTMENT OE THE INTERIOR-LAND ' omce at i.a (irande. Ore,, Dec. li. ix'ix Mn.L.n (a 1......1... .1 . .. .. iit-ieiiy Kiven iniir. tne lollowlng- naiiieu nciuur ims men notice in nistutention t mulfo llnul i.i.ii..r in n, ... 1. 1.. . .i 7 ri KV .... "ri"1" "i "in ciiiiin, anil tllHt shIii nrnnf will tin i,...l., t...r..n.. .1... ami Clerk of Morrow county. Oregon, at ilcppnei. Oregon, on January 11, Ih'I'.i, viz: JOHN D. CLARK, of Pilot Ruck, Oregon homestead entry No HiWil, for the tw' ri A 'A eJi sec. 21 tn 1 S. r K. W M. 11(1 llllinea Hill fulliiivlmr iiUn....... ... "iiMrwB lii iiriivc his COIItilllliillH rut!, In, i,t, i in,,, i of said laud, viz: John Molalcv, Hugli TtViosi anil John W. Scott, of Vinson, on... .i,... Warman, of I'cndlctiin, Oregon. '"li I1,. W UkTIHTP U,tlul.,w NOTICE OF INTENTION. AND OFKK'K AT THK DaI.I.km (ii:nv J Kavniiilii.r "i Imiiw ' NoMp ( ltiirni.i-' .rl.w.i. tli.. ti... ..it ...... ... ..w, hl unit i in iiiitow IIIC- nmna nattier hatt illod notice of Iiiu ititfiition to mihro miw prom in Hnppnrt of hW (liiim,nnrt that hhIiI nnxtf u ill !. ,.....(,. i.i.f..,,. t - V . ( II IlitV f la.rLr ul II ..L... ii- ... , KOBKKT KRI EN 1). of Km iiiiipi" homesteiiil hiu.Hi.iiH.hi tu.. . sec i l 2 ., r -.1 It, VV M, He names the pillowing witnesses to prove hlBcoutlnuousrcsidcii ipini mid cultivation of aid land, viz: Nathaniel I.. Hhmv iud A'lhtir Hunt, of Heppner, ire. i Jacob Kriict Mint Kahili hVnge, of Lexington, Ore. ' ; A . ' ' .. " in", nr ine pc. " Jay r. I in as, Reginter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OK TII K IMTKUlAlf t A kin a r iitnce at a NOtlcn IS lllir.il. if iriv.... .1... ...ii . named settler lias file 1 notice of her inleutliin" Id lllakp I lia nr.uil In .11. ....... .. i , . 1 '. that said Proof will be inal.. l...(,.i i 'u ... row, ll a. ('odiinissliiiiiir at Heppner, Orcg.nii ALICE HARK, nee A L'l'li TILL KI, of Heppner, Oregon BE ol dee. :. Tii. I H, It -Ja, K w M Him names the following witnesses 'tn prove hercoiiiiiiuuus residence i i and cultivation of suld land, i.: David I resley. Thomas A Hfiea, William Brow ii and Hugh Fields, all of lluppiicr, oie K. W. HA It ILK I T, Register Timber Cultine Final Proof. UNITED HIATKM USD Oraiide, Oregon, Nov '.M I llb'L'll'Li t . Orauile, Oregon, Nov at, . Notice is hereby given thai HI liillil I t'lriicH nss ll it-it notice ol tin, mhi mi H , i ... iiias ii no ( priMii before J. W. Morrow. nli,.,i i.,i. m ...i. sinner, at Ills oftli-e Iu 1 eppner, oregoti, on K.t ur.lay, the :tl.i iUy of lie, ember. l , ou tlmlicr ruliurepi.,.ail.i N. ...n, lur the s, s i, and K rvTii N" "' '" "M'.Vi M.rNo 27 He uanis as ltn...,.. Kdw.r.l f iv, Mor. r s Ball, Roscor iy and iiuliert llyu.l, . tic ppner, Oregon. K. W. RsKTLKTr, Heglater, Timber Culture -Final Proof. Wn i," .?THKS .' Nn """I F. Till . I'alles, Ore , Nov. Irt. iMm. NiiIIi.m 1. l......l.u ..i. ii . ai.i u mm smiiti .Miiirisnn ol Neppner, has hltil i . . 1 1 . ,ii o, make rinal nriM.i Imi.ir.. i u vi . u.. . . . .iimhiw. i until rtale. t'Otnnili.lolitir. at hi. mil.. I. . it - Ore , on Wednesday, the 2Mb ,1sy ul Iv. i'iiiIwi' IS'ja, on tlmlier t ulliir.1 sppll. siion No .-. or M "r N" ;"' '" ''' N" 1 ' ' So M ' ti names .s llnrases: Kobrrt P. Mattmin. ReulHin J. tiaunl. John Haunt and Milton linm n, all ol Heppner. ere J5" it V I,li4, Reglsler. Timber Culture -Final Proof. TTNITFIt mTM l AMi oFf Ii K, THK limit's, ttregoii ,uv. la. Nolleels heteb) iihrii Hint l(t-.l.ii J l, an, it of Hijipiit-r, has tiie l i,i,, ( i,,!,,,,,,,,,, Iri make dual priHil l ii,. J v Moriott , I u',., Plait i'iiluliil..liOiMt .1 l.i. .,n ... ....... I Ore. tin Vtritiiidv. lb,. , ,Ur ll, , , mil,' I, on limlirr ciiliurt. ,.i. mi,,,, n ; ,,,, ih. ...,.i ...,,.4,, . ', In lp No t it. r So .'. K, H M Mr iiaim-a a inn-... . u,.iw rt (' Msili .mi AUft Malli.i.ii Mm. .it ll vmi, ., K,rJ l'r, all Ol lli pj'l fl lire J I' I l i , kcgUtrr. ! I Timber Vulture -fimt Fivvf. ' itmihi huh i vit mill i:. t il K i'h' ira. t ot ipni. e,nv p. vn Noil, r Is hert'l.t alien thi l.uihrr Huaion f Kith! Mile, l it IU.,1 (..ni, , ol lMiriti-ii l.t ma, fllial tir.Mil lu,l.., I It .1........ .... ..... ...... ... ...... m ......... ii. . , ,, ,N, enmnilaalotier. l lil.ortiiv in Hi .pii.r tire , on ..1.,.,, . ii,. i ' ll U til (if, IWW, tlmlH-t l lillnir s .l, ilnii ,t ...,t , .', Iii tp No. 4 r No ; k M ' ' Me nanu s a. u II rr )..; J Ml l is Htoi'1' t... ii .. . ..... ' . . ' - ' "loeil an-1 nilli.iu V't, all ol tH'ppiMff , i r " I. UT.a, k.vuie. sTMTED STATES LAND OFFICE, 1, ,, ; , . .' l'n -1 " urriLb, I Da lea Om K.... l .: i.i, ' Vi it t I'l' i a hamKw i . 1. . i J . , ., , . j Ki.cumai ikodq, niiiiama. of Hsrdman. ha filed notice of his intention to " , fr""1 e,ore J. w Morrow, I nlted Mates commissioner, at his oflice in Heppner, ou timber culture application No. aa7, for He names a witnesses: James H. Allen, John D Allen and J. C. Keithly. all of Hardiuau. and WilJiam K. Lcatherd, of Eight Mile, Ore. z'u ' Jay P. LDius, Register. Timber Culture, Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, LA (iraude. Ore., Nov. 14, 18U8. Notice la humhv wlvun thai U'llll.n . . h,., - n..,i ,ua, ininiu n . Avers as tiled notice oi iutentlon to make final proof ,,, murrow, uniiea states commis sioner, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Jionday the aith day of December, IS9, on tim ber culture application No. for the m'A S W!4 8e" 'N 5' 1,1 tw"P No. 3 8, r He names as witnesses: Edward F. Day Charles Gardner, William A. Brown and August J. Cook, all of Uevpner Oregon. 2-u E. W. BAwAbtt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Otlice at La Grande. Oregon. Nov u. lsua NOtlCfi is herelm ird-mi hut U ,ll 1 named settler has filed notice of his intention to h mak fi,ml Proof 'n support of his claim, and o.-.M ,iui win ue maue oeiore.1. w, Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner (Ire., r., I Innum iuiiu ..i... r 1 it "v-i-iiiiici iu, loon, VI.. GEORGE W. VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore,, Homestead entry No, B710, for the elA bwV and liLEJA icmucuoo upon auu cultivation Of said land, viz: John T. Hoskins, William Wat- .uira u. nowara ana AlDa o. Bar iiioioiuew, an oi jaeppner, Oregon, 10 w. uabtlktt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION rWARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND uranae, Oregon, Nov. 14, 18U8. ,a .,p.CIJj, riicii niul iue lonowing numed settler has filed notice of his intention to " iMim prooi in ,upport of his claim, and mane Deiore j, vv. Mor row, United 6tates commiBsioner, at Heppner, viw., uh WDUCUiUBI a-O, IBUO, VIZ. ISAAC VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore,, Homestead entry No. 6509, for the nU neV and li W nvvW sen L-2. twn IN rw He lmilips t.hp friUnu,(.. i.:'(t..r.u.. 1 . . - - " . y........i,w iriuir;psi;o u, piuve I icaiueiice upon ana cultivation Of HRlrl tiinH vl.. lamnD i Lii.nu. . ... r i h . ' "lia,n A'ers aua George Pearson, all E. W. Babti-btt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, LAND I .yiuce at Lauranae, Oregon, Nov. 14, 1898 Notice is hereby given that the following . tiaa iijcu uuLiue ur nis intention i ji i iBM uimi prooi in support of nu claim, and piwi nm oc limue ueiore j. w. Mor- whiiwi oitties commissioner, at Heppner, - - r ' iii5iiiuoi ioto, VIA , JAME8 L. HOWARD, of Heomw. Oro . Homestead entry No. 593ti, for the WW tvU and ....... a i-iiioniiiK WILUWBBeB lO prOVB hU continuoug residence upon and cultivation K UMinoB rim fr.lln..rin ... 1 aru ji i ' "ai" M- isaac Vin cent, William Ayers and George Pearson, all of E. W. Babtlktt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THfi DALLES, OREGON. - 111iciuuQi iu, invo. Kntina 1. I 1 .. , . . ..... ..uiiva i. ucieuy given mat tne following-1 f 6 Ver 8 flIed nottce 01 hisintention to ill 7 j v . 1 ."' ""I'Port; oi nis claim, and that said proof will be made before J. V Mor row, United States commissioner, at Henouer . i.CoUa, nwciuucr it, iayo, viz: IjUIHEK HU810N, of Eight Mile; nomesieaa application No. 2873 for the 14 teU, ne1- selii hiii! ai awi m i a., .n. ... S' hi, Vh-aii..:.s? n 1.111111 "iniessesio prove nis o i l 1 1 'c,"u,";e upon ana cultivation of "nn. idiiii. via; JailieS J. AOkHIS mill Hnnr, t' uuy, 01 neppner, ore ; Herbert M. Olden, oi iiMie, , aim wunam rtecket, of Eight Mile, Ore. "' lucas, Register. NOTICE-TIMBER CULTURE. U. 8. Land Office, Thk Dali.rh. Oreiron r,.J;I,HLMNT.HiVING BEEN ENTERED AT John IT Matheson for failure to comply wi h law IIS to linil.i.r nnlln.. ........ ,,,i,'jV: . nun Ullice IIV .rnCBr. (;. Mnillmidun go. . wltl, . v .V(n l., ,,r"'7!, ."re- a l. i Tu Vil R"''"K that said entryman has I i i it i ii ft 1 1 i , tK" mereon or cultivate , ,v" llrrBi neeuH or cuiiiiigs as prcscrilied !?'. ,r,S,'"(,'e hfn.that noii.,prove. i i7. i .T ny" "vt " I)la(,e" mereon dur ngthe last four years; the sntd.piirties are here by summoned to appear at this olllco on the Utb llSV Of Jflllllurv Iwml at in ..'..i..i. ... . Biionii and furnlsli testimony concerning said ..... . j , ... ,,, i iui;. in., li, m. ........,.,,,,, n iiiri rawioro, con ity clerk. Is ail hnr zcrl tn .(. . I. .i ... L . ' hi. .iiu.io I. li ""iii"ii uerein, at T. Hl'I'P'ler. Oregon, on Jan. 4, lhW, at . P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE. V. 8. Land Office, Thh Dai.lks, Ob.. pOMH.AINT m I VINO B K K N EN IE RE DAT ,lu.n . .i. ""J'nor aKSIUBIJOUr- dean 1 eathert for abandoning his homestead en ry No. 4n71, dated August ?l, 18iW. upon the '. Of SOCtlOn -M Inwnililntl ....' ', i- .. ;.L,,Vnr.0,CO.Unt?-, ren.'witn a view to yh. . i . "Irri ine saw parties th in ,i "" '""" ' appear at this oHice on j" " nimry, w, at IIJOCUM'S a. ni., . it IT . . '"""a" lesumony conceriilug Slllll Hllliirtflt alidii.liinmnii. 11 . . P county clerk, is authorised' take the testimV he.! , i',"".,?Sh" 'lU'e ' H,,l'ler. Oregon, on , . ini, niuu ciocs a m. Jay P. Lucas. Register. NOTICE. 1 . 8. Land Offk k, Th D.ms. Ohkook. k. . .... ru.MPLA.NT HAVING BE EN EN IE R EI) AT t? . .. "f I'avio n. Henshaw against rrank Mclntyre for failure to comply with I." i iL.li . .: r-'"rr '' 'ated August II .1M. upon thy t(,4 jiKi4 24 r.'. eectlonl it. Inwnt iin:m u.. .u. t M, iu Morrow countv, Oregon, with a view to -V.. I . , ' " eniry, tne said partial ;i. .1 , mourn (Oap)H'arat Ihlsotlleeon the ill day of iecmber, Iw. at 10 o'clock a tn . rTl"""1. Himlsh testimony concerning ii. Tii,.... 'estiiiiony here- . . "Piuier. Oregon, on Dei'em. . .v. a luocioca a. in. Jav P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lmi orn, a T jUK Ujtu oaaoow October '.n. iwst. IN " . 1 ri?LV'A,i'!. TH T THE . "'" ""t attiu prooi will l In-, . - '''j, t'l-wiiiiier iu, ism, vis: I'ATKH'K KILKENNY, nf Heppner, Huiiamra the follow lug ttll.i,...,., It, p. .... ........ rtsutctrs n ,viiii .,) cultivation Mid laud, vis: l l,.,. V.nwm.i., j,,h She" w"7 'Ay P. Lita., Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. i .. .. . !TT ' Fit I AT 1 NI DaU.cs, Obkooh VTOllflt lit IIKKFRV nlVa-v tuiti .,,. I lehilMir lautf , lollowlut namr.1 srtllrr has hlnl nott.-e ... tn. iioriiiion io mat nual proof in supiHirl of hlat lsiin, u,,, .,,,1 mn. h j made lH'f..n . i rawford, tounty i rrk. at MLppner. Oregon, on frlday, iHeiuber , I, IH VI II II. OR A HI LI, of lone; "e'i appiicaiion No i:c. for M 1. and K W M ' TP . K i He names the f.llonf wliiri to prove his roiiii,,,,.,,,, rmnlenre ami ciiltiUiit.n of I?.... . a n ..' .T "hn Williams, .... r.,tiatii ..i o nouiery, nt lone, lire I ll t I nr.. B.l 'hmr CuituThal Proof. I'aitsu mun l inn nun . .. .. i e a. ira. ir , ut .ft. iv .mi ti't i j ....... . ' i . ntB' "I ''il II 1 HAT A K- ir 'trpnttiis, ,n HaMuian, li.i alrtl ,,,,r,,,,,,n i,jB,a. a, . (r.ttb.r.l, I iiiiiitr lerk, at h I'I. "'I brlur his time, in neppiirr. irf.iii, s.liir.av. Ids loit, dat ot liiilr, !, inllmhrrr.iinirai..iratio tl m No i:, lii t. No 4 a. ,. s a 1. He nan i.4 .. a, tt... ..... i t. i . . F. Mor, laml an, Maiilant llnia.li ,.i 11...1...' Ijmd Orrici at Th Dallis, Obiook. tilt XTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN ThXt THE ' ""wiug-namea settler has filed notice nort Af hii 'P'f UiOD ? make fl,,al Pro' ln P h,'8 claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford. Cnnntv ei..b Mnnnnua 1 . . , J ' Notice of Intention. ; Land Office at This Dai.i.es, Orkoon, N ,. . October 2, 1W. 0-riCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB hU intention to make final proof in suppo t of beforvr s r H.r "?r ir7-"7...,i"i.u?. maae Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1898 viz: W. BALSTCtER nf Tmio BOmRRttRAli A nnlinaiinn Vn tOtfl ia . . ,: -- r f..-.AVFA iiu. i.tu. iui llit; lUUl I aad 2, Sec 5, Tp 1 S, R 24, 1 If M, ne names tne tollowlng witnesses to prove .... vw..wuuuua icniiieuee upon ana cultivation Ed Cluft aud Reuben C. Sperry, all of lone. Ore- 9-7 Jay P. Lucas. RairlsfAi- MEN! bee, can cured If VOU tllflVr frnm an., , (. m men, come 10 ine oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, 1 DR. JORDAN & CO., 1061 Market SL Est'd 1862. VOUDIT men and nillldln I c i t who arc sunering I mm the effects of vouthfnl i'nrhrr;,,r,c r .... 1 !S m maturer years. Nervous and Physical r"',r.""J,iiipMjncy ,1,01 manliuud In all ilu vimr,!. W .. .. ... n .... - p. ....ivi.k,, iFra-iiai.us-rnfllt, I Prlstrrhn-n. Jmoi-rlin. n 1 Zi.m , c iini, ne, tiy a , ...,...,. ui 1 cmcuies, oi great curative pow- , .u . . " "rrangea nis treatment I that it will not on v nffra-H !mm.j;... u.r u... rjermanfint cur. Tk. 11 . 1 . i". . , us 1m.iui ui ics nor. claim to ' ( performiniracles, but is well-known to be a fair , r..u oijua.c , ujanjiiLii ana ourgeon, pre-eminent T' iipiyiiir to ns win re . ...ymjunu, nisrompiiiint. H P. will. tiitnrm.tpo ft Dntirnrri.iVirriii:. . v.. j j j ,xi lLJAA 17( I -tonsultation FREE and strictlv Drivate CHAJIQES VERY EASONABLi. Treat- t' oii uy.'euerl e r book I f". (A valuable book for men.) ------ an ureat Mnwnni a VISIT t VAn.. " - 4.iiuiiuill Y the nnast anit lei.P. Itr.. i . , . ... - Bw. ii uacuiii ui us Kma in tne world. Come and learn hw wnn,l.rf,.il nr. marl. Iia.u n ..AM .'I... . ' i'c mo coiiunuauy aaning new SDecim CATALOGUE FHKB. CaS or write? 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, Cat. O. R. & N. yi: K ' ":"u. " rriuav, December 9, 181(8, JERRY J. McELLIGOTT, of lone. Homestead Application No. W, for theWi 8EJ4 and Ei HW e. 24, Tp. 2 8, H a E V M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Divlrt"H,?,z:.ifrs"1' ,vvil8". Join. William,, Oregon 8U lamKt Nolan, all of lone, 96 7 ' Jay P. Let-As, Register. Depart TIME SCHEDULES Arrive fob From Heppner. fbom 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake Denver, 4:50 a.m.' Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, finokane, Minneapolis, St Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p. m Ocean Btramshii'i- 4:00 p. m From Portland. All sailing dates subject to ehange For Han Francisco Sail Dee. 3, 8, Vi, 1H, 21, !W. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivrr 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Stkamkiis. Ex. Sunday Saturday ' 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamktti Rivkr 4::!0p. m Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New-I berg, halem and! Vi ay Landings, 7:00 a m. Wiu.amkttk and H:.Kip. m rues., Ihur, Yamhill Rivkks. Moti., Wed and Sat. and Kri. Oregon City, Dav ton A Way Lani'l ing. 6:00a.m. Willamktti Rivkr 4:.'f0p.m. Tues Thurt. Tues.. Thar and Sat, Portland tn CorvaL and Sat lis .ii Way Land ItiRi. x, . SNAK Rivkr. hv. Rlparla Lv. Lewlstm ally except 'Uiparia to Lewistoirdally except Saturday Friday Paasanciara haokarJ fn ail r..i.. r. J. 0. II ART. Alien I. He mm pp. W. H. HURI All BT Generftl PaiwenKer Afent, PortUmi, Or TII Ll li' lt a nj. QUICK EST AND MOST EIRECT LINK Tf UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST 'and SOUTH. LOOK AT THK TIME. 'NEW VORK, 4 1 day CHICAGO, 'SI ST. LOUIS, 3& OMAHA, a " mu HI SALT LAKE. H " Fraa Reclioiua Chair Cart Ullioblrd Tuoriat Hleepioa Car 1 oilman Falaoa Hleeping Car For foil paMionlar resardinff ralaa lima of Iraioa, le., call on at addresa j. c. h a nr. Agent U. R. N. Co.. Heppner. (Iran. C. o. TRitv, W. E. CtmAst. Tray, i'aae. Ag. (l.n'l A at 1'24 Third M., Pinlsml. Orn. SPOKANE FALLS i NOIITiON NELSON 4 FORT SOUTARD RED MODiTAlS RAILWAYS Tim Otilv All .ILil I:. ..I- ... . Aoanga of rara H.,ri, Km,..h. ... HUIIll uiMiaOil aii.l .il...i, A 1... i.t ., , . ----- ..- iirt vrfB Arrl.. A M Hprikane . li. mi And . Na. .. llnl A M t. M . '. M , isP U HID A.N ill I I'i Will IHIi.M'll I IvTM 11 AIMy AS a....... - - mim mm m aaks ana all tViaxanai ke ixunla. IWam I . kil. 1.1 . FflST TBfllN TO THE EAST GREAT NKjp ROUTE. " " VIA Fast Express Lenvea DENVER, " PUKliLO, " COL.O. SPRINGS :30 p. m 1 ( p. m. 8:40 p m. Arrives i OPERA Arrives K NBAS CITY ' ' 8:55 p. nm p. m. m. Arrives LIN JOLN " OMAHA " W.H iMOINES ". PEO' IA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 0:30 p. m. 11-20 a m. 8:W a. in. Tr7fh 80(1 ?Lhai' Cs Colorado to ............ ,, , ouDule tnrouKhoat. The hutat train in the West. oi , ... ... Tia nanoenuy. For particuiara and folders giving time of these trains write J. L. DE BEVOISE, E E HPLFon PORTLAND, ORE. A. (T P. i oiri "JNO. SEBASTIAN. THROUGH TICKETS TO THE FaM and Southeas VIA THK 11. t THE THROUGH CAR LIIJE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. s PULLMAN TO IT HIST HLEEPERH. FREE RECLISING CHAIR C4R8, Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without tonics: Time. Lnion Depots. Personally Conducted Exonrsiona. BaKtratte Chaoked to Destination. L iw Rates. - liimnt. linn In T.an. 1 ... . t . narifinid KTniiQitiiin hul,t n.i. mi . w u . . .. v, .... j., ana. iiineicuiiiiiii Knit turn. . -- viimutt. neurasaa, June to .November. Write nndersitmed for rates, timetables and .1. H. IiflTHHIlP .in T fi m'irn. Geu.At..m3d8t., "o. r"&N Co. rtiana. Or. Heppner, Or CHIOAGrO UlilwauRee & St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the fsmonB blook system; Lights its trains by eteotrioiiy throuirb oat; tjffes the oelebrateri eluotrio berth read inglamp; Runs speedily equipped passenger trRins every day and night between Ht. Paul and Ohioago, aud Otnnha and Chicago; the ' Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 1bo operates steam-heated vestibnled trains, carrying the latest private oompartmeot oars, library buffet smok ing care, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reolining chair oars, and the very best dining ohair oar service. For lowest rates to anv nnint m th United States or Canada, apply to agent or address ' C. J. EDDY, ., J. W. CASEY, OenerHl Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. USE YOO 111' EHST ? If so, be sore and see flint yoor ticket reads via Tie lo.tftweieii Line ....THE.... 0HIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY . THIS IS TBI Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULDTH, St. PAUL, CUICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Mafftilflcent Tmrk. PmpIau vmhki AL.1MIUK Mna niepin(( car Tntttit, and Motto: "always on time" rtii..- ... ; -"waw ii aa ill din rnis mail a mi ... . . . r . ,. eiasse ot pasaenifers carried oil the Testlbnled - iimiviiRi ,iriluiVIIlll. All ....... . ......ui rir i nmrKe. nnip, your Ire eht and travel over this (auious line. All ageuta W. H.MEAD. t c ..f.r. uen. aaeni. . r A v ... "Mumiiuu at., ruriianu, ur. The Dalles, lurtlinJ I Astoria Navigation Co. BTEAiMlES "DALLES CITV" tun "utriiii jt Commencing aftoday, May 2nd. IU aleamera ,,f ih Ketrnlator L4o will iaa rortiann al 6.30 a, m, am Tb Danes a I jsm a. tn. When yon go to Portlaad, stop off a nm iaiie aon lake trip down the Colombia; you will t.j..y it, tnJ save moony. w. c. ALAWAT, QUIOH TIIMC13 I iSftti lratioiNeo And all puiata lo (Jihnia. via Ua Ml Wawta nnta I us Southern Pacific Co rt' rr-st tiietisnur UiruuaH I'aiit.... ... .,, p..ihia twrf and ai. I, rand tkanle K.u oi ir.a 1-ar-i.e I wt, 'lnM Htifl hitmymn. rWlwdiaaB Klmm. i. fl 1n i til ll ulaiai ll I -M i arwi.,l,m;,-Tir-" t tirkata. l.i. ... -- "p"l it aildraaa, '''L. Manajr-r, C. H. MARKHAM, 'i Hi.A rM ONION F "The Regulator line , n l"l's In 'h ra.l.fi aara fans la nA SERVICE DfllLR .Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER ". COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:3.1 p. m 2:35 p. m 7:8U a. m :15 a. m Ar. ST. LOUIS', (Wan. K'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH 10:40 a. m Arrive, LINCOLN (Ex San) 7, OMAHA (ExSu) " CO.LLOF.8, . 8:45 a, m 80 a. m 8.10 a. in Through Sleepers Colorado Spring, to St Loui. .... i (j p. A c.nlc.irm H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B H; O. M. & St. P., C. & A P Ift W , n hateh a.oo pbr rAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bt., Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -8CENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, i In through tourist cars without chang.. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced couduotors and porters. Mondays Bo.&cSc? Missouri l-aciflcand Chicago and Altan R,7 " TliesdaVS. 1 ,afe CMcago, Buffalo and . "1 ' Boston without chanira t a.u r.w. ana Chicago, Rock Island & Pacifle Ry. , To 8t. Joseph, Kansas City and llnMn i?nnlthout chttnKe v V ... UUU1B Willi Lake and Burlingtou Route. Thursdays, To Kansas City and St. Loui. with- fill r. f tl a tirra nin U. li t i. . . ouri faciiic railway. "e ua A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all infnrm.Hnn in.,i of 0. R. & N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, g K HOOPFtt ' General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt Agt 251 Washington St., Denver rnl Portland. Oregon. Denver, Col. J. C. Hart. Local Agt. Heppner, Or. Ytllow Ston Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Leave. Depot Fifth aod I Sis. Arrive. No. 3 fast Matt ,.. ir Seattle ihl.. '"S '.T1 No. 1 ii a u u?.d sPkne. Helena, la , "aeonaa, Kt. Paul, Chleago. New 10:15 A. M. '". Boston, and all pouiw cast and South east. No. jPortland, Taeoma and Seattle Eipress, (or Ta eoma, Seattle, Olympia and Intermediate malu 'line poinu. No. 6 t P. M. 11 P. M DAY8 to 8t Louis, Milwaukee and Chi 4 DAY8 to Washington. Philadelphia, New Colon depoteonnectlons In all principal eltie. RlHUl vharkl v . . . "Ilea. ticket. ..ui(u hi a esti nation of L'olon depot, Portland, toot of Sixth it For lUnintfjua . . . . A. D. CEIARLTOIST A0.tant General P.enger Agent, M Morrt. w'- ' nira, fortland, Oregoa. GENEKAL WiacoaaiN Ctarask tmte PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaceek, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of tU V,W.: Leotral Lines io tiaBsintr thr,.t. Cbicsgo mny require some ag.i.t. ucb in me wav of having their baud bapgAg,. tnkeu form or to traio and cnrriaio or iu mDy other wava. ai.H n, r - a HUB. will i ii .i . r; "in find all that u denim! in hi. pect io the .ertice of tb Uabe-n t the Uraod Central Paasecr Station, ho hare recently been uniformed th hrs.. ' i . - - m pun sou rru cap, They mill be ia waiting m all trama riMr,...J . . iSiick BSig jjaa. engpra, and it ia hoped that oar of thia aiHitional ,r.,i,,ion for thir conjfrt. JAR p. rOND, ai d rv-i AtlUuyti.of lieppn.r, (if. I 4tir.Ua.e lMt, 1